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Guest Bob Clemens

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Guest Stephen Turner

When are the real researchers going to "Call" this loose canyon and xxxx. All I see is another Bob Vernon.

Why is it so important for GPH to discredit me? Because he knows I know he is full of crap and quotes dead men with his lies.

Fact I never was in Miami for a Peter Jennings filming. I was there only once with Jim Marrs and it had nothing to do with the Camelot matter. He talks about History? I will only spit on his grave. He is a low life xxxx, not worth responding to. When are his lies going to be revealed by real researchers? Where is his proof of the things he says? Perhaps, you can now see why real Operational personel do not get involved with the research community... Tosh

Agreed wholeheartedly by Wim.

This statement has already been posted on "Question for Gerry Hemming" I fail to see the need to start a seperate thread to publicise personal spats.

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