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Did Kennedy and Gorbachev really win the Cold War?

Lynne Foster

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It's very easy to start a war but...try winning the peace.

Nixon said something very similar at the end of Reagan's presidency when the U.S. economy was struggling with the massive debt incurred by spending the Soviets into bankruptcy. Nixon then said that the Soviets had lost the Cold War, but the U.S. had not yet won, given the crippling financial burden being passed to our children's children.


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The actual fallout of the Cold War isn't over yet. While folks like Tim Gratz argue that Reagan caused the Soviets to spend themselves into oblivion in the 1980's, current US military spending in Iraq and elsewhere is beginning to have the same effect on the US some 20 years later.

And anyone inside America who cannot see that is obviously not looking.

Of course, it can be argued that, thanks to the Bush tax cuts, the problem is one generated on the "supply-side" of the government revenue picture. But the result, no matter whence its origin, is unmistakable. And so today it seems that Al Quaeda is taking a page from the handbook of Mr. Gratz's hero, Ronald Reagan, and is in the process of doing to the US economy today what Reagan accomplished with the Soviet economy in the 1980's. As the Soviets had insufficient industrial and manufacturing base to sustain the level of military spending required to "keep up," so the crumbling US industrial and manufacturing base will eventually prove to be the US' Achilles heel if the current scenario continues for more than a few short years. The house of cards that is the US economy in 2005 will "come crumblin' down," to use the words of a fellow Hoosier, John Mellencamp, if there is no course correction.

And THAT is why I disagree with Bush's "stay-the-course" mantra. Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to....well, you know.


"Of course, it can be argued that, thanks to the Bush tax cuts, the problem is one generated on the "supply-side" of the government revenue picture. But the result, no matter whence its origin, is unmistakable."

AKA, "voodoo economics".

"And so today it seems that Al Quaeda is taking a page from the handbook of Mr. Gratz's hero, Ronald Reagan, and is in the process of doing to the US economy today what Reagan accomplished with the Soviet economy in the 1980's. As the Soviets had insufficient industrial and manufacturing base to sustain the level of military spending required to "keep up," so the crumbling US industrial and manufacturing base will eventually prove to be the US' Achilles heel if the current scenario continues for more than a few short years."

We don't have a few short years, my friend. The wolf is already at the door. Ask anyone recently laid off at GM. Ask Bill Ford, who bucked at the same policies trying to be implemented at Ford Motors.

"Ford's statement, given at a Business Roundtable event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Nov. 22, urged the U.S. Congress to provide tax credits for the conversion of auto factories, and the retraining of the workforce. Ford rejected the prevailing economic outlook that the U.S. is a "post-industrial economy" that should rely on outsourcing for its manufactured goods. He said, "They say that the only thing that matters is that we get our goods as cheaply as possible-- that we shouldn't worry about the collateral damage. Well, I'm not convinced. I believe that with the right investments, America and the American manufacturing sector can win.""

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Terry, if this website makes you rant and rave like a lunatic , I suggest you try to relax because in my understanding, hardly anybody visits websites that are not promoted in the media.

I don't know why you act like a mad cow, I don't really think that John's message board is going to change the world and you need a vacation -try North Korea, I think you'd feel more comfortable there.

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Terry, if this website makes you rant and rave like a lunatic , I suggest you try to relax because in my understanding, hardly anybody visits websites that are not promoted in the media.

I don't know why you act like a mad cow, I don't really think that John's message board is going to change the world and you need a vacation -try North Korea, I think you'd feel more comfortable there.


"I don't know why you act like a mad cow, I don't really think that John's message board is going to change the world and you need a vacation -try North Korea, I think you'd feel more comfortable there."

And, you're a putz. :tomatoes

"you act like a mad cow"

Sorry, but I don't buy your beef.

"try North Korea"

They don't call me "Hanoi Jane" for nothing, ya know.

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