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Opium Lords

Lee Forman

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Mark Stapleton wrote (quoting JFK):

"....for a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people"

The point is, Mark, that people should judge the truth. Once truth has been determined, it is not necessary to consider listening or posting drivel and garbage.

It is Shanet's point, with which I believe most members conclude, that this gentleman has been judged an anti-semitic crank. Who not post the lunatic ravings of George lincoln Rockwell or the Aryan Brotherhood?

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Mark Stapleton wrote (quoting JFK):

"....for a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people"

The point is, Mark, that people should judge the truth. Once truth has been determined, it is not necessary to consider listening or posting drivel and garbage.

It is Shanet's point, with which I believe most members conclude, that this gentleman has been judged an anti-semitic crank. Who not post the lunatic ravings of George lincoln Rockwell or the Aryan Brotherhood?


I often have agreed with you and I think you have added valuable material here at the EDUCATION FORUM.


If we allow hate and race based illegitimate voices, we will lose our readers and our credibility.

If there was anything credible, coherent or compelling in this guy's posts, I missed it.

NOw the Mossad, like French Intelligence and MI-6, know things and played peripheral roles in 1963, but

that doesn't give "cover" to reproduce the NAZI material the former member posted here.

I called for the expulsion and I think it was a courageous and responsible act to ban him.

His material, including my picture, John and Andy's picture and captions about our "Zionism"

are available from HIS website, but not on OUR website, which is a legitimate academic vehicle .........

Best Wishes, Shanet

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