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John, do you actually contend there was a meeting of this un-named "network" that authorized the assassination of JFK?

I know you read "Thunder on the Right" so you should know a little about how actual "conspiracies" work (I use the term here not as a criminal conspiracy). For a long time there was a group of conservatives that eesentially "controlled" the Young Republicans. This group called itself "the Syndicate". Essentially you could not get elected to any signficant (e.g. statewide) post in the Young Republicans unless you had the blessing of the Syndicate. The Syndicate exerted significant discipline on the Young Republican organization, and those who belonged to it were expected to adhere to the decisions of the group. As I recall, the decisions of the Syndicate were often made democratically within its members. The existence of the Syndicate, however, was an "open secret" and those Young Republicans who did not belong to it were fully aware of its existence and operation. (On rare occasions non-Syndicate members did obtain leadership posts.)

This is how such a "network" could work.

So do you contend that this unnamed network actually held meetings to decide on important decisions, e.g. whether to kill Kennedy?

And surely you cannot hold responsible for the assassination those who joined this unnamed network after the assassination. To do so would be to hold all Democrats responsible for the sins of the Democrat Party committed years ago, including the approval of slavery and lynchings.

This posting has nothing to do with the thread that I started.


Members are welcome to criticise what I say, but I think it is better to wait until I say it.

I have put this post here because I did not want to be accused of censorship.

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John, respectfuuly, I think it does because it offers (in my opinion) a valid example of how a small, secret or semi-secret organization can control a much larger organization.

Another valid example would be how the Dewey organization of Eastern Republican establishment big-wigs controlled the Republican Party for such a long time.

I do think you need to (and I understand it is still early in the game) explain how you believe this secret network that you postulated actually functioned. In that sense I think the actual functioning of such groups (controlling a national party and an auxuliary thereof) is quite relevant.

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I do think you need to (and I understand it is still early in the game) explain how you believe this secret network that you postulated actually functioned. In that sense I think the actual functioning of such groups (controlling a national party and an auxuliary thereof) is quite relevant.

Indeed I will. However, at the moment I have only posted an introduction. I will fully document my theory in later postings. That will be the time to question my interpretation of the sources.

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