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Who killed JFK?

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On 4/2/2004 at 5:52 AM, John Simkin said:

Therefore over the last three months I have changed my mind about the Kennedy assassination. I now consider it was a FBI/Texas Oil Industry conspiracy rather than one organized by the CIA/Mafia.

This is the thinking of John Simkin on the JFK assassination in 2004. In the past 20 years a lot more has come out indicting Lyndon Johnson personally in the JFK assassination. 

Jeremy Kuzmarov’s scholarly article for Covert Action Magazine which indicts LBJ for the JFK assassination https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/11/22/60-years-after-jfks-death-it-is-more-and-more-apparent-that-kennedy-was-a-victim-of-a-palace-coup-spearheaded-by-vice-president-lyndon-b-johnson/

I do think elements of U.S. intelligence and the U.S. military were involved in the JFK assassination and this was due to the close contacts of Texans Lyndon Johnson, D.H. Byrd and Ed Clark to the purified Kennedy-haters in the U.S. military and intelligence. LBJ's reasons for the JFK assassination were deeply personal and his Texans were involved because they feasted on money and power thanks to their decades long association with Lyndon Johnson.

In my world view the "mafia" or the "mob" was not the driving force in the JFK assassination. Lyndon Johnson's entire lifetime was "organized crime."

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