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Joaquin Bosque

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In putting together some material for my next book, I came across a page from the Assasination Archives.

It's a curious item, a typed note from Joaquin Bosque to Santo Trafficante Jr. The note reads in part:

"Hoping that your wife is better from her accident which I heard she had when I saw Tony Randazzo"

Tony Randazzo a.k.a. Stefanop Randazzo was a made member of the Cleveland crime family who kinda switched allegiances and became Santo's driver and gofer in Miami circa 1960's.

Anyway from what I have on Bosque, he worked for Cuban gangster Evaristos Garcia at the Deauville and Flamingo. He was quite wealthy and also evidentally a convicted murderer, although the info does not say whether this was in Cuba or not. He entered the US in 1959 and lived in Alexandria Virginia when he wrote to Santo in 1967. Bosque was also close to Batista and Trujillo.

Anyone here have any more on Bosque or even heard of him?

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