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May I ask the reason for the change in format? (Or is it just my computer gone mad?)

I just tried to read Larry's post here and can't, as it is not "showing up" (even tho his name is listed as the last poster on this thread .) It's also more cumbersome to read this way when you have to keep going down to next post to click on, rather than just read one after another.


It sounds like you are viewing the "Lo-Fi" version of the board. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the following wording:

"This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?."

Once you click the "click here" link, you should see the full version again.

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May I ask the reason for the change in format? (Or is it just my computer gone mad?)

I just tried to read Larry's post here and can't, as it is not "showing up" (even tho his name is listed as the last poster on this thread .) It's also more cumbersome to read this way when you have to keep going down to next post to click on, rather than just read one after another.


It sounds like you are viewing the "Lo-Fi" version of the board. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the following wording:

"This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?."

Once you click the "click here" link, you should see the full version again.

Thanx. That corrected the problem. What caused the problem I know not. I must have accidently hit some key and changed the setting???


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May I ask the reason for the change in format? (Or is it just my computer gone mad?)

I just tried to read Larry's post here and can't, as it is not "showing up" (even tho his name is listed as the last poster on this thread .) It's also more cumbersome to read this way when you have to keep going down to next post to click on, rather than just read one after another.


It sounds like you are viewing the "Lo-Fi" version of the board. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the following wording:

"This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?."

Once you click the "click here" link, you should see the full version again.

Thanx. That corrected the problem. What caused the problem I know not. I must have accidently hit some key and changed the setting???


At the bottom of any forum page you will see the words Lo-Fi Version. You must have clicked on this accidentally

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