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Biography: Franck Le Cars

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My name is Franck Le Cars, I'm a French teacher of history in the French bilingual system (a third of my history and geography lessons are taught in English). I live in Montpellier. Following a meeting in Lisbon about E-learning objects Juan invited to introduce myself and my professional background to the group and to say what I could bring to the project.

My experience is not very long. After archaeological studies and a grant in contemporary history from the Historial of Peronne (WW1), I've been teaching for 10 years. I have worked in the USA, Great Britain, Belgium and France at different levels from the 1th form to the University and pedagogical institutes, frequently in a bilingual context. This Multilingual environment is a great approach for multiperceptivity in history teaching. My background in history and European topics is recent but diversified. I do some teacher training too about Europe, multilingual teaching and project running.

My competences are mainly a consequence of theses experiences with its strengths and weaknesses.

My main subject of researches and teaching is Europe and to be involved in several European projects is, in a certain way, a solution to be involved into its construction. Europe faces a larger transformation than its enlargement, it profoundly and rapidly moves and it is a passionate issue.

On ICT, I started to build a network and publish resources during my university years, when the web was truly a community, my first e-twining project started 10 years ago but I am still challenged by IT. For my point of view, ICT is just a tool to serve human purposes. I am doing my best to cure my original disabilities and I got a little experience as a web editor or resources provider for the CIEP (International Centre for Pedagogical Studies). I have a little practice on projects which brings me a wide approach and tool of evaluation and dissemination.

What could I bring to the group? Well, I won't promise anything; just share my pleasure to exchange experiences and may be a contribution on practical and theoretical approach of teaching history in another language in France. Bilingual teachings are usually isolated and poor on resources, ICT play a key role there! And Juan told me that the next meeting will be in Toulouse, my region and I'm frequently there.

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