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Limo Lights

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It's general knowledge (or should I say "generally accepted?") that the Presidential limousine's brake lights came on as the vehicle approached the Triple Underpass just before the head shot(s). It is also general knowledge that the limo passed the police lead car beneath the bridge, emerging onto Stemmons Freeway ahead of that vehicle, which eventually overtook it on the flight to Parkland.

The question is whether there is any certain indication that the lead car also braked approaching the TU and, if so, was it before the limo's brake lights came on and, again if so, how far - in time or distance - before? Is there an indication of how slow the lead car slowed to? At what point did the limo actually pass the lead car, and how slow was the lead car going at that point?

Is any such braking supported by photographic/video evidence and/or testimony of any of the motorcade participants or bystanding witnesses?

Like many other aspects of this crime, focus is often drawn to primary events (e.g., the limo slowing, important because the President was in it and he got shot) while often the secondary events (in this case, the lead car braking first, causing the limo to have to slow in response) get lost in the blur. Other good fer-instances are: two cops coming down from the upper floors of the TSBD before any other cops other than Marrion Baker had gotten upstairs, and an "idle" patrol cop arriving in Oak Cliff just before JD Tippit became "needed" there (not to mention the regular beat cop being at lunch in the district). I'm just wondering if this is another one of those ....?

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Okay, I'll rephrase the question:

Is there any evidence or suggestion that the reason JFK's limousine braked is because Curry braked the car in front of it, forcing Greer to either ram the cop car or make JFK a better target ... or are the limo brake lights only the result of Greer turning around and his left foot applying pressure to the brake pedal after the head shot?

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Another consideration is that the finger pulled the trigger at a time when the Limo may not be braking. This, depending on direction shot came from raises some intriguing possibilities regarding target sighted for shot. I understand the Limo was already braking. It braking as a result of lead car slowing is certainly an interesting thought.

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