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Biography: Miles Berry

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I'm deputy head and information systems manager at St Ives School, Haslemere, a small prep school for girls in stockbroker belt Surrey. Professional interests include knowledge management in education, use of open source software in schools, provision for the gifted and talented and independent learning. I'm a member of the British Computer Society's Education and Training Expert Panel, and its e-learning working party. I am also a Mirandanet fellow, sit on Becta's learning services technical sub-group and practioner stakeholder group, and have a watching brief on primary matters for the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Schools and Further Education committee. My work on implementing Moodle will be documented as the dissertation for Leicester University's MBA in Educational Management, and has won the 2006 Becta ICT in Practice Award for primary teaching.

Other interests include classical music, creative cookery and photography: most of my digital photos are on Flickr, many of which are geotagged.

I have a blog at http://elgg.net/mberry/weblog, and there's more information about some of my work on my profile page there.

Edited by Miles Berry
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