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The Assassination of Harold Wilson.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner


5-40PM April 12th 1968, BBC Newsflash, newsreader "We take you across to Patrick Snow, our reporter at the labour conference in Blackpool. Patrick." David, something terrible has occured here at the wintergardens Blackpool, Prime minister Harold Wilson, And Jack Jones the Natonal Union of Mineworkers leader were shot whilst greeting delegates outside the Winter gardens this afternoon. Witnesses claim that at least six shots were fired, although statements about the origin of the shots vary wildly. Prime minister Wilson, and Mr Jones were rushed to Blackpool General Hospital......

6-25pm, Newsreader, "The terrible news came though less than 2 minutes ago, Prime Minister Wilson died from severe gunshot wounds to the head, whilst Doctors struggled to save his life, Jack Jones is said to be in a critical, but stable condition.....

6-45, "In breaking news, police marksmen have cornered a young man belived to be one of the Assassins, according to MI5 sources his name is John dean lever,a waiter employed at the De Grasia hotel, The Hotel is directly across from the Winter gardens, and police believe Lever fired the fatal shot from an upstairs window.....

7-00pm, "We take you back to Blackpool for an update, here's our reporter Patrick Snow, "Thank you David, As you can see Police have just arrested the man, I can confirm his name is James Dean Lever, not John as first reported, MI5 have told this reporter that Mr Lever is a member of the Communist party of Great Britain and may have held a grudge against Wilson for his hard line handling of the Seamen's strike, I'll see if I can get a word." "Mr lever, Patrick Snow BBC, why have you shot Mr Wison? (Lever) Your mad, I haven't shot anyone, get the camara here, look at my face, see the cuts, I am not resisting arrest."....

7-20pm Lever is shot by police whilst attempting to escape.....

It transpires. Only three shots were fired, not the six originally heard by witnesses, all bullets are matched to an ancient Lee Enfield rifle found in the De Grasia, and registered to one Colin Hixson, a known alias of Lever. Mary lever, James Irish wife originally proclaims her Husbands innocence, and says cryptically, "you all know who he worked for" but after three months in custody, with daily interogation by MI5 officers she changes her tune, and says she knew of the rifle, and further that Lever had previously tried to kill a leading member of the facsist British national party.

Lever is buried in an unmarked grave, Two months after the assassination a National coillition goverment is formed, consisting of Goverment, Military, and business appointees, its leader says. "We will govern in the best interests of Britain" A month later a bill is rushed though Parliament, and the Lords, making membership of the Communist party illegal........

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Guest Stephen Turner

Thanks Len, yep all my own work, except for the first part, according to Peter Wright ex spymaster, and great friend of Allan Dulles,a Coup was in the offing in early 68. They were convinced that Wilson was under the control of the KGB, Events in Paris, Prague, and anti Vietnam protests, plus a wave of strikes made them think the Russkies were coming. LOL.

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