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Oswald Exhumtion in 81

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I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

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I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

There is only one opinion among the informed: there was no "tampering" of the body in the coffin other than that actually performed as part of the proceedings (e.g., removal of the head and jaw, etc.). It still held Marina's ring where she'd put it (on his little finger), so it was the same Lee Oswald in the box that Marina knew and buried, even if he didn't look quite the same.
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I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

Personally, I have no idea.

What I do know is that we now have the miracle of DNA testing which was not available at the time of the exhumation. If it had been available then, there would have been no need for the exhumation at all.

There are surviving members of the Robert and Lee Oswald families.

The DNA from Robert Oswalds children should match that of Marina's children.

Simply compare the DNA from the two branches of the Oswald tree.

If they do not match ....THEN we would need to figure out who the person in the grave.


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I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

There was no tampering of LHO's body.


Included here is the Norton Report and Duke Lane's 1992 essay Grave Doubts. I absolutely agree with Duke's assessment, particularly "There are enough strange goings-on, enough lies and obfuscations, enough unanswered questions about the JFK assassination without adding the improbable and unsubstatiated, into which categorization this scenario must certainly fall. It is preposterous and the facts simply do not bear out the theory."


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There was no tampering of LHO's body.


Included here is the Norton Report and Duke Lane's 1992 essay Grave Doubts. I absolutely agree with Duke's assessment, particularly "There are enough strange goings-on, enough lies and obfuscations, enough unanswered questions about the JFK assassination without adding the improbable and unsubstatiated, into which categorization this scenario must certainly fall. It is preposterous and the facts simply do not bear out the theory."


Wow, I said that? I'm impressed! :unsure:
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  • 1 month later...

I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

Personally, I have no idea.

What I do know is that we now have the miracle of DNA testing which was not available at the time of the exhumation. If it had been available then, there would have been no need for the exhumation at all.

There are surviving members of the Robert and Lee Oswald families.

The DNA from Robert Oswalds children should match that of Marina's children.

Simply compare the DNA from the two branches of the Oswald tree.

If they do not match ....THEN we would need to figure out who the person in the grave.



even if the DNA dosen´t match , that no evidence for the real oswald beeing burried or not, for example if the dna matches between Lees dautghers and Roberts Children it could still be "wrong" lee buried.

Thats how i read your post. maybe i been misstaken.

I don´t think it was tampered whit.

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Guest John Woods

I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

Personally, I have no idea.

What I do know is that we now have the miracle of DNA testing which was not available at the time of the exhumation. If it had been available then, there would have been no need for the exhumation at all.

There are surviving members of the Robert and Lee Oswald families.

The DNA from Robert Oswalds children should match that of Marina's children.

Simply compare the DNA from the two branches of the Oswald tree.

If they do not match ....THEN we would need to figure out who the person in the grave.



even if the DNA dosen´t match , that no evidence for the real oswald beeing burried or not, for example if the dna matches between Lees dautghers and Roberts Children it could still be "wrong" lee buried.

Thats how i read your post. maybe i been misstaken.

I don´t think it was tampered whit.

Hi Drew,

A FBI lab team arrived prior to Oswald's burial. They fingerprinted and

photograph him. It was not until after their visit to the Miller Funeral

Home was the FBI able to find Oswald's alleged print on the rifle.

I attach a partial c/s which I made back in the early 1980's

for your review.

john w

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

Personally, I have no idea.

What I do know is that we now have the miracle of DNA testing which was not available at the time of the exhumation. If it had been available then, there would have been no need for the exhumation at all.

There are surviving members of the Robert and Lee Oswald families.

The DNA from Robert Oswalds children should match that of Marina's children.

Simply compare the DNA from the two branches of the Oswald tree.

If they do not match ....THEN we would need to figure out who the person in the grave.



even if the DNA dosen´t match , that no evidence for the real oswald beeing burried or not, for example if the dna matches between Lees dautghers and Roberts Children it could still be "wrong" lee buried.

Thats how i read your post. maybe i been misstaken.

I don´t think it was tampered whit.

OK, let me try to clear up my reasoning here.

Question was is Oswald in the grave?

First, check the Oswald offspring for a DNA match.

If there is a match there is little reason to doubt that the LHO killed, and buried, in Dallas was the real LHO.

Second, if the DNA does not match, there is every reason to believe that the body in the grave is that of someone other than the person who was born with the name Lee Harvey Oswald.

So, it would be a simple matter to determine if there is cause to question whether LHO was buried in that grave.

Like i said, I have no idea who is buried in that grave. I have simply suggested a simple manner to determine whether there is cause to question who is buried there.

That said, it would not surprise me at all if there is no DNA match between the two families. ;)

The fact that no attempt has been made to establish a DNA link is enough to make me wonder....why not?

It sure would be a simple way to put many issues to rest. Or, on the other hand, it could open up a whole can of worms for the WC supporters if there is no match. :ph34r:

I will anticipate some form of rabid denigrating response from the rightwing clique on this matter. :angry:


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I'm fairly new to the case and don't post much, but have a couple questions that I hope you guys can help me with.

After watching TMWKK, the mortician who buried Oswald claims that the body had been tampered with when his body was exhumed in 1981. It is his opinion that the head of the "real" Oswald was put on this body.

What are your opinions of this?

Personally, I have no idea.

What I do know is that we now have the miracle of DNA testing which was not available at the time of the exhumation. If it had been available then, there would have been no need for the exhumation at all.

There are surviving members of the Robert and Lee Oswald families.

The DNA from Robert Oswalds children should match that of Marina's children.

Simply compare the DNA from the two branches of the Oswald tree.

If they do not match ....THEN we would need to figure out who the person in the grave.



even if the DNA dosen´t match , that no evidence for the real oswald beeing burried or not, for example if the dna matches between Lees dautghers and Roberts Children it could still be "wrong" lee buried.

Thats how i read your post. maybe i been misstaken.

I don´t think it was tampered whit.

OK, let me try to clear up my reasoning here.

Question was is Oswald in the grave?

First, check the Oswald offspring for a DNA match.

If there is a match there is little reason to doubt that the LHO killed, and buried, in Dallas was the real LHO.

Second, if the DNA does not match, there is every reason to believe that the body in the grave is that of someone other than the person who was born with the name Lee Harvey Oswald.

So, it would be a simple matter to determine if there is cause to question whether LHO was buried in that grave.

Like i said, I have no idea who is buried in that grave. I have simply suggested a simple manner to determine whether there is cause to question who is buried there.

That said, it would not surprise me at all if there is no DNA match between the two families. ;)

The fact that no attempt has been made to establish a DNA link is enough to make me wonder....why not?

It sure would be a simple way to put many issues to rest. Or, on the other hand, it could open up a whole can of worms for the WC supporters if there is no match. :ph34r:

I will anticipate some form of rabid denigrating response from the rightwing clique on this matter. :angry:



The DNA tests which would help:

1. Marina's children/Robert Oswald

2. Robert Oswald/Don Norton


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The DNA tests which would help:

1. Marina's children/Robert Oswald

2. Robert Oswald/Don Norton



I have heard the name Norton before, but, I must admit I am ignorant of the tie-in with Robert Oswald.

Could you fill me in?


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The DNA tests which would help:

1. Marina's children/Robert Oswald

2. Robert Oswald/Don Norton



I have heard the name Norton before, but, I must admit I am ignorant of the tie-in with Robert Oswald.

Could you fill me in?


It is a long long long story and I am too tired tonight. Later.

Some believe that Donald O. Norton is the birth Lee Harvey Oswald.


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The DNA tests which would help:

1. Marina's children/Robert Oswald

2. Robert Oswald/Don Norton



I have heard the name Norton before, but, I must admit I am ignorant of the tie-in with Robert Oswald.

Could you fill me in?


It is a long long long story and I am too tired tonight. Later.

Some believe that Donald O. Norton is the birth Lee Harvey Oswald.


Funny, just last night I read about a marine buddy of LHO who said that the LHO he knew wore glasses w/ thick lenses.

Very interesting stuff.

I did a web search and found an article about a meeting Norton initiated w/ Mae Brussell at some university.

There is also some documentation from the FBI which contains information about a Don Norton who had claimed to be w/ the CIA.

Strange that, after so many years, I am still learning about other facets relating to the JFK murder.


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Guest Stephen Turner

I did a web search and found an article about a meeting Norton initiated w/ Mae Brussell at some university.


Chuck, forum member William Kelly was present at this meeting.If you send him a PM i am sure he will tell you about it.

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