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Oswald's demeanor in custody

Guest Mark Valenti

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I posted the above awhile ago but it didn't take on the new posts.

While its long,

I think there are many aspects of this lecture that are appropriate,

especially in regards to Oswald,

who some of his interrogators said it appeared

he had been trained in such counter-terrorism techniques that are discussed here.


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I agree with John, Peter and Jack. Back in the late 70's and again in about 81, I spend many hours trying to track down the attorney LHO did ask for-John Abt (ACLU) but got nowhere. Either I was lied to or he had died. Does anyone know if Attorney JOhn Abt was spoken to by anyone in the critical community?

Dawn, apparently Weisberg knew him. He was not a member of the ACLU. He represented the Progressive Party. He was married to the widow of Harold Ware - Jessica Smith. Smith was on the national board of the AFSC and had been on the board of directors of American-Soviet Friendship. I believe Ruth Paine possibly knew Jessica through her work on the Russian student exchange program. Oswald was not the first high profile case he claimed to be too busy to take... in 1957, Soviet spy, Rudolph Abel also asked for Abt and got the cold shoulder.

I disagree with Jack that we would not be studying this today, in that LHO had to be elimated before he could speak to an attorney. Whoever was in control in Dallas was not about to let LHO speak with anyone, except themselves. WIth "no notes, no steno, no recording of conversation". Which I have not ever believed.

Good for you! Anyone who genuinely believes these notes were made "several days later" (when there was time to make them orderly, legible and without the need to abbreviate nearly every word) and not in the rush and hustle of the interrogations has got rocks in their head.

Cops always take notes. That is how they make their report. Did any notes of the two days of interrogation ever surface anywhere, does anyone know? I have always believed that Tippit's job was to kill Lee and when that failed Tippit was elimated, with Ruby being the fall- back, " had to" guy.

(Ruby's "feeling sory for Jackie" cover story sounded as foolishly contrived in '63 as it does today. )


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