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MI5, and the Dublin bombing

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

In 1974, MI5 and loyalists succeded in bringing down the power sharing executive, when they colluded in the devestating bombing of Dublin, and Monaghan in may 1974, an act which killed 33 civilians, and wounded over 200, mostly Women, and children. This act of state terrorism by Britain against the Republic of Ireland-largely ignored by the media-remains the largest loss of Irish life in the past 35 years. In 1999 it was reported that Garda special branch were looking at fresh claims by a former member of the RUC, and an ex member of MI5 that British military intelligence, and the UDR were jointly responsible. The UVF, who initialy claimed responsiblity were incapable of carrying out such a co-ordinated attack on their own, they had neither the man-power, knowledge or ordinance. Within a Week of the bombings the Gardai had drawn up a list of suspects which included, UVF members from Portadown, members of the British intelligence community, and RUC special branch. It concluded that British intel agents supplied the explosives, and the home of a high ranking RUC officer was used to assemble the bombs.

The destruction byMI5, and loyalist paramilitaries of both the PSE, and ceasefire probably condemned Ireland to another 20 years of bloody conflict.

The 1969 army training manuel stated that their tasks included

The ambush, and harassment of insurgents-the infiltration of sabotage, assassination and demolition parties into insurgent held areas-Liason with, and organisation of friendly guerrilla forces operating against the common enemy.

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If British intelligence was indeed involved, it raises even more in my mind the question of motivation in such false flag acts of terror. I have to wonder if people involved in such acts are recruited into intelligence because they are psychopathic, or if they somehow become psychopathic in the course of their intelligence careers, or is it just a normal way of thinking in their world, which seems so different from ours, in terms of human qualities, that they might as well be from some other solar system or galaxy.


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Guest Stephen Turner

If British intelligence was indeed involved, it raises even more in my mind the question of motivation in such false flag acts of terror. I have to wonder if people involved in such acts are recruited into intelligence because they are psychopathic, or if they somehow become psychopathic in the course of their intelligence careers, or is it just a normal way of thinking in their world, which seems so different from ours, in terms of human qualities, that they might as well be from some other solar system or galaxy.


Ron, yes their all a bunch of raving psychopaths. but the reasons for Britains poisonous relationship with Ireland run deep, and wide. After the 1917 Easter uprising, and the later formation of the Republic, it was imperative that the British state ensure direct rule in the North, it could only do this by either, proxy, though the Protestant minority, and their paramilitaries. or by placement of British troops in the provance, The Catholics were tricked into requesting Britains help in 1969 because of a bombing campaign in the falls road, and the bogside, and increasingly violent attacks on individuals, and civil rights marches. The IRA, which had been all but dormant for over 30 years, only became reactivated in the face of murderous attacks by both the UDA, and the British Army, and hey presto, we had our boogyman, and one intirely of our own making. The rest, as they say, is history. The IRA was compromised from the start, with infiltration from british agents(MI5) I believe much of the mainland bombing campaign was run through the agency of British Miltary intelligence, I will post more on this subject later, as well as attempts by right wing MI5 officers to use the conflict to damage Harold Wilsons Labour Administration. Regards, Steve.

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Guest Stephen Turner

In early 1972, the Military reconnaissance force(MRF) was formed, Military chiefs wanted a unit to combine Intelligence gathering, with aggressive patroling within Republican strong-holds. The infamous SAS had been sent to Northern Ireland in 1969, and by 1972, with the MRF, were taking part in covert ops against the IRA, including infiltration.

During the 1972 ceasefire, the MRF shot civilians from unmarked cars, with IRA weapons, the army has since admitted the MRF did this on at least three occasions, one of the incidents happened on 22 June 1972--the day the IRA announced its intention to introduce a ceasefire.

SAS involvement is also strongly suspected in two car bombs that exploded in Dubln on 1st Dec 1972, killing two civilians. This occured just before a vote on the Irish Paliament to ammened anti-terrorist legislation. Any of this sound familiar to my American cousins?

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