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Boffo quote from the great one

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"The people of this country don't have to be protected from the truth. This country was not built on the idea that a handful of nobles, whether located in our Federal agencies in Washington D.C., or in the news agencies in New York should decide what was good for the people to know, and what they should not know. This is a totalitarian concept which presumes that the leaders of our Federal government and the men in control of the powerful press media constitute a special elite which by virtue of their nobility and their brilliance, empower them to think for the people. Personally, I would rather put my confidence in the common sense of the people of this country.

The truth about the assassination of the President has been concealed from you long enough." --Jim Garrison, July 15, 1967

"Jim Garrison Responds"

"In this July 15th 1967 television interview Jim Garrison responds to a previous NBC show slandering him. The time was made available for him to reply to what was basically a character assassination. None of the charges against him were true."

http://www.prouty.org/garrison.html (audio)

http://www.wf.net/~biles/jfk/nbc.txt (transcript)

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"The people of this country don't have to be protected from the truth. This country was not built on the idea that a handful of nobles, whether located in our Federal agencies in Washington D.C., or in the news agencies in New York should decide what was good for the people to know, and what they should not know. This is a totalitarian concept which presumes that the leaders of our Federal government and the men in control of the powerful press media constitute a special elite which by virtue of their nobility and their brilliance, empower them to think for the people. Personally, I would rather put my confidence in the common sense of the people of this country.

The truth about the assassination of the President has been concealed from you long enough." --Jim Garrison, July 15, 1967

"Jim Garrison Responds"

"In this July 15th 1967 television interview Jim Garrison responds to a previous NBC show slandering him. The time was made available for him to reply to what was basically a character assassination. None of the charges against him were true."

http://www.prouty.org/garrison.html (audio)

http://www.wf.net/~biles/jfk/nbc.txt (transcript)

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I used to be a huge Garrison fan, but I have started to have my doubts after reading material on the role of organised crime in the assassination. I believe Ruby's contacts with underworld figures and the mob style silencing of Oswald leads directly to organised crime, and Garrison noticeably neglected to investigate many aspects of the mafia in his New Orleans investigation.

That said, much of what Garrison uncovered was highly valuable and he was indeed crucified by the media

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