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JFK, RFK and the Assassination Plots against Castro

John Simkin

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Since I've argued this point with Tim Gratz and others over the past few years, I feel compelled to raise the same points here. The assumption that the Kennedys sought Castro's murder is based solely upon the oral recollections of CIA personnel, who had their own agenda in floating this canard.

This is of course true. That is the way “plausible deniability” works. If it is true of JFK, it is also true of all the presidents that were in office during the “638 CIA attempts to kill Castro” (Fabian Escalante). Were Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton kept in the dark as well?

According to CIA agents, and this includes those who are not linked to the assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy played a dominant role in pushing the agency to “take out Castro”. Is it possible that RFK knew but JFK did not? Maybe, but in my view, unlikely.

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Since I've argued this point with Tim Gratz and others over the past few years, I feel compelled to raise the same points here. The assumption that the Kennedys sought Castro's murder is based solely upon the oral recollections of CIA personnel, who had their own agenda in floating this canard.

This is of course true. That is the way “plausible deniability” works. If it is true of JFK, it is also true of all the presidents that were in office during the “638 CIA attempts to kill Castro” (Fabian Escalante). Were Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton kept in the dark as well?

According to CIA agents, and this includes those who are not linked to the assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy played a dominant role in pushing the agency to “take out Castro”. Is it possible that RFK knew but JFK did not? Maybe, but in my view, unlikely.

Please see my response in the "Ultimate Sacrifice" thread, where John has cross-posted a more elaborate reply than is shown above.

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