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Biography: Trygve V. Jensen

Trygve V. Jensen

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I reside in Europe. Pardon me if I sound unclear sometimes, English not being my first language.

Thanks to John Simkin for supervising this forum, and accepting my membership here.

I have heard, and do observe that The Educational Forum can be very informative. Information in general is not always as available as it should be. I enjoy the idea of sharing information,  - somehow without constant censorship.

History in general fascinates me, but in particular like so many else, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the politics of the time, - all the surrounding circumstances, -- and the handling by the media, captivated my interest. Also like many others I find a great deal of fascination to the photographical/recorded aspect regarding the assassination.

Appreciations go to James Richards,John Dolva, Robin Unger, Peter Lemkin, Chris Davidson, Bernice Moore, Thomas Purvis, Gary Mack., and Lee Forman for being so solidaric and helpful at my requests. I realized the frustration both to authors and readers of different topics, when attachments have to be deleted, due to attachment limits. Therefore I add, with the kind permissions of mentioned posters, some of the information posted, to my collection of images at : https://www.flickr.com/photos/153357684@N03/albums  , which I created not only for my own purpose of easy access, but also for mentioned reason. If anyone else than me also could have use of this, --- it would only be a bonus.

My yet unfinished (now neglected for 8-10 years) videochannel is at http://youtube.com/profile?user=10Garmonbozia01 . Thanks to Mark Johansson for supplying me with 'Two Men In Dallas'. (When it was not available at the time). As is also the reason, -- why it do not contain so many videos; - I back then, -- only published information/material, that was not available on Youtube. (Now , in 2018, - many of those videos have been removed, - but I still have all of it on the old harddisk, - in addition to thousands of photos,  and information, (which now may be out there by this point in time for all I know)). 

The general idea is that as much information as possible, should be available to as many as possible.

I very much do appreciate being able to participate in this forum, -- which includes very knowledgeable individuals,  respected researchers, -- and authorities within various fields. At least I try to value the most, the ability of objectivity, as impossible as it is seeing with ones own subjective eyes. It is time-consuming to digest the vast amount of information here, and it is not always as easy to know whether the information or the questions that I might have, --- have been covered/answered in the past.

2012: Unfortunately the image collection is offline. Robin Unger's gallery, fortunately is not.

Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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