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How Oswald Got To the Texas theater--maybe.

Jim Feemster

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that it was son Ted who was no fan of JFK, commenting at one point - during a dinner at the White House in 1961 or '62 - that (paraphrasing) "what the country was looking for was a man on a horse to lead them, and instead got someone riding Caroline's tricycle."

A couple of minor points on this comment. I think it was a luncheon in early 63. It's in Soerensens Kennedy or Winchesters. Can't find it at the moment. The man on the horse is an old radical right notion that predates the second world war. It refers to 'THE" leader, or as in Germanys case, the Fuehrer, Hitler, who comes on a horse and leads to victory. It's some germanic mythology. It's referred to in older books. Lindenbergh before Pearl Harbour was thought (in the America First fifth columnist Bund-KKK coalition) as maybe being this person and in 1963 Walker was proposed by some as a candidate.




"All the disciples of Nietzsche agreed a Führer would be necessary and would emerge, like a Messiah. He was envisaged as the Knight from Dürer's famous print Night, Death and the Devil. Wilhelm Stapel in The Christian Statesman presented him as ruler, warrior and priest in one, endowed with charismatic qualities. ..."

Paul Johnson

"Modern Times"

Edited by John Dolva
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Jim Marrs and I were with Plumlee to the 'Country Club' area safehouse. I don't have the address on this side of the planet. Jim does for sure. ...Jim is hard to contact and very busy..but I suggest someone in contact with him ask for the address.

Is there anyone who can get in touch with Jim Marrs by any means and get the actual address of this safe house into the record? Please?

Have you tried WhitePages.com for any J Marrs around Fort Worth, Texas? I can't say that it's that easy and simple, but maybe it's worth a first step?

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...that it was son Ted who was no fan of JFK, commenting at one point - during a dinner at the White House in 1961 or '62 - that (paraphrasing) "what the country was looking for was a man on a horse to lead them, and instead got someone riding Caroline's tricycle."

A couple of minor points on this comment. I think it was a luncheon in early 63. It's in Soerensens Kennedy or Winchesters. Can't find it at the moment. The man on the horse is an old radical right notion that predates the second world war. It refers to 'THE" leader, or as in Germanys case, the Fuehrer, Hitler, who comes on a horse and leads to victory. It's some germanic mythology. It's referred to in older books. Lindenbergh before Pearl Harbour was thought (in the America First fifth columnist Bund-KKK coalition) as maybe being this person and in 1963 Walker was proposed by some as a candidate.

You may be right. Every reference I've ever seen about it - including on "unofficial biographies" of Ted - it was '61, dinner for southwest newspaper editors ... but well before Ted might have really wished :unsure: he hadn't said that!

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And I may very well be wrong about the year. I'm pretty sure it was a luncheon though. A minor point. The comment itself perhaps tells of Ted's politics and those he associated with. It seems like an off the cuff comment repeating sentiments previously heard or expressed and those 'in the know' would have no trouble seeing what he meant. (it reminds me of the difficulties Malcolm X had over saying the chickens have come home to roost when asked what he thought of the assassination. Kennedy said the same thing about the chickens coming home to roost regarding problems he was having with the NSC.)

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As to James Richards' claim that "the treasurer of the George B. Dealey Masonic Lodge was D.H. Byrd's business associate, Jack Frost," I will check that first part out. (Duke Lane)

The image below shows members of the Masonic Lodge laying a wreath at George B. Dealey's grave. The man fifth from the right is Jack Frost.


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