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Biography: Joel Gruhn

Joel Gruhn

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I am Joel D. Gruhn, 59, an electrical engineer, and an executive manager of an electrical materials company headquartered in Rhode Island.

I am an active student of the Kennedy Assassination. My connection to the subjects discussed in the Assassination Forum is as follows.

Subsequent to the assassination, my now diseased father, Karl Gruhn, of Mound Minnesota came into contact with a 1959 Oldsmobile Station Wagon, gifted to an employee and friend of his, and shipped in secret from Dallas Texas. He and the car's owner believed that this car was possibly the same as that referred to by Mr. Lee Bowers in his Warren Commission testimony. He claimed that the car had previously been owned by a person known for his dislike of Kennedy and comments that "Kennedy should be shot."

I believe that tracing of the ownership history of this car may lead to further identification of persons or organizations of interest.

My reason for requesting membership in the forum is to bring forth the details of this car's history, if I am able to answer questions regarding it, and additionally to view photos attached to forum postings as jpeg files.

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