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Sen. Thomas Eagleton Dies

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I remember when he was named as the Vice President candidate to McGovern. A reporter got him on the air and asked him how it feels to be the possible next Vice President. Eagleton answered, to the effect, "I'm usually more nervous than I am now." He was sweating. I remember thinking his answer was weird. Then they found out Eagalton had underwent shock treatments for depression, and they might have added he was a manic-depressive. That was the end of him on a national level. And McGovern lost big time.

Just a memory.


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At the same time the shock treatment stories broke, Jack Anderson also broke false reports of Eagleton's "drunk driving" record. The media went wild and demanded McGovern dump Eagleton . Later this same media was critical of McGovern for dumping his first vp choice.


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At the same time the shock treatment stories broke, Jack Anderson also broke false reports of Eagleton's "drunk driving" record. The media went wild and demanded McGovern dump Eagleton . Later this same media was critical of McGovern for dumping his first vp choice.


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