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Winston Churchill: Anti-Jewish

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It has recently emerged that Adam Marshall Diston ghost-wrote articles for Winston Churchill in the 1930s. This has caused some controversy as Diston was a member of Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists at the time. Richard Toye, reveals this in a recently published book on Churchill.


Toye has discovered an article written by Diston for Churchill in 1937 that is highly critical of the Jews. However, Churchill never published the commissioned article. Churchill’s official biographer, Sir Martin Gilbert, claims this shows that Churchill was not anti-Semitic. You can read about this in today’s Jerusalem Post.


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Next year America may elect a president, Hillary Clinton, who reportedly made anti-Semitic remarks to two staff members on separate occasions. Both staff members were Jewish, one of them being Dick Morris.

The Jewish Anti-Defamation League came to Hillary's defense in the case of the staff member whose name I don't recall. In the league's view, the staff member was a xxxx, though as I recall there was one or more witnesses to Hillary's obscene rant.

As for Morris, he recounted Hillary's remark to him (about "you people" caring only about money) on Fox News. I don't know of any response by the league, though I'm sure Morris is a xxxx too.

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