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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:

Conspiracy, but no theory, February 17, 2007

Reviewer: Alex (Geneva) - See all my reviews

To use the phrase 'Conspiracy Theory' after viewing these DVDs, would constitute a breathtaking stupidity beyond all reason and sense.

The only 'bias' is towards law and order, detection of crimes and democracy, so 'bias' is not the right word - 'healthy' or 'honest' would be more apt.

It was:

1) Criminal Conspiracy to murder;

2) Criminal Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, and

3) Treason.

Here in these DVDs is enough evidence, which if all put into police statements or affidavit form, would be well enough to justify (at standards of court-level evidence), a number of 'arrests on suspicion' - which would be the logical conclusion, in order to facilitate further investigation, upon which charges and arraignments would be based.

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