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The Moon Landing Hoax

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There was no trick with the shadow Duane. You just misidentified the backpack and helmet and continue to do so. The shadow is not and never has been backward.

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The fact that both you and Dave refuse to admit that the A15 Scott shadow is backwards and in the wrong position ( upright instead of bent like the astronot ), speaks volumes as to your lack of credibility in this discussion , plus your lack of integrity, in not being honest about what is seen in this photo ..

I haven't misidentified anything ... It's you who and everyone else who defends these ridiculous , phony photos , who won't admit it when even one Apollo photograph is a fake ...And in my book , that's playing games and being deliberately dishonest .

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I'm getting bored of repeating that I'm not playing games Duane, just stating my on opinion and posting evidence that I believe supports my position. Given that we both post on several different moon hoax forums it's hardly surprising that we bump into each other, so it's churlish of you to suggest I followed you there. I'm also a member of several forums you don't post on, feel free to join if you wish - don't worry, I won't accuse you of "following me". PM me if you want the site names.

Do I really care that some CTers on Youtube comments boards can't interpret photos? Not in the slightest. I just agree to disagree.

And I'm getting bored with you continuing to stalk me around the internet trying to pick a fight .. Correct me if I'm wrong , but when I left the UM ( the first time ), you followed me to the Moon Hoax forum , where you and your friends turned the discussions into so much of a brawl , that I decided to pull my posts and leave ... From there you followed me to this forum , and even PMed me announcing that you were MrChewbacca from the Moon Hoax forum ... Then from here you followed me to the World of the Strange , where you and your friend DogsHead , with the help of Poundland , turned it into such a brawl , that one of the moderators accused me of inviting you all there to disrupt the forum ... Then he asked me to leave if I didn't stop posting about Apollo ... Now from here , you have followed me to YouTube ..

As for me joining any other forums where you post , I'm not interested ... As far as trying to have any meaningful discussion on the YouTube comment section , I agree with you ... Not only is it not set up for debates , half the time the comments don't even get posted ... Or some yahoo deletes them for whatever reason.

As for this forum , I would be glad to post more of the Apollo hoax evidence here , but it is usually met with such distain and deliberate dishonesty , that it is hardly worth the bother anymore .

As for the CT's on YouTube not being able to interpret the phony Apollo photos , you're wrong again ... They are doing a fine job of interpreting the bogus Apollo photography and presenting the hoax evidence for all the world to see .

Like I have said many times before Dave ... Apollo was a hoax , the Apollo photos are studio fakes ... and you and your Apollo apologist friends will just have to accept that unhappy fact one day soon and then .... GET OVER IT .

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The fact that both you and Dave refuse to admit that the A15 Scott shadow is backwards and in the wrong position ( upright instead of bent like the astronot ), speaks volumes as to your lack of credibility in this discussion , plus your lack of integrity, in not being honest about what is seen in this photo ..

I haven't misidentified anything ... It's you who and everyone else who defends these ridiculous , phony photos , who won't admit it when even one Apollo photograph is a fake ...And in my book , that's playing games and being deliberately dishonest .

We refuse to admit it because it is wrong, plain and simple. I don't know how to be any more clear on this. You are wrong Duane. You are the one playing games here, no matter how obvious it is that your conspiracy claim is wrong, you never give it up. That, in my book, is being deliberately dishonest.

At this point I'd like to ask any lurkers reading the thread if they agree with this assessment:


A) Rock

B) Leg

C) Arm

D) Head

E) Backpack

Anyone think I'm wrong (besides Duane)?

Edited by Kevin M. West
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The fact that both you and Dave refuse to admit that the A15 Scott shadow is backwards and in the wrong position ( upright instead of bent like the astronot ), speaks volumes as to your lack of credibility in this discussion , plus your lack of integrity, in not being honest about what is seen in this photo ..

I haven't misidentified anything ... It's you who and everyone else who defends these ridiculous , phony photos , who won't admit it when even one Apollo photograph is a fake ...And in my book , that's playing games and being deliberately dishonest .

Why can't you just agree to disagree on interpretation then? Why accuse people with a different opinion to you playing games and of being deliberately dishonest? That's an accusation of lying which I'm sure will go down well with the moderators, who have had a worthy "laissez faire" attitude so far.

You can't just go around accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being liars. It does nothing to strengthen your credibility. Just let it go, and agree to disagree. Let other members/lurkers make up their own mind based on the strength of the evidence presented to them.

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And I'm getting bored with you continuing to stalk me around the internet trying to pick a fight .. Correct me if I'm wrong , but when I left the UM ( the first time ), you followed me to the Moon Hoax forum , where you and your friends turned the discussions into so much of a brawl , that I decided to pull my posts and leave ...

I'm sure noone else on this forum is interested in what actually happened on a different forum months ago, so I'll PM you my reply to your incorrect version of events as a reminder of what actually happened.

From there you followed me to this forum , and even PMed me announcing that you were MrChewbacca from the Moon Hoax forum ... Then from here you followed me to the World of the Strange , where you and your friend DogsHead , with the help of Poundland , turned it into such a brawl , that one of the moderators accused me of inviting you all there to disrupt the forum ... Then he asked me to leave if I didn't stop posting about Apollo ... Now from here , you have followed me to YouTube ..
Duane, I've posted on about 15-20 moon hoax forums over recent months, most of which you're not a member of. Given we both feel very strongly about our opinions, do you not feel it likely that some of those boards should overlap? As for World of the Strange, I was fed up with the insults being offered by Poundland (Eric), it was destroying any kind of sensible discussion, and in the interest of allowing some kind of discussion for the older members on that board refrained from posting there. You know this full well because I PMed you with my reasons for leaving.
As for me joining any other forums where you post , I'm not interested ... As far as trying to have any meaningful discussion on the YouTube comment section , I agree with you ... Not only is it not set up for debates , half the time the comments don't even get posted ... Or some yahoo deletes them for whatever reason.

Given the internet is meant to be the last remainder of free speech, I don't mind who posts on what board, as long as they discuss evidence rather than just hurl abuse (the reason I left WOS).

The Youtube interface is the worst I've ever seen. I've seen comments by both you and I appear one minute, then disappear, them reappear a few hours later. Makes it difficult to follow any semblance of a discussion.

As for this forum , I would be glad to post more of the Apollo hoax evidence here , but it is usually met with such distain and deliberate dishonesty , that it is hardly worth the bother anymore .

As for the CT's on YouTube not being able to interpret the phony Apollo photos , you're wrong again ... They are doing a fine job of interpreting the bogus Apollo photography and presenting the hoax evidence for all the world to see .

Like I have said many times before Dave ... Apollo was a hoax , the Apollo photos are studio fakes ... and you and your Apollo apologist friends will just have to accept that unhappy fact one day soon and then .... GET OVER IT .

It's your continued accusations of deliberate dishonesty against people who simply believe you are wrong that gets peoples backs up Duane. Over recent weeks I've tried my hardest to simply present evidence either in support of Apollo, or that counters CT arguments. That is not being "deliberately dishonest". It is simply disagreeing with you, and showing why I think you're wrong. If you can't accept a difference of opinion, do not consider it an excuse to throw accusations of lying like confetti at a wedding.

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The problem is not being able to accept a difference of opinion ... We all are entitled to have different opinions ... My problem is not being able to accept the fact that you refuse to admit that even a photo as ridiculous looking as the Apollo 15 Dave Scott backwards , upright shadow with the moon buggy tracks going through the middle of that stupid looking crater , is a whistleblowing fake ...

There is absolutely no way that silly photo was taken on the moon and if you were honest with me and yourself , you would admit it .

It must be upsetting for you to keep defending these obviously faked photographs , showing spotlights reflected in visors , weird artifacts reflected in visors , missing moon buddy tire tracks , and backwards shadows , without wondering why you defend the bogus Apollo photographic record .

The phony photos might not be able to prove the missions were faked ( other technical evidence proves that ) but they do prove that they were not really taken on the moon ... and like I have always said ... if nasa isn't being truthful about where the 'moon' photos were taken , then they can't be trusted to be truthful about the rest of Apollo ... or anyting else for that matter .

Edited by Duane Daman
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