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New Teaching Standards Draft


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The TDA has been asked by the Secretary of State to bring coherence to the framework of professional and occupational standards for classroom teachers. This involved a review of standards for qualified teacher status, induction, post-threshold and advanced skills teacher, and the development of standards for the excellent teacher scheme. The Draft standards are linked below

The proposed new standards are supposed to have been heavily influenced by the personalisation agenda and "Every Child Matters"

Any comments??


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for this link. We are in the nidst of a debate about teacher standards and performance pay so this will be a useful comparison. Our concern is about how they are used - in a formative way to enhance the profession or as a method of determining who gets what money or to use as a basis for complaints and grievances.

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Our concern is about how they are used - in a formative way to enhance the profession or as a method of determining who gets what money or to use as a basis for complaints and grievances.

Mine too. What agitates me even more than the points you make is the ideology that lies behind there use in performance management.

It is assumed that every professional buys into this idea of climbing up the greasy pole to positions of managerial responsibility... always onward and upward.

Just being and wanting to continue to be an intelligent and reflective teacher appears to be almost subversive these days.

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We've also been told of cases where parents have used teacher standards to bring complaints and as the standards are often pitched very aspirationally rather than realistically, there's a fair chance of them succeeding. If you allow something like. "Must provide individualised program for each student" you're leaving the door wide open for unreasonable parents of who there is a growing number!

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