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FBI & SS Leaks -- Torbett Files

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"FBI & SS Leaks -- Torbett's Files"

"Torbett" is a fake pin name for "David Copeland", and his file on insider information given to him by a SS and FBI agent that takes one up close and personal to those on the inside loop of the build up to kill JFK. This bit of information takes one into the heart of the hate against JFK from the deepest cover of National Security interests involved in the cover up.

The "Torbett Files" from an interesting web page that details more of the Mafia control in the US, and alliances with the Military / Industrial networks weapons making business. In this write up one learns about the super secret group, DISC, that spies on the workers in highly classified weapons manufacturing processes, like the Oak Ridge Atomic Weapons plant, using supplanted workers that work right along with everyone else, but report every little thing that sounds off color. Jack Ruby went to high school with one such person in Oak Ridge that many tell had JFK killed.

Be sure to browse the other areas of this web page to see how Mafia Drug issues were running in the US.



The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acts, in addition to its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Information Agency, and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corporations contracting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon. One can readily observe that DISC is not compatible with an open Democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Consequently, the top secret arms manufacturers' police agency has been kept from the knowledge of even most U.S. officials and Congressmen.

The Defense Industrial Security Command had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1930's organized the police force of the fledgling Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lillienthal. The police force covered the entire TVA from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama into Kentucky and back through the eastern portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate police force. This force grew and Lillienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic Energy Commission, thus tying it into the Army Intelligence Service.


While in confinement, Jack Ruby said in letters later authenticated by Hamilton Autographs, New York City, that pogroms against the Jews in this country were a real threat. He repeated over and over the words "pogroms against theJews" in these letters and in a number of habeas corpus hearings in Federal District Court in Dallas, and at the same time, he testified that Lyndon Johnson was the head of the organization carrying out the assassination plans. Ruby's testimony is acceptable in every court as an accomplice witness needing only corroboration in so far as his naming Lyndon Johnson as one of the accomplices. This has been done.




William Torbitt is the pseudonymous author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970). When the book was published the author claimed he was a lawyer working in the southwestern part of the United States.

Jim Marrs, who interviewed Torbitt when he was working for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram claims that his real name was David Copeland, a lawyer from Waco. Marrs told him that "he got his information from two government agents - one with the Secret Service and the other with the FBI."

During the Second World War Torbitt served in the United States Navy. After completing a law degree from the University of Texas he worked as a prosecuting attorney (1949-51). He admits that his clients includes people involved in committing political murder. He claims he has also represented people involved in the "financial dealings of organized crime in Texas".

In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal Torbitt claims that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a "fascist cabal... who planned to lay the blame on honest right-wing conservatives, if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Communists, was not bought."

Torbitt argues that a Swiss Corporation named Permindex engineered the assassination. Also involved included Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan. Torbitt claims that DISC agents included Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby with Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge.


Book by William Torbitt (aka David Copeland)



In 1970 a photocopied manuscript began circulating among conspiracy researchers entitled 'Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal' by William Torbitt (a pseudonym). The Torbitt Document was a damning expose of J Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, John Connally and Werner von Braun, among many others, for their role in the assassination of President John F Kennedy. This first published edition of the Torbitt Document emphasises what the manuscript says about the link between Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists working for NASA, the Defence Industrial Security Command (DISC), the assassination of JFK, and the secret Nevada air base known as Area 51. The Torbitt Document illuminates the darker side of NASA, the Military Industrial Complex, and the connections to Mercury, Nevada, and the Area 51 complex which headquarters the 'secret space programme'.


My Commentary:

JFK asks for the keys to the City of Nuclear Sciences and Experimental Aircraft, as the Germans had various lenticular aircraft programs captured from Germany. The caputured German rockets and special crafts were sent to Rosswell Air Force base in a hundred railroad boxcars to be used in experiments at the Rocket Test Range known as White Sands, NM. Many of the German scientists were set to Ft. Bliss, Tx. As the Manhattan Project figured out how to make ionized gases, they also figured out how to make super quiet methods for aircraft propulsion. White Sands was also the site of the "Trinity" Atomic test, and there were human experiments there that violated International Laws, especially those later asserted at Neuremburg. Other Nuclear tests were happening in 1947 as it applied to RADAR systems being blinded by nuclear bomb effects in the atmosphere. Lenticular aircraft did now have the fragile wings of conventional aircraft that were of high interest from that view as well as RADAR undetectability.

By the times of JFK, the Germans were moved over to RedStone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama to get them well separated from White Sands big screw ups. And Cape Canaveral was established. All the advanced aircraft projects were stuffed out on USAEC property near Mercury, Nevada, as the Code name for the NTS. All the grid coordinates are areas of USAEC property where tons of nuclear projects were done, and the U-2 and other secret projects done at Groom Lake dry lake bed or Area 51.

In 1963, When JFK went after these secret UFO files via NASA, he was technically asking for these secret methods linked to the Manhattan Project's testing and the special methods of using ionization and MHD methods in aircraft design and propulsion. He also asked for the big screw up at White Sands and human experiments issues that would open up the same sort of Neuremburg issues for the German Rocket Scientists. That information could well get a number of these project peoples tossed in prison for war crimes. One must keep in mind that all these German Rocket and Nuclear scientists got into the US via General Leslie Groves Project ALSOS, ALTOS, and Operation Paperclip. At the underground Vengence Weapon Factor at Punemunda in Germany all the work camp workers had to go into the mines under their follow workers hung on piano wire for sabotoge of the work. So, some of these scientists had some war crimes involvements. General Leslie Groves designed the Pentagon and he was the Top Military Commander for the Manhattan Project and approved the lethal human experiments at White Sands. All the German scientists also told the US how useful fluoride was on population control and fluoride health effects were extreme in the Manhattan Project. The very first deaths on the Manhattan Project were due to fluoride and HF toxicity problems. Manhattan Project Fluoride development process problems in Buffalo / Tonawanada New York affected entire towns and were covered up by Gen. Groves. The Manhattan Project's fluoride problems and the human experiments at White Sands associated are still the most covered up and suppressed of issues.



An uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination.

The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time.

Author William Lester said the CIA released the documents to him under the Freedom of Information Act after he made a request while researching his new book 'A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.'








In his commencement address at American University on June 10, 1963, Kennedy announced a new round of high-level arms negotiations with the Russians. He boldly called for an end to the Cold War. "If we cannot end our differences," he said, "at least

we can help make the world a safe place for diversity." The Soviet government broadcast a translation of the entire speech, and allowed it to be reprinted in the controlled Soviet press.


The Treaty

The Limited Nuclear Test Ban treaty was signed in Moscow on August 5, 1963, by U.S. Secretary Dean Rusk, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, and British Foreign Secretary Lord Homeone day short of the 18th anniversary of the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Over the next two months, President Kennedy convinced a fearful public and a divided Senate to support the treaty. The Senate approved the treaty on September 23, 1963, by an 80-19 margin. Kennedy signed the ratified treaty on October 7, 1963.

The treaty:

prohibited nuclear weapons tests or other nuclear explosions under water, in the atmosphere, or in outer space

allowed underground nuclear tests as long as no radioactive debris falls outside the boundaries of the nation conducting the test

pledged signatories to work towards complete disarmament, an end to the armaments race, and an end to the contamination of the environment by radioactive substances.






Peace with Russia and Peace with Cuba were well underway and nearly agreed at the time of JFK's assassination. Who would not benefit...


I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived--yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace.

What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.

I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.

Today the expenditure of billions of dollars every year on weapons acquired for the purpose of making sure we never need to use them is essential to keeping the peace. But surely the acquisition of such idle stockpiles--which can only destroy and never create--is not the only, much less the most efficient, means of assuring peace.

I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war--and frequently the words of the pursuer fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task.

Some say that it is useless to speak of world peace or world law or world disarmament--and that it will be useless until the leaders of the Soviet Union adopt a more enlightened attitude. I hope they do. I believe we can help them do it. But I also believe that we must reexamine our own attitude--as individuals and as a Nation--for our attitude is as essential as theirs. And every graduate of this school, every thoughtful citizen who despairs of war and wishes to bring peace, should begin by looking inward--by examining his own attitude toward the possibilities of peace, toward the Soviet Union, toward the course of the cold war and toward freedom and peace here at home.

First: Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable--that mankind is doomed--that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.

We need not accept that view. Our problems are manmade--therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable--and we believe they can do it again.

I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of peace and good will of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal.

Let us focus instead on a more practical, more attainable peace-- based not on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions--on a series of concrete actions and effective agreements which are in the interest of all concerned. There is no single, simple key to this peace--no grand or magic formula to be adopted by one or two powers. Genuine peace must be the product of many nations, the sum of many acts. It must be dynamic, not static, changing to meet the challenge of each new generation. For peace is a process--a way of solving problems.

With such a peace, there will still be quarrels and conflicting interests, as there are within families and nations. World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor--it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relations between nations and neighbors.

So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable, and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we can help all peoples to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly toward it.

Second: Let us reexamine our attitude toward the Soviet Union. It is discouraging to think that their leaders may actually believe what their propagandists write. It is discouraging to read a recent authoritative Soviet text on Military Strategy and find, on page after page, wholly baseless and incredible claims--such as the allegation that "American imperialist circles are preparing to unleash different types of wars . . . that there is a very real threat of a preventive war being unleashed by American imperialists against the Soviet Union . . . [and that] the political aims of the American imperialists are to enslave economically and politically the European and other capitalist countries . . . [and] to achieve world domination . . . by means of aggressive wars."

Truly, as it was written long ago: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth." Yet it is sad to read these Soviet statements--to realize the extent of the gulf between us. But it is also a warning--a warning to the American people not to fall into the same trap as the Soviets, not to see only a distorted and desperate view of the other side, not to see conflict as inevitable, accommodation as impossible, and communication as nothing more than an exchange of threats.



Then Fidel stood up and said to me: "Everything is changed. Everything is going to change.


Some old discussions on The Education Forum from the UK:




Edited by Jim Phelps
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I do think one can be a Zionist without being a declaired Jewish religion person. LBJ shows many Zionist supportive issues in his political career. It has been suggested that LBJ's Texas area heritage may well stem from Maranno heritage from the Spanish Inquisition migrations to Mexico and Texas region. Some even associate "Laby Bird" as having some Jewish linked heritage.

What we do know is that LBJ did nothing when Israel decided to kill a lot of Sailors on the USS Liberty and even tried to sink the ship in a second attack. The carrier task force was armed with nukes and wanted to blow some huge holes in Israel over that attack. So, it would appear that LBJ's loyalty was not with the US Sailors.

Plus, we see that LBJ totally ignored the nuclear weapons proliferation issues at Dimona and now there is a huge nuclear weapons issue there that is driving a sort of Cold War.

Then, we see LBJ declairs hands off and isolate Cuba and we take note that Fidel Castro is of Marrano heritage. There are lots of things that show by example that LBJ did not have America's best interests at heart. Especially as it applied to getting JFK killed, and reliance on Jewish / Zionist resources to get it done.

Then, we have to take note from the book titled "Regicide," that Israel was asked to buy into "Operation Zipper". This was about the CIA plan to kill JFK because of alleged treason issues of telling the Russians too much. Then we obvioulsy have LBJ linked up with Permindex's efforts of the FBI's Div. 5, and this linked to Bloomfield, another huge Zionist supporter.

I think it is safe to say that LBJ's loyalties didn't lie with the US, nor with the Catholic President of the United States named John Kennedy. Where did LBJ's loyalties really lie, by various examples?

Then we also have LBJ turning around the Vietnam draw down and going full bore into Vietnam. Then we see escallation of the Golden Triangles Drug dealing with the CIA helping deal and process the materials. And that following the well known dealings of the Jewish based Sassoons to boost the UK's Navy to enforce the drug war upon China. Seems to be lots of money and profits gained by all the Jewish methods of those linked to UK money management. These drug issues in the US certainly hurt the American People in the very same way that it harmed China. Somehow, I see the examples of a person not caring about the American people, but highly coveting the methods of wealth and power associated with old money wealth.

JFK was helping Americans and LBJ was exploiting Americans.

Where do I read religion law that tells it is OK to exploit, but in the Talmud. Where do I read about Talmudic Old Testament reform, but in the New Testament and the more balanced issues from the Essene teachings of Jesus. So, I see a strong dichotomy in the examples that JFK vs LBJ set. One speaks of being Talmudic based and that of old Babylon Nimrod methods, and the other being Jesus based. One does have to view LBJ by his examples set.


All the Likely Suspects

"First they ignore you, then they attack you, then you win." Standard progression for exposing the real Crooks in the JFK assassination. Just look for the most attacked books and you find the truth, then you win.

All the likely suspects, well most all of them, for the marginally competent citizen's enlightenments:



Clay Shaw - If New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had been permitted to carry out an unimpeded investigation and prosecution of Shaw, a CIA contract operative and a former director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans implicated in involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and other figures central to the JFK assassination conspiracy, Garrison would have divined Shaw's connections - through a shadowy corporation known as Permindex - to not only the Israeli Mossad, but also the international crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky.

Louis M. Bloomfield - Based in Montreal, Bloomfield was a long-time intelligence operative and a front man for the powerful Bronfman family interests. The Bronfmans were not only key international backers of Israel but also long-time figures in the Lansky crime syndicate. Bloomfield, one of the foremost figures in the Israeli lobby in Canada and one of Israel's leading international operatives, not only served as the chief shareholder in the Permindex Corporation on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served, but also had intimate ties to American intelligence.

Tibor Rosenbaum - One of the "godfathers" of the state of Israel and the first director for finance and supply for Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, Rosenbaum was a prime financial angel behind the Permindex corporation. His Swiss banking concern, the Banque De Credit International, also served as the chief European money laundry or the global crime syndicate of Miami-based crime chief Meyer Lansky.

John King - A close business associate of Tibor Rosenbaum's protégé and sometime front man, Bernard Cornfeld, King showed up in New Orleans in the early stages of Jim Garrison's investigation-before Clay Shaw's name had come up-and sought to persuade Garrison (through a bribery attempt) to give up the inquiry. Fortunately he failed in his scheme.


David Ben-Gurion - Prime Minister of Israel; resigned his post in disgust with JFK's stance toward Israel. in April of 1963; Said JFK's position threatened Israel's very survival.

Yitzhak Shamir - A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad's chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad's assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK's actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence.

Menachem Begin - In 1963, Begin (later prime minister of Israel) was a roving Israeli diplomat; prior to JFK's assassination he was overheard conspiring with Meyer Lansky's California henchman, Mickey Cohen, in a conversation that suggested hostile intentions by Israel against the American president.

Luis Kutner - Although known largely as a "mob lawyer," (who was long and closely associated with Jack Ruby, a sometime-client) Kutner also doubled as an international intelligence operative and functioned as an advisor to an ad hoc pro-Israel lobby group in the United States.

A. L. Botnick - Head of the New Orleans office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, an intelligence and propaganda arm for Israel's Mossad; a close associate of New Orleans-based CIA contract operative Guy Banister who helped create Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro" agitator. Evidence suggests that Banister's manipulation of Oswald may have been carried out under the guise of an ADL "fact-finding" operation.

Arnon Milchan - Israel's biggest arms dealer, Milchan was "executive producer" (i.e. chief financial angel) of Oliver Stone's Hollywood fantasy about the JFK assassination-a fact which may explain Stone's aversion to exploring the Israeli connection to the affair.

Maurice Tempeisman - The international diamond merchant and Mossad operative who became the lover of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and used his connections to double-perhaps triple-her substantial fortune, thereby co-opting the Kennedy family forever.


Rudolph Hecht - An owner of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit concern, Hecht was a prominent figure in the New Orleans Jewish community and as chairman of the board of directors of the International Trade Mart was Permindex board member Clay Shaw's primary sponsor.

James Jesus Angleton - Angleton, the CIA's long-time chief of counterintelligence, was the CIA's primary high-level conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up. Angleton, who had been co-opted by and was totally loyal to the Israeli Mossad, played a major role in the effort to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. Final Judgment is the first JFK assassination study to delve into Angleton's role in the conspiracy.

David Atlee Phillips - A long-time high-level CIA official, Phillips was the CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time a strange effort was underway to implicate Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet KGB collaborator. If anyone in the CIA knew the truth about Oswald, it was Phillips. He confessed publicly that the story about Oswald being in Mexico City was not precisely what the CIA had long claimed.

E. Howard Hunt - Long-time CIA officer and liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Testimony by ex-CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz placed Hunt in Dallas, Texas the day before the president's assassination. The full truth about Hunt's actual involvement in the affair may never be known, but there is no question that Hunt was deeply involved in the intrigue surrounding the president's murder. Evidence does indeed indicate that there was a conscious effort to frame Hunt for involvement in the crime.

Guy Banister -The former FBI agent-turned-CIA contract operative whose New Orleans office was a central point for international intrigue involving the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the anti-DeGaulle forces in the French Secret Army Organization (OAS). Under Banister's direction, Lee Harvey Oswald established a public profile for himself as a "pro-Castro" agitator in the streets of New Orleans.

David Ferrie - An enigmatic adventurer and CIA contract operative, Ferrie was closely involved with Lee Harvey Oswald during Oswald's stay in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, working alongside Oswald out of Banister's headquarters. The investigation of Ferrie by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ultimately led to Garrison's discovery of Permindex board member Clay Shaw's ties to both Ferrie and Oswald.

Marita Lorenz - A former CIA contract operative, she testified under oath that one day prior to the assassination of President Kennedy she arrived in Dallas in an armed caravan of CIA-backed Cuban exiles who were met by not only Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald, but also CIA official E. Howard Hunt.

Guillermo & Ignacio Novo - Two brothers, veterans of the CIA-backed Cuban exile wars against Fidel Castro. According to Marita Lorenz, the Novo brothers were part of the armed caravan that arrived in Dallas one day before the assassination of President Kennedy. Many years after Dallas, the Novos were later convicted of participating in the murder of a Chilean dissident in collaboration with international adventurer Michael Townley who himself had ties to high-level figures implicated in the JFK conspiracy.

John Tower - In 1963 Tower was a newly-elected Republican U.S. Senator from Texas with close ties to the CIA. Shortly after the assassination he told associates of his own inside knowledge of the bizarre story of what really happened in Dealey Plaza. The story told by Tower suggests strongly that there were many unseen forces at work, manipulating many of the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy. It was not until the release of Final Judgment that Tower's name was ever connected to the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination.

Victor Marchetti - A high-ranking CIA official who left the agency in disgust, Marchetti later made a career writing about the CIA. In a 1978 article he charged that the CIA was about to frame its long-time operative, E. Howard Hunt, with involvement in the JFK assassination. A libel suit resulting as a consequence of Marchetti's article resulted in a climactic finding by a jury that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the president.

Robin Moore - A journalist with long-standing close ties to the CIA, Moore co-authored former CIA man Hugh McDonald's book, LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy which promoted James Jesus Angleton's false claim that the KGB was behind the president's murder-another of the disinformation stories that emerged following the assassination.


Meyer Lansky - Chief executive officer and de facto "treasurer" of the international crime syndicate; active in gun-running on behalf of the Israeli underground; collaborated closely with American intelligence on a number of fronts; later settled in Israel. Researchers who have claimed that "the Mafia Killed JFK" have pointedly refused to acknowledge Lansky's preeminent positioning in the underworld.

Carlos Marcello - The head of the Mafia in New Orleans, Marcello owed his status to Meyer Lansky who was his chief sponsor in the crime syndicate. Marcello could not have orchestrated the JFK assassination-as some suggest-without Lansky's explicit approval.

Seymour Weiss - Meyer Lansky's chief bagman and liaison with the political establishment in Louisiana, he later served as a director of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit company and may actually have been a high-ranking CIA contract operative in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination.

Sam Giancana - The Mafia boss of Chicago, Giancana was a player in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro; later murdered, probably at the behest of Santo Trafficante, Jr. His family says that Giancana admitted having been involved in the planning of the JFK assassination.

Santo Trafficante, Jr. - Although best known as the head of the Mafia in Tampa, Trafficante actually functioned as Meyer Lansky's chief lieutenant in the crime syndicate and as Lansky's liaison with the CIA in the Castro assassination plots.

Johnny Rosselli - A roving "ambassador" for the Mafia, Rosselli was the primary conduit between the CIA and the mob in the plots against Fidel Castro; may have arranged the murder of Sam Giancana for Trafficante and was later murdered himself.

Mickey Cohen - Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman; Jack Ruby's role model and a gun-runner for the Israeli underground, Cohen collaborated closely with Israeli diplomat Menachem Begin prior to the JFK assassination;. Cohen arranged for John F. Kennedy to meet actress Marilyn Monroe who was assigned the task of finding out JFK's private views and intentions toward Israel.

Jack Ruby - A long-time functionary for the Lansky syndicate, Ruby was the Lansky connection man in Dallas and also engaged in CIA-linked gunrunning to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Evidence suggests there is more to Ruby's sudden "death" than meets the eye.

Jim Braden - A veteran personal courier for Meyer Lansky, Braden was almost assuredly in contact in Dallas with Jack Ruby prior to the JFK assassination. He was briefly detained in Dealey Plaza minutes after the president's murder, but those JFK assassination researchers who have mentioned Braden prefer to cast him as a "Mafia" figure rather than as Lansky's man on the scene in Dallas.

Al Gruber - A henchman of Meyer Lansky's West Coast operative, Mickey Cohen, Gruber and Ruby spoke by telephone just shortly before Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. It is believed that Gruber gave Ruby the contract on Oswald on behalf of his superiors.


Charles DeGaulle - Repeatedly targeted for assassination by Israeli-allied forces in French intelligence and in the Secret Army Organization (OAS) who were angry that DeGaulle had granted independence to Arab Algeria. The Mossad-sponsored Permindex operation that also had a hand in the murder of JFK, laundered money used in the assassination attempts on DeGaulle.

Georges deLannurien - High ranking official in the SDECE, the French intelligence agency; pinpointed by a former French intelligence officer as the individual who (at the best of Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir) contracted the hit team who killed JFK in Dallas.

Michael Mertz - A former French SDECE officer and the Paris connection for the Lansky-Trafficante heroin syndicate; alleged to have been one of the actual gunmen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Said by some to be the legendary CIA contract killer, QJ/WIN.

Jean Soutre - A liaison for the French OAS with the CIA's E. Howard Hunt, Soutre maintained contact with Guy Banister's CIA- and mob-linked gun-running headquarters in New Orleans. Soutre may have been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination. There is evidence linking Soutre to James Jesus Angleton's intrigue inside the CIA that affected French intelligence in a dramatic way.

Thomas Eli Davis III - A world-traveling mercenary with apparent links to both Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald, Davis was taken into custody by the Algerian government for his subversive activities alongside Israeli agents in supplying weapons to the French OAS just prior to the JFK assassination. It is said that CIA operative QJJWIN (possibly Michael Mertz, one of the reputed assassins of President Kennedy) helped secure Davis's release from prison.

Geoffrey Bocca - A former propagandist for the OAS, Bocca later co-authored former CIA contract agent Hugh McDonald's book, Appointment in Dallas, which pointed the blame for the JFK assassination away from those who were actually responsible-the first of two suspect books put out by McDonald.

Christian David - A French Corsican criminal associated with reputed JFK assassin Michael Mertz, David has claimed knowledge of a French hit team involved in the JFK assassination. David himself was the chief suspect in the murder of a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, whose killing was orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad through anti-DeGaulle forces in French intelligence.


Mark Lane - Retained by Lee Harvey Oswald's mother to represent her son's interests before the Warren Commission, Lane's book Rush to Judgment was the first major critique of the Warren Commission Report. In a libel suit filed against The Spotlight newspaper by former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Lane proved to the satisfaction of a jury that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK assassination. His best-selling book Plausible Denial outlined the circumstances of that libel suit and its ultimate conclusion.

Gary Wean - A former detective on the Hollywood beat of the Los Angeles Police Department, Wean discovered how Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen, was conspiring against John F. Kennedy on behalf of the Israelis. In a meeting with the former sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, Wean learned a portion of the truth about what really happened in Dallas.


Edgar & Edith Stern - Close friends of Clay Shaw, major financial backers of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, and owners of the WDSU media empire in New Orleans that not only played a major role in giving vast publicity to Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro agitator" but later sought to undermine Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw.

Johann Rush - As a young WDSU cameraman, Rush was on the scene to record Oswald's "pro-Castro" activities. He emerged-many years later-as the brains behind a "computer-enhanced" version of the famous Zapruder film of the JFK assassination that author Gerald Posner cited as "proof' that Oswald acted alone in the president's murder.

Drew Pearson - Accused by his own mother-in-law of being a "mouthpiece" for the pro-Israel ADL, Pearson had close ties to not only the Israeli lobby, but also the CIA and to President Lyndon Johnson and his cronies. It was Pearson who floated an unlikely story that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK assassination and who also played a major influence in shaping Earl Warren's perceptions of the tragedy.

Jack Anderson - As protégé of Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson likewise had strange connections that might have biased his own reportage on the JFK affair. Since 1963 Anderson has promoted a number of conflicting versions about "who really killed JFK" ranging from "the Mafia" to Fidel Castro or a combination of both.

Jack Newfield - A liberal columnist and some-time JFK assassination buff, Newfield has been a likewise long-standing devotee of Israel. He made a big splash with a highly fantastic story that missing Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa had "ordered" two Mafia figures to arrange the killing of President Kennedy. Not surprisingly, Newfield's ridiculous story was given wide play in the Establishment media.


Oliver Stone - His Hollywood extravaganza, JFK, gave the public a fullblown, full-color, gory-in-every-detail conspiracy theory on the JFK assassination. Yet, Stone's presentation of the conspiracy was far from complete and failed to reach any firm conclusions. He deliberately suppressed the "French connection" which, in turn, was the long-hidden Israeli connection. Not only was Stone's chief financial backer Israel's leading arms dealer but also his film distribution company had its origins in the Lansky crime syndicate. What's more, one of the chief shareholders in the film company was none other than Bernard Cornfeld, long-time associate of Permindex figure Tibor Rosenbaum

Frank Mankiewicz - This former publicist for the Israeli Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League had a peculiar part in the events that took place prior to the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Then when Oliver Stone began promoting his film JFK, Mankiewicz popped up as his key public relations man.

Anthony Summers - Author of one book hinting that the Kennedy family were responsible for the death-maybe the murder-of actress Marilyn Monroe, Summers wrote another book on the JFK conspiracy. In neither book did Summers reveal explosive information (of which he was aware) that could have helped point the direction of those same forces which played a part in both crimes.

Robert Morrow - A former CIA contract operative who played a major role in activities on the periphery of the JFK assassination conspiracy, Morrow's book on his experiences is rife with detail, yet suspect in the eyes of many who had looked into his claims. Morrow's book absolves the key CIA conspirator, James J. Angleton, of involvement in the JFK conspiracy and portrays him as being "out of the loop" when, in fact, precisely the opposite was true. Is it a coincidence that Morrow's book publisher is an American affiliate of an Israeli publishing company?

G. Robert Blakey - An unlikely choice to serve as director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Blakey had, just two years previously, served as a character witness for a long-time close associate of crime boss Meyer Lansky. When it came time to point the blame in the JFK assassination, Blakey targeted Lansky's protégé, New Orleans Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, but looked no further. Blakey, likewise, found no role by the CIA-or any other intelligence agency-in the JFK assassination.

David Scheim - The author of a book that pins the murder of President Kennedy on "the Mafia," Scheim refuses to acknowledge Permindex board member Clay Shaw's intelligence connections and paints Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky as a low-level syndicate figure with no influence of substance. Scheim's book was published by the American front for an Israeli publishing company.

Richard Billings - A journalist with close ties to the CIA, Billings played a major role in the media's campaign to undermine New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. Billings emerged as the prime promoter of the outlandish theory that Garrison was a Mafia front man trying to take the focus off the Mafia and direct the attention toward the intelligence community.

James DiEugenio - Although a deep admirer of both John F. Kennedy and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, DiEugenio has tread lightly when inquiring into the ties between Clay Shaw and the Permindex operation with its multiple links to the Israeli Mossad and the crime syndicate.

Peter Dale Scott - His years of in-depth research on the JFK assassination have led him directly to the doorstep of the CIA, the Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate, yet he has never been prepared to name names or point in the direction of those very forces, preferring to sidestep the issue.


This is pretty good list for the players in the JFK hit and cover up. He left off a few of the essentials like "George Mandel" aka "Mantello". But he gets "Bloomfield" and "Rosenbaum". These three are the "Godfathers" for Israel's very existance. They are the upper eschelon for the JFK hit, this was the JFK hit "High Command". This list leaves off "William King Harvey", as he is right in the middle of these three as US Rome CIA associations. But from this group you find the PERMINDEX and the BCI money laundry methods per Rome, the Diamonds and Drugs trading, and the Mossad supply line. The problem was all these old OSS connected types never really went away, like the old saying: "once in the company, always in the company." They were always working the intelligence system for some of their goals. They took a wrong turn when the goals became the killing of a US President that became America's National Hero.

Then we have to toss in Lucien Sarti and the Corsicans, as these High Command crooks wanted the ultimate in compartmentalization and killers that would not talk. That way nobody knew who order the hit, supplied the money, saw them in Dallas, or could connect them with CIA. The CIA is so full of leaks that no secrets are ever kept with them. The safe bet on kill operations is total disconnect from CIA and hire the Corsicans, which King Harvey liked.

IMHO, When these High Command types connected to Hungarian Benevolence kill the American President Kennedy all their good deeds went away, as they became Criminals against America. They plunged the US into a 30 year cold war that cost the US trillions of dollars to promote their Dirty Deeds cover ups. They became the ultimate Nemisis for American's Freedom, Peace and Prosperity. No one should be swayed from exposing these Crooks who used every trick in the book to evade detection, but the truth always has a way of appearing. And that Truth will set America Free from the Criminal Elements that wished it ill for nearly 50 years now. Americans will not longer be marginally competent on the subjust of the JFK assassination, as the one true story is coming forth from all the Chaos and Noise the Crooks used to conceal it.


For the folks wanting to Learn the JFK issues, I have outlined some of the methods to make the study interesting. It is a rather complicated group and this method helps everyone to remember their many associations. It is just a study method that helps the issues to stick in folks minds, as they connect the dots.

One can look for the "Name Changers", as that always tends to find many of the issues associated. So, we not only find issues like Jack Ruby is Jacob Rubenstein, we also find the Rothchilds were Bauers of Germany. The list goes on and on, but the most interesting are Georges Mandel is Georgy Mandello, so he sounds Italian. But one can have fun looking for the others. The Name Changers really finds a lot of the players.

Another fun thing is chase down the Masons and "33rd Degree Masons" involved. So you find folks like Hoover, Ford, Russell, Earl Warren, George Mandella and lots more.

Another fun thing is chase down the "Gay Fellas" and you find all kinds of associations from Hoover and Tolson, to Clay Shaw, to Ferrie, to Cohen and the list gets interesting.

Then one can look for the Zionists involved and even find a high Rabbi and Jesuit connections to the central group. When you get that far, "The JFK Murder Mystery" is Solved.

These are just games for Internet Searches that help make the associations more memorable so everyone can connect the Dots for the JFK Conspiracy issues.

Some of your readings will turn up how an American Jewish person named Adolph Schwimmer started the Israeli Air Force and you'll find another godfather (Credit T.R.):


And some of the story isn't real pretty, but it shows how Israel's godfathers do business:


Then for those seeking a little greater challenge for learning these issues become evident:

This little research project will take you into the world of exploitive business and the world of Opium trading that the Jewish Sassoon Family started to exploit China, then how this trade was supplemented with the addictive properties of Nicotine by Britain and Big Tobacco ran the drugs and tobacco into China. We'll show you how all that stemmed from Cuba, the Germans and the British.

The research project will help you connect the dots on not only drugs, but sugar and alcohol addition, sugar/cotton and slavery, sex trades and pornography, sugar and fluoridation, sex, glamor, and Hollywood Cinema. Soon you'll find how those that used the exploitation business plans propered more than others. You can see the effects of the Inquisitiions on these trades.

The research finds Hitler's Bible on the Nordic Races or Aerian Race:


You can discover the term "Master Race" began with Slavery:


And in the present day we have the quest for which was the greater quest in sciences for the Arian Rockets or the Jewish Nuclear Science? 1. That for Man in Space and World Peace. or 2. That of a fearsome Nuclear Bomb intent on an Earthy New World Order quest for power, control, and money.

IMHO, These are the tough questions for our plight as stewards of planet Earth. Obviously, JFK selected Peace over Nuclear Wars.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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