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Jim Marrs

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  1. Yes, Dave Perry and Gary Mack heckled several people who only came to tell their stories. Remember the woman from West Texas who told how her soldier father got her out of school under curious circumstances and drove to Dallas arriving on 11-22-63 and went in the TSBD to use the telephone. I found her story most curious and she seemed to be a sincere person with no motivation for telling such a tale. Nothing came of this story because I could not substantiate her story. But we were all courteous and heard her out, except for Perry and Gary who continually interrupted her and accused her of lying. In fact, as I recall, they actually called Jean "a damned xxxx" but I may have that shaded in my failing memory.
  2. Your account of this outburst in my UTA JFK classs is accurate. I distinctly recall this episode as I was very ashamed over this kind of treatment. As you know I always tried to treat each of the guests with due consideration and respect. This includes the former FBI fingerprint expert who fled the class when my students respectfully but persistently tried to pin him down on whether he could tell the difference in fingerprints from a dead person or a live person, a very significant question considering the funeral home director's statement that the FBI put Oswald's dead hand on the rifle. It's too bad that Gary seems to suffer memory losses such as when he failed to correct the people on that Discovery Channel documentary who pointed out an incorrect location for the "Badgeman" figure.
  3. I have always been inquisitive and wanting to know the truth about everything. I received a very good grammar school education and published my first article and a cartoon in a 6th grade school paper. At the university, I was editorial page editor for the school paper and went on to write professionally for several Texas newspapers. I always sought out unusual stories and ones that I felt were important to the readers. I joined the journalism fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, in 1965 and went through an initiation in which I pledged to seek and report truth. Since then I have always believed that was my calling. I personally have never felt threatened but I have had four books cancelled on me despite signed contracts plus several important projects suddenly dropped for insignificant or no reason. As long as a person is limited in his or her audience, the powers that be will simply ignore you. But if you are about to break into the mainstream, actions are taken. And if you really start to impact on the nation...well, just ask Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy what happens to you. Journalists take a cue from their superiors and today the major media is owned and controlled by one of about four multinational corporations. For example, the NBC TV network is almost half owned by General Electric, a major defense contractor. The people at the top obviuously would not like honest reporting on the latest war as it might affect the profit line. This attitude trickles down to the lowest reporter, who quickly learns to stick to safe topics if they want to keep their job and retirement. Historians mostly work for universities and here too they face loss of job and are attacked by their peers if they veer too far from orthodoxy. These universities are largely subsidized by grants from the major corporations which discourages any deviation from conventional thinking that might upset these donors. I see very little difference between a journalist and a historian other than the journalist probes current events while the historian studies the past. Both should look behind the conventional accounts presented by the victors and spin doctors and seek the truth of both history and current events. I consider myself more of a reporter than a researcher, although often I have been forced to do some original research. First, I study everything I can lay my hands on concerning a topic, no matter what the source. Secondly, I evaluate this information and it soon becomes evident which information is well founded and which is mere speculation or theory. I then write about the topic with more weight given to the best documented evidence. But I also include the fringe evidence, usually with a caveat such as "Some researchers contend that..." I was taught, and I believe, that the reader should make up his or her own mind. It is not my place to tell anyone how to think. But no matter how brilliant a person may be, if they are operating on incomplete or erroneous information, they cannot be expected to make a correct decision on any matter.
  4. I have always been inquisitive and wanting to know the truth about everything. I received a very good grammar school education and published my first article and a cartoon in a 6th grade school paper. At the university, I was editorial page editor for the school paper and went on to write professionally for several Texas newspapers. I always sought out unusual stories and ones that I felt were important to the readers. I joined the journalism fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, in 1965 and went through an initiation in which I pledged to seek and report truth. Since then I have always believed that was my calling. I see very little difference between a journalist and a historian other than the journalist probes current events while the historian studies the past. Both should look behind the conventional accounts presented by the victors and spin doctors and seek the truth of both history and current events. I write about what interests me with the belief that if I am interested, many other people will be also. So far, this has proved to be true. I was concerned about that early on when I had to take into consideration my wife and daughters. But both girls are now grown and on their own and I don't have that much concern today. Besides, I was always taught that I live in the land of the free and home of the brave. Are you saying that's not true? I personally have never felt threatened but I have had four books cancelled on me despite signed contracts plus several important projects suddenly dropped for insignificant or no reason. As long as a person is limited in his or her audience, the powers that be will simply ignore you. But if you are about to break into the mainstream, actions are taken. And if you really start to impact on the nation...well, just ask Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy what happens to you. The answer to this one is quite simple. Journalists take a cue from their superiors and today the major media is owned and controlled by one of about four multinational corporations. For example, the NBC TV network is almost half owned by General Electric, a major defense contractor. The people at the top obviuously would not like honest reporting on the latest war as it might affect the profit line. This attitude trickles down to the lowest reporter, who quickly learns to stick to safe topics if they want to keep their job and retirement. Historians mostly work for universities and here too they face loss of job and are attacked by their peers if they veer too far from orthodoxy. These universities are largely subsidized by grants from the major corporations which discourages any deviation from conventional thinking that might upset these donors. I consider myself more of a reporter than a researcher, although often I have been forced to do some original research. First, I study everything I can lay my hands on concerning a topic, no matter what the source. Secondly, I evaluate this information and it soon becomes evident which information is well founded and which is mere speculation or theory. I then write about the topic with more weight given to the best documented evidence. But I also include the fringe evidence, usually with a caveat such as "Some researchers contend that..." I was taught, and I believe, that the reader should make up his or her own mind. It is not my place to tell anyone how to think. But no matter how brilliant a person may be, if they are operating on incomplete or erroneous information, they cannot be expected to make a correct decision on any matter.
  5. I have always been inquisitive and wanting to know the truth about everything. I received a very good grammar school education and published my first article and a cartoon in a 6th grade school paper. At the university, I was editorial page editor for the school paper and went on to write professionally for several Texas newspapers. I always sought out unusual stories and ones that I felt were important to the readers. I joined the journalism fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, in 1965 and went through an initiation in which I pledged to seek and report truth. Since then I have always believed that was my calling. I see very little difference between a journalist and a historian other than the journalist probes current events while the historian studies the past. Both should look behind the conventional accounts presented by the victors and spin doctors and seek the truth of both history and current events. I write about what interests me with the belief that if I am interested, many other people will be also. So far, this has proved to be true. I was concerned about that early on when I had to take into consideration my wife and daughters. But both girls are now grown and on their own and I don't have that much concern today. Besides, I was always taught that I live in the land of the free and home of the brave. Are you saying that's not true? I personally have never felt threatened but I have had four books cancelled on me despite signed contracts plus several important projects suddenly dropped for insignificant or no reason. As long as a person is limited in his or her audience, the powers that be will simply ignore you. But if you are about to break into the mainstream, actions are taken. And if you really start to impact on the nation...well, just ask Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy what happens to you. The answer to this one is quite simple. Journalists take a cue from their superiors and today the major media is owned and controlled by one of about four multinational corporations. For example, the NBC TV network is almost half owned by General Electric, a major defense contractor. The people at the top obviuously would not like honest reporting on the latest war as it might affect the profit line. This attitude trickles down to the lowest reporter, who quickly learns to stick to safe topics if they want to keep their job and retirement. Historians mostly work for universities and here too they face loss of job and are attacked by their peers if they veer too far from orthodoxy. These universities are largely subsidized by grants from the major corporations which discourages any deviation from conventional thinking that might upset these donors. I consider myself more of a reporter than a researcher, although often I have been forced to do some original research. First, I study everything I can lay my hands on concerning a topic, no matter what the source. Secondly, I evaluate this information and it soon becomes evident which information is well founded and which is mere speculation or theory. I then write about the topic with more weight given to the best documented evidence. But I also include the fringe evidence, usually with a caveat such as "Some researchers contend that..." I was taught, and I believe, that the reader should make up his or her own mind. It is not my place to tell anyone how to think. But no matter how brilliant a person may be, if they are operating on incomplete or erroneous information, they cannot be expected to make a correct decision on any matter.
  6. I believe that Singlaub was connected to Nestor D. Sanchez, one of the Bay of Pigs planners and a man intertwined with JMWAVE. To check this out would require some research on my part and, unfortunately, I am not in a position to spend that kind of time at the moment.
  7. I have an interesting story about Korth, who was from Texas. His first wife told me he was a delight until the fall of 1963 when Korth became silent and sullen, troubled by something. He moved out of their house in early Nov. 1963 and would not speak to her again. She was convinced that there was not another woman involved. What did Korth know that made his leave his wife? Was this to protect her?
  8. The name of the Waco lawyer who wrote the Torbitt Document was David Copeland and I recalled speaking with him when I worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in the 1970s. Copeland told me he got his information from two government agents - one with the Secret Service and the other with the FBI. He don't think he ever revealed the identities of these agents. He seemed quite sincere at the time and said he wanted to show the public that "right wingers" did not kill JFK. Personally, I think that he truly believed the Torbitt scenario because he trusted his sources. I think his sources may have been on the level but there's always the possibility they were fed misinformation.
  9. What a wonderfully succinct account of the past couple of hundred years. I agree with you wholeheartedly except for one thing - I believe the facts will show that 9/11 WAS orchestrated by your MICC, in the person of Dick Chaney. In 1992, Chaney as sec. of defense in Bush’s government issued a defense policy paper outlining everything that is happening now - invasion of Afghanistan, regime change in Iraq, moving on the Iran and a larger US military presence in the Middle East. His thoughts were echoed in Sept. 2000 by the neo-con think tank, Project for a New American Century, but this time they added that this agenda would not be acceptable to the American People unless there was "a catalyzing and catastrophic event like Pear Harbor"! On 9/11, Chaney, as head of Bush's highest-level counterterrorism committee (he was named to this about the same time he was named to the energy committee, which the Supreme Court recently ruled did not have to make public their energy deliberations). Considering his background in both government and industry, Chaney was in a position to know how to manipulate both the war game exercises which allowed the hijackers to bypass our confused security systems and the sluggish response of those systems. This is admittedly simplistic, but I am pretty sure it happened something like this.
  10. Nancy, I have not spoken with Marina in several years and do not know her current situation. I understand she has separated from Ken Porter but still lives in the Rockwall area East of Dallas. She is now a thoughtful and articulate woman and would probably surprise you with her knowledge of world affairs. However, I have no current contact information on her, so cannot advise you when to get in touch with her.
  11. All new information made public since 1989 has only tended to support the conclusions in Crossfire. The ‘Smoking Gun’ is the Gerald Ford memo to the authors of the Warren Commission report ordering them to change the wording from “Kennedy was shot in the back” to “Kennedy was shot through the neck”. This small but critical change of wording has allowed them to argue that cockamamie single bullet theory which, of course, is the sole basis for the single assassin theory. This memo was only made public in the mid-1990s. Another topic not clearly understood by most people is that Dr. John Newman book “Oswald and the CIA”. Although academically written and somewhat a tough read, this work makes clear from CIA internal message traffic that Oswald was being used operationally by the CIA prior to the assassination. This information should have made national news headlines but, of course, there is no longer a true news media in the USA.
  12. See the above explanation for no updated version of Crossfire. Another factor here is that I could do a totally rewritten Crossfire to include new material but (1) I am engaged in a number of other projects such as the 9/11 conspiracies and really don’t have the time and (2) while there is new evidence, nothing has surfaced to radically alter the conclusions in Crossfire.
  13. Ron, I totally agree with you but there is the problem of the contract. The publishers, Carroll & Graff, are no longer in business. But they sold their property, to include the rights to publish Crossfire, to someone else (Group West). They will not relinquish these rights and claim that the book is still in print although the fact is that it is getting harder and harder to find. Each time I have demanded my rights back, they rush into print another couple of hundred books just to maintain the idea that it is still in print. I am almost to the point of suspecting that someone is keeping my book from a wider audience.
  14. I am gratified that so many people are still following the JFK assassination case. The truth is out there as we speak. But, if anyone is waiting for a formal government pronouncement of the truth, they are in for a long wait. I feel today we need to turn our investigative efforts to the 9/11 conspiracy. This is bigger than the JFK case because more than one man died and the evidence of conspiracy is emerging much faster than in the 1960s. Plus, we all know that 9/11 is the foundation of everything that has occurred since -- Patriot Act, Homeland Security, tighter government control, invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, even the 2004 elections.
  15. I have known Tosh Plumlee since before the release of Oliver Stone's film "JFK". He has taken me on a guided tour of Dealey Plaza and South Dallas on more than one occasion. While I cannot vouch for 100 percent of his story as I have been unable to substantiate it all, I can state that it has remained remarkably consistent through the years and, over time, has been more and more supported by documents released from the U.S. Government as well as the trstimony of others. From the beginning, he told me that the only person on his Dallas flight of 11-22-63 that he had known previously was Johnny Roselli and that Roselli got off at the first landing at Garland Airport. Tosh also pointed out to me several CIA-backed Cuban "safehouses" in South Dallas as well as the garage apartment behind Oswald's rooming house. Much of what he told me has been verified by outside sources. He also led me to the Oswald apartment on Elsbeth St. and correctly described the odd configuration of the outside door long before we arrived there, indicating to me his prior knowledge of the place. I have been with Tosh on many occasions, including a lengthy driving trip to Florida and Alpha 66 headquarters, and have never seen him in a drunken state. His memory for people, places and dates continues to amaze me. There are now certain individuals who claim that Tosh is unstable, a drunk, a xxxx or a combination of all three. In my book, this is patently untrue. It should be noted that these same individuals have proven not only inconsistent and abusive in their statements, but have totally reversed declarative statements made only a few years ago. It is easy to call names and make accusations. It is not so easy to erase the memories of those who once listened to such self-appointed authorities.
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