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Richard Jones-Nerzic

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  1. The school did appeal and, I am pleased to report, lost again. This time the judge made them pay-out even more than the first time. In addition, Cheryl Boyce whose process for unfair dismissal started this whole affair back in 2003, has with the support of the SUNDEP union finally won her appeal. I calculate that with pay-offs and three lost court cases, Albiston has cost the IST well over 500,000 Euros since 2002. But I bet there is no-one in Airbus who actually knows this. My own case was heard (for the last time?) a couple of weeks ago. I await the result in mid January, exactly three years after all this started.
  2. We have now received the final evaluation from Brussels. The report is very positive about our results (and our products), the evaluation and the dissemination (all Grade 5 out of 5 - this refers to "Very Good - Addresses the criterion with all aspects of high quality"). We have also received a positive response on the coherence between the work plan and the activities, partnership and project management (all Grade 4 out of 5 - this refers to "Good - Addresses the criterion with some aspects of high quality") Financial Management was accepted (Grade 3 out of 5 - this refers to "Acceptable - Addresses the criterion satisfactorily"). The criticism is easy to spot "The financial management of the first French coordinator [The International School of Toulouse] seem to have included some unclear information". Fortunately, it was not enough prevent the project from being approved. The e-Help project is at www.e-help.eu Congratulations to all project members and thanks to everyone who participated over the 3+1 years of the project. What this space for news about e-help 2.0
  3. I was inspired by Peter's presentation to have a go myself. I had the idea of producing digital stories of a school trip. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=X_tfjHWprhg The students pooled their hundreds of still images of the day and then produced their own digital account. The point of the activity was to demonstrate how interpretations of the same event could differ significantly even when produced by similar types of eyewitness.
  4. Two observations that struck a note with me. When I joined the school in Bratislava 15 months ago every computer in the school was a thin client. They look great and are cheap, therefore everyone in marketing and management are delighted with them. But it effectively meant that the students were on the same diet of MS Office every lesson. In my recent Bratislava History Project, neither of the schools in the UK could fully participate because this forum and the student education forum were blocked by the local LEA. Even the intervention of the head teacher and the promise of a meeting with the Queen would not budge the LEA. Madness.
  5. My IB Film students have completed an excellent short documentary about the Bratislava History Project and Nicholas Winton at http://www.internationalschoolhistory.net/BHP/film.htm and on YouTube at http://uk.youtube.com/user/BISBratislava
  6. CBC this eveningNews report features BISB students interviewing Winton
  7. This is the sort of email that makes the hours spend on the resource production worthwhile. I have always been interested in the Yalding project but have never had a chance to run it. And now I don't teach the subject anymore. Reading my comments above about RSS feeds etc. I was reminded of what I had envisaged. I thought it would be a wonderful project for a group of older students to coordinate. Without ever being in the classroom or even knowing the students involved, IB students could drip-feed information about the characters to the partcipants. I thought about there being a blog of village news, filmed reports (of course) and some sort of awards ceremony at the end of the year. I am always doing empathy and rolepay in bits, the idea of doing something this ambitious really appeals.
  8. Yes, I agree and once again in Bratislava, Janos was full of good ideas and recommendations. I have been uploading the original Toulouse presentations and as a result had cause to watch Janos's presenentation again. One of the best we had I think. http://www.vimeo.com/1982805
  9. Interesting Mike. I've been using forums with students for five years now and remain as convinced as ever about their utility and flexibility. For the recent Bratislava History Project, I considered using a Wiki for the students to contribute thier content and for others to edit. I decided against it simply because the forum needed no technical expertise at all, and the students were already familiar with the format. (Teachers however...) In the end they were able to work collaboratively in a very effective way, such as this thread shows. But of all the things I have done, it is my supervision of student Extended Essays that I have found most well suited (in terms of ICT value added) to the medium. http://studenteducationforum.ipbhost.com/i...hp?showforum=50 Both teacher and student write when they have something to say (just-in-time learning and teaching), it creates a virtual paper trail of support with exact times and dates, it creates a complete archive of a variety of sudent work (process not just product), it is hypertextual so allows direct linked reading to be included and it can unblock student impasse in seconds in the middle of a two month summer holiday.
  10. Thanks. I was pleased with it. I had almost forgotten all about it.
  11. I agree, I don't know anyone who has watched without struggling to keep back the tears. I'll pass on your comments to Matej, I am sure he will be pleased to hear it.By the way, I did wait to be spoken to but Vera Gissing interrupted me to give a copy of her book to the Queen. I edited that bit out of the film.
  12. Thanks for that Mike. The students had a fantastic three days. The only down side was the BBC throwing the students out of the room they had prepared for the Winton interview. The scene on the BBC news item with Winton was actually lit with our rig, because the BBC crew didn't have one. And they almost didn't get Winton. They were about to do an interview with Alf Dubs one of the Winton 'children' thinking he was Winton, until one of the students pointed out their mistake. Anyway, we got about 6 hours of tape with all of the children and some of the veterans. One of the students sneaked in a 10 minute slot with Winton after the Queen left. The website is coming on. I added a video of the kids meeting the Queen today. http://www.internationalschoolhistory.net/...royal_visit.htm Will be adding some of the photos over the coming days. At the moment, I am working flat out with the film students trying to put together a short documentary for the annual confernec of the company that runs the school. We also have two of the veterans coming in next week to be interviewed.
  13. Some questions have come in from the students at: http://studenteducationforum.ipbhost.com/i...p?showtopic=635 Whether it is alright to ask really personal questions, maybe about their parents? Also what are there any questions we shouldn't definetely ask or do or say? Do we actually contribute to the discussion or just ask questions without commentaries? How do we conclude after the last question? Thinking about questions from the period of WW2, what can we expect elderly people to remember from their childhood? And when does a question become too personal? Do you think it would be too uncomfortable to ask about Winton children's parents? As in whether they have ever found out anything about them or for how long did they have contact with them...? To what extent can we express sympathy towards interviewees and to what extent should we try to keep it 'professional'? 1. is it wise, appropriate or useful to ask questions which have already been asked, let's say in the film 'the power of good' or in any other well-known interview. Won't that just feel repetitive to them? 2.it will probably be inevitable to ask a personal question, as the whole topic is pretty personal and probably hurtful.. but is there anything you think could improve the way we ask these personal questions? language? etc.
  14. And of course the same was argued by the ancients in their opposition to written communication. And of course it is true. This is one of those interesting indirect consequences of technological development that we can only just begin to appreciate. Teleprompts that mean that potential presidents and singers alike no longer need to learn their lines, mobile phones that memorize numbers and addresses, and pocket organisers that do everything else, what happens when we don't have to remember any more? Should we be worried about this?
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