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Calvin Ye

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    JFK Assassination, Watergate, 1980s conspiracies

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  1. New books covering JFK Assassination, Hollywood Blacklists and Nazis is coming out next month Nazis at the Watercooler: War Criminals in Postwar German Government Agencies Policing Show Business: J. Edgar Hoover, the Hollywood Blacklist, and Cold War Movies LBJ’S MORTAL WOUND: THE DON REYNOLDS STORY: THE PRESIDENT, THE BOBBY BAKER SCANDAL, AND DALLAS https://finance.yahoo.com/news/eight-titles-jfk-assassination-presented-140000359.html
  2. This new book, The Hidden Cost of Freedom: The Untold Story of the CIA's Secret Funding System, 1941-1962 is coming out next month.
  3. Jeff Morley stated on Twitter that he took down paywall on his website so that everyone could read the relevant story. Here is the link: https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/exclusive-whistleblower-cites-explosive
  4. Jefferson Morley posted on Twitter updated: send an email to morleyjfkfacts@gmail.com. Note: this call is for working journalists only. If you're not news reporters and want to know the story, check out JFK Facts tomorrow. Since we are not reporters, we will find out this Tuesday
  5. Jeff Morley announces his scoop today on Twitter. https://x.com/jeffersonmorley/status/1842272351045722557?t=BANDG-M4JGUR6fmOr-tz6g&s=19
  6. No. I have no interest in Litwin's new podcast
  7. I want to see and access the Lafitte book
  8. I believe that the Years of Lead is looming within America. Do you think that this is an sign that the Years of Lead is looming?
  9. I believe that the Years of Lead is looming within America. Do you think that this is an sign that the Years of Lead is looming?
  10. I believe that the Years of Lead is looming within America
  11. The later chapters of the Secret War Against the Jews is too pro-Israel
  12. The book Oswald Code confirmed that Hargraves is the umbrella man and Vidal as the Dark Complected Man
  13. The book The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army explained that both the US army and military intelligence were anti-semitic https://www.timesofisrael.com/historian-new-evidence-shows-fdrs-bigotry-derailed-many-holocaust-rescue-plans/
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