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Mark Groubert

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Everything posted by Mark Groubert

  1. I had an email interview exchange with miss Baker some years back. (She was on her book tour here in LA and was doing radio.) She told me she was hired by the CIA at a young age to do all this scientific mumbo jumbo - (she uses no vernacular of the science she proposes to be an expert in btw - just saying) anyway I listen to all this blather and finally ask her, "You were hired by the CIA right" "Yes". "You worked for the CIA, right?" "Yes" - "Okay, let me ask you this, when did you resign from the CIA, what date, and do you have a letter or documentation saying as such." End of interview. Thank god for Walt Brown. Took one for the team.
  2. Just a word about Dorthy K. She had almost 2 years (18 months) before her death and after her Ruby "interview" to spill the beans, get a book deal, write in her column, tell the world what she learned. No woman had more access to media at that time. She said nothing. Most of her previous columns about the assassination were fed to her by her own Deep Throat - Mark Lane. She had been to rehab for drugs and alcohol previously. She was a heavy drinker. She took pills. She had failed romances. She appeared drunk during one of her final appearances on 'What's My Line', slurring her words on camera. She did what many suicide victims do that I knew. They clean up their room and make themselves up to look their best concerned about how they will look when found. This is more true for women.
  3. Hey guys - haven't been here for awhile Hey Jimmy D. I interviewed Max last week on my Youtube Channel America's Untold Stories and spoke to him off the air about his relationship with Paine a few days later. Thought you guys might like a look. Keep up the Good work. Mark G.
  4. I know the 36th came out of Texas and I know Walker later commanded the Devil's Brigade but trying to find info here is difficult.
  5. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/erroneous-jfk-bulletin-fueled-conspiracy-theories-say-phantom-shot-authors-300171092.html
  6. Ruth Paine was in a lesbian relationship with Marina Oswald, IMHO. If you read the "love" letters it's fairly easy to see that if you read between the lines. In addition, she never remarried and as we know, the Dallas police carted off her lesbian film collection and a projector that she argued about them taking. The third "love" letter that she never sent to Marina, she tried very hard and succeeded to get back from the Warren Commission as I recall. Now, spies do sexual things all the time and Marina, was certainly highly sexualized from what I understand. The lesbian relationship could have been a relationship of convenience for one or both. It could have been real or part of one of their or both person's job. Nevertheless, there is so much more to Ruth Paine than has been disclosed. "Forgetting" the higher paying baggage handling job offer for Oswald and tossing away the info has always been suspicious just on its own IMHO.
  7. I guess it is classic. LBJ was a bipolar, sex-addicted alcoholic, meglomaniac who was into bovine pornography. Can't get more Americana than that!
  8. David Talbot's new book says he was. Is there any evidence of this?
  9. BIO After attending Bard College, The New School for Social Research and New York University Film School Mark Groubert decided it was time to get a serious job. He became a staff writer for National Lampoon Magazine. Following in the tradition of his political satire mentors: Doug Kenney, Tony Hendra, John Hughes, and Michael O’Donoghue, Groubert created such iconic features as Mass Murderer Trading Cards, The Klaus Barbie Doll, Capitalist Hall of Fame Plaques, and Sexual Jeopardy: The Home Game. Groubert, also co-wrote the immensely popular National Lampoon Dirty Joke Book. He then created, published and edited MTV Magazine; the first nationally distributed desktop publication in America. Magazine Week nominated the monthly publication for its Publishing Excellence Award. Groubert also produced the hit show Mambo Mouth, which won an Off-Broadway Obie Award for star John Leguizamo. Groubert followed by producing the filmed version for HBO and Island Pictures. For the HBO Network Groubert then co-produced On The Ledge, an avant-garde variety show, as well as talent producing the award-winning documentary: Mo’ Funny: Black Comedy in America. He did a stint as editor of The Weekly World News. He has written for High Times, Penthouse, LA City Beat and numerous other publications. Groubert serves as the Senior Film and Book Reviewer for the popular political website Crooks and Liars.Com. He has been an investigative reporter/features writer for the LA Weekly (Village Voice Media) since 1994. His recent work includes Rehab City – a three-part investigative series looking into the Los Angeles drug rehab scene, as well as, Box of Dreams: In Search of a Soul Lost and Found in L.A. He recently wrote the book "Rehab Nation: Inside The Secret Work of Celebrity Drug Rehabs” currently doing well on Amazon. He is a life long Dodger fan and bleeds Dodger Blue.
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