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Is This Black Dog Man

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Question for Duncan: I pointed out that the scaling of the soldier was not aligned properly. I also added a vertical line that would show that the Moorman's Arnold's waist on the right side is not even with the lower body of the soldier's waist. Can we agree that this much was off and that by widening the lower half of the soldier 'X'% would cause the the upper and lower halves of the illustration to then match?

And would you not agree that by adding 'X'% to the width - that the same % must also be applied to the height of the legs so to keep the increase in scale?


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How long would it take to walk around the back of the pergola from the west wall to the east wall.

What is the Timeline of the Rickerby image below. ?

Exactly Robin,

there is more to this puzzle than the Arnold hypothesise.

That blow-up from Bothun 4 is a real doozy too, much obliged.

If you can spot Wiegman in Rickery & notice which was he is facing, this would appear to be the last footage he got before he ran back to the car.

So we are talking about 35secs after the headshot(give or take 5secs), since his film has been said to start just after the second round of shots.

If the shadow in Bothun4 was at the wall at the time of Moorman5 then, I would certainly think a short dash followed by a brisk walk would of got him away from the scene to that distance with no problem what so ever.

Thanks again for that great blow-up!

Btw Robin shouldn't an avid collecter of these images have all these times calculated by now?




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I have also heard of where Arnold stood in that photo as "as the best as he could remember".

Who said the above statement ... Not Arnold - Not Golz - and Not Godwin who took the photo, so where did such a statement come from other than from someone who never bothered to talk to those who would know for sure???

I might also add that in the previous post showing an alleged figure where the caption reads that 'it may be someone, but not Arnold' ... isn't that the opposite position that the legs in Duncan's scaling job makes the figure too short to be real???


This guy said it, you apparently know him & you know he has spoken to the most if not all of these people.


As for your second point, if the reader looks back to what promted my drawing you can see just how far Bill is going off topic by his above statement.

A typical disinformationist's tactic & I'm not playing, sorry Joe.

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