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Why is the Brazilian government interested

Jack White

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The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee has 21 members, as follows:

Nine Federal Government representatives

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Communications;

Presidential Cabinet;

Ministry of Defense;

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management;

National Telecommunications Agency;

National Council of Scientific and Technological Development;

National Forum of Estate Science and Technology Secretaries.

Four representatives of the corporate sector

Internet services providers;

Telecommunications infrastructure providers;

Hardware and software industries;

General bussiness sector users.

Four representatives of the third sector

Three representatives of the scientific and technological community

One Internet expert

Internet addresses of persons with this Brazilian governmental agency have

been traced to research here. Apparently someone using a computer address

registered to this Brazilian government agency monitors activities on this forum.


Who can elucidate?


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Jack do you have any evidence to back your claim that some one from the Brazilian Government or the CGI is monitoring this forum or are you just making stuff up again? I doubt you do otherwise you would have presented it. You have lied here before like the times you said you: didn’t have an Internet site, never said the Moon landings were faked, didn’t read our posts and admit error when proven wrong. The question is how would you know this? Unless I’m mistaken the IP addresses of people reading the forum are only available to the administrators and hackers, you’re not the former are you the latter?

Even if true 1) I have no connection to the ‘CGI’ which I never heard of before

2) It isn’t a government agency as anyone who read the page you cited* should have been able to figure out, but then again this wouldn’t be the 1st time you misunderstood what you read.


* http://www.cgi.br/internacional/index.htm

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Guess who was doing a little research from Rio?

20150137117.user.veloxzone.com.br (Comite Gestor Da Internet No Brasil)

Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2 returning visits

Date Time WebPage

October 2nd 2006 15:12:43 johnmccarthy90066.tripod.com/id472.html



John McCarthy

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LOL You guys think you’re real super sleuths veritable virtual Sherlock Holmes. Guess again! Vexloxzone is the web address for Velox, the brand name of the wideband service of Telemar S/A Brazil’s largest phone company.





Registro.br, Brazil’s "National Internet Registry" is part of the CGI


Among the diverse responsibilities of the CGI.br, the main attributions are:

to propose policies and procedures related to the regulation of Internet activities;

to recommend standards for technical and operational procedures for the Internet in Brazil;

to establish strategic directives related to the use and development of Internet in Brazil;

to promote studies and technical standards for the network and services' security in the country;

to coordinate the allocation of Internet addresses (IPs) and the registration of domain names using <.br>;

to collect, organize and disseminate information on Internet services, including indicators and statistics.

The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - CGI.br maintains working groups and coordinates several projects in areas of fundamental importance for the Internet operation and development in the country. In order to execute its activities, the CGI.br has created a non-profit civil organization named "Brazilian Network Information Center" - NIC.br.


Since 1995, the Registro.br executes some of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee attributions, such as the activities of domain names registration and the administration and publication of DNS for the <.br> domain. In July 2006, there were more than 950,000 domains registered in the country. Registro.br also provides the services of distribution and maintenance of Internet addresses. For LACNIC - Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Register, Registro.br offers the services of engineering and hosting.


So presumably all .br IP’s will come up as being tied to the CGI just as Australian and East Asian ones will come up as tied to the “Asia Pacific Network Information Centre” which Jack should have remembered from the Hacked again? thread. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...ost&p=73309

see also




John I looked at your site because you include links to it in most of your posts thinking you’ve proven something, Guess again, again!

I also tried googling your name as you suggested couldn’t find much about YOU beyond what you had written yourself. Are you related to USMC Gen. John J. McCarthy?


P.S. - One question remains unanswered, how did Jack White become privy to the the IP's of people acessing this forum? Did he or one of his friends 'hack' it?

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AAAAAhhhhh! The mysteries of life! Some remain elusive to those who seek the answers to burning questions of where, why and how life's mysteries come down upon us. More dancing in the streets with bones in nose might shake the gods of information into revealing the secrets of T shirt manufacturing crowds of nay sayers anonymous. SA.

"Yea, although cut from a rough stone, by the constant polishing of wind and water I become more round and shining."

Some answers remain elusive to those not qualified for access to ridiculously obvious.

Life is beautiful, unless, of course, one sits in the tunnel of deny deny deny.



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The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee has 21 members, as follows:

Nine Federal Government representatives

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Communications;

Presidential Cabinet;

Ministry of Defense;

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management;

National Telecommunications Agency;

National Council of Scientific and Technological Development;

National Forum of Estate Science and Technology Secretaries.

Four representatives of the corporate sector

Internet services providers;

Telecommunications infrastructure providers;

Hardware and software industries;

General bussiness sector users.

Four representatives of the third sector

Three representatives of the scientific and technological community

One Internet expert

Internet addresses of persons with this Brazilian governmental agency have

been traced to research here. Apparently someone using a computer address

registered to this Brazilian government agency monitors activities on this forum.


Who can elucidate?


My original question remains unanswered. Someone with a computer registered

to The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee is monitoring this forum.

This Brazilian agency is largely govermental, made up of...

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Communications;

Presidential Cabinet;

Ministry of Defense;

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management;

National Telecommunications Agency;

National Council of Scientific and Technological Development;

National Forum of Estate Science and Technology Secretaries.

Colby denies any knowledge of this activity, and denies the computer is his.

The original question remains.


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Could it be possible that a 'debunking' contract has been let via the disinformation agencies? Trade Craft principles would dictate such a scenario for the use of a facility's witting or unwitting knowledge, re plausible deniability for such a breach of international communications protocol.

Perhaps a letter of inquiry to the Brazilian Government would provide answers to these and other burning questions?!


John McCarthy

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The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee has 21 members, as follows:

Nine Federal Government representatives

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Communications;

Presidential Cabinet;

Ministry of Defense;

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management;

National Telecommunications Agency;

National Council of Scientific and Technological Development;

National Forum of Estate Science and Technology Secretaries.

Four representatives of the corporate sector

Internet services providers;

Telecommunications infrastructure providers;

Hardware and software industries;

General bussiness sector users.

Four representatives of the third sector

Three representatives of the scientific and technological community

One Internet expert

Internet addresses of persons with this Brazilian governmental agency have

been traced to research here. Apparently someone using a computer address

registered to this Brazilian government agency monitors activities on this forum.


Who can elucidate?


My original question remains unanswered. Someone with a computer registered

to The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee is monitoring this forum.

This Brazilian agency is largely govermental, made up of...

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Communications;

Presidential Cabinet;

Ministry of Defense;

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management;

National Telecommunications Agency;

National Council of Scientific and Technological Development;

National Forum of Estate Science and Technology Secretaries.

Colby denies any knowledge of this activity, and denies the computer is his.

The original question remains.


Jack 1)you have yet to produce any evidence that what you assert is true

2) you have yet to explain how you would have come by such information without having hacked the forum

3) 9 of 21 member of the CGI are from the Brazilian government 12 are from private sector

4) The Brazilian government is leftist and not very fond of Bush

20030927elpepiint_7_I_SCO.jpg Lula, Brazil's president, hugging Castro

Morales%20chavez%20Lula%20&%20Kirchner.jpgL - R Kirchner, Morales, Lula and Chavez

lula_con_bandeira_pt.jpg Lula waving the Worker's Party (PT) flag.

5) My only conection to the CGI is that my IP thought my ISP is registered by them just as all people who have .br ISP's and just as all Internet users in the world use ISP registered by similar organisations

6) If anyone from the CGI itself is monitoring the forum I don't know who they are there are about 180 million people in Brazil nor would that be at all sinister

Perhaps a letter of inquiry to the Brazilian Government would provide answers to these and other burning questions?
I believe there is a Brazilian consulate in LA if you want to look like a complete idiot why don't you stop by and ask them about this? Edited by Len Colby
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Remember, Jack, once you produce such "evidence" it will be regulated to the black hole of "that's not evidence, it's your opine". As for me, I would not provide anything to one who doesn't have "the need to know". Plus, those asking the questions might be surprised by the answers re: ‘never ask a witness a question if you don’t know the answer."


John McCarthy

aka complete idiot..... name calling and labelling being the only tools of the debunking nay sayers.

Edited by John J. McCarthy
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Jack do you have any evidence to back your claim that some one from the Brazilian Government or the CGI is monitoring this forum or are you just making stuff up again? I doubt you do otherwise you would have presented it.
Still waiting Jack
aka complete idiot..... name calling and labelling being the only tools of the debunking nay sayers.
Note that I didn't call you an idiot, complete or otherwise. strange you were silent when Jack called his critics goons. Insults are not our "only tools" as we provide evidence to conter idle speculation. I noted that most of the pages on your site are devoid of evidence in the form of citations to back your claims
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"I believe there is a Brazilian consulate in LA if you want to look like a complete idiot why don't you stop by and ask them about this?"

Oh, my. This must be a deterrent to the inquiry of an actual status quo.



ole Len has a short memory... I'll bet he KNOWS there a Brazilian consulate in LA :)

Edited by David G. Healy
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