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Pat Speer

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Everything posted by Pat Speer

  1. So here we are back at square one, with you once again running from the evidence before you. I demonstrate why I believe Mantik is wrong and you counter with "what are your credentials", and then claim my refusal to buy your claims comes from my not reading your books, or studying the medical evidence, when the exact opposite is true. It is you who have never read my work, or seen my videos. If you had, you would see that I have studied the medical evidence in far more detail than anyone you are used to arguing against, and have made a number of discoveries that you otherwise might find significant, e.g. that Dr. Baden testified with his exhibit upside down, that the HSCA trajectory panel shrunk Kennedy's skull to make the head shot point back to the sniper's nest, etc. As far as Mantik, while he is not near the "ultimate authority" on X-Rays you purport him to be, I respect him and value his contributions. I just think that he, along with most everyone else, is wrong on several key issues. It bears repeating that I discovered that the white patch on the lateral X-ray was the wing of bone and that the "6.5 mm fragment" on the A-P X-ray was behind the right eye while trying to demonstrate Mantik's findings on PowerPoint slides. I apologize for undermining his findings, if that makes you feel any better. In this thread I have claimed that 1) the white patch on the lateral X-Ray corresponds to the location of the wing of bone in the right lateral autopsy photo (which you apparently believe to be fake). 2) the largest fragment on the A-P X-ray aligns perfectly with a fragment in the location from which the autopsy doctors claimed they removed the largest fragment. 3) there is a bullet hole in the back of the head photo (which you believe to be fake) that corresponds to the location of a bullet wound on the back of the head in the open cranium autopsy photo. And yet you have failed to counter these claims beyond claiming the autopsy photos used to demonstrate these claims are fake, and that I am not as qualified as Dr. Mantik to judge X-rays. This suggests that you do indeed see the points I have been making, but find them meaningless in light of what you think you already know. I thank you for your consideration. If you had anything to counter any of the evidence I've presented beyond "my buddy tells me you're wrong and I trust my buddy because he tells me what I want to hear" you'd have presented it long ago.
  2. While we may disagree with some of Tink's conclusions, and wish he'd pursued different aspects of the evidence, it is an historical fact that his book really shook things up. In the aftermath of the CBS four-part special, and the AP's widely circulated series supporting the Warren Commission, the feeling among the media was almost certainly that Mark Lane, Epstein, and Weisberg, etc, had been countered. And then came Thompson...his book not only received mountains of publicity, and was deservedly taken seriously, it scared the government's hired experts into re-interpreting Kennedy's wounds, and moving the entrance on the back of JFK's head to a location more in line with what they claimed was an exit wound on the top of his head. (The Clark Panel's leader, Russell Fisher, said the Clark Panel was convened in part to refute the junk in Thompson's book.) So...if anything, Tink's book forced the government's hand, and revealed it would willingly embrace any line of nonsense as long as they could claim there was but one shooter firing from behind named Oswald.
  3. Happy New Years to you as well. I used Newman and Zapruder because they are the only close-by witnesses I could find who demonstrated their impression of the wound location on 11-22. Another close-by witness, James Chaney, told a TV interviewer JFK was hit in the face. It is undoubtedly intriguing that none of these men, who saw Kennedy while he was still upright, thought the large head wound was on the back of JFK's head. As far as the Willis family, none of them were quoted till many months later, and they were some distance away. From their perspective, it would have been incredibly hard--probably impossible--to differentiate between an explosion of blood from the top of JFK's head while he was moving away from an explosion of blood from the back of his head. Even so, the FBI report on Marilyn Willis, the most consistent of the family, reported that she saw a "red halo" erupt from the top of Kennedy's head, not the back of his head. Phil Willis, moreover, not only testified that he did not see the impact of the final shot (which he apparently believed was the head shot) he testified that "The minute the third shot was fired, I screamed, hoping a policeman would hear me, to ring that building because it had to come from there."
  4. So here we are back at square one, with you once again running from the evidence before you. I demonstrate why I believe Mantik is wrong and you counter with "what are your credentials", and then claim my refusal to buy your claims comes from my not reading your books, or studying the medical evidence, when the exact opposite is true. It is you who have never read my work, or seen my videos. If you had, you would see that I have studied the medical evidence in far more detail than anyone you are used to arguing against, and have made a number of discoveries that you otherwise might find significant, e.g. that Dr. Baden testified with his exhibit upside down, that the HSCA trajectory panel shrunk Kennedy's skull to make the head shot point back to the sniper's nest, etc. As far as Mantik, while he is not near the "ultimate authority" on X-Rays you purport him to be, I respect him and value his contributions. I just think that he, along with most everyone else, is wrong on several key issues. It bears repeating that I discovered that the white patch on the lateral X-ray was the wing of bone and that the "6.5 mm fragment" on the A-P X-ray was behind the right eye while trying to demonstrate Mantik's findings on PowerPoint slides. I apologize for undermining his findings, if that makes you feel any better. In this thread I have claimed that 1) the white patch on the lateral X-Ray corresponds to the location of the wing of bone in the right lateral autopsy photo (which you apparently believe to be fake). 2) the largest fragment on the A-P X-ray aligns perfectly with a fragment in the location from which the autopsy doctors claimed they removed the largest fragment. 3) there is a bullet hole in the back of the head photo (which you believe to be fake) that corresponds to the location of a bullet wound on the back of the head in the open cranium autopsy photo. And yet you have failed to counter these claims beyond claiming the autopsy photos used to demonstrate these claims are fake, and that I am not as qualified as Dr. Mantik to judge X-rays. This suggests that you do indeed see the points I have been making, but find them meaningless in light of what you think you already know. I thank you for your consideration.
  5. Don, in chapter 19 at patspeer.com, I discuss in excruciating detail why I believe the Parkland doctors were wrong about the wound location, even to the extent of publishing and discussing all their earliest statements. The key is that there are flaws in human cognition, whereby we routinely get confused by certain images and events. We are in fact terrible at perceiving relative distances on rotated objects, particularly human faces. This is demonstrated here: So what bearing does this have on the case, you might ask? It's simple. Kennedy was not only laying flat on his back when most everyone at Parkland saw him, he was laying on his back with his feet up in the air. So, in short, I think the rotation of Kennedy on the stretcher caused some of those viewing him to misinterpret the location of his head wound, and their recollections colored those of their colleagues. It is significant, IMO, that none of these witnesses noted an entrance wound on the front of Kennedy's head, even though they were looking at his face. No, they just saw one large wound. The same large wound, one should assume, that was observed by William Newman and Abraham Zapruder in Dealey Plaza, and described on TV before the Parkland doctors had written a word. So where did Newman and Zapruder place the wound? Exactly where it is on the autopsy photos!
  6. I'm not the one with low standards, Jim. You seemingly will accept any conspiracy argument provided it comes from your clique, and then never waver no matter how much evidence is presented proving them wrong. In this regard, you are pretty much like former JAMA editor George Lumberg, who claimed there was nothing fishy about the medical evidence because Dr. Humes and Dr. Petty told him so, without even acknowledging that Humes and Petty were in wide disagreement on the nature of the President's wounds. As far as JFK's hair, it was far from neat and tidy. It was long on top and short along the side, and was blown all over by the winds of Texas. The head in the autopsy photos has this same exact haircut. My, what a coinkydink! As far as the white patch, you seem to think the wing was above Kennedy's ear, and that the white patch is behind his ear. Take a look again at the Where is the Wing? slide. The area above Kennedy's ear is towards the back of his head... precisely where one can find the white patch. As far as Files, I'm not a disciple, and your trying to paint me with the "Files" brush is a bit ridiculous, considering some of the brushes one could paint you with. It is not my ignorance that is the source of our problems, it is your arrogance. For years now you have been arguing from authority, citing Mantik's work on the X-rays as definitive, while I have been trying to get one honest answer out of you regarding what is readily apparent to others. Even so, I'll try again. Mantik claims there is a white patch towards the back of Kennedy's lateral x-ray. He is right. I believe he is wrong, however, to assert this patch has no innocent explanation. While trying to create a slide demonstrating this white patch I realized that the location of this white patch corresponds precisely to the location of the "wing" of bone seen on the establishing shots taken at the autopsy. This led me to believe Mantik was wrong. This white patch is not an artifact, moreover, but what one would expect of a section of skull three layers of bone deep. The "whiteness" of this area, furthermore, would lead to the one layer of bone area anterior to these three layers of bone to appear darker than normal. This darkness, in turn, led Mantik to believe there was no brain in this area. The overlay of bone and "white patch" is demonstrated here: To be clear, I did not create the slide above to prove Mantik wrong or any such thing. I was trying to test the work of LNer Joe Durnavich, and, in doing so, found his depiction of the wing on the X-rays to be incorrect. Now, in regards the supposed 6.5 mm fragment... In this case I was trying to create a slide in which I would demonstrate Mantik to be correct. I was trying to match up the lateral and AP-X-rays after taking into account the distortion and tilt of the skull in the A-P. And what I found astounded me. While drawing a line from the frag on the A-P to the frag location in the lateral--in order to prove there is no clear-cut frag on the back of the head in this location--I noticed that the line passed through an unusual shape behind JFK's right eye. The thought quickly occurred that "Hmm...could it be?" When I compared the x-ray to the pre-mortem X-ray it was clear it was. I then went back to the reports on the autopsy, the Rydberg drawings, Humes' testimony, and even Humes and Boswell's ARRB testimony. All confirmed that the large frag on the A-P X-ray is the large frag removed from behind the right eye at the autopsy. This is demonstrated here: And here: Now if you want to create an argument that it is just a coincidence that the white patch corresponds exactly with the "wing" of bone, and that the fragment supposedly added onto the back of the head corresponds precisely to the location of the fragment removed from behind the right eye at autopsy, then FIRE AWAY. But calling me ignorant, when I have read your books, and you refuse to read mine, is the height of arrogance, and a clear demonstration, IMO, that your positions are not thought out, but gulped down with vigor, like wine during communion. If you open your eyes, Jim, and actually look at the "where is the wing" slide above, you will see that the white patch area matches precisely the area covered by the wing of bone in the right lateral Groden photo and stare of death photo, which are almost certainly not fakes. As far as the hair, OF COURSE, the hair was washed before the back of the head photo was taken. When one reads about autopsy photography, one finds that establishing shots are taken before close-ups of the individual wounds. The establishing shots in this case are the top of the head photos, left lateral photo, right lateral photo, and stare of death photo. After these were taken the body was cleaned up a little, rolled over and inspected. (I mean, really, do you think doctors sifted through blood and brain-soaked hair when inspecting the scalp?) This is standard. During this clean-up and inspection, two wounds were located: a small back wound and a small entrance near the EOP, which is demonstrated in the slide below: Now, since you seem to think the BOH photo is a fake put out by the government, can you explain why it shows a bullet entrance in the scalp that precisely corresponds with the bullet entrance in the skull noted at autopsy, that has since been "disappeared" by the government? I mean, let's get real here, why would the government "fake" photos and films that, when studied, demonstrate their re-assessments of the medical evidence to have been a sham, and suggest Kennedy was shot twice in the head? Did they create one false set of evidence in 63, and then turn around and lie about what this bogus evidence showed? Doesn't it make a lot more sense to think the medical evidence currently suppressed by the government, which suggests Kennedy was killed by not one but two shots to the head, is real?
  7. It is not my ignorance that is the source of our problems, it is your arrogance. For years now you have been arguing from authority, citing Mantik's work on the X-rays as definitive, while I have been trying to get one honest answer out of you regarding what is readily apparent to others. Even so, I'll try again. Mantik claims there is a white patch towards the back of Kennedy's lateral x-ray. He is right. I believe he is wrong, however, to assert this patch has no innocent explanation. While trying to create a slide demonstrating this white patch I realized that the location of this white patch corresponds precisely to the location of the "wing" of bone seen on the establishing shots taken at the autopsy. This led me to believe Mantik was wrong. This white patch is not an artifact, moreover, but what one would expect of a section of skull three layers of bone deep. The "whiteness" of this area, furthermore, would lead to the one layer of bone area anterior to these three layers of bone to appear darker than normal. This darkness, in turn, led Mantik to believe there was no brain in this area. The overlay of bone and "white patch" is demonstrated here: To be clear, I did not create the slide above to prove Mantik wrong or any such thing. I was trying to test the work of LNer Joe Durnavich, and, in doing so, found his depiction of the wing on the X-rays to be incorrect. Now, in regards the supposed 6.5 mm fragment... In this case I was trying to create a slide in which I would demonstrate Mantik to be correct. I was trying to match up the lateral and AP-X-rays after taking into account the distortion and tilt of the skull in the A-P. And what I found astounded me. While drawing a line from the frag on the A-P to the frag location in the lateral--in order to prove there is no clear-cut frag on the back of the head in this location--I noticed that the line passed through an unusual shape behind JFK's right eye. The thought quickly occurred that "Hmm...could it be?" When I compared the x-ray to the pre-mortem X-ray it was clear it was. I then went back to the reports on the autopsy, the Rydberg drawings, Humes' testimony, and even Humes and Boswell's ARRB testimony. All confirmed that the large frag on the A-P X-ray is the large frag removed from behind the right eye at the autopsy. This is demonstrated here: And here: Now if you want to create an argument that it is just a coincidence that the white patch corresponds exactly with the "wing" of bone, and that the fragment supposedly added onto the back of the head corresponds precisely to the location of the fragment removed from behind the right eye at autopsy, then FIRE AWAY. But calling me ignorant, when I have read your books, and you refuse to read mine, is the height of arrogance, and a clear demonstration, IMO, that your positions are not thought out, but gulped down with vigor, like wine during communion. If you open your eyes, Jim, and actually look at the "where is the wing" slide above, you will see that the white patch area matches precisely the area covered by the wing of bone in the right lateral Groden photo and stare of death photo, which are almost certainly not fakes. As far as the hair, OF COURSE, the hair was washed before the back of the head photo was taken. When one reads about autopsy photography, one finds that establishing shots are taken before close-ups of the individual wounds. The establishing shots in this case are the top of the head photos, left lateral photo, right lateral photo, and stare of death photo. After these were taken the body was cleaned up a little, rolled over and inspected. (I mean, really, do you think doctors sifted through blood and brain-soaked hair when inspecting the scalp?) This is standard. During this clean-up and inspection, two wounds were located: a small back wound and a small entrance near the EOP, which is demonstrated in the slide below: Now, since you seem to think the BOH photo is a fake put out by the government, can you explain why it shows a bullet entrance in the scalp that precisely corresponds with the bullet entrance in the skull noted at autopsy, that has since been "disappeared" by the government? I mean, let's get real here, why would the government "fake" photos and films that, when studied, demonstrate their re-assessments of the medical evidence to have been a sham, and suggest Kennedy was shot twice in the head? Did they create one false set of evidence in 63, and then turn around and lie about what this bogus evidence showed? Doesn't it make a lot more sense to think the medical evidence currently suppressed by the government, which suggests Kennedy was killed by not one but two shots to the head, is real?
  8. The relationship between the black and white areas of an X-ray are determined not by some set standard, but by the time of exposure etc. I found an example of this in an old guide to an X-ray machine similar to the one used at the autopsy. This is demonstrated here: If I recall, Dr. Mantik performed his tests on the computer-enhanced x-rays. If this is correct, unless he checked with those who did the "enhancement" and found out what was done to the contrast in the X-ray, and took this into account, his tests are irrelevant. P.S. I take from your argument from authority and expertise that you agree with my assessment that the wing of bone corresponds precisely with the "white patch" and that the "6.5 mm fragment" corresponds precisely with the fragment behind the eye. Am I wrong? P.P.S. I respect Dr. Mantik and enjoy many of his articles, e.g. his review of Reclaiming History. But he is, as you say, a radiation oncologist. This is a far cry from being a radiologist charged with reading x-rays of bullet wounds. Even if he was such a radiologist, however, it wouldn't sway my opinion. Nor should it. The wing precisely corresponds to the "white patch" and the fragment lines up precisely with the fragment behind the eye. Unless he is willing to address these issues, I'm afraid, I have no choice but to trust my own eyes over his. Someone asked him about my findings at Lancer, and he said I was wrong, but then admitted he'd never X-rayed a skull with an extra layer of bone adjacent to a hole to see the effect it would have on the optical density of an X-ray. So, there it is.
  9. It is not my ignorance that is the source of our problems, it is your arrogance. For years now you have been arguing from authority, citing Mantik's work on the X-rays as definitive, while I have been trying to get one honest answer out of you regarding what is readily apparent to others. Even so, I'll try again. Mantik claims there is a white patch towards the back of Kennedy's lateral x-ray. He is right. I believe he is wrong, however, to assert this patch has no innocent explanation. While trying to create a slide demonstrating this white patch I realized that the location of this white patch corresponds precisely to the location of the "wing" of bone seen on the establishing shots taken at the autopsy. This led me to believe Mantik was wrong. This white patch is not an artifact, moreover, but what one would expect of a section of skull three layers of bone deep. The "whiteness" of this area, furthermore, would lead to the one layer of bone area anterior to these three layers of bone to appear darker than normal. This darkness, in turn, led Mantik to believe there was no brain in this area. The overlay of bone and "white patch" is demonstrated here: To be clear, I did not create the slide above to prove Mantik wrong or any such thing. I was trying to test the work of LNer Joe Durnavich, and, in doing so, found his depiction of the wing on the X-rays to be incorrect. Now, in regards the supposed 6.5 mm fragment... In this case I was trying to create a slide in which I would demonstrate Mantik to be correct. I was trying to match up the lateral and AP-X-rays after taking into account the distortion and tilt of the skull in the A-P. And what I found astounded me. While drawing a line from the frag on the A-P to the frag location in the lateral--in order to prove there is no clear-cut frag on the back of the head in this location--I noticed that the line passed through an unusual shape behind JFK's right eye. The thought quickly occurred that "Hmm...could it be?" When I compared the x-ray to the pre-mortem X-ray it was clear it was. I then went back to the reports on the autopsy, the Rydberg drawings, Humes' testimony, and even Humes and Boswell's ARRB testimony. All confirmed that the large frag on the A-P X-ray is the large frag removed from behind the right eye at the autopsy. This is demonstrated here: And here: Now if you want to create an argument that it is just a coincidence that the white patch corresponds exactly with the "wing" of bone, and that the fragment supposedly added onto the back of the head corresponds precisely to the location of the fragment removed from behind the right eye at autopsy, then FIRE AWAY. But calling me ignorant, when I have read your books, and you refuse to read mine, is the height of arrogance, and a clear demonstration, IMO, that your positions are not thought out, but gulped down with vigor, like wine during communion.
  10. So here we have the "Z-film is fake" theory stretching ever outward, to the point where Zapruder and Greer are part of the conspiracy... This, to me, makes little sense, as both the Z-film in evidence and Zapruder's and Greer's statements suggest there was a conspiracy. Now, I am open minded about the possibility aspects of the film were altered (e.g. whether or not the back of JFK's head was painted in), but believe whole-heartedly that any argument placed before the public in which both the Z-film and autopsy photos are purported to be largely fake is a sure loser. Bill, since you seem to be watching this thread with an eagle-eye, perhaps you can explain why you think an argument that everything is fake has more traction than an argument that the already-accepted evidence has been deliberately misinterpreted? Do you really believe people will believe 70 and 80 year-olds with conflicting stories, whose stories only add up when cherry-picked and fed through Horne's Lifton-influenced filter? Whether or not Horne is right, I just don't think his "take" on much of the evidence will ever "play in Peoria". As but one example, in his Black Op radio interview he said he found Saundra Spencer to be the most credible of witnesses. It seemed clear to me from this that what she said fed into his theory, and that this made her credible in his eyes. But where is the proof of her credibility? Was she asked questions regarding other events in 1963? Were these compared to the known facts to determine if her memory was remotely accurate? I mean, we can't go into 50th anniversary debates citing the recollections of Jean Hill, Beverly Oliver, Gordon Arnold, Joe O'Donnell, Robert Knudsen, and Saundra Spencer as our best proofs of conspiracy, now can we? I'd bet the farm that McAdams, Holland, and Bugliosi all hope we will do so.
  11. Jim D has added to his review of The Ruby Connection a reaction to Gary Mack's email. The Ruby Connection Part 3
  12. Darrell Curtis emailed me this article from The Realist Archive and asked me to post this on the forum. It is the link to a 1991 article by Paul Kangas on the Nixon/Bush ties to the assassination. He said he tried to become a member but that membership is closed. Enjoy. http://www.ep.tc/realist/117/
  13. Am I reading this right? Are you claiming the CIA and Pawley killed Bayo and his crew? If so, why? It makes no sense. It only makes sense, furthermore, that if f they'd known these men to be dead, they would have exploited this in the Cuban community. Imagine the mileage they'd have gained from some phony story claiming Castro's agents murdered these men in cold blood, etc. Weyl was a member of this forum, and seemed quite earnest in his inability to remember much when questioned. I began to give him grief on this, but then thought better of it after I realized he was over ninety years old.
  14. Tom, I've also taken a look at Breslin, and concluded he was just a typical sloppy journalist, more concerned with HIS own impressions than in anything resembling the facts. Compare his 1993 article below with his others. From patspeer.com, chapter 19: An August 25, 1993 article by columnist Jimmy Breslin suggests that Thomis was far from alone in his desire to report the story as he wanted it to be, rather than as it was. AT LAST TRUTH ABOUT THE SHOTS "Case Closed" is a book that tells the truth. It was written by Gerald Posner and published by Random House. Posner shows that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John F. Kennedy by himself. Case closed. Then there is Oliver Stone, whose movie "JFK" was what my friend Fred Dannen of the New Yorker magazine calls, "An intellectual snuff film. Literal truth is murdered on screen." I was in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot and spoke to the doctor who was doing the chest-thumping at the end. He knew two bullets had hit Kennedy in the back. Which meant Oswald. And I had been with the Dallas police, who had just lost officer J.D. Tippit. He had been killed by Oswald, who, completely alone, was trying to get away and had no idea where to go. Now Oliver Stone sends the video of his movie to schools around the country so they can show it in years to come. But finally, here is Gerald Posner, who worked like a ditchdigger and documented every paragraph of "Case Closed" and can tell us: "But for those seeking the truth, the facts are incontrovertible. They can be tested against credible testimony, documents and the latest scientific advances. Chasing shadows across the grassy knoll will never be the substitute for real history. Lee Harvey Oswald, driven by his own twisted and impenetrable furies, was the only assassin at Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22,1963. To say otherwise, in the light of the overwhelming evidence, is to absolve a man with blood on his hands and to mock the president he killed." "Case Closed" shows that Lee Harvey Oswald's palm prints were all over boxes he used to put up a sniper's nest, and all over the gun and the paper it was wrapped in when he brought it to work. In the movie, they had the FBI taking Oswald's hand, after he was shot, and slapping it on the gun to provide a handprint. And in the movie, Stone never had Oswald firing a shot. After the shooting, Oswald ran out of the Texas School Book Depository building and had to get on a bus, get off the bus, then murder Tippit in broad daylight in the street and run into a movie without paying and try to hide. In the movie, the shooting of the officer, Tippit, simply did not happen. Posner shows that what this Stone did was to take two big best-selling conspiracy books, one by Jim Garrison, the New Orleans district attorney who was crazed, and the other by Jim Marrs, who wrote that Kennedy was shot by a world-class assassin who was hired by the world crime syndicate, the CIA, the anti-Castro people and the right wing and the U.S. military. Both of these books made a lot of money and covered the shelves with slime. I sat in an office at Parkland Hospital with Dr. Malcolm Perry a few hours after President Kennedy was killed. Perry had been one of the first two medical people in the trauma room when Kennedy was brought in. Perry was elated when Posner came around and asked for the truth. That day in 1963, Perry had been eating salmon croquettes in the cafeteria when the call came that they were bringing the president in. He cut Kennedy's throat to insert a tube for breathing. The cut was directly over an exit wound from a shot that had hit Kennedy in the back of the neck. Dr. Pepper Jenkins, who had done the most gunshot wounds, felt the entrance wound in the back of the neck. Perry began massaging Kennedy's chest, and the guy working with him, Kemp Clark, said, "It's too late, Mac." In all conspiracy theories, they demand to know why Kennedy's body hadn't been turned over so they could look for a wound in the back. Kennedy was dead and his wife was standing over him. And the doctors said they didn't turn him over because they "didn't have the heart." There was a morning in my memory when the late John Connally, who had been in front of Kennedy in the car in Dallas, walked into the unopened bar of the Regency Hotel on Park Avenue and with busboys and cleaning men looking at him, he pulled off his jacket and shirt and showed a long wound behind his right shoulder. Connally said it showed that the bullet had been tumbling over as it hit him because it already had gone through Kennedy's shoulder and neck. Connally then showed the big exit wound in his chest, then held up his right wrist. There was another dark brown bullet hole. The bullet, tumbling out of his chest, had taken clothing with it into the wrist wound. He tapped his left thigh. "It wound up here," he told the busboys, "One bullet did that. Through the president first and then right through me." Now we have Gerald Posner, who cares about telling the truth, which is the job of a true writer. Breslin is a syndicated columnist based in New York City. Breslin's article is wrong on almost every key point, beginning with its over-all thesis--that Posner was a reliable truth-teller, and a "true writer." Posner's research was, in fact, so shaky that his fellow single-assassin theorist Vincent Bugliosi felt it necessary to dis-own Posner's dishonest presentation of the evidence. Breslin's attacks on Garrison are equally biased and over-stated. Where Breslin really falters, no, scratch that, falls, however, is when he injects his personal experiences to support his position. Breslin at first claims that Dr. Perry "knew two bullets had hit Kennedy in the back" but then later acknowledges that Kennedy's body wasn't even turned over in Perry's presence. He thereby contradicts himself, and reveals himself to be far less than a "truth-teller." (Was Breslin thus, not a "true writer"?). Even worse, Breslin fails to tell his readers that when he interviewed Dr. Perry in 1963 Dr. Perry was unaware of any wound on Kennedy's back, and believed Kennedy had been shot from the front. Breslin also fails to tell his readers that his interview with Perry convinced many that the Government was lying when it later told them that the shots came from behind, and that his own reporting had thereby fed the earliest conspiracy theories, and the subsequent theories of Garrison, Marrs, and Stone. But Breslin's presentation of Connally as a supporter of the official story is even more egregious. Here, Breslin insists he saw Connally showing his scars off, and claiming that the bullet striking him had come through the President. Well, if Breslin had actually seen this, he should have reported it, because it would have made HEADLINES AROUND THE WORLD. Connally insisted until his dying breath that he was not struck by the same bullet that struck Kennedy and that he NEVER subscribed to the single-bullet theory, not even for a second. Now, do I believe Breslin deliberately lied about Perry and Connally? While it seems an incredible coincidence that Breslin presented two public figures to support his position that conspiracy theories are hogwash, and chose two public figures whose statements have long fed conspiracy theories, and LIED about both of them, I actually doubt his lies were deliberate. Instead, I suspect he just remembered things in a manner convenient to his pre-dispositions. He'd just read Posner's book and was anxious to pile on Stone. But whether or not Breslin lied by design is not the point. The point is that a newsman remotely concerned about the truth, and who'd done one lick of homework, would have known that Perry initially believed the shots had come from the front, and would have known that Connally never stopped disputing the single-bullet theory. Years later, in the November 16 2003 Newsday, Breslin presented another article on Perry. This time he noted that Perry had originally described the throat wound as an entrance wound, and that this had fed conspiracy theories. Perhaps, for this article, Breslin had done his homework. Breslin's lies at worst, or sloppy misrepresentations at best, are nevertheless informative. It's undoubtedly significant that none of the writers upset over the deceptions in Oliver Stone's admittedly fictional film expressed any concern over Breslin's deceptions about Connally in a supposedly non-fiction article, or similar deceptions in similar articles attacking Stone's film. Evidently, they saw lying as something that "conspiracy theorists" did to stir up controversy, and failed to take note of the lies designed to shut down controversy... Or maybe they took note of these lies, but decided to overlook them due to "professional courtesy." Or maybe they just didn't care.
  15. A few years ago I had some contact with Tyler, and he told me that his dad was still alive and living in Idaho, if I recall. At that time I asked him if his father's recorded interviews were readily available. Perhaps that put the idea in his head that they should finally be released. Some of them--such as Newcomb's conversation with Dallas motorcycle officer James Chaney--could prove quite interesting.
  16. I read the article yesterday with great interest. Thanks, Richard for writing it, and thanks, Greg, for posting it. It gives one much to consider. While I remain unconvinced that the likes of Dougherty, Williams, Jarman, Norman, Arce, Lovelady, and Shelley were parties to the assassination, it's clear the WC did an inadequate job figuring out their exact movements leading up to the time of the shooting. It seems that there should have been some exhibit or memo created which details who was where and when, and what they should have seen, and how their stories changed. But no such memo exists. It's as if the WC accepted anything these guys said as long as they didn't say anything to suggest Oswald's innocence. I think Dougherty, in particular, was let off the hook. While he, apparently, had an emotional problem, and was unlikely to have been a shooter, it seems someone sometime should have said "Wait a second...this guy was on the upper floors at the time of the shooting, had the run of the building before it opened (whereby he could have helped shooters hide on the seventh floor or roof), went back to work early after lunch (whereby he could have helped build the sniper's nest) and rode the elevator down after the shooting (whereby he could have helped the shooters escape)." I mean, really, where is the background check on Dougherty? Did he have an older brother to whom he felt subservient? Was this older brother in the Klan, or the John Birch Society? Did Dougherty know Jack Ruby? None of this, as far as I can tell, was looked into. The absence of these reports is a huge hole in the investigation. Ditto on Givens. Instead of readily accepting the almost certain lie that Givens saw Oswald after the "elevator race", the Commission should have investigated Givens' changing his statements regarding Oswald. Why wasn't the FBI agent writing the report on Givens, in which Givens was purported to have claimed to have seen Oswald in the domino room, questioned, and asked if he still had his notes? Why wasn't his personnel record discussed? It was a he said/she said situation, whereby the credibility of each he/she should have been investigated. Why wasn't Givens' statement challenged? And why wasn't Dallas Police officer Jack Revill investigated. He wrote a memo saying Givens spoke to Oswald at the time of the elevator race, but that Givens was unreliable and would change his story for money. And then, months later, testified in a manner suggesting that he'd known all along that Givens saw Oswald after returning to the sixth floor. Was he just being forgetful? Or did someone get to him? The WC did a lousy job. Period. While putting the screws to Williams and Norman, and asking them why they either failed to tell the whole truth in their initial statement (Williams) or failed to make any statement at all until after Oswald was dead, even though they were an important witness (Norman), might have been awkward, it nevertheless needed to be done. The WC was supposed to function as truth-getters. Instead, they often slipped into the behavior of prosecuting attorneys, whereby they refused to ask inconvenient questions of what they believed to be "their" witnesses.
  17. Jim, I have defended Gary many times over the years, so much so that people have actually created threads questioning my credibility, reasoning that anyone defending Gary must be a disinformationist. I thought such talk was nonsense until last year. In Inside the Target Car, Gary shot down speculation that the fatal head shot came from the front by claiming it would have hit Jackie. This wasn't true. Most everyone who's researched this case more than a minute knows it isn't true. After the program aired, Gary admitted this mistake, but tried to pass it off as the innocent mistake of an underling. It was HIS mistake. He's the one who announced, on camera, that a shot from the fence would have killed Jackie. A few months back, someone contacted him about this and the story got even more bizarre. Now he claimed he caught the mistake before the program aired but that it was too late to get it changed. He failed to see that this was actually worse. I mean, think about it. The producers of a supposedly objective program examining certain issues discover that the reason cited on air for rejecting a popular scenario is completely bogus, but choose to LET IT RUN ANYHOW. They have thus made the choice to KNOWINGLY DECEIVE people, rather than honestly explore the issue, just so they can wrap their program in a neat little bow, and SELL that the head shot came from behind. (A conclusion I pretty much agree with, BTW.) And yet Gary did nothing to warn the research community that this conscious deception was going to occur, and continues to defend the program. As far as your suggestion that Gary is a careful researcher, I wish this were true. He has claimed on air that the first shot missed, a la the scenarios pushed by Posner, Myers, and Bugliosi. The first shot miss is a completely preposterous proposition entirely at odds with the evidence. Anyone pushing this on the public is not a careful researcher.
  18. Epstein knows full well that Oswald did not threaten to blow up the FBI office, and is only saying so because it helps sell his thesis that Oswald had a violent nature, and would kill Kennedy on behalf of others. Epstein, apparently, has never come to grips with the possibility Oswald was set up, or framed. Perhaps because those involved were his sources...
  19. Bumped for Jim Root. BK I suspect so. In part 3 of my video series I show how Finck's recall from Vietnam and the January re-inspection of the medical evidence closely followed Midgley's memo to McCloy asking for access to the doctors, and McCloy's subsequent trip to Washington, in which he met with numerous government officials.
  20. You're welcome, Don. At first I thought it best to respond to Gary via personal email, his preferred manner. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the tone of Gary's statements--that he was an expert whose work should not be questioned publicly--as well as the statements themselves--in which he suggested there was nothing suspicious about Ruby's behavior--would be of interest to others. Those wondering how Gary can keep a straight face while spouting single-assassin theorist "factoid" after "factoid" now know. He actually believes it!
  21. Bill, the NPIC studies are clear evidence the film was not altered, IMO. From patspeer.com, chapter 2 (a chapter written from the perspective of an honest FBI agent tasked with figuring out the number and timing of the shots and which shots hit each victim) "In our frustration, we make some phone calls, searching for an explanation for the FBI's failure to properly present the evidence. We find that the Summary Report was sent over to President Johnson and Acting Attorney General Katzenbach on 12-5-63, before the FBI had even determined the speed of Abraham Zapruder's camera, and thus, if it was even possible for Oswald to have fired all the shots depicted in the film. If Zapruder was correct, and his camera was filming at 24 frames per second, so we've been told, then Oswald could not have fired all the shots. While complaining about this, we hear a rumor that the National Photo Interpretation Center has studied the film for the Secret Service. We call a close friend working at the National Photo Interpretation Center. He tells us that on the evening of November 23rd, the Secret Service had given a copy of the Zapruder film to two of the Center's photo experts, Homer McMahon and Ben Hunter, and had asked them to make enlargements on 28 frames of the film. It was believed that the creation of these enlargements would help them identify the moments the bullets struck both the President and the Governor. (While evidence for this incident had been discussed for years, it was not fully investigated until Doug Horne of the ARRB did so in 1997.) Our friend gets access to the worksheets created as part of this study. These worksheets indicate that the initial conclusion was that Kennedy was struck at frame 224, Connally was struck at frame 256, and that Kennedy was struck again at frame 312. This was based on the supposition that the Zapruder film was recording 16 frames per second, and that there was a 2 second gap between the first two shots, and a 3.5 second gap between the second and third. (This apparent conclusion is written in bold on the front side of a worksheet discovered in the CIA files in 1981. McMahon and Hunter recognized their writing on this worksheet.) There are numerous calculations on this worksheet. Most revolve around the number 242, an obvious reference to frame 242, by which time Connally has obviously been struck. On the front side of the worksheet, there is 312 - 242 (to measure the time between the headshot at 312 and the apparent impact on Connally). There is also 242 - 213 (to measure the time between when Kennedy would seem to be hit, 213, and when Connally appears to be hit). Next to this is 242 - 32 (As 242 - 213 was only 29 frames, too short a time span for two shots to have been fired from a bolt-action rifle, it appears they were measuring what frame would then be acceptable, given that the dead bolt would take at least two seconds to operate). Next to this is 256 – 224 (which was 32 frames and was thus deemed acceptable). On the back side of the sheet there were even more calculations, many of them repeated from the first side. These calculations, however, are made with the assumption that the Zapruder film was recording 18 frames per second. Thus, the magic number here is 36 frames, e.g. 213 + 36 = 249. There are also 242 – 190 = 52 and 52 / 18 = 2.8. These last two indicate that if the Zapruder film was shown to record at 18 frames per second, the Secret Service was prepared to say the first shot hit Kennedy at 190, the second hit Connally at 242, and the final shot hit Kennedy at 312. On the whole, then, these numbers indicate that, rather than trying to isolate the actual moments of impact, the Secret Service was, from the very beginning, assuming that the third shot was the head shot, and trying to make the moments of impact fit neatly within the time constraints of Oswald’s bolt-action rifle. This suggests they were always operating under the scenario that Oswald acted alone. We wonder if this same kind of thinking has not infected the FBI, and negatively influenced the Summary Report. We look closer at the worksheets, to see if anything they've proposed makes sense. On one sheet they suggest that the shots occurred at frames 213, 263, and 312. This is strange, as it seems obvious that Connally was hit long before 263. Another scenario of 217, 242, and 312 is equally curious, as Robert Frazier’s tests back on 11-27 tell us that Oswald would have needed approximately 2.8 seconds or 51 frames between shots. Certainly, they weren't considering that someone other than Oswald fired one of the shots. This makes us suspect that the FBI has failed to tell the NPIC or Secret Service about their tests. As the NPIC is closely associated with the CIA, and as FBI Director Hoover has a problem with the CIA, this is not a big surprise. When we look further through the worksheets, however, there is a surprise. The Secret Service has seriously considered the scenario offered in the 12-6 edition of Life magazine, holding that Kennedy was hit at 190, Connally at 264, and Kennedy at 312. We just can’t accept that Connally was hit so late however. Other scenarios considered at NPIC and by the Secret Service are 206, 242, 312, and 213, 242 and 312, but both of these have the first two shots too close together to have been fired by Oswald. The only single-assassin scenario that works, then, based upon even a cursory study of the Zapruder film, is the Kennedy 190, Connally 242, and Kennedy 312 scenario. Even this scenario is less than convincing, however. Not only does Connally appear to have been hit before frame 242 of the film, but the witnesses, as we well know, clearly suggested that the last two shots were bunched together, with the final shot after the headshot. (A more elaborate analysis of the Zapruder film by Robert Frazier for the Warren Commission concluded that, assuming a rifle was fired from the sixth floor sniper’s nest, Connally was turned too far to his right after frame 231 to receive his wounds.)"
  22. Gary Mack has sent me an email in which he answers my "questions". regarding The Ruby Connection. Evidently he fails to see they were not questions but comments. Evidently, he thinks anytime anyone has a different opinion than him it is because they have "questions" to which he has the "answers". My original post follows. His "answers" are in the paragraphs beginning with GM. My response to his "answers" are in the paragraphs beginning with PS. Oh boy, the Discovery Channel did it again. Fed the world a bunch of nonsense and paraded it as an honest investigation. This new documentary, while purporting to present an objective look at Ruby's potential involvement in a conspiracy, did everything it could to SELL America that such speculation was just silly. Gary Mack was once again its hired gun and spewer of nonsense as fact. GM: All false. The show was a look at some of the details surrounding the shooting. PS: Not true, Gary. The program was entitled The Ruby Connection, not "a look at a few minor issues involving Jack Ruby." Viewers were led to believe it examined Ruby's possible role in a conspiracy. Viewers were led to believe such a role was unlikely. The program's failure to acknowledge its limitations, and/or that there were MANY issues not addressed in the program can therefore be considered misleading. The only value I could find in the program was its view of Oswald's death from 9 different cameramen and photographers. That was interesting and worthwhile. But the rest? While I don't remotely consider myself an expert on the Ruby connection, here are a few of the glaring errors/deceptions... GM: Of course, if you were an expert, you’d know that most of your “questions” were answered long ago. PS: These were not questions, but comments. And they have not been "answered" except by those desperate to pretend they are not legitimate concerns. NO mention that Oswald, at the time of the Tippit killing, had traversed almost a mile from his rented room, and was still on a direct route to Ruby's apartment, only a half mile away. GM: Irrelevant. The show was about when Ruby shot Oswald, not theories about where Oswald was headed which, by the way, could also have been one of the restaurants on Jefferson Boulevard.. PS: No, the show was on The Ruby Connection, and attempted to use facts relating to his shooting of Oswald to disprove there was a connection between Ruby and Oswald. Facts that might suggest otherwise should have been admitted, should the program have been an honest one, without an objective. NO mention of Seth Kantor's assertion Ruby was at Parkland Hospital, which might lead one to think Ruby's involvement pre-existed Oswald's arrest. (And would also lead one to conclude Ruby was a xxxx.) GM: Ruby may not have been at Parkland at all. I know the timeline, and it is absolutely impossible. Go learn the time line from DMN ad office departure to the exact spot where Ruby supposedly met Kantor and then to the Carousel, parking his car, and placing a documented long distance call. It is a fact that after leaving the News building, Ruby DID wind up at the Carousel. PS: Did you ever mention this to Kantor? I mean, you must have met him, right? Did you ever confront him and tell him that you believed his recollection of talking to Ruby--whom he knew prior to 11-22-63--was either imaginary, or a deliberate falsehood? NO mention of DPD officer Billy Grammer's assertion that Ruby called the police station the night before Oswald was to be moved, and warned him that Oswald was going to be killed. GM: Nor is there any proof that Grammer’s story is true…..and there is great reason to doubt his claim. If you were an expert, you would know why his years later claim is almost certainly false. Hint: start with Grammer’s failure to tell anyone about the call before the trial. Wade’s office was looking everywhere, privately and publicly, for anything that proved premeditation on Ruby’s part. PS: Grammer's story doesn't need to be true. But viewers should have been told about it anyhow. Books like First Day Evidence and Bugliosi's monster rely heavily on the presumed integrity of the Dallas Police. And yet the statements of people like Roger Craig and Grammer are routinely ignored when they don't fit the Oswald did it scenario. Which is it? Do we trust the DPD, or not? And if it comes down to individual officers. why should we trust the likes of J.C. Day and Robert Studebaker over the likes of Billy Grammer? NO mention of any dispute about Ruby's coming down the ramp. Yep, that's right. GM: Wrong again. That’s what happens when you assume. An entire sequence testing BOTH Ruby’s possible routes from Western Union to the basement were re-created and timed. The results were within ten seconds of each other, so the tests proved nothing one way or the other. The head of the production company, Erik Nelson, took it all out for the 45-minute US version, but it’ll be in the longer (fewer commercials) foreign version and DVD, if there is one. PS: You don't get credit for filming something, and then cutting it out. The net result was that the viewers were not told that Ruby quite possibly lied about coming down the ramp. And, by extension, that he was covering for someone in the DPD... It says Ruby said he came down the ramp without pointing out that this was disputed by the officer guarding the ramp. Of course, this allowed them to hide that the HSCA believed this officer, and that the head of security for the basement, Patrick Dean, failed a polygraph, and had been singled out as a xxxx in 1964 by the Warren Commission counsel tasked with interviewing him. GM: No, it says the Warren Commission eventually concluded that. I merely repeated what they decided. And I am well aware that Roy Vaughn disputed it and, in fact, Roy appeared in the cut version. Had you been an expert, you would know that I personally believe Ruby went in the HSCA’s side door, NOT the Main Street ramp. Here, I’ll do your work for you: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.assassi...b5a6aa511?hl=en True, Dean failed the polygraph, but the results don’t explain why. PS: Had I been an expert, I still would have had no idea what you, another non-expert, had to say about Vaughn, or the HSCA's side door. Gary, your appearance on Inside the Target Car, and your subsequent non-explanations as to how you came to claim Jackie would have been killed by any shot from the picket fence, has led me to lose respect for your "expertise" and/or credibility. You go on TV, you say what is convenient to the single-assassin conclusion. Period. I mean, really, when was the last time you publicly acknowledged any NEW evidence that there was a conspiracy, or that some of the government's experts were wrong? Have you even read my webpage? NO mention of Ruby's phone call records, which showed him to have been in ever-growing contact with underworld figures in the months before the assassination. GM: Had you been an expert, you’d know that Ruby’s outgoing calls were almost exclusively to very low-level Mob people connected to his strippers and their union. And you are also omitting the fact that, for the most part, they weren’t spending any time with him and weren’t calling him back. PS: WRONG. Ruby made two phone calls to Barney Baker, a known hit-man. In the days before the assassination, moreover, Baker was in contact with Dave Yaras, a long-time friend of both Baker and Ruby, whom Gus Russo credits with masterminding the assassination of Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak. But no, there's nothing suspicious there. They claimed Ruby's calls were all about strippers. And Lord knows they would never lie. NO mention of Ruby's assertion to Warren that the truth would not be known unless Warren brought him to Washington, and that Warren refused to bring him to Washington. GM: Had you been an expert, you’d know that that old excuse was exploded decades ago. So he goes to Washington, spills the beans, THEN goes back to Dallas? How does that change anything? It doesn’t save his life. It doesn’t do anything. PS: Apparently you equate "expert" with "bonehead". Ruby said the truth would not come out unless Warren got him to Washington. He begged Specter to get in touch with Abe Fortas, Johnson's closest adviser, to arrange this. Neither man complied. As a result, we will never know what Ruby was gonna say if they brought him to Washington. As far as your silly notion that no matter what Ruby said, he was gonna have to go back to Dallas...how the heck do you know that? If the Federal Government can steal Kennedy's body from the glorious State of Texas, it can certainly refuse to return a prisoner. NO mention of the HSCA's conclusion that Ruby lied on his polygraph. GM: Right, just as there’s no mention that Ruby’s polygraph was useless based on standard practices and understandings AT THE TIME. In short, the polygraph remains of little value, and irrelevant to proving anything one way or another. PS: Polygraphs never prove anything. They are merely suggestive. If I recall, the HSCA's expert felt Ruby probably lied when asked if he'd had any prior contact with Oswald. Why you think this is of no importance in a program purportedly exploring the likelihood Ruby's shooting of Oswald was a spur of the moment act is a mystery. The program did, however, repeat a number of single-assassin theorist factoids. Including... That Oswald brought about his own demise by putting on a sweater, and delaying his departure. GM: It’s a fact, regardless of whether you admit it or not. One version of the story is that he put on a sweater, didn’t like it, and asked for a different one. And he could have stopped in the bathroom first. PS: It is most certainly NOT a fact that Oswald's asking for a sweater caused the car to not be in place upon his arrival in the garage. This load of crud has been uttered repeatedly by the Dallas Police, but even a marginal study of the evidence indicates the police were not prepared for his departure at the time. I believe several of the officers even indicated that AFTER this supposed delay, Oswald was held in an office for a few minutes before being brought downstairs. The possibility has always existed, and still exists, therefore, that Oswald was held up by the police until Ruby was in place. GM: Or that he waited until the cops could find the sweater. There just isn’t enough detail in the record to account for the second-by-second events and make them fit into your preconceived theory. PS: MY preconceived scenario? The Dallas police, to help get themselves off the hook for getting Oswald killed, try to blame him for his late departure, when ALL evidence suggests they were not prepared when he did depart. But I'm the one twisting the evidence? Unbelievable. That Ruby's arrival downtown after 11 indicated he'd not come down to shoot Oswald, but only did it as an afterthought. Dallas PD chief Jesse Curry admitted in his book that, although he'd told the press to be ready for a transfer after 10, he, and therefore most certainly other policeman, KNEW the transfer wouldn't take place till much later. I believe he said after 11. This leaves open the possibility someone on the DPD was in contact with Ruby...perhaps even the same officer who let him in the building. GM: Nonsense. Videotape of Curry’s exact remark to the press appears in the PBS video, JFK: Breaking The News. All he or anyone knew was that the transfer wouldn’t happen before 10am Sunday. PS: You are correct in that Curry, in his book, stressed that he knew nothing would happen before 10, and that the belief Oswald was scheduled to be moved at 10 was a false one. It is my own inference from this that he, and other police officers, knew the move would come a bit later. The program also made some really STUPID statements. One glaring moment of "DUH" comes towards the end when the narrator says the fact that Oswald was allowed to live for so long after Kennedy's death indicates he wasn't killed for a reason. HOW could the conspirators know, after all, that he hadn't talked? UGGGGGGGGHHHHHH. ONE, because the Dallas Police were parading every bit of evidence before the press, GM: Thanks for your erroneous opinion, but that is NOT what the cops were doing. PS: Uggghhhh. Watch the interviews with Curry and Wade. They were laying out the evidence against Oswald, piece by piece, deliberately selling his guilt. If they were not selling his guilt, why did they both tell the press that the paraffin tests showed Oswald had fired a gun, and neglect to tell the press, even after it was erroneously reported on TV and in the press that this meant he'd fired a rifle, that the one test performed specific to rifle fire, the cheek test, was negative? and had repeatedly TOLD the country Oswald wasn't talking. GM: Cops sometimes publicly admit less than they know. It is a fact that Oswald wasn’t admitting anything of substance. PS: It is also a fact that the kind of conspiracy we're talking about--one with long fingers--would know exactly what Oswald was and was not saying, even without the press conferences. TWO, pretty much every conspiracy theory worth noting accepts the probability one or more DPD officers or FBI agents were involved on some level. Just a really STUPID statement, IMO, and one designed to confuse newbies unaware of the real issues. GM: Involved in what, questioning Oswald or getting him shot? If the latter, then you must account for all the details we listed showing that the shooting was a coincidence of timing. PS: Perhaps Ruby was hesitant to perform the killing, and only did so when he knew he could make it look like an act of passion. That pretty much covers it. In short, the program appears to have been yet another program whose primary purpose was to convince people Oswald acted alone, and that the Dallas Police (and by extension, the City of Dallas) were completely innocent. GM: Until someone comes up with some evidence, that is the bottom line. PS: Nonsense. You can't erase all the other evidence for conspiracy based upon your belief that Jack Ruby, if he'd been a conspirator, would have been a bit more punctual. This is as illogical as assuming the Secret Service's failure to properly protect Kennedy is proof of their involvement. I wonder if Gary Mack's contract with the Sixth Floor Museum includes writing saying he must participate in such programs, and help in their creation. GM: False. My participation is up to me and no one else. I don’t get paid for my appearance and advice, and there is no requirement or bonus for any producers who wish to include me. For example, I played no part in the absurd Discovery show that preceded it (Did The Mob Kill JFK?). PS: I don't believe for one second that your appearances on TV are all unpaid. You were given a Producer's credit for Inside the Target Car, for crying out loud. Producers get paid. I wonder at this point if he would even be allowed to participate in a program should it hint, even so slightly, that the DPD was either incompetent or complicit in Oswald's death. GM: The DPD was complicit. They failed to secure the basement. I think that’s been known since 11:21am on 11-24-63. PS: Is that it? Is that the only flaw you can find in their behavior and/or testimony? Suggested reading: Adams Vs. Texas. a true-life account of an accused cop-killer, and the injustices he faced at the hands of the DPD, Dallas County DA's office, and Texas courts. It tells of their efforts to kill him, even though he was quite clearly (to non-Texans) innocent, and guilty of little more than having long hair and having met a young Texas punk on the day the kid decided to kill a cop. (They couldn't get the death penalty on the kid--so they decided to pin it on Adams.) Anyhow, it's a really powerful story, and includes a Dallas DA's claiming Adams was as guilty as Oswald. Which is kind of the point. As Adams was innocent. After over a dozen years on death row and prison, Adams was eventually let go, in large part because he got a movie made abut his case, but also in part because one lawyer on the DA's office saw how ridiculous it was to try to re-try a man for a crime to which someone else (a clear sociopath who went on to kill again after not being charged with killing the cop--a crime to which he'd confessed--in exchange for his testimony against Adams) had admitted to doing. GM: Every city has problems like that, including Dallas. The difference is that Henry Wade and his people decades ago insisted that crime scene DNA evidence be preserved for the future. That foresight is the reason the innocent people even had something to test. Of course, if you were an expert on the Dallas Police, you’d know that, too. PS: Wow. More convicted men have been cleared of crimes in Dallas County via DNA evidence than any other, but it's because they are so concerned with not convicting innocent men? Amazing. The current DA has acknowledged that the DA's office had had a convict at all costs attitude under Wade. Papers were released by this DA proving that, under Wade, the DA"s office issued guidelines to its lawyers on how to stack a jury with white jurors, explaining that they should try not to allow "Jews, Negroes, Dagos and Mexicans or a member of any minority race on a jury, no matter how rich or how well educated." But this, no doubt, was because their primary concern was justice. Right? The State of Texas has executed far more men than any other. The current Governor executed an innocent man, and is trying to keep it under wraps so it won't hurt him politically. But this is all coincidence. Nothing wrong in Texas. No. Nothing at all.
  23. Considering the fact that Dr. Humes, who wrote the autopsy report(s) on JFK HAD NEVER PERFORMED AN AUTOPSY ON A GUNSHOT VICTIM before, then I think it is fallacious to argue that Salerian is not qualified to make these assertions in his Medical Hypotheses article: In fact, you don't even need to be a qualified MD, as Salerian is, to make these assertions of fact. As discussed in chapter 13b of my online book, the HSCA medical panel was also unqualified to come to any conclusions on the medical evidence. None of them had had sufficient personal experience with wounds caused by military ammunition, and there is no evidence any of them took the time to study papers and reports written by those who had such experience. Dr. Baden was later to admit he made ONE phone call to a pathologist with such experience. That's it. The one wound ballistics expert allowed to testify, Larry Sturdivan, was a statistician, testifying about tests performed on corpses back in 64 that he had no part in analyzing. He reported what he'd been told. He met with the pathology panel once, if I recall, and then months after they'd written the first drafts of their report. The HSCA panel was also allowed to report blind...while they were given the opportunity to read many of the earlier reports and testimony on the medical evidence, there is no evidence that they did so. The papers were merely present in the room when they met. Odds are the majority of them never knew that the autopsy doctors TWICE asserted that the EOP entrance was visible in the autopsy photos, and that the photo the HSCA panel claimed showed Kennedy's forehead was originally purported to represent the back of his head. If they'd had the proper background, and had studied all the evidence, I suspect they never would have went along with the cowlick entrance pushed on them by the Clark Panel. When it fractures upon entrance military ammunition does not leave nice little ovals with no visible scalp tears. (The appearance of the cowlick "entrance".) Nor does it cause large bone fragments ADJACENT to the exit to fly a hundred feet or so through the air. (The apparent distance the Harper fragment traveled.) No, if they'd done their homework, they would have found that 6.5mm full-metal jacketed ammunition had a reputation for creating large tangential wounds, and that the large defect on top of Kennedy's head was a wound of both entrance and exit. (As claimed by Dr. Clark, the first doctor to inspect the wound at Parkland.)
  24. Ha! Thanks Bernice. You can see me back behind the speaker at 8:47, and then again between 9:11--9:14. I was trying to adjust my backpack. That first speaker, BTW, was Mike Brownlow.
  25. Oh boy, the Discovery Channel did it again. Fed the world a bunch of nonsense and paraded it as an honest investigation. This new documentary, while purporting to present an objective look at Ruby's potential involvement in a conspiracy, did everything it could to SELL America that such speculation was just silly. Gary Mack was once again its hired gun and spewer of nonsense as fact. The only value I could find in the program was its view of Oswald's death from 9 different cameramen and photographers. That was interesting and worthwhile. But the rest? While I don't remotely consider myself an expert on the Ruby connection, here are a few of the glaring errors/deceptions... NO mention that Oswald, at the time of the Tippit killing, had traversed almost a mile from his rented room, and was still on a direct route to Ruby's apartment, only a half mile away. NO mention of Seth Kantor's assertion Ruby was at Parkland Hospital, which might lead one to think Ruby's involvement pre-existed Oswald's arrest. (And would also lead one to conclude Ruby was a xxxx.) NO mention of DPD officer Billy Grammer's assertion that Ruby called the police station the night before Oswald was to be moved, and warned him that Oswald was going to be killed. NO mention of any dispute about Ruby's coming down the ramp. Yep, that's right. It says Ruby said he came down the ramp without pointing out that this was disputed by the officer guarding the ramp. Of course, this allowed them to hide that the HSCA believed this officer, and that the head of security for the basement, Patrick Dean, failed a polygraph, and had been singled out as a xxxx in 1964 by the Warren Commission counsel tasked with interviewing him. NO mention of Ruby's phone call records, which showed him to have been in ever-growing contact with underworld figures in the months before the assassination. NO mention of Ruby's assertion to Warren that the truth would not be known unless Warren brought him to Washington, and that Warren refused to bring him to Washington. NO mention of the HSCA's conclusion that Ruby lied on his polygraph. The program did, however, repeat a number of single-assassin theorist factoids. Including... That Oswald brought about his own demise by putting on a sweater, and delaying his departure. This load of crud has been uttered repeatedly by the Dallas Police, but even a marginal study of the evidence indicates the police were not prepared for his departure at the time. I believe several of the officers even indicated that AFTER this supposed delay, Oswald was held in an office for a few minutes before being brought downstairs. The possibility has always existed, and still exists, therefore, that Oswald was held up by the police until Ruby was in place. That Ruby's arrival downtown after 11 indicated he'd not come down to shoot Oswald, but only did it as an afterthought. Dallas PD chief Jesse Curry admitted in his book that, although he'd told the press to be ready for a transfer after 10, he, and therefore most certainly other policeman, KNEW the transfer wouldn't take place till much later. I believe he said after 11. This leaves open the possibility someone on the DPD was in contact with Ruby...perhaps even the same officer who let him in the building. The program also made some really STUPID statements. One glaring moment of "DUH" comes towards the end when the narrator says the fact that Oswald was allowed to live for so long after Kennedy's death indicates he wasn't killed for a reason. HOW could the conspirators know, after all, that he hadn't talked? UGGGGGGGGHHHHHH. ONE, because the Dallas Police were parading every bit of evidence before the press, and had repeatedly TOLD the country Oswald wasn't talking. TWO, pretty much every conspiracy theory worth noting accepts the probability one or more DPD officers or FBI agents were involved on some level. Just a really STUPID statement, IMO, and one designed to confuse newbies unaware of the real issues. In short, the program appears to have been yet another program whose primary purpose was to convince people Oswald acted alone, and that the Dallas Police (and by extension, the City of Dallas) were completely innocent. I wonder if Gary Mack's contract with the Sixth Floor Museum includes writing saying he must participate in such programs, and help in their creation. I wonder at this point if he would even be allowed to participate in a program should it hint, even so slightly, that the DPD was either incompetent or complicit in Oswald's death. Suggested reading: Adams Vs. Texas. a true-life account of an accused cop-killer, and the injustices he faced at the hands of the DPD, Dallas County DA's office, and Texas courts. It tells of their efforts to kill him, even though he was quite clearly (to non-Texans) innocent, and guilty of little more than having long hair and having met a young Texas punk on the day the kid decided to kill a cop. (They couldn't get the death penalty on the kid--so they decided to pin it on Adams.) Anyhow, it's a really powerful story, and includes a Dallas DA's claiming Adams was as guilty as Oswald. Which is kind of the point. As Adams was innocent. After over a dozen years on death row and prison, Adams was eventually let go, in large part because he got a movie made abut his case, but also in part because one lawyer on the DA's office saw how ridiculous it was to try to re-try a man for a crime to which someone else (a clear sociopath who went on to kill again after not being charged with killing the cop--a crime to which he'd confessed--in exchange for his testimony against Adams) had admitted to doing.
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