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John Ritchson

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Posts posted by John Ritchson

  1. K.B. wrote:[snip]> Paul, you have any cites to back this up? I am not as knowledgeable as> you when it comes to ballistics etc, and I do not have an expert as> Sam does to call re information John has posted, but I do have a few> books and a bit of experience reloading and I have won my fair share of Turkey-shoots and as far as I have seen, John Ritchson is right on with everything he has posted that I have read. So who are your Carcano enthusiasts?

    Greetings, One of the areas Mr. Burke and the rest of the LNers are real short on is authoritive cites in the relevent areas being discussed. Rather, their agenda appears to be one of debasement and denegration as examplified by their references to me as a Faker, Fraud, Cowardly Dog, and Buffoon all in a sophmoric attempt to trivialize and obfuscate the importance of my and other researcher's work in this case. These sort of tactics represent the last resort of those who know in their hearts the essential weakness of their case and are thus reduced to ad hominum, having failed to produce any real rebutal. For the record, I am constantly garnering feed-back and opinions from qualified professionals in the field of firearms ballistics to absolutely minimise any possibility of error before I even post an article.

    I also make every effort to clearly separate qualified facts and opinions from speculation and/or guess-work. Occasionaly I will fail in this effort as is the norm, but the body of my work remains intact and presents a damning indictment to those who would perpetuate the LN myth. Looking at the LN contingent, one sees an impressive array of individuals with credentials and qualifications in every area but the field of firearms ballistics, joined at the hip with the spook crew who post from positions of anonymity. Together, they would have us believe they represent a united front espousing the truth of the JFK assassination when in fact they are nothing more than a collection of bags of mostly hot air with about as much substance as a fart inthe wind.

    Personally I think they know they have already failed to prevent the truth from coming out and are simply engaged in damage control by saturating this forum with BS in an ineffectual attempt to keep relevent discourse to a bare minimum, as well as using their under-handed tactics to create an unsavory atmosphere whereby new readers will be put off from joining in the discourse. Be that as it may, I'm resolved to undo that sort of mischief, at least as far as the ballistic evidence is concerned, by adding a relevent professional perspective to the JFK case. To that end, I've gained the support of a number of world-class people with impeccable credentials and unassailable reputations in their various fields of expertise. A list of those who have contributed to my work is as follows:

    Alan Horst, German action specialist and old world gunsmith who declares that one may spend over a thousand dollars reworking a M38 surplus Carcano and still be left with a hundred dollar gun. [Note:]For a varifiable professional alternative opinion of the WWII M38, Alan can be reached at 406-454-1831. Frank de Haas, who started out in this business as a hobbiest after -WWII and ultimately became a world renown authority on center-fire turnbolt action rifles with the publication of his book, Bolt Action Rifles, which is now an almost universally held reference manual on the subject. He is a contributing editor of The American Rifleman, and has his shop in Orange City, Iowa.[NOTE], Mr. de Haas is now deceased, however his son has taken over the family business.

    Richard Hobbs, concidered by many including Carcano historian, Alexander Eichener, as a world authority on the Carcano rifle who after examination of CE-139/C2766 concluded it was in fact, a Moschettieridel Duce Carcano of Mussolini's Gardia del Duce, and not a cheap surplus field rifle that would be sold in a Chicago sporting goods store. [Note:] I believe there is an address and Phone# for Richard posted on Alexander Eichener's Carcano web-site.

    Wolfgang Droege, founder of the Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Co, Big Timber, Montana and creator of the Buffalo Rifle for Tom Selleck's movie, "Quigley Down Under" who also presented a custom 45-70 gold inlayed Creedmoor Rifle to former president Ronald Reagan.[Note:]Even though Wolfgang is not a Carcano expert per se he does make some of the world's most powerfull rifles and anyone who doubts the concept of knockdown power should see one of these rifles in action.

    Richard Casull, founder of Freedom Arms, Freedom Wyoming and creator of the world's most powerfull revolver, the .454 Casull Magnum and like Wolfgang Droege has forgotten more ballistics than most people will ever know.[Note:] Dick openly scoffs at the idea firearms lack knockdown power and is more than happy to give critics a taste of the power of his remarkable pistol which performs on par with many rifles.

    Wayne Leek, ballistician for the Remington Arms Company and creator of the Fireball XP-100.[Note:] even though Wayne is closed mouthed about the disposition of many of his proto-type XP-100s he is more than happy to expound upon the performance capabilities of one of the world's most powerfull and accurate varmit *HANDGUNS* which BTW, can be fired quite easily from a two-handed combat stance.

    Bert Waldron, Sniper(US Army) 113 confirmed kills with a varified cartridge expenditure of 1.3 cartridges per kill, as compared to the world infantry expenditure of 10,000 to 50,000 cartridges per kill.[Note:] Bert can be contacted through the editor of Guns Magazine. Also, he is a quiet and unassuming person and if asked about jet-effect and retro-recoil he will just shake his head and smile, but his eyes speak volumes.

    Craig Roberts, sniper(USMC) 26 year police veteran, specialist in sniper and counter-sniper tactics, author of the book, "Kill Zone" which is a professional sniper's perspective of the JFK assassination which blows the LN theory right out of the water.[Note:] I concider Craig a personal friend and collaborator on the JFK case, and I strongly recommend carefull study of his book. Craig can be reached via email at craig@ionet.net, if memory serves.

    Carlos(Gunny) Hathcock, sniper(USMC) the Marine Corp's premier sniper with 93 confirmed kills including history's longest single kill-shot of 2,500 meters, nominated for the congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam, former chief instructor of the USMC Sniper's School, at Quantico, Virginia.[Note:] Gunny Hathcock proved the impossibility of the LN scenerio during tests he personally conducted at Quantico and although he is now suffering from MS he is still more than happy to poke holes in the LN scenerio. He can be reached through Craig Roberts.[NOTE], Since the writting of this article the Gunny has gone on his final patrol. God keep you Gunny!!!

    Dr. Joel Ham, professor of physics who wishes to keep his school out of the public debate but has proven by demonstratable scientific method the irrelevency of the jet-effect with respect to firearms ballistics.

    Dr. George E Miller, professor of physics and supervisor of the nuclear reactor facilities at UC Irvine who is assisting me with my NAA evaluation of the ballistic evidence.

    These are some of the people who I concider to be more or less in my corner, who roughly share my views on the subject of firearms ballistics and I urge the readers of this forum to carefully compare these qualified professionals with the collection of political scientists, piss doctors, jet mechanics, computer nerds, wannbes and nobodies that comprise the LN contingent and then ask yourself," Who then is best qualified to address the ballistic issues of the JFK case?" "Who then represents the more credible authority?" "Whose opinions possess the greater validity and are more deserving of serious concideration?" Finally, I want to add that all of the derision, the snide innuendo,the ad hominum lables, the feeble attempts at denegration, the smart-ass remarks and week-kneed mockery heaped upon myself and the other serious researchers on this NG by the LN collection of misfits will not detract me one iota from my agenda and goal of seeing justice done in the JFK case.

    Finally, with respect to my own qualifications:

    I come from an unbroken line of firearms and ballisticans going back to 1680 when my direct ancestor, Barnett Richardson established the Richardson foundry near Jamestown Virginia.

    I was literally raised working at my father's forge and machine shop. I have actually studied

    Newton, Julian Hatcher, John Thompson, Helson & Barnes, John Browning, Dave Emory of Hornady,

    Vernon Speer, Robert D. Hayden, Ted C. Almgren, Martin J. Hull, and Bill McDonald. As to my forensic qualifications, I encourage all readers to read my petition to reopen the JFK case as a murder investigation. Such should give the readers some idea as to my legal knowledge.

    As an avid independent, I quite simply refuse to join any trade organizations all of whom operate from one kind of agenda or another and I refuse to be locked into any such agenda, especially when it involves people like Fackler, Lattimer, Alverez, Oliver and the like.

    With Regard:

    John Ritchson(SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69)

    (Gunsmith/Ballistican, [black Eagle, Gunworks]

    (and survivor of the SE Asian Games 11Bravo7-Tet 1970)


    The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds

    new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it) but"That's Funny..."

    Isaac Asimov


  2. [Herbert Wrote:]

    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory found barium and antimony on both surfaces of paraffin casts made from Oswald's right cheek. They correctly concluded that the barium and antimony found on the outer surface of the cheek cast that was not in contact with Oswald's skin came from an external source.

    Their finding of a greater amount of barium on the outer surface than the inner and nearly equal amounts of antimony on both sides were evidence that the barium and antimony on both sides of the cheek cast came from a common source of contamination.

    Furthermore the amounts of barium and antimony were consistent with firing a weapon and greater than expected by accidental contamination. These findings of incriminating evidence in the wrong places should have prompted a thorough and scientific investigation.

    Although common items contain barium and antimony compounds, these chemicals belong to unique mixtures that distinguish one contaminant from another. By identifying all the contaminants, the W.C. could have shown feasibility of contamination by accident.

    On the other hand, analysis of the contaminants had risks. For example finding reagent-grade barium and antimony would have proved Oswald tested positive for planted evidence.


    Greetings Herbert and Points Taken:

    The issues I have with this is that Lead easily alloys and amalgemates itself to a number of elements such as Antimony, Barium, Tin, Silver, and Mercury to name a few. It should be noted that in 1963, most printing was still being done with Lead typecasts using Lead based ink pressed on to nitrate treated paper. This is according to Ray Denning, owner and operator of the Western News newspaper and later Denning's Print Shop.

    Such Lead would have contained various amounts of these other elements in the form of contaminates as reagent grade Lead is difficult to produce and very expensive when compared to general grade Lead.

    Since LHO's job was handling such material he would normally have been covered with the stuff thus greatly increasing the probability of incurring a false positive with respect to him recently discharging a firearm.

    More importantly, performing a NAA test would have destroyed any hope of actually doing a comparison analysis on any unburned and partially burned gunpowder residue which according to the Helson & Barnes Empirical Study of Gunpowder Residue would have existed in concentrations on average of 15% which most certainly would have been deposited on LHO had he been firing any weapons that day. Such a test would have provided a direct forensic connection between LHO and the rifle and pistol he alledgedly fired, as well as the spent cartridges alledgedly found at the crime scenes. Also, unburned and partially burned

    particulate residue can actually be driven into the pores of the skin and since the powder grains are treated with a antihydroscopic compound they do not easily lend themselves to washing with water, generally requiring a powder solvent to remove.

    It should also be noted that elemental Lead possesses 4 isotopes, the distribution of which varies from region to region, and in the case of bullet lead from batch to batch, thus giving it a unique fingerprint which can be determined by the proper tests. This becomes important when one conciders that CE-399 was duly entered evidence as a Western Cartridge Corporation product produced under a military contract. As per military protocol, ammunition produced would have been headstamped with lot & batch numbers which could have thus been used to determine the isotopic ratio of the bullet lead and establish a forensic connection to CE-399 proving it was in fact a WCC product.

    If such examinations were in fact performed and not published, then I can only conclude that they were negative and shows that LHO did not recently fire any weapon otherwise, the investigative agencies would have paraded the results from Hell to High Heaven.


  3. Greetings All:

    I wish to thank all of you that phoned, sent me cards, books, letters and emails during my convalescence. I'm getting better every day and can now negotiate the stairs to my workstation without assistance, although slowly. The show of support and the graciousness I recieved from the Assassination Research Community is a humbling experience to say the least. And more than ever, I concider it an honor and a privledge to be associated with this community. I will be posting this to all of the forums I'm associated with as well as emailing it to those researchers who seldom visit the discussion forums so if you happen to read the following article online and then recieve an email later...sorry about the redundancy. :wink:

    That said, I think it important to elucidate a bit on the many discrepancies and issues of the physical evidence just to put things in perspective as it were. The following are those discrepancies and issues that I personally would have no problem placing before a grand jury for a legal finding of fact:

    First and formost would have to be the Warren Commission official photo of the bullet designated

    WC CE-399 which clearly, and without ambiguity shows a projectile which had been fired from a weapon rifled with 6 lands and grooves and possessed with a 1 in 7.5" twist which no M91/38 Mannlicher Carcano possesses. Conversely, the House Select Committee on Assassinations official photo of the bullet designated, HSCA-399 just as clearly and without ambiguity shows a projectile which had been fired from a weapon rifled with 4 lands and grooves and possessed with a 1 in 8.5" twist while comparison analysis of the two bullets produces not a single point of matching comparison proving that they are in fact the same bullet fired from the same rifle. [ The entire Single Bullet Theory falls apart in the face of this simple fact.]

    In fact, to date and to my knowledge, no comparison bullets showing a forensic connection to either version of 399 or a forensic connection to the alledged murder weapon have ever been produced and made public.

    The SBT itself is a farce in so far as it alledges ballistic behavior which under any concievable set of conditions and circumstances with respect to a projectile of this type, is an abject impossibility...Jet Effect and Neuro-Muscle Spasms not withstanding.

    Dr. Guinn's Neutron Activation Analysis of the alledged bullet fragments and minus the necessary corraborative Mass Spectromony and Gaseous Chromotography tests to establish a forensic connection to the alledged murder weapon is hopelessly flawed and his conclusions dubious to say the least, if not outright false and misleading.

    Then, there is the presence of spent cartridges which when precisely measured show them to be 6.5x54mm Mannlicher Schoenauer cartridges which cannot be chambered in a Carcano rifle along with an unfired cartridge which is a 6.5x52mm Carcano cartridge but possesses the nickle/copper alloy jacket, counter-bored

    neck steps and odd sized Berdan Primer indicative of Italian G.I. ammunition and which would not have been produced in any American arsenal, added to the failure of the controling agency/s to produce and make public the Tool-Mark Analysis establishing a forensic connection of these cartridges to the alledged murder weapon tends to establish a case of outright falsification of material evidence coupled with the seperate crime of evidence tampering since the controling agency/s duly entered these cartridges into evidence as

    Winchester/Western 6.5x52mm Mannlicher Carcano cartridges.

    There are at least four different Carcano rifles which at one time or another has been entered into evidence as "The Murder Weapon" with the 1984 Mike O'Neal photo clearly showing a very rare cermonial rifle of Mussolini's Guard known as the Moschettieri del Duce Carcano stamped with the serial number C2766 which is completely different from the weapon currently in the National Archives that represents a rather poor forgery of the rifle depicted in the O'Neal Photo. [The other rifles all have features different from one another.] It should also be noted that whichever rifle was submitted to Edgewood Arsenal for ballistic tests was in so poor condition that it was deemed unfit to fire without extensive reworking by a gunsmith who also had to shim the scope before it could be sighted in.

    The spent cartridges found at the Tippet murder scene were positivily identified by the Dallas Sheriff's Dept. firearms expert as .38 Super-Auto cartridges which are rimless cartridges requiring two half-moon rimmed spacer clips in order to chamber in a revolver which normally chambers rimmed cartridges. [This issue becomes especially important when one goes into the ballistic data because the .38 Super-Auto is a hotter loaded cartridge performing on par with the .357 Magnum cartridge rather than the lighter loaded .38 Standard or .38 Special cartridge, and excessive breech pressure becomes a safety factor especially when coupled to an old WWII Victory Model .38 Revolver.]

    To my knowledge, no wax-cast was ever lifted off of Lee Oswald's face which would have not only shown he had recently fired a rifle but comparison analysis of the unburned and partially burned powder residue would have established a forensic connection between the man and the rifle. [such an event goes far beyond simple oversight or even negligence since it is inconcievable to me that any investigative agency would not have performed this simple and basic examination.]

    Finally, last but not least, the chain of custody with respect to the physical evidence is so hopelessly flawed and compromised that about any good attorney should have been able to have it quashed in a court of law thus the physical evidence against LHO would have been excluded and he could have gone free. Thus, I think it incombant upon the Assassination Research Community to somehow get the judicial notice necessary to force a reopening of the JFK case as a murder investigation and sit a grand jury to examine the above enumerated issues.


  4. Greetings all:

    I am seeking any information on the whereabouts and activities of CWO Robert M. Powell who was JFK's personal attage'(sp) and carried the "FOOTBALL" chained to his left hand. For those of you needing clarification_the term, "FOOTBALL" is the codeword for the case which allows the president to conduct WWIII from anywhere on earth and thus would never under any circumstances would be very far from the president.

    What this man was doing before, during and after JFK's murder is of extream importance because the "FOOTBALL" is more important than even the president in terms of national security and its bearer is in actually the most powerfull individual on earth and in terms of loyality, integrity, and responsibility must be beyond reproach.

    What he knew, witnessed or surmised to my knowledge has never been explored by the assassination community and I can find no mention of him in any official document that I have examined. What I have seen however, is a letter of personal commendation written by JFK on an official Whitehouse stationary lettered in gold leaf and signed by JFK who called him my friend and companion.

    Please feel free to PM me with any info you may possess.

    Thanks and Best Regards:)

    John Ritchson(SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69)(GunSmith/Ballistican,Black Eagle Gun Works )(Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7,Tet 1970)


    "It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out

    how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might

    have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is

    actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and

    dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes

    short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the

    great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who,

    if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who,

    if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that

    his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who

    know neither victory nor defeat."


  5. The Magic Bullet Trials

    On Sunday the 22nd of May, the Learning channel aired a special program devoted to determining whether or not it would be possible to recreate the Warren Commission scenerio with respect to the ballistic behavior of CE-399.

    Experts from a number of different diciplines collaborated in this effort, using state of the art equipment such as a 6.5mm rifle which while unidentified appeared to be a model 91 Mannlicher Carcano long rifle with a state of the art over the bore mounted scope as opposed to a side mounted scope. Also, it appeared that at least the cartridge extractor was modified to allow for individual insertion of a single round which normally does not easily lend itself to such loading.

    A bucket lift was used to approximate to hight and angle of trajectory to the distance outlined in the Warren Report, and anatomically correct torsos were created out of ballistic geletin to represent the torsos of JFK and JBC. These torsos were placed in a vehicle but for the purpose of the test remained stationary.

    There was no attempt to recreate any other aspect of the assassination scenerio other than an attempt to recreate the Magic Bullet.

    The shooter loaded a single live cartridge and fired at the torso representing JFK with the impact point being just a few centimeters from the terminal impact point outlined in the autopsy report. The bullet passed through the torso representing JFK and through the torso representing JBC. However, when the projectile completed its terminal transit through the second torso it no longer had sufficient energy to penetrate the ballistic geletin representing JBC's wrist and simply bounced off the ballistic geletin and into the weeds.

    Upon location of the projectile it plainly showed evidence of major deformation, being nearly completely doubled over, with the ramifications being that even with state of the art equipment including high-speed photography equipment, the experts were unable to accurately reproduce the CE-399 scenerio.

    The experts then took the JFK autopsy report to a forensic pathologist for examination with all references to JFK removed from the report and replaced with a ficticous account and that pathologist made the determination that more than one shooter would have had to have made the shots that caused the wounding outlined in the WC Report.

    It should be noted that this observer having reviewed the test came away with the strong impresion that the experts conducted the test with the forgone conclusion that the CE-399 scenerio was accurate and demonstrated disappointment at the failure to recreate the magic bullet after the manner outlined in the WC Report, and tends to vindicate what I have asserted all along that such ballistic behavior as outlined is an abject impossibility.

    I encourage all readers to carefully view for themselves this test and form their own conclusions.


  6. :o

    Gretings All,

    I'm about 75% recovered and I would like to personally thank those of you who were kind enough to offer me support during less than "Good-Time"

    The following is a repost from some years ago on the old alt.conspiray.jfk NG.

    An interesting aspect of the term, "THEORY" in science is that unlike

    a hypothesis or guess, it can, like E=MC² be reproduced under



    The photo I possess of WC CE-399 plainly shows a bullet with 6 lands

    and 6 grooves; a fact backed up by chief LA forensic photographer,

    Bill Japport and also will eventually be reproduced in a series of

    micro-graphs of recovered 6.5mm round nosed bullets fired through both

    4&6 grooved barrels using state of the art equipment in the ballistics

    laboratory at the Montana State Crime Laboratory, for comparitive

    examination with both WC CE-399 and HSCA CE-399 in terms of grooving.

    Feel free to call 406.728.4970 during normal business hours and ask

    for Allen who will varify the discussions taking place in this

    regards. Also you may email world class forensic examiner, Gaylen

    Warren at 4...@povn.com or call 509.447.2067, and who will varify such

    proceedures as outlined as being of sound scientific methodology and

    bona fide forensic process.

    Yes, Walt Cakebreads 6-groove "THEORY" is a theory which will lend

    itself to scientific reproducible results.

    In a court of law, and I'm certain attorney Doug Weldon will agree,

    such a "THEORY" could be adjudicated a "Legal-Fact", and if so

    adjudicated, would represent prima facie proof of falsification of


    Since the whole point of examining and developing the physical


    in this case is for the eventuality that it will be presented to a

    grand or petit jury and examined in a court of law, it will be that

    forum and that forum alone which will determine the "Legal-Merit" of

    Walt's 6-groove theory and your opinion on the matter has no standing,

    except maybe among the LN crowd who themselves have no legal standing.

    With Regard,

    John Ritchson(SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69)

    (GunSmith/Ballistican,Black Eagle Gun Works )

    (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7,Tet 1970)


    "It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out

    how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might

    have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is

    actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and

    dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes

    short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the

    great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who,

    if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who,

    if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that

    his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who

    know neither victory nor defeat."


  7. My name is Sherry Bach and I am Currently John's Personal caregiver and at his request I am posting this message.

    An attempt was recently made on John's Life. He was ran into a tree by a black SUV with darkened windows and forced off the road.

    He has suffered extensive injuries and will be 1 to 2 months recovering.

    Those of you who are his friends can send him get-well cards at his home address where he is recovering.

    123 13th St.

    Black Eagle, Mt. USA 59414

    Phone # (406) 727-5269

    John hopes to be up and online again as soon as possible and gives you all his best regards.


  8. That's a pretty decent shot John, even for a stationary target. Do you know what type of windage was involved here? The 20m elevation is definately impressive.

    The problem I have with a shot from the north knoll be the shot origin is that the impact would have been to the right side of the head with the massive exit being contained to the right side. A shot from the south striking the right side of the head and then blowing out the right rear is likely. Such a bullet impact would not deflect outward in it's penetration trajectory, but instead turn inward at the initial point of resistance.


    Greetings Al:

    The shooter reported he made a 2 click left windage adjustment on his Redfield scope to account for for the angle of trajectory and the direction the US flag was moving close to the target. He also reported that he decided to take the shot when his spotter reported that it appeared the prisoner had started to cut the hostage's throat. Basically we found he had no choice but to attempt the shot which even he admitted he wouldn't have taken under any other circumstances. Still, it was a hell of a shot and a standing testament to his skill as a shooter. [bTW, this shooter retired from law enforcement right after the incident and entered into psychological treatment which should provide the readers with a good idea of just how killing another human being under extream circumstances can and will affect

    that person.]

    Also, I tend to agree with your assessment with respect to a south knoll kill-shot as opposed to a north knoll shot for the same reasons. But, that in of itself does not preclude a north knoll shooter.

    Respectfully: :plane

  9. [snipped for Brevity]

    Hi John!

    Is it at all feasible that a man could lay in the position illustrated, with a newspaper or something draped over his weapon to conceal it - say the 30.06, and from the area of the stairs, fire a round over the head of Emmett Hudson [who was in a prone position] as the motorcade drew within an almost parallel position to the stairs, and hit Kennedy in the side of the head, with an impact that would sweep him over sideways as if he were hit with a baseball bat [bill Newman's account to Ian Griggs]?  In which case his leg might dangle over the edge of the Lincoln, and his shoe could still be seen when the Lincoln arrived at parkland?  Would a 30.06 have sufficient power to cause such a tremendous physical reaction from that distance [+/- 20 feet] and create the damage that certain researchers believe is the case, barring the altered and missing medical evidence?  Is this a typical sniper type position?- lee

    Howdy Lee,

    The best way I can address this issue is by way of an anecdote:

    I was once involved in the forensic aspects of a prison shooting in which a deranged prisoner took a nurse hostage and was using her as a human shield with a knife at her throat.

    The sniper who took him out was positioned in a 20 meter guntower and firing about 300 meters dowrange, using a 7.62mm/.308 cartridge with a 180 grain Speer Silvertip bullet.

    The prisoner behind his hostage was about 2 meters from the window when the sniper took his shot.

    The bullet, at that angle of trajectory, penetrated 12.7mm of steel impregnated tempered glass, knocked the nurse out cold from its supersonic shockwave and nearly blew the head off of the prisoner.

    The sniper had about a 50mm margin of error when he made that shot.

    So is the '06 scenario plausable? You Bet!


  10. Part18.


    The Secrecy Oath the Author signed after Robert Blakey took over the HSCA,

    and correspondence between the author and various committee members.

    Exhibit A


    Select Committee on Assassinations Nondisclosure Agreement

    [Richard E. Sprague]

    I, ____________________, in consideration for being

    employed by or engaged by contract or otherwise to perform

    services for or at the request of the House Select Committee

    on Assassinations, or any Member thereof, da hereby make the

    representations and accept the obligations set forth below as

    conditions precedent for my employment or engagement, or for

    my continuing employment or engagement, with the Select Com-

    mittee, the United States House of Representatives, or the

    United States Congress.

    1. I have read the Rules of the Select Committee, and I

    hereby agree to be bound by them and by the Rules of the House

    of Representatives.

    2. I hereby agree never to divulge, publish or reveal by

    words, conduct or otherwise, any testimony given before the

    Select Committee in executive session (including the name of any

    witness who appeared or was summoned to appear before the Select

    Committee in executive session), any classifiable and properly

    classified information (as defined in 5 U.S.C. Section 552(B)(1)),

    or any information pertaining to intelligence sources or methods

    as designated by the Director of Central Intelligence, or any con-

    fidential information that is received by the Select Committee

    or that comes into my possession by virtue of my position with

    the Select Committee, to any person not a member of the Select

    Committee or its staff or the personal staff representative of

    a Committee Member unless authorized in writing by the Select

    Committee, or, after the Select Committee's termination, by

    such manner as the House of Representatives may determine or,

    in the absence of a determination by the House, in such manner

    as the Agency or Department from which the information origin-

    ated may determine. I further agree not to divulge, publish

    or reveal by words, conduct or otherwise, any other information

    which is received by the Select Committee or which comes into

    my possession by virtue of my position with the Select Committee,

    for the duration of the Select Committee's existence.

    3. I hereby agree that any material that is based upon or

    may include information that I hereby pledge not to disclose,

    and that is contemplated for publication by me will, prior to

    discussing it with or showing it to any publishers, editors or

    literary agents, be submitted to the Select Committee to deter-

    mine whether said material contains any information that I

    hereby pledge not to disclose. The Chairman of the Select Com-

    mittee shall consult with the Director of Central Intelligence

    for the purpose of the Chairman's determination as to whether

    or not the material contains information that I pledge not to

    disclose. I further agree to take no steps toward publication

    until authorized in writing by the Select Committee, or after

    its termination, by such manner as the House of Representatives

    may determine, or in the absence of a determination by the

    House, in such manner as the Agency or Department from which

    the information originated may determine.

    4. I hereby agree to familiarize myself with the Select

    Committee's security procedures, and provide at all times the

    required degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure

    for all information and materials that come into my possession

    by virtue of my position with the Select Committee.

    5. I hereby agree to immediately notify the Select Com-

    mittee of any attempt by any person not a member of the Select

    Committee staff to solicit information from me that I pledge

    not to disclose.

    6. I hereby agree to immediately notify the Select

    Committee if I am called upon to testify or provide information

    to the proper authorities that I pledge not to disclose. I

    will request that my obligation to respond is established by

    the Select Committee, or after its termination, by such manner

    as the House of Representatives may determine, before I do so.

    7. I hereby agree to surrender to the Select Committee

    upon demand by the Chairman or upon my separation from the

    Select Committee staff, any material, including any classified

    information or information pertaining to intelligence sources

    or methods as designated by the Director of Central Intelligence,

    which comes into my possession by virtue of my position with the

    Select Committee. I hereby acknowledge that all documents

    acquired by me in the course of my employment are and remain the

    property of the United States.

    8. I understand that any violation of the Select Committee

    Rules, security procedures or this agreement shall constitute

    grounds for dismissal from my current employment.

    9. I hereby assign to the United States Government all

    rights, title and interest in any and all royalties, remunera-

    tions and emoluments that have resulted or may result from any

    divulgence, publication or revelation in violation of this


    10. I understand and agree that the United States Government

    may choose to apply, prior to any unauthorized disclosure by

    me, for a court order prohibiting disclosure. Nothing in this

    agreement constitutes a waiver on the part of the United States

    of the right to prosecute for any statutory violation. Nothing

    in this agreement constitutes a waiver on my part of any defenses

    I may otherwise have in any civil or criminal proceedings.

    11. I have read the provisions of the Espionage Laws,

    Sections 793, 794 and 798, Title 18, United States Code, and

    of Section 783, Title 50, United States Code, and I am aware

    that unauthorized disclosure of certain classified information

    may subject me to prosecution. I have read Section 1001, Title

    18, United States Code, and I am aware that the making of a

    false statement herein is punishable as a felony. I have also

    read Executive Order 11652, and the implementing National

    Security Council directive of May 17, 1972, relating to the

    protection of classified information.

    12. Unless released in writing from this agreement or any

    portion thereof by the Select Committee, I recognize that all

    the conditions and obligations imposed on me by this agreement

    apply during my Committee employment or engagement and continue

    to apply after the relationship is terminated.

    13. No consultant shall indicate, divulge or acknowledge,

    without written permission of the Select Committee, the fact

    that the Select Committee has engaged him or her by contract

    as a consultant until after the Select Committee has terminated.

    14. In addition to any rights for criminal prosecution or

    for injunctive relief the United States Government may have for

    violation of this agreement, the United States Government may

    file a civil suit in an appropriate court for damages as a

    consequence of a breach of this agreement. The costs of any

    civil suit brought by the United States for breach of this

    agreement, including court costs, investigative expenses, and

    reasonable attorney fees, shall be borne by any defendant who

    loses such suit. In any civil suit for damages successfully

    brought by the United States Government for breach of this

    agreement, actual damages may be recovered, or, in the event

    that such actual damages may be impossible to calculate, liquidated

    damages in an amount of $5,000 shall be awarded as a reasonable

    estimate for damages to the credibility and effectiveness of the


    15. I hereby agree that in any suit by the United States

    Government for injunctive or monetary relief pursuant to the

    terms of this agreement, personal jurisdiction shall obtain and

    venue shall lie in the United States District Court for the

    District of Columbia, or in any other appropriate United States

    District Court in which the United States may elect to bring

    suit. I further agree that the law of the District of Columbia

    shall govern the interpretation and construction of this


    16. Each provision of this agreement is severable. If a

    court should find any part of this agreement to be unenforceable,

    all other provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force

    and effect.

    I make this agreement without any mental reservation or

    purpose of evasion, and I agree that it may be used by the

    Select Committee in carrying out its duty to protect the security

    of information provided to it.

    [July 19, 1977] [Richard E., Sprague]

    Date: _____________________ _________________________________

    [ I am submitting a list of

    material and information

    which has already been _________________________________

    given to the committee, LOUIS STOKES, Chariman

    or which I intend to Select Committee on Assassinations

    give to the committee in

    the near future. I intend

    to publish some of this


    Exhibit B


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    February 10, 1978

    Mr. Louis Stokes

    Chairman, Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S. House of Representatives

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Louis:

    As I am sure you know, I signed a non disclosure agreement for the

    Select Committee, given to me on July 19, 1977 by Robert Blakey. Not

    being a lawyer, I did not really appreciate some of the provisions of

    that agreemont at the time I signed it, even though some things in it

    seemed strange to me.

    In the last fow months I have gone over the agreement several times,

    with particular attention to those strange portions. The more I re-

    read the agreement, the more puzzled I have become.

    I was finally triggered into writing you this letter by a conversation

    I had with Richard A. Sprague. As you may recall I helped him and Bob

    Tanenbaum from November 1976 forward with the photographic evidence in

    the JFK case, and several other areas derived from my relationship with

    Jim Garrison and the Committee to Investigate Assassinations. I had no

    written agreement with the Committee at that time and did not ask for

    compensation for the work I had been doing. I had signed no non dis-

    closure agreement and such an agreement had never been mentioned.

    The first time I had any idea that the Committee would want to pay me

    for my assistance was some time after Dick Sprague resigned, when Mr.

    Blakey approached me about it through Bob Tanenbaum, shortly before

    Bob resigned. My recent meeting with Dick Sprague naturally led to

    discussion about my continuing work for the Committee. He raised the

    subject of the non disclosure agreement signed by each staff member,

    saying that he would never have enforced such a document while he was

    chief counsel because he believes it gives the CIA and other agencies

    too much power to control the activities of the Committee. It was

    because of that statement that I read the agreement again in the

    light of what he said.

    I know that you had a lot of faith in Richard A. Sprague and did not

    personally want him to resign. For that reason I'm writing to you

    rather than Mr. Blakey, seeking answers to my questions.

    Encloged is a copy of the agreement with my signature. I have circled

    on it the paragraphs in question, and underlined the key words. My

    questions, Mr. Stokes are as follows:

    1. Are paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 inserted for the purpose of giving the

    CIA power over the Select Committee to investigate the CIA's

    role in the assassinations or the cover up crimes following the

    assassinations of President Kennedy or Dr. King? I believe those

    paragraphs could be so interpreted, especially if each committee

    member and each staff member signed a similar agreement.

    2. If the purposes of paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 are not as questioned

    above, then how can the Select Committee, its staff or its con-

    sultants, *ever* discover whether the CIA was involved in the

    assassinations or whether the CIA, as I maintain, is *still*

    involved in covering up the conspiracies?

    For example, paragraph 3 states that you as chairman, shall con-

    sult with the Director of Central Intelligence--to determine

    whether or not the material I might receive contains information

    that I pledge not to disclose.

    Assuming that all committee staff people signed that paragraph,

    it would seem to me that you would really be hamstrung in investi-

    gating the CIA's possible role. Your staff could not be working

    with any documents or other materials pointing toward CIA agents'

    involvement in the assassinations, without you personally having

    to show those documents to the Director of Central Intelligence

    and to obtain his agreement to disclose the information to the


    The CIA Director has the power of judging what can be released.

    Obviously, anything incriminating to the CIA, especially higher

    level people who may have been involved, would be judged unreleas-


    None of this would take on the significance that it does, were it

    not for my belief that the CIA itself has continued to cover up

    the original conspiracy and that several CIA agents or contract

    employees carried out the murder.

    3. Is paragraph 12 really logical, or even legal? Can an agreement

    with a body be extended ad infinitum after the body has dissolved?

    4. Paragraph 14 bothers me. It seems to say that I agree to allow

    the government to sue me and to bear the expenses of such a suit.

    Is it really legal to ask me to agree to be sued as a condition

    of my consulting contract? Couldn't the government sue me and

    collect expenses anyway if I did something wrong, without such a

    clause? Paragraph 16 seems to anticipate that Paragraph 14 may

    not stand up in court. (Or some other paragraph.)

    I want to make it clear that my concerns in this matter are not related

    to any obligation I may have. Rather, I am concerned about the

    purposes of those clauses in the agreement, as they affect the

    investigations. I believe every staff member signed them.

    I would appreciate hearing directly from you on these questions Mr.

    Stokes, rather than referring this letter to Mr. Blakey.

    Yours sincerely,

    Richard E. Sprague

    Exhibit C











    (202) 225-4624

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S House of Representatives


    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515

    MAR 16 1978

    Richard E. Sprague, Esq.

    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, New York 10530

    Dear Mr. Sprague:

    In response to your letter of February 10, 1978

    concerning the non-disclosure agreement which you signed

    with the Committee, I wish to first remind you that the

    agreement was explicitly explained to you provision by

    provision by Mr. Blakey, and that you were given the

    opportunity to ask any questions that you desired prior

    to your signing the agreement. I want to assure you that

    the intent of the agreement is not to prevent information

    from ultimately being disclosed to the American public.

    The non-disclosure agreement only governs the timing of

    disclosure of information to the public. In response to

    your specific questions:

    I. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 obviously are not for

    the purpose of giving the CIA power over the Select Committee

    to investigate the CIA's role in the assassination. If

    you read these paragraphs carefully, they clearly provide

    that the Select Committee, during its existence, will be in

    full control and have access to all information. The paragraphs

    do prevent you from disclosing the information, without the

    authorization of the Select Committee.

    Paragraph 3 does state that I, as Chairman, will

    consult with the Director of Central Intelligence to determine

    whether or not material contains information which you pledge

    not to disclose. I, however, retain ultimate authority and

    I only consult with the Director of Central Intelligence -

    I am not bound by his opinion.

    II. Paragraphs 12 and 14 are indeed legal. Should

    you have any specific questions concerning the legality of

    any of the provisions, I suggest you consult your own attorney.

    I assure you that the very purpose of the non-

    disclosure agreement is to give the Select Committee full

    control over the conduct of the investigation, including

    the ultimate disclosure of information to the American

    public. In no manner should it be construed as the Committee

    being restricted in its investigation by the CIA or any other

    federal agency or department.

    In closing, I remind you of paragraph 13 of the

    non-disclosure agreement which provides that you may not

    "indicate, divulge or acknowledge" the fact that you have

    been retained as a consultant until after the Select Committee

    has been terminated. I have seen a press release concerning

    yourself issued by Mr. Altmans in conjunction with a new article

    in Gallery magazine. I note that while you technically did

    not violate the non-disclosure agreement which you signed,

    by carefully wording the release to describe the work you

    had done for the Committee in the past, this is the exact

    kind of exploitation of a consultant relationship that the

    Committee desires to avoid during its existence.

    If you have any other questions or comments on the

    non-disclosure agreement, they should be addressed to Mr.

    Blakey as Chief Counsel.


    [Louis Stokes]

    Louis Stokes



    Exhibit D


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    April 5, 1978

    Representative Louis Stokes

    U.S. House of Representatives

    Raybur House Office Building

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Louis,

    Thank you for your most reassuring letter of March 16, 1978.

    As you know I have great faith in your own personal integrity

    and your goals as discussed with you at lunch nearly a year

    ago. I understand the necessity for non disclosure and

    sensitive discretion in the way the Select Committee is pro-

    ceeding. I believe I understand it more than most researchers

    because of my close working relationship with the staff and the

    committee ever since it started.

    You can rest assured that it is my intention to continue to

    assist you and to support your efforts right up to the finish

    line. I want to avoid as much as you do any exploitation of my

    relationship to the committee that would cause problems for you

    or for me, especially with the media.

    There will be another article in the June 1978 issue using this

    same statement. I believe I mentioned the article to you several

    months ago. It is about the CIA weapon system developed by

    Charles Senseney at Fort Detrick, Maryland using rocket propelled

    flechettes carrying paralyzing poison launched by an umbrella.

    I described in the article the evidence pointing toward the use

    of this weapons system in Dealey Plaza. The article will appear

    on May 2 on the newsstands.

    I read your March 16 letter, on March 22, upon my return from a

    trip to Japan and a vacation. I contacted Gallery asking them to

    delete entirely the statement about me and the Select Committee.

    They told me it was too late, that the issue had already gone to

    press. However, they did agree to delete the statement from any

    [the remainder of this letter was missing from the copy of the

    edition used to make this on-line version. --Editor]

    Exhibit E











    (202) 225-4624

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S House of Representatives


    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515

    May 15, 1978

    Mr. Richard Sprague

    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    Dear Mr. Sprague:

    Thank you for your thoughtful letter of April 5

    and I hope that you will excuse my delay in responding.

    I appreciate your expression of confidence in me

    and your reassurance of your continued support. With

    regard to the matter of the press release, I understand

    your situation and it was most thoughtful of you to

    advise me in advance about the article in the June issue

    of Gallery magazine.

    Your letter has been sent on to the Committee staff

    in order that they might share your recommendations about

    Richard Case Nagell.

    Thank you again for your continuing support.


    [Louis Stokes]




    Exhibit F


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, New York 10530

    September 22, 1978

    Representative Yvonne Burke

    U.S. House of Representatives

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Mrs. Burke:

    I don't know whether you recall our meeting on

    July 21, 1977 when Jack White, Robert Groden and I

    made presentations to the J.F.K. subcommittee of the

    Select Committee on Assassinations. You may

    remember my showing a summary of photographic evidence

    of conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination. You asked

    some very pertinent questions which I answered about

    how to obtain films and photos from media organizations

    that were stonewalling at the time.

    I am truly sorry that you have missed the first

    three weeks of the J.F.K. hearings because I feel that

    your presence would have created at least a minority

    of one against the carefully orchestrated cover up that

    is now takinq place. I had great faith in the committee,

    especially after a luncheon meeting with Louis Stokes

    in 1977 and after the presentation to you.

    I want you personally to know that I have now lost

    all of that faith. The farce that is going on is really

    almost unbelievable to an honest researcher. All

    witnesses (except Cyril Wecht), all panels employed by

    the committee, the staff and the committee members doing

    the questioning, obviously made up their minds a long

    time ago that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin,

    that there was no conspiracy and that the Warren

    Commission was right.

    I cannot understand how this came about. As the

    most likely committee member to still keep an open mind,

    I would like to ask your opinion.

    How did the committee staff ignore all of the

    evidence of conspiracy. I am speaking not only

    about the photographic evidence, but about the

    information that Clifford Fenton and his team

    uncovered in New Orleans. I know you know about

    that from my conversations with Ted Gandolfo and

    Jim Garrison.

    Do you believe there was a conspiracy? If you

    do, will you say so when you return to Washington?

    Will you insist that the committee hear from the

    important New Orleans witnesses as well as the

    others I recommended long long ago. Specifically,

    will you insist that the committee call as witnesses:

    James Hosty, Warren du Bruys, Regis Kennedy, Richard

    Case Nagell, Harry Dean, Ronald Augustinovich, Mary

    Hope, Guy Gabaldin, Frenchy, William Seymour, Emilio

    Santana, Jack Lawrence, Jim Braden, E. Howard Hunt,

    Richard Helms and the others listed in the document

    I gave Louis Stokes in 1977. If you can't or won't,

    God help this country.

    Yours sincerely,

    Richard E. Sprague

    P.S. In the case of key witness Richard Case Nagell,

    Mr. Stokes assured me this spring that the committee

    would contact him. As of this date, he has never

    been contacted. He knows who killed President Kennedy.

    Exhibit G











    (202) 225-4624

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S House of Representatives


    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515

    October 10, 1978

    Mr. Richard Sprague

    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, New York 10530

    Dear Mr. Sprague:

    I was greatly disturbed by your letter of September

    23, 1978 in which you stated that, "I have one last hope

    that what we are witnessing in your hearings is a charade

    meant to fool the FBI and the CIA. If it is, you have fooled

    me. If it is not, your statements to me over the past year

    about getting at the truth were all meaningless. I have

    lost all faith in you and the committee."

    I must say that I deeply regret the fact that you

    have lost faith in the performance of my committee. We

    have attempted to do a thorough, competent and professional

    job which would be a source of pride for you and other

    concerned Americans.

    I should state here for the record, Mr. Sprague, that

    I find nothing inconsistent in my statements to you over the

    year indicating that the committee would be seeking the truth

    and nothing but the truth during the course of the investigation

    and the testimony that the committee has received during its

    public hearings. Perhaps you are confused because I did not

    explicitly state that the truth the committee is seeking is

    not your truth or my truth, but truth supported by the weight

    of the evidence.

    Thanks again for your past and current concerns. I

    assure you that the committee will make every effort to tell

    the whole story to the American people.


    [Louis Stokes]


    LS: icmj

    Exhibit H


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    October 30, 1978

    Representative Louis Stokes

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S. House of Representatives

    3369 House Office Building, Annex 2

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Louis:

    I appreciate your responding to my September 23 letter.

    I am truly sorry to be so disturbing to you concerning

    the committee's hearings. I wish I could be more

    complimentary and positive about your work.

    I could not agree with you more that the "truth supported

    by the weight of the evidence" is what we are all after.

    I'm enclosing for your information one more copy of the

    document I gave to Henry Gonzalez, Richard A. Sprague,

    Bob Tannenbaum, and you in 1976 and 1977.

    Unless you call the witnesses listed on pages 4-6 of this

    document, Louis, you have not dealt with the most impor-

    tant evidence of all. How can you possibly claim to have

    unearthed anything approximating the truth, unless you

    and the rest of the committee interrogate with strength,

    the following important witnesses that you missed:

    Richard Case Nagell, James P. Hosty, Louis Ivon, Victor

    Marchetti, Gorden Novel, Ronald Augustinovich, Mary Hope,

    Manuel Garcia Gonzalez, William Seymour, Emilio Santana,

    Guy Gabaldin, Major L.M. Bloomfield, Harry Williams,

    Sylvia Odio and Jim Garrison.

    The document explains how each of these witnesses was

    involved in the assassination of investigations of it.

    It is based, not just on my research, but on painful

    hours of investigative efforts of many, many people,

    including Jim Garrison's professional staff, the

    Committee to Investigate Assassinations and others.

    I understand that James P. Hosty is finally ready to

    tell his real story, at the risk of physical harm to

    himself and his family. You have not called him.

    Richard Case Nagell has been ready to testify for a

    long time. Despite my requests to Dr. Blakey and to

    you, he has not been called and no effort has been

    made to locate him through the only person who knows

    where he is, Dick Russell.

    If you will pardon my saying so Louis, something about

    just those two failures stinks, not to mention all of

    the others.

    It is not too late to save your reputations. You can

    still call those witnesses in December. I hope you do.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Dick Sprague

    Exhibit I


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    November 24, 1978

    Representative Louis Stokes

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S. House of Representatives

    3369 House Office Building, Annex 2

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Louis:

    I am still waiting for a reply to my letter of October 30,

    1978. I thought I should write again to remind you that

    the witnesses you should call in December are not going to

    be around much longer. I'm afraid that Gorden Novel,

    Richard Case Nagell, James Hosty and Warren de Brueys, in

    particular may go the same way that Regis Kennedy, William

    Sullivan, and George de Mohrenschildt went. You really

    must call them before they die.

    Regis Kennedy reportedly died of natural causes the day

    before you were to talk with him. I do not believe that.

    How many more key witnesses have to die before you would

    be convinced? Kennedy, du Brueys and Hosty were Oswald's

    points of contact in the FBI, receiving his reports on the

    conspiratorial group planning JFK's assassination. I have

    known this since 1971 directly from Hosty's own lips via

    Carver Gaten and Jim Gochenaur. Regis Kennedy also knew

    why the FBI was searching for Clay Shaw under his alias

    Clay Bertrand in New Orleans, *before* Dean Andrews received

    that phone call from him about defending Oswald. Kennedy

    may also have been one of the three agents who took the

    Babushka lady's film away from her. At least she told me

    he was one of them from his photo.

    So Regis Kennedy had to die. So do Warren du Brueys and

    James Hosty. If they die of "natural causes" in the next

    month or two, don't say I didn't warn you.

    Nagell and Novel are in even greater danger. Nagell may

    now be safe. He fled the country recently. However, the

    CIA has tentacles everywhere, so he will not really be safe

    wherever he is. Novel could easily be killed, since he is

    in prison. That is one of the easiest places for the death

    squad to catch up with him.

    As I have had told you in previous letters, the reason you

    *must* call Novel is that there is a very strong possibility

    that he is the umbrella man. If you laugh at that and try

    to tell me that you found the umbrella man, Mr. Witt, I'll

    laugh right back at you and tell you that farce you put on

    for the American public didn't fool anyone with his eyes

    even half way open. In addition to the obviously planned

    sequence of events and the way in which Mr. Witt surfaced,

    his umbrella was certainly not the one used in Dealey Plaza.

    It was the wrong size, had the wrong number of ribs, and was

    missing the two round white bulbs on either end when folded


    No, Louis, Mr. Witt was either planted upon you or else

    your staff planted him. I'll give you the benefit of the

    doubt for the moment and assume that you do not know he

    was a plant. If you let it go as is, you and Mr. Preyer

    and the rest of the committee are going to look pretty


    You absolutely must call as witnesses, Gorden Novel, and

    at the other end, Charles Sensenay and the CIA people asso-

    ciated with Fort Detrick, Maryland, where that umbrella

    launching system was made. Incidentally, two Bulgarian

    intelligence agents have recently been assassinated in

    England with an umbrella weapon using poison flechettes,

    very similar to the one used on JFK.

    I would appreciate a response to this letter telling me

    what you plan to do about those witnesses.

    Best regards,

    Dick Sprague

    Exhibit J











    (202) 225-4624

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S House of Representatives


    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515

    December 4, 1978

    Mr. Dick Sprague

    193 Pinewood Rqad

    Hartsdale, New York 10530

    Dear Mr. Sprague:

    Thank you for your letter of November 24, 1978.

    I am aware of the amount of time you have spent

    analyzing the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

    and your interest in the work of the Select Committee on

    Assassinations since its inception.

    However, I regret that under our Rules, it is

    impossible for us to respond to your letter in a manner

    which would reveal the substance or procedure of our

    investigation, or the names of those persons who will be

    called to testify before the committee.

    The committee is, of course, grateful for your

    suggestions and those of the many other concerned citizens

    who have taken the time to write.


    [Louis Stokes]




    Exhibit K











    (202) 225-4624

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S House of Representatives


    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515

    JAN 16 1978

    Richard E. Sprague, Esq.

    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, New York 10530

    Dear Mr. Sprague:

    In response to your letter of January 9,

    1978, I have reviewed your proposed article "The

    CIA Weapon System Used in the Assassination of

    President Kennedy." It is my opinion that the article

    is derived from your own sources of information, and

    contains no information that has come into your

    possession by virtue of your consulting work with the

    Committee. Accordingly, your proposed publication of

    the article does not violate the terms of your non-

    disclosure agreement. As I am sure you can appreciate,

    further comment by myself upon the article or its

    proposed publication would be inappropriate, and

    consequently I decline to express any review or

    comment upon it.

    Thank you for your continuing cooperation

    with the Select Committee.


    [G. Robert Blakey]

    G. Robert Blakey


    Exhibit L


    193 Pinewood Road

    Hartsdale, NY 10530

    August 3, 1978

    Mr. Robert Blakey

    Select Committee on Assassinations

    U.S. House of Representatives

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Bob:

    Following our telephone conversation on Tuesday August 1,

    I checked with Bob Cutler, my co-author on the Umbrella

    Weapon System article in Gallery June 1978. Bob told me

    he left with Mr. Preyer and with you, photographic material

    showing that The Umbrella Man (TUM) was quite probably

    J. Gordon Novel.

    Your news photo of him reinforces that belief for both of

    us. I did not have that portion of the Couch film from

    WFAA and so had never seen TUM's face as clearly as it

    appears there. The Bothun photo of him has a light

    reflection around his nose, as I'm sure you know.

    We have a 1962-3 photo of Novel taken from the same angle

    as the Couch, film of TUM and a photo comparison convinces

    us more than ever that Novel is TUM. Mr. Preyer no doubt

    told you back in April that Novel is in a jail in Georgia,

    framed for a crime he and Jim Garrison, his former lawyer,

    both claim he didn't commit.

    Best regards,

    Dick Sprague


    P.S. I am still waiting for a response to my letters to

    Louis Stokes about attending the hearings beginning

    August 14.

    cc: L. Stokes

    R. Cutler

    End Part18.

  11. Part17.

    Chapter 17

    THE FINAL COVER UP: How The CIA Controlled

    The House Select Committee On Assassinations


    The final report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations

    (HSCA), issued in 1979, concluded that a conspiracy existed in the

    assassination of President Kennedy. This news should have

    delighted hundreds of researchers who had disagreed with the no-

    conspiracy finding of the Warren Commission. The fact that it did

    not, is due to the HSCA conspiracy being a simple one, with Lee

    Harvey Oswald still firing all but one of the shots from the sixth

    floor window of the Texas School Book Depository Building. The

    existence of another shooter and another shot, from the grassy

    knoll, was "proved" by the HSCA, based primarily on acoustical

    evidence presented in the very last month of their public hearings.

    Dr. Robert Blakey and Richard Billings, chief counsel and report

    editor for the HSCA, co-authored, in 1981, a book, "The Plot to

    Kill the President," following the publication of the HSCA's final

    report. The book claimed that the other shooter and Oswald were

    part of a Mafia plot to kill JFK.

    To over simplify the current (1985) situation, most JFK

    researchers feel that the American public had been deceived once

    again. The HSCA reaffirmed all but one of the Warren Commission's

    findings, including even the famed single bullet theory. The

    simplified conspiracy finding is now subject to review by the

    Justice Department and the FBI because it is based on very

    questionable acoustical evidence. Justice commissioned the so-

    called Ramsey Panel[1] to review this evidence, in 1981, under the

    auspices of the National Academy of Sciences. It found no evidence

    from the acoustics that a grassy knoll shot was fired. So, we are

    back to no-conspiracy and Oswald being the lone assassin. And even

    if there was a conspiracy, Blakey claims it involved the Mafia and

    not the CIA. The HSCA report and all of its volumes of evidence

    omitting any reference to CIA involvement, concluded that the CIA

    was not involved, and did not reveal any evidence that the HSCA

    staff had collected showing that CIA people murdered JFK, and that

    the CIA has been covering up that fact ever since.

    Any followers of CIA activities connected with the JFK

    assassination, since 1963, must ask the question, how did they do

    it? How did the CIA turn things completely around from the 1976

    days when Henry Gonzalez, Thomas Downing, Richard A. Sprague,

    Robert Tanenbaum, Cliff Fenton and others were pursuing the truth

    about the assassination, to essentially the same status as when the

    Warren Commission finished its work? How did they produce the

    final cover-up? The answer is that the CIA controlled the HSCA and

    its investigation and findings from the early part of 1977,

    forward. The methods they used were as clever and devious as any

    they had used previously to control the Warren Commission, the

    Rockefeller Commission, the Garrison Investigation, the

    Schweiker/Hart Committee[2] and the efforts of independent


    The Situation in 1976

    In 1976, Henry Gonzalez, member of the House from Texas, and

    Thomas Downing from Virginia, were both convinced there was a

    massive conspiracy in the JFK assassination. They introduced a

    joint bill in the House which resulted in the formation of the HSCA

    and an investigation of the JFK and King assassinations. Gonzalez

    believed there were at least four conspiracies in the

    assassinations of JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy and in the attempted

    assassination of George Wallace. He introduced an original bill to

    have the House investigate all four and the cover-ups and links

    among them. Downing was primarily interested in the JFK case and

    his original bill dealt only with that conspiracy. Mark Lane and

    his committee members and supporters around the country joined

    forces with Coretta King and the Black Caucus in the House to

    pressure Congressmen and Tip O'Neill to investigate the King and

    John Kennedy assassinations. The net result was a merging of the

    Gonzalez and Downing bills into a Final HSCA bill dealing with only

    two of the cases.

    In the fall of 1976, with Downing as chairman, the HSCA selected

    Richard A. Sprague, from the Philadelphia District Attorney's

    office, to be chief counsel. Sprague hired four professional

    investigators and criminal lawyers from New York City. They were

    very good and completely independent of the CIA and FBI, having

    been trained by one of the best professionals in the business, D.A.

    Frank Hogan of New York.

    Sprague and his JFK team, headed by Bob Tanenbaum, attorney, and

    Cliff Fenton, chief detective, were going after the real assassins

    and their bosses, whether this led them to the CIA or FBI or

    anywhere else. Sprague had already made it clear to the HSCA that

    he would investigate CIA involvement, and subpoena CIA people,

    documents and other information, whether classified or not. He had

    also had meetings with several researchers, including the author,

    and made it known privately that he was going to use the talent and

    knowledge of every reliable researcher on a consulting basis. He

    had contacted Jim Garrison in New Orleans and informed him he would

    be following up on all of his information and leads. He had

    initiated an investigation of the CIA activities in Mexico City

    connected with the JFK assassination, including information

    supplied to Sprague by the author.[3]

    R.A. Sprague and Tanenbaum were aware of the CIA connections of

    the individuals involved in the JFK assassination in Dealey Plaza,

    in Mexico City, in New Orleans and in the Florida Keys. They had,

    in November 1976, exposed the entire HSCA staff to all of the

    photographic evidence showing these people in Dealey Plaza and

    elsewhere. They were aware of the assassination planning meetings

    held by CIA people in Mexico City and knew who the higher level

    conspirators were. They had initiated searches for the real

    assassins; Frenchy, William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Jack

    Lawrence, Fred Lee Crisman, Jim Braden, Jim Hicks, et al. They

    were planning to interview CIA contract agents, Richard Case

    Nagell, Harry Dean, Gordon Novel, Ronald Augustinovich, Mary Hope

    and Guy Gabaldin. Cliff Fenton had been appointed head of a team

    of investigators to follow up on the New Orleans part of the

    conspiracy which had included CIA agents and people; Clay Shaw,

    David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Manuel Garcia Gonzalez, Sergio Arcacha

    Smith, Gordon Novel and others. They were going to contact people

    who had attended assassination planning meetings in New Orleans.

    From the photographic evidence surrounding the sixth floor

    window, as well as the grassy knoll, Sprague, Tanenbaum and most of

    the staff knew Oswald had not fired any shots, knew no shots came

    from the sixth floor window, and knew there had been shots from the

    Dal Tex Building and the knoll. They knew the single bullet theory

    was not true, and knew there had been a well-planned crossfire in

    Dealey Plaza. They were not planning to waste a lot of time

    reviewing and rehashing the Dealey Plaza evidence, except as it

    might lead to the real assassins.

    They had set up an investigation in Florida and the Keys, of the

    evidence and leads developed in 1967 by Garrison. Gaeton Fonzi was

    in charge of that part of Sprague's team. They were going to check

    out the people in the CIA that had been running and funding the No

    Name Key group and other Anti-Castro groups. Seymour, Santana,

    Manuel Garcia Gonzalez, Jerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall, Lawrence

    Howard, Frenchy and Cubans Rolando Masferrer and Carlos Prio

    Socarras were to be found and interrogated.

    Tanenbaum and his research team had seen the photo collection of

    Dick Billings from "Life Magazine" which was, by 1976, deposited in

    the Georgetown University Library's JFK assassination collection.

    The No Name Key people and others showing up in Garrison's

    investigation appeared in these photos with high level CIA agents.

    In 1977, Henry Gonzalez, who was far more supportive of a CIA

    conspiracy idea than Tom Downing, was to become chairman of the

    HSCA. Downing did not run for re-election in 1976 and was

    retiring. At that point, December 1976, Gonzalez and Sprague were

    of the same mind and getting along fine. Researchers were very

    pleased with the way things were going and believed Sprague would

    expose the CIA's involvement in the JFK cover up.

    The CIA's problem

    Given this background of the HSCA status in late 1976, it can

    easily be seen that the CIA was up against much more serious

    opposition than it ever had been before in the JFK murder and

    cover-up. They had ruined Jim Garrison's reputation and curtailed

    his investigation by various dirty trick means. They had been in

    solid control of the Warren Commission by the simple expedient of

    having four of the Commissioners belonging to them; Dulles, Ford,

    McCloy and Russell. They were also able to kill enough people who

    knew the truth, to slow down any truth-seeking that might have

    taken place. They also hid documents, destroyed and altered

    evidence, lied about other evidence, and bald facedly (Dulles)

    admitted that they wouldn't tell the President or the Commission if

    Lee Harvey Oswald had been a CIA agent (which he had been). In the

    Rockefeller Commission situation they were in complete control of

    that attempt to reinforce the Warren Commission's findings. And in

    the Church Committee investigation, the Schweiker/Hart subcommittee

    on the JFK case was very limited and controlled in what they could


    But in the new situation, in Richard A. Sprague and his

    professionals with so much knowledge of the CIA's role in the

    murder and the cover-up, they faced a crisis. They knew they had

    to do several things to turn it around and to continue to keep the

    American public from realizing what was happening. Here is what

    they had to do:

    1. Get rid of Richard A. Sprague.

    2. Get rid of Henry Gonzalez.

    3. Get rid of Sprague's key men or keep them away from CIA

    evidence or keep them quiet.

    4. Install their own chief counsel to control the


    5. Elect a new HSCA chairman who would go along, or who

    could be fooled.

    6. Cut off all Sprague's investigations of CIA people.

    Make sure none of the people were found or bury any

    testimony that had already been found, or murder CIA

    people who might talk.

    7. Keep the committee members from knowing what was

    happening and segregate the investigation from them.

    8. Create a new investigative environment whose purpose

    would be to confirm all of the findings of the Warren

    Commission and divert attention away from the who-did-

    it-and-why approach.

    9. Control the committee staff in such a way as to keep

    any of them from revealing what they already knew about

    CIA involvement.

    10. Control committee consultants in the same way, and

    staff members who might leave or who might be fired.

    11. Continue to control the media in such a way as to

    reinforce all of the above.

    12. Continue to murder witnesses or assassins in emergency

    situations if necessary.

    The CIA successfully did all twelve of these things. The

    techniques they used were much more subtle and devious than those

    they had used before, although they did continue with murders of

    potential HSCA witnesses and with media control.

    How The CIA Did It

    The first step taken by the CIA was to use the media they

    control, along with some members of Congress they control, and two

    planted agents on the staff of and consulting for, Henry Gonzalez,

    to get rid of both Henry and Richard A. Sprague. In taking this

    step, they used the old Roman approach of divide and conquer. They

    made Gonzalez and his closest staff assistant, Gail Beagle, believe

    that Sprague was a CIA agent and that Gonzalez must get rid of him.

    They also made Gonzalez believe that some of his other associates,

    both in the HSCA and outside, were CIA agents. At the same time,

    they used the media to attack Sprague mercilessly. The key people

    in doing this attack on Sprague were three CIA reporters, George

    Lardner of the "Washington Post," Mr. Burnham of "The New York

    Times," and Jeremiah O'Leary of the "Washington Star." In all HSCA

    committee meetings and in Rules Committee and Finance Committee

    meetings, these three reporters sat next to each other, passed

    notes back and forth, and wrote articles continually attacking and

    undermining both Sprague and Gonzalez, as well as the entire

    committee. The CIA had the support of top management in all three

    news organizations in doing this.

    Gonzalez eventually tried to fire Sprague, was over-ruled by the

    committee, and then resigned from the committee. Sprague

    eventually resigned, because it became obvious that the CIA

    controlled members of the Finance and Rules Committees and other

    CIA allies in the House, were going to kill the committee unless he

    resigned. There are many more details to this story, which

    requires a book to describe. Suffice it to say, the CIA

    accomplished their first two goals by March 1977. The next steps

    were to install a CIA-controlled chief counsel and to get a

    chairman elected who could be fooled or coerced into appointing

    such a counsel. Lewis Stokes was a perfect choice for chairman.

    He was, and probably still is, a good and honest man. But he was

    completely bamboozled by what the CIA did and is still doing. The

    selection and implementation of a CIA man as chief counsel had to

    be done in an extremely subtle manner. It could not be obvious to

    anyone that he was a CIA man. Stokes and the other committee

    members had to be fooled into believing *they* had made the choice,

    and had picked a good man. Professor Robert Blakey, an apparently

    scientifically oriented, academic person, with a history of work

    against organized crime, was the perfect CIA choice. Once Dr.

    Blakey took over as chief counsel, he accomplished goals numbered

    3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 very nicely. The fourth and fifth goals

    having been achieved, Blakey set about the other parts of his

    assignment very rapidly after he arrived. For Goal 3, he fired Bob

    Tanenbaum, Bob Lehner, and Donovan Gay, three loyal Sprague

    supporters, quickly.

    The Nondisclosure Agreement

    The most important weapon used by the CIA and Blakey to pursue

    goals 9 and 10 was instituted within one week after Blakely

    arrived. It is by far the most subtle and far reaching technique

    used by the CIA to date. It is called the "Nondisclosure

    Agreement" and it was signed by all members of the committee, all

    staff members including Blakey, all consultants to the committee,

    and several independent researchers who met with Blakey in 1977.

    Signing the agreement was a condition for continued employment on

    the committee staff or for continuing consulting on a contract

    basis. The choice was, sign or get out. The author signed the

    agreement in July 1977, without realizing its implications at the

    time, in order to continue as a consultant. The agreement is

    reproduced in full in the Appendix and is labelled "Exhibit A."

    The author's consulting help was never sought after that and the

    obvious objective was to silence a consultant and not use his


    This CIA weapon has several parts. First, it binds the signer,

    if a consultant, to never reveal that he is working for the

    committee (see paragraph 13). Second, it prevents the signer from

    ever revealing to anyone in perpetuity, any information he has

    learned about the committee's work as a result of working for the

    committee (see paragraphs 2 and 12). Third, it gives the committee

    and the House, after the committee terminates, the power to take

    legal action against the signer, *in a court named by the

    committee* or the House, in case the committee believes the signer

    has violated the agreement. Fourth, the signer agrees to pay the

    court costs for such a suit in the event he loses the suit (see

    paragraphs 14 and 15).

    These four parts are enough to scare most researchers or staff

    members who signed it into silence forever about what they learned.

    The agreement is insidious in that the signer is, in effect, giving

    away his constitutional rights. Some lawyers who have seen the

    agreement, including Richard A. Sprague, have expressed the opinion

    it is an illegal agreement in violation of the Constitution and

    several Constitutional amendments. Whether it is illegal or not,

    most staff members and all consultants who signed it *have*

    remained silent, even after three and a half years beyond the life

    of the committee. There are only two exceptions, the author and

    Gaeton Fonzi, who published a lengthy article about the HSCA

    cover-up in the "Washingtonian" magazine in 1981.

    The most insidious parts of the agreement, however, are

    paragraphs 2, 3 and 7, which give the CIA very effective control

    over what the committee could and could not do with so-called

    "classified" information. The director of the CIA is given

    authority to determine, in effect, what information shall remain

    classified and therefore unavailable to nearly everyone. The

    signer of the agreement, and remember, this includes all of the

    Congressman and women who were members of the committee, agrees not

    to reveal or discuss any information that the CIA decides he should

    not. The chairman of the committee supposedly has the final say on

    what information is included, but in practice, even an intelligent

    and gutsy chairman would not be likely to override the CIA. Lewis

    Stokes did not attempt any final decisions. In fact, the CIA did

    not have to do very much under these clauses. The fact that Blakey

    was their man and kept nearly all of the CIA sensitive information,

    evidence, and witnesses away from the committee members was all

    that was necessary. Stokes never knew what he should have argued

    about with the CIA director. It is this document which proves

    beyond doubt that the CIA controlled the HSCA.

    The author attempted to point out to Stokes in a letter dated

    February 10, 1978, "Exhibit B," the type of control the agreement

    gives the CIA over the HSCA. Stokes replied in a March 16, 1978

    letter, "Exhibit C," that he retained ultimate authority and was

    not bound by the opinion of the Central Intelligence Director. He

    also claimed that paragraphs 12 and 14, on extending the agreement

    in perpetuity and giving the government the right to file a civil

    suit in which the signer will pay all costs, were legal. He said

    in the letter that the purpose of the agreement was to give the

    HSCA control over the conduct of the investigation including

    *control over the ultimate disclosure of information to the

    American public*. That is a key admission about what has actually

    happened. The only question is, who is controlling the information

    in the heads of the staff investigators who discovered CIA

    involvement? Was Louis Stokes working for the public or for the


    Examples of CIA-Control

    Some specific examples will serve to illustrate how well the CIA

    techniques have worked and are still working.

    Garrison Evidence and Witnesses Example

    As mentioned earlier, when Blakey arrived, an investigating team

    headed by Cliff Fenton, reporting to Bob Tanenbaum, had already

    been hard at work tracking down leads to the CIA conspirators

    generated by Jim Garrison's investigation in New Orleans. This

    team eventually had four investigators, all professionals, and

    their work led them to believe that the CIA people in New Orleans

    had been involved in a large conspiracy to assassinate JFK. As

    Garrison told Ted Gandolfo, a New York City researcher, the Fenton

    team went much further than Garrison, in locating witnesses and

    other evidence of assassination planning meetings held in New

    Orleans, Mexico City and Dallas. In fact, they found a CIA man who

    attended those meetings, and who was willing to testify before the

    committee. The evidence was far more convincing than the testimony

    presented at the trial of Clay Shaw. In the Shaw Trial, CIA people

    were involved in meetings in addition to the one brought out in the

    trial. Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, William Seymour and others were

    involved. Fenton's team discovered a lot of other facts about how

    the CIA people planned and carried out the assassination. Their

    report about the conspiracy was solid and convincing and they were

    convinced. The CIA, through Robert Blakey, buried the Fenton

    report. Committee members were not told about the team's findings.

    The evidence was not included in the HSCA report, nor was it even

    referred to in the volumes. The witnesses in New Orleans were

    never called to testify. That included the CIA man at the

    meetings. Fenton and the other three members of his team, having

    signed the nondisclosure agreement, were legally sworn to secrecy,

    or at least they thought so. To this day they refuse to discuss

    anything with anybody.

    There may also have been threats of physical violence against

    them. There is no way to determine this. However, Fenton and the

    others are well aware of the witnesses that the CIA murdered just

    before they were about to testify before the HSCA. These included:

    William Sullivan, the FBI deputy under J. Edgar Hoover, who headed

    Division V, the domestic intelligence division; George de

    Mohrenschildt, Oswald's CIA contact in Dallas; John Roselli, the

    Mafia man involved in the CIA plots to assassinate Castro; Regis

    Kennedy, the FBI agent who knew a lot about Clay Shaw, alias Clay

    Bertrand, in New Orleans and who was one of Lee Harvey Oswald's FBI

    contacts; Rolando Masferrer, an anti-Castro Cuban murdered in

    Miami; and Carlos Prio Socarras, former Cuban premier, killed in

    his garage in Miami.

    With the knowledge of these murders, Fenton and his team would

    not have required any more than a gentle hint, to keep quiet.

    Frenchy Example

    The "tramp," Frenchy, who appears in seven photos taken in

    Dealey Plaza, is one of the most important CIA individuals in the

    JFK assassination. Researcher Bill Turner discovered that Frenchy

    had been in the Florida Keys working with CIA sponsored anti-Castro

    groups. Richard A. Sprague and Bob Tanenbaum knew about his role,

    and intended to go after him when the HSCA restored its subpoena

    power and obtained enough money. They were aware of the evidence

    that Frenchy fired the fatal shot from the grassy knoll. They had

    assigned a team of investigators to follow a lead to Frenchy

    provided by the author in the early part of 1977.

    Unfortunately, the CIA managed to keep both the subpoena power

    and the funds away from the committee until after they had forced

    the resignations of Gonzalez, Sprague and Tanenbaum. The power and

    funds were restored after Stokes was elected and after they

    installed their own man, Blakey. The investigative team remained,

    however, and they did search for and find Frenchy. But Blakey and

    the CIA suppressed that fact, and suppressed anything they may have

    learned from Frenchy. He is not mentioned in the report and was

    not called as a witness. The author dares not reveal the source of

    the above information because of the danger to staff people from

    the nondisclosure agreement.

    Nagell, Dean, Novel, and Augustinovich

    The Garrison investigation and a subsequent series of

    investigations by the author and other members of the Committee to

    Investigate Assassinations in 1967 to 1973, turned up several

    witnesses who were willing to talk privately about the CIA

    assassination team that murdered JFK. Harry Dean and Richard Case

    Nagell had been Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA contacts while he was in

    Mexico City and knew about assassination planning meetings held in

    Guy Gabaldin's apartment. Dean knew about William Seymour, CIA

    contract agent, attending those meetings and how Seymour had been

    pretending to be Oswald on many occasions. Gordon Novel knew how

    the CIA had covered up the truth about the assassination and how

    they went to extreme lengths to ruin Jim Garrison and his

    investigation. Novel had been employed by the CIA in this effort.

    Ronald Augustinovich and his friend, Mary Hope, had attended some

    of the Mexico City meetings.

    Richard Russell and the author tracked down all four of these

    witnesses prior to the arrival of Robert Blakey at the HSCA.

    Russell interviewed them and knew they would be willing to talk,

    given protection and some form of immunity. The author presented

    their names and their involvement to Richard A. Sprague, Henry

    Gonzalez, Lewis Stokes and Robert Tanenbaum in the fall of 1976.

    This was done as part of the author's consulting assignment for the

    HSCA. The names were in a memorandum to Sprague, which outlined

    the overall JFK conspiracy and the CIA's role, along with a

    recommendation of the sequence in which witnesses should be called.

    The idea was to base each witness interrogation on what had been

    established from interviewing prior witnesses, working slowly from

    cooperative witnesses, to non-cooperative witnesses, to actual

    assassins, to higher level CIA people.[4] The highest level

    people, E. Howard Hunt and Richard Helms, would be faced with


    As indicated earlier, Sprague and Tanenbaum could do nothing and

    did nothing up to the day they left. By early 1978 it became

    obvious that Blakey had done nothing about calling these CIA

    witnesses. The author initiated a series of letter exchanges with

    Blakey and Stokes, reminding them of these witnesses, and the

    possibility that their lives could be in danger prior to their

    being interviewed by HSCA. Dick Russell had obtained an agreement

    from Nagell to meet with the committee, but no contact had been

    made up to April 5, 1978, the date of the author's first letter to

    Stokes on this subject, "Exhibit D." Nagell was hiding in fear of

    his children's lives, not so much his own life. He was a real CIA

    agent and knew how they operated. Russell was the only person who

    knew where Nagell was. In the April 5th letter, a recommendation

    was given to Stokes that the committee contact Nagell through

    Russell, and contact the other witnesses on the original list.

    Stokes wrote on May 15, 1978, "Exhibit E," that the Nagell matter had

    been referred to Blakey for follow-up. Blakey never mentioned it

    by telephone or by letter.

    By September 1978, when the public hearings had begun, there was

    no indication that Blakey was going to call the CIA witnesses.

    Nagell was standing by but had not been contacted. The published,

    intended witness list did not contain any of these CIA names. The

    author wrote to Stokes and Representative Yvonne Burke on September

    22 and 23, 1978, "Exhibits F," expressing dissatisfaction with

    the committee's failure to call the CIA witnesses, and suggesting

    that if they did not not, history would eventually catch up with

    them. The names were repeated in the letter to Burke, and specific

    mention made that the committee had never contacted Richard Case

    Nagell. Louis Stokes sent back a letter dated October 10, 1978,

    "Exhibit G." It is what one might call a non-answer, stating "that

    the committee will make every effort to tell the whole story to the

    American people." Seven years later (1985) it can be said that the

    committee did not make an effort to call the most important

    witnesses and therefore did not tell the whole story. Nor did

    their report even mention these witnesses or any of the evidence

    exposed earlier by the CTIA or Jim Garrison. Louis Stokes was

    either totally fooled or he is part of the CIA's cover-up.

    The author responded to Stokes' non-answer letter of October

    10th with two more letters, dated October 30, 1978 and November 24,

    1978, "Exhibits H & I." Stokes finally answered them on December

    4, 1978 with another non-answer letter, "Exhibit J." He says the

    committee cannot reveal the procedure of the investigation or the

    names of those persons who will be called to testify before the

    committee. This implies they were planning to call more witnesses

    in December 1978. The committee's life ended on January 1, 1979.

    The CIA witnesses were never called nor ever mentioned right up to

    the very end and the report was silent about them.

    The Umbrella Man

    One last example illustrates the way the CIA and Blakey worked

    together to cancel-out any evidence linking the CIA people and/or

    techniques used in the JFK assassination. For may years, various

    researchers, including Josiah Thompson[5] and the author, had

    speculated about the role of a man appearing in the photographs in

    Dealey Plaza with an open umbrella. He became known as "The

    Umbrella Man," or TUM for short. Thompson speculated that TUM had

    been giving the various shooters in Dealey Plaza visual signals

    with the umbrella, and the author agreed this could have been true.

    In *1976*, the Church committee took the public testimony of

    Charles Senseney, a CIA contract weapons employee at the Army

    Chemical Center in Ft. Detrick, MD. Senseney described a system

    used by the CIA in Vietnam and elsewhere, for killing or paralyzing

    people with poisons carried in self-propelled Flechette darts. The

    darts were self-propelled like solid fuel rockets and launched

    silently and unobtrusively from a number of devices, including an

    umbrella. A CIA catalog of available secret weapons shows a

    photograph of the umbrella launching device and photos of the

    Flechettes which were self-propelled from one of the hollow spokes

    of the umbrella. They could even be launched through soda straws.

    Researcher Robert Cutler, former Air Force Liason officer, L.

    Fletcher Prouty, and the author did some additional research on the

    photographic evidence and the weapon system, especially research on

    the movements of JFK in the Zapruder film and various photos of TUM

    and a friend he had with him in Dealey Plaza. The friend had a

    two-way radio device. As a result of this research, an article was

    published in "Gallery" magazine in June, 1978. The article

    presented the hypothesis that TUM launched, from his umbrella, a

    poison Flechette at JFK, which struck him in the throat at Zapruder

    frame 189, causing complete paralysis of his upper body, hands,

    arms, shoulders and head, in less than two seconds. The photos

    show this paralysis and the timing matches the testimony given by

    Senseney about how fast the CIA poison works and what its

    paralyzing effects look like.

    Whether one agrees with this hypothesis or not is incidental to

    what Blakey and the HSCA did in reaction to it. Until the summer

    of 1977, official investigators for the HSCA, or any of its

    predecessors, had shown no more than passing curious interest in

    TUM. They just paid no attention and did not take the researcher's

    ideas seriously. On August 8, 1977, the author informed Robert

    Blakey, in a letter of that date, about the TUM hypothesis. The

    letter concerned a discussion the author and Blakey had on July 21,

    1977, two days after the nondisclosure agreement had been signed.

    Blakey had said that if there was a conspiracy it would not have

    involved a very large number of people. He was probably already

    laying the foundation for a small, Mafia type, conspiracy involving

    Oswald and a Mafia friend, backed by a few Mafia Dons.

    The August 8th letter maintained that the CIA had been involved

    and that it had been a massive intelligence operation, rather than

    a conspiracy in the sense Blakey was using the term. The CIA

    Flechette, umbrella launching weapons system, if indeed it had been

    used by TUM, the letter pointed out, would be solid proof of high

    level CIA involvement, since that system would not have been

    available to lower level agents or contract people.

    Blakey did not respond right away to this letter and the author

    decided to make the TUM hypothesis public by publishing it with

    Cutler as co-author, in the spring of 1978, in "Gallery" magazine.

    Contact was also made with Senator Richard Schweiker who had been

    the member of the Church Committee responsible for interrogating

    Charles Senseney. Schweiker agreed to try and find out from

    Senseney what had happened to the umbrella launchers he had

    constructed for the CIA; that is, who in the CIA had had access to

    a launcher.

    The information to be published in "Gallery" had been generated

    by Bob Cutler and the author independently of any information

    obtained from the HSCA, but the safest approach seemed to be an

    application to them for permission to print the article under the

    terms of the nondisclosure agreement. So, on January 9, 1978, the

    author submitted a draft of the "Gallery" article to Blakey and, on

    January 16, 1978, he wrote back stating that publishing the article

    would not violate the terms of the nondisclosure agreement, "Exhibit

    K." The article was published in the June 1978 issue of "Gallery"

    which actually appeared in May 1978. Blakey knew in advance when

    it would appear.

    On August 3, 1978, the author wrote to Blakey stating that

    photographic evidence showed a high probability that TUM was

    actually Gordon Novel, the CIA contract agent from New Orleans, who

    had been hired to ruin the Garrison investigation, "Exhibit L."

    The reason that some new photo evidence was just then coming to

    light was that the committee had discovered a never-before seen

    film of TUM and had released a frame from this film to the press in

    July 1978. Shortly after the TUM photo was released by the HSCA,

    with an appeal to him to come forward, an unknown caller contacted

    Penn Jones in Texas to tell him he knew who TUM was. Penn visited

    Louis Witt, having been given his address, and upon seeing him,

    jumped to the conclusion that he *was* TUM. This led to Mr. Witt

    appearing before the committee in their televised hearings and

    making the claim he was TUM. He showed the umbrella on TV that he

    claimed he used.

    It was immediately obvious to Bob Cutler and the author that

    Witt was not TUM. He displayed the umbrella he said he had used in

    Dealey Plaza and *it contained the wrong number of spokes*. His

    height, weight and facial appearance did not match TUM's, and his

    description of his actions did not match at all the actions TUM

    took, as shown in the photos. On November 24, 1978, the author

    wrote to Stokes telling him he had been fooled by a CIA plant, or

    by his own staff, planting Mr. Witt, and that he should call Gordon

    Novel as a witness because it was likely that Novel was TUM. HSCA

    never did call Novel as a witness. Novel had visited the HSCA

    during the days Richard A. Sprague was still there, but he had not

    mentioned being in Dealey Plaza or that the CIA had hired him to

    ruin Garrison. Blakey and Stokes avoided contacting Novel.

    Now, the important thing to focus on, in this example, is the

    sequence of events. The HSCA had done nothing about TUM until they

    were faced with the possibility of a public article linking TUM to

    the CIA through a CIA weapons system and through Gordon Novel.

    They also found out that Senator Schweiker was looking into the CIA

    end of it. At about the time the "Gallery" article was being

    widely read, the HSCA suddenly released to the press a photo of TUM

    and asked that people identify him or that he come forward. The

    photo did not show his umbrella or where he was sitting in Dealey

    Plaza, nor did the release mention the umbrella or the theories

    about it. Just his photo. An earlier photo used by Cutler and the

    author to identify Novel as TUM was not released.

    In a surprisingly short time after the photo appeared, an

    unknown person calls a well-known researcher and leads him to Louis

    Witt. Witt in turn lies about who he was and where he was, by

    claiming to be TUM. Blakey and the committee put Witt on center

    stage as though it was a play, and eliminate the TUM problem by

    pulling off a charade. The fine hand of the CIA can be seen in

    this whole series of linked events. Blakey had to have known what

    was going on, and he knows today that Witt was not TUM and the high

    probability that TUM was Gordon Novel, CIA agent.

    The extreme lengths that the CIA and Blakey went to in this

    charade, made one believe that the umbrella probably *was* the

    Charles Senseney weapon. Otherwise, why bother with TUM?

    Goal Number Eight

    What has been presented so far in this article represents direct

    actions by the CIA to cover-up CIA involvement. Blakey played

    another important role and that was to achieve the eighth goal on

    the list, namely to change the public impression of HSCA's main

    effort. Researchers who concentrated on attacking the Warren

    Commission's Dealey Plaza or Tippit shooting findings had created

    a big problem. If Oswald had fired no shots, then he must have

    been framed. If Oswald was framed, the evidence against him was

    planted, and multiple gunmen were involved. All of this line of

    reasoning would point to a very well-organized and very well-

    planned conspiracy, which would in turn point to an intelligence

    style involvement.

    So, Blakey set out from the beginning to create an investigative

    environment and image that appeared to be based on a *highly

    scientific, objective study of the Dealey Plaza evidence*. The

    overall objective of this approach was to prove "scientifically"

    that the Warren Commission was right, and that Lee Harvey Oswald

    fired all the shots that had struck John Kennedy, Governor Connally

    and policeman Tippit. That required scientific proof of the

    single bullet theory, among other things. Blakey did just that.

    Right up to the moment when the acoustical evidence on the Dallas

    police tape reared its ugly head, only one month from the end of

    the life of the committee, Blakey managed to control and manipulate

    the Dealey Plaza evidence to back up the Warren Commission

    completely. The author described how Blakey did this in chapter

    16. One of his "magical" methods was to split up the scientific

    work into subcommittees or panels of advisors, and various staff

    groups, and keep them all from communicating with each other.

    *Thus, even though the medical panel gave testimony showing an

    upward trajectory of the single bullet (399) shot*, the trajectory

    panel turned it into a downward trajectory. The photographic panel

    was so isolated they never did see the most important evidence of

    the sixth floor window, inside and outside.

    The photo panel had a number of government and military people

    on it, as did all of the other panels. Thus it was not surprising

    that they testified that the fake photos of Oswald holding a rifle

    were not fakes. Blakey rode roughshod over the evidence that these

    photos were fakes, presenting only one witness, Jack White, to show

    why they were fakes, and giving him a very rough time. Other

    researchers, like Fred Newcomb and the author, who had done a lot

    of work on the fake photos, were not called and not consulted by

    the photo panel or Blakey and his staff. There are many more

    examples of how Blakey managed this magic show on public TV, too

    numerous to describe here.

    One important result of this drastic change of investigative

    environment compared to that existing under Richard A. Sprague, was

    to draw the attention of the public during the hearings away from

    the evidence and the witnesses pointing to the real assassins, and

    to the fact that Oswald was framed and did not fire any shots. It

    thus provided an additional shield for the CIA and in effect,

    completed the cover-up.


    Now, in the spring of 1985, the CIA appears to have under

    control the final cover-up engineered by Robert Blakey with the

    support of a few murders of key witnesses and the existence of the

    insidious, illegal, nondisclosure agreement silencing the HSCA

    staff, committee members, and consultants. The situation for the

    American public appears to be hopeless. The CIA effectively

    controlled all three branches of government when the chips were

    down, and have had no problems controlling the fourth estate, the

    media, or the independent researchers. By what means could the

    American public combat this awesome power? It is hard to see that

    there is any means available. And we have now reached and passed

    1984. Would an election of Edward Kennedy to the presidency in

    1988 change anything? If he lived through a presidency following

    an election campaign, it probably would. Most Americans react to

    that by saying, "he would be assassinated." Somehow they have

    received the messages about what has gone wrong with the United



    [1] Chaired by Prof. Norman Ramsey of M.I.T.

    [2] Senators Richard Schweiker of Penn. and Gary Hart of Colo. formed

    a sub-committee of the Church Committee.

    [3] The author became an advisor to Richard A. Sprague as soon as he

    was appointed counsel to the HSCA.

    [4] The names of the witnesses in the memo were:

    Cooperative Witnesses:

    Louis Ivon (Jim Garrison's chief investigator), Richard Case

    Nagell, Harry Dean, James Hosty, Carver Gaten, Warren du Bruys,

    Regis Kennedy, Victor Marchetti, Gordon Novel, Manuel Garcia

    Gonzalez, Harry Williams, Jim Garrison, George de

    Mohrenschildt, Charles Senseney, Mary Hope and Jim Hicks.

    Non-Cooperative Witnesses or Assassins or Planners:

    Ronald Augustinovich, Guy Gabaldin, Frenchy, William Seymour,

    Emilio Santana, Jack Lawrence, Jim Braden, Sergio Arcacha

    Smith, Fred Lee Crisman, William Sullivan, Carlos Prio

    Socarras, Rolando Masferrer, Major L.M. Bloomfield, E. Howard

    Hunt, and Richard Helms.

    [5] In his book, "Six Seconds in Dallas," Thompson showed photos of


    * * * * * * *

    End Part17.

  12. Part16.

    1979: The House Select Committee (1)

    Chapter 16

    1984 Here We Come

    George Orwell undoubtedly did not realize how accurate his 1984

    scenario would be by the year 1979. As 1978 drew to a close,

    events in America made Orwell's descriptions of such concepts as

    Newspeak and a supposedly open but actually closed society, very

    close to reality. By 1984, now only five short years away,

    Orwell's scenario will apparently be right on the nose.

    Any doubts about who is in charge of America and how effective

    they have become in creating our actual version of Newspeak,

    disappeared as the Carter administration, congress, the courts, and

    the media, all combined their coordinated efforts to cover up and

    distort our current history. The hopes of thousands of Americans

    that their only true representatives in government, the members of

    the House, would expose the fabric of lies about our recent history

    and the Power Control Group's activities were dashed to smithereens

    by the House of Representative's Select Committee on

    Assassinations. The hopes that Carter might be on our side, faded

    away in 1978 and the intentions of the executive branch were made

    quite clear by the new directors of the FBI and the CIA.

    The murder incorporated group within the Power Control Group

    continued to murder people in 1978, with efficiency and dispatch.

    The presidential race in 1980 has been foreclosed to Ted Kennedy

    for a long time, but the chances that any candidate, not willing to

    extend the assassination cover-ups, could be nominated and elected,

    are close to zero.

    The American people, by and large, do not understand or

    appreciate very much of this. The Select Committee teamed with the

    media and by holding public hearings with almost no live coverage

    they convinced the majority of Americans that there was no

    conspiracy in the JFK case and that James Earl Ray shot Martin

    Luther King although he might have had help from his brothers. The

    public has never heard of most of the eight men assassinated in

    1977 and 1978 by the PCG, nor do they appreciate the fact that

    future assassinations will be carried off by the same bunch.

    How the hell did the PCG control Congress and the Select

    Committee? It wasn't easy and they very nearly didn't.

    There may also be another explanation about the committee's

    actions in which the word "control" is too strong. Influence,

    intimidation by throwing out implied warnings or threats, or just

    plain making it obvious that personal danger could be involved,

    might have been used. The process was very involved and it made

    use of a number of techniques and approaches, including some we can

    only guess at in 1979. However, a number of the PCG's methods are

    known and will be described herein.

    The executive branch control by the PCG was exposed even before

    Carter's election by those whose eyes were open wide enough to see

    it. This author frankly admits to partially closed eyes until

    1978. The significance of the Bilderberg Society and the

    Trilateral Commission was not obvious until Carter had been in

    office for a couple of years. Now, it is very obvious that he is

    under the complete domination of the men who really run the U.S.A.,

    and that he will never do anything to expose the truth about the

    political assassinations or their cover-ups.

    The latest indication of where the Carter administration stands

    was the testimony given by FBI director William H. Webster to the

    Select Committee on December 11, 1978. He said that the FBI would

    freeze the scene and take full immediate control of the

    investigation of any future presidential assassination or that of

    any other elected U.S. leader.

    In case anyone has any doubt about what he meant by "freeze the

    scene", Webster went on to say, "One purpose of the FBI

    investigation would be to lay to rest untrue conspiratorial

    questions that have a way of rising, and avoid the sort of mistakes

    that followed the assassination of President Kennedy."[1] In other

    words, the FBI will suppress or destroy any evidence of conspiracy

    even if they were not involved in the assassination itself. One

    such "mistake" in the Dallas murder surfaced in December 1978 when

    Earl Golz of the "Dallas Morning News" found a movie that the FBI

    failed to "freeze". It was taken by a man named Bronson and it

    shows two men, not one, in the sixth floor window of the TSBD just

    five minutes before the shots were fired. One of the men is

    wearing a red shirt. That filmed evidence matches the still photo

    taken by an unknown photographer earlier that morning, and

    developed at a Dallas photo lab by Ed Foley, the lab owner. The

    author found the photo and obtained a print of it in 1967. The

    Foley photo, as it became known, shows two men in the sixth floor

    window, one with a black shirt and one with a bright red shirt.

    Mr. red shirt matches the description of the man in the Bronson

    film. He is not Lee Harvey Oswald. Neither is the man in the

    black shirt. He was most probably Buel Wesley Frazier, the man who

    drove Oswald to work on November 22, 1963. The facial profile and

    black shirt match photos of Frazier and another man entitled to be

    on that sixth floor, were there around 10 AM and at 12:25, five

    minutes before the shots were fired. Mr. Webster has in mind

    rounding up all such evidence and destroying it right away in the

    next assassination.

    The evidence discussed in earlier chapters of this book, also

    not "frozen" by the FBI, proves that the "snipers nest" was no

    snipers nest at all, but just an area where workers on that floor

    were piling cartons to allow the floor laying crew at the west end

    of that floor to do their job.

    Webster would like the FBI to grab such evidence the next time,

    and destroy it before "conspiracy rumors" get started. The FBI

    came much closer to doing this in Memphis, but after all, they were

    involved directly in the planning and execution of the

    assassination of Dr. King. They had a much greater incentive for

    cover-up in that murder. William Sullivan's Division Five, at the

    behest of J. Edgar Hoover, carried out the King assassination using

    Raoul and Jack Youngblood plus others.

    Returning to the Select Committee, I must switch over to a more

    personal tone because of my direct involvement with the group from

    its inception. I helped Henry Gonzalez in the early days of 1975

    and 1976 when the committee was just a wild dream for most people.

    I made a presentation to Thomas Downing's staff members who

    eventually became part of the Select Committee staff. Mark Lane

    arranged that in the summer of 1976. The photographic evidence of

    conspiracy in the JFK case was as overwhelming to them and to Henry

    as it was to anyone who has taken the five or six hours or so to

    look at it. I then became an advisor to Richard A. Sprague and Bob

    Tanenbaum when the committee was formed and spent the months from

    November 1976 to July 1977 helping them with the photographic

    evidence and with evidence collected by the Committee to

    Investigate Assassinations including Jim Garrison's evidence.

    If Henry Gonzalez or Richard A. Sprague, or Thomas Downing had

    stayed with the committee their work would not have been

    controlled. Sprague's loyal deputy counsels, Bob Tanenbaum, in

    charge of the JFK investigation and Bob Lehner in charge of the MLK

    investigation had already begun to get at the real evidence of the

    Power Control Group and the FBI and CIA's involvement in the two

    cases and in the cover-ups. The committee members were already

    becoming very suspicious of the two agencies. Walter Fauntroy,

    chairman of the MLK sub-committee, even dared to speak out about

    the CIA's influence. He was beaten into the ground by the PCG's

    members in the House.

    So Gonzalez, Sprague, Tanenbaum, Lehner and others who dared

    take on the intelligence portions of the PCG, had to go. They were

    forced out by one of the ancient techniques employed by the Romans

    known as divide and conquer. Once Henry Gonzalez became convinced

    that Richard A. Sprague was working for the CIA and the PCG, he

    attacked Sprague bitterly. Henry knew there was a PCG and he knew

    who had murdered John Kennedy and why. Henry had to go. He was

    made to look like a paranoid fool and forced out by the key PCG

    members of the House. Two PCG agents, Mr. Z and Harry Livingstone,

    helped convince him that Sprague was a CIA man.

    Mr. Z was brought in by Henry as a lawyer for his committee and

    worked on Henry's beliefs about Richard A. Sprague. Over some

    weeks he convinced Henry that Richard A. Sprague was a CIA

    operative. He was supported in this activity by Harry Livingstone

    (later author of "High Treason"). Harry Livingstone engaged in

    various plagiaristic activities and scams, and over quite a period

    of time he worked on Henry to convince him that Richard A. Sprague

    was a CIA operative. At the same time Henry was developing his

    beliefs with the help of Mr. Z and Mr. Livingstone, Richard A.

    Sprague and his staff were developing skepticism about Henry's

    integrity. The net result was both men resigned. In the next

    year, 1978, the author appeared with Richard A. Sprague on a cable

    television broadcast hosted by Ted Gandolfo in New York City,

    named "Assassionation USA," and the three of them had a detailed

    discussion about Sprague's reasons for resigning from the

    Committee. To some extent his thinking was influenced by his

    skepticism about Henry Gonzalez's integrity.

    Once Louis Stokes took over as chairman, Sprague's men were

    gradually calmed down, and the so-called search for the right chief

    counsel was underway. It is difficult to detect what was going on

    during that spring of 1977. Suffice it to say that the PCG was

    undoubtedly pulling out every stop to get their own chief counsel

    into the committee and to build up the case for getting rid of

    Tanenbaum, Lehner, Donovan Gaye, and others who knew too much or

    who had the gall to go up against the agencies.

    The result of all this hard work by the PCG was the installation

    in July 1977 of Dr. Robert Blakey as chief counsel. Tanenbaum

    resigned almost immediately, making Blakey's job a little easier,

    but Lehner and Gaye had to be fired by Blakey. Many others were

    also weeded out. We may never know exactly what they all knew or

    how they were forced out, because of the use of one of the PCG's

    cleverest techniques and one of the most insidious.

    Each committee staff member, each consultant and each committee

    member was required to sign, as a condition of continuing

    employment or membership on the committee, a nondisclosure

    agreement. Now, nondisclosure agreements are nothing new,

    especially in classified situations or in sensitive or patent or

    copyright situations. The committee's nondisclosure agreement was

    however, very unusual. Many well-known attorneys have pronounced

    it illegal. Richard A. Sprague saw it and said he would absolutely

    never have required the staff to sign anything like it. He said it

    was illegal and unenforcable in several of its clauses. The worst

    thing about it, or the best thing, from the viewpoint of the PCG,

    are the paragraphs giving control over the committee to the FBI and

    the CIA.[2]

    The committee, under Sprague, planned to investigate the FBI and

    the CIA in regard to both assassinations and the cover-ups. In

    fact, Sprague had put both agencies on notice to that effect.

    Subpoenas were being prepared for access to all of their withheld

    information. Investigations of the CIA's role in the Mexico City

    part of the assassination conspiracy, as well as Oswald's and

    Ruby's connections with both agencies were under way.

    The Blakey agreement automatically put a stop to all of that.

    Here is one excerpt from the agreement.

    "I (the staff member, committee member, or consultant) hereby

    agree never to divulge, publish or reveal by words, conduct or

    otherwise, . . . any information pertaining to intelligence sources

    or methods as designated by the Director of Central Intelligence,

    or any confidential information that is received by the Select

    Committee or that comes into my possession by virtue of my position

    with the Select Committee, to any person not a member of the Select

    Committee, or, after the Select Committee's termination, by such

    manner as the House of Representatives may determine or, in the

    absence of a determination by the House, in such manner as the

    Agency or Department from which the information originated may


    In other words if the committee or an individual staff member,

    or a consultant discovered that the CIA or part of it, was involved

    in the assassination of John Kennedy, or that the FBI was in part

    or in whole responsible for the death of Martin Luther King, or

    that either agency was guilty of covering up the conspiracies in

    both cases, the CIA and the FBI would have the right to prevent

    these findings from being revealed to anyone outside the committee.

    Furthermore, those agencies are still in existence today while the

    Select Committee is not, so that the nondisclosure agreement which

    goes on in perpetuity, gives both the FBI and CIA continuing

    complete control over the individuals who signed it.

    Another excerpt reads as follows:

    "The Chairman of the Select Committee shall consult with the

    Director of Central Intelligence for the purpose of the Chairman's

    determination as to whether or not the material (any material

    obtained by the signer of the agreement) contains information that

    I pledge not to disclose." If that sounds like Catch-22, it is.

    The interpretation that could be placed on that clause is that the

    CIA has the right to decide what evidence in the JFK and MLK

    assassinations should be withheld on grounds that the CIA itself


    How could the committee possibly have investigated the CIA under

    those terms and conditions? The answer is, they could not and did


    Can anyone doubt that the PCG prepared the agreement, implanted

    Blakey, and coerced or blackmailed or threatened the Chairman and

    the rest of the committee until they agreed to have everyone sign


    The most insidious part of the agreement is the clause that

    could be described as the threat, or blackmail clause. It is

    perhaps this clause that has closed the mouths and pens of all the

    ex-staff members who knew what was going on, but who signed the

    agreement. That clause reads as follows:

    "In addition to any rights for criminal prosecution or for

    injunctive relief the United Stated Government may have for

    violation of this agreement, the United States Government may file

    a civil suit in an appropriate court for damages as a consequence

    of a breach of this agreement. The costs of any civil suit brought

    by the United States for breach of this agreement, including court

    costs, investigative expenses, and reasonable attorney fees, shall

    be borne by any defendant who loses such suit." . . . "I hereby

    agree that in any suit by the United States Government for

    injunctive or monetary relief pursuant to the terms of this

    agreement, personal jurisdiction shall obtain and venue shall lie

    in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia,

    or in any other appropriate United States District Court in which

    the United States may elect to bring suit. I further agree that

    the law of the District of Columbia shall govern the interpretation

    and construction of this agreement."

    Those readers who have followed the performance of the U.S.

    courts in the JFK and MLK cases through the years, will recognize

    the trap in those last two sentences. Any ex-staffer or

    consultant, or even a Congressman would have about as much chance

    against a CIA/FBI-directed suit in a court of their choice, as the

    man in the moon. The United States Government, in this clause, is

    not your government or mine. It is the Power Control Group. You

    can bet they would select a court already programmed for decision.

    The clause is incredible on the face of it.

    This was a mighty powerful weapon and the committee used it to a

    maximum extent in carrying out a masterful job of continuing the

    two cover-ups. It was masterful in the sense that they were not as

    bold and bald about it as the Warren Commission or the Rockefeller

    Commission or the Justice Department and the courts have been in

    the MLK case. Their conclusions are inconclusive; sort of. They

    say that to determine whether or not there really were conspiracies

    in the two cases was beyond their means and the time they had

    available. Nevertheless, the preponderant weight of the public

    testimony before the committee was toward no conspiracy in the JFK

    case and a, "Ray shot him, but might have been helped," conclusion

    in the King case. But the hold they exercised over the staff and

    consultants in directing their investigations away from conspiracy

    was very smoothly done, with the nondisclosure agreement always

    lurking in the background as a possible threat.

    The agreement was used as an excuse by the committee to avoid

    answering questions. For example, I wrote to Louis Stokes on April

    5, October 30, and November 24, 1978 asking why the committee had

    not called several important witnesses in the JFK case, including

    Richard Case Nagell. Stokes had told me in a letter written on May

    15, 1978, that the suggestion that Nagell be called was being

    followed and that the staff was being alerted about him. Blakey

    took no action and did not contact Nagell or Richard Russell, the

    only person who knew where Nagell was to be found.[3]

    Stokes sent me this reply to my inquiries about the witnesses on

    December 4,1978.

    "Dear Mr. Sprague:

    Thank you for your letter of November 24, 1978. I am aware of

    the amount of time you have spent analyzing the assassination of

    President John F. Kennedy and your interest in the work of the

    Select Committee on Assassinations since its inception. However, I

    regret that *under our Rules*, it is impossible for us to respond

    to your letter in a manner which would reveal the substance or

    procedure of our investigation, or the names of those persons who

    will be called to testify before the committee. The committee is,

    of course, grateful for your suggestions and those of the many

    other concerned citizens who have taken the time to write."

    (Underlining for emphasis is the author's)


    Louis Stokes


    "The Rules" Stokes refers to include the nondisclosure

    agreement. This letter implies that subsequent to December 4,

    1978, the committee might be calling more JFK witnesses. Of

    course, that didn't happen. Except for some high level FBI, Secret

    Service and other government officials testifying about

    Presidential safety and future assassination investigations, the

    committee's show was already over, and Louis Stokes was well aware

    of that. I'm sure Louis Stokes had his own personal reasons, not

    necessarily sinister, for making that reply.

    The committee had no intention of risking the appearance of any

    of the more knowledgeable or involved witnesses whose names I had

    given them in October 1978 as well as in May 1978 and November

    1978. A list of these names appears later in this chapter.

    The Warren Commission proved how easy it is to avoid finding a

    conspiracy if you don't look for one, even one that seems to jump

    up and smack you in the face. The Select Committee did this in

    spades. The procedure was orchestrated by Robert Blakey by various

    means. One of his methods was to split up the hard core Dealey

    Plaza evidence and investigations into sections. He formed an

    advisory panel of outside "experts", for each section; one on

    medical evidence, photographic evidence, ballistics evidence,

    trajectory evidence, etc. Then he made sure there was almost no

    coordination, cross talk, or feedback among the panels or even

    among the staff members assigned to each section, except at his


    There was a great amount of internal complaining about this, but

    to no avail. Again, the nondisclosure agreement worked wonders.

    An investigating team, in New Orleans and Dallas, headed by the JFK

    task force leader Cliff Fenton, was never allowed to surface either

    publicly or internally to other staff people or the committee.

    Their findings alone would have blown Dr. Blakey and his CIA/FBI

    friends right out of the water. They spent a lot of time with Jim

    Garrison, and with many of the witnesses and the assassination

    participants described in Chapter 5 of this book. The public does

    not even know who these staffers are, and undoubtedly will not hear

    or see what they discovered either in the committee's final report

    or in the public hearings.

    The separation of assignments worked wonders in explaining away

    much of the hard evidence of conspiracy. Some of it during the

    public hearings was like watching a magic show, for knowledgeable

    researchers. For example, the medical panel and staff members

    determined that the path of bullet 399 through JFK's body rear to

    front was slightly upward, given that he was sitting erect. But

    since the medical panel and the photographic panel were never

    permitted coordination, the medical panel never realized that JFK

    was sitting erect at the time bullet 399 supposedly struck.

    Neither panel was allowed to communicate with the trajectory panel,

    so that their representative Thomas Canning testified that bullet

    399's trajectory backward from JFK's body, passed through the TSBD

    sixth floor window. That erudite gentleman, a government employee

    from NASA, was forced to make up his own medical evidence, which he

    proceeded to do. He merely moved the exit wound in JFK's throat

    down somewhat and the back of the neck wound up somewhat from where

    Dr. Baden of the medical panel had placed them. He then tilted JFK

    forward at about 17 or 18 degrees based on his personal observation

    of one photograph, rather than on the photographic panel's

    conclusions. Presto; the trajectory tilted upward and leftward

    enough to pass through the sixth floor window.

    Another bit of magic was presented by Canning to support the

    single bullet theory. He drew a straight line between governor

    Connally's back entry wound position and JFK's back entry wound

    position and found that the line also passed through the sixth

    floor window. To do this he moved Connally on the seat to his left

    and JFK to his right, and lifted JFK up a bit on the rear seat.

    Again he did this without consultation with the photographic panel.

    Some hard evidence was not dealt with at all and other hard

    evidence of conspiracy was presented without identifying it as such

    and then just left dangling. An example of the former is all of

    the photographic evidence cited earlier in this book and in my

    "Computers and Automation" magazine articles, showing that the

    sniper's nest was not a sniper's nest, that no one was in the

    window, and that no one could have fired shots from that position

    that day. I showed pictures of the nest from the inside and the

    window from the outside to the JFK sub-committee in July 1977 and I

    reviewed them at length for their evidenciary value with the JFK

    staff, notably Ken Klein, Cliff Fenton, Bob Tanenbaum, Jackie Hess,

    Donovan Gaye, Pat Orr, Chellie Mason, and Richard A. Sprague.

    So the Committee cannot claim they didn't know about these

    photos. They saw the Foley photo over a long period of time, and

    were no doubt quite embarrassed by the unexpected appearance of the

    Bronson film. Not one word about the sixth floor window, the

    cartons, the planted shells, the planted rifle, and the extra rifle

    found on the roof, the impossible shot, no one in the window when

    the shots were fired; not one word was mentioned in the public

    hearings about the photos and other evidence. Where was the

    photographic panel? Asleep? Frightened by the agreement they


    An example of evidence of conspiracy left dangling was the

    testimony given by the photographic panel spokesman, Calvin S.

    McCamy. The panel examined all of the photos of JFK during the

    early part of the shot sequence, and took a vote on when the first

    shot struck the President. It came out as around Z189 to Z196.

    Perfect. That matches. But no one asked the trajectory panel or

    the ballistics spokesman how Oswald was able to fire bullet 399

    right through the center of that big oak tree at Z189-Z196. Not

    even the Warren Commission would make that claim, preferring to put

    the timing at Z210 or later after JFK came out from behind the


    There were some anxious moments for the Select Committee, even

    as well orchestrated as the whole farce was. Dr. Cyril Wecht was

    his usual grand self. He blasted the committee. They said he was

    part of the medical panel and therefore was asked to present a

    minority view. Cyril said they weren't planning to call him until

    he demanded to be allowed to testify. They tried to bamboozle him,

    to discredit him (a tough assignment), to attack him and to knock

    down his testimony. Lawyer Gary Cornwell was particularly

    obnoxious in his questioning of Dr. Wecht. Favorable witnesses

    testifying to no conspiracy were handled with kid gloves and

    treated politely or dragged through an obviously rehearsed series

    of questions. It was the Warren Commission revisited. Two

    witnesses they couldn't mistreat were Governor and Mrs. Connally.

    They politely and calmly presented believable testimony destroying

    the single bullet theory. That didn't bother the committee any

    more than it bothered the Warren Commission. They resurrected the

    theory a few days later when the trajectory panel testified.

    Dr. Barger of Bolt Baranek & Newman shook them up a little with

    his acoustical analysis of the police radio tape that reveals the

    sounds of four, not three, shots. If Dr. Barger had been given all

    of the facts initially, he probably could have helped prove where

    the shots came from. Except for the grassy knoll position behind

    the fence and the sixth floor TSBD window, he was not told about

    any other possible firing points. For example, he knew nothing

    about the Dal Tex building, the west end roof or high floor of the

    TSBD, or other positions on the grassy knoll. In fact, Barger did

    not know the location of the motorcycle where the microphone had

    been left open, picking up the sound of the shots. His assignment

    included a determination of where the motorcycle was, from the

    sounds on the tape and sounds made during a re-enactment of the

    firing in Dealey Plaza. The only test shots Barger had fired were

    from the TSBD sixth floor window and from behind the grassy knoll

    fence. The net result was that he decided the motorcycle was

    trailing the Presidential limousine by 120 feet. No one on the

    committee or the photographic panel ever showed Barger the Altgens

    photo, the Hughes film, the Martin, Nix, Couch, Weigman, Bell or

    Muchmore films or any other pictures showing there was no

    motorcycle anywhere near 120 feet behind the limousine.[4] Again,

    Blakey divided and conquered. Barger told me that if he had known

    about the motorcycle trailing the limousine by a few feet, driven

    by policeman D.L. Jackson, who disappeared completely after the

    assassination, he could have altered his analysis completely. The

    sounds of the last two shots may well have been from the knoll

    behind the wall, and from the TSBD roof or the Dal Tex second

    floor. Barger's analysis shows that the last shot sound, made by a

    rifle occurred just a faction of a second after the next to the

    last shot, possibly made by pistol. This would fit a pistol shot

    from behind the fence fired almost simultaneously with a rifle shot

    from either the TSBD west end or Dal Tex. The delay of the sound

    traveling from Dal Tex is about right so that the Dal Tex shot

    would strike at Z312 and the pistol or rifle shot from the right

    front would strike at Z313. Prof. Mark Weiss of Queens College and

    Barger were called into an executive session on December 20 after

    the hearings were finished. They testified that there were

    definitely four shots fired, at least one of which was from the


    This new analysis was conducted by Weiss independently from the

    one done by Bolt Baranek and Newman. Weiss said that his work

    proved to a 95% certainty that the third shot was a rifle shot from

    a position on the knoll. He said the data pinpointed the position

    to within two feet. The position was behind the fence, which

    eliminates man number two at the corner of the wall and also

    eliminates a pistol. However, the photos show man number two did

    make a puff of smoke, whether or not he fired a shot.

    Congressman Sawyer broke the news about Weiss' testimony during

    a radio broadcast in Michigan, his home state. A furor broke

    loose. The committee went into an executive session Friday

    December 22 to discuss what to do since there were only nine days

    left to the end of their existence. The radio tape and the Bronson

    film seemed to shake them up considerably. Or was it all rehearsed

    and planned this way by the committee. It seems incredible that

    the 12 members of the committee would be shaken by the sounds from

    a tape when they weren't bothered at all by photos of the Oswald

    window showing that no one was there when the shots were fired.

    The committee members could see those photos with their own eyes.

    They had to take the word of experts about the sounds on the tape,

    which cannot be heard because of the noise of the engine of the

    policeman's cycle where the microphone was stuck open.[4] This was

    the most blatantly dishonest stunt pulled by the Committee during

    the Blakey period. Yet, the research community cannot complain too

    much because it did produce a conspiracy conclusion.

    The committee's distortions and omission respecting the hard

    Dealey Plaza evidence is overshadowed by the key witnesses that the

    committee did not call. None of the players listed in Chapter 5

    were called, nor ever mentioned. One key witness, James Hosty,

    insisted that he testify about Oswald's FBI involvement, but was

    turned down. Hosty told the "Dallas Morning News," "They don't

    want to hear what I have to say."

    He might have told them the same story he told the author,

    through an intermediary in 1971. Namely, that Oswald was reporting

    to Hosty on the assassination plans of the CIA group based in

    Mexico City. FBI agent witness, Regis Kennedy might have given

    private interview evidence, but he was killed the day before he was

    to meet with the committee.

    Gordon Novel, Ronald Augustinovich, Richard Case Nagell, Mary

    Hope, Guy Gabaldin, Manuel Garcia Gonzalez, William Seymour, Emilio

    Santana, Victor Marchetti, Jack Lawrence, Major L.M. Bloomfield,

    Frenchy, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Harry Williams, James Hicks, Sylvia

    Odio, Jim Braden, James Hosty, Warren Du Brueys, Louis Ivon, E.

    Howard Hunt and Jim Garrison were not called and no interest was

    shown in having them as witnesses. Some key witnesses who were

    called were not asked any important questions, or cross examined at

    all. Marina Oswald Porter was one of these. Another was Gerald

    Ford. Richard Helms told his standard lies, and no one asked him

    about Victor Marchetti's statement about Helms protecting Clay

    Shaw, or about E. Howard Hunt and Guy Gabaldin in Mexico City in

    October, 1963, or about Harry William's statement that he, Helms,

    Hunt, and Lyman Kirkpatrick were reconsidering another Cuban

    invasion at the moment JFK was shot, in a Washington, D.C., CIA


    With respect to the assassination of Dr. King, the committee

    also performed admirably for the PCG, in this case, the FBI wing.

    They failed to deal with the important evidence of conspiracy,

    failed to call the prime witnesses, and distorted or omitted

    evidence. They spent a great amount of time trying to prove,

    rather unsuccessfully except for media accounts, that James Earl

    Ray was guilty and that he had help from his family and was

    possibly financed by some wealthy sountherners.

    Briefly, here is the evidence they did not cover. The witnesses

    who saw a man in the rooming house--all of whom said it was not

    James Earl Ray--were not called. Charles Stephens, who was bribed

    and coerced by the FBI into identifying the man as Ray, but who was

    dead drunk, and saw nothing, was not put on the stand with his

    common law wife Grace and a cab driver who saw how drunk he was.

    Confronting his testimony by cross examination and by using counter

    witnesses should have been done.

    The three bar maids in Montreal and Atlanta who saw Ray and

    Raoul together were not called. William Bradford Huie found them

    and Ray knew where they were. The committee didn't look for them.

    Huie and Foreman were not put on the stand and asked all of the key

    questions about why Huie changed his entire approach toward Ray as

    soon as I showed him the Raoul-Frenchy photos. Foreman's role was

    never explored under fierce cross examination as it would be if

    Mark Lane were able to get a new trial for Ray. He should have

    been asked why he told Ray he got the Frenchy photos from the FBI

    when he actually got them from me!

    The Frenchy-Raoul sketch comparison, made by Bill Turner and I

    in the summer of 1968, should have been produced and shown to

    Foreman, Huie, Ray and other witnesses.

    The complete list of witnesses who saw Ray and Raoul together,

    as well as the complete list who saw Ray at the gasoline station a

    few blocks away from the crime at the time the shot was fired, were

    not called. The committee adopted the stance that it was up to

    Mark Lane and Ray to produce those witnesses, as though the

    investigation of the King killing was a trial instead. The

    committee, not Ray, had the responsibility of investigating and

    locating those witnesses. Bob Lehner wanted to do that, but he was


    The evidence about the rooming house bathroom window as an

    impossible firing point, presented so well in Harold Weisberg's

    book "Frame-Up: The Martin Luther King/James Earl Ray Case," was

    either ignored or distorted. The evidence about the trajectory of

    the shot was completely distorted. The ballistics, medical and

    trajectory panels discussed the vertical angle of difference

    between the "grassy knoll" firing point and bathroom window firing

    point trajectories to the Lorraine Motel balcony. They stated that

    the differential angle between the two trajectories was too small

    to determine, from the medical evidence, whether the shot came from

    the window or the knoll.

    But, they failed to discuss the horizontal differential angle

    between the two trajectories which was much larger, large enough to

    determine the firing point.

    They also failed to present a number of witnesses who saw the

    actual assassin, Jack Youngblood, both before and after he fired

    from the knoll. Wayne Chastain should also have been called to

    testify about this evidence and those witnesses.

    The evidence concerning who Jack Youngblood and Frenchy-Raoul

    worked for, and their involvement, was not dealt with at all. The

    committee should have presented the photographic evidence showing

    Raoul was Frenchy, and should have asked Ray and the witnesses who

    saw Raoul to identify him from the Frenchy photos. Jeff Paley

    actually showed Frenchy's photo to witnesses in 1968 while Raoul's

    face was still fresh in their minds. They recognized the face.

    They certainly should have since the sketch of Raoul was made from

    their recollections. They should have called Frenchy as a witness

    in both JFK & MLK cases. I know from an inside source on the

    committee that they found Frenchy alive in 1978. They certainly

    knew about Jack Youngblood because they read Wayne Chastain's

    series of articles in "Computers and People."

    In summary, the Select Committee performed reasonably well on

    behalf of the PCG. There are no public outcrys over what they did

    because the media wouldn't air them. Mark Lane held a number of

    press conferences during the committee's life span, and no media

    organization reported on any of them. The media, of course, were

    quite willing servants of the PCG, as they always have been since

    1963. The combination of the PCG, the CIA, the FBI, the Select

    Committee, the House spokesmen for the PCG and the cooperative

    media is really nearly unbeatable.

    Some researchers hoped against hope that the Select Committee,

    under Stokes, Blakey, Preyer and Fauntroy, would still unveil the

    truth, as the public hearings began in August. The hopes

    disappeared during the first week of hearings on the King case as

    the committee demonstrated quite clearly that they were going to

    continue the cover-ups and to get James Earl Ray and Mark Lane in

    the bargain. Still, the hopes would not quite die. The letters I

    wrote to Louis Stokes in the fall of 1978, expressed the last ditch

    thought that maybe they were conducting a charade designed to fool

    the FBI, CIA and the rest of the PCG into believing they were going

    to cover-up the truth. It turned out be for real, no charade.

    The eight people assassinated by the PCG in 1977-78 during the

    Select Committee's life span are probably the best proof of who is

    in charge of the U.S. and what their intentions are. The murders

    are all part of the cover-up efforts and were all successfully

    carried out, a la The Parallax View, with very few suspicions

    raised on the part of the American media or the public. They

    included William Sullivan, Regis Kennedy, George de Mohrenschildt,

    Sam Giancana,[5] John Roselli, Carlos Prio Socarras, Thomas

    Karamessines, Rolando Masferrer, and an attempt on the life of

    Larry Flynt.

    Each of these murders was carried out with great success and for

    varying reasons. One common thread connects them all. Each man

    knew too much about the assassinations of President Kennedy or

    Martin Luther King and the subsequent cover-up conspiracies. All

    but Flynt were witnesses to be called by the Select Committee or

    ones that had given some information and were scheduled to give

    more. Of the nine people including Flynt, the two most important

    were William Sullivan and Regis Kennedy.

    Regis Kennedy was one of two FBI agents in New Orleans assigned

    as contact men for Lee Harvey Oswald in his role as FBI informer.

    The other agent was Warren du Brueys. James Hosty was his contact

    agent in Dallas. Kennedy knew a lot, but was under strict orders

    from the FBI not to reveal any of it. He was called as a witness

    at the trial of Clay Shaw and asked by Jim Garrison whether he

    hadn't been searching for Clay Shaw under the name Clay Bertrand,

    before it was known that Clay Bertrand wanted to hire a lawyer for

    Lee Harvey Oswald. Kennedy took executive privilege, a popular

    dodge at that time with the Nixon administration. When the judge

    pressed him, he said he would have to check with the FBI and the

    attorney general, John Mitchell, in Washington, D.C. Word came

    through that he could answer that one question, so he said yes it

    was true. He went no further however. The significance is that

    the FBI knew all about Clay Shaw's involvement in the assassination

    because Oswald was reporting back to them as a paid infiltrator of

    Shaw's team. There is a distinct possibility that Kennedy was sent

    by Hoover and Sullivan to Dallas immediately after the

    assassination, to help coordinate the FBI/CIA cover-up. Beverly

    Oliver, the Babushka lady, whose film was confiscated by three

    government agents on Sunday November 24, 1963 at the Carousel Club

    owned by Jack Ruby, made a tentative identification of Regis

    Kennedy from his photograph as one of those three agents. The film

    has never surfaced. It should show the assassins on the grassy

    knoll quite clearly since Beverly was much closer than either

    Orville Nix or Marie Muchmore and had her camera trained on JFK all

    the way down Elm Street.

    Kennedy died of a supposed heart attack the day before he was to

    meet with the Select Committee staff. Heart attacks, as most

    Americans know by now from watching the Church Committee hearings,

    and seeing the Parallax View, are easily induced by a CIA-developed

    pill, which leaves no trace in the autopsy, if there is one.

    William Sullivan was eliminated by a clever, but simple

    technique. The PCG agents who killed him knew about his hunting

    haunts in New England. They also knew about a teenage son of a

    state policeman living near Sullivan's country place who liked to

    hunt in the same area. Two of them intercepted Sullivan early one

    morning as he set out for a walk in the woods. They shot him with

    a deer rifle and took his body to a spot in the woods where they

    knew the boy would be. They carried a decoy inflated to the shape

    resembling a deer and probably acted like one. The boy shot at him

    and thought he hit a deer. The agents dropped Sullivan's body at

    that spot and left. They accidentally left the pair of gloves one

    of them was wearing. The boy went over to the spot in the early

    morning semi-darkness, found Sullivan's body, and thought he had

    killed him by mistake. He still thinks so. There was no

    investigation and no questions asked.

    Why was Sullivan killed? As mentioned before, William Sullivan

    was J. Edgar Hoovers' right hand man in charge of Division Five,

    the FBI's clandestine domestic operation that included an

    assassination squad. Every likelihood exists that Hoover ordered

    Sullivan's division to kill King and that Sullivan used

    Frenchy/Raoul and Jack Youngblood to do the job. Sullivan was also

    due to meet with the Select Committee within a day or two after the

    day he was shot. Whether he would have talked or not probably

    makes little difference. The PCG couldn't take the chance.

    Thomas Karamessines died of an apparent heart attack at the age

    of 61 on September 4, 1978 at his vacation home in Grand Lake,

    Quebec. He headed the covert operations part of the CIA after

    Richard Helms was promoted from that position to head of the CIA.

    David Phillips, the CIA dirty tricks operative who is making public

    speeches supporting the Deputy Director of Plans (dirty tricks)

    function, worked for Karamessines. His knowledge of the JFK

    assassination and the CIA's cover-up role was undoubtedly complete

    since he inherited the whole thing from Helms.

    The other dead people were bumped off figuratively, on the very

    doorstep of the committee. Roselli was killed and dumped into

    Miami Bay. Giancana was shot full of holes in his Chicago

    residence. De Mohrenschildt was shot with a shotgun in his

    daughter's friends house in Florida. All three were scheduled to

    meet with the committee. Socarras was killed in a garage in

    Florida. Masferrer was blown up in his car in Florida. Flynt was

    shot on the street in Georgia.

    Florida. Why does it keep popping up in these cases? Bay of

    Pigs, No Name Key Group, anti-Castro forces, Mafia operations; it

    all fits together somehow. Jim Garrison's first real breakthrough

    came when he found Masferrer in Florida through Manuel Garcia

    Gonzalez. That led him and the District Attorney in Dade County,

    Florida, to William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Howard, Hall, Hemming

    and Frenchy, all part of Socarras' and Banister's Florida-based, No

    Name Key anti-Castro operations. It figured that some of them

    would die in their own backyard when the committee was getting too

    close. Gaeton Fonzi can personally vouch for that. He was the

    committee's Florida investigator.

    Why wouldn't men like Fonzi, Fenton, Fauntroy, Stokes, Preyer,

    and a woman like Yvonne Burke, tell us the truth. I spent a lot of

    time with all of them and got to know some of them very well. They

    all impressed me as being very honest and dedicated people.

    There may be another explanation, as I mentioned in the

    beginning of this last chapter. A committee, is, after all, made

    up of a bunch of individuals. So is a staff. Now, except for

    Cliff Fenton, Ed Evans (MLK investigator) and one or two others,

    these people were not professionals in the investigations and

    certainly none of them had been involved in the really big game of

    espionage and clandestine operations. They were, and still are,

    ordinary mortals, like you and me, with fears and cautionary

    attitudes toward personal safety and danger. They also have


    Not even Cliff Fenton had ever been involved with the kind of

    monstrous game played by the spooks of the world. It is a game for

    keeps, of life and death, mostly death. Let's look at it from the

    viewpoint of Louis Stokes, just to take an example. He took over

    the chairmanship of the committee with the following knowledge.

    He suspected there was a conspiracy in the JFK case and at least

    wanted to find out whether the CIA and FBI were involved in

    covering it up. He may not have known all of the details, but he

    was aware of the fact that many people had died. He knew that

    Henry Gonzalez had nearly been killed by a rifleman while driving

    through a Texas desert with his wife. This occurred just after

    Henry made public statements about all four political

    assassinations being related and the intelligence agencies possibly

    being involved. Stokes saw how the PCG swung their weight around

    in the Rules Committee and on the floor of the House when the

    Select Committee in January and February 1977, asked for a new

    budget and a reconstituted authority to subpoena records and

    continue the investigation. He also knew that something strange

    had happened to Henry Gonzalez. He told me so in a luncheon

    meeting on May 10, 1977. He said Henry had cut off all

    communications with him and other committee members just as he had

    with me. I told Louis that I believed Henry had purposefully been

    fed information by the PCG that I, Richard A. Sprague, and some of

    the committee members were working for the CIA. Otherwise, why

    would he have instructed the CIA and FBI to close access to their

    files to the committee staff, just after he had won the fight he

    fought so hard to get the subpoena power back.

    Stokes agreed it must have been something like that. Stokes

    also must have had a frightened reaction during 1977 and 1978 to

    these eight bodies dumped on his doorstep. As in the scene in "The

    Godfather", it only takes one horse's head in your bed to get the

    idea you should keep your mouth closed and play it cool.

    Given all of this, each committee member may have reached his or

    her decision that this game was not for congressmen. In April 1977

    it is possible that all of those executive sessions the committee

    held were partially devoted to a discussion of the personal safety

    of each member, each staffer, and all of their families. They may

    have reached unanimous agreement that the only safe approach would

    be to avoid sensitive areas, and not to attack the CIA or FBI, and

    certainly to avoid going after any of the dangerous guys in both

    assassination cases.

    Yet, to keep an honest approach going they would have to listen

    to any credible hard evidence of conspiracy, comment on it, but

    refrain from taking a stronger course than just listening. As Dr.

    Blakey told me more than once, "I'm just going to let the facts

    speak for themselves." This is somewhat like the position the

    Warren Commission took when Richard Russell, Hale Boggs and John

    Sherman Cooper refused to sign the draft of the Warren Report until

    a qualifying statement was inserted. The statement read, "Because

    of the difficulty of proving negatives to a certainty the

    possibility of others being involved with either Oswald or Ruby

    cannot be established categorically but if there is any such

    evidence it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative

    agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the

    attention of this Commission."

    The committee has, in its final report, taken a stronger

    position than that by saying, in effect, that new evidence of

    conspiracy has surfaced and that the Congress should turn the job

    of pursuing that evidence and a continuing investigation over to

    the executive branch. The recommendation is for the Justice

    Department to determine whether further investigations are

    warranted. Thus the Committee members would be off the hook and,

    more importantly, still alive and safe. They can claim that the

    funds they had and the time they had were not enough. Whose fault

    was that? Certainly not the committee's, they can claim.

    This scenario, if true, is really the only hope, though very

    slim, any of us have left. All other avenues have been closed.


    [1] "New York Daily News" -- Tuesday, December 12, 1979.

    [2] See the letters in the Appendix for a copy of the nondisclosure

    agreement itself as well as correspondence between the author

    and Louis Stokes.

    [3] See copies of this correspondence in the Appendix.

    [4] Following the December 22 executive session a public hearing was

    held on December 29, the last weekday of the Committee's

    existence. Weiss and Barger presented the acoustical evidence

    proving four shots, one from the knoll, thereby causing the

    Committee to conclude there was a probable conspiracy.

    But, the fact that the Couch and Weigman films prove the

    acoustical analysis was incorrect because there is no motorcycle

    where there was supposed to be one, was completely covered-up by

    the Committee staff. Why? The answer obviously is that the

    Committee wanted to close shop with a conspiracy conclusion but

    one that wouldn't shake up the intelligence community and the PCG

    too much. If the correct acoustical analysis had been presented,

    with the motorcycle directly behind the presidential limousine,

    the net result would have been the elimination of that 6th floor

    window as the source of the shots. Eliminate that window and you

    eliminate Oswald and open up a can of worms with a completely

    different kind of conspiracy. One with a patsy and intelligence

    ramifications, written all over it.

    So Cornwell and Blakey, and perhaps the entire Committee decided

    to prove by implication that the motorcycle was 120 feet behind

    the JFK car at the time of the shot from the knoll. They showed

    publicly frames from the Hughes film which shows the motorcycle

    they fudged, somewhat more than 120 feet behind the limousine.

    But the Hughes film ends with the cycle on Houston Street. The

    cycle can be seen in the Hughes film trailing Couch's camera car.

    Couch took film all the way down Houston and around the turn onto

    Elm Street. The limo can be seen in all of this footage. The

    cycle can not. The cycle finally catches up to Couch and passes

    him after the limo is beyond the triple overpass. Couch is, at

    all times including the time of the knoll shot, more than 200 feet

    behind the limousine. Ergo, the cycle is more than 200 feet

    behind at the critical point.

    Cornwell presented the cop driving the Houston Street cycle and

    attempted to elicit testimony from him that it was his microphone

    that was open.

    [5] Giancana actually died in 1975 before testifying to the Schweicker

    JFK assassination subcommittee of the Church Committee.

    * * * * * * *

    End Part16.

  13. Part15.

    Chapter 15

    The Select Committee on Assassinations,

    The Intelligence Community and the News Media

    Part I

    The Top Down vs. The Bottom Up Approach

    To Assassination Investigations

    Two vastly different views have been held by both assassination

    researchers and members of Congress during the last three years

    about the best way to arrive at the truth concerning political

    assassinations in the United States. The conservative view

    dictates we must build an investigative base from the ground

    upward, beginning with the JFK assassination, and use "hard"

    evidence in each assassination case. This view assumes that any

    grand, overall conspiracy to cover up the cover-ups would be

    detected and made public following exposure of the first layer of


    The less conservative view holds that the political processes

    underlying the original assassinations and the massive cover-up

    superstructure should be attacked and exposed simultaneously.

    The resolutions to establish a Select Committee to Investigate

    Assassinations, introduced by Thomas Downing and Henry Gonzalez in

    the House of Representatives in 1975, were somewhat related to both

    views. The conservative Downing resolution called for a sole

    investigation of the JFK case. Gonzalez's resolution called for

    the reopening of all four major cases--JFK, RFK, Dr. King and

    George Wallace--and more importantly, it called for an

    investigation of the possible links among all four. Gonzalez

    stated that he believed the country might be experiencing an

    assassination-controlled electoral process. His approach was

    clearly allied with the less conservative view.

    Research groups, such as Mark Lane's Citizen's Commission of

    Inquiry (CCI), Bud Fensterwald's Committee to Investigate

    Assassinations (CTIA), and Bob Katz's Assassination Information

    Bureau (AIB) were also divided in their views. CCI and CTIA took

    the bottom-up approach and tended to support Downing. AIB took the

    overview political approach and tended to support Gonzalez. The

    Black Caucus, Coretta King and others were primarily interested in

    a broad overview of the King assassination.

    The coalition formed by Downing, Gonzalez and the Black Caucus

    finally brought about the creation of the Select Committee on

    Assassinations in the House, which represents a mixture of these

    views and approaches.

    The work of the Select Committee will produce results if it is

    recognized that the bottom-up approach alone cannot be used

    successfully against the group of powerful individuals that

    currently controls the environment in which any investigation

    attempts are to be made. The best way the Select Committee can

    succeed against this group is to use what will be labelled the "top

    down" approach to investigating and exposing the truth as a

    supplement to the bottom up approach.

    The Power Control Group

    The earlier part of this book described a group of individuals

    in the United States and labelled them the "Power Control Group."

    The PCG is that group of individuals or organizations that

    knowingly participated in one or more of the assassination

    conspiracies or related murders or attempted murders, plus the

    individuals who knowingly participated or are still participating

    in the cover-ups of those conspiracies or murders. The PCG

    includes any people in the CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Secret

    Service, local police departments or sheriffs offices in Los

    Angeles, Memphis, Dallas, New Orleans or Florida, judges, district

    attorneys, state attorneys general, other federal government

    agencies, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White

    House, the Congress, or the Department of Defense as well as any

    people in the media who are under the influence of any of the

    above, who participated or are participating in the cover-ups or

    the cover-ups of the cover-up. There are indications that people

    in every one of the above organizations or groups belong to the


    Hard Evidence of Conspiracy

    Anyone who has honestly and openly taken the time to examine a

    few pieces of hard evidence in any one of the four major cases has

    no trouble deciding there were individual conspiracies in each. In

    the face of this situation, the layman wonders why the Congress

    continually demands hard evidence of conspiracy. Statements

    continue to appear in the media to the effect that, "I've seen no

    evidence of conspiracy." Or, "We are not sure whether there were

    others involved in addition to Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan,

    James Earl Ray or Arthur Bremer." These statements are made in

    spite of the fact that even the most casual analysis clearly shows

    that Oswald, Sirhan, and Ray did not fire any of the shots that

    struck JFK, RFK and MLK, and that they were all patsies. Bremer

    fired some of the shots in the Wallace case, but there is evidence

    that another gun was fired.

    The hard evidence is all old evidence. It goes back at least to

    1967 and 1968 in the JFK case, and back to 1970 through 1972 in the

    RFK and MLK cases. The Wallace evidence is a little fresher, but

    nevertheless convincing. The people who demand new evidence are

    either members of the PCG, or they are brainwashed by the media

    members of the PCG into ignoring the old evidence. They do not

    choose to see or to hear the old evidence, even when it is

    literally placed before their very eyes and ears. Thus the words

    "hard evidence" are merely substitutes for the words "no


    The Bottom Up Approach

    The bottom up approach is doomed to failure no matter how the

    Select Committee tries and no matter how much effort any official

    body puts into attempts to offer that "bombshell" that Tip O'Neill

    and others look for to prove conspiracy in the JFK and MLK cases.

    The PCG is in complete control of the situation. It controls the

    media and the media controls the minds of most citizens and the

    Congress. The PCG is a living, dynamic body right now. They can

    eliminate an investigation or investigators right now. They can

    eliminate a member of the House or a member of the Select Committee

    right now.

    The bottom up approach will never get off the ground because the

    PCG will not allow it. As long as the PCG controls all the sources

    of evidence that might contain the hard evidence in the FBI, CIA

    and local police files, as long as it controls the courts, and as

    long as it controls the media, no one will be allowed to prove hard

    evidence before the House, the Senate, the President, or any one in

    the Executive Branch.

    The Events of 1976 and 1977

    That the PCG's control exists is more clearly evident now than

    it has ever been before. The PCG is operating in an almost blatant

    fashion. Any observer who keeps his eyes wide open and assumes

    that such a group exists, can see it operate almost every day.

    The prime objectives of the PCG in 1976 and 1977 were:

    1. To block and eliminate the Select Committee on

    Assassinations in the House of Representatives.

    2. To firmly implant the idea that the JFK assassination

    was a Castro plot.

    3. To block any Congressional attempts to investigate the

    four assassination cases.

    4. To control the Carter Administration in such a way as

    to permit only an executive branch investigation that

    will conclude there was a Castro-based JFK conspiracy

    and no conspiracy in the other cases.

    The 1977 activities of the PCG lent themselves to a new

    approach, the "top down" approach to exposing the truth.

    Exposing the PCG

    The top down approach obviously begins with exposing the PCG's

    immediate, present activities. The following examples are

    illustrative. The Select Committee is certainly in a better

    position to know which individuals and actions taken by the PCG

    since the formation of the Committee in September, 1976 would be

    most easily attacked. The first example is the leaked Justice

    Department report on the King case.

    The Justice Department King Report

    The PCG members' actions were leaked in the February 2, 1977

    King report and released a few weeks later. To review the list of

    PCG members involved in the cover-up of the King case: J. Edgar

    Hoover, the Memphis FBI, Phil Canale (Memphis D.A.), Fred Vinson

    (State Department), Judge Battle, Percy Foreman, William Bradford

    Huie, Gerald Frank (author), Frank Holloman and other members of

    the Memphis police and judges at the state and federal court


    One of the judges who became a PCG member in later years was

    Judge McCrea. He heard James Earl Ray's plea for a new trial.

    Solid evidence of the conspiracy to frame Ray was introduced at

    that hearing.

    Everyone who read or heard the evidence, with the exception of

    Judge McCrea and his law clerk, reached the conclusion that Ray was

    framed and that his lawyer, Percy Foreman, deliberately mishandled

    the case. Nevertheless, McCrea decided that Ray would not get a

    new trial. The case was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court

    with no reversals of the decision.

    Leaking the Justice Department Report on the King Case

    Attorney General Levi some years later ordered a review by the

    Justice Department of the King assassination and the FBI's handling

    of its investigation. A report was prepared by Michael J. Shaheen,

    who did most of the Justice Department work. No public

    announcement was made in 1976 upon completion of the report.

    Suddenly, on the exact day that the House was debating whether to

    reconstitute the Select Committee (February 2, 1977), the King

    report was leaked to the Republican minority leader of the

    opposition, Representative Quillen of Tennessee. He announced he

    had a copy of the report. Representative Yvonne Burke from

    California, a member of the Select Committee and also a member of

    the House Committee responsible for oversight of the Justice

    Department, took strong issue with Quillen over the leak. She said

    she had unsuccessfully tried to obtain the report that day from the

    Justice Department. Quillen stated at first he did not have the

    report, but had an Associated Press release describing the report.

    About an hour later, he said he had received a copy of the report.

    Burke stated that was very strange; not even the proper committee

    of the House had received a copy.

    The report was quoted to say that the Justice Department had

    closed the King case and concluded James Earl Ray was the lone

    assassin. Placed in the hands of the opposition to the Select

    Committee, the statement was strategically useful. Quillen argued

    against continuing the Committee on the strength of the conclusions

    reached in the report.

    Releasing the Report

    On February 19, 1977, the King report was released by the

    Justice Department. Blaring headlines again emphasized no

    conspiracy and exonerated the FBI's conduct in their investigation.

    A showdown meeting was scheduled for February 21 between Henry

    Gonzalez and Tip O'Neill, to be followed the same day by a meeting

    of the Select Committee to determine whether they would continue

    with Richard A. Sprague as chief counsel.

    The absurd report was published in the "New York Times" on

    February 19, 1977. The PCG 's tactics became somewhat obvious on

    that date. Attorney General Griffin Bell, having inherited the

    report from Mr. Levi, let slip an important opinion on the CBS

    program, "Face the Nation" on the Sunday before the report was

    described as "still secret" by the UPI news release quoting Mr.


    Bell said he believed there were questions the report did not

    answer. Bell clarified his concerns after the February 19 release

    of the report by stating on the 24th that he might want to

    interview Ray to find out where Ray obtained all of the money he

    had before and after King was shot, and whether anyone helped him

    obtain false passports or make travel arrangements. Perhaps Bell

    was troubled by one of the report's conclusions--that one of Ray's

    motives in killing King was to make a "quick profit."

    This indicates that Mr. Bell, and presumably Mr. Carter, are not

    members of the PCG cover-up on the King case. It also seems

    obvious that Mr. Levi and the people preparing the report and

    conducting the review had become members of the PCG. The timed

    release and leaking of that report and the total whitewash of the

    King conspiracy are too patently obvious to be coincidental. This

    is one area in which the Select Committee has an excellent chance

    to expose a raw nerve of the PCG.

    Michael Shaheen -- PCG Member

    A key PCG member in the situation would appear to be Mr.

    Shaheen, Judge McCrea's law clerk mentioned earlier in the PCG

    cover-up in Memphis. Shaheen was deeply involved in the old

    cover-up as well as the new cover-up. He is from Memphis and part

    of that closed circle of people in Tennessee who know very well

    what happened to Martin Luther King and how Ray was framed. Mr.

    Shaheen is now planning to become a judge in Memphis with the help

    of all his co-conspirators and PCG members.

    Who called the shots in this Justice Department effort? Was it

    Levi? Was it the PCG members left over from the Nixon-Ford

    administration? Was it members of the PCG still in the FBI? Was

    it the Tennessee wing of the PCG that includes Judge McCrea, Phil

    Canale, Howard Baker, Mr. Quillen and Bernard Fensterwald, Jr.?

    The Select Committee should find out. The report itself is easily

    attacked. It quotes the fake Charlie Stevens testimony all over

    again, as if no one knew he had been bought off by Hoover to

    identify Ray. Stevens was dead drunk and saw nothing on the day of

    the King assassination.

    Ignoring or Suppressing Conspiracy and Framing Evidence

    Shaheen's review did not touch upon any of the evidence

    regarding the framing of Ray that was introduced at the hearing

    that Judge McCrea and Shaheen knew so very well. The witnesses who

    had seen Ray at a gas station several blocks from the assassination

    site when the shot was fired were ignored. Grace Walden Stevens

    saw Frenchy (Raoul) in the rooming house, identified Frenchy as the

    man she saw, and knew Charlie had seen nothing. She had to be

    ignored. The witnesses who saw Jack Youngblood move away from the

    bushes from which he had fired the shot had to be ignored. Hoover

    and Fred Vinson's use of Stevens's false testimony to extradite Ray

    from London had to be ignored. The FBI's role in Memphis,

    including its instructions to the witnesses who had seen Frenchy to

    keep quiet was to be kept a dark secret. The similarity between

    Frenchy's photograph and the sketch of Raoul and Ray's subsequent

    identification of Frenchy as Raoul had to be kept quiet.

    More ignored evidence was turned up by Huie. He found three

    witnesses who had seen Ray and Frenchy-Raoul together both in

    Atlanta and Montreal. They confirmed Ray's claim that he was

    framed. All of the evidence involving Youngblood and Frenchy,

    uncovered by Robert Livingston and Wayne Chastain and published in

    "Computers and People" in 1974, was omitted.

    Livingston was Ray's attorney in Tennessee. Chastain is a

    Memphis reporter. Livingston and Chastain's sighting of Frenchy-

    Raoul at the Detroit airport during a meeting between Livingston,

    Chastain, Bud Fensterwald and the intermediary representing Frenchy

    (in an attempt to obtain immunity for him in exchange for revealing

    the identity of the Tennesseans and Louisianians who had hired him)

    was ignored.

    Exposure of this segment of the PCG would have done more to

    bolster the 1977 efforts of the Select Committee than any

    presentation of conspiracy evidence in the King case itself.

    The PCG's Tactics With the Select Committee

    In the early days of the formation of the Committee in September

    1976, the PCG might have taken the Committee very lightly. The

    PCG's efforts to stop an investigation from beginning in the spring

    of 1976 through its control of the Rules Committee had been

    successful. Downing and Gonzalez had given up. But when the

    three-way coalition suddenly brought about a reversal of their

    earlier Rules Committee vote, and the House quickly and

    overwhelmingly passed a resolution to set up the Committee, the PCG

    was forced to go back to the drawing boards for retaliation.

    Before the PCG had time to react, Downing and Gonzalez hired

    Dick Sprague as chief counsel. Sprague very rapidly hired the

    equivalent of his own FBI. He sensed from the start that he might

    be up against both the FBI and the CIA, so he carefully screened

    his investigators, lawyers, researchers and other personnel to

    prevent intelligence penetration of the staff. However, some

    personnel were "handed" to him by both Gonzalez and Downing.

    It goes almost without saying that the PCG would have tried to

    infiltrate the staff. What they learned by their early

    infiltration was that Sprague and his crack team were not only on

    the right track in both the JFK and MLK investigations, but also

    that the tactics used by the PCG in those weeks were making the

    staff and some of the committee members suspicious about the PCG


    PCG Control of Prior Investigations

    It became imperative for the PCG to either eliminate the entire

    Committee or to gain control of it and to rid it of Dick Sprague

    and the senior staff people who were loyal to him. It was no

    longer possible to turn the investigations around and bury the

    information that had been gathered as the PCG had done with six

    prior Congressional investigations. In each of the prior

    investigations (five Senate investigations and one House

    investigation of the JFK assassination) the PCG had controlled the

    results, disbanded the staffs and buried the evidence. The six

    groups were:

    1. 1968--A Senate subcommittee under Senator Ed Long of

    Missouri conducted a JFK investigation. Bernard

    Fensterwald, Jr., was in charge of a six-person team.

    2. 1974--The Ervin Committee investigated the JFK case

    during the Watergate period. Samuel Dash headed a team

    of four that included Terry Lenzer, Barry Schochet and

    Wayne Bishop.

    3. 1975--The Church Committee. A six-person team reported

    to FAO Schwartz III. It included Bob Kelley, Dan

    Dwyer, Ed Greissing, Paul Wallach, Pat Shea and David


    4. 1975--The Schweiker-Hart subcommittee under the Church

    Committee had a team headed by David Marston, that

    included Troy Gustafson, Gaeton Fonzi, and Elliott


    5. 1975--Pike Committee in House. People unknown.

    6. 1976--Senate Intelligence Committee under Daniel


    In addition, both Howard Baker and Lowell Weicker conducted

    their own investigations of the JFK case during the Watergate


    Sprague and his senior staff people are professionals compared

    to the amateurs listed above. Wayne Bishop was the only

    professional investigator in all of the staff groups. It was easy

    for the PCG to cut off or alter the directions of the prior

    investigations. Thus, the one with the greatest hope, the

    Schweiker subcommittee, wound up not mentioning any of the

    important evidence uncovered in Florida and elsewhere in their

    final report. The Congress and the public were left with the

    impression that there might have been a Castro conspiracy to

    assassinate JFK.

    PCG Strategy

    Faced with the new committee and Sprague's staff, the PCG had

    devise a strategy that included:

    1. Attacking Dick Sprague to discredit him with dirt and

    print it in the media.

    2. Using the media to spread PCG propaganda and control

    the sources of all stories concerning the Select


    3. Using PCG Congressmen to provide biased, distorted

    quotes to the media for its use.

    4. Trying to discredit the entire committee by making it

    appear to be disorganized and unmanageable.

    5. Controlling the voting and lobbying against the

    continuation of the committee in January and February.

    6. Influencing members of the House to vote against the

    Committee through a massive letter and telegram


    7. Exaggerating the emphasis placed on the size of the

    budget requested by Sprague without considering the

    need for such a budget.

    8. Demanding that the committee justify its existence by

    producing new evidence.

    9. Splitting the committee and attempting to create

    dissension; creating a battle between Henry Gonzalez

    and Richard Sprague and between Gonzalez and Downing.

    10. Hamstringing the staff so they could not receive

    salaries, could not travel, did not have subpoena

    power, could not make long distance telephone calls;

    blocking access to the key files at the FBI, Justice

    Department, CIA and Secret Service.

    11. Trying to insert their own man at the head of the


    12. Brainwashing Henry Gonzalez into believing that Sprague

    and others were agents.

    13. Sacrificing Henry Gonzalez when it became obvious the

    PCG could not control him as their chairman.

    14. Leaking stories that seemed to make the committee's

    efforts unnecessary.

    Media Control

    The primary technique used by the PCG is its nearly absolute

    control of the media. This is not as difficult to achieve as one

    might imagine. Since most of the stories about the committee

    originate in Washington under rather tightly-knit conditions, it is

    necessary to control only a small number of key reporters and their

    bosses. The rest of the media follow along like sheep.

    The PCG trotted out some of their old-timers in the media to

    initiate the public and congressional brainwashing program against

    the committee. They used the same tactic against Jim Garrison

    between 1967 and 1969. The old-timers included Jeremiah O'Leary,

    George Lardner, Jr., and David Burnham. Jeremiah O'Leary of the

    "Washington Star" was on the CIA's list of reporters exposed the

    year before. George Lardner Jr. had been in David Ferrie's

    apartment until 4 AM on the morning he was murdered. Lardner was a

    PCG member in 1967, while he worked as a reporter for the

    "Washington Post" (he is still with the "Post"). David Burnham at

    the "New York Times," one of the several reporters in Harrison

    Salisbury's and Harding Bancroft, Jr.'s stable of PCG workers, was

    called upon to carry the brunt of the "Times"' attack.

    There were, of course, others. As in 1967 and at other times

    during the first decade of media cover-ups, the major TV, radio,

    wire service, magazine and newspaper media acted as a cover-up

    unit. Ben Bradlee, the PCG chieftain at the "Washington Post,"

    made sure that "Newsweek" did their hatchet jobs. Time, Inc., CBS

    (with Eric Sevaried, Dick Salant and Leslie Midgeley), NBC (with

    David Brinkley), and ABC (with Bob Clark and Howard K. Smith) all

    went on the attack. The overall theme was that the committee would

    soon die out.

    Media Tactics

    The tactics first used were to create the impression that the

    Committee was not going to find anything of importance. Then Dick

    Sprague became the chief target. One of the dirty tricks used

    against him portrayed him as arrogant, flamboyant, power-mad, and

    as a man who usurped the powers of the Committee. The writers and

    editors of the PCG are very good at this sort of thing. The "New

    York Times," with Burnham writing and Salisbury and Bancroft

    directing, did a real hatchet job on Sprague. These techniques

    convinced congressmen and much of the public. Sqrague was forced

    to stay very quiet and away from reporters and cameras. That did

    not deter the PCG people. Once an image of a man has been created

    by the media, it is not necessary for him to appear in public. He

    could even disappear for several weeks, but the flamboyant, noisy

    image would go on uninterrupted. This technique is much less

    obvious than murder, but it works nearly as well. When the time

    comes to destroy or eliminate the man, all the PCG has to do is

    create an image.

    The Vote to Continue

    The man chosen to eliminate Sprague was the new chairman of the

    Select Committee, Henry Gonzalez. Before setting up a classic

    "personality conflict" between Gonzalez and Sprague, the PCG used

    another tactic. It attempted to kill the Committee with a vote not

    to continue it in the 1977 Congress.

    The House and media PCG members overemphasized the large budget

    requested by Dick Sprague, the use of the polygraph, the use of the

    psychological stress evaluator and the telephone monitoring

    equipment. Rather than telling the truth about the budget,

    describing how the money would be spent, and describing why and how

    the equipment was going to be used, the media (aided and abetted by

    PCG members in the House itself) made it seem as though the budget

    was totally out of line and that citizen's rights would be violated

    by the use of such equipment. The PCG planted false information

    that led Don Edwards of California to play into their hands on the

    equipment issue.

    The year-end report of the Committee, which they and the staff

    hoped would make these subjects clear, countered the media attacks.

    *But*, of course, the PCG controls the media, and the report was

    completely blacked out. Most citizens do not even know it exists.

    Almost every U.S. citizen has heard and seen Dick Sprague called a

    rattlesnake and an unscrupulous character. However, the PCG lost

    the vote against continuing the Committee and used a new method to

    try to kill it.

    The New Tactic

    The PCG decided to use Gonzalez to control the Committee. The

    stage was set for the PCG to knock off Sprague and to install one

    of their own men. The plan was to do this by brainwashing Henry

    Gonzalez into distrusting Sprague and selected members of the

    Committee and the staff.

    The idea was to use Gonzalez in this way to install a PCG man

    (the fact that he was a PCG man was unknown to Gonzalez) as chief

    of staff. Gonzalez would fire Sprague and the key staff members,

    first blocking their access to important files and witnesses. The

    PCG would then have been in a position to either fold up the

    Committee by March 31, or to direct its efforts toward finding a

    Castro-did-it conspiracy in JFK's case and no conspiracy in the

    King case.

    Tactic Backfires

    The PCG did not forecast one important effect their tactics

    would have. By the time Henry Gonzalez became chairman, the other

    eleven members of the Committee and its staff had begun to smell a

    rat. They noted with curiosity all of the strange coincidences

    that occurred. During the floor debate on February 2, 1977 over

    continuing the Committee, Representatives Devine, Preyer, Burke and

    Fauntroy let the rest of the House know that they believed

    something peculiar was happening to them. The appearance of the

    Justice Department report on that same day disturbed them very

    much. The attacks on Sprague upset them also.

    The staff were even more disturbed. Most of them had assumed

    they were being asked to conduct a thorough and unbiased

    investigation of two homicides. The power of the PCG became

    obvious to them over a period of several weeks. The effect of this

    on both the Committee and its staff was to drive all eighty-four

    people (73 staff and 11 Committee members) into a solid block (the

    only exceptions were Gonzalez's people on the staff), more

    determined than ever to get at the truth. Some staffers began

    using their own money for travel. All of them took pay cuts. Many

    of them decided they would work for nothing if necessary to keep

    going. The PCG's strategy had backfired. The eighty-four loyal

    people were like one giant lion backed into a corner, spurred on to

    greater heights to fight back.

    For this reason, the PCG tactic to use a brainwashed Henry

    Gonzalez failed. The eighty-four people resisted that manuever by

    threatening to resign en masse. Tip O'Neill and others were forced

    to go against Gonzalez. Gonzalez resigned. The House voted by a

    large majority to accept his resignation and Tip O'Neill appointed

    Louis Stokes as the new chairman. At this point, the PCG decided

    to abandon Gonzalez and to try another tactic, signalled by an

    article in the "Washington Star" on March 3, 1977. Written by

    "Star" staff writer Lynn Rosellini, the article was entitled,

    "Gonzalez' Action Stuns Panel but Not the Home Folks." It was

    manufactured by the PCG to discredit Gonzalez and his final demise.

    (It was the first anti-Gonzalez article to appear.) The PCG had

    obviously decided to throw Gonzalez to the wolves. The significant

    quote was supposedly from a "source familiar with Gonzalez' career"

    that said "Henry focuses in on conspiracies, the weird angle of

    things. Once he gets involved in something, he shakes it by the

    throat until it's dead." That was a dead giveaway that the PCG no

    longer wanted Henry around.

    Next Tactic -- Death By Acclamation

    The PCG's next tactic was to convince a majority of the House

    that the Committee had had it because of the feuding as portrayed

    in the press. They hoped to either eliminate the Committee

    altogether or eliminate the JFK investigation or to force Sprague

    to resign. (After all, the King conspiracy can always be blamed on

    J. Edgar Hoover, if it comes down to that. There is no particular

    spillover from the King case into JFK, RFK or Wallace, provided

    Frenchy can be kept out of the limelight.) It might have been

    possible for the PCG Congressmen to propose dropping the JFK case

    or to propose postponing it in favor of continuing just the King

    case with a reduced budget. Prior to March 31, a House floor vote

    or a vote in the Rules Committee could have been proposed that

    might have limited the investigations and the authority of the

    Select Committee in this way. The rules under which the Select

    Committee would operate were not passed by the Committee due to the

    conflict between Henry Gonzalez and the rest of the members, so the

    proposal could have included restrictive rules. The PCG media

    could have boosted this idea with the PCG loyalists in the House.

    Jim Wright appeared to be the new leader of the opposition to kill

    the Select Committee. More ground was being laid every day for a

    negative vote on continuation. The hint was that the Committee

    must come up with a bombshell or that it will die.

    The Committee fought off this tactic by diverting the attention

    of the media through a series of very rapidly developing activities

    and a substantial reduction in the proposed budget, which plummeted

    to 2.8 million for the remainder of 1977. The House finally voted

    to continue the Committee by a very narrow margin, with a swing of

    25 votes determining the result.

    The final weapon used to obtain a vote to continue the Committee

    on March 30 was the resignation of Dick Sprague.

    Exposing the PCG

    The best way to expose the PCG is to demonstrate that it has

    been influencing or controlling the media and attempting to control

    Congress. How can this be done? It will be necessary to show who

    the PCG members are in the House and the media and exactly what

    they have been doing while they are doing it. Getting this kind of

    information out to the public will be very difficult, since the

    entire media group seems to be controlled. Live TV is not easily

    controllable. If unannounced exposures of PCG members are made on

    live TV there would be no way for the PCG to stop it. About the

    only way to set up such a situation would be to hold public

    hearings with live TV coverage.

    Exposing the PCG to Congress might be accomplished on the floor

    of the House. Evidence of the clandestine activities of PCG

    members in the tactics described above could be introduced on the

    floor without media coverage. This happened to a minor extent on

    March 30 when some of the Committee members began to accuse the

    media of improper influence.

    Who Are The PCG Members

    The PCG members presently attempting to control the Select

    Committee must be clearly identified.[1] There are, no doubt, some

    media people and Representatives who sincerely believe that there

    were no conspiracies and who have been playing into the hands of

    the PCG without realizing it. Other Representatives, and media

    people by the definition of the term PCG, are purposefully

    controlling the situation. It may be difficult to distinguish

    between these two groups without tracing back some PCG connection

    of the culprits. Any CIA or FBI clandestine relationship or any

    direct connection with any of the assassination cases would be a

    tip. An example of this is George Lardner, Jr.'s direct connection

    with the JFK case ten years ago. (Lardner was in David Ferrie's

    apartment for four hours after the midnight time of death estimated

    by the New Orleans coroner. Ferrie was killed by a karate chop to

    the back of his neck.) Jim Garrison interrogated Lardner at some

    length, but he never received a satisfactory explanation of what he

    had been doing there.

    While it may be difficult to tell which congressmen are sincere

    and which are knowingly trying to extend the cover-ups, the Select

    Committee must turn its attention to any member of the House who

    throws up roadblocks or who speaks out strongly against the

    continuation of the investigations. On this basis, one must

    suspect every one of the Representatives cited below.

    Many questions should be asked of this group. For example, who

    encouraged Mr. Bauman during that autumn and on March 30, Mr. Sisk

    last spring and Mr. Quillen in February to suddenly become so

    vehement about stopping investigations of the assassinations?

    Their stated reasons were that the Kennedys were opposed, costs,

    the lack of new evidence, the Warren Commission, etc. But these

    reasons can no longer be their own true beliefs. On whose behalf

    were they acting? How did Trent Lott find out that the Committee

    staff made a telephone call to Cameroon, which he discussed on

    March 28 at the Rules meeting?

    Who talked Frank Thompson into a campaign to shut off the Select

    Committee's financial resources? (The Thompson efforts cannot be

    explained away by the ordinary controller's motivations.) Who

    convinced Jim Wright that the Committee was doomed and that he

    should personally intervene in the Gonzalez, Sprague and Committee

    members' battle? And, most importantly, who brainwashed both Henry

    Gonzalez and Gail Beagle into mistrusting the people they had

    always trusted? Answer these questions and publicize the answers,

    and the top-down approach to exposing the PCG and solving the

    assassination conspiracies will be well along the path to success.

    Part II

    "Hard" and "Soft" Propaganda in 1977

    When the time approached for the Select Committee on

    Assassinations to ask the House of Representatives for its 1978

    budget, it was interesting to once again examine the PCG's control

    over the American news media and the Congress. To those who

    observed the assassination scene with blinders removed, it was

    patently obvious that the December 1977 date for the Select

    Committee's budget approval was a target. The PCG attempted to

    defeat the Committee's efforts to get at the truth underlying the

    John Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations and the cover-up

    crimes associated with them.

    An all-out effort was mounted by the PCG to influence the

    thinking of citizens and the votes of the members of the House.

    This effort manifested itself in the major news media--over the

    three TV networks, the "New York Times," "Washington Post,"

    "Newsweek," "Time," book publishers, book reviewers, TV talk shows,


    This massive campaign is a useful test to prove the validity of

    contentions made by this author and others in 1976 and 1977

    concerning the relationships between the Power Control Group and

    the American news media, as utilized in the continuing cover-ups of

    the domestic assassinations, and in the PCG's efforts to destroy

    the reputations of assassination researchers[2] and the two

    official investigations of the John Kennedy assassinations.[3]

    New evidence surfaced in 1977 to support these contentions: a

    CIA document released under the Freedom of Information Act and an

    article by a new potential ally for assassination truth seekers,

    Carl Bernstein. Both of these documents were provided to the

    author by Ted Gandolfo in New York, who now has his own weekly

    cable TV show on Friday nights on Manhattan TV entitled,

    "Assassination USA."

    Evidence of Media Control by the CIA

    Carl Bernstein wrote an article exposing the CIA's methods of

    controlling the news media.[4] The basic technique dictates

    planting a Secret Team member at the top of each major media

    organization, or obtaining tacit agreements from the top man to use

    reporters working for the CIA, and to use CIA people, stories, and

    policies on the inside of the organization. Bernstein named men

    above the level named by this author as CIA people in certain

    organizations. For example, the author's claim was that Harding

    Bancroft, Jr. has been the CIA control point at the "New York

    Times." Bernstein named Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the owner of the

    "Times" and Bancroft's boss, as the CIA's man at the "Times." At

    CBS, the author named Richard Salant. Bernstein names William C.

    Paley. At the "Washington Post" and "Newsweek" Bernstein names

    Philip Graham, Katherine Graham's husband, former owner of the

    "Post" and "Newsweek," and by inference, Mrs. Graham since her

    husband's death. The author named Ben Bradlee. But Bernstein's

    information confirms the author's contention that the CIA controls

    the 15 news media organizations in the U.S.

    The other CIA top level individuals named by Bernstein are as


    "Louisville Courier Journal"--Barry Bingham, Sr.

    NBC--Richard Wald

    ABC--Sam Jaffe

    Time, Inc.--Henry Luce

    Copley News Service--James Copley

    Hearst--Seymour Freiden

    The PCG, through their prime intelligence members, are today

    still controlling what the media do and say about the subject of

    assassinations and the Select Committee on Assassinations.[5] They

    do this by influencing the heads of each organization who determine

    media editorial policies that are carried out by their

    subordinates. In some cases, however, lower level people are also

    planted as reporters, editors or producers to execute the policies,

    write the stories, produce the programs, review the books, or write

    or publish the books. The CIA also owns and controls many

    publishing houses, freelance writers or reviewers who can also be

    used in this massive campaign.

    However, the reader should not immediately jump to the

    conclusion that all of the media people knowingly continue to

    cover-up of the assassination conspiracies. It is only necessary

    that they actually believe the CIA's stories and positions against

    conspiracies. For example, Anthony Lewis at the "New York Times"

    participates in this entire fraud, actually believing that Oswald

    was the lone madman assassin.

    It is inconceivable, however, that men intelligent enough to

    rise to the top of CBS, NBC, ABC, the "New York Times et al." could

    actually believe that Oswald was the lone assassin. Some or most

    of them must be cooperating fully in the PCG cover-up efforts.

    Proof of CIA Efforts to Discredit Researchers

    A recently released CIA document[6] was a dispatch issued from

    CIA headquarters in April 1967 to certain bases and stations to

    mount a campaign through media contacts (called assets) against

    certain assassination researchers. The targets included Mark Lane,

    Joachim Joesten, Penn Jones, Edward Epstein and Bertrand Russell.

    The document describes an entire program to be used to discredit

    the "critics." Many of the exact expressions that were used by the

    CIA-controlled media to attack the researchers can be found in this

    document. One example is: "The CIA should use this argument in

    general. Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested (by

    critics) would be impossible to conceal in the United States,

    especially since informants could expect to receive large

    royalties, etc." Another argument suggested is: "Note that Robert

    Kennedy, Attorney General at the time and John F. Kennedy's

    brother, would be the last man to overlook or conceal any


    How many times did we hear that between 1967 and 1969?

    The document also suggests using an article by Fletcher Knebel

    to attack Ed Epstein's book and to attack it rather than Mark

    Lane's book because "Lane's book is much more difficult to answer

    as a whole, as one becomes lost in a morass of unrelated details."

    The timing of this document is particularly important. April 1,

    1967 was approximately two months after Jim Garrison's

    investigation surfaced, and only shortly after Garrison found David

    Ferrie murdered in his own apartment and had Clay Shaw arrested.

    Since we now know that both men were contract agents for the CIA

    and that the CIA went to great lengths under Richard Helms'

    direction to protect Clay Shaw and to keep his true identity from

    being revealed, the chances are good that this document was

    triggered by Garrison's investigation.

    The names of the authors of the document have been blacked out

    of the copy that was released. Further research might reveal who

    actually wrote it and "pulled it together" (as a note in hand print

    at the top states).

    The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

    The top level media control was demonstrated by the ABC-TV

    program, "The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald", whose co-director,

    Lawrence Schiller, had to have been selected at the suggestion of

    the PCG. Schiller, one of the worst people in the PCG's stable of

    freelancers, is best known for his book supporting the Warren

    Commission and attacking the researchers, called "The


    Schiller is perhaps the biggest scavenger ever created. He

    supposedly obtained a "deathbed" statement from Jack Ruby by

    illegally and unethically sneaking a tape recorder into his

    hospital room. He then parlayed this into a wide-selling record

    with distasteful and untruthful propaganda. More recently he

    seized the opportunity to interview Gary Gilmore before his

    execution, practically holding a mike to his mouth while the

    commands were being given to the firing squad.

    How, the reader may ask, could Schiller become a co-producer of

    a major ABC television show? The answer is simple. He is

    available to attack and ridicule the assassination researchers and

    reinforce the no-conspiracy idea for the PCG.

    The ABC production crew had the full cooperation of the Dallas

    police in re-enacting the assassination event in Dealey Plaza.

    There is no way that could have happened without PCG influence.

    The Dallas police, quite guilty of cover-up in the case and having

    some individual members on the assassination team, would not permit

    anyone to film a reenactment of the assassination showing

    conspiracy or the truth. The PCG had to assure them that the

    program's editorial position would be anti-conspiracy.

    The "Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald" was given extensive publicity

    on TV, in magazines, in newspapers. In England, a special article

    about it appeared in the Sunday magazine section of a London

    newspaper complete with photographs from the shooting sequence as

    filmed.[8] The PCG spent an enormous amount of money on the

    program and a publicity campaign. There is no way ABC-TV could

    have done that on their own. More than 80% of the people believe

    there was a conspiracy: why wouldn't ABC go along with the 80% of

    their viewers and portray the truth? The answer again is simple:

    ABC is controlled from the very top, probably much higher than the

    Sam Jaffe level, by the PCG and the CIA.

    Other TV Shows

    Both NBC and CBS are planning major TV specials on the

    assassinations. CBS is planning a show on Ruby and Oswald. The

    theme will be that the Warren Commission was right and that both

    Oswald and Ruby were lone nuts. Mr. Paley and Mr. Salant are the

    PCG people calling the shots. NBC is planning a show on Martin

    Luther King which will have a section on the assassination. Even

    though Abbey Mann is directing the show and he would like to bring

    out some of the facts, it is certain that the PCG members of NBC,

    including Richard Wald, will not permit any conclusions about Ray's

    innocence or information about Frenchy-Raoul or Jack Youngblood

    (the real assassins) to be included.

    Priscilla McMillan--CIA Agent

    One of the more remarkable things about the massive 1977

    campaign of the CIA and the PCG is their blatant use of freelance

    writers and news reporters who are well known CIA agents to nearly

    anyone who has taken the time to pay attention. Three agents are

    Priscilla McMillan and her husband, George McMillan, and Jeremiah

    O'Leary of the "Washington Star." Priscilla (in particular) is so

    obviously an agent that even Dick Cavett indirectly accused her of

    being one when she appeared on his show with Marina Oswald to plug

    her new book.

    The CIA decided the perfect time to publish McMillan's book[9],

    which had been completed for several years. A publisher under CIA

    control was selected, and the book was published in time for the

    December committee budget vote. The CIA arranged that Marina

    appear with Pat on several national TV shows. Priscilla had Marina

    well rehearsed for these shows--she even retold the old lies about

    Oswald shooting at General Walker. The commentators selected to

    interview both women, including Dick Cavett, David Hartmann (ABC),

    and Tom Snyder (NBC) had their orders to deal delicately with them

    and not to ask any embarrassing questions. Cavett came closest

    with his essentially accusatory question about whether Priscilla

    was a CIA agent.

    No one asked Marina the one embarrassing question she would have

    had the greatest difficulty answering regarding the picture of

    Oswald holding the rifle and the communist newspaper that Marina

    claimed she took of him: "How was it possible for you to have

    taken a photograph that since has been demonstrated to be a

    composite of three photographs, with your husband's head attached

    to someone else's body at the chin line?" (flashing on the screen

    Fred Newcomb's slide showing the chin level discontinuity). Cavett

    actually flashed the fake photograph on the screen at the beginning

    of his show, but he never mentioned it.

    This monumental PCG effort that involved controlling at least

    three TV networks, a CIA publisher, Marina Oswald, a CIA agent,

    Priscilla McMillan, an enormous amount of time and money, and a

    special book review by the "New York Times"[10] demonstrates how

    much power the PCG has.

    Some of those people who watched "Good Morning America" and the

    "Tomorrow Show" and the "Dick Cavett Show" (three different types

    of national viewing audiences) who believe the lone assassin theory

    and the Warren Commission had those beliefs reinforced by Priscilla

    McMillan and Marina Oswald. It is wise for researchers, the Select

    Committee on Assassinations and others who know what is really

    going on, not to underestimate this power of the PCG.

    Fensterwald's Book

    A book by Bud Fensterwald appeared in 1977 under the sponsorship

    of the PCG.[11] This clever effort on the part of one of the CIA's

    best agents was designed to throw people off the track who have a

    somewhat deeper interest in the JFK assassination. It was meant to

    divert attention away from the CIA by omitting at least twelve of

    the CIA conspirators who were in the files of the Committee to

    Investigate Assassinations (co-founded by Fensterwald and the

    author in 1968).

    No excuse can be given for leaving these key people out of the

    book, because the CIA had extensive files on most of them. Bud

    Fensterwald even had a personal correspondent relationship to the

    key informant of the group, Richard Case Nagell. The twelve are:

    William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Manuel Garcia Gonzalez, Guy

    Gabaldin, Mary Hope, Richard Case Nagell, Harry Dean, Ronald

    Augustinovich, Thomas Beckham, Fred Lee Crisman, Frenchy, and Jack

    Lawrence. All of them were included in a description of the

    details of the assassination team earlier in this book and in an

    article by the author.[12]

    Zebra Books, the publisher of Fensterwald's book, is a CIA-

    controlled organization that has also published another

    disinformation book, "Appointment in Dallas," by Hugh

    MacDonald.[13] In both cases, the PCG intended to misdirect

    attention away from the CIA participants while at the same time

    admitting conspiracy. There is no way the story in MacDonald's

    book can be true. It maintains that Oswald at least planned to

    fire from the sixth floor window of the TSBD Building. As all good

    researchers know, the photographs of the window, inside and

    outside, prove there was no one firing from that window that day.

    The de Mohrenschildt Murder

    The Murder Inc. branch of the PCG killed George de Mohrenschildt

    when he became too dangerous for them. The media branch of the PCG

    then undertook a campaign to discredit Willem Oltmans and NOS-TV

    (in Holland) who happened to be in possession of a series of video

    and audio tapes of de Mohrenschildt that will be very damaging for

    the PCG.

    The de Mohrenschildt murder has so far been concealed by the PCG

    with the help of the media and portrayed as the suicide of a man

    who had become insane. As Willem Oltmans' book clearly

    demonstrates[14] de Mohrenschildt was quite sane when he

    disappeared from Belgium. He was in the process of giving Ed

    Epstein a story about his involvement in the JFK assassination when

    he was murdered in Florida.

    Donald Donaldson's Disappearance

    General Donald Donaldson, alias Dimitri Dimitrov alias Jim

    Adams, was intimately acquainted with the CIA people who planned

    JFK's assassination. He was in Holland to tell his story to NOS-TV

    and Willem Oltmans. He told Oltmans that Allen Dulles was the key

    CIA man in planning JFK's assassination. (Donaldson had been

    brought to the U.S. as a double agent during World War II by

    Franklin Roosevelt.) He held back his knowledge of the

    assassination conspiracy until the Church Committee was formed. He

    then took his information to Church, who brought him to President

    Ford rather than having him questioned by the Church Committee or

    the Schweiker sub-committee. Ford, Church and Donaldson had a

    meeting in which Ford talked both of them into keeping Donaldson's

    information under wraps.

    When de Mohrenschildt was killed, Donaldson decided it was time

    to make his information public and to offer it to the Select

    Committee. He approached Oltmans, asked that his identity be kept

    secret, told NOS his story, and then remained in Holland while

    Oltmans attempted to tell the story to President Carter. Oltmans

    revealed Donaldson's identity on American TV and to the Select

    Committee when Carter refused to listen to the story. Donaldson

    then moved to England, and subsequently disappeared from a London

    hotel, leaving large unpaid bills at both his London and Amsterdam

    hotels. The possibility is very good that he has gone the same

    route as de Mohrenschildt, murdered by the PCG.

    Attacks on the Select Committee

    One of a series of attacks on the Select Committee in November

    and December, leading up to the December vote on the 1978 budget,

    took place in the form of an article by probable CIA agent George

    Lardner, Jr., one of the Select Committee's biggest enemies. He is

    one of the PCG's stable of reporters. Lardner wrote an article for

    the Sunday "Washington Post" on November 6, 1977, portraying the

    Committee as engaging in random, uncoordinated activity,

    interrogating witnesses from the Garrison investigation (which

    Lardner labelled, "the zany Garrison investigation", and "the

    fruitless investigation"). The "New York Times," "Washington Star"

    and other media can be expected to open up all barrels under PCG

    direction. The general theme will no doubt be that the Committee

    has done nothing at all and that Oswald acted alone.[15]

    If Council Blakey or Chairman Stokes, or JFK subcommittee

    Chairman Preyer try to respond to these attacks they will be ripped

    to shreds by the PCG's media people. As the author pointed out in

    part I of this chapter, the only chance the Committee and the House

    have to keep the investigation going is to expose the PCG and their

    media control, from the top down. Otherwise the Committee cannot

    win the battle.


    [1] Power Control Group (PCG) defined in prior articles and one book

    by the author, as follows:

    The PCG includes all organizations and individuals who

    knowingly participated in any of the domestic political

    assassinations or attempted assassinations, or in any of the

    efforts to cover-up the truth about those assassinations. This

    includes a large number of murders of witnesses and participants.

    The assassinations involved include, but are not necessarily

    limited to the following:

    John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, George

    Wallace and Mary Jo Kopechne.

    The PCG is a much larger group than just the clandestine parts

    of the CIA and the FBI, or the Secret Team as defined by L.

    Fletcher Prouty. It would however, include all those members

  14. Part14.

    Chapter 14

    Congress and the People

    The last hope of the people to take back their government from

    the PCG is through Congress. The executive branch is a captive of

    the PCG. The legislative branch has no power in the situation.

    Where courts or judges do have some small measure of power, as in

    the hearings and appeals for a new trial for James Earl Ray, they

    have been controlled by the PCG. The ruling of the judge in the

    Ray appeals case, for example, was obviously a decision made for

    him by someone higher up. He ruled that Ray could not have a new

    trial after hearing a vast amount of evidence of conspiracy and

    solid evidence that Percy Foreman had duped Ray into pleading


    Unless a people's revolution comes along, and that hardly seems

    likely, the only possibility left is to hope that Congress can do

    it. What are the odds? From what has been pointed out so far, it

    is obvious that if Congress is to expose the PCG, throw the rascals

    in jail, and wipe the slate clean to seize the country back for the

    people, a tremendous battle will be required. All of the forces of

    the PCG, including their friends in the House and Senate, will be

    focussed on preventing this from happening. A power base within

    both houses would have to be created that could not only do battle

    with the PCG but that would not be fooled by their myriad of

    fiendishly clever techniques, methods and stratagems. It would

    have to be a power base that protected itself from infiltration and

    usurpation of its own resources. It would have to somehow conquer

    the media control problem; otherwise, no American citizen would

    know what it was doing or what the battle was about.

    How would such a battle start and such a power base be

    constructed? An important step would be to purify the special

    committee created by either resolution and to purify the staff.

    Preventing infiltration of staff by the PCG is especially

    important. As mentioned in Chapter 12, the Church Committee staff

    and the Schweiker sub-committee staff were infiltrated by the PCG,

    and specifically the CIA. A leading assassination researcher and

    former intelligence officer in the Defense Intelligence Agency who

    knew many, many CIA agents discovered two of them in the Church

    Committee staff offices in the fall of 1975. The other staff

    members had not been aware that these two men were CIA agents

    because they were "deep cover" agents.

    This problem is rather complex because there is always great

    pressure from the House or Senate to create a balance on any

    appointed committee. Thus the Church committee was hamstrung by

    several of the Senators appointed to be on it: they were close

    friends and supporters of the CIA and FBI. Senators Goldwater and

    Tower, for example, fought very hard to block any efforts to have

    the entire committee investigate potential CIA or FBI involvement

    in domestic assassinations. This does not necessarily mean that

    Goldwater and Tower are members of the inner circle of the PCG.

    But it does mean that PCG members who know who killed John Kennedy

    and why can influence Goldwater and Tower to block such efforts.

    The first step in the House or Senate might be floor voting

    because of the tight control exercised by the PCG over the

    committee procedure on resolutions. In the House, for example, the

    Rules Committee is all-powerful in determining which resolutions

    are brought to the floor.

    Henry Gonzalez introduced his resolution HR204 in 1975 and sent

    it to the rules committee. Nearly a year passed. On March 18,

    1976 Mr. Gonzalez, together with Mr. Downing, was tired of waiting

    for some action by Chairman Madden and they took the issue to the

    floor of the House for discussion.[1] By this time the two

    representatives had 125 co-sponsors for their two resolutions (an

    unusually large number). Gonzalez and Downing had taken over the

    floor of the House for two hours and had several supporting

    speakers. No one rose in opposition. Prior to that time,

    Representative Sisk from California and Representative Bolling from

    West Virginia had been vehemently outspoken in the Rules Committee

    against both resolutions. Madden, Sisk and Bolling all left the

    House before Downing and Gonzalez started speaking.

    As a result of Gonzalez's and Downing's efforts, Madden was

    forced by Speaker Albert and other members of the House and by some

    of his own constituents to hold a formal hearing on the two

    resolutions on March 31, 1976. The PCG controlled the hearing

    through Sisk, Bolling and Lott. The resolutions were tabled,

    subject to future recall by the chairman. The vote was nine to

    six. Representative Bolling was called into the hearing from the

    House floor to cast the ninth vote at the last minute. He heard

    none of the arguments. He didn't have to. The PCG had instructed

    him on how to vote.

    This event is described to illustrate how difficult it would be

    to overcome the control advantages on the side of the PCG. Only on

    the Senate or House floor might it be possible to equalize things.

    The two events, the two hour discussion on the House floor on March

    18, reported by the "Congressional Record," and the hearing by the

    rules committee on March 31 illustrate another problem Congress has

    combatting the PCG. Not one of the major news media organizations

    reported either event. Two hours on the House floor is an

    incredibly long time for any subject. There were many reporters

    present from television, radio, newspapers and press services. Mark

    Lane saw to that. But nothing appeared on CBS, NBC, ABC, or in

    "Time," "Newsweek," or the "New York Times." Why? The answer is

    obvious. Very tight control over the news from the House is

    exercised by the PCG.

    The larger implication is there for all to see who want to open

    their eyes. Seeing it and believing it are two different things.

    For nearly all Congressmen who still have faith in America, the

    whole point of this book, and the existence of a Power Control

    Group which included Ford, Nixon, Kissinger, the CIA, the FBI, the

    fifteen major news media management level people, plus nearly

    anyone else of importance in the executive branch and many

    Congressmen, is too much to swallow. They would rather have the

    whole thing go quietly away than face up to something that

    gigantic. And that is the real source of the PCG's strength, the

    unbelievability of it all.

    Addendum to Chapter 14

    Several truly historic and highly encouraging events occurred in

    the months of September and October, 1976 that could indicate a

    change in the tide and power and control described in earlier


    First, on September 15, a coalition of representatives from the

    Black Caucus, Henry Gonzalez and Thomas Downing managed to get

    Resolution H1540 through the House Rules Committee. Mark Lane,

    Coretta King and others were responsible for creating pressures

    that finally convinced Speaker Carl Albert, Chairman Tom Madden of

    the Rules Committee and others that this was necessary and

    desirable. The new resolution, made up of parts of the Downing and

    Gonzalez resolutions plus input from Representative Walter Fauntroy

    from the Black Caucus called for a special 12-person committee to

    reopen the JFK and Dr. King cases and any other deaths that the

    committee might decide to investigate.

    The Rules Committee voted nine to four in favor. Representative

    Bolling, who perhaps unknowingly had lent his support to the

    opposition in the earlier vote, was an important swing vote and

    actually introduced the resolution in the meeting. The position of

    the nine who voted for the resolution was more than vindicated two

    days later, when the House, by the extraordinary vote of 280 to 64,

    passed the resolution. History was made. On that day cheers

    should have gone up from several hundred dedicated researchers

    around the world, and the Power Control Group should have begun

    looking for rocks to crawl under.

    The real war was only beginning, however. The "New York Times"

    barely reported the event, did not mention the vote, and buried the

    story in the middle of another story with one-half inch in one

    column. The "Washington Star" and "Post" carried larger stories

    and the "White Plains Reporter Dispatch" made it a first page

    headline story. The PCG's media control slipped a bit.

    The next hurdle was for Downing, Gonzalez and Fauntroy to

    convince Albert that the chairman of the new committee for 1977

    should be Mr. Gonzalez since Mr. Downing had announced his

    retirement. Because elections were being held in November, Mr.

    Albert named Mr. Downing as chairman for the balance of 1976, with

    Mr. Gonzalez as next in line. He also let it be known to the press

    that Mr. Gonzalez would be the best choice to head the committee

    next year.

    Mr. Albert then named ten other members of the committee for the

    1976 period. Four of them, Fauntroy, Burke, Stokes and Ford, were

    members of the Black Caucus. Stewart McKinney, Representative from

    Connecticut, is a well known supporter of the truth. Those five,

    together with Downing and Gonzalez, could probably be counted on to

    try to arrive at the truth. The other five representatives--Dodd

    from Connecticut, Preyer from Tennessee, Devine from Ohio, Thone

    from Nebraska and Talcott from California--were unknown quantities.

    If the PCG theory holds up, at least one of them, and perhaps two,

    will turn out to be PCG representatives.

    The next event of significance occurred on October 4 when Mr.

    Downing named Richard A. Sprague, former district attorney from

    Philadelphia and fearless prosecutor of the Yablonski murderers, as

    executive director of the committee's staff. The main significance

    of this event was who was not named. Bernard Fensterwald, Jr., was

    in strong contention, but he was not selected because of suspicions

    that he might be a CIA agent and also because of conflicts of

    interests among his clientele. Fensterwald represented Otto

    Otepka, James McCord, James Earl Ray and Andrew St. George, among

    others. There is certainly a strong CIA flavor and PCG influence

    among his clients. Whether or not Bud Fensterwald himself works

    for the CIA or the PCG, his rejection as executive director was a

    healthy sign that the committee might be able to go through the

    purification process described as essential in Chapter 14.

    Richard A. Sprague had his hands full attempting to separate PCG

    applicants for staff positions from non-PCG members. The PCG,

    during the same time period (September and October) these historic

    events were taking place, was very active in spreading its second

    line of defense information. "Castro did it in revenge" stories

    began popping up everywhere. Jack Anderson was revived to back up

    the strategy by publishing another of his "Castro did it" columns.


    [1] House Resolution 204 -- Henry Gonzalez

    House Resolution 498 -- Thomas Downing

    * * * * * * *

    End Part14.

  15. Part13.

    Chapter 13

    The 1976 Election and Conspiracy Fever

    To dramatize what might happen and probably did happen in 1976,

    this chapter has been prepared by assuming the attitude typical of

    today's innocent Americans. A new disease is sweeping America.

    No, it's not the flu; it's conspiracy fever.[1]

    People afflicted by the disease imagine conspiracies everywhere.

    They believe, for example, that the CIA arranged for the takeover

    in Chile and the assassination of Salvador Allende. They even

    think Henry Kissinger had something to do with it. These poor

    feverish devils have the strange idea that J. Edgar Hoover was a

    fiend rather than a public hero. They imagine that he ordered a

    vicious campaign against Dr. Martin Luther King and a conspiracy

    against most of young America called Cointelpro. Some even think

    Hoover had King killed. There are some Californians with the west

    coast strain of this bug who imagine that the FBI and the

    California authorities created a conspiracy in San Diego and Los

    Angeles against black citizens. The California group also think

    there was something strange about Donald DeFreeze and the

    Symbionese Liberation Army. They suspect an FBI or California

    state authority conspiracy, complete with police provocateurs,

    double agents, faked prison breaks, and a Patty Hearst, alias

    Tania, all thrown in by our own government to create a climate that

    would make the public accept the prevalence of terrorism and demand

    a police state.

    The disease spread to Congressmen as well. It does not seem to

    be limited, as it was before Watergate, to people under the age of

    30. There are even Congressmen with a more virulent form of the

    malady who are convinced their telephones are still being tapped.

    They, along with thousands of others who suffer, no doubt reached

    this conclusion just because they were told by a CIA-controlled

    media that hundreds of telephones were tapped a few years ago.

    Early forms of conspiracy fever are no longer considered to be

    dangerous. For example, all those sick citizens who imagined

    conspiracies in the incidents at Tonkin Gulf, Songmy, Mylai, the

    Pueblo and the Black Panther murders are now considered to be more

    or less recovered, since it turns out it was not their imaginations

    working overtime after all. Even the special variety of the fever

    which caused the impression that the CIA murdered a series of

    foreign heads-of-state is no longer on the danger list.

    There is still one form of the illness, however, that is

    officially considered to be very dangerous, virulent, and to be

    stamped out at all costs. It is the version producing the illusion

    that all of America's domestic assassinations were conspiracies.

    Those infected believe the conspiracies are interlinked in a giant

    conspiracy to take over the electoral process in the United States

    and to conceal this from the American people. Some citizens are

    known to have this worst form of the fever. They include a

    Congressman or two. Others have come down with a milder form in

    which they imagine separate conspiracies in four assassination

    cases (John and Robert Kennedy, Dr. King, and the attempted

    assassination of George Wallace).

    Members of the Ford Administration, particularly David Belin,

    Mr. Ford's staff member on the Rockefeller Commission, went along

    with an analysis made by Dr. Jacob Cohen, a professional fever

    analyst, that the disease has been spreading rapidly because of a

    small group of "carriers" traveling around the country who are

    infecting everyone else. Some of these carriers, called

    assassination "buffs", were thought to have contracted the fever as

    many as twelve years ago.

    In the disease's worst form, the patient imagines that there

    exists a powerful, high level group of individuals, some of whom

    have intelligence experience. The highest level of fever in these

    patients produces the idea that this high level group, usually

    called the PCG, will eliminate presidential candidates not in their

    favor or under their control. Others imagine that Jimmy Carter has

    been brought into the PCG by threats against his children and

    careful briefings by George Bush.

    It is worth analyzing the sick people with this domestic

    assassination conspiracy fever to see how far their imaginations

    take them. They calculate that the PCG, fearing exposure if any

    president is not under their control and influence, will go to

    whatever lengths are required to insure the election of the man

    they do control. The idea is that Gerald Ford was nicely in the

    PCG's pocket because he has been covering up for them ever since

    1964. He has continued to help them through 1975 and 1976 by

    maintaining a steady cover-up effort on all four cases. Jimmy

    Carter was perhaps brought under control. The feverish "buffs"

    figure that the PCG would have been sure to eliminate Jimmy Carter

    unless he could be controlled.

    The scenario continues into the future. The more control

    exercised by the PCG, the stronger they become and the more people

    in the executive branch become beholden to them to continue

    covering up the cover-ups.

    So, wake up America. Wipe out this disease. It's just as

    dangerous as Communism, if not more so. Like the general in "Z",

    Americans must realize that such a disease has to be eliminated

    whenever and wherever it appears.


    [1] "Conspiracy Fever" is derived from an article with that title by

    Jacob Cohen, a psychologist, in "Commentary" magazine, October,


    * * * * * * *

    End Part13.

  16. Part12.

    Chapter 12

    The Second Line of Defense and Cover-Ups in 1975 and 1976

    The mini-war waged by assassination researchers and a few

    Congressmen from 1964 to 1976 to reopen the major assassination

    inquiries never really disturbed the Power Control Group. But in

    1975, simultaneous with the revelations about all of the terrible

    things the CIA and the FBI did, the researchers and a few of their

    friends in the media and in Congress began to draw more attention

    than was comfortable for the PCG.

    A special renewed effort became necessary to extend the cover-

    ups. Part of this effort was a program to bring the media back

    under control and to reinforce media support of the cover-ups.

    This has been discussed in some detail in Chapter 9. Another part

    of this effort was the expansion of the Rockefeller Commission's

    assignment to reinforce the cover-up of the JFK assassination

    conspiracy. Separate new efforts were necessary to control the

    courts and lawyers and other public officials in the King and

    Robert Kennedy assassination conspiracies. These were brought

    about by appeals for new trials by James Earl Ray and Sirhan B.

    Sirhan. The appeals were accompanied by new revelations. New

    publicity was given to demands for an investigation into the

    Wallace shooting by prominent people, including Wallace himself.

    A minor success in the JFK case was scored by researchers with

    the assistance of Dick Gregory, Geraldo Rivera of ABC, Tom Snyder

    of NBC, Mort Sahl and others. They managed to have the Zapruder

    film and other photographic evidence of conspiracy shown on local

    and national television. No one of any intelligence outside the

    PCG who has even seen the Zapruder film questions the fact that

    shots came from two different directions in Dealey Plaza. This

    breakthrough after eleven years of effort put new public and

    Congressional pressures on the PCG. It was closely followed by a

    grass roots campaign conducted by Mark Lane's Citizens Commission

    of Inquiry to reopen the JFK case. Pressure was brought to bear on

    Congressmen by their local constituents as a result of this

    campaign. Henry Gonzalez from Texas and Thomas Downing from

    Virginia introduced resolutions in the House of Representatives

    calling for the reopening of all four cases and the JFK case, so

    the public and Congress had a formal base to work with and a goal

    to reach.

    New revelations were made in 1975 about the FBI's and the CIA's

    information withheld from the Warren Commission. From Dallas came

    the admission that Oswald had been in closer contact with the FBI

    than believed and that Jack Ruby had been an FBI informer.

    Perhaps the most dangerous development for the PCG was the

    creation of a sub-committee under the Church committee to

    investigate the JFK assassination. This two-man subcommittee

    formed by Senator Gary Hart of Colorado and Senator Schweiker of

    Pennsylvania became a real threat when it was given authority by

    the full Senate Committee on Intelligence to conduct their own

    independent investigation with a staff of nine people. It would be

    harder to control their efforts than to control the Church

    committee, where the PCG had several strong allies, including

    Senators Goldwater and Tower.

    Gerald Ford, William Colby, Richard Helms (from his faraway post

    in Asia) and the other PCG members developed a three-prong strategy

    for the JFK case in order to cope with all of these new problems.

    First came the reinforcement of the lone-assassin Warren

    Commission scenario. Ford selected David Belin to be chief of

    staff of the Rockefeller Commission. Ford admitted that Belin in

    his Rockefeller Commission role--as well as in his advocacy to

    reopen the JFK case in order to prove the Warren Commission

    findings correct--was acting as "one of our best staff members."

    This was necessary so that the Rockefeller Commission could add a

    new assignment to its original charter and investigate the CIA and

    FBI. The new assignment was to prove that all of the new questions

    about the Zapruder film and the evidence for assassins on the

    grassy knoll were answerable in support of Warren Commission


    The former Warren commissioner now President, who led the

    cover-up and pardoned Nixon, nominated the Warren Commission staff

    lawyer who led the cover-up at the working level as the new

    Rockefeller Commission chief of staff.

    Belin did his job like a faithful dog. He personally called in

    the most dangerous researchers, including Cyril Wecht and Dick

    Gregory's cohorts, Ralph Schoenman and Robert Groden, who had been

    making all of the noise on television. With the help (and possibly

    the knowledge) of only one other staff man, Belin interviewed these

    witnesses briefly, almost casually: then he misquoted them, edited

    their statements, or left them out of the Rockefeller Report. He

    purposefully did not call any researchers other than Wecht who

    might have presented some embarrassing evidence of conspiracy. He

    instead called a number of "experts" from the stable of PCG people,

    including some of the Ramsey Clark doctors panel that had examined

    the medical evidence in 1968 to back up the Warren Commission

    during the Garrison investigation and the Clay Shaw trial. He also

    called on reliable Dr. Lattimer, the urologist, to testify again

    about the bullet wounds above the navel.

    Belin wrote the chapter of the Rockefeller Commission Report

    himself. It formed a base for controlled media presentations of

    the lone assassin scenario. CBS used much of the basic material in

    its series in 1975. Others quoted liberally from the favorite

    misquotes of Cyril Wecht and the statements of the CIA doctors

    concerning the fatal shot at frame 313 of the Zapruder film. That

    had always been a sticky point with Belin and the other Warren

    Commission defenders and technical cover-up artists in the PCG.

    Belin was nearly driven to distraction at times, trying to avoid

    any discussion of the back-to-the-left acceleration of JFK's head

    following the Z313 shot.

    He was therefore delighted to be able to produce a medical

    opinion that the back-to-the-left motion was consistent with a shot

    directly from the rear. The fact that no ballistics experts or

    physics experts were called to testify about Newton's second law of

    motion and what happens to an object when struck by a rifle bullet

    traveling at twice to three times the speed of sound was never

    questioned by the Rockefeller panel or the media. Belin easily

    eliminated the assassins on the grassy knoll simply by persuading

    the FBI to say the assassins weren't there at all.

    Over a period of several months in the second half of 1975, the

    PCG (through its control agents in the 15 media organizations, and

    by using Belin's creation) hammered away again at the lone assassin

    thesis. They caused the wave of excitement and furor created by

    Gregory, Lane, Groden, Schoenman and their friends to die out.

    Lectures on university campuses, discussions on FM radio talk shows

    late at night, and conspiracy books and articles in underground

    newspapers appeared as always. But there was no more showing of

    the Zapruder film on ABC, NBC or CBS; nor was there any talk of

    conspiracy in any of the major fifteen national news media


    The second part of the strategy was to create a fall-back, or

    second line of defense in the JFK case. If necessary the same idea

    could also be applied in the other three cases when the situation

    became too dangerous. There was less danger in 1975 in the RFK,

    MLK and Wallace cases because the researchers and the media had not

    yet consistently begun to tie in the CIA, FBI and other PCG high

    level people. In 1976 a danger emerged in the MLK case when it was

    revealed that J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI might be linked and that

    Hoover attempted to get King to commit suicide. However, that

    development occurred several months after the implementation of the

    strategy began in the JFK case. Of course there had never been any

    danger with the Chappaquiddick crime, because few researchers

    realized what the PCG had accomplished in that event. No

    suspicions existed in Congress either, beyond some curiosity about

    Tony Ulasewicz and E. Howard Hunt's strange visits to the island

    and to Hyannisport.

    There may be several second lines of defense positions already

    prepared for the JFK case. The one that has been implemented in

    1975 and 1976 is the "Castro did it in revenge" position. The PCG

    realizes that while the media will behave like slaves to present

    the first line of defense (Oswald did it alone), the public isn't

    buying it any more. In 1969, shortly after the Clay Shaw trial

    ended, the percent of people disbelieving the lone assassin theory

    fell to its all-time low of just over 50%. By 1976 it had risen to

    80%, despite the faithful efforts of CBS, "Time," "Newsweek," et

    al. More importantly, Richard Schweiker, Gary Hart, Henry

    Gonzalez, Thomas Downing, and a very large part of the House and

    Senate weren't buying the lone assassin story any more either.

    So, a good second line of defense story was needed. It had to

    be one that the House and Senate and Schweiker, Church, Downing and

    hopefully Gonzalez would buy. It had to be one which could be

    created out of existing facts and then shored up by planted

    evidence, faked records, dependable witnesses lying under oath, and

    once again, the control and use of the media. The "Castro did it

    in revenge" story met these requirements. The media had already

    helped to some extent by publishing information from Jack Anderson,

    Lyndon B. Johnson and others about Castro's turning around various

    CIA agents or sending agents of his own, including Oswald, to

    assassinate JFK. Perhaps even more importantly, Senator Schweiker

    said he believed Castro might have been behind the assassination

    and that this possibility should be investigated.

    The Castro story strategy was implemented in 1975. Gradually at

    first, a story appeared here or there in the press about the

    assassins assigned to kill Castro. Then the media began to reprint

    the Jack Anderson story about Castro's turning around of some of

    these agents. New authors of the story appeared. Anderson's

    original story seemed to be forgotten. These articles never seemed

    to have an identifiable source or any proof. Hank Greenspun of the

    Las Vegas newspaper circuit and the man involved with Howard

    Hughes, Larry O'Brien, released a story to the "Chicago Tribune."

    He said his information came from reliable sources.

    The momentum began to build. More and more "leaked" information

    about Castro and assassins and Oswald being a pro-Castroite hit the

    establishment media. The stories and the sequence of events began

    to be predictable, if a researcher had understood the PCG and their

    fight for survival in 1975 and 1976. Then the Church committee and

    the Schweiker sub-committee issued statements that they were going

    to investigate the "Castro did it" theory. The PCG began feeding

    them information in various forms and various ways that would back

    up the idea. The JFK sex scandal was released by Judith Exner.

    The PCG provided her with an incentive to spice up the "Castro did

    it" theory with a little sex involving JFK and one of the assassins

    assigned to Castro, John Roselli.

    The PCG realized they had the double advantage of drawing

    attention to Roselli and Castro and the turn-around assassin idea,

    while at the same time gnawing away at JFK's image. There was

    press speculation that Exner was a Mafia plant in the White House

    to find out how much JFK knew about the Castro assassination plans.

    Since Frank Sinatra had introduced Judith to both JFK and Roselli,

    there was speculation about Sinatra's Mafia friends linked to the

    rat pack, to Peter Lawford, to JFK's sister and to JFK himself.

    All of this was meat for the PCG's grinder. It certainly drew

    Schweiker's attention away from Helms, Hunt, Gabaldin, Shaw,

    Ferrie, Seymour and all of the other operatives involved in JFK's

    murder. In fact, the Schweiker staff, which had the names and

    locations of several participants and witnesses that could pinpoint

    the Helms-Hunt-Shaw-Gabaldin group as the real assassins as early

    as September, 1975 did not interview more than one or two of them

    and did not follow up on the rest at all. Their attention was

    diverted by the second line of defense strategy and they were also

    influenced by infiltration by the PCG.

    Part three of the strategy was the control of the Congress and

    the committees in the House and the Senate concerned with

    investigations of the intelligence community and the JFK

    assassination. This subject will be covered in depth in Chapter

    14. Suffice it to say here that the PCG planted people on the

    staffs of the Church committee and the Schweiker sub-committee.

    They exercised control over the other committees in the House and

    Senate (Abzug, Don Edwards, Pike committees) and they controlled

    the House Rules committee, which effectively blocked the Gonzalez

    and Downing resolutions for over a year.

    The CIA has always had its supporters in both House and Senate.

    So has the FBI. So did J. Edgar Hoover (sometimes through

    blackmail) and Richard Helms. There was a story published in the

    "Washington Post" about a dinner party given by Tom Braden, former

    CIA man, at which all of Richard Helms' old buddies rallied to his

    defense. Several well-known Congressmen were there and Senator

    Symington gave a rousing speech supporting Helms in his hour of


    Gerald Ford, of course, as then titular leader of the PCG, had

    many old friends in the House. Nixon had many supporters in both

    House and Senate and still has to this day. Thus, control by the

    PCG over Congress and committees is not all that difficult.

    Specific examples will be given in Chapter 14 of how this really

    works. So the cover-ups continue. The PCG is still in the

    driver's seat. The three parts of their strategy work very well.

    The lone assassin story is repeated at least once a month in some

    media source or other. The "Castro did it" story will no doubt

    make its official appearance again.

    The Congress is under control. Gonzalez was not under control,

    nor was Downing. But they couldn't do much without the Rules

    Committee, which was controlled.

    The people are left with no effective way of doing anything

    about the PCG and their crimes. What is worse, there is no way the

    people can elect the man of their choice.

    * * * * * * *

  17. Part11.

    Chapter 11

    Nixon and Ford -- The Pardon and the Tapes

    As the Power Control Group grew larger and the number of murders

    increased through the years, it became more and more difficult to

    keep the veil of secrecy surrounding the takeover intact. As

    Nixon's instability increased, the danger of revealing the secret

    superstructure to the American people increased.

    Watergate and Nixon's resignation from office nearly ruined

    everything for the Power Control Group. A splinter faction in the

    CIA began showing strength and all of the dirt might have been

    leaked to the press and to the people. Nixon himself had pulled

    the most dangerous boner in the history of the PCG. He installed a

    secret tape recording system that recorded a number of

    conversations about the PCG's murders, assassinations and dirty

    tricks. Even worse, Nixon did not destroy the tapes before the

    Congress found out about them and went after them. As soon as it

    became obvious that Nixon would be forced to resign, the PCG had to

    use a desperation strategy.

    Gerald R. Ford pardoned Richard M. Nixon on September 8, 1974:

    such was the PCG's strategy. Many skeptical U.S. citizens nodded

    their heads knowingly and assumed Nixon had made his "deal" with

    Ford when he nominated him for the vice presidency. Evans and

    Novak[1] assumed that Julie Nixon Eisenhower talked Ford into the

    pardon on grounds that Nixon's health was poor. The Ford's fears

    for Nixon's health didn't seem to convince very many news media

    people who saw a rosy-cheeked, apparently robust ex-president in

    San Clemente.[2]

    The pardon seemed to most Americans and news editors a gross

    error in judgment and a miscarriage of justice. But once again the

    United States was fooled. This time, the PCG, Nixon and Ford

    managed to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and to

    narrowly escape revealing what can be called "the entire rotten

    crust at the top of American power." Any reasonable hypothesis

    about what actually happened, based on the evidence at hand, had

    not been even remotely suggested by either Congress or the media by


    Any explanation of the situation leading to the pardon begins

    with the relationship between Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. It

    goes back to 1960, the year Mr. Nixon planned the overthrow of

    Castro's Cuba. As earlier chapters have made clear, the U2

    incident and the Bay of Pigs was the beginning.

    In 1960, Nixon and the White House action officer worked on the

    plans for what was later called the Bay of Pigs invasion.[3] Prior

    to that time the PCG and Nixon had accumulated plenty of reasons to

    want Castro overthrown. The anti-Communist attitude was the

    superficial reason. Beneath it were Nixon's connections with the

    Mafia and his friendships and financial holdings that were greatly

    damaged when Castro closed the casinos run by the mob in Havana.[4]

    When Nixon and Kennedy debated about the Cuban situation in the

    1960 campaign, Nixon purposefully lied to the American people about

    U.S. plans for an invasion.[5] When he narrowly lost to Kennedy,

    it created a deep wound, and he and the PCG spent much of the next

    three years planning revenge.

    Nixon became a tool of a number of Cubans and Americans, both

    inside the CIA and outside, who agreed with him that casting out

    Castro was highly desirable. One of these men was E. Howard

    Hunt.[6] Another was Bernard Barker.[7] A third was Carlos Prio

    Socarras.[8] Richard Bissell, Richard Helms and Allen Dulles were

    the three higher level men in the PCG.

    These Nixon cronies and financial partners became involved with

    the PCG. They murdered John Kennedy.[9] Whether Nixon was

    directly involved in the PCG's planning for the assassination is

    still open to question, although one researcher believes that he

    was.[10] There certainly is substantial evidence that Nixon was

    out to at least politically sink Kennedy and Johnson, and aimed to

    do so in Dallas immediately before Kennedy was killed. (See section

    on evidence).[11]

    Whether Nixon was directly involved in planning the

    assassination of President John F. Kennedy does not have to be

    settled here. What is important is that Nixon was directly

    involved in covering up the truth about who did kill Kennedy.

    Evidence from the Nixon-Haldeman tapes of June 1972 indicated that

    Nixon knew the truth about the assassination when he suggested

    Gerald Ford be part of the Warren Commission.[12]

    A close personal friendship had developed between Ford and Nixon

    during their days together in the Congress, when both were strong,

    ultra-conservative, "red, white and blue", anti-Communist,

    "religious" members who thought and talked alike.

    When Nixon realized that John Kennedy had been killed almost

    under his nose in Dallas by some of his Bay of Pigs friends, the

    PCG convinced him he had to do everything in his power to cover it

    up and to bide his time until his powerful military and

    intelligence friends could place him in the White House. It took

    one more murder by the PCG (Robert Kennedy) to get him there, and

    still another attempted murder to keep him there (George Wallace).

    Control over the investigations of these murders was essential

    for Nixon and the PCG. In order to guide a presidential commission

    away from the truth, the closed small circle of people in the PCG

    who knew what had happened to John Kennedy had to be enlarged.

    Allen Dulles was no problem. He knew the cause was an

    intelligence/military one from the day it happened. Earl Warren

    was a different matter. He had to be fooled and later talked into

    remaining silent "for the good of the country."

    A ringleader inside the Warren Commission was crucial. It had

    to be someone the PCG and Nixon could trust, one who had an honest

    and trustworthy appearance. Nixon called on Gerry Ford, and he

    convinced LBJ that Ford should be on the Commission.[13]

    Nixon told Ford at some point prior to January, 1964 who killed

    JFK and why. He convinced Ford that every effort should be made to

    make sure Oswald was found to be the lone assassin. Ford did an

    excellent job. He not only steered the Commission away from the

    facts[14] whenever a key witness was interviewed or an embarrassing

    situation developed, but he also nailed Oswald's coffin shut

    personally by publishing his own book on Oswald.[15] This, coming

    from the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, served to

    firmly plant in the American mind the idea that there was no

    conspiracy, that Oswald was the lone assassin, and that the Warren

    Commission had done a good job.

    From the day Ford's book was published, Nixon and Ford became

    totally beholden to each other. They also both became totally

    beholden to the members of the PCG who were at or near the top of

    things and who were part of the small knowledgeable circle. Other

    members of the PCG's inner circle included J. Edgar Hoover and

    Richard Helms.

    No one could be permitted by the PCG to come into power in the

    White House, the CIA, the Justice Department or the FBI unless they

    were part of the PCG and willing to keep quiet and help suppress

    the truth about the JFK assassination. The PCG's membership

    widened, of necessity, when Robert Kennedy was killed and Nixon

    became president. The people involved in killing Robert Kennedy

    and Nixon's top aides had to be told the truth. This included

    Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Kissinger, Mitchell (who had the job of

    controlling Hoover's successors in continuing the cover-ups) and

    possibly others. Mitchell was instrumental in stopping Jim

    Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw and other PCG members and in

    totally discrediting Garrison.[16] He was aided by Richard Helms

    and others in the PCG through CIA support in the Clay Shaw trial

    cover-up efforts.[17]

    The White House plumber section of the PCG decided in 1972, with

    or without Nixon's knowledge and approval, to assassinate George

    Wallace, so that Nixon would be assured of the conservative vote.

    The PCG and its debts once again grew. E. Howard Hunt and Charles

    Colson, along with Tony Ulasewicz, Donald Segretti and others, were

    in a position to make demands in exchange for their silence. The

    Hunt million-dollar blackmail threat to reveal "seedy things" or

    "hankypanky" was never explainable in terms of Watergate or the

    Ellsberg break-ins. But three assassinations would certainly be

    worth a cool million to keep Hunt silent. Again, the Haldeman-

    Nixon June 23, 1972 tapes are revealing.[18]

    When the Watergate crisis occurred, Nixon was trapped by his own

    tapes, and the PCG was in grave danger. Discussions with Haldeman,

    Mitchell and others mention the Kennedy assassination conspiracy

    and the Wallace murder attempt on tape. The PCG was suddenly

    threatened as a group. The tapes couldn't all be destroyed because

    too many Secret Service people knew about them. Haldeman and Nixon

    managed to erase one revealing 18 1/2 minute section about the

    assassinations, but who could remember exactly what telephone calls

    or Oval Office conversations might have mentioned the truth about

    the three murders?

    The PCG and Nixon again sensed the need for a successor who

    would keep quiet. They called on Gerry Ford when Agnew was forced

    out. Ford and Nixon, bound inextricably together by their mutual

    cover-up of the assassinations, worked out a deal. Nixon nominated

    Ford to be his Vice President. The Senate, completely bamboozled

    by Nixon and Ford, never asked Ford any important questions about

    the assassinations nor his performance on the Warren Commission.

    When they asked Ford about his book, he committed perjury twice

    before the Senate (see item # 15 in the list ennumerated below).

    Nixon and Ford agreed that Ford would keep quiet if Nixon

    remained silent and that Ford would succeed Nixon if he were forced

    to resign or be impeached. They agreed to a pardon afterward. But

    the most critical part of the arrangement was that those tapes

    revealing the truth about the assassinations be kept out of

    circulation. When the Supreme Court ruled that the tapes must be

    turned over, it was then time to implement their agreed-upon


    In addition, Jaworski, Colson, Mitchell, Kissinger, Haldeman,

    Ehrlichman, the Warren Commission, Hunt, Helms, Shaw and anyone

    else in the PCG had to be bought off, pardoned, protected or killed

    to insure their silences.

    Leon Jaworski resigned. People asked why. The real answer was

    buried in the fact that Jaworski knew what had been going on. He

    knew because of information passed on to him by the Ervin Committee

    and Cox regarding the assassination and the cover-up. He was also

    personally involved in 1964 in the JFK cover-up.

    Jaworski could have been a problem, even though he helped with

    the JFK cover-up from the beginning.[19] Hunt was taken care of by

    getting him out of jail, buying him a large estate in Florida and

    paying him a lot of money.[20] Helms could be counted on.

    Kissinger may have been a problem, but he finally agreed. His

    wiretaps were ordered to find out who knew about the

    assassinations. Hoover was dead. Clay Shaw was murdered.[21]

    Warren was dead. Richard Russell was dead. John Sherman Cooper

    was bought off (he received an important ambassadorship). John J.

    McCloy was too old to worry about.

    That left Colson, Mitchell, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman, plus some

    other small fry. The PCG strategy as planned with these men

    involved pardons for all of them in exchange for their silence,

    especially Haldeman and Mitchell, who not only knew what happened

    to JFK, but who also took overt actions to cover-up. (Haldeman

    erased the 18 1/2 minutes of tape and Mitchell nailed Jim


    Newer members of the PCG may cause some problems. They all have

    to know the truth by now. Rockefeller and Alex Haig must know.

    George Bush, William Colby, Edward Levi and Clarence Kelly knew

    because of their access to the records, and they must have agreed

    to cover-up continuance. Ford and his cronies in the House had to

    continue to knock out any efforts by Henry B. Gonzalez of Texas to

    start a new House Committee investigation of the JFK assassination.

    They were very successful in their control of the House Rules

    Committee. Haig seemed to have been bought off with the promise of

    a top NATO post in exchange for his silence. And control over

    Frank Church and the Senate Intelligence Committee was necessary.

    Gerald Ford remained committed to the PCG and to Nixon.

    The tapes had to be controlled and edited at all costs. Nixon

    no doubt required help in listening to the tapes after Haldeman

    left and in sorting out those in which assassinations and cover-ups

    were discussed. General Haig was undoubtedly the man he selected

    to do the dirty work. It was almost certain that no tapes would be

    turned over to Judge Sirica or to Jaworski with any assassination

    references left on them. One of the tapes demanded by Jaworski had

    such references. This is the recording made on June 23, 1972 in

    which Nixon and Haldeman are discussing Watergate just six days

    after the break-in.

    The Nixon transcript of that tape turned over to Judge Sirica

    upon orders of the Supreme Court showed many sections labelled

    "unintelligible." It is a near certainty that the critical

    sections were edited out by Nixon and General Haig before they were

    turned over to Sirica and prior to their transcription. Judge

    Sirica was the only person in the chain of possession of that tape

    who could have been counted on to make a scientific analysis of the

    tape to see whether it was tampered with before he received it.

    His near brush with death in 1975 must be viewed in that light and

    in the light of the PCG's use of weapon-induced heart attacks.

    The rest of Nixon's tapes that were still in Gerald Ford's

    possession and control might have contained many references to

    assassinations and cover-ups. Rather than go through all of them

    and edit or erase the critical material, it was more likely that

    Ford would either turn them over to Nixon for total destruction or

    sit on them as long as he was president.

    The evidence for the Power Control Group's and Ford/Nixon's

    strategy is as follows:

    1. Nixon was White House action officer on Cuban invasion

    plans in 1960.

    2. Nixon was in contact with Hunt and others during the

    Bay of Pigs planning.

    3. Nixon lied to the American people by his own admission

    about the Bay of Pigs during his TV debates with

    Kennedy in 1960.

    4. Nixon was financially linked to the Mafia and to Cuban

    casino operations before Castro took over.

    5. Nixon was acquainted with Hunt, Baker, Martinez,

    Sturgis, Carlos Prio Socarras, and other Watergate

    people and anti-Castro people in Florida, and he was

    financially linked to Baker, Martinez and Socarras.

    6. Hunt, Baker, Sturgis and Socarras were connected with

    the assassination group in the murder of JFK.

    7. Nixon was in Dallas for three days, including the

    morning of the JFK assassination. He was trying to

    stir up trouble for Kennedy.

    8. Nixon went to Dallas under false pretenses. There was

    no board meeting of the Pepsi Cola Company as he

    announced his law firm had had to attend.

    9. Nixon did not admit being in Dallas on the day Kennedy

    was shot and did not reveal the true reason for his

    trip. He held two press conferences on the two days

    before the assassination, attacking both Kennedy and

    Johnson and emphasizing the Democratic political

    problems in Texas.

    10. Research indicates that Nixon either knew in advance

    about assassination plans, or learned about them soon

    after the assassination.

    11. Nixon proposed to Lyndon Johnson that Gerald Ford serve

    on the Warren Commission.

    12. Ford led the Commission cover-up by controlling the

    questioning of key witnesses and by several other


    13. Ford helped firmly plant the idea that Oswald was the

    only assassin and that there was no conspiracy by

    publishing his own book, "Lee Harvey Oswald: Portrait

    of the Assassin."

    14. Ford purposefully covered up the conspiracy of the PCG

    in the JFK assassination and also covered up the fact

    that Oswald was a paid informer for the FBI. He did

    this by dismissing the subject in his book as worthless

    rumor and by keeping the executive sessions of the

    Commission (where Oswald's FBI informer status was

    discussed) classified Top Secret.

    15. Ford continued the cover-up when he was questioned

    before being confirmed by the Senate as Vice President.

    He lied under oath twice to the Senate Committee. He

    stated that he had written his book about Oswald with

    no access to classified documents. He lied about this

    because his book used classified documents about

    Oswald's FBI informer status. He lied when he said

    that the book was entitled, "Lee Harvey Oswald:

    Portrait of *an* Assassin." This was significant in

    1973 because the public by then had become very

    skeptical about a lone assassin. By changing one word

    in the title, Ford made the book seem a little less

    like what it actually was--an effort to make Oswald the


    16. Jaworski aided in the JFK cover-up by sitting on

    evidence of conspiracy accumulated by Waggoner Carr,

    Texas Attorney General, who he represented in liaison

    with the Warren Commission. He also stopped the

    critical testimony of Jack Ruby when he testified

    before the Warren Commission, and diverted attention

    away from Ruby's intent to reveal the conspiracy to

    kill both Kennedy and Oswald.

    17. Nixon became president in 1968 only because Robert

    Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy. Nixon was well

    aware of the conspiracy whether or not he approved of

    it in advance.

    18. John Mitchell and J. Edgar Hoover joined Nixon and the

    lower level members of the PCG in covering up the RFK

    murder conspiracy. They classified the evidence "Top

    Secret" and murdered several witnesses, controlled the

    judge in the Sirhan trial and the district attorney and

    the chief of police in Los Angeles during and after the

    trial. They still control these people and the Los

    Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Clarence Kelly

    also became involved.

    19. The plumbers group ordered the assassination of George

    Wallace in 1972 to insure Nixon's election by picking

    up Wallace's vote (about 18%, according to polls).

    20. J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Helms were aware of who

    killed John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. They helped

    cover-up both conspiracies.

    21. John Mitchell controlled the trial of Clay Shaw and the

    Garrison investigation and discredited Garrison by

    framing him in a New Orleans gambling case.

    22. Nixon and Haldeman discussed the assassination of John

    Kennedy, the conspiracy, Hunt's involvement, the

    possibility that Hunt might talk, the cover-up, the Bay

    of Pigs relationship between Nixon, Hunt and the other

    PCG members, and the briefing Nixon might have had to

    give anyone running against him in 1972, on matters of

    "national security".

    23. Nixon and Mitchell discussed the assassinations and the

    attempt to assassinate George Wallace. Mitchell

    executed orders to suppress the truth about these


    24. Gerald Ford had possession of the most critical tapes

    on which assassinations and cover-ups were discussed.

    25. Jaworski could be counted on to keep the assassination

    material under wraps even after his resignation. He

    was aware of the conspiracy evidence and cover-up in

    all three cases (JFK, RFK, George Wallace).

    26. Hunt was taken care of and will keep silent. He had

    been out of jail and living on a beautiful $100,000

    estate in Florida with plenty of money, across the

    street from his Bay of Pigs friend, Manuel Artime.

    27. Clay Shaw was murdered by the PCG, undoubtedly to keep

    him from talking once the truth about his CIA position

    was revealed by Victor Marchetti. He was embalmed

    before the coroner could determine the cause of death.

    Evidence indicates he was killed somewhere and then

    brought back to his apartment.

    28. Hale Boggs, a Warren, Commission member, was possibly

    killed by the PCG. Bogg's airplane disappeared in

    Alaska. No trace of it was ever found and no

    explanation of how the plane could have crashed has

    ever been given. Mrs. Boggs has expressed doubts about

    it being an accident.

    29. Four of the seven Warren Commission members are dead:

    Warren, Dulles, Russell and Boggs. Of the remaining

    members, Ford was President, John McCloy is retired and

    living in Connecticut, and John Sherman Cooper was made

    ambassador to East Germany.

    30. Richard Russell, Hale Boggs and Cooper believed there

    was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. Russell and

    Boggs both said so publicly.

    31. Haldeman erased 18 1/2 minutes of a taped discussion

    with Nixon. This tape undoubtedly contained "national

    security" matters. The fact that Haldeman did the

    erasing can easily be determined by tracing the trail

    of possession of the tape from the day it was taken out

    of the vault to the day the gap was discovered.

    Haldeman had the tape with the recorder alone for

    nearly 48 hours. No one else had the tape alone long

    enough to do the erasing.

    32. Ford and the PCG contemplated pardons for Mitchell,

    Haldeman, Ehrlichman and possibly others who know the

    number one secret.

    33. Ford's statements to the sub-committee of the House

    Judiciary Committee concerning his pardon of Nixon

    dodged the real issue. Only Elizabeth Holtzman asked

    questions coming close to the number one secret. When

    she asked about a prior agreement, Ford said, "I have

    made no deal, there was no deal, *since I became Vice

    President*." Those last few words were not reported by

    the press, but a large number of Americans watched and

    heard him say them. Of course he spoke truthfully

    because the "deal" was made *before* he became Vice



    [1] Evans & Novak column -- September 12. 1974.

    [2] "Paris Herald Tribune" -- September 12, 1974.

    [3] "Compulsive Spy," Tad Szulc, Viking Press, 1974.

    [4] "Nixon and the Mafia," Jeff Gerth, "Sundance," December, 1972.

    [5] "My Six Crises," Richard M. Nixon.

    [6] "Compulsive Spy."

    [7] "Nixon and the Mafia."

    [8] "Nixon, Bay of Pigs & Watergate," -- R.E. Sprague, "Computers and

    Automation," January, 1973.

    [9] "Nixon, Bay of Pigs & Watergate."

    [10] Trowbridge Ford, Holy Cross College, Boston, MA, Several papers and


    [11] Warren Commission Hearings & Exhibits -- Vol. 23, Pages 941-943.

    [12] Nixon Transcript of June 23 1972 tape -- "New York Times," August

    6, 1974.

    [13] Trowbridge Ford -- Article on Gerald Ford & Warren Commission.

    [14] Ibid.

    [15] Gerald Ford "Lee Harvey Oswald: Portrait of the Assassin."

    [16] "The Framing of Jim Garrison", R.E. Sprague, "Computers and

    Automation," December, 1973.

    [17] "The CIA and the Kennedy Assassination" -- Unpublished article by

    R.E. Sprague.

    [18] Nixon tape, June 23, 1972.

    [19] Warren Commission Exhibits -- Testimony of Jack Ruby, Vol. V,

    Pages 181-213 and Vol. XIV, pages 504-571. Also Trowbridge Ford

    article on Jaworski.

    [20] "Washington Watch" and Triss Coffin newsletter, August 10, 1974.

    [21] Zodiac News Service release -- August 20, 1974.

    * * * * * * *

  18. Part10.

    Chapter 10

    Techniques and Weapons and 100 Dead Conspirators and Witnesses

    As Chapter 1 made clear, one of the two fiendish stratagems used

    by the Power Control Group to cover-up the truth and to fool the

    people was the use of various intelligence techniques and weapons.

    The use of such techniques in assassination and murder completely

    conceals the real killer's presence or the real cause of death.

    From the moment the crime occurs the public is led to believe that

    there is either one lone madman assassin or that the death was

    accidental, due to natural causes, or committed by natural enemies

    of the victim. Some of the techniques are so unique that they are

    nearly impossible for the average American to believe.

    The intelligence forces of the United States as well as those of

    other countries have out-Bonded James Bond. The development of

    sophisticated murder methods and the control of humans for warfare

    and spying in other countries came home to the United States,

    effectively used by the Power Control Group. Penn Jones, Jr.

    published a list of "mysterious deaths" in his series of four

    volumes, "Forgive My Grief."[1] Sylvia Meagher published facts

    about the first eighteen witnesses at Dealey Plaza murdered through

    the use of these techniques in the book, "Accessories After the

    Fact."[2] Very few people other than researchers pay any

    attention. Two movies with somewhat wider circulation, "Executive

    Action" and "The Parallax View," covered the techniques fairly

    well, but they were considered to be fiction by most viewers. So

    the PCG goes on murdering where and when it is necessary, and it

    covers up the murders where necessary.

    In 1974 and 1976, two murders became necessary. Rolando

    Masferrer, mentioned as a JFK conspirator, became dangerous to the

    PCG, and he was eliminated in early 1976 with a non-sophisticated

    weapon. A bomb was planted in his car in Miami. The cover-up in

    this case merely involved planting an informer who claimed

    Masferrer was killed by a rival anti-Castro Cuban faction in


    Clay Shaw became quite nervous in 1974 after Victor Marchetti's

    statements to the press earlier that year made it known that Shaw

    was a CIA contract employee and that the CIA gave him assistance

    and protection before his trial in New Orleans and after Jim

    Garrison arrested him. Shaw was murdered in New Orleans by the PCG

    and the murder covered-up by simply controlling his embalming and

    burial and blocking any local investigation.[4] The reason for his

    murder was to keep him from talking and from returning to the

    public eye.

    The techniques and weapons fall into several classes. First,

    there are sophisticated weapons developed by the CIA. An example

    of this is the umbrella poison dart gun used in Dealey Plaza to

    shoot JFK in the throat. Such a weapon was postulated by Robert

    Cutler and the author in mid-1975 as the one that fired the first

    shot from near the Stemmons Freeway sign.[5] This seemed

    incredulous to most observers and so wild an idea that the author

    and Cutler did not discuss it with many researchers. Then Mr.

    Charles Senseney, a CIA weapon developer at Fort Detrick, Maryland,

    testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in September

    1975 and described an umbrella poison dart gun he had made.[6] He

    said it was always used in crowds with the umbrella open, firing

    through the webing so it would not attract attention. Since it was

    silent, no one in the crowd could hear it and the assassin merely

    would fold up the umbrella and saunter away with the crowd. (That

    is almost exactly what happened in Dealey Plaza. The first shot

    had always seemed to have had a paralytic effect on Kennedy. His

    fists were clenched and his head, shoulders and arms seemed to

    stiffen. There was a small entrance wound in his neck but no

    evidence of a bullet path through his neck and no bullet was ever

    recovered that matched that small size.)

    Senseney testified that his Special Operations Division at Fort

    Detrick had received assignments from the CIA to develop exotic

    weaponry. One of the weapons was a hand-held dart gun that could

    shoot a poison dart into a guard dog to put it out of action for

    several hours. The dart and the poison left no trace so that

    examination would not reveal that the dogs had been put out of

    action. The CIA ordered about 50 of these weapons and used them

    operationally. Senseney said that the darts could have been used

    to kill human beings and he could not rule out the possibility that

    this had been done by the CIA. He said he had developed a dart-

    launching device that looked like an umbrella.

    A special type of poison developed induces a heart attack and

    leaves no trace of any external influence unless an autopsy is

    conducted to check for this particular poison. The CIA revealed

    this poison in various accounts in the early 1970s.

    Among the witnesses, important people and conspirators who might

    have been eliminated this way are: Clay Shaw, J. Edgar Hoover,

    Earlene Roberts (Oswald's land-lady) and Adlai Stevenson.

    A second category, already discussed in the Robert Kennedy and

    George Wallace shootings, is the use of a "programmed" assassin.

    The Manchurian Candidate always seemed to be a science fiction

    story. It is now well known that the CIA has used hypnosis and

    "programming" to achieve a number of objectives, including murder.

    Certainly there is little doubt that Sirhan Sirhan was under

    hypnosis when he wrote in his diary and when he fired the shots in

    the general direction of Robert Kennedy.[7] There is also

    evidence that Arthur Bremer was "programmed" to shoot at George

    Wallace. It is conceivable that one of the assassins in Dealey

    Plaza could have been "programmed". A man surfaced after 1975

    who--under deprogramming--remembered a firing situation resembling

    Dealey Plaza. However, it is much less likely that the PCG had to

    use hypnosis in the JFK murder.

    It is completely untrue that Oswald was programmed, as the book

    "Were We Controlled?" by Lincoln Lawrence (an alias for radio

    commentator Art Ford) postulates. The evidence shows Oswald

    didn't fire a shot, that he was on the second floor of the TSBD

    Building at the time of the shots, and that he was very calm until

    Patrolman Baker pointed a gun at him. Strangely enough, Ford's

    thesis is true. We were controlled by the PCG, although he had the

    details wrong.

    A third popular technique is, of course, the patsy. The PCG has

    developed this to the level of a real science. The assassination

    is allowed to be obvious, but the assassin is presented as a single

    madman or criminal who acts alone. Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby,

    James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan and Arthur Bremer have all been

    patsies. They are not all exactly alike, nor is the way in which

    they were used the same in each case. For example, Oswald and Ray

    did not fire any shots, while Sirhan, Ruby and Bremer did. Sirhan

    and Bremer were "programmed", whereas Ruby was talked into killing

    Oswald by his friends in the PCG. Four of the five men were

    framed; a lot of evidence was manufactured and planted to

    implicate them, including fake diaries, fake photographs, planted

    guns, bullets and shells, and men using their identities. The one

    who did not fit this category was Ruby. It was not needed in his

    case because he killed Oswald before live television and believed

    until the day he died of cancer that his friends were going to get

    him out of jail in exchange for his "patriotic" act.

    The use of "seconds", men who looked like the patsy and who used

    his name (true of Oswald, Ray and Sirhan) is a common intelligence

    technique. The planting of fake photos in the case of Oswald

    required some relatively special photographic facilities, but the

    job was not done well enough to avoid detection.

    A fourth technique is the "accidental" death. Many witnesses

    and conspirators have been murdered in this way. Lee Bowers, the

    railroad yard control tower man who saw the real assassins behind

    the picket fence in Dealey Plaza, was killed when his car rammed

    into a concrete abutment in Dallas (it was traveling at high

    speed). The doctor who examined Bowers prior to his removal from

    the car, stated that he probably received an injection of some

    kind prior to the crash. Louis Lomax, the black author who was

    getting close to the truth in the Martin Luther King case, was

    killed in Arizona when his car was forced off the road after he

    was made to drive at high speed. Hale Boggs disappeared in an

    airplane crash that left no trace of the plane. And of course the

    classic "accident" occurred at Chappaquiddick.

    A fifth technique is an induced death that produces another

    finding of the cause either by disguising the true cause or by

    controlling the coroner or those in charge of burial. Examples

    are: David Ferrie's murder by means of a karate chop to the back

    of his head, disguised as an embolism of the brain, Clay Shaw's

    murder by means unknown because there was no autopsy and complete

    control of his removal and burial; Jack Ruby's supposed death by

    cancer in jail (real cause unknown because he was never out of the

    PCG's hands until he was under ground).

    Then there is a favorite sixth technique: mock suicide.

    Examples of PCG murders that somehow became suicides are: Hank

    Killam, a husband of one of Ruby's dancers, who committed suicide

    by throwing himself through a plate glass window off the street in

    Miami; Betty Mooney, one of Ruby's girls who hung herself in her

    jail cell by using her leopard-skin tights; Roger Craig, who shot

    himself; Jesus Crispin, who knew Sirhan, supposedly killed himself

    in his jail cell; Grant Stockdale, who threw himself off the top

    of a tall building in Miami.

    There are some on the list who were admittedly murdered, but

    supposedly not by the PCG. These include Robert Perrin, Nancy

    Perrin's husband; Buddy Walters, deputy sheriff under Sheriff

    Decker, shot by a man he was trying to arrest; Eladio Del Valle, a

    cohort of Ferrie, killed in Miami by an axe on the same day Ferrie

    was murdered; Rolando Masferrer, blown up in his car; Eddy

    Benevides, shot by an unknown assailant (he recovered). The

    cover-ups in each of these cases were put into effect by

    controlling the investigation or simply by not having one.

    The complete list of deaths, including the eight major ones

    (JFK, RFK, MLK, Mary Jo Kopechne, Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie,

    Ruby and Clay Shaw) numbers over a hundred. Here is a partial


    1. John Kennedy

    2. Robert Kennedy

    3. Martin Luther King

    4. Mary Jo Kopechne

    5. Lee Harvey Oswald

    Note: Lost Data

    19. Jesus Crispin

    20. Jim Koethe

    21. Bill Hunter

    22. Tom Howard

    23. Earlene Roberts

    24. Betty McDonald

    25. Eddy Benevides

    26. Robert Perrin

    27. Gary Underhill

    28. Bill Chesher

    29. Dorothy Kilgallen

    30. David Goldstein

    31. Levens (first name unknown)

    32. Teresa Norton

    33. Warren Reynolds

    34. Harold Russell

    35. Marilyn Moore Walle

    36. William Whaley

    37. James Worrell, Jr.

    38. Captain Frank Martin

    39. Mrs. Earl T. Smith

    40. Karyn Kupcinet

    41. Albert Guy Bogard

    42. Hiram Ingram

    43. Nicholas Chetta

    44. Mary Bledsoe

    45. Jude Preston Battle

    46. John M. Crawford

    47. Richard Carr

    48. Kathy Fullmer

    49. Clyde Johnson

    50. Reverend A. D. W. King

    51. Carole Tyler

    52. Dr. Mary Sherman

    53. Grant Stockdale

    54. J. A. Milteer

    55. Hugh Ward

    56. Perry Russo

    57. Maurice Gatlin, Sr.

    58. W. Guy Banister

    59. Charles P. Cabell

    60. Dorothy Hunt

    61. Michelle Clark

    62. John Roselli

    63. Sam Giancana

    64. Fred Lee Crisman

    65. Carlos Prio Socarras

    66. Charles Nicoletti

    67. Jimmy Hoffa

    68. George De Mohrenschildt

    69. General Donald Donaldson

    70. Lou Staples

    71. William C. Sullivan

    72. James Chaney

    The large majority of these murders eliminated witnesses to,

    participants in, or investigators of one of the assassinations.

    People involved with the participants in one of the assassinations

    or cover-ups were also listed above. The participants were: Jack

    Ruby, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Rolando Masferrer, J. Edgar Hoover

    (in the cover-up), and Robert Perrin. There were four

    investigators: Jim Koethe, Louis Lomax, Dorothy Kilgallen and Hale

    Boggs. The rest were witnesses or associates.

    Two articles[8] written in 1976 analyzed some of these deaths

    and concluded that they were not accidents unconnected with the

    assassinations of our leaders. Another analysis by the authors

    demonstrated that fifty of the first seventy murders met three

    criteria for proving death by foul means. All involved people

    directly or indirectly linked to the major assassinations. All met

    death under violent or very strange circumstances. No autopsies

    were performed in any of these murders.

    The Charles Senseney dart weapon might have been used in some of

    the murders. The injection given Lee Bowers produced such a

    paralytic and terrorized expression on Bowers' face that the doctor

    examining his body exclaimed he had never seen such before. Grant

    Stockdale was found to have died of a heart attack on his way to

    the street from the top of a building (a dart might have killed



    [1] "Forgive My Grief" Volumes I, II, III, IV, Penn Jones, Jr., Self

    Published, Midlothian, Texas.

    [2] "Accessories After the Fact," Sylvia Meagher, Scarecrow Press,

    N.Y., 1976

    [3] "Miami Herald," March, 1976.

    [4] "The Mysterious Death of Clay Shaw," Richard Russell, "True


    [5] "The Umbrella Man," R.B. Cutler, & R.E. Sprague, "Gallery

    Magazine," June, 1978.

    [6] "New York Times," September 19, 1975.

    [7] "RFK Must Die!," Robert Kaiser, E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., N.Y.C.,


    [8] (a) Self published article by Gary Schoener -- Minneapolis,

    Minn. Researcher.

    (B) Assassination Information Bureau (AIB), Cambridge, Mass,

    Research project and article.

    * * * * * * *

    End Part10.

  19. Part9.

    Chapter 9

    Control of the Media

    As mentioned in Chapter 1, one of the two clever strategies used

    by the Power Control Group in the taking of America has been the

    control of the news media.

    For those American citizens who steadfastly refuse to believe

    that all of the American establishment news media could be

    controlled by the CIA and its friends in the White House, the

    continuing support of the Warren Commission's lone assassin

    conclusion by virtually all of the major news media organizations

    in November, 1975, twelve years after the event, must have been

    very puzzling indeed. Since 78% of the public believe that there

    was a conspiracy in the case, there must be a series of questions

    in the minds of the most intelligent of the 78% about the media's

    position on the subject.[1]

    This Chapter is intended to enlighten readers and to remind them

    of the control exercised by the intelligence community and the

    White House over the 15 organizations from whom the public gets the

    vast majority of its news and opinions.

    Let's begin with 1968-1969. By 1973 the American public had

    begun to develop a skepticism toward information they received on

    television or radio. Various news stories appearing in our

    national news media through those years had brought about this

    attitude. Some examples are: the Songmy-Mylai incident, the

    Pueblo story, the murder of Black Panther Fred Hampton, the

    Pentagon Papers, the Clifford Irving hoax, the Bangladesh tragedy

    and the India-Pakistan war, Hoover & FBI antics, the Jack Anderson

    papers, and IT&T and the Republican National Convention.

    The general reaction was bound to be, "Don't believe everything

    you read, see or hear, especially the first time around, and more

    especially if the story comes from Washington." In the case of the

    Pentagon Papers, things we all had taken as gospel for nearly two

    decades suddenly seemed to crumble.

    To what extent can the national news media be held responsible

    for this situation? What has happened to the inquiring reporter

    and the crusading editor who are both searching for and printing

    the truth? If a government or a president lies or keeps secrets,

    can the American news media really find out about it? And if they

    do, what moral, ethical, political or other criteria should they

    use in uncovering the lies and presenting them to the public?

    Vice President Agnew would have said, "The press is already

    going too far." Members of the press would have said, "We must

    remain independent and maintain the freedom of speech." Just how

    independent is the news media? Is it controlled to some extent by


    The answer to some of these questions can be found by taking an

    inside look at the major national news media organizations during

    1968 and 1969 and how they treated the most controversial news

    subject since World War II. The assassination of John F. Kennedy

    and its aftermath is an all-pervading, endless topic. It has yet

    to reach the Pentagon Papers, Anderston papers, or Mylai stage of

    revelation. Precisely because it is still such a controversial

    subject, verboten for discussion among all major news media (unless

    the discussant supports the Warren Commission), it serves as an

    excellent case study.

    A categorical statement can be made that management and

    editorial policy, measured by what is printed and broadcast in all

    major American news media organizations, supports the findings of

    the Warren Commission. This has been true since 1969, but it was

    not true between 1964 and 1969.

    Of significance in this analysis and what it implies about the

    American public's knowledge about the assassination and its

    aftermath is a definition of "major American national news media."

    It can be demonstrated that an overwhelming mass of news

    information reaching the eyes and ears of Americans comes from

    about fifteen organizations. They are, in general order of

    significance: NBC-TV & Radio CBS-TV & Radio, ABC-TV & Radio,

    Associated Press, United Press, "Time-Life-Fortune-Sports

    Illustrated," McGraw Hill "Business Week," "Newsweek," "U.S. News

    & World Report," "New York Times" News Service, "Washington Post"

    News Service, Metromedia News Network, Westinghouse Radio News

    Network, Capital City Broadcasting Radio Network, the North

    American Newspaper Alliance, and the "Saturday Evening Post" (the

    "Post" is, of course, now defunct.)

    There are some subtle reasons for this, not generally

    appreciated by the average citizen. Television has, of course,

    become the primary source of information. For any nationally

    circulated news story, local stations rely heavily on film,

    videotape and written script material prepared and edited by the

    three networks. Once in a while Metromedia may also send out TV

    material. In effect, this means that editorial content for a vast

    majority of the television information seen by American citizens

    everywhere originates not only with three or four organizations but

    also with a very small number of producers, editors and

    commentators in those networks.

    A large majority of any national news items printed by local

    newspapers originates in a small number of press-wire services. AP

    and UP dominate this area, with selected chains of papers

    subscribing to a lesser extent to new services of the "New York

    Times," "Washington Post," North American Newspaper Alliance, and a

    very small percentage receiving information from papers in Los

    Angeles, Chicago and St. Louis.

    In a national news story of major significance such as the

    assassination of John Kennedy, the smaller local papers rely almost

    exclusively on their affiliated news services. Economic reasons

    dictate this situation. The small paper can't afford to have

    reporters everywhere. The major newspapers might send a man to

    Dallas for a few days to cover the assassination, or they might

    send a man to New Orleans to cover the Clay Shaw trial. But even

    the major papers can't afford to cover every part of a continuing

    story anywhere around the world. So they too rely on UP and AP for

    much of their material. They also rely on AP, UP and Black Star[2]

    for most of their photographic material.

    In the case of news magazines, the holding corporations become

    important in forming editorial policy in a situation as

    controversial as the assassination of JFK. Time Inc. and "Life,"

    "Newsweek" and the "Washington Post," "U.S. News," and McGraw Hill

    managements all became involved.

    Fifteen organizations is a surprisingly small number, and one is

    led to conjecture about how easy or difficult it might be to

    control or dictate editorial policy for all of them or some

    appreciable majority of them. An article in "Computers and

    Automation"[3] reprinted a statement by John R. Rarick, Louisiana

    Congressman and an entry made in the "Congressional Record" bearing

    on this subject. In the reprint, the "Government Employees

    Exchange" publication is quoted as stating that the CIA New Team

    used secret cooperating and liaison groups after the Bay of Pigs in

    the large foundations, banks and newspapers to change U.S. domestic

    and foreign relations through the infiltration of these

    organizations. The coordinating role at "The New York Times" was

    in the custody of Harding Bancroft, Executive Vice President.

    A useful analysis consists of examining what happened

    organizationally and editorially inside each of the fifteen

    companies following the assassination of President Kennedy. My

    personal knowledge, plus information available from a few sources

    connected with the major news media, permits such an analysis to be

    made for eleven of the fifteen. They are: NBC, CBS, ABC, Time-

    Life, "The New York Times," "Newsweek," Associated Press, United

    Press, "Saturday Evening Post," Capital City Broadcasting, and

    North American Newspaper Alliance. In addition, the performance of

    nine local newspapers and TV stations directly involved in the

    events in Dallas and New Orleans will be analyzed. These include:

    "Dallas Times Herald," "Dallas Morning News," Fort Worth "Star

    Telegram," Dallas CBS-Affiliate WBAP, "New Orleans Times Picayune,"

    "New Orleans Times Herald," and New Orleans NBC-Affiliate WDSU-TV.

    Most of these organizations had reporters and photographers in

    Dallas at the time of the assassination or within a few hours

    thereafter. Most of them had direct coverage available when Jim

    Garrison's investigation broke into the news in 1967 and during the

    trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans in 1969. For many of them the

    Shaw trial became the running point in the changing of editorial

    policy toward the assassination. For a few, the Garrison

    investigation and the Shaw trial took on the aspect of waving a

    red flag in front of a bull. They became directly involved in a

    negative way and thus not only reported the news, but also biased


    Immediately following the assassination the media reported

    nearly everything that had obviously happened. All was confused

    for the first few days. The killing of Oswald by Ruby on live

    television produced even greater confusion.

    For one year the major media reported everything, from probable

    Communist conspiracies to the lone assassin theory. The media

    waited for the Warren Report, and when it was issued in October of

    1964 many of the major media fell into line and editorially backed

    the Commission's findings. Some questioned the findings and

    continued to question them until 1968 or 1969. "The New York

    Times" and "Life" magazine fell into this category. But by the

    time the Shaw trial ended in March 1969, every one of the fifteen

    major news media organizations was backing the Warren Commission

    and they have continued to maintain this editorial position since.

    The situation would perhaps not be so surprising had not the

    internal assassination research teams in several of these

    organizations discovered the truth about the Kennedy killing

    between 1964 and 1968. These teams examined the evidence and

    thoroughly analyzed it. No one who has ever taken the trouble to

    objectively do just that has reached any conclusion other than


    In each and every case the internal findings were overruled,

    suppressed, locked up, edited and otherwise altered to back up the

    Warren Commission. Management at the highest editorial and

    corporate level took the action in every instance. Before drawing

    any further generalization about the performance of the media in

    the JFK case, it will be revealing to examine what happened and

    specifically who took what actions in the case of the eleven

    national organizations and the nine local ones listed earlier.


    The Time Inc. organization let "Life Magazine" establish its

    editorial policy while "Time" published more or less standard

    "Time-Life" stories. "Life" became directly involved in the

    assassination action and evidence suppression from the very

    beginning, on November 22, 1963.

    "Life" purchased the famous Zapruder movie from Abraham Zapruder

    on the afternoon of the assassination for about $500,000. The

    first negative action took place when "Life" and Zapruder began

    telling the lie that the price was $25,000 (which Zapruder donated

    to the fund raised for the widow of Dallas policeman, J. D.

    Tippit, who had also been murdered that day). Apparently, both

    "Life" and Zapruder were ashamed that he profited by the event. He

    lived in fear that the true price would be revealed until the day

    he died.

    As many readers know, the Zapruder film (viewed in slow motion)

    proves there was a conspiracy because of the backward motion of the

    President's head immediately following the fatal shot. It proves

    the shot came from the grassy knoll to the right and in front of

    the president while Oswald's purported position was very nearly

    directly behind him. The film also helps establish that five, and

    not three shots, were fired, and that one of them could not have

    been fired from Oswald's supposed sniper's nest because of the

    large oak tree blocking his view.

    "Life" magazine never permitted the Zapruder film to be seen

    publicly and locked it up in November 1968 so that no one inside or

    outside "Life" could have access to it, automatically becoming an

    "accessory after the fact". "Life" helped protect the real

    assassins and committed a worse crime than the Warren Commission.

    In answer to those defenders of "Life" who will say, "But `Life'

    turned over a copy of the Zapruder film to the Warren Commission,

    and it is available in the National Archives," let's look at the

    facts. "Life" did not supply the copy of the film now resting in

    the Archives. That copy came from Zapruder's original to the

    Secret Service to the Warren Commission to the Archives. It is

    available for viewing by the few people fortunate enough to visit

    the Archives. It can not be duplicated by anyone, and copies can

    not be taken out of the Archives or viewed publicly in any way.

    The Archive management responsible for the Kennedy assassination

    records state that the "Life" magazine ownership of the Zapruder

    film is what prevents copies from being made available outside the


    The Warren Commission did not see the film in slow motion. Nor

    does the average Archives' visitor get to see it in slow motion or

    stop-action. Yet the most casual analysis of the film in slow

    motion convinces anyone to conclude there was a conspiracy.

    Thus "Life" magazine is an important part of the efforts to

    suppress evidence of conspiracy.

    "Life" was involved in several other ways as an accessory after

    the fact. The organization began its efforts to discover the truth

    about the assassination in 1964 when it assigned Ed Kern, an

    associate editor, to investigate. By the fall of 1966, Kern had

    become convinced that the basic evidence pointed to conspiracy.

    "Life" management was also apparently convinced; they published

    articles in November 1965 and November 1966 questioning the Warren

    Commission's conclusions.

    In the fall of 1966 "Life" transferred Richard Billings from

    their Miami office to headquarters in New York. His assignment was

    to take over the investigation of the Kennedy assassination, and to

    head a team of several people working full time on it. One of Dick

    Billings' objectives was to search for and acquire as much of the

    missing photographic evidence as possible.

    This author initiated a similar search, independent from "Life"

    magazine, in September 1966. As often happens, people with common

    objectives decided to work together. Billings and the author

    arrived at a tacit understanding that any JFK assassination

    photographs, including TV films or private movies, found by either

    would be brought to the other's attention. In exchange for access

    to "Life"'s photographic collection (including the Zapruder film

    and slides), the author agreed to give "Life" the results of any

    analyses of the photographic evidence. In cases where the author

    could not afford to acquire some new piece of evidence, "Life"

    would offer to purchase the materials from the owners and supply

    copies to the author.

    In this manner the author discovered and helped "Life" magazine

    acquire the largest collection of photographic evidence of the JFK

    assassination, outside of the author's personal collection and the

    collection now located at the headquarters of the Committee to

    Investigate Assassinations in Washington, D.C. Among the photos

    discovered were:

    The Dorman movie Private

    The Wilma Bond photos Private

    The Robert Hughes movie Private

    The David Weigman TV footage NBC

    The Malcolm Couch TV footage ABC

    The Jack Beers photos "Dallas Morning News"

    The William Allen photos "Dallas Times Herald"

    The George Smith photos Ft. Worth "Star Telegram"

    The John Martin movie Private

    Hugh Betzen's photo Private

    (See "Computers and Automation," May 1970)

    Many of these were important in proving conspiracy and some

    showed pictures of the real assassins.

    The "Life" team headed by Billings was in the process of

    discovering a great deal about the conspiracy during the 1966-1968

    period. While editorially not taking a strong position favoring

    conspiracy, "Life" did take a position that favored a new

    investigation by the government. This was editorially summed up in

    a lead cover story on the fourth anniversary of Kennedy's death in

    November 1967 with the title, "A Matter of Reasonable Doubt". In

    that issue, John Connally and his wife were shown examining the

    Zapruder film's frames and concluding that he had been hit much

    later in the film than the Warren Commission claimed. This meant

    that two bullets struck the two men and, by the Commission's own

    admission, pointed automatically to the conspiracy.

    The government naturally did not respond to "Life"'s suggestion

    for a new investigation, so nothing ever came of that editorial

    policy. Billings, however, continued his team's efforts and in

    October 1968 was preparing a comprehensive article for the November

    anniversary issue. The author continued to work with him and

    continued being given access to the photos right up to October


    It was at that point in time that a drastic change in management

    policy occurred at "Life" magazine. Dick Billings was told to stop

    all work on the assassination; his entire team was stopped. All

    of the research files, including the Zapruder film and slides and

    thousands of other film frames and photographs, were locked up. No

    one at the magazine was permitted access to these materials and no

    one (including the author) was ever allowed to see them again.

    Simultaneously, editorial and management policy toward the

    assassination changed to complete silence. Billings and crew were

    not allowed to discuss the subject at "Life," let alone work on it.

    In November 1968 the article Billings had been working on was

    turned into a non-entity. A few of the hundreds of photographs

    collected by the author and purchased by "Life" were published in

    the article, along with an innocuous commentary. Credit for

    discovering the photos was given to a number of people at "Life"

    magazine in New York and Dallas, not to the individuals who

    actually found them.

    That article, published nearly nine years ago, was the last word

    "Life" has ever uttered about their extensive research probe and

    their feelings about a conspiracy. Dick Billings moved to

    Washington, D.C. to become editor of the Congressional Quarterly

    and is a member on the board of directors of the Committee to

    Investigate Assassinations (CTIA).

    Who made the policy change decision at "Life" and why? Various

    high-level conspiracy enthusiasts claim that the cabal behind the

    assassination of the President brought extreme pressure to bear

    upon the owners and management of Time Inc. to silence all

    opposition to the Warren Commission findings. Others conclude it

    had something to do with the CIA's control of "Life"'s editorial

    policy from inside. This author takes no position on why. Dick

    Billings knows only that the decision was made at high levels and

    passed downward and that it was irrevocable.

    Repeated attempts by the CTIA and several independent

    assassination researchers to break loose the basic evidence in

    "Life"'s possession, such as the Zapruder film, the Hughes film,

    and the Mark Bell Film, met with total opposition and a stone wall.

    Attempts to break loose the Archives' copy of the Zapruder film or

    slides met the same stiff opposition. In 1971 "Life"

    representatives indicated they might be interested in selling

    rights to the Zapruder film for a sum in the neighborhood of a

    million dollars.


    The American public is aware of the editorial policy adopted by

    the Columbia Broadcasting System toward the Kennedy assassination

    because of a special four-part series with Walter Cronkite which

    was broadcast on network TV in prime time in the summer of 1967.[4]

    That series, while taking issue with some of the work of the Warren

    Commission *and criticizing the Dallas police*, the FBI and the

    Secret Service, nevertheless backed all of the basic Warren

    Commission conclusions.

    Anyone watching the Cronkite series might have wondered why the

    basic evidence presented by CBS in an itemized format for each of

    several areas in the case, did not always seem to point to the

    conclusion reached at the end of each section. The conclusion

    always agreed with the Warren Commission's comparable conclusion.

    Some viewers may even have noticed Cronkite's double-take after

    reading through the basic evidence and then reading the phrase,

    "and the conclusion is!" It seemed as though he didn't believe the

    conclusion and hadn't seen it until he came to it in the script.

    Actually, that is exactly what happened. CBS management caused

    the entire script to be changed from one concluding conspiracy to a

    script supporting the Warren Commission in the last week before the

    first part of the series went on the air. Cronkite had not seen

    the entire script until the program went on. Time had not

    permitted changing all of the points of evidence, so in most cases

    they were unchanged and only the conclusion was changed.

    How did this come about? Who decided to change the script at

    the last moment and why? Again there are control theories extant,

    but the author's personal relationships to CBS people might help to

    shed a little light on the subject.

    The discussion with all of the CBS people always centered on

    evidence of conspiracy and the CBS-TV film footage taken at the

    assassination site. Bob Richter was the most knowledgeable of all

    the aforementioned people on the basic evidence and he was firmly

    convinced there was a conspiracy. Bernie Birnbaum was convinced

    that a new investigation was desirable and his wife was convinced

    there had been a conspiracy. Dan Rather believed there was a

    conspiracy and so did Wes Wise.

    CBS photographers Sandy Sanderson, Tom Craven, and Jim Underwood

    had taken movie-TV footages showing evidence of conspiracy.

    Craven's footage, for example, showed the assassin's get-away car

    driving away from the parking lot area behind the grassy knoll

    about one minute after the shots were fired. Sanderson filmed one

    of the assassins being arrested in front of the Depository building

    about 30 minutes after the shots. Most of this footage was either

    lost or locked up in the CBS archives vaults in New Jersey.

    Wes Wise so strongly maintained his opinion about conspiracy

    that he broadcast appeals for new photographic evidence over the

    KRLD local TV shows. This was done against the orders of Eddie

    Barker. Wes became Mayor of Dallas, elected in 1971 and defeated

    the Dallas-established oligarchy. He actually received a new piece

    of photographic evidence based on his TV appeal from a Dallas

    citizen named Bothun, who had taken a picture of the grassy knoll a

    few moments after the shots.

    The script for the Cronkite series was being edited and was

    going through its final preparation stages in May and early June.

    The author was in constant touch with Wise, Birnbaum and Richter

    during this period and was informed about the basic thrust of the

    script toward conspiracy and recommendations for a new


    On May 8 a dinner meeting took place at the author's New York

    club with Mr. and Mrs. Birnbaum. There, Mrs. Birnbaum and the

    author tried to convince Bernie that he should take a stronger

    position on a new investigation.

    On May 18, Bob Richter and one of Jim Garrison's investigators

    met in the National Archives with the author and reviewed the

    evidence of conspiracy. On June 2, 3 and 4 in Dallas, the author

    showed Bernie Birnbaum and Wes Wise a film taken by Johnny Martin

    that showed three of the assassins and their cohorts on the grassy

    knoll running toward the parking lot a few seconds after firing two

    shots. Wise and Birnbaum tried to interest Barker and others in

    taking a look at the film.

    On June 14 Bob Richter invited the author to meet Midgely,

    Lister and Wallace at CBS in New York where an interview was being

    taped with Jim Garrison for use in the series. At that time

    Garrison, Richter and the author spent some time with the producer

    and his assistant discussing the evidence of conspiracy.

    Finally, on June 20, just five days before the program was to go

    on the air, the author met with Richter and Dan Rather in the

    Washington, D.C. CBS studios. The script was reviewed by Richter

    and Rather in the author's presence. The gist of the conversation

    was that Rather and Richter agreed that the conclusions stating

    conspiracy had to be made even stronger than they were at that


    The day before the program was aired, Bob Richter assured the

    author that the theme would point to conspiracy and demand a new

    investigation. The author telephoned Richter immediately after the

    first broadcast and asked what had happened. Richter was

    devastated. He could not understand what had happened. From that

    time forward his course paralleled that of Dick Billings. He

    resigned from CBS in disgust and formed his own company, Richter-

    McBride, in New York. It was his original intent to make a film

    about the JFK assassination based on his own research and the films

    he could obtain. However, the massive suppression of the

    assassination, especially the suppression of the Zapruder film by

    Time-Life films, cancelled Richter's plans for a film.

    Correspondence with Cronkite and others determined that the

    decision to change the script, distort and hide CBS's own findings

    and back up the Warren Commission to the hilt came from Midgely and

    Lister. How much higher did the decision go? Richard Salant was

    head of the CBS News Division then and, of course, William C. Paley

    was (and still is) chairman of the board.

    By an odd coincidence, in a sequel to the above CBS story, the

    author had an opportunity to learn a little more about Mr. Paley's

    knowledge. Jeff Paley, William Paley's son, returned to the United

    States from Paris in the winter of 1967-1968, where he had been

    writing news stories and a news column for "L'Express" and for the

    North American Newspaper Alliance, a group serving small papers in

    the United States. Jeff had become convinced there was a

    conspiracy in the JFK case and came to interview Garrison and

    others and to do a story for French papers. (European papers and

    magazines always believed and still do believe in the JFK

    assassination conspiracy.) He met at length with Richter and the

    author and became quite disturbed at what CBS had done. He

    approached his father with the idea that CBS had been wrong in the

    Cronkite series and that something should be done to rectify the


    Bill Paley told his son that he knew nothing about the details

    of the programs or the work lying behind the conclusions. He said

    Midgely had been responsible for the entire production. He told

    Jeff that if he could show proof that the CBS conclusions were

    wrong and there had been a conspiracy, that he would fire Midgely

    and all the rest of the team and do the whole thing all over again

    under new management.

    Needless to say, this did not happen and the mystery about where

    the decision to suppress the truth came from within CBS is as deep

    as it ever was.

    Since June 1967, CBS has remained editorially silent on the

    subject of the JFK assassination. The photographic evidence of

    conspiracy in their possession remains locked up and suppressed.

    The Craven sequence--film footage by the CBS photographer (who had

    been in the parade's camera car # 1) of a car driving out of the

    Elm Street extension (left-to right in front of the Texas School

    Book Depository) within 20 seconds of the assassination--was seen

    by the author and Jones Harris in New York, but was cut out of the

    film where it appeared prior to the time the author and Richter

    began searching for it. There is little question that CBS is an

    accessory after the fact.

    CBS edited out one other important piece of TV film. In

    November 1969, Walter Cronkite conducted a three-part interview

    with Lyndon B. Johnson at his ranch in Texas. The series was

    broadcast in the spring of 1970 and on the first program an

    announcement was made that portions of the taped interview had been

    deleted at Lyndon Johnson's request, "for reasons of national


    What actually happened and what Johnson had said six months

    earlier was made public due to a leak at CBS. The story appeared

    in newspapers all over the U.S. several days before the broadcast.

    Johnson told Cronkite that there had been a conspiracy in the

    assassination of President Kennedy, that Oswald was not a lone

    madman assassin, and that he, Johnson, had known it all along.

    Johnson reviewed the tapes a week or so before the program was to

    go on the air and then called up the CBS management, asking that

    his remarks be deleted.

    Someone at CBS who was very disturbed by this called a member of

    the Committee to Investigate Assassinations and told him what had

    been deleted. This led to the story being printed in the


    "The New York Times"

    The record of the "Times" through the 1969-1971 period follows

    the same pattern as CBS and "Life" magazine editorial policies.

    The early editorials following the Warren Report supported the

    Commission. The "Times" cooperated by publishing much of the

    report in advance. In 1965, however, editorials began to appear

    that questioned the Commission's findings and suggested a new

    investigation. In 1964 the "Times" formed a research team headed

    by Harrison Salisbury to investigate the assassination. The team

    of six included Peter Khiss and Gene Roberts. Their conclusions

    were never made public by the "Times" but indications point to

    their finding evidence of conspiracy.

    Khiss, in particular, through the 1966-1968 period in several

    meetings and discussions with the author, expressed doubts about

    the Warren Report and questioned the lone madman assassin theme.

    When the Garrison investigation made the news, the "Times" began a

    regular campaign to undermine Garrison's case, to support the

    Warren Commission, and finally (during the Clay Shaw trial) to

    completely distort the news and the testimony presented. Martin

    Waldron was the reporter sending in the stories from the Shaw

    trial, but someone in New York edited them to completely change

    their content. The author saw the story written by Waldron on the

    first day of the trial and the final version appearing in the

    "Times." The two were completely different, with Waldon's original

    following the actual trial proceedings very closely.

    The author, writing under the pen name of Samuel B. Thurston,

    postulated the possibility that "The New York Times," on selected

    subjects, including the JFK assassination, was controlled by the

    CIA through their representative among top management, Mr. Harding


    In the summer of 1968, the author discovered a remarkable

    similarity between the sketch of the assassin of Dr. Martin Luther

    King and one of the three tramps arrested in Dealey Plaza following

    the assassination of President Kennedy. Peter Khiss wrote a story

    about this and it was published by the "Times" in June, 1968.

    Apparently that was the final straw for the "Times" management as

    far as Khiss was concerned. He was not allowed to do any more

    research on assassinations or to discuss the subject at the

    "Times." As he told the author in 1969, he doesn't attend any

    press conferences about assassinations because he doesn't like it

    when people in "Times" management say, "Here comes crazy old Pete

    Khiss again with his conspiracy talk."

    The apex of "The New York Times" actions and editorial positions

    on the JFK assassination came in November and December 1971. They

    published three items supporting the Warren Commission eight years

    after the assassination, at a time when it seemed on the surface to

    be a dead issue.

    The first was a story about Dallas eight years later by an

    author from Texas who wrote his entire story as though it were an

    established fact that Oswald was the lone madman assassin firing

    three shots from the sixth floor window of the Depository building

    and later killing police officer Tippit.

    The second was an Op-Ed page guest editorial by none other than

    David Belin, a Warren Commission lawyer. He defended the

    Commission and attacked the researchers. The third was a story by

    Fred Graham about the findings of Dr. Lattimer, who was allowed to

    see the autopsy photographs and x-rays of John Kennedy. Graham

    actually wrote most of his story, which solidly backed up the

    Warren Commission due to Lattimer's claims that the autopsy

    materials proved no conspiracy, before Lattimer ever entered the


    In other words, it appears that Graham knew what Lattimer was

    going to find and say in advance. Either that or someone in

    Washington, D.C. gave someone at the "Times" orders in advance to

    prepare the story for the first page, upper left-hand corner, of

    the paper. It really didn't make any difference whether Dr.

    Lattimer ever saw the x-rays and photographs.

    The concerted campaign on the part of the "Times" management

    could have been timed to prevent a discovery of new evidence of

    conspiracy in the autopsy materials. The reason for this

    possibility developing in the November 1971 period is that the

    five-year restriction placed on the autopsy evidence by Burke

    Marshall, a Kennedy family lawyer, expired in November of 1971.

    Four well-known and highly reputable forensic pathologists, Dr.

    Cyril Wecht of Pittsburgh, Dr. John Nichols of the University of

    Kansas, Dr. Milton Helpern of New York City and Dr. John Chapman of

    Detroit had already asked permission to examine the x-rays and

    photos upon the expiration of the five-year period. All four were

    known to question the Warren Commission's findings. What better

    way to freeze them out of the Archives than to select a doctor who

    could be trusted to back up the Commission (Lattimer had published

    several articles doing just that), commission him to go into the

    Archives, and then persuade "The New York Times" to publish a front

    page story in its Sunday issue demonstrating that no one else need

    look at the materials because they supported the Warren

    Commission's findings.

    All attempts by researchers to convince "Times" management that

    the other side of the story should be told have been completely

    ignored. Lattimer's findings, if correct, actually prove

    conspiracy. The "Times" has been informed of this but they have

    shut off all discussion of the subject. The complete story of the

    complicity of the "New York Times" in the crimes to which they have

    become an accessory would take up an entire volume.[6]


    The National Broadcasting Company became an active participant

    in the government's efforts to protect Clay Shaw and to ruin Jim


    Two of NBC's high-level management people, Richard Townley of

    NBC's affiliate in New Orleans, WDSU, and Walter Sheridan,

    executive producer, became personally and directly involved in the

    Shaw trial. They were indicted by a grand jury in New Orleans for

    bribing witnesses, suppressing evidence and interfering with trial

    proceedings. NBC top-level management backed Sheridan and Townley.

    NBC produced a highly biased, provably dishonest program

    personally attacking Garrison and defending Shaw prior to the

    trial. Frank McGee, who acted as moderator, later had to publicly

    apologize for lies told on the program by two "witnesses" whom NBC

    paid to give statements against Garrison. The FCC ruled that NBC

    had to give Garrison equal time because the program was not a news

    program but a vendetta by NBC against Garrison. NBC did give

    Garrison 30 minutes (compared to their one-hour attack) to respond

    at a later date. Sheridan was the producer of the one-hour show.

    With Sheridan and Townley so deeply involved, and with such an

    extremely strong editorial position favoring the Justice

    Department, the Warren Commission, and the lone assassin stance,

    suspicions were raised about NBC's and RCA's independence.[7] At

    one point in 1967 the president of NBC, according to Walter

    Sheridan, helped in the bribery efforts by calling Mr. Gherlock,

    head of Equitable Life Insurance Company's New York office, and

    asked for assurance that Perry Russo, who worked for Equitable,

    would cooperate with NBC.

    NBC is also the owner of several important pieces of

    photographic evidence. A TV film taken by NBC photographer David

    Weigman was suppressed by NBC and not made available to

    researchers. It shows the grassy knoll in the background just a

    fraction of a minute after the shots. Some of the assassination

    participants can be seen on the knoll.

    Fortunately for researchers, NBC sold the Weigman film to the

    other networks and to the news film agencies before realizing its

    importance. The author was able to purchase a copy from Hearst

    Metrotone News.

    NBC's affiliate, WBAP in Fort Worth, has several important film

    sequences. James Darnell took several sequences on the grassy

    knoll and in the parking lot which should contain important

    evidence. Dan Owens took TV movies in and around the Depository

    building which should show how the snipers' nest was faked on the

    sixth floor, and one of the assassins in front of the building.


    Of the three major television networks, ABC has remained more

    objective and appears to be less under the thumb of the government

    than the other two. For example, when NBC was busy defending the

    Warren Commission and Clay Shaw and attacking Jim Garrison, ABC was

    giving Garrison a free chance to express his views without

    interruption on their Sunday program, "Issues and Answers." They

    have never taken an editorial position one way or another on

    conspiracy. However, in the Robert Kennedy assassination case, the

    investigation was suppressed at ABC. The man heading the brief

    investigation was stopped and sent to Vietnam. The man at ABC who

    called the shots in stopping the investigation and in suppressing

    evidence in ABC's possession was a lawyer named Lewis Powell.

    The evidence owned by ABC is a video tape of the crowd in the

    Ambassador Hotel ballroom before, during and after the shots were

    fired in the kitchen. The ballroom microphones, including ABC's,

    picked up the sound of only three shots above the crowd noise.

    Since Sirhan fired eight shots, or certainly more than three, and

    since Los Angeles police tests proved that Sirhan's gun could not

    be heard in the position of the microphones in the ballroom, the

    ABC film and soundtrack is important evidence of three other shots.

    The sequence was originally included in the TV film of Robert

    Kennedy's 1968 campaign and assassination entitled, "The Last

    Journey." Following a meeting at ABC when the management learned

    what the film showed, the next TV broadcast of "The Last Journey"

    (scheduled for the following week) was cancelled without any

    logical explanation. The next time the film appeared on ABC (late

    1971), the three-shot ballroom sequence had been cut.

    United Press International

    Of all the fifteen major news organizations included herein, UPI

    has come closest to really pursuing the truth about the JFK

    assassination. Yet they, too, have suppressed evidence, have not

    had the courage of their convictions in analyzing conspiratorial

    evidence, and by default have become accessories after the fact.

    Two different departments at UPI became involved in the

    photographic evidence of the JFK assassination. The regular photo

    news service department, which receives wire photos and negatives

    from many sources all over the world, accumulated a large

    collection of basic evidence both from UPI photographers and by

    purchasing wire service photos from newspapers, Black Star, AP and

    other sources. This department has made all of its photographs

    available to anyone at reasonable prices ($1.50 to $3.00 per


    UPI photographer Frank Cancellare was in the motorcade and

    snapped several important photographs. In addition, five other

    photographs at UPI, taken by three unknown photographers, are

    significant. All of these were purchased by the author from UPI.

    The other department has not been as cooperative. Within the

    news department at UPI, Burt Reinhardt and Rees Schonfeld have

    varied in their attitude and performance. UPI news purchased the

    commercial rights to two very important films shortly after the

    assassination. These were color movies taken by Orville Nix and

    Marie Muchmore (private citizens). Both show the fatal shot

    striking the President, and both show evidence of conspiracy. In

    the Nix film, certain frames (when enlarged) show one of the

    assassins on the grassy knoll with a rifle. Both movies show a

    puff of smoke generated by another one of the men involved in the


    UPI, under the direction of Burt Reinhardt, did several things

    with the Nix and Muchmore films. They produced a book, "Four

    Days," including several color frames from the movies. They made a

    composite movie in 35mm from the original 8mm movies. The

    composite used the technique of repeating a frame several times to

    give the appearance of slow motion or stop action during key

    sections of the films. Reinhardt, Schonfeld and Mr. Fox, a UPI

    writer, made the composite movie available to researchers at their

    projection studio in New York in 1964 and 1965.

    Fox and Schonfeld wrote an article for "Esquire" in 1965 which

    portrayed the Nix film as proving the conspiracy theories about

    assassins on the grassy knoll to be false. This was deemed

    necessary by UPI management because a New York researcher and a

    photographic expert, after seeing the Nix film at UPI, claimed it

    showed an assassin with a rifle standing on the hood of a car

    parked behind the knoll.

    The research team had used a few frames from the film in color

    transparencies and enlarged them in black and white to show the


    In 1964, UPI gave the Warren Commission copies of both the Nix

    and Muchmore films for analysis. The films were later turned over

    to the National Archives under a special agreement between UPI and

    the Archives. This agreement reminds one of the agreements between

    the Archives and the Kennedy family on the autopsy materials, and

    the obscure one between "Life" magazine, the Commission, the Secret

    Service and the Archives on the Zapruder film.

    The UPI agreement prevents anyone from obtaining copies of the

    Nix and Muchmore films or slides of individual frames for any

    purpose. The agreement is just as illegal as the other two, yet it

    has been just as effective in suppressing the basic evidence of


    In 1967, UPI, apparently still not sure they would not be

    attacked by researchers on what the Nix film revealed, employed

    Itek Corporation to analyze the film. (At least it would appear on

    the surface that UPI did the hiring.) Itek Corporation, a major

    defense contractor, did an excellent job of obscuring the truth.

    In an apparently highly scientific analysis using computer-based

    image enhancement, they "proved" that not only was there no gunman

    on the grassy knoll, but there was no person on the knoll at all

    during the shooting.

    The final Itek report was made public and highly publicized by

    UPI. It looked as though the UPI earlier claim of no gunman had

    been scientifically substantiated. As a by-product, Itek got some

    great publicity for their commercially available photo-computer

    image enhancement system.

    What the public did not know was that UPI gave Itek only 35mm

    enlarged black and white copies of selected frames from the Nix

    film. The great amount of detail is lost in going from 8mm color

    to 35mm black and white. And UPI gave Itek carefully chosen frames

    from the Nix film that did not show the gunman on the knoll.

    UPI and Itek defined "the grassy knoll" in a very limited and

    carefully chosen way so as to exclude five people (in addition to

    the fatal-shot gunman) on the knoll who appear in the Nix film as

    well as in every other photograph and movie taken of the knoll at

    the time the shots were fired.[8] In addition, man No. 2, who had

    ducked down behind the stone wall during the Nix film, could not be

    detected by Itek because they only had the Nix film.

    Three men standing on the steps of the knoll, and two men behind

    the picket fence, were completely ignored or overlooked.

    The author began to contact Schonfeld and Reinhardt in early

    1967, viewed the two films both at UPI and in the Archives, and

    requested copies of the original 8mm color films or color copies of

    individual frames. The response to the requests were negative for

    more than four years. During this time, however, the author, a New

    York researcher, and a photographic specialist, enlarged in color

    the correct frames from the Nix film. The enlargements clearly

    show the gunman, not on top of a car but in front of a car, with

    his rifle poised. He is standing on a pedestal protruding from the

    eight-sided cupola behind the stone wall on the knoll. The car is

    parked behind the cupola and can be seen in several other

    photographs and movies.

    Unfortunately, UPI's agreement with the researcher prevents

    making public the color enlargements. UPI has consistently

    suppressed this evidence. In 1971, they offered to make the film

    available for a very large sum of money, but they have never agreed

    that it shows anyone on the knoll and they will not make copies

    available for research.

    The UPI editorial position (in articles, the book "Four Days,"

    letters and news releases) has supported the Warren Commission

    through the years. The major difference between UPI and "Life" or

    CBS is that no drastic reversal of management policy took place at



    Associated Press became an accessory after the fact by taking an

    action unprecedented for a news wire service. It published a

    three-part report by three AP writers in 1967, completely

    supporting the Warren Commission. The report was transmitted by

    wire to all AP subscribers over a three-day period and it occupied

    a total of nine to ten full pages of the average newspaper. It was

    not news, but editorial policy and took a position supporting the

    Warren Commission and the official government propaganda about the

    assassination of John Kennedy.

    Most small newspapers rely on UP and AP for their news stories.

    The three-part AP report ran in hundreds of papers across the

    United States without opposition commentary. For many this was the

    gospel at the time. What more could the conspirators and their

    government protectors have asked?

    AP photographers were on the scene in Dallas during the

    assassination. James Altgens, one of AP's men assigned to Dallas,

    took seven important photographs in Dealey Plaza. Henry Burrows,

    an AP photographer from Washington, D.C., was in the motorcade and

    snapped two pictures. Four other AP photographers took ten

    important photographs. AP's photo department and Wide World Photos

    in New York purchased many other photographs taken in Dealey Plaza.

    Meyer Goldberg, manager of Wide World Photos, set a policy early

    in the 1966-1967 period which placed AP in the position of

    partially suppressing basic photographic evidence. The policy

    contained several parts. First, Goldberg made it extremely

    difficult for anyone to obtain access to the photographic evidence,

    particularly the negatives. Second, he set a high enough price on

    copies of photographs ($17.50 for one 8x10 black and white print)

    to freeze out all but commercially-financed interests. Third, when

    an original negative was discovered, the print order, when cleared

    by Wide World, was always cropped. (Full negative prints showing

    important details in the Altgens photographs were nearly impossible

    to purchase.) Whenever any suggestion was made to Wide World that

    their photographs contained basic evidence of conspiracy, Goldberg

    and AP management turned blue with anger and literally refused to

    discuss the subject or permit research in their files.

    Various researchers, including Josiah Thompson, Raymond Marcus

    and the author met this type of stiff opposition, but after many

    visits discovered ways around it. The staff at Wide World in

    charge of the photographic files was more cooperative, and at least

    one staff member was completely convinced there was a conspiracy in

    the JFK assassination.

    Nevertheless, the broadly announced editorial policy and stance

    of Associated Press between 1964 and 1972 fully supported the

    Warren Commission and the lone assassin fable.


    "Newsweek"'s editorial policy and coverage of the assassination

    and its aftermath was largely the doing of one man, Hugh

    Aynesworth. Aynesworth was the Dallas-Houston correspondent for

    "Newsweek" following the assassination. He was in Dealey Plaza

    when Kennedy was killed, and he turned in several stories during

    the days and weeks following November 22, 1963. His point of view

    was always closely allied with that of the Dallas police, the

    district attorney and the FBI. He wholeheartedly supported the

    Warren Report.

    However, in May of 1967, after Garrison's investigation hit the

    news, Aynesworth wrote a violent attack on Garrison's

    investigation, and it was published in "Newsweek." Aynesworth

    accused Lynn Loisel, a Garrison staff member, of bribing Al

    Beaubolf to testify about a meeting to plot the assassination.

    Beaubolf later denied this accusation in a sworn affidavit and

    proved Aynesworth and "Newsweek" to be fabricators of information.

    "Saturday Evening Post"

    The position of the "Saturday Evening Post" solidified after the

    Garrison probe became public. It was based in large part on the

    reporting of one man, James Phelan. Phelan wrote a blistering

    article for the "Post" published on May 6, 1967. He attacked

    Garrison and Russo, and claimed that Russo's original statement to

    Assistant D.A. Andrew Sciambra differed from his later testimony.

    In view of the earlier editorial position of the "Post" when Lyron

    Land and his wife questioned the Warren Commission findings, the

    Phelan article came as somewhat of a surprise. In fact, the "Post"

    had taken a strong conspiracy stand when in 1967 it published a

    long article excerpted from Josiah Thompson's book, "Six Seconds in

    Dallas," and featured it on the magazine's cover.

    The Garrison investigation, however, turned the "Post" around.

    Phelan became directly involved in the case, and in a sense was

    more of an accessory than Walter Sheridan or Richard Townley. He

    travelled to Louisiana from Texas, spent many hours with Perry

    Russo and other witnesses, and generally obfuscated the Shaw trial


    Phelan joined the efforts to persuade Russo to desert Garrison

    and to help destroy Garrison and his case. According to a sworn

    Russo statement, Phelan visited his house four times within a few

    weeks. Phelan told Russo he was working hand-in-hand with Townley

    and Sheridan, that they were in constant contact, and that they

    were going to destroy Garrison and the probe. Phelan warned Russo

    that he should abandon his position and that Russo would be the

    only one hurt as a result of the trial. Phelan claimed Garrison

    would leave Russo alone, standing in the cold.

    Phelan offered to hire a $200,000-a-year lawyer from New York

    for Russo if he would cooperate against Garrison. He asked Russo

    how he would feel about sending an innocent man (Clay Shaw) to the

    penitentiary. Phelan left New Orleans and Baton Rouge and returned

    to New York, only to telephone Russo several times and offer to pay

    Russo's plane fare to New York to meet with him and discuss going

    over to Clay Shaw's side.

    Phelan was subpoenaed by Shaw's lawyers during a hearing in 1967

    because his article attacked Garrison. Sciambra welcomed the

    opportunity to cross-examine Phelan on the stand. He described the

    article as being incomplete, distorted and tantamount to lying.

    Sciambra said, "I guarantee that he (Phelan) will be exposed for

    having twisted the facts in order to build up a scoop for himself

    and the `Saturday Evening Post.'"

    Sciambra went on to say that Phelan had neglected the most

    important fact of all in his article. It was that Phelan had been

    told by Russo in Baton Rouge that Russo and Sciambra had discussed

    the plot dialogue (to assassinate JFK) at their initial meeting.

    Capital City Broadcasting

    This organization owns several radio stations in the capitol

    cities of various states and in Washington, D.C. Their interests

    in the JFK assassination increased in 1967 and 1968 when the

    Garrison-Shaw case made headlines. A producer at Capital City,

    Erik Lindquist, decided to do a series of programs designed to

    ferret out the truth. The author furnished various evidence for

    scripts to be used in the programs. After several months of work

    the project was cancelled, presumably by top management, and the

    broadcasts never took place.

    North American Newspaper Alliance

    This newspaper chain, with papers affiliated in small

    communities through the northern and eastern U.S., supported the

    Warren Commission findings as did all the other major newspaper

    services and chains.

    The Alliance also became involved in the Martin Luther King case

    and it circulated the syndicated column by the black writer and

    reporter, Louis Lomax, who had taken an interest in finding out

    what really happened in the King assassination.

    Lomax located a man named Stein who had taken a trip with James

    Earl Ray from Los Angeles to New Orleans. The two retraced the


  20. Part8.

    Chapter 8

    1972 - Muskie, Wallace and McGovern

    In 1972 the Power Control Group was faced with another set of

    problems. Again the objective was to insure Nixon's election at

    all costs and to continue the cover-ups. Nixon might have made it

    on his own. We'll never know because the Group guaranteed his

    election by eliminating two strong candidates and completely

    swamping another with tainted leftist images and a psychiatric case

    for the vice presidential nominee. The impression that Nixon had

    in early 1972 was that he stood a good chance of losing. He

    imagined enemies everywhere and a press he was sure was out to get


    The Power Control Group realized this too. They began laying

    out a strategy that would encourage the real nuts in the Nixon

    administration like E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy and Donald

    Segretti to eliminate any serious opposition. The dirty tricks

    campaign worked perfectly against the strongest early Democratic

    candidate, Edmund Muskie. He withdrew in tears, later to discover

    he had been sabotaged by Nixon, Liddy and company.

    George Wallace was another matter. At the time he was shot, he

    was drawing 18% of the vote according to the polls, and most of

    that was in Nixon territory. The conservative states such as

    Indiana were going for Wallace. He was eating into Nixon's

    southern strength. In April the polls showed McGovern pulling a

    41%, Nixon 41% and Wallace 18%. It was going to be too close for

    comfort, and it might be thrown into the House - in which case

    Nixon would surely lose. There was the option available of

    eliminating George McGovern, but then the Democrats might come up

    with Hubert Humphrey or someone else even more dangerous than

    McGovern. Nixon's best chance was a head-on contest with McGovern.

    Wallace had to go. Once the group made that decision, the Liddy

    team seemed to be the obvious group to carry it out. But how could

    it be done this time and still fool the people? Another patsy this

    time? O.K., but how about having him actually kill the Governor?

    The answer to that was an even deeper programming job than that

    done on Sirhan. This time they selected a man with a lower I.Q.

    level who could be hypnotized to really shoot someone, realize it

    later, and not know that he had been programmed. He would have to

    be a little wacky, unlike Oswald, Ruby or Ray.

    Arthur Bremer was selected. The first contacts were made by

    people who knew both Bremer and Segretti in Milwaukee. They were

    members of a leftist organization planted there as provocateurs by

    the intelligence forces within the Power Control Group. One of

    them was a man named Dennis Cossini.

    Bremer was programmed over a period of months. He was first set

    to track Nixon and then Wallace. When his hand held the gun in

    Laurel, Maryland, it might just as well have been in the hand of

    Donald Segretti, E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, Richard Helms, or

    Richard Nixon.

    With Wallace's elimination from the race and McGovern's

    increasing popularity in the primaries, the only question remaining

    for the Power Control Group was whether McGovern had any real

    chance of winning. The polls all showed Wallace's vote going to

    Nixon and a resultant landslide victory. That, of course, is

    exactly what happened. It was never close enough to worry the

    Group very much. McGovern, on the other hand, was worried. By the

    time of the California primary he and his staff had learned enough

    about the conspiracies in the assassinations of John and Robert

    Kennedy and Martin Luther King that they asked for increased Secret

    Service protection in Los Angeles.

    If the Power Control Group had decided to kill Mr. McGovern the

    Secret Service would not have been able to stop it. However, they

    did not, because the election was a sure thing. They did try one

    more dirty trick. They revealed Thomas Eagleton's psychiatric

    problems, which reduced McGovern's odds considerably.

    What evidence is there that Bremer's attempt on Wallace was a

    directed attempt by a conspiratorial group?

    Bremer himself has told his brother that others were involved

    and that he was paid by them. Researcher William Turner has turned

    up evidence in Milwaukee and surrounding towns in Wisconsin that

    Bremer received money from a group associated with Dennis Cossini,

    Donald Segretti and J. Timothy Gratz. Several other young

    "leftists" were seen with Bremer on several occasions in Milwaukee

    and on the ferry crossing at Lake Michigan.

    The evidence shows that Bremer had a hidden source of income.

    He spent several times more than he earned or saved in the year

    before he shot at Wallace. Bremer's appearance on TV, in court and

    before witnesses resembled those of a man under hypnosis.[1]

    There is some evidence that more than one gun may have been

    fired with the second gun being located in the direction opposite

    to Bremer. Eleven wounds in the four victims that day exceeds the

    number that could have been caused by the five bullets Bremer

    fired. There is a problem in identifying all of the bullets found

    as having been fired from Bremer's gun. The trajectories of the

    wounds seem to be from two opposite directions. All of this--the

    hypnotic-like trance, the possibility of two guns being fired from

    in front and from behind, and the immediate conclusion that Bremer

    acted alone--sounds very much like the arrangement made for the

    Robert Kennedy assassination.

    Another part of the evidence sounds like the King case. A lone

    blue Cadillac was seen speeding away from the scene of the shooting

    immediately afterward. It was reported on the police band radio

    and the police unsuccessfully chased it. The car had two men in

    it. The police and the FBI immediately shut off all accounts of

    that incident.

    E. Howard Hunt testified before the Ervin Committee that Charles

    Colson had asked him to go to Bremer's apartment in Milwaukee as

    soon as the news about Bremer was available at the White House.

    Hunt never did say why he was supposed to go. Colson then said

    that he didn't tell Hunt to go, but that Hunt told him he was

    going. Colson's theory is that Hunt was part of a CIA conspiracy

    to get rid of Nixon and to do other dirty tricks.

    Could Hunt and the Power Control Group have had in mind placing

    something in Bremer's apartment rather than taking something out?

    The "something" could have been Bremer's diary, which was later

    found in his car parked near the Laurel, Maryland parking lot.

    Hunt did not go to Milwaukee, because the FBI already had agents at

    the apartment. Perhaps Hunt or someone else went instead to

    Maryland and planted the diary in Bremer's car. One thing seems

    certain after a careful analysis of Bremer's diary in comparison to

    his grammar, spelling, etc., in his high school performances in

    English. Bremer didn't write the diary. Someone forged it, trying

    to make it sound like they thought Bremer would sound given his low


    One last item would clinch the conspiracy case if it were true.

    A rumor spread among researchers and the media that CBS-TV had

    discovered Bremer and G. Gordon Liddy together on two separate

    occasions in TV footage of Wallace rallies. In one TV sequence

    they were said to be walking together toward a camera in the

    background. CBS completely closed the lid on the subject.

    The best source is obviously Bremer himself. However, no

    private citizen can get anywhere near him. Even if they could he

    might not talk if he had been programmed. Unless an expert

    deprogrammed him, his secret could be locked away in his brain,

    just like Sirhan's secret is locked within his mind.


    [1] "Report of an Investigation" by William Turner for the Committee

    on Government Intelligence.


    "Bremer Wallace and Hunt", The New York Review of Books -- Gore

    Vidal -- December 13, 1973.

    "The Wallace Shooting" -- Alan Stang -- "American Opinion" --

    October, 1972.

    "Why Was Wallace Shot?" -- R.F. Salant -- Self Published --

    Monsey, N.Y.

    "Interview With Charles Colson" -- Dick Russell -- "Argosy" --

    March, 1976.

    End Part8.

  21. Part7.

    Chapter 7

    The Control of the Kennedys - Threats & Chappaquiddick

    Through the years the most common question of all has been: "If

    there was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination, why didn't Robert

    Kennedy find out about it and take some action? And if there was a

    conspiracy in the RFK assassination why haven't Ted Kennedy and

    Ethel Kennedy done something about it?" No one except the Kennedys

    know the answers to these questions for sure. However, there are

    plenty of clues and some other Power Control Group actions to

    provide the answers to us.

    First of all, thanks to Jackie Kennedy Onassis' butler in

    Athens, Greece, Christain Cafarakis, we know why Jackie did nothing

    after her husband's death. In a book published in 1972, Cafarakis

    tells about an investigation Jackie had conducted by a famous New

    York City detective agency into the assassination of JFK in 1964

    and 1965.[1] It was financed by Aristotle Onassis and resulted in

    a report in the spring of 1965 telling who the four gunmen were and

    who was behind them. Jackie planned to give the report to LBJ but

    was stopped by a threat from the Power Control Group to kill her

    and her children. Ted, Bobby and other family members knew about

    the report and the threat.

    The second clue is Chappaquiddick. A careful examination of the

    real evidence in this event shows that Ted Kennedy was framed in

    the killing of Mary Joe Kopechne and then his life and his

    children's lives threatened if he ever told the truth about what

    happened. The facts in the case and the conclusions that can be

    drawn from them are contained in a book by Boston researcher Robert


    The third clue is Ted's withdrawal from the presidential race in

    November 1975. It is a fact that all of his and Robert's children

    were being protected by the Secret Service for five days in

    November 1975. A threat had been made against the children's lives

    unless he officially announced his withdrawal. He made the

    announcement and has stuck to it ever since. The Secret Service

    protection ended the day after he made the announcement.

    It does not seem likely that Senator Kennedy would withdraw from

    the race because of a threat from a lone nut or from some obscure

    group. He remembers the 1965 threat and Chappaquiddick very well.

    He knows about the Power Control Group and he knows their enormous

    capability. He knows what they did to his brothers. He has no

    choice but to hope that somehow, sometime, the Group will be

    exposed. But he dares not let them believe he would ever have

    anything to do with it. Publicly he will always have to support

    the Warren Commission and continue to state that he will not run

    for president. Privately he is forced to ask his closest friends

    and his relatives not to get involved with new investigations, and

    to help protect his children. Some of them know the truth. Others

    do not, and are puzzled by his behavior. They go along with it

    under the assumption that he has good and sufficient reasons not to

    open the can of worms represented by the conspiracies in his

    brother's deaths.

    The Power Control Group faced up to the Ted Kennedy and Kennedy

    family problem very early. They used the threat against the

    Kennedy children's lives very effectively between 1963 and 1968 to

    silence Bobby and the rest of the family and friends who knew the

    truth. It was necessary to assassinate Bobby in 1968 because with

    the power of the presidency he could have prevented the Group from

    harming the children. When Teddy began making moves to run for

    president in 1969 for the 1972 election, the Group decided to put

    some real action behind their threats. Killing Teddy in 1969 would

    have been too much. They selected a new way of eliminating him as

    a candidate. They framed him with the death of a young girl, and

    threw sexual overtones in for good measure.

    Here is what happened according to Cutler's analysis of the

    evidence. The Group hired several men and at least one woman to be

    at Chappaquiddick during the weekend of the yacht race and the

    planned party on the island. They ambushed Ted and Mary Jo after

    they left the cottage and knocked Ted out with blows to his head

    and body. They took the unconscious or semi-conscious Kennedy to

    Martha's Vineyard and deposited him in his hotel room. Another

    group took Mary Jo to the bridge in Ted's car, force fed her with a

    knock out potion of alcoholic beverage, placed her in the back

    seat, and caused the car to accelerate off the side of the bridge

    into the water. They broke the windows on one side of the car to

    insure the entry of water; then they watched the car until they

    were sure Mary Jo would not escape.

    Mary Jo actually regained consciousness and pushed her way to

    the top of the car (which was actually the bottom of the car--it

    had landed on its roof) and died from asphyxiation. The group with

    Teddy revived him early in the morning and let him know he had a

    problem. Possibly they told him that Mary Jo had been kidnapped.

    They told him his children would be killed if he told anyone what

    had happened and that he would hear from them. On Chappaquiddick,

    the other group made contact with Markham and Gargan, Ted's cousin

    and lawyer. They told both men that Mary Jo was at the bottom of

    the river and that Ted would have to make up a story about it, not

    revealing the existence of the group. One of the men resembled Ted

    and his voice sounded something like Ted's. Markham and Gargan

    were instructed to go the the Vineyard on the morning ferry, tell

    Ted where Mary Jo was, and come back to the island to wait for a

    phone call at a pay station near the ferry on the Chappaquiddick


    The two men did as they were told and Ted found out what had

    happened to Mary Jo that morning. The three men returned to the

    pay phone and received their instructions to concoct a story about

    the "accident" and to report it to the police. The threat against

    Ted's children was repeated at that time.

    Ted, Markham and Gargan went right away to police chief Arena's

    office on the Vineyard where Ted reported the so-called "accident."

    Almost at the same time scuba diver John Farror was pulling Mary Jo

    out of the water, since two boys who had gone fishing earlier that

    morning had spotted the car and reported it.

    Ted called together a small coterie of friends and advisors

    including family lawyer Burke Marshall, Robert MacNamara, Ted

    Sorenson, and others. They met on Squaw Island near the Kennedy

    compound at Hyannisport for three days. At the end of that time

    they had manufactured the story which Ted told on TV, and later at

    the inquest. Bob Cutler calls the story, "the shroud." Even the

    most cursory examination of the story shows it was full of holes

    and an impossible explanation of what happened. Ted's claim that

    he made the wrong turn down the dirt road toward the bridge by

    mistake is an obvious lie. His claim that he swam the channel back

    to Martha's Vineyard is not believable. His description of how he

    got out of the car under water and then dove down to try to rescue

    Mary Jo is impossible. Markham and Gargan's claims that they kept

    diving after Mary Jo are also unbelievable.

    The evidence for the Cutler scenario is substantial. It begins

    with the marks on the bridge and the position of the car in the

    water. The marks show that the car was standing still on the

    bridge and then accelerated off the edge, moving at a much higher

    speed than Kennedy claimed. The distance the car travelled in the

    air also confirms this. The damage to the car on two sides and on

    top plus the damage to the windshield and the rear view mirror

    stanchion[3] prove that some of the damage had to have been

    inflicted before the car left the bridge.

    The blood on the back and on the sleeves of Mary Jo's blouse

    proves that a wound was inflicted before she left the bridge.[4]

    The alcohol in her bloodstream proves she was drugged, since all

    witnesses testified she never drank and did not drink that night.

    The fact that she was in the back seat when her body was recovered

    indicates that is where she was when the car hit the water. There

    was no way she could have dived downward against the inrushing

    water and moved from the front to the back seat underneath the

    upside-down seat back.

    The wounds on the back of Ted Kennedy's skull, those just above

    his ear and the large bump on the top indicate he was knocked out.

    His actions at the hotel the next morning show he was not aware of

    Mary Jo's death until Markham and Gargan arrived. The trip to the

    pay phone on Chappaquiddick can only be explained by his receiving

    a call there, not making one. There were plenty of pay phones in

    or near Ted's hotel if he needed to make a private call. The tides

    in the channel and the direction in which Ted claimed he swam do

    not match. In addition it would have been a superhuman feat to

    have made it across the channel (as proven by several professionals

    who subsequently tried it).

    Deputy Sheriff Christopher Look's testimony, coupled with the

    testimony of Ray LaRosa and two Lyons girls, proves that there were

    two people in Ted's car with Mary Jo at 12:45 PM. The three party

    members walking along the road south toward the cottage confirmed

    the time that Mr. Look drove by. He stopped to ask if they needed

    a ride. Look says that just prior to that he encountered Ted's car

    parked facing north at the juncture of the main road and the dirt

    road. It was on a short extension of the north-south section of

    the road junction to the north of the "T". He says he saw a man

    driving, a woman in the seat beside him, and what he thought was

    another woman lying on the back seat. He remembered a portion of

    the license plate which matched Ted's car, as did the description

    of the car. Markham, Gargan and Ted's driver's testimony show that

    someone they talked to in the pitch black night sounded like Ted

    and was about his height and build.

    None of the above evidence was ever explained by Ted or by

    anyone else at the inquest or at the hearing on the case demanded

    by district attorney Edward Dinis. No autopsy was ever allowed on

    Mary Jo's body (her family objected), and Ted made it possible to

    fly her body home for burial rather quickly. Kennedy haters have

    seized upon Chappaquiddick to enlarge the sexual image now being

    promoted of both Ted and Jack Kennedy. Books like "Teddy Bare"

    take full advantage of the situation.

    Just which operatives in the Power Control Group at the high

    levels or the lower levels were on Chappaquiddick Island? No

    definite evidence has surfaced as yet, except for an indication

    that there was at least one woman and at least three men, one of

    whom resembled Ted Kennedy and who sounded like him in the

    darkness. However, two pieces of testimony in the Watergate

    hearings provide significant clues as to which of the known JFK

    case conspirators may have been there.

    E. Howard Hunt told of a strange trip to Hyannisport to see a

    local citizen there about the Chappaquiddick incident. Hunt's

    cover story on this trip was that he was digging up dirt on Ted

    Kennedy for use in the 1972 campaign. The story does not make much

    sense if one questions why Hunt would have to wear a disguise,

    including his famous red wig, and to use a voice-alteration device

    to make himself sound like someone else. If, on the other hand,

    Hunt's purpose was to return to the scene of his crime just to make

    sure that no one who might have seen his group at the bridge or

    elsewhere would talk, then the disguise and the voice box make


    The other important testimony came from Tony Ulasewicz who said

    he was ordered by the Plumbers to fly immediately to Chappaquiddick

    and dig up dirt on Ted. The only problem Tony has is that,

    according to his testimony, he arrived early on the morning of the

    "accident", before the whole incident had been made public.

    Ulasewicz is the right height and weight to resemble Kennedy and

    with a CIA voice-alteration device he presumably could be made to

    sound like him. There is a distinct possibility that Hunt and Tony

    were there when it happened.

    The threats by the Power Control Group, the frame-up at

    Chappaquiddick, and the murders of Jack and Bobby Kennedy cannot

    have failed to take their toll on all of the Kennedys. Rose, Ted,

    Jackie, Ethel and the other close family members must be very tired

    of it all by now. They can certainly not be blamed for hoping it

    will all go away. Investigations like those proposed by Henry

    Gonzalez and Thomas Downing only raised the spectre of the powerful

    Control Group taking revenge by kidnapping some of the seventeen


    It was no wonder that a close Kennedy friend and ally in

    California, Representative Burton, said that he would oppose the

    Downing and Gonzalez resolutions unless Ted Kennedy put his stamp

    of approval on them. While the sympathies of every decent American

    go out to them, the future of our country and the freedom of the

    people to control their own destiny through the election process

    mean more than the lives of all the Kennedys put together. If John

    Kennedy were alive today he would probably make the same statement.

    John Dean summed it up when he said to Richard Nixon as recorded

    on the White House tapes in 1973: "If Teddy knew the bear trap he

    was walking into at Chappaquiddick. . . ."[5]


    [1] "The fabulous Jackie" -- Christian Cafarakis -- Productions de Paris

    -- 1972

    [2] "You the Jury" -- Robert Cutler -- Self Published -- 1974

    [3] A rope attached to the stick which held the Oldsmobile throttle wide

    open caught the drivers rear view mirror and tore it loose so that

    it was hanging by the rear bolt. There was no other mark on the

    left side of the car.

    [4] A sliver of glass from two broken windows no doubt caused this

    bleeding since Mary Jo was already face down and unconscious in the

    rear seat. Since there was no autopsy this clean cut went

    unnoticed by the embalmers.

    [5] On page 121, "White House Tapes," Paperback Edition, published by New

    York Times

    * * * * * * *

    End Part7.

  22. Part6.

    Chapter 6

    The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and

    Dr. Martin Luther King and

    Lyndon B. Johnson's Withdrawal in 1968

    The Power Control Group faced several dangers in 1968. While

    President Johnson had cooperated fully with their desires in Viet

    Nam and in other parts of the world, he had not met their

    requirements in other areas. He had gone too far in appeasing the

    blacks and had shown some signs of giving in to the young people in

    America in early 1968. Through threats to expose his role in

    covering up the truth about the JFK assassination or personal

    threats to the safety of his family, the Group forced his

    withdrawal from the 1968 election race. Their plan now was to

    install Richard Nixon as president at all costs.

    Robert Kennedy and Dr. King posed real threats to this plan.

    Dr. King was beginning a movement in the direction of a coalition

    with Malcom X followers and other black militant groups. He was

    speaking out against the Viet Nam war. His influence might help

    defeat Nixon at the polls. So the Power Control Group created an

    environment in which he could be assassinated by his arch enemies.

    The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover had become a vital part of the Power

    Control Group by 1968. Hoover had no love for King and was

    harrassing him in several ways. The Power Control Group

    undoubtedly let Hoover know that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have

    King out of the way before the election campaigns really warmed up.

    They also passed the word along to some of the groups who were out

    to murder King that the crime would probably not be stopped.

    Fletcher Prouty has described this approach in some detail.[1] The

    net result of these actions was the assassination of Dr. King by a

    group of wealthy white bigots who employed two of the intelligence

    community's own expert assassins. One of these men, Frenchy, had

    fired shots at JFK. The other, Jack Youngblood, was a soldier of

    fortune and CIA contract killer. They recruited James Earl Ray and

    set him up as a patsy.

    The FBI removed King's protection in Memphis and after the

    assassination they took the case out of the hands of the local

    police to control and suppress the evidence of conspiracy. Hoover

    did not know exactly who was going to assassinate King or where.

    He did not know in advance who the patsy was supposed to be. The

    best evidence in support of this is that from April to June 1968

    the identity of the patsy was a mystery, first unidentified, then

    identified as Eric Starvo Galt, then as Raymond Sneyd, and finally

    as James Earl Ray. If Hoover had been in on the plan, Ray's

    identity would probably have been revealed immediately. In fact,

    the scenario might have been similar to the JFK case, with Ray

    being killed in a shoot-out.

    After Ray was identified and arrested in London, Hoover and the

    Justice Department had to manufacture some evidence to get Ray back

    to the U.S. They had no qualms about bribing one witness, Charlie

    Stevens, to do this. They forced him to say he had seen Ray. Then

    a new problem arose. Ray began telling the truth to his lawyer and

    a writer, William Bradford Huie. He almost revealed Frenchy's true

    identity. The Power Control Group, led by J. Edgar Hoover, solved

    this problem by getting rid of Ray's lawyer, Arthur Hanes, and they

    hired Percy Foreman to keep Ray quiet. They also were forced to

    pay off or frighten off author Huie who had by then become

    convinced Ray was telling him the truth. Huie had found several

    witnesses who had seen Ray and Frenchy together.

    The group got Foreman to talk Ray into pleading guilty and Huie

    to retract his conspiracy talk and publish an article and a book

    claiming Ray was the lone assassin. Ever since Ray was put away

    for 99 years, the FBI and the Power Control Group have been hard at

    work covering up the truth, bribing or influencing judges who have

    heard Ray's appeals for a trial, publishing disinformation like

    Gerold Franck's book, "An American Assassin," suppressing evidence,

    and placing key witnesses in psychiatric wards. It is still going

    on. They have killed at least one reporter--Louis Lomax--who was

    getting too close to the truth. The local D.A., Phil Canale, was

    brought into the conspiracy along with Percy Foreman, Judge Battle,

    Fred Vinson (who extradited Ray, using Stevens' false affidavit),

    and local authorities who committed Grace Walden Stevens to a

    mental institution because she knew Charlie had been dead drunk and

    saw nothing.

    The mechanics of the assassination are as follows: Youngblood

    and Frenchy recruited Ray in Montreal for smuggling drugs into the

    U.S. from Mexico and Canada. They recruited him in the

    assassination plan in such a way as to make him believe they were

    smuggling guns to Cuba.

    Frenchy (Ray knew him as Raoul) set up Ray as a patsy by

    planting evidence with Ray's prints on it near the fake firing

    point. He persuaded Ray to rent a room opposite Dr. King's motel,

    to buy a rifle with telescopic sight, and a white Mustang, and park

    the Mustang outside the rooming house to wait for Frenchy to come

    out. Youngblood stationed himself on a grassy knoll beneath the

    rooming house where Frenchy was located. When King came out on his

    balcony, Youngblood killed him with one shot fired at an upward

    angle. Frenchy ran from his perch overlooking King's balcony. He

    made plenty of noise to attract attention, and dropped a bag full

    of items with Ray's prints on them in front of an amusement parlor

    next door to the rooming house.

    Frenchy must have had some anxious moments then because Ray had

    driven the Mustang to a gas station a few blocks away to have a low

    tire pumped up. Three witnesses remember his being there. When

    Ray returned, not yet knowing what had happened, Frenchy told him

    to drive away toward the edge of town where Frenchy got out of the

    back seat. Ray drove on to Atlanta with the intention of meeting

    Frenchy there.

    Meanwhile, Youngblood mingled with the crowd under King's

    balcony and then faded away. A false trail was created by another

    member of the team who drove away in a second white Mustang and

    then created a fake auto chase on the police band radio.

    Youngblood was tracked down by various reporters in early 1976 and

    began negotiating to tell his story for a very high price.

    Meanwhile, judge after judge and court after court keep turning

    down Bernard Fensterwald and James Cesar, Ray's new lawyers, who

    appealed for a new trial.

    All of the information above has been reported with factual

    evidence backing it up in several articles, one book, and at Ray's

    legal hearing for a new trial in Memphis in 1975.[2]

    After Dr. King was eliminated, the Power Control Group faced a

    much greater threat. Robert Kennedy began his quest for the

    presidency. There was little doubt in the minds of anyone in the

    Group that Kennedy would be nominated as Democratic candidate at

    the convention, and would have a very good chance of defeating

    Richard Nixon. This would be a near certainty if Eugene McCarthy

    decided to drop out and support Senator Kennedy. Robert Kennedy

    represented a double threat to the Group in that he would

    undoubtedly expose them after becoming president and seize control.

    The plan they adopted was again to create an environment in

    which it would be easy for an enemy like the Minutemen or the Mafia

    or certain local hate groups in California to assassinate RFK and

    get away with it by setting up another patsy. Available at the

    time was a CIA agent planted inside the Los Angeles police

    department. Strong influence was brought to bear on chief of

    police, Ed Davis, to remove all official protection for Senator

    Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel. Arrangements were made for the

    Ace Guard Service to supply three extreme right wing, militant

    guards at the hotel to guard the Senator after his victory speech.

    One of these was Thane Eugene Cesar, a known Kennedy hater and

    friend of a group of Southern California Minutemen. He was also

    almost certainly a CIA contract agent or "blind" assassin. At the

    same time another group was recruited to hypnotize Sirhan Sirhan

    and to program him for firing some shots in Robert Kennedy's

    direction. Two hypnotists and at least three other people were

    involved in the framing of Sirhan.

    Cesar killed Robert Kennedy from behind while Sirhan was firing

    under hypnosis from in front of the Senator. His programmed signal

    was given by a girl in a polka dot dress and another young Arabic

    man with them in the pantry.

    After the crime, the FBI, the CIA agent (Manny Pena), the

    District Attorney's office (Evelle Younger and Joseph Busch) and

    the Los Angeles Police Department (Ed Davis, Robert Houghton and

    others), knowing the truth, all teamed up to suppress all other

    evidence except that which was aimed at framing Sirhan. The Power

    Control Group has since wielded its influence to keep the RFK case

    under wraps. They pushed legislation through the California

    legislature to lock up the evidence. They put Thomas Noguchi, the

    L.A. County Coroner who wouldn't keep quiet about the autopsy

    evidence which proved conspiracy, in an insane asylum. They

    arranged for the FBI report on the assassination to be classified

    and locked up. They killed at least one person who knew what had

    happened. They controlled the media on the subject, especially the

    "Los Angeles Times" through its owner, Norman Chandler, and his

    friend Evelle Younger, who became California State Attorney


    After Al Lowenstein, Jerry Brown, Paul Schrade, Vincent

    Bugliosi, Robert Vaughn, Tom Bradley and others began to try to

    expose the truth, the Group fought back by setting up their own

    expert ballistics panel and buying or frightening them into

    distorting the evidence proving there were two guns fired. The

    Group is certainly not through yet. More planted disinformation

    can be expected and more bribing of judges and expert witnesses.

    There may be more killings. Cesar's life and the lives of the two

    hypnotists won't be worth much if they ever start talking.[3]


    [1] "The Fourth Force" -- L. Fletcher Prouty -- "Gallery Magazine" --

    December, 1975

    [2] "Frame Up: The Martin Luther King/James Earl Ray Case" -- Harold

    Weisberg -- E.P. Dutton -- 1971

    "The Assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr." -- R.E.

    Sprague -- "Computers & Automation," December 1970

    "The Assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Parts I to

    II" -- Wayne Chastain -- "Computers & Automation," December 1974.

    [3] Most of the above information has been published in a series of

    articles and in two books and one movie.

    "The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy" -- R.E. Sprague --

    "Computers & Automation" -- September 1972 and October 1970

    "RFK Must Die" -- Robert Blair Kaiser -- 1970

    "The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, A Searching Look at the

    Conspiracy and Cover-Up 1968-1978" -- William Turner and John

    Christian -- 1978

    "The Second Gun" -- Documentary Movie -- Ted Charach -- American

    Films -- Beverly Hills

    * * * * * * *

    End Part6.

  23. Part5.

    Chapter 5

    The Assassination of John Kennedy

    The assassination of President Kennedy can be considered one of

    a series of acts by the Power Control Group to regain the control

    they had lost when Nixon was defeated in 1960 and Kennedy

    threatened their existence. The evidence pointing toward

    intelligence involvement and the use of a variety of intelligence

    techniques in the assassination is substantial. Until and unless

    an investigation is conducted by a group with power and money

    equivalent to that of the Power Control Group, with the power to

    issue subpoenas and to protect witnesses, it will be very difficult

    to draw a completely accurate picture of the conspiracy to

    assassinate JFK.

    As a substitute, this chapter is a "probable reconstruction"--a

    scenario--about who killed John F. Kennedy. Unlike the Warren

    Commission Report (another scenario), this report does not contain

    any physically impossible events, such as those connected with

    Commission Exhibit 399, the so-called "magic bullet."

    This scenario is based on (1) evidence gathered between 1968 and

    1975 by the Committee to Investigate Assassinations, Washington,

    D.C. and (2) evidence gathered between 1962 and 1975 by the author.

    The purpose of this scenario is as a starting point for study

    and verification by researchers, by Congressional Committees, and

    by their members and staffs. This should be considered as a

    beginning hypothesis and scenario in contrast to the Warren and

    Rockefeller Commission scenarios.

    The best evidence available indicates the following events

    occurred in the summer and fall of 1963 and culminated in the

    assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The basic evidence has

    been summarized in various articles published in "Computers and

    People" (formerly "Computers and Automation") since May 1970.[1]

    This can be considered as a guideline scenario which adheres to and

    explains all of the known factual evidence.

    How It Began

    The conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy began in a series of

    discussions held in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. The men in

    the discussions were extremely angry that Kennedy had stopped plans

    and preparations for another invasion of Cuba (scheduled for the

    latter part of 1963.) One of the instigators was David Ferrie, a

    CIA contract agent who had been training pilots in Guatemala for

    the invasion. Meetings held in Ferrie's apartment in New Orleans

    were attended by Clay Shaw, William Seymour and several Cubans.

    Plans for assassinating President Kennedy developed out of those

    early meetings. Others whose support was sought by the group

    included Guy Banister, Major L. M. Bloomfield, Loran Hall,

    Lawrence Howard, Sergio Arcacha Smith and Carlos Prio Socarras.

    Oswald's Role

    During this period in the summer of 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was

    working for Guy Banister on some anti-Castro projects and used the

    Communist cover of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Oswald

    attended some of the meetings where JFK's assassination was


    Oswald either approached the FBI or they approached him in the

    later summer of 1963, and he began to tell the FBI about the plans

    of the group to assassinate JFK. Oswald had been a secret

    informant for the FBI since mid-1962.

    Mexico City

    In September, the group moved the scene of their planning to

    Mexico City. There they solicited the assistance of Guy Gabaldin,

    a CIA agent. Meetings were held in the apartment of Gabaldin,

    attended by Shaw, Ferrie, Seymour, Gabaldin and Oswald on at least

    three occasions. Others were brought into the conspiracy at this

    point. These included John Howard Bowen (alias Albert Osborne),

    Ronald Augustinovich, Mary Hope, Emilio Santana, Harry Dean,

    Richard Case Nagell, and "Frenchy" (an adventurer who had been

    working with Seymour, Santana, Ferrie, Howard and others on the

    Cuban invasion projects in the Florida Keys). Fred Lee Crisman,

    Jim Hicks and Jim Braden (alias Eugene Hale Brading) were also

    recruited at this point.

    Oswald, the Patsy

    Oswald continued to inform on the group to the FBI in Dallas.

    In mid- to late September the assassination group decided to make

    Oswald the patsy in the murder. They had discussed the need for a

    patsy in the earliest meetings in New Orleans. Billy Seymour, who

    resembled Oswald, was selected to use Oswald's name and to plant

    evidence in New Orleans, Dallas and Mexico, which could later be

    used to frame him. In addition, another man under CIA surveillance

    in Mexico City also used Oswald's name in a probable attempt to

    make it appear that Oswald was headed for Cuba. His name may have

    been Johnny Mitchell Deveraux. His picture appears in the Warren

    Commission Volumes as CE 237.

    Financial Support

    The team needed financial support for the assassination. They

    received it from Carlos Prio Socarras in Miami, who brought more

    than 50 million dollars out of Cuba. They also received money from

    Banister, and from three Texas millionaires who hated Kennedy:

    Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison, and Jean DeMenil (of the

    Schlumberger Co.). The Murchison-Richardson contribution also

    included soliciting the assistance of high-level men in the Dallas

    police force. They were powerful members of the Dallas Citizens

    Council that controlled the city at that time.

    Plans for Three Cities

    The group in Mexico City planned to assassinate JFK in Miami,

    Chicago or Dallas, using different gunmen in each case. The Miami

    plan failed because the Secret Service found out about it in

    advance and kept JFK out of the open. The Chicago plan backfired

    when JFK cancelled his plans to attend the Army-Navy game at

    Soldiers Field in early November. The group set up two

    assassination teams for Dallas. One was in Dealey Plaza; the

    second was near the International Trade Mart where JFK's luncheon

    speech was to be delivered.

    CIA Support

    The best evidence of CIA (Deputy-Director of Plans) involvement

    is the fact that the majority of the known participants were

    contract agents or direct agents of the CIA. In Mexico City, the

    meetings were held in the apartment of Guy Gabaldin, a CIA (DDP)

    agent, working for the Mexico City station chief. Others attending

    the meetings who were CIA (DDP) contract or direct agents included

    Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Albert Osborne, Harry Dean, Richard Case

    Nagell, Ronald Augustinovich, William Seymour, Emilio Santana and

    Fred Lee Crisman. It is likely (but not yet provable by direct

    evidence) that the group sought and obtained from the acting or

    permanent CIA station chief in Mexico, assistance or approval to go

    ahead with assassination plans. Tad Szulc claims that a CIA source

    can prove that E. Howard Hunt was acting station chief in Mexico

    City at the time of the Gabaldin apartment meetings (August and

    September 1963). Hunt has denied under oath before the Rockefeller

    Commission that he was in Mexico.

    In 1967 Richard Helms told a group of CIA officials, including

    Victor Marchetti, that both Clay Shaw and David Ferrie were CIA

    (DDP) contract agents and that Shaw had to be given CIA protection

    and assistance in his New Orleans trial. This is a strong

    indication that Hunt and Helms gave "turn of the head" approval to

    the Shaw-Ferrie assassination plan as a minimum form of support.


    The assassination group, having failed in Miami and Chicago,

    moved an operational team into Dallas during the second week in

    November of 1963. Shaw, Ferrie, Gabaldin and other high-level

    plotters travelled in other directions, establishing alibis as

    planned. On November 22, Gabaldin was in Mexico City, Shaw was in

    San Francisco, and Ferrie was in New Orleans. The team moving into

    Dallas included Albert Osborne, William Seymour, Emilio Santana,

    Frenchy, Fred Crisman, Jim Hicks, Jim Braden, and a new recruit

    from Los Angeles, Jack Lawrence. There was also a back-up rifle

    team of Cubans to be used at a location near the International

    Trade Mart in the event something went wrong at Dealey Plaza.

    Where the Teams Stayed

    The teams stayed at two locations in Dallas for two weeks. One

    was a rooming house run by a woman named Tammie True. During this

    period final preparations for the assassination in Dealey Plaza

    were made. These included the collecting of and planting of

    evidence used to frame Oswald, the recruiting of the Dallas police

    participants, and the plans for the escape of the team members by

    car and by train. The riflemen selected were William Seymour in

    the Depository Building, Jack Lawrence and Frenchy on the grassy

    knoll, and Emilio Santana in the Dal Tex building. Jim Hicks was

    set up as radio coordinator and a man with each of the riflemen had

    a two-way radio. They were Jim Braden, Dal Tex; Fred Crisman,

    knoll; unidentified American (tall tramp), knoll; and a man in the

    TSBD Building. Osborne was in overall charge of the Dallas teams,

    but he did not go to Dealey Plaza. A fifth gunman, known to

    researchers as the umbrella man, was stationed on the street with

    an umbrella weapon furnished by the CIA. He was accompanied by

    another Cuban acting as a radio man.

    Framing Oswald

    The people involved in framing Oswald included Seymour (who used

    his identity), someone who posed for two pictures holding a rifle,

    a photographer who took the pictures and someone who superimposed

    Oswald's head on the two negatives. Also, someone who took

    Oswald's rifle from his garage and his pistol from his room, taking

    several bullets and shells with the pistol, fired three shells and

    one bullet through the rifle, and planted the rifle and rifle

    shells on the sixth floor of the TSBD and a rifle bullet at

    Parkland Hospital. The pistol shells were given to William Seymour

    for planting later on. The photographers also planted photos of

    General Walker's house and driveway to implicate Oswald in the

    Walker shooting.

    Dallas Policemen Involved

    The policemen involved were J. D. Tippit, who was to drive two

    of the assassins, Seymour and his radio man, away in his police

    car; Bill Alexander; Jerry Hill; Sergeant McDonald; Lieutenant

    Montgomery; Lieutenant Johnson; and Lieutenant Batchelor, who

    escorted Jack Ruby into the jail to murder Oswald.

    McDonald was assigned to kill Oswald upon his arrest in the

    Texas Theatre. Jerry Hill was involved in that event as well as in

    the planting of evidence against Oswald in the TSBD Building.

    Montgomery and Johnson were involved in planting the paper bag as

    evidence against Oswald. Alexander and Batchelor were primarily

    responsible for making sure that Jack Ruby assassinated Oswald and

    that he didn't talk about it afterward. Alexander was present on

    every occasion when Ruby was questioned or interviewed in the jail,

    in spite of Ruby's efforts to have him removed.

    Other Persons Involved in Framing Oswald

    Also involved in framing Oswald were Marina Oswald; her lawyer,

    James Martin; and someone in the Dallas police force. She was

    talked into three points of false testimony: she said she took the

    two fake photos of Oswald with a camera she claimed was his. She

    fabricated, or was handed, the false story about Oswald's attempt

    to shoot General Walker and taking two pictures of Walker's house

    with the same camera. (Oswald did neither.) She told a false

    story about a falling out she and Oswald supposedly had and

    exaggerated his mean treatment of their children. There are good

    indications that these moves were made by the CIA operatives in the

    group who threatened to send Marina back to Russia. (Marina's

    uncle was a high-level officer in the KGB.)

    Dealey Plaza

    On the day of the assassination four men with rifles,

    accompanied by their radio men and several other team members,

    moved into Dealey Plaza. Seymour and a radio man entered the TSBD

    Building through the freight entrance and worked their way to the

    roof. Santana and Braden went into the Dal Tex building through

    the freight entrance on Houston St. and up a back staircase to the

    second floor. Lawrence, Frenchy, Crisman and the tall tramp took

    up two positions on the grassy knoll. Lawrence was inside the

    westernmost cupola after parking his car in the parking lot behind

    the knoll. Frenchy, Crisman and the tall tramp were near the

    fence. Jim Hicks was in the Adolphus Hotel a few blocks away,

    testing the two-way radio communication with the four radio men,

    until he proceeded to the Plaza and mingled with a large crowd

    (near the corner of Houston and Elm Streets). The umbrella man

    stood near the Stemmons Freeway sign on Elm Street accompanied by

    his radio man.

    The other team members stationed themselves in the crowd (along

    Elm Street). After the shots were fired, they circulated through

    the crowd in front of the TSBD on Elm Street, on the grassy knoll,

    and behind the TSBD Building, identifying themselves as Secret

    Service agents and asking witnesses and officials questions to find

    out whether the assassins had been detected. There are clear

    photos of one of these men. One other man was at the corner of the

    wall on the grassy knoll.

    The Shots

    Upon a visual and oral signal from the man at the wall and upon

    a radio command from Hicks, the team fired its first round of

    shots. Crisman received the command from Hicks and caused Frenchy

    to fire a shot from a position behind the fence on the knoll, about

    twenty feet west of the corner of the fence. This shot missed.

    The umbrella man fired a shot using his small-bore umbrella gun.

    When this shot struck JFK in the throat, the dart paralyzed JFK and

    later presented by Commander Humes to the FBI.[2] The shot was

    fired at Zapruder frame 189: JFK was behind a large oak tree,

    hidden from the sixth floor window of the TSBD Building. On

    command from Braden, Emilio Santana fired his first shot two

    seconds later from the second floor window of the Dal Tex building

    at Z 225 after JFK came out from behind the sign in Zapruder's

    film. The shot struck JFK in the back about 5 3/4" down from the

    collar line, penetrated to a depth of about two inches and stopped.

    The bullet fell out of JFK's back somewhere in or at the Parkland

    Hospital, or perhaps travelled down inside the body of the

    President, and was never recovered.

    William Seymour fired his shot from the west end of the TSBD

    Building upon command from his radio man between Z 230 and Z 237,

    after Santana's shot. He used a Mauser rifle with no telescopic

    sight. While he was aiming at JFK, he fired high and to the right,

    hitting John Connally in the back. The bullet travelled through

    Connally's chest and then entered his left thigh. The bullet fell

    out of his thigh in or near Parkland Hospital and was never

    recovered. Governor Connally's wrist was not hit at that time.

    Jack Lawrence did not fire a shot in the first round because

    from his cupola position he did not have a clear shot.

    Hicks gave a second radio command for another round of shots as

    JFK passed the Stemmons Freeway sign.

    Emilio Santana fired his second shot between Z 265 and Z 275.

    The bullet narrowly missed JFK, passed over the top of his head and

    over the top of the limousine's windshield. It travelled on to

    strike the south curb of Main Street, breaking off a piece of

    concrete which flew up and hit James Tague. The bullet either

    disintegrated or flew into the area beyond the overpass. It was

    not found.

    William Seymour may have fired a second shot which may have

    struck JFK in the upper right part of his head at Z 312. That

    bullet disintegrated.

    Upon command from his radio man, Jack Lawrence fired his first

    shot from a pedestal on the west side of the south entrance to the

    western cupola on the grassy knoll. The shot may have hit

    Connally's wrist.

    Frenchy fired the fatal shot through the trees from his position

    behind the fence.

    The Lawrence shot or possibly the second Seymour shot produced a

    bullet fragment that passed through Connally's right wrist at Z

    313. At that time his wrist was elevated and nearly directly in

    front of JFK's head, in such a position that Connally's right palm

    was facing JFK as the governor fell into his wife's arms. The

    fragment entered the front of his wrist and exited from the back.

    Oswald's Actions

    Lee Harvey Oswald started November 22, 1963 with the knowledge

    that there might be an attempt on JFK's life during the day. He

    had reported this possibility to the FBI in his informer's role

    five days earlier; he undoubtedly thought the FBI and Secret

    Service would be protecting the President. His communications with

    the assassination team had prepared him to meet with them in the

    Texas Theatre if anything happened that day. There is also a

    possibility he received a telephone call immediately after the

    shots, telling him to go to the theatre.

    He had gone to his and Marina's rooms in Irving to pick up

    curtain rods for his bare windows in his Oak Cliff room. He

    carried the curtain rods in a paper bag on his way to work that

    morning with Wesley Frazier. He worked on the sixth floor of the

    TSBD as well as on the other floors that morning. He helped a crew

    of men lay a new floor on the sixth floor, move a large number of

    book cartons and school supplies over to the eastern side of the

    floor, including some cartons near the southeastern window that

    faced Elm Street.

    Oswald went to the first floor of the building at approximately

    12:15 p.m. and returned to the second floor lunchroom just before

    12:30. He was drinking a coke there at 12:31 when Officer Baker

    and Mr. Truly, the building manager, encountered him while rushing

    up the stairs from the first floor. At the sight of Baker's gun

    drawn and seeing the commotion outside, he no doubt realized what

    had happened.[3] He immediately left the building via the freight

    platform entrance on the northeast side and travelled to his

    rooming house via bus and taxi. He picked up his pistol there and

    went directly to the Texas Theater where he met two of the

    assassination team and was sitting with them in the theatre when

    the police arrived. One of these men may have been William


    The Dallas police members of the team planned to shoot Oswald in

    the theatre while arresting him. When he was arrested he did not

    realize at first that he had been framed. When this began to

    become clear to him on Saturday, November 23, he remained confident

    that the FBI would get him out of the situation. After all, he

    worked for them!

    Jack Ruby

    Jack Ruby, in addition to his Mafia involvements and other

    criminal activities, was also running guns to Cuba and carrying

    payoff money to other anti-Castro groups on behalf of various CIA-

    backed projects. His involvement in the assassination of JFK

    appears to have been minor, even though he knew about it in

    advance. In his night club Ruby met on several occasions with Clay

    Shaw, David Ferrie, and William Seymour.

    The group decided to assassinate Oswald in jail after the police

    failed to kill him in the Texas Theatre. Alexander made

    arrangements to have Batchelor escort Ruby into the jail when it

    was known Oswald was being moved. They arranged an audible signal

    (an auto horn) to let Batchelor and Ruby know when Oswald was

    coming down an elevator into the garage. They came down an

    elevator opposite the one carrying Oswald.

    Clay Shaw gave Ruby his instructions to shoot Oswald through

    Breck Wall. Shaw telephoned Wall from San Francisco and Wall

    called Ruby. He was told it was an official CIA-sponsored act, in

    the best interests of the United States, and that he would be out

    of jail in a few days after his capture.

    Planted Evidence

    The planting of the evidence against Oswald first began with

    William Seymour, who used Oswald's identity during September and

    October, 1963. Next, the faked photographs of Oswald were created.

    Two of the team members used a camera of their own to take the two

    pictures of General Walker's house and the two shots of one of the

    men supposedly in Oswald's back yard. They planted the pictures in

    Oswald's garage. Next, they stole Oswald's rifle from the garage

    prior to November 22, fired several shots from it, and preserved

    three shells, one bullet, and several bullet fragments.

    They planted the rifle, the three shells, the bullet (399) and

    the bullet fragments in the TSBD, the hospital and the JFK

    limousine on November 22. They also took Oswald's pistol at some

    time prior to November 22, fired several shots from it and saved

    the shells. William Seymour, after shooting policeman Tippit, ran

    away in such a manner as to attract attention, throwing the shells

    from Oswald's gun into the air as he ran so that witnesses would

    see them. (The shells matched Oswald's pistol. None of the

    bullets matched.)

    All of the work with Oswald's rifle, pistol, and the fake photos

    was probably done at the same time. The rifle, pistol and

    Communist newspapers had to be available together for the backyard

    photos. The faking of the photographs, the firing of rifle and

    pistol, the retrieval of the shells from rifle and pistol and of

    bullet 399 and the bullet fragments from the rifle all required

    enough time that the event occurred well in advance of the

    assassination .

    Escape Plans

    As mentioned before, plans were made for the team to escape by

    car, train, and airplane. Evidence shows:

    1. A white car was parked straddling a log barrier behind

    the western cupola on the grassy knoll. It left that

    spot one minute after the shots were fired and drove

    eastward on the Elm Street extension in front of the


    2. A white station wagon driving west on Elm Street

    stopped at the foot of the grassy knoll at 12:40 p.m.,

    ten minutes after the shots were fired. It picked up a

    man who looked like Oswald and drove under the triple


    3. A railroad train carrying three "tramps" began to leave

    the freight train area west and north of the TSBD at

    around one o'clock, thirty minutes after the shots.

    The train was under the tower control of Lee Bowers and

    was stopped by him. The tramps were arrested.

    4. A police car stopped in front of Oswald's rooming house

    and honked twice around 1:10 p.m.

    5. Policeman Tippit's patrol car was far out of position

    in the Oak Cliff area near Ruby and Oswald's rooming

    houses. Tippit was shot by two men, one of whom was

    Billy Seymour.

    6. A small airplane was sitting at the Redbird Airport, a

    location in the same direction as Oak Cliff, a little

    further out from Dealey Plaza. Its engines were

    running. It was ready for takeoff at 1 p.m.

    7. David Ferrie went to Houston, Texas on the afternoon of

    November 22, driving at high speed through bad

    thunderstorms to get there. He was positioned at a pay

    telephone at an ice skating rink near the Houston

    airport, until receiving a phone call there. After

    that he returned to New Orleans.

    Escape Routes

    These escape plans were modified after the assassination. It

    became unnecessary for any of the Dealey Plaza participants to

    escape by airplane. The framing of Oswald and the failure of the

    Secret Service or FBI to detect any of the escaping gunmen or their

    assistants permitted these changes. One of the men in the Dealey

    Plaza--probably pretending to be a Secret Service agent--reported

    an "all clear" situation to Shaw in San Francisco. Shaw notified

    Ferrie that they didn't need an airplane to escape with while

    Ferrie was waiting in Houston. Ferrie changed his plans and drove

    back to New Orleans.

    The gunmen who did escape followed these routes: Jack Lawrence

    got into his car parked behind the cupola and either drove or was

    driven back to his cover job location at the automobile agency. He

    left almost immediately afterward and travelled to North Carolina.

    Frenchy ran back to the freight car area and climbed into one of

    the box cars sitting on a siding northwest of the TSBD. He was

    arrested at 1 p.m. by Officers Harkness, Bass and Wise, but was

    released by Sheriff Elkins later in the afternoon. Santana walked

    out the back entrance of the Dal Tex building and may have joined

    Seymour in a white station wagon on Elm Street at 12:40 p.m.

    Seymour left the roof of the TSBD via a back stairway, exited from

    the freight entrance in the rear of the building, and walked on

    Houston Street past the Elm Street extension. He walked down the

    grassy knoll to Elm Street where he was picked up at 12:40 p.m. by

    the white station wagon.

    The other Dealey Plaza participants, Crisman, a tall tramp,

    Braden and Hicks escaped by various means. Braden was arrested and

    released. Hicks drove home. Crisman and the tall tramp followed

    Frenchy's route into the box cars.

    Tippit Shooting

    David Belin of the Warren and Rockefeller Commission is fond of

    saying, "Lee Harvey Oswald killed policeman Tippit. Since the

    case against Oswald for the Tippit slaying is so strong, it

    follows that Oswald also shot the President." The case against

    Oswald in the Tippit murder is as weak as the case against him in

    the JFK assassination. The most important evidence showing that

    Seymour and another one of the assassination team shot Tippit is

    the fact that six witnesses, ignored by the Warren Commission, saw

    two men shoot Tippit. One of them resembled Oswald. They ran

    away from the scene in opposite directions. Seymour ran toward the

    Texas Theater, throwing the planted shells up in the air so that

    witnesses would see and recover them. (This act would convince

    most people that Oswald did not shoot Tippit.) The other assassin

    ran in the opposite direction. There is some indication that

    Seymour entered the theater in a manner to draw attention and then

    left before the Oswald arrest. While the shells recovered were

    found to match Oswald's pistol, none of the bullets recovered from

    Tippit's body matched.

    Comments and Congressional Actions Needed

    The above scenario comes much closer to explaining what happened

    to John Kennedy than either the Warren Commission Report or the

    Rockefeller Commission report. It matches the known evidence from

    the two prime sources, the Warren Commission files in the National

    Archives, and the evidence produced by the Garrison investigation

    (most of which was turned over the the Committee to Investigate

    Assassinations, Washington, D.C.).

    However, without subpoena power, and with extremely limited

    resources, no group of citizens such as the Committee or Mark

    Lane's Citizens Commission can determine the ultimate truth about

    the assassination.

    Only a properly constituted Congressional committee or group

    with resources and subpoena power, and with the power and courage

    to combat the Power Control Group involved in the assassination and

    its cover-up, whoever they may be, can reach the truth.

    This chapter has been prepared as a guideline for such a

    committee, rather than as the ultimate solution.

    It should be utilized in conjunction with two other documents

    already submitted to the four Congressional groups interested in

    the case. The groups are:

    (1) The Senate;

    (2) The House Special Committee on Intelligence;

    (3) Thomas Downing, Representative from Virginia, who

    introduced House Resolution 498 to reopen the JFK

    assassination investigation;

    (4) Henry Gonzalez, Representative from Texas, who

    introduced House Resolution 204 to reopen the

    assassination inquiries on John and Robert Kennedy,

    Martin Luther King, and George Wallace.

    The Two Documents

    1. "Recommendations for the Senate and House Committee's

    Investigations of Illegal and Subversive Domestic Activities of

    the CIA and FBI," memorandum by Richard E. Sprague (submitted

    to them).

    2. "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: the

    Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Plans and

    the Cover-Up," by Richard E. Sprague, in "People and the

    Pursuit of Truth," May, 1975.

    Dramatis Personae

    Bill Alexander - Assistant to District Attorney Wade, Dallas


    Ronald Augustinovich - CIA agent. Participated in Mexico City


    Officer Marion Baker- Dallas motorcycle police officer entering

    Texas School Book Depository after shots.

    Guy Banister - Head of clandestine CIA station in New Orleans -

    ran Banister Detective Agency. Front for anti-Castro Cuban

    groups. Former FBI agent and member of New Orleans police.

    Died of "heart attack" June 1964. David Ferrie worked for

    him. Oswald used his office and address.

    Officer Billy Bass - Dallas police officer; arrested "tramps" in

    Dealey Plaza.

    Lt. Batchelor - Dallas police lieutenant.

    David Belin - Warren Commission lawyer.

    Major L. M. Bloomfield - Resident of Montreal, Canada. Member of

    board of Centro Mondiale Commerciale, CIA front-organization

    in Rome. Visited by Ferrie and Shaw in fall 1963.

    John Howard Bowen - CIA agent. Alias Albert Osborne. Long

    clandestine record. On bus to Mexico with Oswald.

    Participated in Mexico City meetings.

    Lee Bowers - Railroad tower control operator, Dealey Plaza. Died

    in curious accident.

    Jim Braden - Alias Eugene Hale Brading. Mafia hoodlum and CIA

    contract agent. Acted as radio man in Dealey Plaza.

    CIA - Central Intelligence Agency.

    Fred Lee Crisman - OSS and CIA domestic agent from Tacoma,

    Washington. Participated with Frenchy and others as radio

    man in Dealey Plaza.

    Harry Dean - CIA operative in Mexico City.

    Jean DeMenil - Louisiana and Texas industrialist.

    Johnny Mitchell Deveraux - CIA agent, Mexico City. May have

    impersonated Oswald in Mexico.

    Sheriff Harold Elkins - Dallas County Deputy Chief.

    FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, then headed by J. Edgar


    David Ferrie - Resident of New Orleans French Quarter. Pilot for

    Eastern Airlines. Bay of Pigs, CIA contractor for pilot

    training and clandestine flights. Associate of Clay Shaw,

    Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby; murdered Feb. 1967; death

    termed "suicide" by officials.

    "Frenchy" - Real name(s) not yet determined. French Canadian

    adventurer. CIA contract agent. Training for second

    invasion of Cuba in Florida Keys. Knew Howard, Hall,

    Seymour, Hemming, and Santana. Fired shots. Also involved

    in King assassination.

    Guy Gabaldin - Former OSS operative and CIA agent in Mexico City.

    Movie made about his World War II exploits, Jeffrey Hunter

    played Gabaldin role. Assassination planning done in his

    Mexico City apartment.

    Loran Hall - Anti-Castro adventurer from southern California. One

    of three men who visited Sylvia Odio and said JFK would be

    assassinated. Close friend of Lawrence Howard, William

    Seymour and other no-name key adventurers. Raising funds for

    them in 1963.

    Sgt. Harkness - Dallas police sergeant.

    Richard Helms - Deputy Director - Plans, CIA, in 1963.

    Jerry Patrick Hemming - CIA agent and trainer of mercenaries at

    no-name key.

    Jim Hicks - Radio specialist from Dallas. Was radio communications

    coordinator in Dealey Plaza. Placed in mental hospital run by

    the military.

    Jerry Hill - Police sergeant, Dallas.

    Mary Hope - Friend of Augustinovich. Participated in Mexico City

    meetings on the assassination.

    Lawrence Howard - Anti-Castro adventurer. No-name key group.

    Friend of Loran Hall and William Seymour. Visited Sylvia Odio.

    Kept no-name key photo album. Provided Garrison with pictures.

    E. Howard Hunt - CIA agent. Acting station chief CIA clandestine

    station in Mexico City in 1963.

    Lt. Johnson - Dallas police lieutenant.

    Jack Lawrence - Resident of West Virginia and southern California.

    Minuteman and adventurer. Fired shots.

    James Martin - Marina Oswald's business manager.

    Sgt. McDonald - Police sergeant, Dallas.

    Lt. Montgomery - Dallas police lieutenant; helped frame Oswald .

    Clint Murchison - Texas oil millionaire.

    Richard Case Nagell - CIA operative in Mexico City; testified

    before Congressional Committees.

    OSS - Office of Strategic Services.

    Lee Harvey Oswald - Dallas and New Orleans resident. CIA and FBI

    agent and informer. Patsy in assassination.

    Marina Oswald - Wife of Lee Harvey Oswald. Helped to frame her


    Sid Richardson - Texas oil millionaire.

    Jack Ruby - Mafia connections. Anti-Castro CIA contracts. Owner

    of Dallas night club. Recruited to shoot Oswald.

    Emilio Santana - Cuban adventurer. Anti-Castro, in no-name key

    group. Was in Dealey Plaza firing shots.

    William Seymour - Mexican-American adventurer and hired killer. On

    no-name key training for second invasion of Cuba in 1963.

    Impersonated Lee Harvey Oswald and resembled Oswald. Fired

    shots in Dealey Plaza. Killed Officer Tippit.

    Clay Shaw - New Orleans French Quarter resident. Manager

    International Trade Mart, CIA contract agent, member board of

    directors of CIA organization, Centro Mondiale Commericale.

    Murdered in 1974. Living double life as Clay Bertrand, friend

    of David Ferrie.

    Sergio Arcacha Smith - Anti-Castro Cuban. Devoted to overthrowing

    Castro. CIA contract agent. Close to Guy Banister, Ferrie,

    and New Orleans CIA operations. Fled to Texas, escaped

    Garrison subpoena. Protected by Governor John Connally from


    Carlos Prio Socarras - Former premier of Cuba. Violent Anti-Castro

    millionaire. Backed Cuban invasion plans and CIA efforts.

    Lived in Miami area. Murdered in 1977.

    James Tague - Spectator in Dealey Plaza, hit by piece of curbing

    thrown up by bullet striking near him.

    J. D. Tippit - Dallas policeman, shot on November 22, 1963. Co-

    conspirator in assassination, Mafia and CIA functionary.

    Tammie True - Owner of CIA safe house in Dallas.

    Roy Truly - Manager of Texas School Book Depository.

    TSBD - Texas School Book Depository Building in Dealey Plaza,

    Dallas, from which Oswald was supposed to have fired shots at

    President John F. Kennedy.

    General Walker - Right-wing former Army General. Resident of

    Dallas. Supposedly shot at by Oswald.

    Breck Wall - Friend of Clay Shaw and Jack Ruby.

    Marvin Wise - Dallas police officer, arrested "tramps" in Dealey



    [1] For a complete listing of articles on political assassinations in the

    United States, published in "Computers and People" (formerly

    "Computers and Automation"), see the issues of "People and the Pursuit

    of Truth," May 1975, p. 6, and June, 1975, p. 5, published by Berkeley

    Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville, Mass. 02160.

    [2] "1978 Los Angeles Free Press" - Special Report No 1, page 16, copy of

    receipt given to Commander James J. Humes MC, USN "for Missile removed

    on this date (Nov. 22, 1963)," signed by Francis X. O'Neill, Jr.,

    James W. Sibert, FBI Agents.

    Also "Postmortem," by Harold Weisberg, page 266, the missile receipt.

    [3] As mentioned earlier, it is also possible that one of the team called

    him from a telephone inside the TSBD.

    * * * * * * *

    End Part5

  24. Part4.

    Chapter 4

    How It All Began - The U-2 and the Bay of Pigs

    To understand the origins of the Power Control Group, it is

    necessary to return to the last years of the Eisenhower

    administration and examine what was going on in the Cold War.

    Eisenhower had suffered several strokes and a heart attack. He

    was partially immobilized, and entrusted a major share of the

    coordination of clandestine activities being conducted by the CIA

    against the "Red Menace" to Richard Nixon, his vice president.

    While Ike was warning against the military-industrial-complex's

    domestic influence, and attempting to move toward detente with the

    Soviets through a summit meeting, he was being sabotaged by the

    plans section of the CIA and by Richard Nixon.

    A part of the CIA arranged for a U-2 with Gary Powers as pilot

    to go down over Russia, thus giving Khrushchev a chance to expose

    American spying and to cancel the summit meeting. This was one of

    the earliest moves of the nucleus of what later evolved into the

    Power Control Group. In the spring of 1960, with Ike nearly senile

    and pressured by Nixon, he approved the plan for the invasion of

    Cuba and the assassination of Castro. Nixon was the chief White

    House action officer for what later became the Bay of Pigs


    The Power Control Group was beginning to organize itself with

    Nixon as part of it. The cold warriors and strong anti-Communist

    "patriots" in the Plans or Operations part of the CIA formed the

    original nucleus.

    Their plan was to make Nixon president in 1961 and to launch a

    successful takeover of Cuba. John Kennedy came along to upset the

    plan. Not only did he make the takeover impossible but he soon

    discovered the evils lurking in the hearts and minds of the CIA

    clandestine operators and laid his own plans to destroy them. The

    assassination of John Kennedy essentially became an act of survival

    for some of these individuals.

    Many citizens of America have forgotten that Richard Nixon was

    Vice President of the United States in 1959 and 1960. As an old

    anti-communist from the Alger Hiss and Khrushchev debating days,

    Nixon was in the forefront of pressure for the Bay of Pigs invasion

    of Cuba. What is also forgotten is that Nixon was largely

    responsible for the covert training of Cuban exiles by the CIA in

    preparation for the Bay of Pigs. (He stated this in his book, "Six


    NIXON'S LIES--OCTOBER 1960. Mr. Nixon's capacity for truth is

    nowhere more clearly demonstrated than by the deliberate lies he

    told during the election campaign on national TV on October 21,

    1960. He said in his book that the lies were told for a patriotic

    reason--to protect the covert operations planned for the Bay of

    Pigs at all costs. The significance of this is that Mr. Nixon

    considers patriotism to be, in part, the protection of plans and

    actions of individuals that he considered to be working for the

    United States' best interests.

    The similarities between the actions of Everette Howard Hunt,

    Jr., James McCord, Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, and others in the

    1960 planning for the Bay of Pigs invasion and in the 1972 planning

    for the re-election of Richard M. Nixon are very striking. In both

    cases, what the plotters themselves considered to be patriotic,

    anti-Communist actions were involved. In 1960 the actions were

    directed against Fidel Castro, a man they hated as a Communist. In

    1972 the actions were directed against Edward Kennedy, Edmund

    Muskie and George McGovern. Bernard Barker stated the group's

    collective belief when he said after his arrest that, "We believe

    that an election of McGovern would be the beginning of a trend that

    would lead to socialism and communism, or whatever you want to call


    Nixon admitted lying to the American people to protect Hunt,

    Barker, Sturgis, and McCord in 1960. The likelihood that he lied

    to protect them again in 1972 seems to be quite good. There is

    some likelihood that he actually hired the same old crew he trusted

    from the Bay of Pigs days for the 1972 Watergate and other

    espionage activities.

    Here are the facts:

    Nixon's Statements in "Six Crises"

    Richard Nixon stated in "Six Crises": "The covert training of

    Cuban exiles by the CIA was due in substantial part, at least, to

    my efforts. This had been adopted as a policy as a result of my

    direct support."[1] "President Eisenhower had ordered the CIA to

    arm and train the exiles in May of 1960. Nixon and his advisors

    wanted the CIA invasion to take place before the voters went to the

    polls on November 8, 1960."[2]

    While the Bay of Pigs operation was under the overall CIA

    direction of Allen Dulles, Richard M. Bissell, Jr. was the CIA man

    in charge, according to Ross & Wise.[3] Charles Cabell,[4] the

    deputy director of the CIA, and a man with the code name Frank

    Bender, were also near the top of the operational planning.[5]

    E. Howard Hunt

    Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. was in charge of the actual invasion.

    He used the code name, "Eduardo." Bernard L. Barker, using the code

    name "Macho," worked for Hunt in the CIA Bay of Pigs planning.

    James McCord was an organizer for the invasion and was one of the

    highest ranking officials in the CIA. Frank Sturgis, alias Frank

    Fiorini, was also involved in the Bay of Pigs operations. Virgilio

    Gonzales was a CIA agent active in the Bay of Pigs. So was Eugenio

    Martinez. Charles Colson was a former CIA official who knew McCord

    and Hunt during the Bay of Pigs period.[6]

    Hunt, Barker, McCord, Sturgis, Gonzales, and Martinez were under

    indictment for the Watergate affair. Colson was Nixon's special

    counsel who handled "touchy" political assignments. According to

    "Time" magazine, Colson brought all of the others into the re-

    election committee espionage project at the request of Nixon.[7]

    In other words, it was basically the same group who worked for

    Nixon, Bissell and Co. in 1960 and who worked for Nixon, Colson and

    Co. in 1972. They were all loyal, patriotic, anti-Communist, and

    anti-Castro CIA agents with covert (black) espionage training.

    They needed Nixon's protection in 1960 and 1972, and they received

    it both times.

    Here is how Nixon protected them in 1960.[8]

    Kennedy-Nixon Debates, 1960

    John Kennedy and Richard Nixon engaged in a series of national

    TV debates during the 1960 campaign. Kennedy was briefed by Allen

    Dulles, head of the CIA at Eisenhower's request, on secret CIA

    activities and international problems on July 23, 1960. Nixon was

    not aware of the briefing contents and was not sure whether Dulles

    told Kennedy about the Bay of Pigs plans. As it turned out Dulles

    had not mentioned the plans but had kept his remarks about Cuba

    rather general.

    On October 6, 1960, Kennedy gave his major speech on Cuba. He

    said that events might create an opportunity for the U.S. to bring

    influence on behalf of the cause of freedom in Cuba. He called for

    encouraging those liberty-loving Cubans who were leading the

    resistance against Castro.

    Nixon became very disturbed about this because he felt Kennedy

    was trying to pre-empt a policy which he claimed as his own. Nixon

    ordered Fred Seaton, Secretary of the Interior, to call the White

    House and find out whether Dulles had briefed Kennedy on the Cuban

    invasion plans. Seaton talked to General Andrew Goodpaster,

    Eisenhower's link to the CIA, who told Seaton that Kennedy did know

    about the Bay of Pigs plans.

    Attack on Kennedy by Lying

    Nixon became incensed. He said, "There was only one thing I

    could do. The covert operation had to be protected at all costs.

    I must not even suggest by implication that the U.S. was rendering

    aid to rebel forces in and out of Cuba. In fact, I must go to the

    other extreme: I must attack the Kennedy proposal to provide such

    aid as wrong and irresponsible because it would violate our treaty


    So Richard M. Nixon actually went on national TV (ABC) on

    October 21, 1960, knowing we were going to invade Cuba, and lied.

    During the fourth TV debate, Nixon attacked Kennedy's proposal as

    dangerously irresponsible and in violation of five treaties between

    the U.S. and Latin America, as well as the United Nations'


    On October 22 at Muhlenberg College, Nixon really turned on the

    fabrication steam. He said, "Kennedy called for--and get this--the

    U.S. Government to support a revolution in Cuba, and I say that

    this is the most shockingly reckless proposal ever made in our

    history by a presidential candidate during a campaign--and I'll

    tell you why . . ."

    The reason we should have taken with a grain of salt whatever

    words Nixon uttered about Watergate and Donald Segretti's espionage

    is clearly demonstrated in that October 22, 1960 speech. He

    fiercely attacked John Kennedy for advocating a plan that he,

    Richard Nixon, secretly advocated and claimed as his own creation.

    He later had the sheer gall to brag about it in his own book as a

    very patriotic act.

    Protection of Hunt and Co.

    How was Nixon protecting Hunt and company in 1972? He was using

    the Justice Department and the Republican Congressmen, among

    others, to delay and dilute the prosecution of the Watergate seven.

    He had slowed down, suppressed, and all but stopped six separate

    investigations, suits, and trials of the affair. Included were

    Wright Patman's House Banking Committee investigation, the FBI-

    Justice Department investigation, a White House investigation by

    John Dean, a General Accounting Office investigation, a suit by the

    Democratic Party, and a trial in criminal court of the seven

    invaders. Only two trials or investigations had a chance of

    exposing the truth at that time. One of these, a trial of Bernard

    Barker in Florida was not much help. The other was an

    investigation promised by Senator Edward Kennedy and his Senate

    subcommittee. It never occurred. The action for impeachment came

    much later.

    Thus, the stage was set in 1961 for the group of powerful

    individuals who had planned the Bay of Pigs to gain revenge on John

    Kennedy who tried to change the overall direction of the U.S.

    battle against Communism. After JFK refused to approve overt U.S.

    backing of the Bay of Pigs invasion, various individuals in the

    clandestine CIA forces vowed their revenge.

    In the spring of 1961, evidence had appeared indicating that

    Helms, Hunt, Sturgis and Barker tried to have JFK assassinated in

    Paris.[11] When the attempt failed, a number of other plots and

    sub-plots developed through the next two years. After JFK's

    blockade strategy against Castro during the missile crisis in 1962

    was implemented, some of the high-level CIA and armed forces people

    wanted even more to get him out of the White House. They had

    favored a direct invasion or bombing of Cuba.

    And finally, when JFK found out about the CIA's plans for

    another invasion of Cuba in the spring and summer of 1963 and

    stopped them, they began in earnest to plan his death.


    [1] "Six Crises," Richard M. Nixon, Doubleday, 1962.

    [2] "The Invisible Government," Wise & Ross, Random House, 1964.

    [3] Ibid.

    [4] Brother of Earl Cabell, mayor of Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated.

    [5] Ibid.

    [6] "New York Times" articles on Watergate, June 18 to July 2, 1972.

    [7] "Time" magazine, September 8, 1972.

    [8] This episode is related in detail in "The Invisible Government."

    [9] "Six Crises".

    [10] "The Invisible Government."

    [11] "400,000 Dollars Pour Abattre Kennedy a Paris," Camille Giles, Julliard

    Press, Paris 1973.

    * * * * * * *

    End Part4.

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