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Bill Miller

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Posts posted by Bill Miller

  1. My point was my opinion based on the evidence. That in my mind to claim that 'Prayer Man' is Oswald - one must conclude that a mass conspiracy to withhold information was immediately hatched among all the witnesses who saw Lee on or around the steps of the TSBD during and/or immediately post shooting for that to have occurred. To coin a phrase that Simpson lawyer 'Barry Scheck' used to say - "That doesn't even pass the laugh test" ......... and is why it is my opinion that it takes an invested interest in wanting LHO to be there to accept that theory.

  2. 2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear William,

    The answer to your oh-so-well phrased rhetorical question is "probably."  I do see a likeness between Face-In-The-Shade-Woman and Younger-Gloria-For-Sure in all those high school photographs in which her face is well lit by either a camera's flash or full-on studio lights.  Oh yeah, and photographed straight-on rather than in semi-profile and with her face angled downward, too.

    --  Tommy :sun

    PS  Your cute little defecating bull in another post reminds of when you and Miles Scull used to exchange graphic, juvenile insults.  

    Glad you liked the bull - saves time from typing the initials "B S" which I saw in one of the post I had read.

    Also, you forgot to cite the  rule that says that it is against the Education Forum Rules to state an opinion that 'to discuss the Hispanic/dark skinned looking woman as being Gloria Calvery is a waste of forum space and time at this point in light of knowing what Gloria Calvery really looked like.' You see, I think you are making that up. So again, cite the rule or file a report and James Gordon can find it for us if there is a such a rule.

    Lastly, you gave no details as to why you think two images are of the same person. Having two eyes - a nose - and a mouth does not mean they are photos of the same woman. All you said was, "I do see a likeness between Face-In-The-Shade-Woman and Younger-Gloria-For-Sure ... ".  The wedding photo of Gloria was taken 3 months prior to the assassination - feel free to use it for your comparison if you like. So let me hear what likenesses they share in your opinion to help me better see it for myself.


  3. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear Oh-So Politic Mr. Miller,

    Evidently you haven't noticed that "dark-skinned" Calvery's face is in the shade in that photo of her walking up the sidewalk with those two other gals.

    Pity, that.

    --  Tommy :sun

    PS  Don't you know it's against EF rules to denigrate another member's posts by suggesting, no matter how "subtlely," that they are "a waste of time and space"?

    Do you think you're a moderator or something?

    Two things .....

    1 -  Are you saying that the the woman with the very dark hair on the left is the woman on the right in this side by side illustration?  (Yes or No)

    2 - Please cite the forum rule that says that someone cannot say the following, " And to wish to discuss Calvery as being the Hispanic/dark skinned looking woman as being Gloria Calvery is a waste of forum space and time at this point in light of knowing what Gloria Calvery really looked like "  ( I look forward to reading that rule )

  4. 5 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


    Very fast runner.  Ran up the grass and found her way to Elm Street Extension, and across it, in near world record time.  All the while "clutching something to her bosom."

    --  Tommy :sun

    PS  Speaking of examining something closely, were you ever able to spot  'dark complected' Gloria Calvery standing with Karan Hicks and / or Carol Arnold on the grass right after the assassination in that photo you demanded I find for you?  And the photo showing them walking, not running, up the sidewalk towards the TSBD?  (You're welcome.)


    Taking the numbers as they have been reported to be - Baker made it to the entrance of the TSBD within 20 seconds of the shooting. Let's do the math ...

    From the moment of the last shot at Z313 - it took 9.6secs for the limo to disappear from view into the underpass using Zapruder's film as a time clock.

    As Dave Wiegman's car turns onto Elm Street - his camera pans the crowd near the light and Baker's cycle is not yet parked along the curb. The line of people are visible in the first few frames of his film. As Wiegman jumps from the car and starts to run towards the knoll - he filmed what looks to be 8 of the 17 people that had been standing along the street when the shooting took place.  


    Of those 8 out of 17 people ... the lady in question in the white top and black skirt (marked with a "K" in Robin's Zapruder film frame enlargement) is no longer at the curb. Meanwhile Baker is believed to be parking his motorcycle and pausing momentarily to assess the situation down the street. The Couch/Darnell films pick up Patrolman Baker in motion around the middle of the island and heading towards the TSBD. As Baker steps onto the extension - there is a woman seen coming from the left and running towards the steps. Baker appears to arrive to the steps ahead of Calvery/running woman.

    A world class run would be 100 yards in 6 seconds. I don't see a 40 to 45 yard run in just under 20 seconds as impressive as you have attempted to make it out to be. No world class running time needed ... just an understanding of the time clock involved and the distance needed to travel.

    And to wish to discuss Calvery as being the Hispanic/dark skinned looking woman as being Gloria Calvery is a waste of forum space and time at this point in light of knowing what Gloria Calvery really looked like. I will leave the 'two Calvery' conspiracy theory to those who cannot tell a dark skinned woman from a light skinned one. It makes as much sense as wanting to debate whether the dark skinned man on the south pasture is Roy Truly or not ....





    Calvery copy.jpg




  5. 4 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Was she a really fast runner to have been standing down on Elm Street during the assassination but running down the TSBD-side of Elm Street Extension in Couch / Darnell?

    --  Tommy :sun


    I guess one can say that she was as fast as she needed to be. It took Patrolman Baker around 2.5secs to cross the Elm Street extension. But before Baker started his run he had just heard the radio call about getting some officers in the RR yard to see what just occurred there. If I remember correctly, it took 10 or more seconds after the shoots for the limo to pass under the underpass. In this image below - I do not see woman "K" as she appears to have already fled her position along the street as so many other people were in the process of doing.


    Mr. BELIN - After you parked your motorcycle, did you notice anything that was going on in the area?
    Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. As I parked here

    Mr. BAKER - At this point, I looked down here as I was parking my motorcycle and these people on this ground here, on the sidewalk, there were several of them falling, and they were rolling around down there, and all these people were rushing back, a lot of them were grabbing their children, and I noticed one, I didn't know who he was, but there was a man ran out into the crowd and back. (Note:  I suspect who Baker saw was Dave Wiegman leaving his car and running towards the crowd - in the direction of the knoll)

    Mr. BELIN - Did you notice anything else?
    Mr. BAKER - Except there was a woman standing--well, all these people were running, and there was a woman screaming, "Oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man."

    Mr. BELIN - All right.
    Is there anything else you saw there, Officer Baker, before you ran to the building?
    Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time.
    Mr. BELIN - All right.
    Then what did you do after surveying the situation?
    Mr. BAKER - I had it in mind that the shots came from the top of this building here.
    Mr. BELIN - By this building, you are referring to what?
    Mr. BAKER - The Book Depository Building.

    Mr. BAKER - Well, now, let me say this. From this position here.
    Mr. BELIN - That is position "B" on Exhibit 361?
    Mr. BAKER - There were people running all over this here.

    Mr. BAKER - As those shots rang out, why they started running, you know, every direction, just trying to get back out of the way.
    Mr. DULLES - For the record, by this area right here, you have that little peninsula between the Elm Street extension and the Building?
    Mr. BAKER - That is right. This little street runs down in front of the building down here to the property of the railroad tracks and this is all a parkway.
    Mr. DULLES - Yes. I just wanted to get it for the record.
    Mr. BELIN - You then ran into the Building, is that correct?
    Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.
    Mr. BELIN - What did you see and what did you do as you ran into the building?
    Mr. BAKER - As I entered this building, there was, it seems to me like there was outside doors and then there is a little lobby.
    Mr. BELIN - All right.
    Mr. BAKER - And then there are some inner doors and another door you have to go through, a swinging door type.
    As I entered this lobby there were people going in as I entered. And I asked, I just spoke out and asked where the stairs or elevator was, and this man, Mr. Truly, spoke up and says, it seems to me like he says, "I am a building manager. Follow me, officer, and I will show you." So we immediately went out through the second set of doors, and we ran into the swinging door.

    After a simple cross reference of the images against the witnesses statements - it looks like Calvery got the jump on Patrolman Baker as he parked his bike - dismounted it while standing it up in the street - accessed the situation down the street for a moment while hearing the radio call that was made - and then while running to the steps of the TSBD there enters a woman running for the entrance of the building. All captured on film for those who wish to examine it carefully.

    Hope the additional breakdown was something you found helpful.  :)

  6. On 12/24/2016 at 6:46 PM, Richard Price said:

    I agree with Bill, this has to be her, as it is the only person in the line of people down the street which matches.  The only thing different is that when she is running up to the TSBD her scarf (bright red/orange) is no longer on her head.

    The woman appears to be running with her arms crossed in front of her chest as if holding her head scarf against her bosom.


  7. On 12/24/2016 at 4:58 PM, Clive Largey said:

    The recollections of witnesses have no influence on my personal assessment of the visual evidence and I think I am better off for it. I assume they are inaccurate from the get go and pay them little mind, or at least not as much as is traditional.  thus your conundrum does not effect me and it's this improved version of the Darnell film has helped me in that regard.

    It doesn't appear that cumulative independent evidence has no influence on you either. As an investigator first and foremost ... I cannot agree that one should assume that witnesses "are inaccurate from the get go". In fact, if someone starts with such a failed approach, then one must ask why bother reading the witnesses statements in the first place if he or she truly believes that the witnesses are inaccurate from the get go. In other words - your actions then contradict your position concerning witnesses. It simply comes across as a witnesses memory cannot be considered accurate unless it supports a preconceived position that you hold. 

    Darnell shows Smith being followed by Lovelady and Shelley directly towards where these woman were standing. That's where I believe all three of these men where informed on what had happened and not when they were near the TSBD.

    Lovelady and Shelley followed Smith directly to where these women were standing - who is Smith? In fact - your observations are so wrong that I think I will just show you how much you are wrong rather than to drag this nonsense out any further. To start with - the woman "C" you refer to has dark hair - Calvery did not have dark hair. Second of all, The woman you refer to as "C" remained at the street along side of Millican after the shots, thus it is virtually impossible for her to be in two places at the same time. See inserts below .....


    So as its been demonstrated here - one should not assume that witnesses observations are inaccurate from the get go.

    Running woman is not Calvery, looks nothing like the stocky woman in the wedding photo or images taken previous(that was one observation of Linda's, one doubt) and Miss "C" was actually wearing a red skirt and a full white blouse, running woman has something over her shoulders that is light colored but the rest of her outfit is dark top to bottom.

    .Calvery had high curvy hips - just like the woman in the wedding photo and in this photo ---->


    and here ....

    C%20and%20D%20copy_zpsyh2zty8c.jpg GCrun1a_zpskyickdjs.jpg

    When all the Jibber-Jabber is said and done - there were only two women remotely dressed like running woman and the one you chose remained at the street with Millican when Baker was doing his run. I do not care to carry this discussion on any further as it has  been resolved in my view.


  8. 17 minutes ago, Clive Largey said:

    Notice her hair flopping about in the Darnell footage and look at this one's in Altgens, with the headband which she appears to be touching and the scarf caught in it and hanging down. A bad hair day indeed.


    This woman is wearing an all one colored dress with the lower hem being pleated. This is not at all what the running woman is wearing in my world. This particular woman seems to have all the signs of a bad case of Osteoporosis going on. I cannot see her being a match for running woman. or for Gloria Calvery.




  9. 29 minutes ago, Clive Largey said:

    I agree, this could very well be her in Zapruder but you can see here a taller woman two up from her left side and there is no evidence of this fact in Altgens. She also would have to have lost the headscarf before Darnell captured her. I'm not sure that Miss H has a full dress on though but I certainly see what you mean. I'm think I've nailed her in Altgens however and regardless of how she looked from the back in Zapruder, we can be sure where she came from within a few feet of who you pointed to above.

    Altgens is the reverse of Zapruder. If a woman is wearing a dark skirt and a white top in one - the same woman isn't wearing an all one color dress or coat when seen from behind.

    By the way ... Do you have the uncropped Altgen's 6 photo on hi- resolution?


  10. 15 minutes ago, Clive Largey said:

    Running woman is not Calvery, looks nothing like the stocky woman in the wedding photo or images taken previous(that was one observation of Linda's, one doubt) and Miss "C" was actually wearing a red skirt and a full white blouse, running woman has something over her shoulders that is light colored but the rest of her outfit is dark top to bottom.

    So no thoughts as to how Calvery knew there was a woman following the patrolman up the stairs and the running women is wearing all one color clothing.  That Lovelady and Shelley made up meeting Calvery and then looking back to see Truly and Baker enter the TSBD.  If you say so.   :)   I just don't agree with you.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Clive Largey said:

    Miss H,

    she's the same height as those to her left and closest to the curb, exactly what Altgens tells us and in that image she's right there with something hanging off her left shoulder which is on both shoulders in Darnell , that's enough to know that she came from this small group and does not bear the slightest resemblance to the pictures of Gloria Calvery found by others. 

    Ran toward the building independent of Baker and not because of him or after him, she had to have started off in that direction swiftly and well before he even decided to stop and get off his bike.

    Colors appear faded in this source.




    That woman (H) is wearing a dress or long coat that is all one color. Running woman is wearing a black form fitting skirt and a white looking blouse. If I were to guess what she is carrying - it would be a purse and or scarf that she is holding up close to her chest as she ran.

    Very slow Darnell_last frames.gif


    C and D copy.jpg

  12. 38 minutes ago, Clive Largey said:

    She has the "top" covering her head in Zapruder, which is next seen hanging off one shoulder in Altgens. note the pointer in my image above, in Darnell she is seen hanging onto it so it wouldn't fall off her back. There's also a slight variance in the darkness of her outfit depending on the source, my second pointer marks her slightly hidden by a taller lady in Zapruder.

    The woman marked "C" above stayed in place and is seen in Couch below.



    Linda Zambinini wrote the obit and thanked us for our interest in it on page 8.

    You proved the point that Bob brought up, that anyone reading it would understandably take it as a fact that it was her that we see runnning to the building because it's right there in her obituary but even Linda herself had doubts, so that connection which you quoted was premature, it wasn't proven.

    All covered in this thread.

    If Gloria Calvery told the truth about immediately running back to the TSBD and following right behind Patrolman Baker as he run up the stairs, then it is the woman in the white top and black skirt as she is the only possible suspect for the woman in the couch film as the only other possibility if that can even be said about that other woman is that she is still at the curb with her friends.

    Now about "Linda's doubts" ... Linda either made up the story about Calvery running up the stairs behind Patrolman Baker or Calvery had told he this at some point. Linda didn't tell you that she made that story up - correct!

    If the story came from Calvery, then Linda would need to explain how Calvery knew to say she immediately ran to the TSBD to follow Patrolman Baker up the steps as I do not believe anyone would have seen the assassination films at that time so to know to trade places with the sunning woman. Lovelady and Shelley would not have known to say they saw Calvery coming towards them as they were standing on the steps and after walking 15 steps or so they looked back to see Baker and Truly entering the TSBD. So while this "Linda Zambinini" may not be so sure and have doubt if what Calvery had said was true - several assassination witnesses and a supporting film leaves no doubt that Clavery did what she had claimed to have done.

    Was there a a recorded or transcribed interview of your conversation with Zambinini?

  13. But those who knew him would have known better - those standing there and seeing him would have known better - and some of those people who saw his face on TV would have remembered seeing him on the steps. The mass conspiracy of intimidation not to speak up for Oswald wasn't said to be just for those who didn't know him, but those who did as well. and that theory is just plain ... 


  14. 4 hours ago, Clive Largey said:

    Many are Bill but in this specific case that was from a researcher's own hand, Linda has participated in this thread and we've touched on this controversial issue somewhere in the early pages. 

    Linda who?  I only see one lady in the line of women who wore a dark skirt and white top that could possibly fit the running woman seen in Robin's clip. This woman ran from her position along Elm and followed Patrolman Baker up the steps. Only one woman wearing a white top and a black form fitting skirt is seen running towards Officer Baker. So please find the running woman in Darnell in that line of ladies as maybe I am missing something even though I do not believe that I am.


    C and D.jpg


  15. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    You're certainly wrong on that point, Bill. In spite of what you may think, there ARE objective people here who believe it is possible Prayer Man is Oswald. I am one of them.

    There are those who think it's possible that JFK's is still alive and being pushed around in a wheel-chair in the basement of the White House - so what is your point.

    What I have said is that based on that poor unreliable image combined with the theory that Frazier - Molina - Truly and everyone else was somehow intimidated into not admitting Lee was on the steps in the Darnell film is utter speculation without the support of facts. It's often referred to as tabloid research. I am not saying to stop playing with the thought - I am only saying why I think its nonsense in this particular case based on what I have seen and that should not offend anyone.

  16. 3 hours ago, Michael Walton said:


    There are way too many other issues that exonerate Oswald in this case to easily dismiss the man in the doorway. A few of those greatest hits are:

    • The fake backyard photos which he denied, even understanding how they were made
    • Ruth Paine steering him into the TSBD job
    • Someone going around claiming to be him in the months leading up to 11/22 making outlandish claims so they'd remember him on 11/22
    • The impostor in Mexico City claiming to be him
    • His intelligence background
    • Getting him to hand out leftist leaflets and get into a fight in NO, all for the benefit of TV cameras - how convenient
    • The throwdown wallet at the Tippit murder scene

    ...and my favorites.  The guy was supposed to be a "dumb" laborer but even he knew what the word "patsy" meant.  I guarantee you that my parents, who were also laborers and watched everything on 11/22, had no idea what that word even meant.  But he knew, and it was becoming very, very clear to him as the weekend progressed up to his own silencing on 11/24 that he was being set up.

    ...and his own statement "out front with Shelley."

    I'm not saying the above events suddenly prove that the man in the doorway was him.  But on the other hand, this was not some Tim McVeigh type planning this for months.  And this was not some innocent or random event that the government wants everyone to believe.

    All of us here argue the merits of everything about the case here - from the Z film to PM.  Some of us buy into things and some of us don't.  But the PM idea is not just some silly idea - *someone* was standing there that day and with all of the other very hard work that Bart and others put into it, especially their spreadsheet showing where everyone who worked in the building was, is especially convincing.

    Personally, I'll admit I was wrong that the Altgens Oswald man was actually Lovelady, but I do believe now that PM is Oswald.  I can imagine he was told to stay inside and wait for a phone call (maybe there was a wall phone or something like that).  When the s##t hit the fan, like most humans, he ventured out to see what was up where his image was captured by the news follow up cameras.

    It's your right to argue the merits of PM but not easy to dismiss the other things listed above and more.  If you do, then you might as well believe that LHO was up on the 6th floor performing one of the most incredible bits of marksmanship in world history, and doing so all by himself. And then you'd also have to believe that concerned citizen Jack Ruby, acting out of concern for poor, dear Jackie Kennedy, randomly and on impulse decided to gun down in front of the entire Dallas police force the dastardly murderer of our president.

    Finally, you'd then also have to believe that Johnson, Hoover and all of their ilk had their heads bowed and shedding a tear for their dear leader who was gunned down in broad daylight, and then decide to honestly aqnd vigorously pursue the full and total truth of what happened.

    And then, purely for fun here, and as sort of a trivia question - who was the "I didn't know I shouldn't have done that" Hillary Clinton moment in this whole mess in 1963? If you think about what I'm saying here - how a person with great power basically got away with abusing the security of a government agency, where if I or you had done it, our a@@es would have been on the street and in jail - what was the other "Hillary" moment in 1963?

    You left out the find Lifton made that Lee's rifle was 4" shorter than the one in the National Archives being said to be the one found in the TSBD.

  17. 1 hour ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Bill you are only offering a small part of it, I also pointed out to read the actual thread, as daunting as it may seem,  it would bring you up to speed with things and complete the so called image a lot more.

    Are you saying that the thread is more detailed than the video of yours I have watched ... I have been slowly reading the thread and have not seen anything so far that has been impressive in making Prayer-Man into Oswald.

  18. 5 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear Bill

    I'm not surprised that the people on the steps in Couch / Darnell, in the hustle and bustle and excitement of the moment to eat their lunch, get to a telephone and / or get out of a perceived crossfire, all those people, concentrating as they were on where to put their feet as they climbed the steps as they filed past Prayer Man. failed to notice Oswald or a complete stranger (whichever one you prefer) standing / leaning in the corner.

    --  Tommy :sun

    But not all those people who were standing there at the time the incident occurred. There may have been shots heard by those near the doorway, but no one really knew for certain what had occurred. Some thought shots - some thought fireworks were thrown - some though backfires from moving vehicles. And even once word spread that shots had been fired - it took a while before anyone knew the President had been killed in the attack. So like so many people who have said this this over the past 53 years - I remember where I was - what I was doing - and who I was with when JFK was assassinated. That poor image of the doorway does not equate to that being Oswald there on many levels in my mind. It's not even an arguable point except to those who have an invested interested in wanting it to be so.


  19. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Dear Bill,

    The fact that no one on the steps remembers anyone's being there invalidates your argument, IMHO. In my mind there's not much difference between their not noticing / remembering a complete stranger and their not noticing / remembering a relative newcomer like Oswald, especially if the stranger or Oswald kinda snuck out the front door onto the landing right before the motorcade passed by. 

    I guess I think like an investigative devils advocate. People who didn't know Oswald well enough to recognize him may not have paid attention to what this person looked like. Those that knew Lee and what he looked like isn't so likely not to have seen him. Truly obviously knew what Lee looked like, as well as Frazier and they didn't see him because he was not there with them.

    And those that didn't know him personally would certainly know who he was by the evening of the assassination so to jar their memory to recall  'hey - that is the guy that was standing outside as we filled past him.'

    After the shots, people on the steps would have been even less likely to "see" him there because their attention would have been focused elsewhere.

    Prayer Man is there in the corner as people were walking up the stairs to get back into the building.

    And wasn't there one female TSBD employee who thought she mighta seen him kinda lurking in the lobby a few minutes before the assassination?

    There was certainly someone who saw him eating in the lunchroom just prior to the shooting. As for anyone else - you would have to supply the name of such a witness who saw Lee hanging out in the lobby.

    --  Tommy :sun


    I answered your remarks within your the quote in red letters

  20. 1 hour ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    the question of who this man was is not meaningless at all. We have two threads achieving many thousands views and comments. Even you have joined the discussion. This man was on this spot not only some 20 seconds after the assassination but also in the period very close to the last shot. His hairline is unusually similar to Oswald's hairline, and there are other similarities (e.g., his stance, style of clothing) which are less indicative but certainly in line with Oswald's figure. We do not know too much about Oswald's movement from 12.15 when he might have been seen in the first floor till the shooting. This 15 minute period is a long one, and allowed him for instance to stand behind the glass door while the motorcade passed the Depository and to enter the doorway once he "saw all the excitement" associated with shooting.

    I also came  late to the discussion but soon realised that the official line has completely ignored this man: neither Warren Commission nor House Select Committee ever mentioned the man standing close to the western wall practically during the shooting. The list of Depository employees who were in the doorway during the assassination is well known. Maybe Judith McCulley'name is sometimes dropped because her initial testimony for the FBI placed her to the fourth floor. If there is a possibility that Prayer Man was Oswald, it needs to be explored and answered since if it were Oswald posing as Prayer Man, this exonerates him completely as the assassin. In the case that Prayer Man and Oswald were one and the same person, I would wish that his family knows, if nothing more. The question posted by Sean Murphy in the original Prayer Man thread in his reply to Mr. Pat Speer still holds: who was this person if not Oswald? If you do not wish to know the answer since you consider the question meaningless, I am not sure why are you actually contributing to the Prayer Man threads. I have not seen any attempt on your part to explain the identity of this man, only quite a dismissive style of commenting to posts of those who explore the issue in great detail.


    I wish it were Oswald, but for it to be him then there needs to be this conspiracy carried out among not only the people who were standing there prior and post shooting, but also all those who filed past him. There had also been workers brought in to do some reconstruction in recent times if memory serves me correctly, so him being an unknown isn't a surprise to me. And the way he is dressed looks very similar to others who worked there based on what little can be seen from the images you have provided. And to be honest with you - if one must flip a coin just to know how the man is standing and yet see's him clear enough to now how he is dressed .... well that doesn't add up in my view.

    So like I have said - to turn him into Oswald is to say that no one saw Lee because of some vast conspiracy that was already underfoot between the employees of the TSBD is like trying to sell a rubber beak to a woodpecker. It simply makes no sense. You can chase that theory all you like - I won't waste time giving it another thought. But good luck in your endeavor though.  :)

  21. 54 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I haven't answered your question because the photo isn't clear enough for me to form an opinion.

    That is a responsible response - there is no strength in numbers when looking at such a ridiculous image. All it does is open the field up for meaningless theories to be introduced as to who it is. One might as well ask who all thinks Frazier is looking at the guy and winking - no way to know that either.

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