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Bill Miller

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Posts posted by Bill Miller

  1. The large defect in the back of President Kennedy's head as described by the Dallas doctors who saw it is visible in the Zapruder and Nix films if one knows how to look for it. Dr. McClelland, who stood at the head of the table where the President laid during the time that the attempts to save his life was going on, had said that from where he was standing that he could look down into the hole on the back of the President's head. What McClelland is saying in a sense is that from off to the side or anywhere else other than from the rear - one would not see the large hole in the back ot JFK's skull. The reason for the large hole not being so readily visible from anywhere else other than the rear is that it was made up of fractured bones that had been sprung open from a projectile exiting out the back of Kennedy's head. Those bone fractures were still covered with scalp and hair which hide the protruding bones. Below is a view of what I often times call the coning effect. The coning is due to the bones being sprung outward and to the rear just as the Dallas doctors had stated.

    In the illustration below ... note how the bullet is pushing on the side of the fruit as it is about to exit. As the bullet leaves the fruit it will leave behind an outer skin that is sprung open in the direction that the bullet was traveling. The same ffect has occurred to the President's head as it is seen in profile. (see below)

    Here I show the coning shape caused by the bones being sprung open. Only a projectile moving from front to back can cause this effect. (see below)

    Alteration supporters have often been critical as to why the Zapruder film does not show the actual hole in the back of JFK's head and there are several logical reasons for the hole not being seen. As I said earlier, the fractured bones still have thick hair attached to them. The fractures are also seen in profile and this particular wound is located on the dark side of Kennedy's head. Remember that McClelland had to be behind the head in such a way to see down into the hole. More importanly though is the "motion blur" effect. Not even the President's or his wife's facial features are very clear. To demonstrate the effects of motion blur ... I have taken a crop from the Betzner photo and have added some slight motion blur to it. Take note that the details of the foliage of the pyracantha bush and the distant trees gets lost and becomes all meshed together when motion to the image is added. Even before I added motion blur, there was some slight blurring going on with Betzner's original photo. This alone prevents us from seeing the space between the branches of the foliage connected to the pyracantha bush. The effects of motion blur are often overlooked. Note that even Zapruder and Sitzman all but disappear when motion blur was added to Betzner's phoograph. (see below)

    When one takes these points into consideration, along with the type of camera Zapruder had in 1963, it is no mystery to me why the hole from the avulsed bones on the back of JFK's head is not visible.

    Bill Miller

    JFK assassination researcher/investigator

  2. Neither artifact seen on the alleged autopsy photos can be the alleged bullet hole seen on the Xrays. I invite anyone to compare the photo with the Xray and you will find that the blood spot in the cowlick area is not at the correct location, nor is the artifact stuck in the hair just above the neckline.

    The Dallas doctors were asked repeatedly about seeing a small hole in the rear of the President's head and each time they replied saying that they did not see such a hole. So between the autopsy photo not matching the hole seen in the Xray, along with the Dallas doctors not seeing a small hole in the back of JFK's head, then is it not fair to say that no such small round hole existed. That such a hole seen on the Xray and then in the peeled back scalp photo must have been man made for if they were real bullet holes between the photo and the Xray - there would be no reason for them not matching each others precise location. This conclusion concerning the cross referencing of evidence would apply to any homicide case.

    Bill Miller

    JFK assassination researcher/investigator

  3. Where does it say in the forum rules that David Healy is excused of following forum rules? Is there a "loud mouth" exclusion somewhere?

    I second Bill's question.


    Does Bill miller/larry Peters think this is LANCER? And Tom just sit tight, unless of course your another mouth piece for Miller --

    Maybe it is only fair to present this matter to John Simkin and see if he feels that the forum rules should be enforced because if they are not enforced, then why have any rules at all.

    Bill Miller

  4. Well, to an admittedly untrained eye, Bill Miller's post is pretty convinsing testimony to spectator movement on the North side of the street.

    Below are more people that Jack claimed were not moving/motionless!


    Red arrow - woman's hand and arm lowers.

    Black arrow - woman's hand lowers.

    White arrow - woman's head turns left.

    Purple arrow - man's head turns right.

    Green arrow - woman leans back from just looking at the approaching cycles and turns head.

    Anyone seen Fetzer ... I was hoping to have him recalculate Jack's batting average that he was so willing to falsely represent in an earlier post he made to this forum.

    Bill Miller

    JFK assassination researcher/investigator

  5. Bill[/b]

    they'll be plenty to laugh about, soon! Stay tuned...

    and NO -- you can forget about the north side of Elm Street -- the south side is another story of course....

    tis all for now!

    David, are you threatening us by asserting that you may actually post something of substance? Besides, you have said that you have never seen proof of Zapruder film alteration or did you forget that Larry reminded you of that fact not more than 24 hours ago.


  6. David, why should anyone read a book that has been debunked to get an answer on a forum that is supposed to offer free discussion?


    Right! Where does it say in the forum rules that David Healy is excused of following forum rules? Is there a "loud mouth" exclusion somewhere?


  7. John,

    Interesting post as always.

    However, to be fair, if I understood Jack's statement correctly, there was little/no movement on the NORTH side of the street.

    If you note the people on the north side (the same side as the Stemmons sign), they *are* mostly grey in your image. The motion is more noticeable on the south side.

    Gentlemen, here is an example of movement going on with the witnesses who stood along Elm Street as the President passed by them. I will list these movements and reference them by the colored arrows on the animation.

    Bill Miller

    JFK assassination researcher/investigator

    White arrow - The gap between the two women's heads changes.

    Black arrow - Shows the head turn of a woman in a read head scarf. (Her head turns right)

    Red arrow - The man in the hat turns his head to the left in the direction of the follow-up car.

    Green arrow - The woman in the peach colored dress pivots her body towards the President. (Note the shadow change on her back and the purse on her hip between these selected frames)

    Gray arrow - This dark haired woman turns her head left towards the approaching President.

    Blue arrow - This woman's hands can be seen over her right shoulder as they are clapping. The shadow of her raised arm and hands can be seen moving on the woman's body to her left.

    Purple arrow - This woman's head shifts slightly between frames as her scarf flaps in the wind.


  8. David, its probably reasonable to assume that it is a standard spool length that Zapruder used, (any reasons to think otherwise?) Does anyone have any idea of what happened to the pre motorcycles-motorcade footage? Does it still exist.

    MPI not photographing the lead motorcycle footage frames does not mean it is not still attached to the original Zapruder film and it's three original copies.

    I also didn't understand what Stephen Turner meant about the Zapruder film being given more credence than the witnesses. Can someone offer anything specific about that position?


  9. Last November in Dallas I spoke at length with Bill Newman.

    I specifically asked him where the shots originated. His answer:

    "I was directly in the line of fire. The shots came FROM BEHIND

    ME, from behind the wooden fence."

    The first time I ever spoke to him in the late 80s HE SAID EXACTLY


    I do not know where you heard him say anything different.

    Jack :huh:

    Jack is correct - That is exactly what Newman has said.

  10. Moorman Polaroid - GKS [Grass Knoll Shooter] location [credit to Robin Unger for jointly working to find this guy] and Croft - PGS [Pergola Garden Shooter] locations.

    About the Croft photo ... the line of sight to Croft's camera is there, but Kennedy could not have been seen from the location of your red box. The people standing along Elm Street would have hid JFK from view.

  11. Taken by surprise, many with normal hearing might be confused as to

    EXACT direction of a single shot from a single location...BUT THEY


    the shot is much LOUDER than the reverberations. Echos would

    not influence this.

    Oliver Stone used marksmen from the LAPD firing a .45 handgun

    with blanks. I was standing out of camera range perhaps 150 feet

    away. The gun blast was EXTREMELY LOUD. I knew the exact

    direction it came from. I heard NO DISTINCT ECHOS, just a

    reverberation noise following the shot. If Stone had shot from

    several directions, I am not sure I could have determined the

    origin of other shots.

    Jack B)

    To add to what has already been said ... Groden told me that people at one end of the Plaza didn't hear shots from the other end and visa-versa.

  12. (well there goes my attachment quota, I'll see about getting more (anyone knows about how that goes?))


    When I had that happen to me - I just went back and deleted some of my older attachments and that allowed me to add new ones. I hope that helps.

  13. Good point, Bill, you got me there...I'm tempted to suggest a stick or something else that could suggest a rifle, but I suppose one could question why . After all other reports indicate witnessing of rapid withdrawal of a shooter.


    Thanks. And not only did they withdraw and disappear after the shooting - one was found to be impersonating a SS agent. I cannot think of an innocent explanation of needing a fake SS agent nearby unless someone was up to no good.

  14. Bill, on the issue of shooter of blanks or letting off of cherry bombs, such a person could presumably be able to prove that such an event was purely coincidental, gun used could be totally different caliber, a pistol perhaps which is easier to fling away, then just stand there looking innocent and wonder why everyone's looking there or perhaps join the crowd looking?

    I suppose that could be possible in some cases, but in this instance a witness saw the man with a rifle and not a cherry bomb. Another witness felt a bullet go past his ear. It doesn't seem to me that the conspirators were thinking about cherry bombs and such that day.

  15. Another possibility is that the GK sound was nothing more than that,a blank, to take attention away from the actual shot. If so that feint has been successful in having a large part of the research community for 40 odd years not looking in the right direction. just a thought.??

    I can't follow what was said here ... did I miss something? It seems that if someone on the knoll used a blank - they still have given their firing location up and have risked being apprehended and taking the fall as a fellow conspirator. I might also add that there are two possible shooters on the knoll ... The Hat Man who was responsible for the smoke being seen coming through the trees and of course, the Badge Man seen in Moorman's photo.

  16. Bill or anyone,

    Why would there be a flurry of shots after JFK was obviously dead? This flurry apparently included the Badgeman firing. Was it to make sure the world understood that this was a team of shooters (compliments of Havana)? One thing we can be sure of, it was not done to frame a lone gunman.


    Ron - I think the reaction of JFK being hit in the head by a projectile is what caused the Badge Man to miss his shot. 3.6/18s of a second is not enough time for someone to see a bullet hit its mark and then have time to abort one's own shot IMO. One consideration has been that shots may have been fired in conjuction with one another so to leave the impression that only one shot was actually heard. Witnesses seeing a bullet sparking off the street at a time Connally was wounded is one example of this. I think Badge Man was off by a split second with the timing of his shot to Hat Man's and is why witnesses heard the 'sonic boom' sound effect.

  17. I am referring to the blur of the star in the hubcap : can the degree of turn be determined and therefore the distance of arc of tyre surface and therefore the distance of the travel during the time the shutter is opened (minus (perhaps?) the time it takes for the image to register on film emulsion? (ASA?)) Hence the speed of the limousine?

    My first thought was this could not be accomplished by way of a still photo, but the question you raise is certainly worth inquiring about. I'd still email Gary Mack and possibly Robert Groden for their input. I admire your idea about seeking various approches to double check the facts.

    I may be missing YOUR point here but leave it with me, often a bit of thinking sometimes clears things for me. It is precicely the blur or perhaps correctly the elongation of objects during the time that images register of the fil surface that I am interested in.

    I applaud what you are attempting to do.

    Can you indicate where one might get a good copy of the nix film. Great images BTW.

    I think I took mine from Groden's assassination film DVD. It may have been titled "A case for conspiracy."

    Below is an example of what I was trying to say at one point. Brennan is sitting on the concrete wall and doesn't move between these frames, but the bluring that takes place gives a false impression that Brennan did move. My concern is how such a blur could effect the accuracy of trying to determine the distance the limo had traveled between frames when such a thing happens.

  18. I totally agree with Al's basic point. It's highly likely that the White House Detail was not knowingly involved in the conspiracy. It's highly likely that Greer's behavior was innocent. What I'm stretching for here, and seeming to find some confirmation, is that their behavior might not be by chance. That is, that some outside factors were put into play in order to get them to fall down on the job.

    I don't think too many people would be better qualified to discuss the SS and their actions than Al for he has assisted on such Presidential details. Greer first of all may not have realized that the first sound was a gunshot. Neither he or Kellerman seemed to have realized what was happening until around the time of the fatal shot. Once it was realized that shots are being fired - Greer had to wonder if they are coming from the rear or the front. The men on the overpass were probably little more than silhouettes because of the placement of the sun and the angle of the street. I suspect that this hindered Greer's decision on what to do and in those couple of seconds JFK lost his life. At the same time Greer and Kellerman came within inches of losing their own lives when the last flury of shots came into the limo.

  19. Bill, can the degree of turn be determined and therefore the distance of arc of tyre surface and therefore the distance of the travel during the time the shutter is opened (minus (perhaps?) the time it takes for the image to register on film emulsion? (ASA?)) Hence the speed of the limousine?


    great image BTW

    I think the best way to do this is to use the Nix film. There may have already been an FBI study on the distance the limo traveled per frame. Write Gary Mack at the 6th floor and see if there is any data on this. The email address is GMACK@JFK.ORG

    I have looked at the frame advancement of the limo and have found nothing wrong with it. There were however a couple of instances in the MPI film where the frames were turned around if I am not mistaken. This is easily noticeable and can be corrected without any difficulty. For instance ... the white dot between Jackie and JFK's head between Z315 and Z317 advances equally for the most part. To remove one frame in a line of frames would stick out like a sore thumb for the advancement would take an odd jump forward.

  20. Comparative Blur Analysis to Derive Speed of Limousine in Frames from the Zapruder Film CBADSLFZF  : CBA for short :up

    Levity aside. These are the blurs at zf313. The short one is from the limo. The long is the same one as the long on the other pics. Zoom is different on all but I think its the relative lengths/angles? that may yield some formula.


    There certainly are several factors going on that effects the amount of bluring being seen on the Zapruder film. One is the speed at which an object is moving. Another factor is ofcourse the panning blur caused by Zapruder. Like John Costella pointed out - some things within a film frame may be blurred at different levels. An object moving in the direction of Zapruder's pan may not blur as much as let's say ... a stationary object. I would suggest using a film taken further away where such factors do not have to come into play. The Nix film may be a better choice for seeking the speed of the limo at various points.

  21. The limousine at the time of the headshot in Zf313 has been variously described as 'stopped' and 'almost stopped' and 'moving at such and such a speed'. I'm trying to to see if it is possible to definitely work out what in fact happened. When I look at comparative blurs on the limousine and something apparently stationary on the ground, such as feet apparently in the process of being planted on the ground during a step, or an area on the ground that appears in multiple frames, it seems to me that the limousine never stops, it is after all a very heavy (3 metric tons?) vehicle and the forces needed to bring it to a stop/start from where it is moving 2 frames prior to the headshot to Zf314 where it again is clearly moving surely is more than what the motor can supply? So if it is moving, and it seems to  slow and obviously accelerates. What is the speed at its slowest? (refer to zl3181s topic, minus the brouhaha of course) I have almost completed a panorama of this period of the zfilm, as soon as its completed I'll post it, while looking at it so far, I can't see any frames missing. comments please??

    The limo came to a near stop according to the photographical record - a crawl if for no better word. White House Press reporter Merriman Smith said that while the car he was in had stopped for a few seconds ... he could see the President's car and that it had only faltered (slowed) before speeding away. Moorman's #5 photo shows the rear hubcap still turning for the star emblem in the center of the wheel is blurred. Those witnesses that were more behind the car probably did get the impression that the car had stopped. I know of no witness who saw the limo in profile ever make such a claim as seeing the limo completely stop.

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