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Stephen Roy

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Everything posted by Stephen Roy

  1. As I missing something? What would be the purpose of having an 18-year old GWBush in Dealey? Nobody in their right mind would "place" such a young kid there, and Bush was probably politically unaware at the time to boot. And if he was there by happenstance as a kid, what is the significance?
  2. Here's what I think is the bizarre thing about it, for JFK assassination researchers: The building overlooks the former location of 544 Camp Street/531 Lafayette Street !!!
  3. This is the best I can do on an image of a young Ron Lewis: To me, Lewis's nose looks broader than the nose on the other man. BTW, not to unduly influence anybody - I don't believe much, if any, of Lewis's account.
  4. Robert: Re: Banister and ONI: I've been mystified by this. His FBI service record (if it is accurate) does not seem to allow for Banister to have served in the armed forces in WWII; but he was involved as an FBI agent in at least a couple of anti-spy, anti-saboteur type activities during that period, so maybe he established an ONI relationship then. The other one that mystifies me is the claim that Banister served in the Chicago FBI with Robert Aime Maheu. Again, if Banister's and Maheu's FBI records are accurate, Maheu left the FBI some years before Banister became SAC there (1954-1955). Yes, I do wish someone would specialize in Banister and create a detailed biography of him.
  5. Stephen, do you happen to know which book of Groden's it was where that color image was published? In The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald, (Penguin Books 1995, p 66) Groden writes "In June he was on the streets of New Orleans passing out the leaflets. Hand-stamped on the first batch was the address 544 Camp Street. All later handouts bore either his Magazine Street address or post office box number 30016." Stephen, if Groden's above claim is correct, how did Martello get one in August? On page 68 Groden repeats the claim and reproduces the stamped Camp Street address, but there is no picture of the leaflet. In the above mentioned book, Groden does reproduce Commission Exhibit 3120 (The Crime Against Cuba) and it does show the Camp Street address. It doesn't seem to appear here: http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol26_0405b.htm Of course when he testified before the Warren Commission, Martello told Wesley Liebeler: "I turned the original paper over to the United States Secret Service along with the pamphlets, all of the pamphlets." My favorite Martello quote was this: "Well, as far as being capable of an act, I guess everbody is capable of an act, but as far as dreaming or thinking that Oswald would do what it is alleged that he has done, I would bet my head on a chopping block that he wouldn't do it." http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/w...Vol10_0035a.htm Finally, Gus Russo does print an alleged photo (attributed to the National Archives) of the handbill with the name L. H. Oswald above the 544 Camp Street address, but his account of the entire episode does not seem complete or even credible. First he explains that Oswald "didn't claim Banister's address as his own." Then on the next page, Russo posits that Oswald used the Camp Street address in order to embarrass Banister. Russo writes that shortly before his death in 1964, Banister offered that explanation to his brother Ross. Russo also concludes: "After much contention, it has become clear that Banister had nothing to do with Oswald or any Kennedy assassination attempts." I'm going from memory. I recall it from one of Groden's two picture books. I thought it was in Search, but maybe it was in his Killing of JFK book. I'm not so sure I'd trust Groden's summary of dates. As for the Martello thing, send me a personal message on this board.
  6. One more thing: One thing that makes my biographical study of Ferrie easier than, say, a study of someone who lived in the 19th century, is that there are still people alive who knew him, and they will talk with the right approach. There are several people in the assassination saga who deserve biographical study, and William Guy Banister is one of them. If any motivated (and impartial) observer would like to develop a specialty and become something of an "expert" in a narrow area, they might consider a study of Banister. Acquire every existing document, news article etc.; do a chronology, and use that as a road map to find people who knew him to interview, and this will lead to even more documentation. I just don't have the time any more, but I bet someone here does! Who was Banister? What was he really like?
  7. Todd: My belief, for many years, was that the 544 Camp address appeared only on the Lamont "Crime Against Cuba" pamphlets. I was startled when Groden published a color image of one of Oswald's FPCC leaflets with the 544 address, and I wondered if it was a fake, or some artifact from the Stone film. Then Gus Russo printed one of Oswald's leaflets with the 544 address. My understanding is that it was real, that it was acquired from Oswald by NOPD officer Francis Martello when Oswald was arrested in New Orleans but kept by him for posterity, and that it ended up in the posession of Martello's widow. I understand there are also more of them. All this from a respected researcher.
  8. Funny thing: I've had people who knew Ferrie well tell me that they thought Pesci's portrayal was pretty good. But when I first heard a recording of Ferrie's voice, I was struck by how low, well-paced, modulated and north/midwestern he sounded. And he was quite a bit taller than Pesci. When I did a presentation on Ferrie at a conference, I did an impression of him, but using lines from his other films: "Yeah, I went to Houston with the two youts...You think that's funny? Funny how?"
  9. See my reply to Tom. I started researching Ferrie many years ago. I found lots of stuff at the National Archives, at AARC and other places. When the HSCA report came out, it echoed much of what I found, but pointed me to new sources. Most of that eventually came out in the NA under the ARRB releases. As I read through each document, I made notes about certain sections referring to certain things, and kept a running chronology. When the time came to write a particular section, I would review all the relevant documents and write it up. Not unlike doing a puzzle, finding pieces that went together and organizing the whole thing. Where I had missing pieces, I would try to contact the persons involved for clarification (which, of course, often led to more things!) The final result will be hepful in understanding Ferrie.
  10. And you are citing, what? Is your own research of original records, the foundations of your claims? My posts, for example, take a long time to put together, but anybody reading them can view my sources for nearly every key detail. Pardon me....I do not mean to single you out; I'm just growing weary after reading the unsubstantiated nonsense about "flechette-transported poison," in the now 75 posts long, Alen J Salerian, MD thread. Fantasy and poorly supported claims dilute the trove of reliable references accumulated on these pages. The more this happens, the more of an obligation all of us have to share how we know what we know in every one of our posts. Yes, an overview of this type represents my observations from a mountain of original research. Much of the material related to Saint Mary and St. Charles comes from documents provided by both seminaries to Eastern Air Lines in connection with an investigation of Ferrie, 1961-3. I obtained them from the archives. These are supplemented by interviews with various people, some of which I personally conducted. The info on the Old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America (and related groups) comes from MANY sources: Interviews of Ferrie and Martin, newspaper accounts, some of Ferrie's correspondence (some of which I proved to Flammonde, and is in his book) and interviews with many people, some of which I conducted myself. While there is no single source I can cite for all of it, I will be listing individual sources when I finally finish my Ferrie biography. If you have a specific question, I can probaby point to a specific source.
  11. Ferrie's religious history is twofold: First, he was raised strictly Catholic and began as an altar boy, choir member and organist (no jokes, please.) Then he attended Saint Mary Seminary in Cleveland. He was asked not to return due to unsureness of his calling. A few years later, he attended St. Charles Seminary in Carthagena. He was asked not to return there due to several factors, not least that he came into conflict with teachers and other seminarians. I don't recall if either group was Jesuit; I'll check. The records of his dismissal are vague. He may have had one or more nervous breakdowns. While there is no overt mention of homosexuality, there may be a hint or two. A possibly related reason for dismissal is that he was antinomian: he believed that a strict traditional moral code did not apply to a person of sufficient faith, in terms if getting to Heaven. In later years, he applied unsuccessfully to 2 or 3 other seminaries in Ohio, Texas and Louisiana. He stayed close to the legitimate Catholic Church in Louisiana: He interacted with clergymen at Tulane and other colleges; he helped boys matriculate to seminaries; he helped them convert to Catholicism and become baptized; and he tried to set up connections between his CAP cadets and several New Orleans area churches. In late 1961, he was asked to help Jack S. Martin in an investigation of "ordination mills", "Old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America" type offshoots (not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church) to obtain evidence of a fraudulent ordination. (Ferrie was ordained, but this group excommunicated him after the bad publicity from Ferrie's morals arrests). This put Ferrie in touch with several members/leaders of these offshoots, and Ferrie seems to have taken it seriously. By 1963, he was ordained in one of them, but he drifted in and out for the next few years. The picture of Ferrie in priest garb in front of a seminary was mislabeled by me when I first posted it, and has ricocheted over the years. It is St. Charles, NOT Saint Mary.
  12. Did a Google Image search for Raymond Rocca and Ray Rocca, and it came up first at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34387631@N02/3885738276/
  13. While surfing, I found this photo of Raymond Rocca, one of Angleton's counterintelligence associates. Rocca is on the left, with his co-author on a KGB book, Herbert Rommerstein/ This is the first time I've seen a picture of Rocca. I looked for a Rocca thread to post it in, but I couldn't find one. Feel free to move this if I overlooked an existing Rocca thread.
  14. For my money, if it was just Schlumberger, one can make a case that it might have been either CIA or something more innocent, like oil company explosives, notwithstanding some type of CIA contact with the company. But if it was Interarmco, that waves a flag for me. If so, it's hard to see it as innocent. On the other hand, God bless Novel, but from my own contact, I take what he says with great caution.
  15. Bill: I have a source, of course, on the "Schlumberger" markings. But what source are you referencing on the "Interarmco" markings? Steve
  16. That's a lot to follow. As far as I know, Ferrie's flights in that time were associated with the Marcello deportation case, trying to follow up on the activities of one Carl Noll. The names blanked out include Jacob Nastasi and an interesting pair, two Louisiana State Police officers who worked with Garrison for a while. One was Buccaro, I don't recall the other. Where did you get that part about a review of Ferrie's 201 file???
  17. I've expressed to Whitmey that I have my doubts about Ferrie being involved in Winnipeg, but he is somewhat persuaded by Giesbrecht's identification of Ferrie. However, I did find something of interest: Ferrie was pretty well occupied in the New Orleans area at that time, starting up his service station. But his uncle died on or about that date (Feb 13, 1964) and he and a friend drove north to Cleveland for the funeral. But before one jumps to the suspicion that Ferrie secretly made a side trip to Winnipeg, keep in mind that the friend noticed no absence, and that Winnipeg is 1882 miles from Cleveland.
  18. Steven; Since it would appear that you have considerable interest as well as abilities in conduct of factual research, I will again provide some information which may assist in following a long and fully "cold" trail. However, first off! One must recognize the New Orleans is the home of organized crime, and it is therefore where the cellular organization concept actually originated within this organization. This same type organization was utilized throughout New Orleans during the occupation by Federal Forces during the Civil War. Only, it was utilized by those within positions of power within the New Orleans elite, in order to stymie the efforts of the Federal Troops to actually control the city. This same type cellular organization is what is utilized within the covert fields of intelligence agencies due to the efficiency in creation of confusion and false trails For these reasons, it is most unlikely that the "exact" answers to exactly who was behind LHO and his activities, will most likely never be resolved to an "absolute". Nevertheless, sufficient trails remain that one can, to a relative degree of certainty, identify individuals who were participants in the overall game, even if one can not absolutely put their finger on the most likely single individual who was directing LHO and his activities and actions. With that stated: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: THE POLITICAL LEAGUE Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2009 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: 710 PERE MARQUETTE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Domicile Address: 710 PERE MARQUETTE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 File Date: 02/04/1963 Registered Agent (Appointed 2/04/1963): HUBERT J. BADEAUX, 8241 HICKORY ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 Registered Agent (Appointed 2/04/1963): F. D. V. DE LA BARRE, 4122 PITT ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: GUATEMALA LUMBER & MINERAL CORPORATION Type Entity: Business Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) Mailing Address: 710 PERE MARQUETTE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Domicile Address: 710 PERE MARQUETTE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: ROYALTY & MINERAL OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF LOUISIANA Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2008 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: Domicile Address: NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 File Date: 08/25/1954 Registered Agent (Appointed 8/25/1954): KALFORD K. MIAZZA, 1806 NATL BK OF COMM, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 8/25/1954): F. D. V DELABARRE, 1806 NATL BK OF COMM, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: LOUISIANA ROYALTIES, INC. Type Entity: Business Corporation Status: Not Active (Voluntary action) Last Report Filed on 08/31/C-84 Mailing Address: 1500 AMERICAN BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Domicile Address: 1500 AMERICAN BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 File Date: 07/15/1960 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/15/1960): F.D.V. DE LA BARRE, 1501 AMERICAN BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 President: THOMAS D. BURBANK, 1500 AMER. BANK BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Vice President: RONALD W. MISTROT, 1500 AMER. BANK BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Secretary/Treasurer: LOUIS J. ROUSSEL, 1500 AMER. BANK BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Additional officers may exist on document ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/roussel.htm AFFIDAVIT OF HENRY J. ROUSSEL, JR. ================================================================================ Name: CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ASSOCIATION Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2008 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: 909 NATL BK OF COMM., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Domicile Address: 909 NATL BK OF COMM., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 File Date: 12/22/1960 Registered Agent (Appointed 12/22/1960): FERNAND F. WILLOZ III, 1214 BOURBON ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116 Registered Agent (Appointed 12/22/1960): HUBERT BADEAUX, 8241 HICKORY ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 Registered Agent (Appointed 12/22/1960): FELIX H. LAPEYRE, 2207 STATE ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: DOLLY SHOE CO., INC. Type Entity: Business Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2009 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: ', NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Domicile Address: ', NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 File Date: 01/24/1955 Registered Agent (Appointed 1/24/1955): CHARLES ROSEN II, 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 1/24/1955): FELIX H. LAPEYRE, 1801 HIBERNIA BK BD., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It is assumed that you are aware of the employment history of Marguerite Oswald as well as LHO, with the Dolly Shoe Store. As well as the fact that the "Charles Rosen" is the one of the attorney's for whom Marguerite Oswald worked for when she was a young teenage "Marguerite Claverie". =============================================================================== Name: GREEN WAVE CLUB Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2008 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: 308 CAMP ST., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 Domicile Address: 308 CAMP ST., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 File Date: 09/27/1966 Registered Agent (Appointed 9/27/1966): CHARLES DUNBAR, HIBERNIA BLDG., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 9/27/1966): CHARLES ROSEN, II., 22K BARONNE ST., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Although the "Green Wave Club" did not come into official existance until 1966, Charles Rosen as well as Charles Dunbar and others had sponsored fund raising drives to support the Tulane football team for years well prior, just as they were Tulane alumni who had know each other for years. ================================================================================ A portion of which ultimately leads one back to: ================================== Name: FOR AMERICA Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) 2008 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana: Qualified: 07/14/1954 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 =============================== and; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.jfk-online.com/jpsgatguat.html After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Front door:-----321 St. Charles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company Thomas: Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what you're indicating in the bulk of this post. I'm not sure who, if anyone, was directing Oswald. My focus is obtaining as much info as possible on who Ferrie was, and sorting and presenting it. In the course of that, I have had to consider the various entities sometimes grouped as "training camps" and the like.
  19. Stephen, As a Ferrie specialist, can you answer the question in the Winnipeg Airport Incident thread re: Ferrie wearing thick glasses? Did David Ferrie wear glasses? Thanks, Bill Kelly As I noted in a PM, I haven't seen anything indicating that Ferrie ever wore glasses (except, of course, sunglasses.)
  20. Thanks, Thomas. Again, I am inclined to stand by the September date, barring any new reason to consider another date. Just from memory, the people who, at least once, placed the date in September were Novel, Ehlinger, Mancuso, Martens and Arcacha. It also dovetails with a sighting of arms in Banister's office by Vernon Gerdes; with Quiroga's account of driving the arms to Miami; with a possible sighting of the arms by John V. Harris, later reported to the FBI; and with Arcacha's call to the FBI about two Americans peddling arms. It fits in with reports I've had that Ferrie's most active period with the FRD/CRC was between August-October 1961 (after his EAL suspension, but before he was ostracized over morals issues). There are reports that Ferrie was going a little crazy in this period. He also appplied for a passport in September. Also, I have doubts that it was earlier due to the fact that anything left behind in his apartment might have been found in a police search on August 22 (and other subsequent police searches.) Again, not definitive, but all the signs point to the same period. Now, ANOTHER bit of confusion for the camp issue: In September 1960, having been forced out of the legit CAP, Ferrie started an ersatz unit called the Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron. An offshoot of that was his IMSUs: Internal Mobile Security Units, formed in early 1961. As best I can tell, this was a short-lived venture involving his Falcon boys. They did training somewhere in Kenner near Moisant Airport and traveled there in some sort of light blue bus. This is somtimes glommed in with the other camps.
  21. Thomas: I agree with you that there were several different facilities in the 1961-3 period; that they did not necessarily involve the same persons; and that many JFK researchers seem to miss the distinctions and confuse the chronology. However, you state that the Houma caper occurred "shortly after" the Belle Chasse facility was closed. I disagree. ALL of the clues emanating from the participants point to a date sometime in September 1961. Most important, Arcacha went to the FBI with an ass-covering story of being approached by two Americans regarding what appears to be the Houma materials; this was probably Novel and Ehlinger, and Arcacha's FBI contact occurred in mid-September. (I don't have the document in front of me right now). The Houma date has confused many writers. DiEugenio was insistent that it was pre-Bay of Pigs, but I think he's confusing that with an earlier Ferrie caper. My take on the date is not 100% certain, but it is much more in concert with the half-dozen or so available dates from the particpants.
  22. Thanks to Stephen Roy for the info on the arms cache being moved to Florida. And Jack, I only repeated someone else's reference to a laundry truck at Dealey Plaza. Do you know of any photos of it? The one used in the Houma Arms Cache raid had Louisiana license tags. Jack Ruby's brother also owned a commercial laundry. BK Without digging out the various statements of Carlos Crusto Quiroga, I recall him stating that he had decided in about September 1961 to become active in New Orleans anti-Castro activity, and I THINK he went to the FBI, and they pointed him toward Arcacha's FRD. One of his first acts was to take the Houma arms to Miami in a U-Haul. He said he heard that the people there were not impressed with the arms. Quiroga became fairly close to Arcacha, but within several weeks, Ferrie dropped out (allegedly due to bad vibes over his morals arrests) and Arcacha was removed as FRD (then being absorbed by the CRC) head. At least, that's the way those characters told it.
  23. Stephen, do you have any additional info on Ferrie's interest in narcotics? It's very sketchy right now. There are 2 or 3 people from that era who gave statements in the 1961-1969 period that Ferrie might have had some connection to narcotics. There is a strange letter found in Ferrie's effects (entitled Dear Bastard) that clearly refers to drugs. His friend, the late Mo Brownlee was arrested on drug charges several times. And several people I interviewed said that they had heard that he dabbled in drugs at one time, or that his personality changed in about 1962, possibly relating to drugs. On the other hand, no drugs were found in searches in 1961, 1963 or 1967. And a few friends say that "the boys" played with drugs, but that Dave didn't. But he was close to the Marcello gang, and they were involved in drug trafficking. I think Bill Nitschke told HSCA that he thought Ferrie might have been trafficking. And the Vincent Bonomo murder case might have a drug angle. Ferrie was tangentially involved. But more than a few of Gill's clients had drug troubles, and Ferrie worked for Gill.
  24. Hi Steve, Good to hear from you. Yea, It is mentioned in more than one place, but Gus Russo, in the next to last sentence in the last paragraph, quotes Rabel as saying, "As far as I know they took the crates (of munitions) to Lake Pontchartrain." Russo gives the footnote number as 93, but I don't have his book handy to look that up. As the local Ferrie specialist, do you have anything to add? BK On the matter of the specific Houma arms showing up at the 1963 McLaney cottage (or the MDC camp), Rabel's comment doesn't really nail it down. There's a two-year time span, too. All I've ever found on that was Garrison's (and Weisberg's) suspicions that the same types of weapons were involved. Quiroga said he drove the whole load to Miami in 1961. After all these years, certainty on Houma still escapes me. We have two competing scenarios, and Novel himself has fed both. At first, he said he and a friend were drag racing there, and "some individual" told him about the three bunkers. He told the friend's cousin (Butler) who put him in touch with Arcacha, and thus Ferrie. In this first scenario, it was a break-in using bolt cutters. But in another account, Novel implied that it was a transfer using a key, arranged in some way by Banister and "Mr. Phillips. I spoke with Novel a few years back; he verbalized the first scenario, but hinted at the second. I brough a picture of David Atlee Phillips, but Novel convincingly said it was not the same man. (Novel also placed the meeting with Phillips at Banister's office in the Balter Building, but Banister had moved from that building at least a year earlier.) For reasons too complex to describe here, I believe the expedition was on Sunday, September 17, 1961, and that the parties (including a boy named Woodcock) left from Ferrie's apartment at about 8:00pm and broke into the bunkers at about 10:45pm. They departed at about 11pm and arrived back at Ferrie's after midnight. The next day, Ferrie (who was skittish because his house had been searched by police several times recently) moved them to Banister's office. It appears that the arms only stayed there for a few days, until Quiroga drove them to Miami. Just after Houma, Ferrie got a passport for travel to Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. Conncection? Maybe, but he was also VERY paranoid at the time about the morals investigation against him (which he suspected was a commie-backed plot to thwart his anti-Castro activities.) Ferrie was also interested in obtaining a Douglas C-47 Skytrain transport (also known as a "Gooney Bird.") He may also have been interested in narcotics at this time.
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