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Matthew Lewis

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Posts posted by Matthew Lewis

  1. Regulation of Geoengineering -

    Published March 2010


    United Nations science body calls for halt on climate-hacking experiments;


    U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population"


    CASE ORANGE - Contrail Science - it's impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by The United States and it's Allies;


    Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering)


    Stratospheric sulfur aerosols


    Chemtrail conspiracy theory



    "We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes. Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria". Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out. The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including sedatives in chemtrail fallout. Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers. Additionally Drs. Staninger and Karjoom and researcher Jan Smith have reported findings of self-replicating nano-machines and rivers of silicon running wild through the bodies of the Morgellons infected.

    Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers & abnormal blood cells that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers and blood cells found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease.

    Welcome to the brave new world of toxic skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP. Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a bizarre and frightening new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a previously unknown agent that appears to be a synthesis of a bio lab created pathogen combined with self-replicating nano-technology. Over 60,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons. There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. Realized or not people are already dying from chemtrail related illnesses. People are dying from Morgellons Disease. During this time of chemtrails a shocking drop in general life expectancy in the U.S. has occurred. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones. We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Some of you reading this may be in a position of influence and power to take significant action to bring chemtrails to a halt. Everyone can do something to help. Whatever your position or realm of influence - please do whatever you can to bring an end to the aerosol spray program known as Chemtrails."





    NASA Website - Contrail Education - (Total Brainwashing)


    Most of your links are broken. Of the few that work there was one claiming mind control by satellites. :D I wish I was making this up. Then of course the usual lie about contrails always disipating quickly and the odd acceptance of samples collected on the ground as if that somehow proves something about a trail 30,000+ feet in the air. :blink: Again, multiple "chemtrail" proponents have promised samples collected directly from a trail as long as 10 years ago. Some collected money towards collecting those samples. NO samples have appeared. Why ignore what could be the single best piece of actual evidence you could get? Still EVERYTHING I've seen can be explained by contrails.

  2. And you ignored this

    "Is 100 more than would be expected for this group in that period of time or is it the result of seeing a number and ascribing a meaning to it? How many microbiologists, chemists and virologists are there in the world? How many die each year?"

    Also, how do you know this is all related to "chemtrails"?

  3. Other conspiracies claim the "murdered" microbiologists as their own. Why should we assume it is related to "chemtrails"? These people have died over 8 years. Could some be attributed to natural causes (yes) and for those that can't is it proven they were all in fact murdered (no)? Is 100 more than would be expected for this group in that period of time or is it the result of seeing a number and ascribing a meaning to it? How many microbiologists, chemists and virologists are there in the world? How many die each year?

  4. Hilarious. I encourage everybody to listen to these. Not only in none of it verifiable but it also gets into scalar weapons, weather control (not our, apparently Russia steered Katrina), and mind control. The first two videos are pretty boring, but they get entertaining on the third. Supposedly there are pre-positioned atomic weapons in the US by Russia and Israel.

    They also mention Kucinich and HR 2977. Here's a repost from post 146 about that nonsense.


    It was NOT written by Kucinich, and it described "chemtrails" as a SPACE based weapon. This is at odds with everything chemtrail theorists try to present. It was written by UFO enthusiasts who wanted to

    1.Nullify a vast conspiracy by the “military-industrial complex”

    2.Allow the use of suppressed alien technology for free energy

    3.Avoid accidentally shooting down (or scaring away) visiting aliens.

    So let's throw aliens in there too. Claims of radar enhancement without addressing that mass spraying of barium would make radar worse. Also no proof it is being used to "create a battlefield picture". I've been in the CAOC (combined air operations center) in the middle East. A comprehensive picture of the battlefield would be awesome IF it existed. But sadly it doesn't.

    Challenger and Columbia and the Thresher submarine from 1963 (no that's not a typo) brought down by Russian scalar weapons? The same ones that steer hurricanes and erupt volcanoes and of course they control your mind too. I couldn't make this up. Seriously, EVERYBODY should listen to this.

    Part 5 he says Israel has protected us from Russia's scalar weapons. "God Bless Israel" he says. The same Israel that has pre-positioned nukes in the US? Missile protection systems are really Tesla scalar domes. Francis Gary Powers U2 actually brought down by these scalar systems. Nevermind that the SA-2 actually exists, that it has been seen fired and it it perfectly capable of bringing down the U-2 as it did Major Rudolf Anderson's U-2 over Cuba.

    Of course we should believe every word because he's got a top secret clearance. :rolleyes:

    All of this is over lots of pretty contrail pics, some deliberately misinterpreted pics of weight and balance aircraft and at least one faked pic (shows 2 767s in close formation, one of them is a dupicate via photoshop of the other). Why is it that "chemtrail" proponents have to make up "evidence"?

  5. Here is a highly recommended video on Chemtrails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P0OaWjv--U


    Just the same ignorance as ever. Contrails must evaporate quickly, flight paths shouldn't cross, contrails never did this before, etc. During much of the video the sound has nothing to do with the video (radio program?). Lots of pretty pictures but no actual evidence. I'd refer Jack to post 105 for evidence that this has in fact been happening since aircraft could fly high enough (it is just more common now for a variety of reasons) but we all know he won't look at it.

  6. There is no confusion. I use the facilities the Forum offers. I am not required to do any more. It is YOUR problem

    if you think I should do something not required or furnished. I WAS TOLD I WAS REQUIRED TO REMOVE OLD

    POSTINGS TO MAKE SPACE FOR NEW ONES. I did that, starting with the oldest, which were about 4/5 years old.

    It is your problem if you want to refer to postings that old. Talk to Simkin, not me. I do not make postings here

    for your SOLE convenience.


    I never said you were required to do anything. I have however seen posts in this very thread only a few months old that have already had pics removed. See page 2 and 3 with posts from June (less than 4 months old) for an example, so it is not only the oldest you have removed. Others reading the thread later though will only see your few comments. Seems more like your problem as you choose to have your own argument disabled by removing old pics. There is also the FACT that your argument is immediately not available for anybody who is not a member or not logged in, but again, that is YOUR problem. YOU chose to have it this way. But hey, it is only your argument that is hurt, so why should you care? :rolleyes:

  7. For those viewing later after :blink:Jack has crippled the post , :blink: it shows multiple crossing persistent contrails reportedly over Green Valley, NV.

    Why the confusion Jack? You have admitted that you can't be bothered to use a public hosting site and because of that you have to remove old pictures later to post new ones. This CRIPPLES your posts as most of your content is in the picture. Of course for some your posts are already crippled. I have been told that images hosted by the forum are not visible to non-members or those not logged in. I've also heard that new member registrations are suspended for some reason. But if you want the majority of people to not see your argument, I guess that's your choice.

  8. Busy air traffic over metropolitan Green Valley, Nevada, one of nation's most congested air centers. :blink:

    For those viewing later after Jack has crippled the post, it shows multiple crossing persistent contrails reportedly over Green Valley, NV.

    To Jack: And? I know you've shown your ignorance about how airspace works before but are you really interested in doing so again? Even the most congested Class B airspace usually tops out at 10,000 feet. That wouldn't affect ANY traffic above it. It doesn't matter how congested you think the airspace is, commercial traffic can still fly over in Class A airspace. In fact, I would expect more traffic over that area due to the multiple restricted airspaces north of there due to the Nellis range.

  9. Contrail and Chemtrails.

    Since Jack can't be bothered to use a public photo hosting site the picture won't show up in the response nor will it be in his post in a few weeks when he decides to remove it. Apparently he prefers to cripple his posts over time? For those viewing this post later it shows two persistent contrails and a plane leaving a non-persistent contrail that he claims is higher. He of course didn't bother to make a point and explain why he thinks it is significant.

    To Jack: How can you tell the altitude from the photo? Is it entirely possible that the short contrail is above or below the persistent ones. EITHER could explain the difference in persistence as conditions vary with altitude. So what's your point?

  10. AFA Chemistry 131:

    Yes, CHEMISTRY. What's your point? You weren't embarrassed enough about it on the other forum that you decided to bring it back here? It is a coincidental title. It could also have been called Pathways in Chemistry and have had the same intent. Notice it contained the same subjects any other Freshman level Chemistry class would study. I notice you didn't even bother to credit that I was the one that provided those images to you.

    Here are the images I provided on a public hosting site so ALL can see them.



  11. "You have yet to prove ANY disinformation. I have already posted some about the 70+ years of science behind contrail formation as well as multiple examples of persistent contrails dating back to the beginning of jet aviation, long before "chemtrail" proponents say they started."

    I don't doubt that SOME contrails linger longer than most, but that is NOT what we're discussing here.. People all over the world are witnessing the chemtrail activity and are even video taping it.. Numerous YouTube videos show chemtrail spraying, even up close.. So there is no doubt they are not ordinary contrails.

    People all over the world are also getting ill after being exposed the chemicals that fall to the ground after these sprayings take place.. I happen to be one of the people who got very ill on two different occasions from chemtrail spraying, whether you and your like minded pals here choose to believe that or not.

    Scientists all over the world are finally taking notice of these chemtrails, along with their associated illnesses, and have investigated the deadly chemicals that are involved.

    So no matter how many times you post the DISINFORMATION that they are only "persistant contrails", it won't make it true.

    "As for being at work, again, it is none of your business but am I not allowed to have a lunch break?"

    As for your "lunch break", your time would be much better spent if you actually ate lunch, instead of posting untrue information here.

    Numerous videos show contrails CLAIMED as "chemtrails" often just because they don't understand what they are seeing. When you can actually PROVE that a trail in the sky is making anybody ill then let me know. So far all you have is coincidence. You and others seem to be satisfied with the leap of logic that something that is still in the sky is somehow affecting you on the ground AT THE SAME TIME. You don't seem to realize that if you wanted to make somebody ill you would spray at ground level and certainly never above 1,000 feet. Yet you don't bat an eye at the illogical assumption that something at 30,000 plus feet is a spray to affect people. Spraying anything at altitude to affect a population is absurd. Local sources have never been ruled out and actual direct sampling never accomplished (though money to accomplish it has been collected without any actual attempt, why "chemtrail" theorists are happy having their money taken away from them with no result is beyond me). Everything that has been observed can be explained with contrails, so why ASSUME that they are something different? They look like contrails, they act like contrails, they are observed on ALL types of high altitude jet traffic and have been since planes could fly high enough. They ARE more common now but that has an explanation. Meanwhile "chemtrail" supporters have to resort to "anonymous" sources, faked pictures and videos, and outright lies while ignoring the copious evidence that contrails have exhibited this behavior since WWII. At least you have agreed that contrails can persist sometimes. That is more than Jack can do.

    You still have yet to PROVE that anything I've said is untrue. Claiming it is without actually showing what and how is tantamount to calling me a xxxx which is not allowed on this forum.

  12. So I guess you're not at "work" today either? :lol:

    NOTHING you've posted about chemtrails is based on facts .. What you post is called DISINFORMATION.

    If you want to agree to disagree with me and the other people who are investigating chemtrails, that's fine .. All you need to do is to STOP reply to my posts about them.

    But if you think I will stop posting the information about them here, just because you don't like it, then you're sadly mistaken.

    You have yet to prove ANY disinformation. I have already posted some about the 70+ years of science behind contrail formation as well as multiple examples of persistent contrails dating back to the beginning of jet aviation, long before "chemtrail" proponents say they started.

    As for being at work, again, it is none of your business but am I not allowed to have a lunch break?

  13. Yet more disinfo from Duane based on the LIE that contrails can't persist.

    EVERYTHING I've posted is based on facts.

    Again, In the end, you've got your "sources", I've got 70+ years of science. Perhaps we'll just have to agree to disagree. This constant back and forth is a waste of both our time. And frankly I'm sick of your insinuations that I'm involved in some coverup. I post what I do based on personal research. Any proof otherwise? No? Then drop it.

  14. Many have long suspected that the government has been using these airborne chemical sprayings to test dispersal methods for mild forms of biological or chemical warfare. Indeed, chemtrail sightings have long been associated with community-wide illnesses reported in the areas of the sprayings. Thomas himself was involved in a case in Espanola, Ontario, in the spring of 1998. Residents there had been complaining of “severe headaches, chronic joint pain, dizziness, sudden extreme fatigue, acute asthma attacks and feverless ‘flu-like’ symptoms over a 50-square-mile area [which] coincided with what they termed ‘months of spraying’ by photo-identified US Air Force tanker planes.” An expert witness in the case, former Ontarion Provincial Police Officer Ted Simola, described the “lingering Xs and numerous white trails, some of which ‘just ended’ as if they had been shut off but remained in the sky,” observations consistent with other chemtrail sightings.

    On November 18, 1998, the people of Espanola petitioned Parliament, suspecting possible government involvement in these airborne chemical emissions. They called upon Parliament to “repeal any law that would permit the dispersal of military chaff or of any cloud-seeding substance whatsoever by domestic or foreign military aircraft without the informed consent of the citizens of Canada thus affected.” In response to their petition, the Ministry of Defense eventually replied: “It’s not us.” The government assertion was mostly true: it was not Canadian aircraft, but US Air Force tankers which were conducting the sprayings. Yet the Canadian government was complicit in allowing the US to experiment over Canada.

    It is absolutely absurd to think that something sprayed at 30,000+ feet would affect someone on the ground especially while still visible in the sky. EVERY study conducted on airborne aerosols shows they take days if not weeks to reach the ground. After that much time the concentration of any substance would be so low as to be virtually undetectable. Anything organic would have long since been destroyed by the prolonged exposure to UV rays.

    Thomas did finally get an American ATC controller to talk to him, under conditions of anonymity. The controller works on the US eastern seaboard. Thomas called his contact “Deep Sky.” Deep Sky confirmed that the chemicals being spread in the exercises were acting as electrolytes, enhancing conductivity of radar and radio waves. Additionally, the spread of the material was actually degrading, not enhancing, ATC radars – so there had to be some other purpose behind the sprayings. It is significant that many of the exercises were conducted out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in Ohio, which, according to Thomas, “has long been deeply engaged in HAARP’s electromagnetic warfare program.” HAARP is a US government radio wave project in Alaska which could be related to weather modification. HAARP’s huge powerful transmitters and arrays of antennas are, according to the official website, designed to heat up the atmosphere above it. Phasing the antennas can skew the heating effect directionally, and may even interact with reflective layers of metal particles in Chemtrails. What is interesting is that HAARP’s location is at the 65th parallel, just south of the arctic circle. This position corresponds to the atmospheric boundary where relatively moist southern air moving northward collides with cold arctic air coming south. When these dissimilar air mass meet they rise and form new storm systems. Heating the atmosphere directly under this boundary layer would tend to accelerate storm development. Finally, through a series of questions, Deep Sky confirmed that the US tankers were indeed involved in climate modification experiments.

    Ignorant word salad about radar and HAARP from anonymous sources. :rolleyes:

    Not surprising that you eat it up.

    At this point in the article, Thomas launches into a theory that the reflective clouds are being used to reduce the effects of global warming (Edward Teller’s theory). He discusses the Welsback patent, issued in 1994 to Hughes Aircraft, [long involved in government black operations] which involves the use of a reflective blanket of aluminum-laced cloud cover to cool the earth. However, I think Thomas was fed disinformation here. The government often uses phony patents to lead investigators down the wrong trail--especially when dealing with HAARP. Global warming is a fraud. There is no way the US government would engage in this massive a cover-up and risk illness to the US population over a theory with little basis in fact and even less evidence of actual damage. Besides, government sponsored aerosol spraying has been going on before global warming became an issue.

    However, the weather modification process is, in my opinion, the best explanation so far as to the widespread use of spraying. The reflective aluminum particles or fibers in the created cloud barriers cause cool spots over normally warm areas, which influence the rise or fall of air masses. These reflective layers may also react with HAARP transmissions in some way. Radio transmissions need reflective layers to channel the energy in specific directions. The creation of sun or radiation shielding may explain why spraying occurs at high altitude, during the daytime, and in cloudless areas--where the reflective shield would be visible and effective for a long time.

    None of these characteristics fit a biological or chemical warfare test scenario. If the government was testing delivery methods of biological or chemical agents, it would be more likely to mix the chemicals in clouds at much lower altitudes where it would more easily precipitate downward on the population. The chemtrail sprayings always take place at high altitudes where the materials can linger or drift long distances: hardly an accurate delivery method. The sprayings are also done only in clear areas of the sky--which, again, points to weather modification.

    What I’m convinced of now, is that the widespread flu-like and Alzheimer’s symptoms have been mere side effects of the sprayed chemicals, and not the direct purpose of the sprayings. The extensive use of aluminum oxide, found as the primary component of these reflective clouds, does have serious medical side effects and may well explain the upsurge in Alzheimer’s disease in the US--which is reaching epidemic proportions. I think it is also clear that the government has been experimenting with different types and mixes of chemicals, which explains why the observations and effects differ over time. Several years ago, there were many sightings of sticky droplets falling from the sky, trailing spider-web-like strands behind. Upon contact they made people very ill. Later chemical analysis has shown a lot of aluminum oxide and micro fibers, also composed of barium and aluminum. People living under these spray patterns have developed Alzheimer’s-like symptoms.

    As expected, the US continues to deny any spraying as well as any experimentation in weather modification. The media is totally complicit in this cover-up as well. The allegations have been widespread over the internet for years. Thousands of inquiries have gone out to the media over the years and not once has the major media ever done a story on this issue. The health consequences are huge. Even the politically correct environmental movement has had no luck in pressing the media for coverage. There is no way to explain the media’s refusal to investigate or give coverage to this story except that they are fully aware of it and are under bogus “national security” orders to spike the story.

    Lots of claims, no actual proof. Yet the conspiracy theorists treat it as fact. :rolleyes:

    A US Air Force Colonel, according to Thomas, told a senator: “The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification and has no plans to do so in the future.” But as Thomas retorts, “In fact, attempts to steer hurricanes by spraying heat-robbing chemicals in their paths began in the 1950s. The recipe for creating ‘cirrus shields’ was outlined in an unusually arrogant US Air Force study. Subtitled, ‘Owning the Weather by 2025,’ the 1996 report explained how weather force specialists were dispersing chemicals behind high-flying tanker aircraft in a process the air force calls ‘aerial obscuration.’” Sounds just like what people are describing as chemtrails. Even members of Congress know about Chemtrails. The term is in the list of prohibited Space activities of Rep. Kucinich's HR 2977 “Space Preservation Act.” Because of the variety of different chemicals used in Chemtrails over the past 10 years and the changing patterns of spraying, I’m convinced the government is still experimenting and hasn’t actually found a predictable way yet to harness the weather. Sadly, this only means the secret experiments will continue and people will suffer.

    I've already mentioned "Owning the Weather". Actually quite a humorous STUDENT project. Hilarious that people take it serious. Of course they've probably never actually read the whole thing.

    And Kucinich's Space Preservation Act? Read this,


    It was NOT written by Kucinich, and it described "chemtrails" as a SPACE based weapon. This is at odds with everything you've tried to present. It was written by UFO enthusiasts who wanted to

    1.Nullify a vast conspiracy by the “military-industrial complex”

    2.Allow the use of suppressed alien technology for free energy

    3.Avoid accidentally shooting down (or scaring away) visiting aliens.

    Are those really the type of people you want to throw your hat in with? :blink:

    In the end, you've got your "sources", I've got 70+ years of science. Perhaps we'll just have to agree to disagree.

  15. Every word you posted is nonsense because none of it is true.

    That is a provable false statement as your own source AGREES with some of what I've said.

    1) Chemtrails often occur at altitudes and in environmental conditions where normal contrails cannot and do not occur. According to NOAA meteorologist Thomas Schlatter, quoted in the article, “At temperatures lower than approx -40 deg F contrails almost always form, regardless of relative humidity. The higher the ambient temperature, the less likely that contrails will form. At temperatures above -40 degrees F, contrails are not expected. The persistence of contrails depends upon temperature, relative humidity, and the vigor of mixing between the exhaust plume and the ambient air. At low temperatures, with high humidity, and with stable temperature stratification (which inhibits vertical mixing of the air), contrails persist for many hours." Chemtrails also occur at altitudes where contrails occur and thus the two are mixed.

    Right here your own source says that contrails can persist for many hours.

    2) Chemtrails persist for many hours and spread out continuously until wide areas of the sky are covered. Contrails spread out only slightly and evaporate within 10 seconds to several hours, depending on the upper air humidity and temperature. Contrails can persist under exceptional circumstances, so this is not a definitive criteria.

    I've posted evidence showing contrails can indeed spread out, grow and cover the sky. It has been observed since airplanes could fly high enough. Your source is ignorant. YOU obviously haven't bothered to even check the evidence I've posted. Not surprising as it contradicts your predefined conclusions.

    3) Contrails are always pure white and don’t exhibit much halo effect. Chemtrails have an oily glint to them, with pronounced rainbow-like color effects (reddish or pinkish tint) as the sun shines through. Some of the best photographic evidence of chemtrails is found at http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm.

    Just how do you think rainbows are formed? They occur when light is refracted through a substance. This can happen with water, ice, or oil. It IS possbile with contrails and is even observed with normal clouds.

    4) Contrails are composed of water vapor combined with a small amount of residue from burned jet fuel. Analysis of chemtrail residues, in contrast, claims to have uncovered a variety of chemicals and other substances, including barium, aluminum oxide, microscopic fibers and oil-based products, none of which are intrinsic to normal jet fuel.

    Analysis of something collected ON THE GROUND is useless for determining the content of something 30,000+ feet in the air. Of course "chemtrail" theorists have said they will collect samples from within a trail for years now but never seem to actually do so. They just collect the money and run.

    5) Contrails exit directly behind the engines of the aircraft, which produce the moisture. Thus, aircraft will exhibit only 1, 2, 3, or 4 distinct condensation trails, each trailing an engine. Chemtrails, in contrast, are expelled from multiple ports along the entire wing surface, not directly in line with the engines. Once again, see the pictures on www.carnicom.com. These photos are perhaps the most definitive of all chemtrail evidence. Some debunkers use cropped photos of high-G manuevers which gives off aerodynamic condensation from the wing--as a supposed explanation to wing emitted chemtrails. But this is bogus. Aerodynamic condensation doesn’t occur in straight and level flight and never leaves a long contrail. It also shows up within inches of the wing trailing edge, unlike chemtrail spraying.

    EVERY photo or video I've seen showing trails not coming from the engines looks just like an aerodynamic contrail and EVERY one neglects to show whether it is persisting or not. Aerodynamic contrails DO sometimes form in straight and level flight. Their formation depends on temperature and humidity. Your source is lying to you and you are eating it up without question.

    6) Contrails cannot be shut on and off at will, nor abruptly, as witnesses have seen in numerous sightings of chemical spraying by aircraft. I personally have seen this type of on/off spraying in Utah by two military tankers flying in loose formation. When numerous witnesses called KSL--TV in Salt Lake City to investigate, KSL dutifully parroted the government’s official response: that the aircraft was a government contractor flying a Lear jet and doing experiments on ice crystal formation. Baloney! As one of those witnesses, and an experienced pilot, I can tell you those two huge military tanker aircraft were not tiny Lear jets. The government is lying--but at least, in this case, they didn’t try to outright deny what hundreds of people were watching, as they usually do. They simply tried to take advantage of public ignorance of aircraft recognition, feeding them a phony but marginally plausible excuse.

    Contrail formation as you should know depends on temperature and humidity. All air is NOT uniform. It is entirely possible that a plane traveling through masses of air with varying humidity will have contrails that start and stop. This is simple science that has been known for 70 years.

    7) Aircraft dispersing chemtrails always fly back and forth over a set area, creating circular or zig-zag patterns of vapor in the sky. Often many chemtrail aircraft can be seen in one area, flying in crisscross patterns laying down vapor trails before flying off over the horizon. Large airliners operating under Air Traffic Control fly on set airways and do not make such patterns in the sky. Government representatives have tried to pass off reports of crisscross chemtrail patterns as merely the convergence of airliner contrails at normal air traffic intersections, but this is false. For one thing, almost all airways in the US run in straight lines. Neither do airliners fly in close formation with other aircraft. In addition, chemtrail sightings almost never come close to normal airway intersections, lest they interfere with normal traffic or be observed by other airline passengers.

    All total BS. I have looked and looked for evidence of ANY aircraft traveling back and forth creating trails and have found none. Many claim it but none ever get video proof.

    Yes airways travel in straight lines but they do intersect. Common sense would tell you they HAVE to at some time. Airliners that appear to be in close formation are likely separated in altitude. Only 1,000 feet of vertical separation is required. It is IMPOSSIBLE to tell the altitude of an aircraft from the ground with the naked eye. Also BS that persistent contrail aircraft don't come close to other aircraft as there are video on Youtube (your favorite pseudo-source) that show exactly that.

    8) All legitimate aircraft at high altitudes emitting contrails will be acknowledged by the FAA. Conversely, the existence of aircraft spraying chemicals is always denied by the FAA, under orders from the government. You can be on a cell phone, in real time, reporting the presence of an aircraft overhead to the FAA and they will tell you that no such aircraft exists on their radar screens. They are flat-out lying. It’s amazing to me how many military pilots and government ATC controllers can so easily justify these lies. Surely some are aware of the damaging health effects reported on the internet. Occasionally, an honest controller will admit there is a “military exercise” blocked out for that area.

    I have personally checked the aircraft I've seen emitting persistent contrails with online tracking programs like Flight Aware and Flight Explorer. As I work with radar I've also checked them on the current radar picture. The comment about military exercises reminds me of the area I currently live in. Due to the multiple military owned airspaces over water and land around Panama City the vast majority of commercial traffic is routed around this area. As a result, there are very few contrails, persistent or not. If there is really a program designed to spray for what ever the reason of the week is, why not spray here? There is no restriction of military traffic. It wouldn't even be questioned. Even the occasional commercial traffic does come through. What is seen however, is when the military airspace is not active and more commercial traffic is traversing the area, persistent contrails, or "chemtrails", are only seen when the atmospheric conditions are conducive to contrail formation. Go figure. :rolleyes:

  16. I see you had some time off from "work" to post some more nonsense.

    But thanks for moving the videos I posted up to where they can be seen again.. It's important for people to see what's really going on.

    My new name for these deadly chemtrails is "The Tic Tac Toe Game of Death".


    What did I post that was "nonsense"? Proof please.

    What is supposed to be wrong with that picture? It looks exactly as one would expect from persistent contrails formed from crossing flight paths over time.

  17. Though this video cuts off abruptly at the end, the narrator does have time to say that the Air Force is involved in this crime and cover up.

    The narrator was mentioning the 2025 project. A STUDENT project written from the standpoint of IF we had an unlimited budget and IF we had some extra technology that we don't have, here is what we could do. The "Owning the Weather" section is but a small part of the entire project. You should really read all of it sometime. Part of it (including parts of Owning the Weather) are quite humorous. There is a lot in there that is not possible and even more that is not feasible even if it were possible. It is ALL speculation.

    In this footage we see a chemtrail being switched off and on .. The guy who shot this video thinks he's looking at a contrail, so doesn't understand how it can be switched off and on.

    And? Is it impossible for a contrail to start and stop? Is the air all completely uniform? No. The easiest example of this is that clouds have edges. Contrails, which are essentially cirrus clouds, form and persist depending primarily on air temperature and moisture content. An aircraft passing through air of varying temperature and/or moisture content can have contrails that start and stop.

    More proof that the US Air Force is spaying chemtrails.. This History Chanel documentary also dicusses the Air Force's secret weather control programs.


    Documentary? I think you might be confused with the difference between a documentary and entertainment.

    It starts with claims and theories but no actual evidence. And of course Will Thomas quoting an anonymous source.

    Weather control, of which the Air Force maintains a small research flight of C-130s (note: prop engines, not jets) is attempted (not always successfully) via cloud seeding, which happens within established clouds. Contrails or "chemtrails" if you must, happen outside of clouds or occasionally near cirrus clouds which are not capable of rain. This video does get a little into that but note this is NOT what is usually described as "chemtrails". Cloud seeding happens WITHIN CLOUDS at low altitudes. "Chemtrails" are observed creating clouds, cirrus clouds that are not capable of rain. Of course normal contrails do the same thing.

  18. The very first jet is NOT military. Its trails are coming from the engines as you'd expect from contrails. Second jet is the same, not military (thanks for providing evidence against your assumption by the way), not even a type the Air Force owns. The center trail appears to be a short lived aerodynamic contrail likely forming off the vertical stabilizer. Aerodynamic contrails are often short lived and formed at wing tips and on lifting surfaces. The third jet is the same without the contrails from the engines. The fourth jet at 1:43 appears to be the same footage at the second jet or at least shows the same thing. Again, engine contrails and an intermittent aerodynamic contrail. Same thing again with the fifth jet at 2:03. It goes on and on. The majority of the video shows either aerodynamic contrails or intermittent contrails due to non-uniform air. The floating dust after nine minutes is pretty but doesn't prove anything. The last scene shows a vortex or wake turbulence study. There are smoke generators on the wingtips to make the wake turbulence visible.

    Everything in this video can be explained by contrails.

    Ultimate proof? Only proof that planes can travel at different altitudes, traveling through air of different temperatures and moisture contents and thus have different types of contrails. Also proof that you can't tell the difference in altitude by the naked eye.

    No proof that the trails came from the wing. Even if they did, so what? They are obviously unaware of aerodynamic contrails. No proof the plane is at 6,000 feet. They make the claim that the clouds the plane is traveling through are at 6,000 feet max but they misidentified the clouds. The clouds shown in the video are cirrus clouds. Those typically form above 25,000 feet.

  19. "I don't post nonsense. You haven't yet bothered to address what I've written. You just spam more youtube videos."

    I haven't spammed anything .. The YouTube videos I posted here provide the PROOF that chemtrails are being sprayed, that they are NOT contrails, and that the Air Force is involved with the spraying of these poisons.

    "Stating the Air Force is involved in spraying (which is unproven), stating I'm in the Air Force, and making the point that I "monitor this forum day and night to make sure you post immediately after anyone posts any evidence of chemtrails." (also unproven and untrue) is meant to imply I post here for a job. I maintain it is an accusation."

    Sorry, but it's a proven fact that the Air Force is spraying chemtrails, and I also believe it's a fact that you're in the Air Force.. I never implied that your job is posting here.

    So I guess you're not a work right now?

    It is NOT a proven fact that the Air Force is spraying "chemtrails" or that "chemtrails" even exist. Again, the majority of trails come from commercial aircraft. The majority of trails come from aircraft the Air Force doesn't even have.

    Again, read post 105

    I said it USUALLY does not let me post form work. I was on lunch, not that it is any of your business.

  20. "I HAVE looked at the "evidence". I have found it lacking."

    The chemtrail evidence isn't what's lacking.. What's lacking is your ability to admit it's true.

    BS. "Chemtrails" depend on a LIE that contrails can not persist. Proponents have only tested samples collected on the ground. Their evidence is lacking. I have been researching this for more than 10 years. EVERYTHING I've seen, in person, pictures or video, can be explained by contrails.

    "The article is written by Mike Blair but it doesn't really make it clear that he is referring to himself."

    You mean you don't believe Blair actually wrote that article, or you don't believe he really believes what he wrote?

    Neither, I mean what I said, that he doesn't make it clear he is referring to himself. If the phrase "An Air Force veteran, who while on active duty was attached to the nation's top secret National Security Agency (NSA), " is supposed to refer to the author, it is in third person and at best is badly written. It appears he is writing about someone else that is unnamed.

    "Your research standard is approaching Jack's. I post immediately? Care to actually check those times? You know that is BS. Most of the time I have to wait until I get home because I can't usually post from work."

    Well, it's good to know that you can't waste your time posting your nonsense here while you're at work.. Everybody needs break from that sometimes.

    I don't post nonsense. You haven't yet bothered to address what I've written. You just spam more youtube videos.

    "Which brings up another point, I am NOT a pilot nor am I paid to post here or anywhere. If your research had bothered to bring you to my signature, biography, or the forum rules, you would know that and you would know you aren't allowed to make that accusation anyway."

    It was not an accusation, it was me hoping you aren't involved in the US Air Force's poisoning of the planet.. Please read what I wrote again and then stop accusing me of accusing you.

    This is what I said .. "I just hope you're not one the Air Force pilots helping to destroy the planet."

    That is clearly NOT an accusation.

    Stating the Air Force is involved in spraying (which is unproven), stating I'm in the Air Force, and making the point that I "monitor this forum day and night to make sure you post immediately after anyone posts any evidence of chemtrails." (also unproven and untrue) is meant to imply I post here for a job. I maintain it is an accusation.

  21. "An anonymous guy says so? Great source."

    I wonder if Mike Blair knows his real name is "anonymous"? :lol:

    "Of course it repeats the lie that contrails can't persist and always disperse. If you had bothered to look at post 105 you'd know that isn't so and never has been."

    Of course you repeat the contrail LIE.. The Air Force is spraying chemtrails.. You're in the Air Force.. You monitor this forum day and night to make sure you post immediately after anyone posts any evidence of chemtrails.

    I just hope you're not one the Air Force pilots helping to destroy the planet.

    Take a real close look at this CHEMTRAIL evidence, and then post some more nonsense in the hope that somebody besides your clueless pal Kevin believes you.

    I HAVE looked at the "evidence". I have found it lacking. YOU have not. It is obvious that you haven't yet looked at post 105. The idea that contrails can not persist is a lie, propogated by those who have no understanding of weather.

    The article is written by Mike Blair but it doesn't really make it clear that he is referring to himself. Nor does he offer any actual evidence other than his say so.

    Your research standard is approaching Jack's. I post immediately? Care to actually check those times? You know that is BS. Most of the time I have to wait until I get home because I can't usually post from work. The network prevents me from doing so. Even for the times I do, so what? With immediate nitification via email is it really a big deal?

    Which brings up another point, I am NOT a pilot nor am I paid to post here or anywhere. If your research had bothered to bring you to my signature, biography, or the forum rules, you would know that and you would know you aren't allowed to make that accusation anyway.

  22. Here is even more evidence that the Air force is spraying chemtrails.

    "The strange-looking streaks in the sky aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government. And the public has been kept in the dark.

    The Pentagon [and possibly other federal government entities] is testing anti-biological warfare agents, which produce the mysterious "chemtrails" that are appearing on an irregular basis in the skies over many American cities, towns and rural areas.

    An Air Force veteran, who while on active duty was attached to the nation's top secret National Security Agency (NSA), presents compelling evidence that the Pentagon is using regular Air Force and Air Force National Guard aircraft to release anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals into the skies.

    Unlike True Contrails

    If you closely watched the trails over an extended period of time, you can tell they are unlike regular aircraft contrails. The chemtrails do not rapidly disperse. Instead they gradually spread out in a lacy pattern, ultimately forming what appear to be banks of clouds

    Even after fanning out, the chemtrails can be readily spotted because the banks of clouds are in straight lines across the sky as they mesh together. Sometimes they turn an otherwise sunny day into one that is overcast.

    The former researcher said he believes he has tracked the chemical spraying to the "unconventional pathogen countermeasures program" of the top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The agency has funded laboratory studies and tests conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

    DARPA Director Lawrence H. Dubois claims the agency is "not doing any large-scale or outdoor testing" and he knows of "no evidence that [the chemical substance] is being sprayed from aircraft by any agency of the federal government."

    Extensive Research

    "After talking to friends in Congress, government and medicine, I have been referred to the University of Michigan and Dr. James Baker Jr., his nanotechnology oil-water liquid-the same liquid developed by Dr. Craig Wright, a scientist at Novavax Inc. in Columbia, Md.," the researcher said. "I speak for thousands of American citizens who are being sprayed by military aircraft and haven't a clue why the government is spraying and lying to them. They are very concerned in light of the present administration."

    The researcher said the government is planning for a biological attack against the United States. Government officials have referred to such an attack as "not if, but when."

    A number of Third World countries hostile to the United States as well as Russia and Red China are involved in massive chemical and biological warfare development programs.

    The government and its scientists claim that the chemicals being tested are harmless to humans. This researcher disagrees.

    "Certain illnesses including pneumonia tracked the spraying effort across America but the American people have not been told about the project," the

    researcher said. "In fact, government agencies have deliberately lied to the

    citizens again and again.

    "These aircraft trails appear below 10,000 feet and do not act like ice crystals. Spray from aircraft are observed cutting on and off as you would throw a switch on the aircraft control panel. Grid patterns are painted in the sky with 'X' and circles are also painted."

    According to one investigator, the oil in the substance being sprayed is responsible for "rainbow-like" colorations that appear frequently during the formation of the chemtrails. The "X" found in an area being sprayed probably marks the areas for satellite study of the dispersal patterns."



    An anonymous guy says so? Great source. :rolleyes:

    Of course it repeats the lie that contrails can't persist and always disperse. If you had bothered to look at post 105 you'd know that isn't so and never has been.

  23. Matthew,

    Since you're in the Air Force, I'm surprised you don't know about chemtrails.. Especially since it's the Air Force who's spraying them.


    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that "chemtrails" are simply persistent contrails. See post #105 of this thread for a start.

    Will Thomas was one of the first, if not the very first to collect money towards collecting a sample directly from a trail. This was more than 10 years ago. Why do he and others still rely on collections made at ground level?

    I notice you've ignored direct questions. You truly are a Jack White disciple aren't you?

    If they are persisting and still in the air then how are they affect you on the ground at the same time miles away?

    If it was a virus or bacteria that affected you, those take time to incubate. Why assume the source came immediately before symptoms?

    You mention military, what about all the pictures and videos that show commercial craft leaving these trails? Or the programs like FlightAware or Flight Explorer that show they are commercial flights? What about the thousands of trails left by types of aircraft the military doesn't have?

    There's no "allegedly" about it.

    "Chemtrails is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white trails laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force calls aerial obscuration.

    "A Jack White desciple"? .. LOL .. You really are desperate now, aren't you? .. So when you can't even pretend to debunk evidence you don't like, just sling some insults instead.. You really are a desciple of the apollohoax.net cesspit.

    I ignored your questions because I was busy finding the proof that the Air Force is spraying chemtrail poisons.

    I have no idea how long the chemtrails were in the skies over my home .. All I know is that both my friend and I got very ill after being underneath them for several hours.. So did many other people in my home town .. There was not only an epidemic of vertigo and the "flu" at that time, but also shingles.

    Yes, allegedly. You believe everything Will Thomas writes?

    Calling you a Jack White disciple is not an insult, just an observation. You ignore inconvenient info just like he does. Haven't bothered to check out post 105 yet have you?

    You ignored the questions because they are inconvenient for you. Can't bother with the truth that the majority of your trails come from commercial aircraft.

  24. Matthew,

    Since you're in the Air Force, I'm surprised you don't know about chemtrails.. Especially since it's the Air Force who's spraying them.


    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that "chemtrails" are simply persistent contrails. See post #105 of this thread for a start.

    Will Thomas was one of the first, if not the very first to collect money towards collecting a sample directly from a trail. This was more than 10 years ago. Why do he and others still rely on collections made at ground level?

    I notice you've ignored direct questions. You truly are a Jack White disciple aren't you?

    If they are persisting and still in the air then how are they affect you on the ground at the same time miles away?

    If it was a virus or bacteria that affected you, those take time to incubate. Why assume the source came immediately before symptoms?

    You mention military, what about all the pictures and videos that show commercial craft leaving these trails? Or the programs like FlightAware or Flight Explorer that show they are commercial flights? What about the thousands of trails left by types of aircraft the military doesn't have?

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