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Wade Rhodes

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Everything posted by Wade Rhodes

  1. I feel that Roger Craig did not kill himself and somebody silenced him after the many failed attempts on his life, car bombs, the shadows following him everywhere he moved to. I would like everybody to read this un-published manuscript by Roger Craig and his motive to uncover the truth...Bill Decker was a very big part of Roger's story. http://www.conspiracybomb.com/killapresident.htm
  2. Anybody have information on Roger Craig's "certain editor"?? "Imagine the turmoil it will cause when and if the Dallas Police read this and find out I have copied and turned over to a certain editor several names, addresses and telephone numbers of people connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy which were LOCKED in the files of the Dallas Police Intelligence Division. Not to mention the files which were photostated and smuggled out of the Dallas County Mail under Bill Decker's nose (all after I left the Sheriff's Department)."
  3. Intersting report on rifle confiscated.. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/01/0148-001.gif
  4. Is Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko still alive - interesting info from harrison-e-livingstone "Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko made a discovery in the National Archives of an obscure FBI file label attached to some photographs of a bullet with a damaged nose. I sent photos of the bullet to Craig Roberts, and he identifies this as a 22 slug--a small bullet. He instantly felt that it came from the type of silenced 22 Winchester Model 74 he has said could have been used in the assassination. The file label has this comment on it: "Photos of bullet claimed to have been removed from President Kennedy." The label also indicates that the memo was kept in the New Orleans FBI (although this is an assumption, since it doesn't say FBI on it) office. It is not clear yet what all this might mean, but on the face of it, it means that everyone has lied about what happened at the autopsy of President Kennedy and that they had in fact found a bullet in Kennedy's body. Remember, we have a receipt in the official record for a "missile" found at the autopsy. Roberts wrote me that "This is the same nose shape of a .22 bullet! The base appears to be missing, and the large dent tends to make me think it is soft lead. It does not appear to have rifling marks for some reason, and it is not a metal jacketed bullet." In addition, Roberts writes that another possibility is that it is a bullet from a 1.77 caliber air rifle, which does not produce rifling grooves, and does not have a .22 bullet type base."
  5. Is Patrick Moynihan still alive? He might have some interesting thoughts...
  6. I did a google search on General Clay Odum and came up totally blank. There apparently is nothing on the web, not even a biography put out by the military. That makes me highly suspicious. Steve Thomas <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Steve - I searched google - general clay odom jfk with the jfk at the end, I came up with 250 results
  7. Here is another page worth looking at... http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/P...postphotos.html
  8. This is an interesting page on how this could be... http://www.jfkresearch.com/morningstar/morningstar5.htm
  9. Anybody seen this movie?? http://arcweb.archives.gov/arc/arch_result...i=0&nh=100&st=b
  10. Has anybody heard this tape or had access to it? http://arcweb.archives.gov/arc/arch_result...=4&nh=1020&st=b Should be an interesting conversation...
  11. Ok, thanks Shanet for input. "All assassination related documents that have not been destroyed are scheduled, according to the 1992 Assassinations Records Review Board laws, to be released to the public by 2017 (originally the Warren Commission documentations were sealed just before the 1964 presidential election against public availability by President Johnson until 2039)" Just 12 years then we will all know...
  12. Are these documents being withheld for National Security or to cover people in the assassination. ""conspiracy to keep the government’s investigative files into the assassination secret from the American people until the year 2029""
  13. What is everbodys thoughts on this book - "The Taking Of America, 1-2-3" by Richard Sprague. Excerpts on http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/Whole/TOA Interesting read...
  14. According to this map there were 6 shots...
  15. Anybody ever find out who these 2 men are??
  16. I have a question for everybody on the Towner photo #2 http://jfkmurderphotos.bravehost.com/photos.html It appears that there is a figure on overpass, 2nd man on grass looks to be pointing to overpass and there is a figure in the top right corner of the picture against the wall. These do not show up in Phillip Willis photo #5 - later time frame I believe. Any analysis would be appreciated. Thanks..
  17. Sorry, here is an excerpt from "Ghosts of November" "" During our own investigation we interviewed Stanley Watson, a former C.I.A. deputy chief of station in Mexico City. Though aged and retired, he deftly fended off our questions. Watson agreed, though, that there are still secrets about this case. “I don’t think we’ll ever know now,” he murmured, “or at least not until after…” His voice trailed off, and then he added, “I was just about to commit an indiscretion.” ""
  18. Anybody have information on this guy? Will this guy ever talk??
  19. Can anybody verift this quote as true from LBJ tapes... “The thing I am most concerned about,” Hoover said in a call to the White House two hours after Oswald’s murder, “is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”
  20. How does this timeline sound and does anybody have information on Julie Ann Mercer..... http://roswell.fortunecity.com/angelic/96/pctime.htm
  21. I was curious that all links are not present in Box 12-A and the item refers to look in box 11-12....
  22. Ok this topic is kind of vague, I was referring to the... JOHN F. KENNEDY ARCHIVE - BOX 12A Although I see some items are copyrighted and some are moved to different boxes...I saw there were no links on entire page....
  23. Who do you think it is?? Interesting Link covered by media. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/vincedual.html
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