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Bill Cheslock

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Posts posted by Bill Cheslock

  1. I just heard Wolf Blitzer of CNN report that the event at the JFK Library was a fire and

    that it has nothing to do with the bombings at the Marathon. Who knows!! The competing

    networks are trying to get a scoop up on each other. We may hear later that the fire indeed

    was part of the attack. It's not unlike the reporting that went on after the JFK assassinaion in Dealey Plaza.

    It's a good question David. I would say that it's very difficult to secure a race that covers

    26 miles. The good news is that there are many many surveilance cameras on the race route,

    and hopefully officials will be able to use them to give us a clearer picture as to who's responsible.

  2. Thanks Robin. The first photo you posted by Cancellare above is the one I was

    referring to. When enlarged, we can see ,what seems to me, to be a human like

    figure to the right of the tree that is the second tree from the end of the overpass.

    From the street, it's the tree to the right of the motorcycles.

    I wonder if anyone else can see what I perceive to be a human figure on the

    south knoll, holding what could be a rifle?

  3. Excellent Robin. Do you remember a blown up photo of the south knoll?

    I believe I saw a Cancellare photo of the left side of Elm Street that was made

    much larger than the original, and that it showed what seems to be a human

    figure holding a long object that could be a rifle.

    This was a few years ago, and I can't remember the source. Then again,

    perhaps it was you.



  4. Absolutely no mention of Lewis' writing on the Warren Commission. In

    the New York Times edition of the "Report Of The Warren Commission,

    The Assassination Of President Kennedy" (McGraw -Hill Book Company,

    October 1964) Lewis wrote a preface titled, "On The Release Of The Warren

    Report," p. xxxi. His six and a half pages starts off supporting the official government version;

    Oswald was the lone assassin, and there was no conspiracy, foreign or domestic. His pontification

    continues with agreeing with the Commission's belief that Oswald shot at

    General Walker, and that the alleged presidential assassin was a malcontent

    whose own gun fired all the shots and killed President Kennedy.

    Mr. Lewis categorically dismisses who he calls "mythmakers," those who

    question the conclusions of the Warren Commission, but assures the reader

    that the conclusions were correct.

    The final paragraph of his forward seems to excuse the Secret Service from any

    fault. He writes that even President Kennedy admitted that it would be easy for

    anybody who really wanted to shoot the President of the United States. He could

    get on a high building with a telescopic rifle, and there was nothing anybody could

    do to defend against such an attempt.

  5. Witness-2.blogspot.com. I already have some posts there, one huge one concerning a man who calls himself a hero but is a fake witness to 9/11.

    Hope all is well.

    Hi Kathleen

    I tried to long on to your blogspot, but had no luck.

    Any suggestions?



  6. I came across this article below about Sirhan's parole hearing. Should he

    be paroled and permitted to return to Jordan? Or, should he remain in an

    American prison? I have mixed feelings. If he was indeed programmed and

    didn't know what he was involved in, I don't know if he should be kept in

    prison. On the other hand, if he was knowingly involved, and if he does make parole

    and returns to Jordan, I believe the RFK assassination investigation, what little is left, will take

    a plunge into a giant black hole and never be heard from again. This is something, I believe,

    the American media would welcome. Any thoughts on Sirhan being paroled? Any thoughts

    on this article below?




  7. I find your penchant for accepting every racey story involving the sex lives of the Kennedy brothers revelatory of the irrelevance of your research. I am profoundly disappointed...and quite honestly, disgusted.

    Greg, with the Kennedy sex maniacs, most of these stories are true. And are relevant both to the JFK assassination AND to the cover up as this post demonstrates. No need to shoot the messenger if you can't handle the message.

    I get tired of going over to John McAdams web site and seeing this:

    "He didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights . . . . It's — it had to be some silly little Communist." — Jackie Kennedy, on hearing that a leftist had been arrested for her husband's murder.


    Robert Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy were handicapped in speaking the truth of what they knew: that the JFK assassination was a coup d'etat and the result of an elite DOMESTIC conspiracy. One big reason they did not speak up was because RFK and Jackie were having an illicit affair with each other and Robert Kennedy, in particular, did not want to risk having this exposed, which would have killed off his political ambitions for US Senate and the Presidency.

    After all, Robert Kennedy had TEN kids with Ethel, and here he was spending all this emotional energy, time, and money on Jackie. It is one thing to be a good uncle to John John and Caroline and a close friend to Jackie, it is entirely another to be hopping in the bed with the widow Jackie Kennedy and carrying on with her like 2 teenagers in love.

    So Jack Kennedy was not the only Kennedy who was BLACKMAILABLE - Robert Kennedy was and he lived in fear of having his affair with Jackie exposed. I have read almost the whole book "Bobby and Jackie" and it convinced me, with countless anecdotes from close Kennedy friends, that the RFK/Jackie affair was quite the reality and an "open secret" among the Kennedy clan.

    Back to John Kennedy: the ONLY reason Lyndon Johnson got on that Democratic ticket in 1960 was through the use of sexual blackmail and other threats on John Kennedy.

    In sum, I am researcher in the 1963 Coup d'Etat. I am not some sort of Kennedy groupie or a PR flack along the lines of Karl Rove (Bushes), James Carville (Clintons) or Jack Valenti (Johnson). I try to find the truth whether it is good, bad or ugly.

    One more thing: save your "disgust" for the character suicide that the Kennedys committed... such as running around on a wife that gave you 10 children.

    Produce the PROOF of this illicit love affair! PRODUCE THE PROOF! instead of parroting what you have read elsewhere. The entire idea that they, including Joseph Kennedy, Sr., JFK & RFK, were all ultimately "black-mailable" due to their alleged sexual exploits is a claim beyond the pale; it's an unsupported assertion, and is absurd!

    Here is another take on Heyman and his book.


  8. I find your penchant for accepting every racey story involving the sex lives of the Kennedy brothers revelatory of the irrelevance of your research. I am profoundly disappointed...and quite honestly, disgusted.

    Greg, with the Kennedy sex maniacs, most of these stories are true. And are relevant both to the JFK assassination AND to the cover up as this post demonstrates. No need to shoot the messenger if you can't handle the message.

    I get tired of going over to John McAdams web site and seeing this:

    "He didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights . . . . It's — it had to be some silly little Communist." — Jackie Kennedy, on hearing that a leftist had been arrested for her husband's murder.


    Robert Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy were handicapped in speaking the truth of what they knew: that the JFK assassination was a coup d'etat and the result of an elite DOMESTIC conspiracy. One big reason they did not speak up was because RFK and Jackie were having an illicit affair with each other and Robert Kennedy, in particular, did not want to risk having this exposed, which would have killed off his political ambitions for US Senate and the Presidency.

    After all, Robert Kennedy had TEN kids with Ethel, and here he was spending all this emotional energy, time, and money on Jackie. It is one thing to be a good uncle to John John and Caroline and a close friend to Jackie, it is entirely another to be hopping in the bed with the widow Jackie Kennedy and carrying on with her like 2 teenagers in love.

    So Jack Kennedy was not the only Kennedy who was BLACKMAILABLE - Robert Kennedy was and he lived in fear of having his affair with Jackie exposed. I have read almost the whole book "Bobby and Jackie" and it convinced me, with countless anecdotes from close Kennedy friends, that the RFK/Jackie affair was quite the reality and an "open secret" among the Kennedy clan.

    Back to John Kennedy: the ONLY reason Lyndon Johnson got on that Democratic ticket in 1960 was through the use of sexual blackmail and other threats on John Kennedy.

    In sum, I am researcher in the 1963 Coup d'Etat. I am not some sort of Kennedy groupie or a PR flack along the lines of Karl Rove (Bushes), James Carville (Clintons) or Jack Valenti (Johnson). I try to find the truth whether it is good, bad or ugly.

    One more thing: save your "disgust" for the character suicide that the Kennedys committed... such as running around on a wife that gave you 10 children.

    Produce the PROOF of this illicit love affair! PRODUCE THE PROOF! instead of parroting what you have read elsewhere. The entire idea that they, including Joseph Kennedy, Sr., JFK & RFK, were all ultimately "black-mailable" due to their alleged sexual exploits is a claim beyond the pale; it's an unsupported assertion, and is absurd!

  9. Here is some proof for ya, Greg: David Heymann's book "Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story"

    This is yet another example of your uncommonly rich attraction to employing CIRCULARITY when arguing your point. Your assertion is: "This is a great book." My challenge is: "Provide proof that its content is factual." Your reply is: "I (Robert) have proof of the allegations made in this book--and the proof IS CONTAINED IN THE BOOK!."

    Fallacious idiocy at its finest...

  10. Thanks Bernice. It's unfortunate this agent didn't expand upon

    his belief that Oswald wasn't the assassin. I would like to know

    based on what facts does he make this statement? Or, is it his

    opinion only?

    The Milteer connection to the assassination has always been

    very interesting, to say the least. Instead of putting some

    pressure on Milteer, the FBI decided to out the informant,

    Somerset, and ignore the tape recording implicating Milteer.


  11. My name is Bill Cheslock and have been researching the assassinations of the 1960's for over forty years now. I live on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and am a retired history, political science, and special needs teacher. I have taught a course on the assassinations, and have spoken at universities here in the U.S. and Canada.

  12. Well of course it would.

    Presumably ballistics tests linked CE399 to the M-C, however. Do you recall when that test was completed?

    Note that the DPD did not conduct a test to determine if the M-C had been fired on Nov 22, 1963.


    I don't know very much about rifles and tests to determine if they were fired.

    However, in a discussion with Gary Mack via e-mail about a year ago, Gary

    stated there is no test available to determine if a rifle was fired recently,

    to his knowledge.

    Bill C

    You know, I would bet that the DPD and the Sheriff's dept. had plenty of rabbit hunters on the force. I don't know about any scientific test to determine if a gun has been fired or not, but if one sniffs the end of the barrel, he will know immediately if the gun has been shot recently. I remember when I hunted here in the hills of Kentucky as a young man that after I shot at game (whether I hit it or not) I could smell that the gun had been fired. Also, I remember later in the evening, as I was preparing to clean my gun, 2-3 hours (or more), that I could still detect the smell of gunpowder in the barrel.



    With your description of how to test if a rifle has been fired recently, it

    seems we don't need a scientific test to determine it. You have to wonder if

    any of those law enforcement officers who were on the sixth floor had the mind

    set to do just what you described above. Going a step further, would the aroma

    of gunpowder be on the casings that were found under the window of the sixth floor?


    Bill C

  13. Well of course it would.

    Presumably ballistics tests linked CE399 to the M-C, however. Do you recall when that test was completed?

    Note that the DPD did not conduct a test to determine if the M-C had been fired on Nov 22, 1963.


    I don't know very much about rifles and tests to determine if they were fired.

    However, in a discussion with Gary Mack via e-mail about a year ago, Gary

    stated there is no test available to determine if a rifle was fired recently,

    to his knowledge.

    Bill C

  14. We all know that per Dave Belin, if LHO already had that Coke in hand when Truly & Baker spotted him, he'd be an innocent man (not enough time to get it).

    No, says Vincent, the fact that he had a Coke in hand, rather than his usual Dr. Pepper, is final proof that he shot JFK. You see, there was a functioning Dr Pepper machine on the first floor where he claimed he ate his lunch.

    That Coke is more important to VB, you see, than the absurdity of the SBT!


    The Dr. Pepper vs. Coca Cola debate was brought up in Jim Moore's LN book,

    "Conspiracy Of One" back in 1990. Moore writes. "After the encounter with

    Baker and Truly in the lunchroom, Oswald (displaying icy calm even though

    Baker was holding at Oswald's midsection) put a nickel in the soda machine

    and selected a Coca-Cola. It may be that this single action on Oswald's part

    holds the key to his guilt. Oswald habitually drank Dr. Pepper. There can be

    only one realistic explanation for a miser like Oswald to fail to select his soft

    drink of choice--he was nervous." (Moore, page 53)

    So there you have it. Case solved, or closed or whatever. However, Tim

    my question is, did Bugliosi give credit to Moore for "solving" the case

    via the soda episode? Or, did he take credit for figuring "sodagate" out himself, thus

    opening himself up to charges of plagiarism?

    Bill C

  15. Question from Thaddeus Kochanny:

    I read the book. Interesting elements in it too. I looked in vain for any reference to the Federal Reserve Board's involvement in the JFK murder.

    The President had intended to buy back from the Federal Reserve and return to the Treasury Department the "right" to control the money supply and interest rates. Soon after coming to this decision he was murdered.

    Seems to me that since the Federal Reserve System benefited most, long term, its involvement should have been discussed.


    I agree that the Federal Reserve System should have been looked into further. Perhaps

    it was in a clandestine way. However, Jim Marrs in his book, "Crossfire," does discuss the

    Fed. He devotes only a couple of pages, starting on page 274 under the heading, "A Killing On Wall Street."

    Bill C

  16. Read Ed's book which rebuts such allegations


    Ed Hoffman is as very reliable witness. The

    interpreter who helped him the most is the Rev.

    Ron Friedrich. In the introduction of Ed's book,

    Rev. Friedrich explains the problems encountered

    by Ed when he was trying to explain his story.

    The book will, among other things, fill in gaps

    of information left by earlier chroniclers, correct

    errors published by other researchers, document

    specific mistranslations by Sign Language interpreters,

    some of which have led to published errors, etc.

    The book addresses repeated criticisms, such

    as "Ed Hoffman keeps changing his story," Why

    didn't he come forward sooner to tell authorities what

    he saw," etc.

    Ron concludes the introduction of the book by

    stating that the mocking of Ed has faded into silence

    as collections of photos are published, and researchers

    dig deeper to discover things were just as Ed has described

    them: There was indeed a police officer stationed on the

    railroad bridge over Stemmons Freeway. The Secret Service

    agent standing in the car behind the presidential limousine was

    indeed holding a weapon. The view between Ed's purported perch

    on the freeway and the north stockade fence at Dealey Plaza was indeed

    clear, treeless, in the moments before, during, and after the assassination.

    Ed Hoffman has to be dealt with and ridiculed because what he saw

    does not coincide with the official version of the assassination.

    Bill C

  17. Debra Conway reports that "Inside sources tell me the HBO project is dead, wasn't really ever alive. I even took down the petition -- but I am still mailing it to Playtone."

    Yes, I read the same report from Debra Conway. Perhaps HBO took a look at the dismal sales of the

    book, which doesn't even make it on USA Today's "150 best selling book database" for June 27, 2007.

    Bugliosi, it seems, has tainted his reputation in a irrevocable way.

    Bill C

  18. Rich has announced that past images posted on JFKresearch over the years

    will now be accessible through a new and ongoing feature open to all researchers.

    Thanks Jack, for these photos. I was glad to see the "lambchop" photos of the

    stuffed dog that Mrs. Kennedy is holding. Jean Hill was chastised over the years

    for stating that there was a dog in the limousine sitting between the President and

    First Lady. Wallace Milam made an excellent presentation about this, and Rich's

    photos clearly vindicate Ms. Hill's observation. For one, David Belin jumped on

    this and questioned Jean Hill's credibility for saying that a dog was in the limo.

    The "lambchop" photos clearly make a fool of Belin..........again.

    Bill C

  19. Robert MacNamara also references the withdrawal in his 1995 memoir.

    This is a brief synopsis of my arguement, I will have to submit a written piece, including the relevant documents.

    All the best,



    McNamara appeared at the JFK Presidential Library on April 27, 1995.

    I was one of about 1,000 guests in the big auditorium. During the Q and A

    period, I had the opportunity to go to the microphone and ask former Defense

    Secretary McNamara what JFK's plans were for Vietnam, had he lived. Without

    hesitation, he said that JFK was going to pull out of Vietnam.

    Bill C

  20. Ok, sorry if this is a really thick question but the US system does confuse me a little.

    JFK knew the difference in our systems. Here's an explanation from JFK to

    Richard Bissell after the Bay of Pigs fiasco:

    Within seventy-two hours all the invading troops had been killed, wounded or had surrendered. Bissell had a meeting with John F. Kennedy about the Bay of Pigs operation. Kennedy admitted it was his fault that the operation had been a disaster. Kennedy added: "In a parliamentary government, I'd have to resign. But in this government I can't, so you and Allen (Dulles) have to go." (Spartacus Link to Richard Bissell)

    Bill C

  21. Instead I think the CIA sent some random hacks to use the real LHO's name at significant times in the months prior to their murder of the President, to set him up as the patsy. For example, to take target practice.


    Hello Myra

    I believe the impersonation of Oswald by someone in Mexico City

    at the Cuban consulate is a very important clue with respect to the


    As you know, both Sylvia Duran and Eusebio Azcue of the Cuban

    consulate dealt with "Oswald," and would later make statements that the

    man in the consulate was NOT the same Oswald who was arrested in Dallas.

    Their descriptions of the consulate "Oswald" is not close to what the Dallas

    Oswald looked like.

    Bill C

  22. The Enquirer was big on psychics and stories about them. I am sure it was their

    idea. They contacted Mary and asked her to invite some local researchers. She

    invited me, Gary and Larry, and maybe Penn Jones (can't remember), as well

    as Jim Leavelle. My wife went with me. It was a cheap looking apartment with

    cheap furniture. I remember that the swimming pool had been filled in with dirt.

    That is all that I know.


    Thanks Jack. One thing I forgot to ask is, do you remember what year that

    seance was held? If the apartment was still unoccupied, do you think it was

    not too long after the assassination?


    Bill C

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