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Bill Grote

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Everything posted by Bill Grote

  1. I received several trojans and a few pop up viruses trying to attach to my computer at work while viewing the JFK Debate site. This happened for around 4 days straight at from June 10th on. Luckily, the viruses were repelled or "quarantined" by my virus protection. But I started to wonder why would someone post viruses on the site. Was it a student, or someone else? Did someone want to discourage us from sharing information on the JFK Assassination? Aww-- that's paranoid thinking. -- Bill Grote
  2. Hi Eugene, I right-clicked on the Jack's image of Badgeman, saved it to my computer. Opened the image in Photoshop selected image, adjust levels. I used my mouse to adjust the midtones in towards the area where most of the density of the image showed on the graph. Some people use the "curves" tool to achieve the same function. It all depends on what you are comfortable with. This is esentially the same way you adjust most images in photoshop to bring out their maximum color. Something I have to do a lot of at work every day. You could also select "auto adjust" but that takes away all the fun and sometimes leaves you with results that you may not want and you end up doing it over. I then created another layer, added a 7% tint of color for the flesh tone on the face and blue for the uniform. The final results seem to help the image, that at first I couldn't see, start to come out from the background. You could probably go a step further by adjusting levels and saving them as different layers and then flattening them all together. But then you might be adding more to the image than what was really there. But it might be fun to try. It's really an exceptional image especially when you can really focus on what Jack has found here. -- Bill
  3. Hi Bill, I think you responded to it on page 7 of this post (Something about being able to see what appears to be a picket fence at the bottom of the image.) You haven't heard of my work because I'm not anyone you'd hear of. And my work isn't anything spectacular -- just cover graphics and catalogs for a construction book company. I'm just some poor slob who goes to work everyday and lives a fairly mundane life. But I'm addicted to this forum. -- Bill
  4. Who is Bill Scrote and where are his "truly extraordinary enhancements" of Badgeman? Jack Hi Jack, Are you really trying to say "Bill Grote"? If so, that's me. All I did was increase the contrast of your "Badgeman" image in photoshop and fiddle slightly with the contrast to bring out the image. The same could be done with the "curves" tool in Photoshop. In the colorized version I just added a layer and added a small percentage of color to emphasize the uniform and the face. I have worked in graphics and advertising for the past 20 years so it was just too tempting for me not to diddle around with it. I hope that you don't mind. I'm a great admirer of your work and of what is discussed on the forum. I was a high school student when Kennedy was shot and remember vividly my Biology teacher breaking down and crying when they announced it over the school loudspeaker. It seems like this country took a dive ever since that happened. Let me know if I can do anything to help with any images. I would be happy to help. -- Bill Grote Thanks, Bill. I guess EBC misspelled you name. Where was your employment in advertising and graphics? Jack Hi Jack, I work at Craftsman Book Company in Carlsbad, CA. -- a stones throw from the infamous La Costa resort. The images aren't anything special. They are on page 7 of this topic. They're just slightly enhanced copies of your image. -- Bill
  5. Who is Bill Scrote and where are his "truly extraordinary enhancements" of Badgeman? Jack Hi Jack, Are you really trying to say "Bill Grote"? If so, that's me. All I did was increase the contrast of your "Badgeman" image in photoshop and fiddle slightly with the contrast to bring out the image. The same could be done with the "curves" tool in Photoshop. In the colorized version I just added a layer and added a small percentage of color to emphasize the uniform and the face. I have worked in graphics and advertising for the past 20 years so it was just too tempting for me not to diddle around with it. I hope that you don't mind. I'm a great admirer of your work and of what is discussed on the forum. I was a high school student when Kennedy was shot and remember vividly my Biology teacher breaking down and crying when they announced it over the school loudspeaker. It seems like this country took a dive ever since that happened. Let me know if I can do anything to help with any images. I would be happy to help. -- Bill Grote
  6. One more item found in a response to a JFK class concerning Chauncey Holt Kenneth, My name's David Mollering, I'm an Illustrator working for the San Diego Union-Tribune. I've been into the assassination since highschool, the early 70's. In 1994 I had the chance to meet one of the so-called tramps, the older tramp, otherwise known as the third tramp, Chauncey Holt. The three men photographed being escorted by police through Dealy Plaza. We became great friends and had lunch weekly for the next three and a half years. Not only was he a contract agent, but he worked for big business and the mob for thirty years. Starting after WWII working for Meyer Lansky as an accountant, among other things. He was a skilled assassin taking part in most of the Central American black operation for the company, starting with Guatemala and continuing through Chile. We filmed him the week before he died in June 1997. The one thing we have that noboby else has are the documents and letters he kept. Linking Big business the mob and the agency. Soon you'll be able to see for yourself what went on during those times. I always felt I was going to lunch each week with the unspoken history of 50's 60's and 70's. I think it's a great idea getting students involved in the subject, seeing the times at such a distance should bring a clearer eye. If any of your students would like to write and inquire about what I learned from Chauncey, I'd be more than happy to tell what I know. If you have any reservations about my story, please write James H. Fetzer, PHD, University of Minn @ Duluth. (jfetzer@d.unm.edu) He is very familar with Chauncey's story, and a good friend. sincerly David Mollering dmolring@cts.com
  7. Just found an interesting link to an article written by Chauncey Holt, in response to Posner's book. It's a little long-winded but the last pages are interesting. It's in PDF with a 2005 copyright from Karen Holt. You can find it here: http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v3n2/v3n2holt.pdf
  8. Holt spent his "retirement" years in La Mesa, CA, a small suburb east of San Diego. There was an article about him in the San Diego Union. This was when Mark Lane's "Plausable Denial" was first published. I brought Mark a copy of the paper at his book signing in LaJolla, CA. I remember telling Mark that Chauncy was only a few minutes away and that he should look him up. In the article Chanuncy Holt claimed to walk in a particular "toes-out" way. He claimed that if you look at the feet of the old tramp you can tell by the walk that it's him. At least, that's what I remember of the article. It must be in the archives of the San Diego Union for that year.
  9. The old saying "Where there's smoke, there's fire" must be true. In this case it is "where there's fog, there's someone trying to conceal something. I remember watching the History channel offering an apology and figuring that for once someone is getting close to the real JFK assasination story. The cover-up is strong and well, as we see in this example of the potentially guilty being protected. Now if we just had a Bernstein and Woodword and a tabloid that would back them so that we could take "deep throat's" advice and "Follow the money." We might then have an opportunity to see who's behind this part of the coverup. Bill G.
  10. I'm glad that the U.S. is a nation that values freedom of speech. (As long as it doen't offend the rich and politically powerful.) So much for what they teach in the textbooks at school.
  11. Is it possible that there are crowd photos of the Miami visit with the same faces that appear in the Dallas visit? In other words, if the same "teams" were in place at several locations it seems that their photos would preserve them in time. If we notice the same people at both places we might be able to identify the players.
  12. I agree that it appears to be a picket fence on the bottom. Here's a version with color added in Photoshop.
  13. This is from Jack's image. Just fiddled with the contrast a bit. You should be able to make out the eyes and the "badge"
  14. As if Carter hasn't been threatened with reprisals to his children already? I think he would have already said whatever he could, if he were so inclined. Now I am starting to wonder if the 'killer rabbit' story was another plant to make him look weak and ineffective. It's true that he may not reply, but why not invite him to the forum? My dad taught me in highschool that you'll never know if you don't ask. Of course, that was on another subject -- but it may still apply.
  15. Maybe this is a dumb question, but why not ask Carter and get his take on what really happened?
  16. The good ol' CIA. Right!, Kind of reminds me of the Gestapo, and the Brown Shirts. So devious that we should trust them? Listening in on private dessenting views is condoned. Makes me almost proud to be an Amerikan!
  17. This might be a dumb question, but wouldn't it have been possible for the policeman Mr. Hoffman reported to just to take a look in the switch box for the evidence to confirm or not his story?
  18. Didn't they find empty shell casings on the roof of the Dal-Tex building a few years ago?
  19. Hello my name is Bill Grote, Marketing Manager for Craftsman Book Company. I live in Southern California, attended college in Northern California. I want to join the forum to find out new ideas and to be able to post my opinions.
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