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Brendan Slattery

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Posts posted by Brendan Slattery

  1. "O'Reilly was rude to a certifiable nut! How dare he!"

    Um, you have watched his show before, right? Fetzer knew he wasn't there to play pattycake. Fetz is leveling some pretty serious charges, and O'Reilly cross-examined him quite devastatingly. The ex-professor did nothing but stammer, plug his website, and fade into a catatonic trance when challenged. It was almost as good as Groden on the witness stand in the OJ civil suit. That's what happens to the nuts when they leave their comfort zones. They fall apart under the weight of their own hubris. Nor is it particularly libelous to describe Fetz as an "anti-American loon." Why is it so hard to believe that there are Islamic jihadists in the world who wish the US and the West nothing but death and destruction?

  2. I resent spam email from the "Gang" of provocateurs clogging my

    my email box. For your information, post anything you have to say


    If this applies to you, save your time.


    Skanks with too much time on their hands........and they are jealous!

    Hey look! It's Jack's personal sock puppet!

    sock puppet? that term got started on alt.vietnam.war USNET group about 12 years ago

    Gee, I'm impressed. Did they copyright it or something? What would you know about Vietnam other than being fragged?

  3. Brendan Slattery

    There is a problem with your photo,

    it seems your eyes are way too close together,

    must be a problem with your software

    and you should have that fixed.

    You are right, Shanet. A makeover would do

    wonders for his self-esteem.


    Jack's just jealous 'cause I'm gonna outlive him by 40 years ... and do a little dance on his grave. Thanks for the craven Nazi smear. It's been awhile.

  4. O'Reilly is an asshole jerk who never served in the military, while

    Fetzer was a Marine Corps officer in Vietnam.

    O'Reilly called Fetzer a TRAITOR, but it is Fetzer who is a true hero

    and O'Reilly a coward.

    O'Reilly shouted, screamed and became nearly apoplectic while

    repeating several times YOU ARE NUTS, while showing a vast

    lack of information about 911. Fetzer remained calm and tried

    to present facts between O'Reilly's rude rants.

    O'Reilly showed himself to be a rude, ignorant, asshole jerk,

    while Fetzer comported himself with calm class.

    Naturally everyone here understands why Slattery worships

    O'Reilly. Two peas from the same pod.


    Well, you hate this country too, Jack, so you and Fetz can spoon to your heart's content. Accusing the Prez of murdering 3,000 innocent people is indicative of "calm class"? And you think this reflects well on the Marine Corps? What is his idea of "experts"? Those pimple-popping twits from Loose Change? Hilarious. Thankfully, I know an asshole when I see one (or read their posts). Just remember folks: you won't read any of Fetz's shocking revelations in the Bush-hating NY Times or Nation magazine because they're influenced by the evil gum'mint! LOL.

  5. I resent spam email from the "Gang" of provocateurs clogging my

    my email box. For your information, post anything you have to say


    If this applies to you, save your time.


    Skanks with too much time on their hands........and they are jealous!

    Hey look! It's Jack's personal sock puppet!

  6. Let's call this the "sore loser" thread of the day. You couldn't get Rove, Cheney or Bush, so you had to settle for a pipsqueak like Libby. It is to laugh. Presumably, the moonbats who believe that Cheney was orchestrating the "Get Joe" conspiracy will also believe that Libby was ordered to avoid including her in his notes. LOL. When will you dopes realize that partisan hack Joe Wilson is the real villain?

    Washingon Post:

    Nevertheless, it now appears that the person most responsible for the end of Ms. Plame’s CIA career is Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson chose to go public with an explosive charge, claiming — falsely, as it turned out — that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger and that his report had circulated to senior administration officials. He ought to have expected that both those officials and journalists such as Mr. Novak would ask why a retired ambassador would have been sent on such a mission and that the answer would point to his wife. He diverted responsibility from himself and his false charges by claiming that President Bush’s closest aides had engaged in an illegal conspiracy. It’s unfortunate that so many people took him seriously.

  7. Shall I post the long article about Dubya being gay?

    Does it go into the White House pedophilia ring? There is some evidence for that too, dating back to the Reagan administration. (There may have been a hiatus during the days of Clinton, who had more orthodox forms of diversion. It may be just a Republican thing.) Skolnick has written about it among others, though of course it will never see the light of day in the mainstream press. If it's true, however, it helps explain why the Republican leadership considered Mark Foley's behavior to be nothing (till he was caught).

    Ron...this is what you are referring to I think.

    On another thread I posted the link to Dubya's proclivities.


    PS...since when are headlines from a Washington newspaper

    SINKING TO A NEW LOW? Would it be better if it were Clinton?


    And it keeps getting worse :)

    john w

    John...if the president is a pedophile, why would you not want to know about it?

    To me, citizens should be concerned about the moral character of elected officials.

    Why do you think Dubya should get a free pass?

    Some may wish to read this. Do not click if you don't.


    Support morality in government.


    So you agree that Clinton should have done the honorable thing and resigned. Good to hear.

  8. I don't date effeminate men who use aliases.



    Regarding my "real" last name, I was adopted at four months of age and found/met my biological parents in 1987. Thats when I found out that my original surname was "Mahon." Care to make a joke about that?


    That means sooo much coming from a man who ridicules the appearance of others in an unprovoked manner. I suggest you get out of the "joke" business yourself.

  9. Er, any reason in particular why you're baiting me, Tom? I don't recall showing any interest in this topic before. Your obsessions aren't my obsessions. But since I'm not a jerk, I'll play along. Here's what I see: a grainy photo of a long-ago Negro onlooker bathed in daytime shadows, prompting amateur buffs in 2006 to ascribe sinister motivations. Satisfied?



    P.S. How quaint for a consummate baiter to accuse someone else of being a baiter... But we digress, don't we, Brendan?

    P.P.S. You do look a bit "cross-eyed" in your photo. Maybe you should get your eyes checked?


    Let's see: you call me out by name in a special thread, yet somehow you're the aggrieved party? Nice.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not cross-eyed, though I notice you're four-eyed. And could your pose be any gayer? Unlikely.


    (Quote) "And could your pose be any gayer? Unlikely. (End quote) --Brendan Slattery


    Regarding the "pose," all I can say is that the girls in the Czech Republic and here in San Diego seem to like it. It "works" for me...

    You're straight?? Yikes.

    You seem to be really good at putting your foot in your mouth, Brendan. (Keep it up; you could be President some day. LOL) In this thread alone you've implied that you're anti-"Negro" and anti "Gay" (which I'm not.) Sorry to disappoint you, Brendan. You'd probably like to have a "date" with me, wouldn't you?

    You have a very active imagination, not to mention a short memory: I believe it was you who fired the first salvo about others' looks. And since when does accurately describing someone impute hostility?

    P.S. I'm 6'5," 245 lbs, and have a black belt in Karate.

    Goody for you. You can fend for yourself at the bathhouses.

    (Notice the size of my hand, "Cross-Eyes?" It's known as a natural lethal weapon.)

    I'm sure you use it on yourself with regularity.

    Oh, and my real last name is "Mahon" which comes from the Irish word meaning "bear." And oh, I've also got a Sig-Sauer (google it, Brendan). Care to visit me?? How about a "date?" LOL

    I don't date effeminate men who use aliases.

    P.P.S. You are a jerk. Probably not your fault. Some people are just born that way...

    Another vain stab at humor. Go to bed, little fella. You're tired.

  10. Er, any reason in particular why you're baiting me, Tom? I don't recall showing any interest in this topic before. Your obsessions aren't my obsessions. But since I'm not a jerk, I'll play along. Here's what I see: a grainy photo of a long-ago Negro onlooker bathed in daytime shadows, prompting amateur buffs in 2006 to ascribe sinister motivations. Satisfied?


    Interesting that you say "Negro." The common consensus is that he was a Cuban. You got something against "Negroes," Brendan? Or are some of them your "best friends?" lol


    I believe in appropriating the vernacular of the time. Plus, Jack used it a couple weeks ago without incident.

    Nice slight of hand with the Cuban angle.

    Forum idiots: "Gee, that sure looks like a black guy. But why would a black man conspire to murder a civil rights hero like Kennedy? I know! Let's call him a dark-complected Cuban!"

  11. Er, any reason in particular why you're baiting me, Tom? I don't recall showing any interest in this topic before. Your obsessions aren't my obsessions. But since I'm not a jerk, I'll play along. Here's what I see: a grainy photo of a long-ago Negro onlooker bathed in daytime shadows, prompting amateur buffs in 2006 to ascribe sinister motivations. Satisfied?



    P.S. How quaint for a consummate baiter to accuse someone else of being a baiter... But we digress, don't we, Brendan?

    P.P.S. You do look a bit "cross-eyed" in your photo. Maybe you should get your eyes checked?


    Let's see: you call me out by name in a special thread, yet somehow you're the aggrieved party? Nice.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not cross-eyed, though I notice you're four-eyed. And could your pose be any gayer? Unlikely.

  12. Er, any reason in particular why you're baiting me, Tom? I don't recall showing any interest in this topic before. Your obsessions aren't my obsessions. But since I'm not a jerk, I'll play along. Here's what I see: a grainy photo of a long-ago Negro onlooker bathed in daytime shadows, prompting amateur buffs in 2006 to ascribe sinister motivations. Satisfied?

  13. Some of you doth protest too much. If smearing were a competition, this forum would win hands down--esp if you had the misfortune of being a white male who worked for the CIA, FBI, Dallas Police, any Republican Administration, or any defense contractor.

    My, my, Brendan, you are a bit sensiitive. Whatever accusations or smears you feel have been lobbed at your precious Republicans, the amount lobbed towards the Johnson Administration has been tenfold.

    And they're just as heinous and wrongheaded. And I have chastised Simkin for listing LBJ as a co-conspirator at Spartacus

    Where was your protest when the father of dubya's last press sec wrote a book calling Johnson a murderer? Were you up in arms? Or does your outrage only run in one direction?

    What are you implying? Guilt by association? Does his kooky dad work for Bush or something? Not that I can see. I felt embarrassed for McClellan, but his personal (family) problems don't really intrigue me. Sorry.

  14. Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

    provocateur postings? How peaceful!

    The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

    Jack B)

    Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

    Earth to John:

    This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH.

    Oh really? Get thee to Google and unearth those three instances. For the record, I never called for Jack's death. Too tacky. I said that when God eventually takes him (i.e. natural causes), the end result will be greater harmony due to the lack of his daily spam. Jack thinks he can make the most wild and hurtful allegations and never be called on it. He is mistaken.

    BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

    Not everyone's as wimpy as you, Dawny.

    I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own

    Not true. My three aliases would vote for me.

  15. Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

    provocateur postings? How peaceful!

    The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

    Jack :blink:

    Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

    Brendan, I have no idea why Jack provoked you by wondering where you'd been, but the last line is uncalled for. Why couldn't you have just said "Sorry to let you down, Jack, but I've been busy having a life" and have left it at that? Can't you take the high road?

    High road? He deserves no such courtesy. Funny how his "paid provacateur" slur totally escaped your notice. When you treat people with contempt, don't be surprised when you get it in return.

    Or are you still smarting from Clinton's smack-down of Fox News?

    Loved it. Bubba is saying and doing things that ensure that the runup to the 2006 elections will be filled with unflattering looks at the Clinton Administration's antiterror policies. Thanks Bill!

    Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

    provocateur postings? How peaceful!

    The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

    Jack :)

    Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.



    Shame on you, that is disgusting...Grow up..

    ...Never ever say anything like that, you have no idea, if you

    will wake, up tomorrow...nor someone in your family....

    Talk about tempting fate, also be concerned about driving your car, and crossing the street

    in fact, be very....What goes around, has the distinct habit of coming around....

    Whether you agree or not, it does...shame...


    Um, Jack in the past has accused me of being an accessory to murder. Where was your outrage then? Terry Mauro wished death upon me, then promptly pulled her post.

  16. Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

    provocateur postings? How peaceful!

    The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

    Jack :blink:

    Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

  17. I happen to put a lot of creedence into the findings of Dr. Cyril Wecht, I really think he has quite a grasp of forensics, below is a news clipping of the day he was indicted on numerous counts and charges and my thoughts are that he may have gotten a lot closer to the actual truth of some of the high profile cases that he looked into i.e. JFK.

    Life as a buff sounds really cool. If the "evil Gum'mint" charges you with any kind of legitimate wrongdoing, you can just point to your Kennedy assassination hobby as an excuse. Because, hey, you're important ... and therefore must be silenced. LOL.

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