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Erik A. Olsen

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Everything posted by Erik A. Olsen

  1. Gosh, am I ever anything? I'm the first university graduate in my family, and education was not held as a priority in the household. My parents are first generation Americans of European ancestry. My views have been formed partly by education but mostly from my own meandering experiences and thoughts. When trying to imagine an equitable governmental structure, no matter how cleverly crafted, there is always a gaping hole left for ambitious people to exploit. This coupled with living amongst a highly apathetic citizenry has caused my some dismay to all governmental structures. The first American lie is the lie of Democracy. Others have discussed this at length so I won’t elaborate too much, but the point is important. I will only say even the Pledge of Allegiance speaks of our Republicanism and nothing of a Democracy. Tolstoy said it very simply, "Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us." The truth is that no government bequeaths upon its citizens a single "right". Governments are formed to curtail natural rights. We've been taught to think the exact opposite. In our public schools, which are operated in a highly autocratic manner, children are 'taught' democratic ideals, yet are not permitted to discuss politics. In fact should politics, or even religion, be brought up in conversation into adulthood there will without fail be someone there to say, "You're not supposed to discuss religion or politics." Um, huh? So we're told that we live under one system, are taught in the confines of an opposing system and then are admonished and taught to admonish those who would discuss any system. The three levels of the American legal system are tailored to the protection of entrenched interests and hostile towards individuals. The police are simply there to keep the rabble in line. When one man 'earns' several hundreds of millions of dollars a year and lives amongst many tens of thousands who earn less than $50,000, one of the serfs is liable to get ideas. That's where the police come in. Ms. Martha Stewart stole around $50,000 in about 1 minute of phone conversation. There is no way you would have seen her arrest on Cops. If a poor person steals $50.00 they may be beaten while being brought into custody. A perusal of any District Attorney or similar public official's records will prove out that 99.9% of all efforts and prosecutions are brought against so-called 'blue collar crime' while almost no attention is paid towards 'white collar crime'. The designations are sure indicators that justice is not blind when the color is green. There are even two prison systems. Poor people are regulated to virtual rape farms while the more affluent convict will live in a place nicer than most people’s homes. They take what amounts to a publicly paid vacation enjoying tennis, water sports and backgammon. I doubt that the recently convicted CEO of Tyco has any worry of a shower room rape. Buckminster Fuller in Operating Manual to Spaceship Earth talks about our current paradigm of private property, religious superstition and the violent culture that results from them. The recent hurricane has made clear the American dependence upon gasoline. Not just a need, but an absolute necessity due to the structure of the current economy. There was a time, not all that long ago, that this was not the case. 100 years ago the diminishment of gasoline production, while inconvenient, was not nearly as critical. My point being, whatever our current circumstances, there was a time when they did not exist among man. I'm not Anti-American or Anti-Capitalism or any other such nonsense. Paul Newman said it best, I'm Anti-Stupid. We are in a dire need for a new frame of thought. If I've learned anything, there is no real difference between Nazism, Zionism, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, Socialism, Marxism, Ism-Ism, and all the others. The inevitable result is that a few people are put into authority and pass judgment upon other people. This is often carried out with no accountability. Whenever this situation is allowed to exist, no system however cleverly crafted, can be proof against the corruption that will follow. "We hold these truths to be self-evident." I believe each one of us has the capacity to be a gas chamber guard and a saint; it's just the role we play in life. Much the way that Mr. Clinton or Mr. Bush may be very pleasant men to know on a personal level. They express sentiments of faith, equity and charity. But when they are in their job as President, they are monsters. I believe our future, and this is REALLY far off, is in the dissolution of such inequitable systems such as land ownership, usury and religiosity.
  2. Yes, there is the corruption of politicians, so who is worse? With a dwindling tax liability coupled with record theft, err profits, our richest 1% just have a louder voice. I may be naive, but I don't think straightening out politicians will help in and of itself. If the problem is addressed a little, further upstream the result would surely, with some exception as always in life, trickle down to the politician. Earlier in my life, I had always considered the "Government" the ultimate "Power" in life. If they made the rules who could trump that? But that simply is not true, and perhaps was never meant to be. The fact is our nation was founded by and upon men of wealth and influence. Should we now expect things to be more equitable?? Another point I would like to raise is that in many of the posts, including my own, there has been reference to the "Government" (Hence my quotes earlier). But the Government is not some nameless, faceless inhuman thing. It is people, plain and simple. We have as citizens a choice, to legitimize the authority of these other citizens who just happen to be calling the shots. Or we decide that we no longer legitimize that authority and take the appropriate steps. In many former colonial assets, such as our own, those citizens chose open rebellion through armed resistance and aggression. What sorts of leaders should we expect when our freedom is won through bloodshed? Mr. Gandhi chose the route of open rebellion, except the method employed, with exception as always in life, of non-cooperation. I remember back in 2000 when the California dockworkers were locked out for demanding more compensation. That incident 'cost' the economy several billion dollars each day. That was one dockyard in one place.... Americans are so used to the violent approach that the wise one may pass them by. I'm not suggesting that anything is without risk of injury, imprisonment, and death. I'm merely suggestion that firstly, it is a no lose proposition. There is no way that a few million American government workers can control over 100 million Americans if those Americans refuse to cooperate. Non-violent non-cooperation. Wow, what a Christian idea.... No wonder it passes us right by.... I'm of the opinion that our official American sanctimony is only surpassed by our hypocrisy. What's my point? There is only one-way to control a few rich people who forgot who is really in control here. Make them much less rich. The folks who call the shots are just people. Not gods, not super human, just plain old human beings. Of course they are plain old human beings who have bamboozled a good deal of us into thinking they are superhuman and god like... The same holds true for government people. I've often felt it very unfair that the 3P's are treated as something different that human. Politicians, Priests and Policeman are three careers that evoke some otherworldly ideas in common people. The truth is recent events have proved irrefutable is that politicians, more often than not, are crooks, plain and simple. Priest, at least some of them, rape children. There are other priests who cover up the crimes. Policeman torture people, falsify "evidence" and take payoffs. Does this mean all of these groups have solely "evil" people? That is as ridiculous as inferring that they are all above reproach. All three of these groups hold a good deal of public trust and I would submit that citizens crave that father figure. They want to be told they are safe and everything will be all right. There was a physician in the 50's Dr. Wilhelm Reich who had a psychosocial theory that said in sex-negative societies there is a need in the people to seek fascism. That this condition, in various forms and names, has always existed in these sex-negative societies and that the condition is perpetuated in order to enjoy the benefits of a compliant and in many ways addicted society. He died in federal prison in the 1960's or 70's. It is absolutely imperative that those of us who do not enjoy the privilege of public trust, do not confuse this trust with virtue. It is unfair to us as it confuses our roles in the society. And it is equally unfair to those charged with the public trust as it sets up unrealistic expectations upon them and forgets the fact of their own humanity. This is a very necessary first step. All men are created equal. Yes I'm sure I've read that somewhere......
  3. Has anyone read "Philip Dru, Administrator" by Edward House? He was an aide to President Wilson and an employee of Cecil Rhodes. I believe the gist of the book was an American 'civil servant' takes over the government by controlling the money supply, instituting a graduated income tax, and controlling both political parties.
  4. Hi Mark, Thank you for your insightful and thought-provoking reply, of which I'm most appreciative. As you stated: "America's response to political situations has always been shaped by the media of the day. The Spanish-American war was, most likely, precipitated by the Hearst newspapers' coverage of the sinking of the Maine and the public outrage the coverage generated...and it's long been suspected that this was a Northwoods-style operation. So the tactics aren't new." It's quite well-known that the "slogan", REMEMBER THE MAINE, was an exercise in advertisement to sell Hearst's newpapers, with attention grabbing "banner" headlines, in an effort to stoke the popular opinion of the necessity of going to war. Similar to the WTC debacle, maybe? MHO. "I have a sister-in-law who is an elected county government official, as well as being an educator. She and her husband no longer watch news on NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN, and they "protest" the alleged liberal slant in the local news by cancelling their subscription to the daily newspaper. If it isn't heard on Hannity & Colmes, Rush Limbaugh, or FOXNews, they are unaware of what's occurring in the nation and the world around them. And I know a number of folks whose news habits are similar, so they are definitely NOT the eccentrics one might think. On the other hand, I try to access as many news sources as possible; I think that, in the marketplace of ideas, one must first be exposed to ideas before one accepts or dismisses them." I couldn't agree with you more. And, it is for this reason that I choose to view my sources from a foreign news perspective, rather than the via the supposedly, and IMHO, and incorrectly identified by some as "liberal", stance of the American news services. The Fourth Estate, has been co-opted, as well as, corrupted by the "right" from what I've observed, of either of the Times' syndicates out of NYC, or LA. And, as far as American news broadcasting, all of them seem to pale in comparison to those of European offices. Unfortunately, your sister-in-law is representative of just how far to the extreme right the majority of voters seem to have bought into, what I consider to be "backward intolerance", an attitude I consider reminiscent of the old "Dixiecrats" of the pre-civil rights era. Perhaps that's what was really meant by their metaphoric use of the term of the early 1990's, "conservative revolution"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been rereading Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and caame across this. Please let me know if this speaks volume to you all as well: "I myself was to experience how easily one is taken in by a lying and censored press and radio in a totalitarian state. Though unlike most Germans I had daily access to foreign newspapers, especially those of London, Paris and Zurich, which arrived the day after publication, and though I listened to the BBC and other foreign broadcasts, my job necessitated the spending of many hours a day in combing the German press, checking the German radio, conferring with Nazi officials and going to party meetings. It was surprising and sometimes consternating to find that notwithstanding the opportunities I had to learn the facts and despite one's inherent distrust of what one learned from Nazi sources, a steady diet over the years of falsifications and distortions made a certain impression on one's mind and often mislead it. No one who has not lived for years in a totalitarian state can possibly conceive how difficult it is to escape the dread consequences of a regime's calculated and incessant propaganda. Often in a German home or office or sometimes in casual conversation with a stranger in a restaurant, a beer hall, a café'. I would meet with the most outlandish assertions form seemingly educated and intelligent persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they heard on the radio or read in the newspapers. Sometimes one was tempted to say as much, but on such occasions one was met with such a stare of incredulity, such a shock of silence, as if one had blasphemed the Almighty, that one realized how useless it was to even to try to make contact with a mind which had become warped and for whom the facts of life had become what Hitler and Gobbels, with their cynical disregard for truth, said they were." -William Shirer
  5. I'm with Chris on this, I don't believe the "good ol days" were so good.... My main enemies in our great nation are banking and the government as a human institution. Since I'll end up rambling for 6 or 7 pages I'll fall back on the words of two people. "Funds and banks I never approved of, or was satisfied with our funding system; it was founded on no consistant principle; it was contrived to enrich particular individuals at the public expense. Our whole banking system I ever abhored, I continue to abhor, and I shall die abhoring... "I am not an enemy of funding systems...but every bank of discount, every bank by which intrest is to be paid or profit of any kind made by the deponent, is downright corruption. It is taxing the public for the benefit and proft of individuals; it's worse than the old tenor, continental currency, or any paper money.... John Adams 1811 letter to Benjamin Rush Selected writings of John and Quincy Adams, 1946 p 162-3. "The right of absolute and irresponsible dominion is the right of property, and the right of property is the right of irresponsible dominion...But these men who claim and exercise absolute dominion over us dare not be consistant, and claim to be our masters or to own us as property. They say they are only our servant, agents, attorneys, and representatives. No man can be my servant, agent, attorney, or representative, and be, at the same time, uncontrolable by me, and irresponsible to me for his acts." Lysander Spooner Heretics Handbook of Quotations, 1988, p.35. This basically sums up how I feel about all of our governments........ Hi Terry Since persons of color and women were disenfranchised at the time of the Lincoln administration and for much of the nineteenth century eligible voters were bullied by machine politicians (Boss Tweed etc) or by street gangs, I don't see Lincoln's time or the rest of the 19th century as being a golden age of democracy. Civil rights were an issue during FDR and JFK's administrations so those examples don't really show us democracy at its best either. In fact, in terms of the population eligible to vote, the United States populace of today is probably best able to enjoy the fruits of democracy, although the flaws in the U.S. system with the electoral college and the inability to have a vote of confidence for lawmakers to call an election, unlike the British system, impair the ability to have democracy. I really think the American populace is complacent because they are living the good life and are not faced with enough economic woes to want to change the system, plus the media and popular myth tell them the American system is the best in the world, that they are better off than anyone else in the world, so there is no fire in the belly to change things. The situation in the Sixties when college students were faced with the draft and when blacks were fighting for their rights shows that groups of Americans can become mobilized when they have a personal reason to become active. At present, the large majority people in the U.S. populace believe they have no reason to become activists, and so many do not even vote for the same reason. Best regards Chris <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  6. Harry, this is certainly an interesting piece that you offer. I live in Phoenix which affords me the priviledge of livng and working with and for a good deal of LDS members. My opinion of them as individuals is that they are exceedingly clean cut and polite. I would even say that they go to lengths not to appear offensive. However the religious and social views expressed have been in direct contrast to the wholesome appearance. There are a good deal of government-infiltration theories and proofs, but I'm of the opinion that government itself is it's own beast and really does not need an evil outside influence. Thomas Paine said "The trade of governeing has always been monopolized by the most ignorant and most rascally individuals of mankind." Another poster mentioned our dwindiling rights in our democracy. I certainly would not want to sound cynical but I've felt in my adult years that we have nover, by design, been a legitamate democracy. For a time this was a republic, but our political system has degenerated into an absolute oligarchy. The assasination is just a good example of this state. How could we lose what we never had? The only difference betwen the old Soviet Union and the United States was that they were honest. "Life stinks and it'll probably stink tommorow. Welcome to the Worker's Paradise." While our expertise lay in marketing ad advertising. "Yes, things are not quite right presently, but you get a vote and in four years things will change because of it!".... I don't know a great deal about JBS, but was John Birch a Mormon missionary? I belive he was a missionary and intelligence agent, , in China and was "credited" for being the first American killed in the Cold War. -John Birch: A Patriotic Exemplar by William Grigg in the New Amerian 1993. Erik
  7. Tim makes an excellent point. I had asked on another board about the 11/25/63 letter from AAG Nicolas Katzenbach to Bill Moyers. Certainly this could be a signifigant piece of evidence. Does anyone have additional information about either individual or the circumstance of the letter? Erik A. Olsen
  8. Well, yes Director X coordinated Group X to commit the crime and Groups Y and Z to conduct secondary and tertiary actions. All variables X,Y,and Z are not discreet groups but have overlap to a greater or lesser extent. Has anyone ever interviewed Mr. Katzenbach and/or Mr. Moyers about the 11/25/63 memo? Erik A. Olsen
  9. Between the Mintox camera, Minsk, and his odd service record (no punishment for contracting VD, suspicious behavior at Atsugi, etc..) is it fair to say that it is indisputable that Mr. Oswald was in one way or another an intelligence asset of the US?
  10. As far as evidence implicating, at least as accesories after the fact, is the hand written letter from Nicolas Katzenbach to Bill Moyers. I beleive Mr. Katznbach was AAG and acting AG while Mr. Moyers was working for LBJ. Would it not stand to reason that if LBJ was not involved before the assasination, he certainly played one of the biggest hands afterwards. It would be difficult to minimize the energies spent on fabricating the WCR. I've tried to research this one incident and would be very interested to hear anyone's thoughts on the matter. Erik A. Olsen
  11. I did not see this point mentioned when discussing possible perpertrators, but it seems from the information I've come across, that there are no real clear lines of demarcation in any of the aforwmentioned organizations. The two examples I can think of readily are Gen Edward Lansdale who was first a CIA asset and later was according to Fletcher Prouty confered the rank of USAF General by Curtis Lemay. On the opposite tack, Didn't General Charles Cabell also work as a DD in CIA under Dulles?
  12. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and attend graduate school here earning my MA in education. I've been interested in the assassination for almost 10 years and have revolved my graduate work around it.
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