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John Dolva

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Posts posted by John Dolva

  1. Source in Kiev, the anti-fascist close to the General Staff which adequacy of information was confirmed more than once (for example, our material of July 7, 2014 — "The General Staff of Ukraine: we on the eve of accident" and the material "Details of Defeat of the Southern Group of Troops of Anti-terrorist Operation" which followed it on July 14), reports that Alexey Mozgovy's "elimination" included in the plan of the military-political actions which are carried out by SBU which have to provide success of operation under the conditional name "Hammer".

    The plan of the operation "Hammer" consists in that at the time of creation of "new military-political reality", to strike some powerful dissecting blows and within at most one and a half-two weeks "to resolve an issue with an organized resistance of terrorists on Donbass".

    Creation of "new military-political reality" is meant as implementation of the plan of military-political actions as a result of which the political and military leadership of Russia will have to switch the attention to a new point of intensity, and won't be able to react to renewal of full-scale military operations in time. At the same time the conflict in the republics between the cropped parts MO DNR and national militia of LPR, on the one hand, and "wild" rebels and Cossacks — with another has to be provoked. According to the Kiev strategists murder Brain and a number of the subsequent actions have to become the catalyst of civil war in "so-called to LPR".

    The source reports also that movement of heavy equipment to "East front" doesn't disappear any more, just as doesn't disappear any more that the most part of official American advisers who have to be engaged first of all in training of the Ukrainian soldiers, moved forward on a front line. First of all targeting and radio-electronic fight enters their tasks. In the General Staff all officers in a directive order were acquainted with materials on the operation "Lightning" during which Croatia restored control over the Serbian Kraina's territory in 1995 and on the basis of which the plan of the operation "Hammer" was made.

    The source considered earlier that switching of attention of Russia will happen on any events in the Crimea, but now is inclined to think that Transnistria is chosen as a new point of intensity — as the Russian government is delivered in very difficult situation by the actual blockade of the Russian peacekeepers to Transnistria which Kiev began de facto few months ago, and declared de jure the other day.

    The message from Kiev confirms that we and so know — Kiev strenuously prepares for final military adventure, having spat on the Minsk Agreement. To "the last throw to the east" the junta is compelled by a situation of the happened default, full political instability and pressure of certain circles of the American establishment which need involvement of Russia in "hot war".

    23.05.2015g. the material about a terrible case of mockeries at prisoners of war getting under category of "war crime" was published on the website, about that the fighter of "Right Sector" bragged of a photo of the captured rebel with the cut-off forefingers. Today it was succeeded to find out additional circumstances of an event.

    Here, one of commanders and participants of fight told:

    "Fight was around N of the item. Sand, on our positions in the territory of plant on utilization of ammunition. This fight took place in Friday, approximately from 16.00 till 16.40. From our party two heavy, they now are in the hospital".

    According to him, the Ukrainian party at first struck trench positions Dnrovtsev with artillery (but not the block a post and not укрепрайон as the representative of "Right Sector" * wrote earlier), and then came from the flank with assistance of means of radio-electronic fight (all handheld transceivers were muffled), showered with grenades (F-1), took away the prisoner and left under cover of snipers.

    The commander emphasized that it was purely fulfilled and well planned operation.

    The taken prisoner fighter who is represented on the neo-Nazi Tsygankov's photo with the cut-off fingers, call Vitaly Korobkov. Right now in Donetsk the resolution on its exchange will be accepted and negotiations with the Ukrainian party will begin soon".

    Deputies of National Council of DNR adopted the Law of the Donetsk People's Republic "About environmental protection". This document was signed by the Head of the Republic of May 18 of the current year. The law was developed with active participation of specialists of Head department of ecology and natural resources of the Donetsk People's Republic. According to the accepted document, according to the Constitution of the Donetsk People's Republic, each citizen has the right for favorable environment, each of us is obliged to keep the nature and environment, to make thrifty use of natural riches which are a basis of a sustainable development, life and activity of the citizens living in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic. The present Law defines the legal bases of a state policy in the sphere of environmental protection providing the balanced decision socially – economic tasks, preservation of favorable environment, biological diversity and natural resources, etc.

    Источник: http://www.online-translator.com/url/translation.aspx?autolink=yes&inframe=1&direction=re&template=General&sourceURL=http://dnr-online.ru/news/v-dnr-nachal-dejstvovat-zakon-ob-oxrane-okruzhayushhej-prirodnoj-sredy/ | Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr-online.ru

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    Acceptance of BP of Ukraine of the Resolution "About the Approval of the Statement for Derogation of Ukraine from the Obligations Determined by the Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Social Charter (Reconsidered)" is direct, extremely cynical violation of all existing norms and principles of international law which Ukraine undertook to observe in due time.

    Being guided by private reasons and political expediency, official Kiev dares to exclude randomly "inconvenient" international documents from the list obligatory to execution, counting probably on that, as this time everything will escape punishment.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges the international community and profile international legal instances to give a legal assessment to these actions immediately. We would also like to remind the Ukrainian heads that encroachments and any manipulations with international law are the first step to self-isolation, acquisition of the status of "derelict" and conduct the state to decline.

    Anton Karamazov
    Central news agency of Novorossiya


    The Finnish political scientist and the human rights activist Johan Beckman reported about it. The relevant decision was made by administrative court of Helsinki.

    Imatova's husband consisting in DNR militia sent a family to Finland to Tatyana's parents 10 months ago. However the Finnish authorities insist now on that Imatova with the son left the country, despite her statements for threats from "Right Sector".

    The Finnish court, according to Beckman, decided to refer to that the Ukrainian government allegedly supports refugees, and "in the territory of Donetsk region there is no armed conflict" (the conclusion of court, p. 4).

    Beckman considers that such decision "was written by the insane of people".

    "Doesn't stir the Finnish authorities that Ukraine officially refused to observe international treaties and conventions on human rights concerning residents of Donbass — Beckman noted. — As soon as possible the authorities of Finland intend to deport Tatyana and her son to Kiev where they are waited by security officers".

    According to him, "opportunities to settle a situation and to rescue a family from chasteners" are studied now by representation of DNR in Helsinki.

    "The Finnish court doesn't recognize any facts of that does "Right Sector" or the Ukrainian authorities. In everything, according to court, Yanukovych and rebels are guilty" — Beckman emphasized.


    Vladimir Batkovich
    Central news agency of Novorossiya

    Hot line of the Ministry of State security of DNR 22.05.2015 — 0 comment. If you became the witness of an act of terrorism, diversion or provocation, report to the hot line of the Ministry of State Security of the Donetsk People's Republic: 095-750-14-02 from 9.00 to 21.00, 093-908-60-28 from 9.00 to 21.00, 095-176-30-27 from 18.00 to 9.00, 093-463-07-29 from 18.00 till 9.00.

    Источник: http://www.online-translator.com/url/translation/?autolink=yes&direction=re&template=General&sourceURL=http%3a%2f%2fdnr-online.ru%2f | Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr-online.ru

    On May 27 there will take place check of the warning system of the population Announcements / News / Officially — 19.05.2015 — In the Republic will include sirens – but in the peace purposes. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of DNR reports that in coordination with the Head of DNR on May 27, 2015, from 14.00 till 14.30, in the territory of the Republic repeated carrying out technical check of system of the centralized notification of the population with inclusion of electrosirens and selection of a broadcasting network for the purpose of check of elimination of the revealed shortcomings is planned.

    Источник: http://www.online-translator.com/url/translation.aspx?autolink=yes&inframe=1&direction=re&template=General&sourceURL=http://dnr-online.ru/news/27-maya-projdet-proverka-sistemy-opoveshheniya-naseleniya/ | Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr-online.ru


    YPG Press Office has said in a written statement that the Commander Rubar Qamishlo Operation, launched in the western side of Cizîre canton of Rojava to liberate the villages in that region, is successfully continuing in its 17th day. YPG reported that the villages of Wedahiyê, Xircir and Tuwecil have been cleansed of ISIS gangs in the scope of the operation in the last 24 hours.

    YPG said a new operation has been launched in an area 29 km south west of Serêkaniyê, and that in the scope of this operation three villages have been liberated and 2 tanks and 3 military vehicles of the gangs were destroyed while 10 gang members were killed.

    YPG said search and cleaning facilities continue in the area between Mount Kizwan and Til Temir and Hasekê, while another operation was carried out yesterday night against the gang members who hid themselves in the surrounding villages after failing to flee the area because of the siege by Defense Units.

    YPG reported that the operation targeted the village of Mexlucan in the foothills of Mount Kizwan and 23 km to the south of Til Temir, as well as the village of Rojhilat 11 km to the south of Til Temir. According to the statement, 3 gang members were seized death with their arms while 4 others were captured alive in the operations.

    YPG further stated the YPG/YPJ forces are also clearing the mines laid by the ISIS gangs, adding that hundreds of mines were cleaned in the area so far while 1 YPG fighter has fallen during the clean-up operation after stepping on a mine.

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    The member of the committee of the State Duma on defense Franz Klinzewitsch considers that in murder of the commander of crew "Ghost" of the Luhansk People's Republic Alexey Mozgovy the hand of the western intelligence services, first of all the American is felt.

    Murder of the commander of crew "Ghost" of the Luhansk People's Republic Alexey Mozgovy is committed "is specially noisy" to seed fear and uncertainty, in it the hand of the western intelligence services is felt, the member of the committee of the State Duma on defense Franz Klinzewitsch considers.

    The representative of crew "Ghost" reported that Brain was lost as a result of attack of diversionary group of the Ukrainian security officers.

    "For the expert obviously that in murder of the commander of crew "Ghost" of the Luhansk People's Republic Alexey Mozgovy the hand of the western intelligence services, first of all the American is felt. Same style, same methods. Not only one of key figures in defense of LPR is eliminated. It is made is specially noisy, very indicative to seed fear and uncertainty" — Klintsevich told journalists.

    In his opinion, "the western friends" popularly explained to the Ukrainian security officers that "their chances are equal in direct military collision with rebels to zero therefore it is decided to rely on terror".

    Kiev is ready to direct 85 diversionary groups with participation of foreigners for destabilization of a situation in Donbass, including under the guise of the Russian military personnel, the deputy chief of headquarters of a militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Eduard Basurin declared on Sunday.

    "According to our secret-service investigation, in the territory of LPR and DNR, under control to occupational troops, 85 diversionary groups of various number, including 19 fully completed by foreign citizens and the acting military personnel of forces of special operations from Europe, the USA, and also Georgia and Baltic which are well knowing Russian" are created — Basurin at a briefing told.

    According to him, it is made "for implementation of plans" on "destruction of transport, economic and social infrastructure of DNR and LPR", and also "liquidation of command structure of our combat units".

    Leaders of DNR and LPR are threatened by serious danger - the veteran of intelligence services

    The veteran of group of a special purpose of KGB of the USSR "Pennant" Valery Kiselyov in interview to Zvezda TV channel expressed opinion that the next attempts of attempt at political and military leaders of DNR and LPR will be undertaken soon. He recommends to them to increase vigilance, – the ambush on Alexey Mozgovy was organized by professionals of the highest class.

    "Undoubtedly, it was well planned special operation. First, the result necessary for murderers was reached. Secondly, they didn't leave traces after holding an action. They weren't caught, not be defined in what direction they left as left. It is an indicator of high level of preparation. With confidence I can tell that not some gruppirovochka which solved the backward problems" worked, - Valery Kiselyov told.

    According to the veteran of "Pennant", Alexey Mozgovy almost had no chances to leave live of an ambush:

    "It could go with a huge number of protection. But it would be useless, considering the level of training of murderers. It is rather difficult to resist to this risk. Brain I wasn't the government official who protects the whole state. Brain only his soldiers, his talent, ideas and courage protected. It was opposed by the state strengthened by knowledge, forces and opportunities of the countries of North Atlantic alliance.

    NATO very strongly tries to erase LPR and DNR from the map of Earth today. Also it is necessary to understand that such actions will be constantly carried out. Leaders and the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics will always be under the threat. Therefore it is necessary to be vigilant".

    Central news agency of Novorossiya


    Konstantin Syomin

    Captivity — an obligatory component of any war. Same, as death. The same as the death, it is pushed out by consciousness for brackets, turns into a default figure. Fear of death and fear of captivity — the main demoralizator to which the most courageous and courageous hearts are subject. Therefore on each war the most important problem of promotion — as much as possible to promote rooting and development of such fear in army orders of the opponent and at it in the back.

    … When Tamerlan constructed mountains from skulls, he solved absolutely applied propaganda problem: the demoralized enemy is connected by fear, suppressed, so isn't dangerous. The mountain of skulls symbolizes elements (is useless to fight against it), inevitability of defeat, absurdity of any resistance. With just the same purpose the Roman consuls nailed to crosses of adherents of Spartak, and inquisitors burned down on fires of heretics. Burned down not secretly, publicly. After all execution, torture, slow death are necessary not in itself. They are necessary as the strongest means of propaganda, a razubezhdeniye fear — at the level of an animal instinct.

    If Hitler had YouTube and social networks, all "Egyptian" executions of "The Islamic state" would seem baby talk. Imagine a strim-broadcasting from Auschwitz. Doctor Mengele's master class. Dialogues about war with Andrey Vlasov. A burning out of stars and removal of skin on the air. What confessions, what interrogations, what addresses to "brothers Red Army men" would be written down then are prepared for mass distribution!

    Mass distribution. Here key moment. Distribution of information. Propaganda impact of contemplation of torture, pain, horror, death. After all execution — it first of all a narration. And since the time of any Sophocles with Euripedes the person is accustomed to put himself to the place of the main character. What means to see how breaks, doesn't maintain the most resistant character? It means to try on itself to a loop, a guillotine, an electric chair. Therefore, to die/be given together with the main hero / heroes (if broke him, what will be with me?). Here it, the strongest weapon.

    Once again. The strongest weapon. With an ulterior motive in the North Caucasus Wahhabites adjusted the whole network on distribution of videotapes with records of punishments over prisoners. I think, all correspondents working in the region came across such "Hollywood". I too used a fragment of similar material in one of movies and was compelled to watch it in detail. Only years later I learn that the technology has absolutely not a wahabite origin. It is the alphabet of war of nerves equally known to all armies but upgraded and expanded first of all with armed forces of the USA.

    In the Pentagon to a letter, to a comma investigated experience of war of nerves and counterguerrilla actions of nazis in the occupied Soviet territories. Cold analysis. Any ideology and especially compassions. War — the industry. Industry. She demands scientific approach. I thumbed through some American textbooks. Follows from them that authors in general considered strategy of fascists quite rational, but a) insufficiently rigid and B) insufficiently attentive to a question of attraction on the party of local population. The formula carrots&sticks which is so loved by our "partners". With the emphasis on sticks, of course.

    In other words, the doctrine of therapy was recognized as horror effective and effective. During a set of local wars of which consisted big Cold, Americans will develop this technique and will lift up to the unknown heights. Main thesis: to win against the guerrilla movement — it is possible, to break spirit of the people — perhaps. Only more cruelty is necessary. It is more than fear. But the most important — is as much as possible as much as possible detailed, as much as possible evident INFORMATION on cruelty and fear. So was in Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola, Yugoslavia. So occurs in Syria now. We see familiar handwriting and in Ukraine.

    The international terrorism also grew from this doctrine, generally speaking, known to us today. After all terrorism — anything if it is isolated from system of distribution of information on terror. Taken the school/plane / the cruise liner — attempt to influence nervous system of the state. For this purpose it is necessary to deliver information on an awful event in each its cage. As much as possible to increase shock effect.

    The task every day becomes simpler. In comparison with society of the last century today's society — an organism with the become thinner skin and the superdeveloped nervous system. Such organism can die of a splinter. From several virus videos. Though, seemingly, modern horrors, modern executions and mockeries at prisoners a little than differ from the arsenal of receptions used by Tamerlan, Othman Pasha or Hitler. The person is quite simply arranged. To kill/torture/humiliate the person — not such a complex challenge. And here to force to the knees society, to force it to be given without fight — agree, absolutely other technologies are required here.

    It is obvious that will show us not one more shocking video. It is obvious that new ways of impact on mass consciousness will be selected all. What it can oppose? Shutdowns of the Internet? Ban (partial or full) social networks? Content filtration on video hosting platforms? Countercruelty by the principle of "counter fire" when Wahhabites and Banderovites (or their inaccessible curators) suddenly see themselves in similar clip circumstances?

    It seems to me, there is only one universal remedy. Technology it is possible to beat only ideology. Outlook. The logic standing on both feet, strengthened and knowledge belief in justice of common cause.

    Problem of technology — to personalize, individualize fear. Fear for itself (but not for a family or the country) — a prelude to a panic. A panic — death of collective. Favourite American expression: everyone dies alone. This "everyone dies alone" and is — quintessence of any bloody roller. Pay attention as excellent the captivity/return subject from captivity was used against the USSR in "thaw" and during an era of "archipelagoes GULAGs". As both of these pieces coincide on time with a revenge of petty-bourgeois, individualistic values. Everyone for itself.

    The ideology forms collective, and collective — it "one for all, and all for one". The technology speaks: the person — only an animal, it is possible both to break him, and to destroy. The ideology answers: it is possible to destroy, even it is possible to break (though Hemingway and would argue), but largely it will change nothing. The idea is more, than the person. Idea it is impossible to execute.


    Central news agency of Novorossiya


    The western countries were realized that crisis round Ukraine went too far. They would like to improve the relations with Russia, but the aggressive rhetoric of Kiev causes in them serious concern. The West was tired of Ukraine which actions it becomes more difficult for it to justify, – such opinion in interview of RT was expressed by the famous British journalist Neil Clark.

    "The leading countries of Europe least of all want large-scale war, and it will become more probable if Ukraine becomes the member of NATO. Especially with the present authorities of Ukraine and their extremely aggressive rhetoric. In Europe there are real fears. They created this monster Frankenstein and are concerned by where it will bring" — the journalist noted.

    The countries which promoted revolution in Ukraine, recede from the position now and start working more pragmatically, Neil Clark considers. About it, in his opinion, also change of tone from the USA testifies. Such situation disturbs Kiev which rhetoric became more aggressive.

    "The understanding came that everything came so far as far as it is possible — the journalist believes. — More realistic people in Europe obviously wish cancellation of sanctions against Russia because they cause damage to the main European economies, such as Germany and France".


    The leader of DRG of chasteners Alexander Gladky placed on the page on Facebook corresponding сообщениео that for blasting cars of "Ghost" two MOH 50 remotely-controlled explosives were used.

    The detailed description of an event together with the statement that it they killed Alexey Mozgovy, extended through a social network so-called "guerrilla NBP members" from diversionary group "Teni".

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    Video of execution of the rebel and the pregnant woman was found in phone at one of chasteners of the Ukrainian battalion liquidated by National militia of LPR (it on a photo)

    [18+] Execution of the rebel and his pregnant wife is made, allegedly, by fighters of the battalion "Donbass". Video was found in phone of the killed chastener.

    Press conference of the deputy prosecutor of LPR Leonid Tkachenko.

    "The Ukrainian DRG which was engaged in subversive activities here was destroyed. This group consisted of three people. The rebel was killed, him in the interests of the investigation I won't tell the name, and also was killed, by means of hanging, his wife who was at an extreme stage of pregnancy.

    During operational search events which were held for identification of this group, one of its participants was killed. Now is established who he is. To two, meanwhile, unfortunately, it was succeeded to disappear.

    Video with which you can get acquainted, I consider, what here it is necessary to hide nothing. Otherwise as bastards of persons who made it, simply it is impossible!", - the deputy prosecutor of LPR declared.



    The representative of the Ministry of Defence of the proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Eduard Basurin reported that the group of the Ukrainian security officers in the demilitarized zone already totals more than 45 thousand people of staff, to 380 tanks and about 1800 armored cars.

    "The Kiev authorities continue to increase shock group of troops around the demilitarized zone. According to our investigation, its structure already totals 36 battallion tactical groups, 20 separate motor-infantry battalions, 2 battalions of a special purpose and 3 prospecting battalions.

    According to Basurin, investigation of a militia of DNR elicited the facts of the proceeding violations of the Minsk arrangements from the Ukrainian security officers, in particular, concentration of heavy weapon near the line of division of the parties.

    "Investigation of VS DNR obtained the next evidence of presence of the Ukrainian artillery forbidden according to the Minsk arrangements in the areas adjoining the line of contact" — the Donetsk news agency provides his words.

    According to Basurin, secret-service investigation received photos from the Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles which were carrying out shooting of the positions for determination of quality of their masking.

    Farewell, brigade commander!

    Buffoons Novel (Banshee) "Military Review"

    Never would think that it is necessary to write such. But - the fact. The commander of crew "Ghost" Alexey Borisovich Mozgovoy was lost as a result of the next attempt. The third.


    It was the difficult person. Peculiar and sometimes the hard understood. But its way is a way of the builder that Novorossiya who is closest to us on spirit.

    It is difficult to estimate his merits in front of LPR, but it is possible. He created the most efficient combat unit of the Luhansk region. Crew "Ghost". And together with crew I went a long way from Lysychansk to Debaltseve. He was the faithful assistant to civilians of the Luhansk region.

    Not the politician. Not the diplomat. But the organizer who was trusted and which followed. Went both into battle, and for work.

    Residents of Alchevsk and Perevalsk will long remember those affairs which Brain together with crew did for simple civilians. I helped everything that was at the disposal of crew.

    The last from that cohort who gathered the first companies and battalions on squares of the cities of the Luhansk region a year ago died probably. The one who became a board on the way of troops of the AFU seeking to cut the last corridor connecting LPR and Russia.

    Our relations were both difficult, and fruitful at the same time. Throughout long term we, "the Military Review", were faithful assistants to crew "Ghost" on its fighting way. We were friends.

    On behalf of all readers of "Review" I express our most sincere condolences native, to relatives, friends and Alexey Mozgovy's colleagues. It is big loss.

    We will remember its such what would like to remember: the violent romantic who is sincerely believing that Novorossiya will be.

    Farewell, brigade commander!


    Central news agency of Novorossiya

    The USA continue approaches on all fronts. At the readiness existing so far not to aggravate on Donbass, Washington at the same time on other fronts sharply made active the puppets and tries to drive Russia into a corner.

    In Macedonia preparation of a coup d'etat by means of standard technologies of color revolutions is begun: on streets already banners, tents, oppositional activists, political requirements about change of the mode and so forth. The coup d'etat in Macedonia will block a branch of the planned "Turkish stream" to Hungary and countries of Eastern Europe.

    Ukraine, having broken off military and technical agreements with Russia, actually I established blockade of the Russian peacekeepers in PMR. Their providing and rotation will be extremely zatrudena if at all are possible. Let it not a question of the next few days, but sooner or later it it will be necessary to solve.

    In Syria terrorists reached Damascus and Assad in the most difficult situation. Aviation blows of Americans to bases of IS do more harm a city infrastrukter, than to fighters, and only help them to destroy the country. It is reported about moral fatigue of the Syrian army, about the fluctuations among the population supporting Assad. The truth it or information throws, but is anyway vital to break approach of fighters and to keep Damascus. So far the Syrian army only concedes, and there is it for several months.

    In parallel in Iraq fighters of IGIL took the city of Ramadi and in 100 kilometers from Baghdad. The Iraqi government in confusion, the prime minister asked Putin for the help. However, Russia last year delivered to Iraq the Pantsir-C1 complexes, the Mi-35M helicopters and the Su-25 planes for the sum of 1,7 billion dollars. But from fighters this weapon at a weak morale of troops, apparently, helps a little. Falling of Baghdad, where, by the way, to these

  6. The message from the rebel with a call sign "Cheburashka".

    "Shirokino, transferred, there an ass if it is short. In Gorlovka full horror. Simply п *** c arrivals! The flame on deep of the pipeline of a high pressure, still burns. To block. Falls like mad! Ambulances to and fro constantly! Wounded among the peace! "We" have in Donetsk a readiness number of times! Goes долбеж the cities. The North direction - to a mirnyak to be vigilant! Putilovka, the Kiev district under attack. Fennel hollows on a koksokhima. Chasteners for some reason fire at the area "Imperial Hunting" (the positions). Ours don't hollow 100%."

    The message from journalists.

    "Near Marinka there is a fight, Donetsk under AFU fire. Now there is a fight near Donetsk between the 28th mechanized crew of the Ukrainian occupational troops and a militia of DNR near Marinka. The press service of the 28th crew of AFU reports about it. In the message it is noted: "These minutes there is a fight between soldiers of the 28th crew and a militia near Marinka. DRG of the enemy closely came nearer to the advanced positions of the 28th OMBR and conduct attack from AGS and large-caliber machine guns, our soldiers successfully hold the fort". Around 23:10 the Kiev district and Putilovk under artillery attack of the Ukrainian troops. Also Ukrainian troops struck some blows to militia positions around the airport tonight. We will remind what exactly around N of the item Marinka is constantly observed fighting activity: attacks from mortars, a sortie of DRG and even massive attacks became a commonplace."

    The message from the rebel: "In Gorlovka attack gains still big steam. The city plunges into a hell. I think that such occurs. And today Rise! A Christian holiday, adova of force woke up. Well so, know what wouldn't be dark night, it all the same will end and it will be won by light!"

    The message from the local.

    "Just I called up, Gorlovka is leveled heavy artillery, the strongest attack during all the time since the Debaltseve environment. Shoot, the house shivers, all in the cellar. There real hell. On Komsomoletsa in the private sector two houses burn! Attack of an ukrama is conducted with side of Dzerzhinsk. The house near KSKTs, walls, arrivals of shells to areas the Builder and the Komsomol member, judging by a sound shiver with explosions".

    The message from a militia.

    "Gorlovka suffers unknown attack. Chasteners of AFU opened a rapid fire across Gorlovka from the direction of Dzerzhinsk and Kodem. Near Mayorsk shooting skirmish. Data on activization of DRG of the opponent arrive, in the sky UAVs teem. Information on advance to a front line of assault columns of chasteners is checked. Explosions in the settlement Sand are audible. In Shirokino tanks and 120 mm work. mortars."

    The message from a militia of Gorlovka.

    "The next night of fear began. The city of Gorlovka suffers the terrible attack amplifying every minute. Golma, in shelter. Falls powerfully, these are the 120th mines. Very hard. It is specified not Golma, but somewhere in the north, I won't understand where. Attack doesn't interrupt from 22-00, continuous falling on the West and already the southwest of the city. Deep, 6\7 suburbs of the Komsomol member there simply edge! Ozeryanovka, general alarm! The gas pipeline is killed. 19\20 - in shelter, flies on you series from Dzerzhinsk. On 19\20 powerful ignition. Falls series everywhere. At least 2 ignitions in the territory of the city, the private sector, the West."

    The message from a militia: "Donetsk under fire. 10 minutes ago around a recreation center of Kuibyshev fell the hail 5-6rakt systems of volley fire, information on victims is specified. At 22:10 AFU fired the region of Iversky Monastery, the region of the Subway and the airport of Donetsk. At 22:30 in the Kubyyshevsky area (Donetsk) shots were audible. At 22:00 in the settlement of Shirokino the cannonade was audible, there are fights, there is information on wounded from both parties".

    The message from a militia of Gorlovka.

    "At 22.05 there was a large number of volleys from Dzerzhinsk, laid down in the west of Gorlovka. In TsGR work of PKM and machine guns is audible, we work with the UAV. Bessarabka - attention at you is possible attack. Powerfully laid down on Deep. Ozeryanovka, move to shelters. The builder - it was loud. To move to all Builder to corridors. Kodem's direction was connected, bakhat aside Mayorsk. Golma and Zaytsevo attention. At 22.08 falls series from Dresden. It is a lot of. Ukronatsistsky artillery positions from Magdalinovka, Noise, Nikitovsky's state farm are periodically connected to attacks of Gorlovka. Report that there is a collision on Kurganka, beat the heavy tool".

    The message from the local: "Now there was a wild batch in Shirokino. I don't know exact details, but in Shirokino there was a fight, one of rebels was broken off a tank shell having stolen, one wounded in a foot. I have a father there, he has now a shock, doesn't depart, can't precisely tell that was."




    22.05.15. The message from war correspondents.

    "As it became known literally just, on May 22 at 00:50 on the bridge to the settlement Happiness rebels lined AFU tank.

    Now in the settlement Happiness explosions are audible. Locals reported that on May 22 at 00:40 are occupied point the Cheerful Mountain underwent attack from N of the item. Happiness.

    In Lugansk (see a photo) a terrorist attack is conducted. Around the former movie theater "Rodina" the man of 29 years a joy thrust the grenade into clothes folds to the civilian.

    As a result of explosion I was lost not only the civilian, but also three his acquaintances who were nearby suffered. The terrorist murderer made an attempt to escape."


    Anton Karamazov
    Central news agency of Novorossiya

  7. Thanks for mentioning where that image is from.

    8mm to 35mm to 70mm to to to bluray to rip to present

    to to to

    Copy smooth/interpolate resize save nonlossless zoom colour correct rotate save a previously nonlossless saved image in a nonlossless way again repeat the lot and part a number a times...

    How much of the original data is left? how much new data is introduced? which is which?

    Go to Robins gallery. Ok you might imagine that the mpi's are closest to the original even though they were aspect ratio challenged. No. They have been "corrected". So much so that the lower end of the spectrum is completely flat!!!

    You cannot expect to be able to say anything so important with any degree of certainty as frame alteration by using altered frames.

    Those blueray. (it's the blueray tag that got me worried) imply a number of steps of alteration. See those sparkly atrefacts on jackies face for example. A clear sign of resizing with smoothing introducing data.

    This has always annoyed me re film analysis. What film is actually being analysed? There's more. Various modern digital projection based on software uses smoothing/correcting algorithm aiming to produce a pleasing image. WQhen was a 8mm analogue film ever pleasig. The more pleasing you find it the less likely it is that it is anywhere close to the original.

    (absent the 35mm prints) Give me the raw uncorrected aspect challenged mpi full frames of yesteryear any day .

    edit add : while ranting I forgot to ask what you mean about the histograms.

  8. Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 2:00 PM

    In the midday hours of May 20, members of the People's Defense Units (YPG) along with the Women's Defense Units (YPJ) managed to completely liberate Mt. Abd al-Aziz (Kizwanan) from ISIS gangs yesterday.

    ANF has obtained footage from the mountain where YPG/YPJ fighters planted their flag on the summit after achieving another historical victory through a resolute operation against the ISIS that lasted for 14 consecutive days in Heseke countryside, Cizire Region, Rojava.

  9. The head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko considers statements of the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko concerning return to structure of the uniform country of the Crimea and Donbass, at least, groundless. He reported about it at the press conference which took place in Donetsk.

    "Not all territory of the Donetsk People's Republic is under our control, there are still cities and villages under the invader's heel. But our task by all forces and means available to us to free our earth and to protect it from any threat. We created good, efficient army which was trained in fights and paid behind this blood. Each of our fighters is able to ensure safety not only the family, but also the country in general", – Zakharchenko added.

    In exclusive interview to the correspondent of the State media holding the chairman of committee on the budget, finance and economic policy of NANOSECOND of DNR Marina Zheynova told why the multiple currency system was entered into DNR.

    "The Donetsk People's Republic is in total economic and financial block from the Kiev authorities, and we know, what now a situation in Ukraine. Work of our enterprises which were focused on the Ukrainian market was blocked and now there is a tendency to that the enterprises try to be reoriented on the Russian markets. Ukraine didn't pay neither pensions, nor social benefits, disability pensions, that is those grants which Ukraine was obliged to pay. Respectively there was no inflow of hryvnia weight.

    To improve an economic situation in the Republic and to stimulate development of economy, the multiple currency system was entered. That we were allowed by introduction of multiple currency system is a development more planned and large-scale the economic relations and with the Russian Federation, and with the partner countries on the Euroasian economic union. That is our enterprises are started, small business resumes work, deliveries food began and nonfoods from the Russian Federation" – Marina Zheynova told.

    Also Marina Zheynova told that thanks to introduction of multiple currency system many social problems were resolved. In the Republic accumulation of ruble weight started happening, respectively businessmen had an opportunity to go to the Russian Federation and for rubles to make necessary purchases.

    "It was very remarkable and the decision of the Head of our Republic Alexander Zakharchenko is correct" – the chairman of committee on the budget, finance and economic policy of DNR of NANOSECOND of DNR added.

  10. If you select across the image values that are in the boh area you can simultaneously select areas elsewhere. This shows there is nothing significantly different about the boh area and other areas.

    Here max 15/255 and 1/255 settings selections on the boh area. Pasted onto a white area for better viewing.

    edit add : (response to below and any future similarities) Just in case anyone expects me to respond to anything using costellas images : I won't. I've already stated why they are garbage for this. See above and past comments on this. I'll only elaborate to say that you only need to look at the colour histograms to see how artificial and compressed the values are. Given that is so it is no surprise that some areas appear artificial.

    A subscript to Zaps Party tricks : Costellas candy.

  11. ctrl + mouse wheel = zoom.

    I wonder what screen you're using. I don't see what you suggest at all. Makes me wonder if you are viewing the images with a system that auto smooths. The pixels are clear to me as are the bleeds from pixel to pixel. Subtract that artifice and it seems clear to me that there is a lot of data in the socalled blacked out region. Btw. If this all started after costella posted his candy coloured revisions I can understand if that is what people are basing all this on. In them the values are severely compromised. He's squished stuff together and what had nuance does so no longer. On these less messed with frames I cannot see how anyone could make such a mistake. It is indeed in shadow, not in full sunlight as suggested. Just line it up with the shadow the head makes on the backseat.

  12. Dîdem Elî/JINHA

    SERÊKANIYÊ – YPJ Commander Aryan Cûdî says that as YPJ/YPG fighters continue securing villages around the Rojava city of Serêkaniyê from Daesh gangs, village women are joining the ranks of the YPJ.

    "We started this operation at the request of the people," explained Aryan Cûdî. She noted that the villages are home to both Kurdish and Arab villagers suffering from Daesh attacks, which led to a call from local people for the YPG/YPJ forces to start an operation. "The Daesh gangs are executing really fascistic attacks on our people," said Aryan.

    The commander said that the people living in Daesh-occupied areas deal with the constraint of their public spaces and the inability to continue their livelihoods due to Daesh oppression. The operation is ongoing in the city and the surrounding region of Cizîrê Canton. Aryan said that as the operation continues, they have seen an increasing number of local women joining the YPJ as their villages are liberated.

    "The YPJ, by leading the revolution, is playing an important role," she said.


  13. In interview the journalist, the political analyst Mikael Chagalyan reported that the Ukrainian military prepare for failure of the Minsk Agreement. "First it seemed to much that toughening of access control is connected with holidays in honor of the Victory Day. That is the Ukrainian intelligence services allegedly were afraid of provocations and any anti-Ukrainian performances. Now we understand that business at all not in it. Since May 5 the border was almost completely closed, it can be considered as long-awaited recognition because the border was actually designated. However information that the Ukrainian military are dug round for 20 – 30 km from the line of contact, de facto borders arrives for today. Are dug round in quite aggressive way, bring heavy equipment and increase presence of the military contingent. It can mean only one: there is a capital preparation for full failure of the Minsk Agreement. If before points concerning a financial and banking system, points on the constitutional reform and others were violated, now there is a preparation on total failure of points having a military component", – Mikael Chagalyan reported.

    Источник: http://www.online-translator.com/url/translation.aspx?autolink=yes&inframe=1&direction=re&template=General&sourceURL=http://dnr-online.ru/news/vsu-vedut-podgotovku-po-totalnomu-sryvu-minskix-soglashenij-mikael-chagalyan/ | Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr-online.ru

  14. It"s hard to differentiate colour and brightness values. Particularly when they range from very dark to very bright, black to white.
    It's easier to do so if the area in question is isolated.
    Here the boh is cut out and surrounded with black.
    I did this first with just the brightness and contrast adjusted. It became clear there is a lot of information there. Some of it caused by pixellation.
    When I stretched the colour values I was surprised to find that the dominant colour is red.
    I don't think the area has been blacked out in the way suggested. I think there is a simple non alternation explanation for what is seen. I think that what is seen supports witness statements. I think there was/is a conspiracy. I think there are signs of alteration of the film/s, but not in this way


  15. Intensive ambush attacks from the Turkish army

    In their latest press release, HPG Press Center reported six cases of provocative ambush attacks carried out by the Turkish army across Northern Kurdistan.

    Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    In their latest press release, HPG Press Center reported six cases of provocative ambush attacks carried out by the Turkish army across Northern Kurdistan.

    HPG said that between 9 am and 3 pm on May 15, the Turkish army carried out preparations for the construction of a military guard post within the areal triangle of Bêrox, Serêkanî and Mamreş, bordering the Avaşin area of Medya Defense areas.

    The statement by HPG reported that the Turkish army also undertook scouting missions with drones in Şukê and Mamreşo areas between 3 pm and 4pm, and in Şehit (Martyr) Deniz between 9 am and 12 pm on May 15. Similar missions were implemented in the Zap region between 11 pm on May 15 and 4:30 am on May 16.

    The Turkish army -the statement said- continues its ambushes near the dam construction in the Şehit Baran part of Farqin, Amed. Intensive Skorsky helicopter activity was detected between 8 am and 3pm on May 15, and scouting missions with drones took place between 4 am and 8 am in Şehit Baran.

    Between 9 pm and 11 pm on May 15, armed vehicles of the Turkish army patrolled in the Teyler and Tatan villages of Varto, Muş. Several ambush attacks took place between 11 pm last night and morning hours today.

    According to the HPG statement, Turkish army began an operation at 2pm on May 15 in the Has village of Xınıs, Erzurum. The operation was unsuccessful and ended in retreat, but the army has continued its attacks in the Hamiset village o Xınıs.

    Finally on May 15, -HPG added- Turkish troops carried out ambush attacks near the Mezrê village of Tatvan, Bitlis.

  16. The report MO DNR for May 16 (video)

    News / Reports MO DNR — 16.05.2015 —

    At a briefing in Donetsk on May 16 the deputy commander the DNR case Eduard Basurin reported that the situation in the Donetsk People's Republic continues to remain intense. For last days 19 facts of violation of a ceasefire regime by the Ukrainian party, 11 of them – are recorded at night. Losses among staff of VS DNR aren't present.

    Settlements of Novogrigorovk, Shirokino, Gorlovka, White Kamenka, Zhabunki and Novomaryevka were exposed to attacks.

    Once again the settlement of Shirokino underwent the most active tank and mortar attack, attacks from the tank – more than 20 shots, from mortars by caliber of 120 and 82 mm – more than 90 shots are recorded there.

    "Investigation of VS DNR continues to fix the facts of movement of military equipment and staff of AFU. So, through Raisin in the direction of the line of contact movement of 20 units of a MLRS BM-21 "Hail" is noted, from Krasnoarmeysk to the district of Donetsk movement to 15 units of SAU is noticed", – Eduard Basurin added.

  17. Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 4:30 PM

    YPG Press Centre said in a written statement that a military campaign to eliminate ISIS threats and to liberate the rural district of Canton Cizîrê, Rojava, abundantly continues on its 8th day.

    Military operations on the western border line of Cizîrê continued during day and night on May 13 near Alya area where the ISIS-occupied villages of Nufeliyê, Til Lebn and Megrîn Beggara as well as small villages Ehmedê Mele and Ebdulazîzê Cafer were effectively cleansed from gang groups; finishing mop-up operations are currently taking place in these locations.

    Following this major campaign, -the statement said-members of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) are similarly enduring their operations in the west of Hesekê city. On May 13, throughout the day, heavy and direct clashes between YPG/YPJ troops and ISIS elements have been experienced in and around the village of Rezaza, 13 kilometers western Hesekê – according to what has been confirmed, 37 terrorist fighters were killed on this front.

    In the evening hours of the same day, ISIS forces attempted to carry out an attack on Mişêrfa village deploying an explosive-laden truck. With a quick intervention by Defense Units, the SVBIED was targeted and destroyed before reaching its target; 2 ISIS affiliates inside the vehicle were confirmed killed.

    YPG Press Centre remarked that the heroic, persistent resistance to the occupation attempts of ISIS gangs around the city of Kobanê continued yesterday on the 241st day.

    An assault operation – Remembering Martyr Medya Helinc – was conducted in the evening of May 13 in east Kobanê where Zerê and Gundik villages were fully cleansed from ISIS groups. While ISIS casualties there are yet to be confirmed, one PK machine gun, 300 PK bullets and 2 pairs of night-time scopes of the gang groups were seized, YPG added.

  18. At a briefing in Donetsk on May 14 the deputy commander the DNR case Eduard Basurin reported that the situation in the Donetsk People's Republic continues to remain intense. For last days 43 facts of violation of a ceasefire regime by the Ukrainian party, 18 of them are recorded at night. The Ukrainian security officers continue carrying out provocations, using thus tanks, self-propelled artillery installations, mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, antiaircraft installations, grenade launchers and small arms. As a result of attacks of losses among staff VS DNR isn't present.

    Settlements were exposed to attacks: Shirokino, area of the Airport and Volvo center, October mine, settlement October, Gorlovka, Spartak, Zhabichevo, Zaichenko, Kalinovk, Red October, Iron beam, New Maryevka, Grigorovka. Once again the settlement of Shirokino underwent the most active artillery and mortar attack, attacks from artillery of 152 mm – more than 20 shots, from mortars by caliber of 120 and 82 mm – more than 70 shots are recorded there.

    "During the next sortie of DRG AFU in village bliz Nice, the Maryinsky area, there was a blasting the car on a mine. Therefore civilians suffered. One man died on the spot, three got wounds. It is important to note that the Ukrainian party continues to increase heavy weapon in the anti-terrorist operation zone and to accumulate ammunition. So, investigation of VS DNR recorded movement of RSZO 9K57 "Hurricane" and BM21 "Hail", the IFV, tanks, self-propelled artillery installations towards the line of differentiation. Also there is information on expansion of AFU of additional field warehouses in which it is concentrated by our estimates more than 2000 tone of ammunition", – Eduard Basurin added.

  19. That lower gif shows the window glass. The 'shadow' is a reflection traversing it. (Further, the lollypop costella frames are not good to use for anything like this. They are amongst the most altered frames available. Costella has applied various 'corrections' to already poor frames that distorts, compresses and combines, color and position values creating new pixels that removes data and introcuces artificial artefacts to the frames.)

    Note of James's observation re roof support and tie.

  20. 1431320284_n3094.jpg

    Closer by midnight on May 10 the situation on the DNR Southern front was heated to a limit. Some hours in a row there was an intensive attack of militia positions by the Ukrainian artillery in Anonymous both Shirokino, and buffer zones near the settlement of Lebedinskoye and Kominternovo.

    In east suburbs of Mariupol and in Novoazovsk powerful gaps and a cannonade are audible. In Mariupol a situation nervous. On the occupied city the equipment and military trucks which go to a front line moves.

    The Ukrainian army applies SAU, tanks and heavy artillery. To disguise its application, chasteners make single start-up the Grad MLRS and shots of howitzers on the general background of intensive firefights from all as if the types of arms "allowed" by the Minsk Agreement.

    For the purpose of suppression of weapon emplacements of the opponent the militia conducts the counterbattery firing limited to a choice of means.

    Near Shirokino there is a heavy fighting with use of grenade launchers, antiaircraft installations, mortars and small arms. Fight was provoked by the Ukrainian party about midnight and connected with the next attempt of break of defensive positions of a militia.

    Anton Karamazov
    Central news agency of Novorossiya


    The international highway between Cizire and Aleppo has been taken under control by YPG/YPJ forces following fierce clashes between ISIS gangs and the resistance forces in the area around the highway 35 km west of Til Temir.

    The clashes continued until the late hours, with 3 points having been liberated from the gangs and the highway taken under control by the YPG/YPJ forces, while the exact outcome of the clashes is yet to be obtained

    In the meantime, the clashes, which started yesterday in the village of Salihiye to the west of Haseke, are reportedly continuing, while no exact information about the clashes has been received.

    In Um Al-Shak village in the Hol district of Haseke, ISIS gangs attempted to launch an attack on YPG/YPJ emplacements. Clashes broke out following the strong response of the YPG/YPJ forces. It has been reported that many gang members were killed in the clashes, while the corpses of 6 were seized by the YPG/YPJ forces.

  22. The address of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko to veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the occasion of the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory

    News — 08.05.2015 —

    Dear fellow countrymen – veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Dear and favourite Defenders and Liberators!

    From the heart I congratulate you with 70-⁠ the anniversary of the Great Victory!

    On May 9 for all of us – rather great holiday. This day – a symbol of our heroic history, a symbol of military valor and unprecedented courage.

    In far 41st year you as one, became shoulder to shoulder, took the weapon in hand, defended the Homeland and cleared the world of fascist filth, having won the Victory in the most terrible war for all history of mankind. Many of you hammered the enemy in bloody fights near Stalingrad, on the Kursk arch, and Saur-Mogile. Without stopping an impact, you storm took Berlin – a citadel of our enemy and wrote on a wall: "With Reichstag ruins – it is satisfied".

    You battled and shed blood for the world in our houses, for that we, your children and grandsons, never learned bitterness of war.

    To a great regret, it is a holiday with tears in the eyes today. Today, as well as 70 years ago, the enemy entered on our earth again. The fascism raised the head, and aggressors want us to destroy again. But we are strong in spirit and sure of the future. Because you – generation of winners – brought up generation of heroes who will throw out chasteners from Donbass and will forever break a spine to a nazi animal.

    Your children and grandsons already repeated your feat on Saur-Mogile, having shown miracles of heroism and courage, having won new victories in fight against the old enemy. And today it isn't a shame to us to look to you in the face. We didn't allow to force us to the knees and we won't allow to destroy our Homeland. Our generation is proud of that can tell: we are worthy you, and the Glory fire lit by the Great Victory got by you will eternally burn. So was, so is, and so will be.

    From us, residents of Donbass, to all of you, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, low bow.

    We remember you, we value you, and your feat forever remains in the hearts of our descendants.

    Heartily I wish you a good health, good luck to your families, wellbeing and the peace sky!

    Thank you for the Victory! This day you approached as could! It is a Victory Day! Your Victory! Congratulations!

    Head of DNR

    Alexander Zakharchenko

    "We have no right to lose", – Denis Pushilin News — 09.05.2015 —

    On May 9 in Donetsk the vice-chairman of National Council of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin told journalists about the vision of a holiday of the Victory.

    "For us a holiday the Victory Day is sacred especially as today 70-year anniversary is celebrated. This date is far from today, nevertheless, we hear echoes of those terrifying events. It isn't excluded that descendants of the lost colleagues of nazis did everything possible that war inflamed and again shells were broken off in residential quarters, children, women, old men perished. We couldn't arrive in a different way and at once rose in defense of our earth, our Fatherland. We firmly follow that high level of heroes of the Great Patriotic War and we will continue by them begun. We have no right to lose! We have no right to cave in before interests, belief alien to us. We will win!", – Denis Pushilin declared.

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