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John Dolva

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Posts posted by John Dolva

  1. soGhYMHNuAY.jpg

    16 June there will be a meeting of the contact group and three subgroups, 23 June-meeting of the Sub-Group on economics. The journalists said the Vice-Chairman of the people's Council of DNI Dennis Pušilin. "With regard to the increase in the number of attacks and deaths of civilians, then it's us. Each day sent letters to the SCKK and the OSCE. Naturally, this issue will rise at a meeting in Minsk, "said Denis Pušilin. According to him, if there is no political solution to the conflict, it can begin full boestolknovenie. "We must do our utmost to consolidate the truce," he continued. Denis Pušilin also stressed that the recent statements of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko "impregnated with aggression and military themes.

    During the briefing, the Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps on June 13 MO DNI Eduard Basurin said that the situation in the people's Republic of Donetsk continues to remain complicated and tense. "The intensity of shelling over the past day the Ukrainian side was 99 violations of the ceasefire. Only on the territory of Donetsk national Republic was released 25 tank shells and mines 74 82 and 120 mm calibre. Attacks have been subjected to human settlements, gorlivka, Lozovoe Zaytsevo, County Airport, Spartak, Žabičevo, Kiev and Petrovsky districts of the city of Donetsk. Casualties among army personnel DNI does not. Civilian casualties during the ceasefire violations by the APU suffered 4 person among them, in the city of Donetsk in the shelling in kuybyshev region suffered 2 person in the locality of Gorlovka hurt 1 man, 1 Sahanke civilian was injured as a result of the mortar fire MAT, "said Eduard Basurin. The Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps, MOD, DND advised that DND continues to capture SUN exploration facts move military equipment and personnel of the APU. So, in the village of konstantinovka and Kurahovka set location 9 BM21 MLRS "Grad". In the area of the locality Red revealed three firing positions.

    Communist Party (Pyotr Simonenko), Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Natalya Vitrenko), the Working Party (Svyatoslav Bondarchuk), Lenin Komsomol of Ukraine, Union of Soviet officers signed an agreement to merge.

    The constituent Assembly to establish all-Ukrainian public association of left and center-left parties and social organizations of "left-wing opposition was held on 12 June in Kiev.

    The memorandum, signed by the parties, is that a "United left opposition" that will fight for the principles of democracy and social justice against the social and national genocide of Ukrainians against fascism and for the restoration of relations with Russia.

    "Left opposition" led by Peter Simonenko, Natalya Vitrenko, Olympic champion Rudolf Rudolf Povarnitsyn, philosopher George hooks.

    M A N S E T

    All-Ukrainian movement of left and center-left political parties and public organizations "LEFT opposition"

    The course of domestic and foreign policy, which is held in Ukraine, especially after the February (2014) coup d ' état, leads our country to a loss of national sovereignty, secession and fratricidal civil war, economic collapse, social and ethnic genocide are threatened with disintegration of Ukraine and using its external forces as the provocateur of a third world war.

    Signing the association agreement with the European Union and obediently doing draconian demands of the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine has lost economic and political independence. It is actually under external control. Its internal and external policies define the United States of America, international financial oligarchy. Implementing reform in the so-called peripheral neoliberal capitalism model is bankrupt, abandoning the integration with the countries of the Customs Union, Ukraine has condemned itself to deindustrialization, capture the oligarchic clans of public property, created by several generations of Soviet people, the loss of millions of jobs, poverty and extinction of populations. Now Ukraine's gross domestic product does not even reach 60% from 1990 levels in the year.

    Domestic industry collapses, destroyed its leading export-oriented industry. Financial system brought to the default. Over-consumption of manpower is one of the highest in the world, and remuneration is at the level of the poorest African countries. Health services and education have become virtually inaccessible to the majority of the population.

    The course of building mononacional′nogo States, planting the national chauvinist ideology resulted in total violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, the norms and principles of international law, widespread discrimination against the population by linguistic, national, territorial, religious grounds. The Ukrainian State has failed to protect the legal rights, the life and security of its citizens.

    Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with gross violations of the constitutional procedure and introduced laws on condemnation of Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda for their symbolism, "" on the legal status and the memory of fighters for Ukraine's independence in the 20TH century, the perpetuation of the victory over Nazism in the second world war, 1939-1945 "," on access to the archives of repressive organs of the Communist totalitarian regime, 1917-1991 years "is not only a reflection of the totalitarian essence of the ruling regime in Ukraine but cynical falsification of history and review of the decisions of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.

    It is a challenge to the entire international community. Introduction in violation of the Constitution of Ukraine, censorship, manipulation of public consciousness, intimidation and persecution, persecution of the canonical Orthodox Church, a constitutional ban on political parties, repression and physical violence with ideological and political opponents, of course, extremely dangerous violations of universally accepted in the civilizedm the world standards and norms of democracy, the people of Ukraine to freedom of expression. in these circumstances, we, representatives of opposition political parties and public organizations, declare to merge our efforts within the movement "LEFT opposition" to save UKRAINE and protection of the rights of our compatriots in peace, prosperity and security in their country, freedom of speech and opinion, fair trial, REALLY democratic elections, BUILDING a socially just , democratic, legal State.

    We will seek an immediate halt to the bloodshed first of all in the East of the country, a peaceful settlement of the conflict based on the steady implementation of the Minsk agreements and decentralization of power.

    We are convinced that to ensure lasting peace in Ukraine, bring it from a deep, comprehensive crisis, return in terms of advanced States of the continent is impossible without restoring the neighborly, equal and mutually beneficial relations with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

    It is with them, unlike the United States and EU countries, we share a common history, culture, spirituality, civilizational values. History has proven that the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine were kept only in conditions of unity of our countries and fraternal peoples.

    We understand that stop social genocide, stop the destruction of the domestic economy is impossible without abandoning neo-liberal course psevdoreform, held under the dictates of the West.

    We are in favour of the implementation of the new industrialization of Ukraine at modern technological innovation through reliance on domestic intellectual, human, natural and technical resources. Our alternative to neoliberalism is a socio-economic model, based on the principles of social justice and democracy.

    We uphold the COURSE of domestic and foreign policy in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of State sovereignty of Ukraine to guarantee its non-aligned (neutral) status; Interethnic relations based on the principles of international law and the provisions of the Declaration on the rights of nationalities of Ukraine; The STATUS of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE as the second official. We oppose the humiliation and betrayal of Tzar and the labour of the feat of our fathers and grandfathers who won the Nazi invaders in World War II and its victorious labour to resurrect our homeland from the ruins and took it during the Soviet era to the heights of economic, scientific and spiritual progress. We are categorically against planting in our country of neo-Nazism, rehabilitation and glorification of Nazi collaborators of the occupiers.

    Encourage political parties, social organizations, ALL of whom FATE of the FATHERLAND who share our ASSESSMENT of the CURRENT POLITICAL and socio-economic situation and the goals and objectives of this manifesto is to join the patriotic movement "LEFT opposition".

    Adopted at the founding meeting

    The "left opposition"

    12.06.2015, Kiev

    Anton Karamazov

    The central information agency of Novorossiya


    1434212339_9ax_mehjyke.jpg DNI, morning

    12:30-Marinka, destruction summary:

    -gym 1st school, 3rd floor, rocking.

    -UL. 22-zavodskaya St. in the roof.

    -UL. the factory 14-glazing.

    -UL. factory 33-many craters near the House.

    Sadiq on zavodsk th-there is a wall in the music room.

    -UL. Chapayev is?

    — rajsoûzovskij lane-hit near the former kindergarten (one hundred) Yu

    -UL. Ordzhonikidze is getting into the House is?

    -UL. Ordzhonikidze 154 — hit the roof.

    -UL. Shchorsa 44-46.

    11:30-a message from the militia.

    "Donetsk. Aleksandrovka and Trudovskie were under fire from the positions of the APU by Mariinka, Acute, TSW. The fire raged out of tanks, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS, RZSO by Mariinka. In the Kuibyshev region recorded a direct hit on the streets of Zoological (kindergarten) and Luzin (1 House). In p. Sands eliminated the leader 2-nd punitive battalion 93 Brigade mat. According to reports, wounded a woman and a man. In Širokino positional battles continue, APU tries to squeeze out the VSN army with the locality, but not crowned with success. Apply ukronacistami mortars and others periodically supports the enemy artillery by Mariupol. Pervomaysk was again shelled by APU, an elderly woman died, another resident of the city wounded. Presumably, the firing of mortar was conducted. Two private houses were destroyed and damaged a gas pipeline in the heart of the city, killed a grandmother, another woman was injured. Rescuers have not yet all been surveyed, but continue to investigate. Made a preliminary local repair the damaged pipeline, but basic repairs will be done tomorrow. "

    10:48 — over the past day, 13 June, attacks were subjected to Kiev and Samara regions.

    In the Kuibyshev region recorded a direct hit on the streets of Zoological (kindergarten) and Luzin (1 House). Reportedly wounded man.

    In the Kiev area is once again under fire proved district plant "Tochmash". Damage committed at Kiev Avenue (2 House is glazed, gas pipe), the streets of Parliamentary (House 1) and Buslayeva (1 House). Reportedly injured a woman.

    10:15-Širokino. Positional fighting continues, APU tries to squeeze out the VSN army with the locality, but not crowned with success. Apply ukronacistami mortars and others periodically supports the enemy artillery by Mariupol.

    08:20 — Donetsk, West of Kirov on mortar. Landing can be heard in the direction of textiles.

    07:20 — (two days ago). Donetsk. Aleksandrovka and Trudovskie were under fire from the positions of APU from tanks, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS, MLRS by Mariinka, Acute, TSW. (now subside).

    LNR, morning

    08:30-Pervomaisk. A night on the town passed relatively quietly. 21:00 junta fighters attacked the town After massive attack on the city. Affected an area of Pavlovsk. Unfortunately, there are victims. One woman was killed and the other taken to the BTF with missile wound of the head. Data on damaged houses are not yet available. Were hit on the street. Gagarin.

  2. kurdistan.jpg

    Kurdistan : The People of the Sun,
    The Heart of the Revolution

    Internationalist Free Brigade established in Rojava


    Encompassing the power of Rojava and Middle Eastern peoples, Internationalist Free Brigade has been established in Rojava. The brigade will be fighting against ISIS and similar occupying forces.

    MLKP has been involved in the establishment of the brigade since January, and organizations such as Reconstruction (Spain), TİKKO, United Freedom Forces (BÖG), MLSPB Revolution Front, and revolutionaries from Greece are among the brigade’s fighters. The brigade supports the Commander Rubar Qamişlo Initiative that began on June 6, and has released the following statement:

    “Middle East has been a blood bath because of imperialist blood suckers and exploiters. Same forces brought together ISIS so that people in the region bow down to occupation and oppression. ISIS gangs massacre Christian, Êzîdî, Assyrian, and Muslim peoples. Gangs sell women and children in slave markets and organize massive executions in ways that resemble the centuries-long strategies of their imperialist masters.

    Organized peoples’ resistance against these forces’ desire to destroy their languages, faiths, lives, and identities has been led by YPG-YPJ and became successful in places such as Kobanê, Şengal, Til-Hemis, and Serekaniyê.

    Rojava revolution came to the fore of global politics and YPG-YPJ resistance is admired and supported by impoverished masses. With international fighters, Rojava became today’s Bekaa and Palestine. Rojava Revolution is the Paris Commune under German siege, Madrid in Spanish civil war, and Stalingrad during 2nd Pillage War (WW2).

    Rojava revolution has upset power balances in neighboring countries, especially Turkey, and has become the heart of world revolutions and the beacon of oppressed peoples’ resistance.

    As a women’s revolution, Rojava has strengthened women’s will and become the symbol of struggle against patriarchy and global bigotry.

    Revolutionaries across the world have turned their attention to Rojava and never hesitated to fight and die for victory here in order to expand the revolution.

    Revolutionary forces in Turkey and different parts of the globe have come to Rojava in order to strengthen the revolution and expand the war to the lands they came from.

    We fight in Rojava, die as martyrs and carry the banner of resistance…

    We fight at the frontline against imperialism and bigots in the region…

    We confront ISIS gangs’ brutal attacks on the revolution…

    We live the revolution and feel it in our veins and cells…

    We are the people in Kurdistan who made the Rojava revolution, the workers, oppressed people, women and internationalist revolutionaries who fight under the banner of YPG-YPJ…

    We are Spanish, German, Greek, Turkish, Arab, Armenian, Laz, Circassian, and Albanian…

    We are the revolutionary forces and organizations that have come together from different parts of the world to form the INTERNATIONALIST FREEDOM BRIGADE.

    All oppressed people, workers, laborers, women, youth, religious groups, ecologists, anti-imperialists, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, democrats and revolutionaries of the world; we call on you to fight under the banner of INTERNATIONALIST FREEDOM BRIGADE in order to defend the Rojava revolution and expand it in order to establish people’s sisterhood in the Middle East and the rest of the world…”

  3. Home


    Useful information:

    MIA LNR conducts recruitment in Commandant platoon
    Timetables commuter trains on the territory of the DNI and the LNR
    The site requires journalists and copywriters
    LNR. Addresses social canteens:
    The LNR conducted a set for service in units of the people's militia
    Timetables commuter trains for the DNI and LNR on 26.01.2015
    In Lugansk you can make money transfer
    GKP "Centrožilkom" accepts payments for services on the contents of the houses and adjacent territories
    Collection! Cell phones and services ministries LNR
    Urgent! Doctors asking for help!
    Information for owners of civilian weapons!
    Info about Christmas activities of cultural institutions of Lugansk
    Parents in difficult circumstances, offer help
    Emergency phones krasnodon
    From 20 November for the inhabitants of Lugansk will be issuing social card
    Declares a set of girls aged 5 to 7 years for practicing rhythmic gymnastics
    To suspend accepting applications for compensation
    With 11/10/17 November 17 municipal buses took to the routes of the city Lugansk
    Reception of documents by administrators and public administrators from citizens and economic actors
    Oschadbank's customer information
    MIA LNR conducts recruitment in Commandant platoon
    Timetables commuter trains on the territory of the DNI and the LNR



    A summary of the military events in the new Russia from military browser Boris Rožina

    A summary of the military events in the new Russia from military browser Boris Rožina

    Сводка военных событий в Новороссии от военного обозревателя Бориса Рожина

    During the day the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk people's Republics has not changed. Still, in the dark, Ukrainian law-enforcers were subjected to shelling Gorlovka, under fire from Ukrainian shells is a town of Oktyabrskiy in Donetsk. The LNR, the situation is less tense, large-scale bombardment is not here, however, local skirmishes occur constantly throughout the line of contact.

    The President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko met June 11 visit to Mariupol. Press-service of the head of State does not disclose details of the visit. DNI in the Defense Ministry, in turn, believe the arrival of the President in the frontline district a convenient pretext for provocation on the part of AFU, aimed at discrediting the DNI and the disruption of the Minsk militia.

    Military developments in DND

    In the night from 9 to 10 June, Samara and Kiev regions of Donetsk were under fire from Ukrainian shells. Were recorded direct hit rockets on Kremlin Avenue (4 tall houses, in all significant destruction), on Rue Czechoslovakia (2 private houses, one completely destroyed). On the street of Victor Isakov from falling projectile destroyed warehouse. Again it was a hit in the market, "Akhil. On the street of Petrozavodsk recorded getting into the House, on the economic-in warehouses. Two people were injured. In the morning June 10 continued shelling of the village of Oktyabrsky and Kiev district, one of the shells hit the kindergarten No. 189, there were no victims. Also under fire were old Donetsk airport terminal and SHOPPING CENTRE "Metro". As at 10 June 13:13 Ukrainian law-enforcers from the Sand fired on railway-station of Donetsk, 3-Eastern region and Donetsk airport. Approximately 17:30 resumed shelling in the vicinity of the airport and the SHOPPING CENTRE "Metro". The fact of the shelling was registered representative of the collaborating centre on monitoring and coordination for cease-fire in Donbass. The bombardment lasted until late in the evening. About 17:45 in the Kyiv area shots were heard a north-westerly direction from small arms. In all likelihood, the militia tried to run Ukrainian UAV. About shelling resumed 19:00 village Oktyabrsky. One shell landed on the territory of the 21 hospital. Victims and survivors managed to escape. At this same hour ran combat rifle in the sands.

    At the 23:55 ran an intense battle with the support of artillery at the junction of Staromihajlovki and Krasnogorovki in the West.

    In the night from 9 to 10 June continued shelling of Horlivka. After midnight June 10 as a result of the actions of the army of the DNI to deter and suppress fire MAT had been partly amazed Ukrainian positions, along with ammunition in the area of Dyleevka station in Dzerzhinsk. During the day, Madrid remained relatively calm. Utilities were engaged in the repair of damaged houses. However, in the late evening, around 22:30, Ukrainian security forces renewed shelling. Under intense fire from Ukrainian shells (Sau and tanks) were North-Western and Western parts of Horlivka, including village Ozerânovka. The firing is done with the of Dzyarzhynsk, Ukrainian security officials fired the city limits. The fire erupted as a result of the shelling, there was no electricity in some areas most affected 88-th quarter, there are dead and wounded: dvoë children were injured, three women were killed.

    Intelligence DNI in Artemovsk were noted arrival of two SAU 2s5 "Giatsint" between settlements krasnogorovka Coveted First had revealed the whereabouts of the two.

    After midnight June 10 the Ukrainian side said that at the direction of the battle between occurred Volnovakha DRG VSN and Ukrainian law-enforcers with small arms. Details were reported. Command SU DNI this information not has commented.

    10 June, approximately 18:00 in Mariupol in neighborhoods East and left bank throughout the decor was heard hours. Ukrainian policemen firing on Širokino. At 22:40 in Mariupol intensified decor. Ukrainian security forces from their positions in the neighborhoods East and Leningrad and in the village of Pioneer p odolžali shelling on Širokino of SAU. At 22:48 fire verse.

    According to the Ministry of defence, June 10 DNI Ukrainian military 38 times opened fire on the territory of the Republic. When the bombing of anti-aircraft artillery were used-1 times, four tank guns, one ANTI-TANK ROCKET LAUNCHERS. Also recorded one shelling using Grad "(one packet), 29 mortar attacks and two-using BMP. Under fire from Ukrainian shells were in Donetsk (Kievskiy district, the town of Oktyabrskiy, Oktyabrskaya mine and terminal area) and Gorlovka and towns Širokino, Spartacus, Shirokaya Balka, red Partisans, Hilarious, Gol′movskij and Red October.

    Military developments in LNR

    At 3:10 between May day and Popasnaya (the area controlled by the Government) ended on Sunday battle with small arms, mortars, MLRS. Other details were reported.

    In 16:00 10 June by Ukrainian law-enforcers was carried out shelling from AGS bridge to Luhansk. No injuries were reported.

    Stanitsa Lugansk

    Exploration of LNR recorded moving Grad "on the outskirts of Lugansk, where it can be fired at the city center.


    About 11:00 from Zaporozhye flew two pairs of fighters in the direction of Donetsk. Later, one pair was spotted in the vicinity of Varvarovki (Zaporizhia region), the second was observed over the Kramatorskom. Presumably, planes escorted a convoy heading from APUs Kramatorsk towards Konstantinovki.

    Human intelligence DNI was established that Zhytomyr Moscow factory started to implement a special order for installing equipment to laser-guided cars 70-80-ies of release: Vaz, Moskvich, Volga "for carrying out acts of sabotage on the territory of Donetsk people's Republic .. The specified modernization of car would manage them remotely.

  4. map_0618.png?resize=300%2C291 cropped-wwlogo_5march20141.jpg Washington backs bombing on Russian border

    June 8 — Ukraine’s far-right government, backed by Washington, launched a new military offensive against the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on the night of June 2 through June 3.

    The Donbass people’s militia responded quickly, first sending Kiev’s forces scurrying in panic and then digging in for the hard battle for control of Marinka, a city southwest of Donetsk’s capital, against a Ukrainian military increasingly funded by the U.S. and armed with NATO weaponry.

    “In the course of [the June 3] fighting and shelling of Marinka and suburban areas of Donetsk, 15 to 20 civilians were killed and dozens injured,” military analyst Colonel Cassad reported on his blog. “Overall, this is the bloodiest day of the war since the end of the battle of Debaltsevo, when the Ukrainian Army suffered huge losses trying to escape.”

    Donetsk Deputy Defense Minister Eduard Basurin reported that 20 militia were killed and 100 wounded. Meanwhile, some 400 Ukrainian troops were killed, said Donetsk head Alexander Zakharchenko. Sixty pieces of Ukrainian military equipment were destroyed, including four artillery batteries. (Dan-News.info, June 5)

    Though initially centered near Marinka, fighting has now spread across the entire “contact line” between Ukraine and the Donbass republics — the buffer zone established by the Minsk 2 ceasefire agreement of February.

    The latest attack by the Kiev junta of oligarchs, neoliberal politicians and fascists comes after a month of steadily growing ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian military, mostly through indiscriminate shelling of civilian targets — including the destruction of the home of 11-year-old Katya Tuv in Gorlovka on May 26. Katya and her father were killed; her young brother was injured; her mother Anna was gravely wounded, losing her arm.

    Warnings ignored

    It was from the vicinity of Marinka that Ukrainian occupation forces launched many deadly artillery attacks targeting Gorlovka, Donetsk city, and other residential areas.

    For weeks, the anti-fascist militias in Donetsk and Lugansk had warned of the quickening buildup of Kiev’s military forces in the region, including heavy weaponry expressly forbidden by the ceasefire agreement.

    And for weeks, political leaders of Donbass shouted to the world that new provocations would likely coincide with a major meeting of the European Union powers, timed to help Washington gets it way with pursuing the war and extending sanctions against the Russian Federation.

    The embattled people of Donbass, the primarily Russian-speaking mining region formerly part of southeastern Ukraine, took to the streets in late May to protest Kiev’s continuing war crimes. They recognized that the Tuv murders were the beginning of a new phase of the war that began in April 2014 and has officially claimed 6,400 lives — but far more by most estimates.

    The corporate media ignored all the warnings, while U.S. State Department officials denied Kiev’s continuous violations of the ceasefire.

    On cue, Ukraine President Peter Poroshenko addressed the Rada (parliament) June 5, claiming that there were more than 9,000 Russian troops in 14 tactical groups on Ukrainian territory.

    “I wonder how he counted them?” was the caustic response of Donetsk leader Zakharchenko. “The Ukrainian president’s talent is unique. It is very difficult to hide 9,000 troops of the Russian Armed Forces, not only from the [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe], but also from us. …

    “If there were 9,000 [Russian forces] here, I wouldn’t be explaining what happened in Krasnogorovka or Marinka. We would talk about [fighting in] Kiev or Kharkov.” (Dan-News.info, June 5)

    G7 wine and dine, Donbass people die

    The occasion for Poroshenko’s bombastic speech was the Rada’s adoption of a law allowing “admission of the armed forces of other states on the territory of Ukraine” for “international peacekeeping and security.”

    The junta has repeatedly called for U.N. or NATO “peacekeepers” to help put down the popular resistance in Donbass.

    Previously, the presence of an international military force required adoption of a special law initiated by the president stipulating the length of the stay. Under the new law, no additional legal authorization is required and the length of stay is indefinite.

    The law also states that “potential carriers of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction are permitted … for short-term accommodation.” (RT.com, June 5)

    Lugansk chief negotiator Vladislav Danego pointed out that the law is also meant to justify the presence of foreign troops that are “already operating in Ukraine. There are some 20,000, primarily from Hungary and Poland,” he told Interfax news agency, in addition to mercenaries from the U.S. and other countries.

    U.S. President Barack Obama declared at the meeting of the Group of 7 imperialist countries the need to “stand up to Russian aggression in Ukraine” — ignoring the fact that his administration and Congress engineered the right-wing coup that deposed the legally elected government of Ukraine in February 2014 as a step toward expanding NATO military power to Russia’s western border. (Sputnik News, June 7)

    Here’s a sample of what was happening in Donbass while Obama and other heads of the G7 — the U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Japan — met at a luxury hotel in Bavaria, Germany, June 6-7, to discuss how to punish Russia.

    The people of Telmanovo mourned at the funeral of 4-year-old Vanya Nesteru, killed by Ukrainian shelling on June 5. (Ren.tv) Kiev tanks attacked the village of Oktyabrsky, shelling a nine-story apartment building, where a resident had his leg blown off. (LifeNews, June 7)

    Gennady Moska, Kiev’s appointed “governor” of Lugansk, gave the order to turn off the water supply to the Lugansk People’s Republic, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without water. (Anna-News.info, June 6)

    “Heavy fights are in progress all over the frontline from Mariupol to Lugansk,” reported New Russia Press June 7, citing Shyrokyne, Sahanka, Gorlovka, Marinka, Spartak, Pesky, Donetsk city, Donetsk Airport, Bahmutka and Shchastya.

    Preparing for war, not peace

    Fighting continued June 8 around Donetsk, Gorlovka and Mariupol, while tanks and artillery shelled Shirokino, according to Timer.od.ua.

    Also June 8, Donetsk Deputy Defense Minister Basurin said Ukraine “keeps bringing up heavy artillery to the contact line,” including multiple rocket launcher systems. “Fortifications have already been built on the highway between Konstantinovka and Dzerzhynsk, which block civilian traffic.” (Novorossia Today)

    In addition, Ukrainian President Peter Poroshenko signed a law authorizing martial law “in case of armed aggression or threat of attack, threat for Ukraine’s independence or territorial integrity” — all buzzwords that have been previously used to justify the war against Donbass. Provisions of the law include “forced settlement of citizens of a foreign country that threatens to attack or conduct aggression against Ukraine,” a threat that has frequently been levied against residents of Donbass. (TASS, June 8)

    Perhaps most ominous, though, was Poroshenko’s signing a law June 8 cancelling all military agreements with Russia in relationship to Transnistria, a breakaway region of Moldova, Ukraine’s southern neighbor, where 1,200 Russian peacekeeping troops are stationed.

    Along with the appointment of former Georgian President and U.S. stooge Mikhail Saakashvili as governor of the Odessa region and a reported buildup of Ukrainian military forces there, the voiding of military agreements signals plans afoot to provoke Moscow on a second front to further Washington’s plans for NATO expansion, destruction of independent Donbass and regime change in Russia.

  5. One can perhaps speculate reasonably. I suspect there is a tendency for pople getting these things to go around the same time periods, eg morning, lunch, afternoon. If one takes into account the time it takes to process a request back then one can guess about how many per hour. So, 15 'in one day' can reasonably mean many of those followed immediately each other.
    If there is a time for when Oswald got his card then one knows the time possible for when the persons preeeding him that day could have gotten theirs. for example. if he got his at 9.15am then likely the person preceeding him was immediately in line behind him. Maybe what is needed is the (any) times at which people got their cards that day.

  6. June_7_2015_500.jpg

    As the Operation Commander Rubar Qamishlo continues on its 34th day, fighters of the YPG/YPJ (People's/Women's Defense Units) have advanced up to 6 km to the town of Silûk, inflicting heavy blows on ISIS gangs.

    The villages of Til Ebdillah and El-Sukkeriyê 49 km west of Mebruka and 6 km to Silûk town were also cleansed of ISIS groups and liberated last night.

    YPG/YPJ continue making further advances towards the Silûk town.

  7. Hope you don't mind some speculations, Glenn. It is your topic and only need say otherwise. I suspect I'm about to drift off topic here.


    There are a couple of things in the OP post that got me thinking and led me to this: [not only about the CIA-MiA- Kurd, Ukraine matter]

    This: "West Germany was home to thousands of emigres, Oberlaender wrote, but many had been recruited by foreign intelligence groups such as Amcomlib. This could not be allowed to continue, he said, because West Germany needed these same Muslims. One day soon Communism would fall, and they would return home to be future leaders of their home lands. There, they would help achieve West Germany's supreme foreign policy goal: reunification with East Germany and the recovery of vast stretches of German land lost to Poland and the Soviet Union after the war." (Ian Johnson, A Mosque in Munich, p. 91, emphasis added).

    This literally leaped off the page at me to such a degree that I literally trembled when I read it, and had to close the book and set it down. Amcomlib was the CIA front organization that ran Radio Free Europe, and Radio Liberty, beaming radio broadcasts into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union respectively. Both were primary propaganda tools during the Cold War. So note carefully the first point: West Germany was concerned to wrest control over the emigre Muslims away from Amcomlib, for whom many of them worked, and return them to German control.

    I say "return them to German control" because many of these people had fought with the Wehrmacht in specially organized Muslim units. The units were deployed on the Eastern Front, and were part of a German effort to employ the sizaeble Muslim minorities in Stalin's Russia in an attempt to weaken and eventually crack the Soviet Union apart. Leading this effort was the Nazi Muslim scholar, Gerhardt von Mende, a principal player in the Nazi "Ostministerium," the branch of government running these efforts."

    Which leads me to Ewald Peters. (pal of US SS, head of west german security, deep entry nazi ex einsatzgruppen eastern front, minsk area, suicided jan '64 after being unmasked by east german nazi hunters, visited lbj ranch dec 63)

    The best motive for the west German nazis seemed to me to be a general international effort of white supremacy and at a time when the US was seriously under JFK about to change race relations which would have important economic ramifications throughout the south, not least to sharecroppers, european nazis had a common goal with us nazis. Here, however, is presented what seems to me a more important motive, an anti communist cold war drive to unify germany and I think that to Ewald and co would have been paramount and whatever support they can get from us fascists in the south need not have that as a focus, ie a truly international effort. This makes DeGaulles comments aboout the OAS in Algeria make more sense to me.

    edit typos

  8. Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 12:00 PM


    YPG/YPJ fighters killed tens of ISIS gangs and repelled the gangs’ attack between Çelebi village and Hol area. Hesna village and nearby hamlets to the west of Mebruka have also been liberated from the gangs.

    YPG/YPJ fighters continue to deal major blows on the 31st day of Commander Rubar Initiative. YPG/YPJ forces repelled the ISIS attacks between Çelebi village near Mount Kizwan and Huveyş village in Hol area successfully.


    ISIS gangs attacked YPG forces near Çelebi village located between Hesekê and Mount Kizwan yesterday afternoon. YPG/YPJ forces fought back throughout the night and killed tens of gang members. Coalition warplanes also bombed gang positions near Çelebi, and the attack was successfully repelled.


    ISIS gangs also attached YPG/YPJ positions near Huveyş village located in Hol area to the southeast of Hesekê around 22:00 last night. YPG/YPJ forces quickly responded and killed 8 gang members. YPG/YPJ forces confiscated 2 BKC rifles and 3 kalashnikovs that they found nearby two ISIS corpses.


    YPG/YPJ forces organized a new attack on ISIS positions in Bedia Suluk and Xwelan villages to the west of Mebruka. After intense fighting, YPG/YPJ fighters liberated Hesna village and nearby hamlets, which brings the YPG/YPJ only 10 km away from the town of Siluk.


  9. Thanks for the link to that site. This J Farrell seems an interesting character. A venturer into "alternative history and science".

    He also posted this :

    Posted on January 7, 2011 by Joseph P. Farrell • 8 Comments

    I am reading a book right now entitled A Mosque in Munich by Ian Johnson, and have to say, I was stunned - and yet, not surprised at all - when I read the following passage:

    "In 1956, Gerhard Von Mende received a memo from Theodor Oberlaender, head of the West German refugee ministry, outlining an important national goal, one that required help from an unlikely source: Munich's Muslims. West Germany was home to thousands of emigres, Oberlaender wrote, but many had been recruited by foreign intelligence groups such as Amcomlib. This could not be allowed to continue, he said, because West Germany needed these same Muslims. One day soon Communism would fall, and they would return home to be future leaders of their home lands. There, they would help achieve West Germany's supreme foreign policy goal: reunification with East Germany and the recovery of vast stretches of German land lost to Poland and the Soviet Union after the war." (Ian Johnson, A Mosque in Munich, p. 91, emphasis added).

    This literally leaped off the page at me to such a degree that I literally trembled when I read it, and had to close the book and set it down. Amcomlib was the CIA front organization that ran Radio Free Europe, and Radio Liberty, beaming radio broadcasts into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union respectively. Both were primary propaganda tools during the Cold War. So note carefully the first point: West Germany was concerned to wrest control over the emigre Muslims away from Amcomlib, for whom many of them worked, and return them to German control.

    I say "return them to German control" because many of these people had fought with the Wehrmacht in specially organized Muslim units. The units were deployed on the Eastern Front, and were part of a German effort to employ the sizaeble Muslim minorities in Stalin's Russia in an attempt to weaken and eventually crack the Soviet Union apart. Leading this effort was the Nazi Muslim scholar, Gerhardt von Mende, a principal player in the Nazi "Ostministerium," the branch of government running these efforts.

    What interests me, and it should interest you, is the fact I detailed in The Nazi International, namely, that the Nazi contact with radical Islam began before the war and continued through it, and that there was a considerable hand of Nazi influence in the organization of the "international terrorists' summit" in Nationalist Spain that occurred three decades after the war, a summit "chaired" by Hitler's "favorite commando," SS colonel Otto Skorzeny, whom, you'll recall, was married to the daughter of Hitler's Reichsbank president, Hjalmar Schacht, who in turn ended up working for Aristotle Onassis (another player in this sordid story, but, alas, that's an altogether different story). Skorzeny, and other SS officers and former Wehrmacht officers were in turn part of the West German contingent sent to Egypt in the aftermath of Nasser's coup against King Farouk, ostensibly under the auspices of the CIA. There, ties between Nazism and radical elements of Islam, represented by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Al Husseini and his cousin, Yassir Arafat, were cemented.

    And what do we have at the end of this process? Why, we have a reunified Germany (which, it will be recalled, had considerable "help" from "extreme right wing elements" in the former East Germany that were clearly being coordinated from Chancellor Kohl's government in Bonn), and we have of course the crackup of the former Soviet Union and the establishment of several Muslim states in central Asia, and ongoing problems between Russian and Muslim elements in Chechnya.

    It does make one wonder... what dots need to be connected between 1956 and A Mosque in Munich, and modern events. Whatever dots there may be hidden away in the classified files of the CIA and, for that matter, the German Federal Archives, my bet is, they're not good....

    Which may relate to a search by me for an incomplete article:


    MİT and CIA Stir Up Ukraine on EU’s Behalf

    March 1, 2014 — Leave a comment

    According to news of Egalite et Rèconcillation and Russian press, Turkish intelligence MİT linked to PM Erdoğan sent jihadist Crimean Tatars fighting in Syria to Ukraine on a Turkish Airways flight on the 22 November.


    According to news appearing in the French, Ukrainian and Russian press, Turkish Intelligence has a finger in the ongoing pro-EU protests in Ukraine. News stories from these three nations have claimed that the governmental intelligence organization of Turkey, the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) organized the transfer of separatist, jihadist Tatars trained in Turkey to the Ukraine. According to French news site Egalite et Réconciliation, dozens of Crimean Tatar Jihadists were extracted from Syria by the MİT and transferred to Ukraine via Turkey on an İstanbul-Sevastopol flight of Turkish Airlines on the 22 November. According to information based on sources from the Security Service of Ukraine, (SBU), Crimean Tatars who attended the protests in Ukraine’s capital Kiev on November 21 were charged with establishing the security of the square. The Crimean security staff who obtained the support of separatist “Azatlık” movement operating in Russian city of Kazan received political support from Nail Nabiullin, the current president of Tatar Youth League in Azatlık.

    Yesterday in Damascus, today in Kiev

    According to a Russian news site, Svobodnaya Pressa, jihadist Tatars are being sent to Kiev in groups consisting of 15-20 militants, after being trained at the camps in Crimea and western Ukraine. The militants who went to Kiev to protect pro-EU protesters were the most highly trained of those who went to Ukraine after giving a break to the attacks they perform against pro-Assad forces in Syria through Turkey. According to the news sources, the last attack carried out by this unit was the killing of 10 doctors who refused to cooperate with militants in the Christian town Deir Attieh. The first statement concerning the jihadist Crimeans made by the Crimean Council of Cossacks and Ukrainian Intelligence confirmed the information immediately after the statement of Cossacks. According to Svobodnaya Pressa’s news based on the Mufti of Crimean Muslims, jihadist Tatars who protect pro-EU protesters in Ukraine are the members of an international pan-Islamic, jihadist political organisation, Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    Pro-EU action in Sevastopol

    According to the news covered by Liana Menumerova from the Crimean News Agency (QHA) on November 26, thousands of Crimean Tatars asked for permission from the regional Tatarian Administration to attend the protests in Kiev. According to a statement made by the Foreign Relations Officer of the Crimean Council, Ali Hamsin, Tatari people asked for a representative from the regional assembly and they demanded to raise Crimean flag in Kiev representatively. Hamsin said they welcomed the initiative of the people and they agreed that this initiative indicated a high level of democracy in terms of society. Read more…..
    http://www.aydinlikdaily.com/M%C4%B0T-and-CIA-Stir-Up-Ukraine-on-EU%E2%80%99s-Behalf-1555[unfortunately more does not exist. The article is referenced in various other places but the full article seems to have disappeared. Note it references events of september 2013.]

    A wicked web?

    So, going from early 20'th century to todays hotspots is an intriguing thread that tenuously joins two peoples struggle for freedom from the empire and against fascism. The people of Donbass and the Kurds., always with subversive groupings like the cia trying to steer events.

  10. Friday, June 5, 2015 at 11:00 PM

    KCK Executive Council Member Mustafa Karasu stated that AKP instructed the massacre in Amed. KCK Executive Council Member Karasu spoke to Med Nuçe television and condemned the massacre that took place in Amed. Karasu offered condolences to the families of those who died in the massacre and said that these attacks were part of AKP’s election policies. Emphasizing Davutoğlu and Erdoğan’s recent statements targeting HDP, Karasu said that AKP instructed the massacre in Amed.

    In his statement, Karasu highlighted the recent hostilities towards HDP election campaign and said that these attacks aim to intimidate the party and the people. Karasu pointed out the similarities between the massacre-centered mentalities of ISIS and AKP, and said that the sole responsible for attacks against HDP is the AKP government.

    Karasu stated that Erdoğan and AKP aim to establish an oppressive regime and use the rhetoric of internal and external enemies in order to intimidate the public. Karasu claimed that the government would attack Kurds in full force if it manages to secure an election victory on June 7.


    Karasu said that AKP has lost its legitimacy and there is no fair governance in Turkey as the number of attacks on HDP since April reached 250. Karasu called on the AKP to leave the government since the party’s rule can no longer be tolerated the people. Karasu claimed that AKP has opened war on Kurdish people and called on Kurds to resist AKP policies and increase their level of mobilization.


    In his statement, Karasu emphasized that the massacre in Amed was the peak of a series of attacks that have exposed the true face of AKP. Karasu stated that such a government can neither solve the Kurdish issue nor address other topics such as the Alevi question. In order to resolve these issues, Karasu called on every ethnic and religious group as well as women and young people to form a web of democracy around HDP in the upcoming elections.

    Friday, June 5, 2015 at 3:30 PM
    News Desk - ANF

    YPG/YPJ forces liberated 11 villages and 7 hamlets near Mebruka and Mount Kizwan. YPG took control of a strategic hill as well as the gangs’ transport route of Ebu Xeşeb after an intense fight. YPG Media Center stated that the Commander Rubar Qamishlo Initiative aiming to liberate the western outskirts of Cizîr Canton continues in full force on its 30th day.

    YPG officials stated that the second phase of the initiative continues to the southwest of Serêkaniyê and YPG forces continue their march to the west of Mebruka after ending their operations in between Mount Kizwan and Alya village successfully.

    Officials also said that the villages of Elegil, El-Semaş, El-Katum and two unidentified settlements as well as 7 hamlets to the west of Mebruka were liberated within the last 24 hours. YPG operation in between Mount Kizwan and Alya village ended successfully after the liberation of Ebû Xeşeb road and the villages of El Girîn, Sifeyan, Ebû Fixêd, Hisên Ecêl, Elbo Hesen, and Eleşan.

  11. Large-scale encounter attack in Marinka marked itself new turn in the history of the conflict in Donbass. It showed strong and weaknesses as Kiev, and DNR and showed, than there will be this war already soon – the meat grinder. Parts of AFU any more not that before, and among Novorossiya's command the dizziness is available.

    Twelve-hour fight at Marinka – a terrible event. Anything similar wasn't since Minsk-2. And it was not position use of artillery at a great distance which OSCE and so recognizes as violation of a truce. It was the direct military collision exceeding everything by number of people and equipment that occurs now in the Middle East. Yes, in any of the conflicts in the Middle East.


    We will begin with that usual infantry clashes don't last more than half an hour. But the huge group of the Ukrainian troops (the 28th airmobile crew, добрбат "Kiev" and artillery parts of strengthening, and also tanks, approximately – to 20 pieces) took the direct offensive to VSN positions. About any truce it is impossible to speak already is there was a massive offensive operation with a specific goal, but not prospecting attack forces of front divisions and DRG, as before.

    Totally from the Ukrainian party (direct and frontal) participated in approach to 1500 people and 50 units of armored machinery. In a night from June 2 to June 3 they seriously pressed positions of VSN which as it is sad, really tried to observe the Minsk Agreement and had no on a front position of artillery of cover at all. Only by the morning when the situation became critical, the decision to tighten reserves especially as from the Ukrainian party RZSO and heavy barreled artillery already worked was made.

    Early in the morning from the northeast of a housing estate the infantry of RSN – part so-called "tag" began to enter Marinka. Counterattacks didn't wait for the Ukrainian troops, they were ground under independent approach, the artillery was transferred deep into, blocking transportation of reinforcements. As a result the Ukrainian parts were demoralized and partially ran, especially quickly scrammed добрбат "Kiev". By the dawn nearly all Marinka appeared under control of VSN that wasn't more than a year – after retreat of Strelkov from all positions to the west of Donetsk.

    It is necessary to understand that though the speech and goes about the naked steppe, actually it is the suburb of Donetsk. The Petrovsky district of the city – the appendix acting from million plus city "body" on the southwest. A long time (in fact, there is more than a year of war of maneuvre) it remained under control of VSN, but constantly was exposed to blows. Until recently the Ukrainian command didn't consider the area Marinka – Karlivka as the base for approach, continuing to consider frontal storm of Donetsk impossible. Therefore and now the main forces of AFU are drawn up much to the north and to the south. Approach to Marinka became valid surprise and demanded transfer there of reserves of VSN which and it is so a little. Another thing is that so far they possess sufficient mobility to be a basis of strategy of mobile defense. In other words, the considerable part of the most efficient parts of VSN after "brigadization" settles down in the depth of the front which, despite the extent almost in one thousand kilometers, is created so that reserves can be thrown quickly there where they are most necessary. Even it is still possible to control the most remote Mariupol site at the expense of reserves.

    But by the morning on June 3 the situation sharply changed. Having passed all residential development of Marinki through, parts of VSN were included into the downtown where made the same mistake that the Ukrainian military and dobrbata in Shirokino regularly make – began to fix the victory. A flag raising over municipal administration and mass selfies after transition to defense – not a sign of military art.

    One more moment which is important for stipulating – honesty for the sake of: on that party the same Russian guys are at war. And when "Kiev" demoralized добрбат ran up, there was the 28th airmobile crew gathered on an appeal. Fanatic volunteers are ready to be at war to the first shot, they are good in scales of "orange revolution", but not in the war. Even "Kiev" learned to infantry fight добрбат in which the ammunition of each soldier costs to 20 thousand euro, rushed наутек. And gathered on Mykola and Vanya's appeal will stand up to the end because they are the same born soldiers, as well as guys from a militia, it is simple at them other mental jam.

    Thus, to the middle of day approach of VSN encountered defense in the center of Marinka (specifically – at the former hospital) and choked because of the main illness which all command of VSN has, – euphoria. Improbable even on modern times progress of a militia for the last year led to underestimation of the opponent, to perception of the Ukrainian troops as untrained crowd. It initially wasn't true, and now – especially. The problem of Kiev consisted in other – in total absence of command structure with experience. Almost none of the Ukrainian officers never participated in real military operations, they got used to trade and steal only. Terrible losses of the last were years a direct consequence of inability to operate and misunderstandings that such real war. But now in AFU the new generation of the people understanding that such war already grew. In the war time in general passes very quickly, it is pressed, and the yesterday's boy easily becomes the great commander. Exactly same happened in Donetsk to Lugansk where the simple guys who gained the authority became officers. Only if in DNR and LPR then there were no VS rudiments even, in Kiev this process goes within formally existing army which has a command, there is a Ministry of Defence in which old, Soviet officers, the gunpowder which wasn't smelling, however, continue to dominate. They won't be able to be in accord with new professionals. If to add to this porridge also command of voluntary battalions, at the exit total confusion turns out.

    At hospital of part of VSN stopped, and then slowly, but by order of began to depart back. To sunset Donetsk parts controlled only part of a housing estate in the southeast of the settlement, that is, in fact, the same positions which they had prior to the beginning of the meat grinder. Ukraine to 4–5 o'clock in the afternoon put forward reserves from Kurakhovo, but they were spread with distant artillery is a naked space in which movement of big columns of equipment can't be hidden. Approach of the Ukrainian troops and counterattack of VSN ended with a draw though positions of Kiev were much worse, and the speech could go about break of the front on the direction, unexpected for Ukrainians, that was fraught with the hardest consequences. If to the middle of day of VSN took Marinka entirely, having broken the 28th airmobile crew, further before them the naked steppe to the Dnieper would lie.

    Terrible result

    Why all this was necessary for Kiev? The terrible meat grinder in Marinka could lead only to an exit to the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, storm which – suicide. It is impossible to go directly through a housing estate, all already learned it, fights of two-month prescription for Sand showed it. Sand – the tiny village built along a highway typical for this region. Storm in a forehead assumes pass through each house round which during a truce entrenchments are dug and mines are put. Charges of command of VSN that it didn't take Sand – nonsense because it is impossible to take without huge losses storm the village located and strengthened thus.

    About any world to speak not to have any more. If to set aside circumstances into which passed the Minsk negotiations, we receive a ready launching site for new big war. The Ukrainian army anyway, but created two large centers of approach. The situation around Volnovakhi where in the naked steppe the most efficient Ukrainian forces are concentrated is represented to the most dangerous. Their task – approach through Elenovka and Dokuchayevsk to the north and the northeast on purpose again to cut off Donetsk from supply. Dokuchayevsk and Elenovka already half a year live in a situation of total attacks. The terrorizing bombings reveal also the direction of approach. And in it there is nothing new – in the same way a year ago the Ukrainian parts attacked Ilovaysk and Amvrosiyevka. It ended badly, but experience teaches nothing – the senior officers in the General Staff and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine weren't replaced. They still sincerely consider that the concentric descending approaches of two tank groups have to lead to the opponent's environment. They were taught so in academies in Soviet period. They trust in it.

    The second group is in the old manner formed around Avdeevki – the largest outpost in the north of the DNR front after falling of Debaltseve. Unlike other front territories, it is densely occupied, it not the steppe, and continuation of city agglomeration. So already it developed what exactly around Avdeevki will gather the largest Ukrainian group. The direction of blow is shown in this case by attacks of Gorlovka is a continuation of the old and already seemingly buried idea about approach from Avdeevk's region – Debaltseve to Gorlovka and Yasinovatuyu to cut off Donetsk from the North.

    The speech not about dreams of the General Staff, and about the strategy which is quite realized in practice. On the Lugansk direction the calm is caused by lack of physical capacity to make something similar. If the success or attempt to show success as it was just in Marinka, it not to Lugansk is necessary. Fights for the settlement Happiness – already norm. But it is necessary to understand that the Ukrainian and Lugansk positions around Happiness are shared by the river, and frontal storm is impossible there. Firefights go only from heights – from the barrows located on both sides of the river.

    Problem situation and on the bakhmutsky route at number posts. There was exactly the same, as in Marinka: approach of VSN choked because of excessive prolixity of the front and ambition of commanders. Now the bakhmutsky route – a headache of the Ukrainian troops as theoretically break is possible there, and with catastrophic circumstances. Another thing is that Lugansk is strongly subject to the internal conflicts which prevent to concentrate at the front.

    Situation near Mariupol, despite "mediynost", not so significantly. Shirokino – the most popadayemy in reports the place name, but upon it is interesting to nobody. The Ukrainian parts often use the front or being in a midground settlements either for public relations, or for earnings. Poroshenko's order about payment for any occupied settlement also led to epic fight for nobody necessary to Shirokino – a coastal housing estate before which from the East the kurganny ridge rises. The battalion "Azov", having heard about bonus, I began to visit, vyvexxxx regularly there the Ukrainian flag, to do mass selfies – and to tick from there in cash desk. In a month locals asked DNR somehow it to stop, and the epic fight for Shirokino which doesn't have any military value began. Approximately events round the airport were also developed earlier. These positions turned in moral and ethical, without being military. People perish for anything.

    Terrible result today: about the world there is no speech also. Kiev made everything to reformat the available forces and to create two large efficient groups for initiation of new frontal approach on the meeting trajectories. In reply to DNR and LPR oppose the doctrine of mobile defense, concentrating the most efficient parts in a distance from the front and hoping for their fast regrouping. Fights for Marinka showed at the same time both correctness of such decision, and its some weaknesses. In particular, the grown fighting capacity of the Ukrainian parts and impossibility to move reserves quickly enough isn't considered. As a result to Marinka VSN suffered heavy losses which aren't justified by the course of operation. Losses can be understood when they lead to result, but not when fault to everything is underestimation of the opponent.

    Today's "draw" is terrible in essence. Both parties are ready to carrying out large-scale offensive operations, and increase of boyestolkoveniye means only that sooner or later they indeed will begin. Process of events will lead to it as fight in Marinka nearly led to total accident. The exchange of artillery attacks gradually leads to increase of the general atmosphere of war. The death of civilians only urges on military. And an exit from this deadlock it isn't visible yet.



    Chervonets Andryukha

    Following the results of yesterday's events the following, well developing and correlating between its various parts picture appears

    With high probability - AFU prepared for a militia in Marinka a mini-copper + provocation with capture of equipment and staff.

    On points.
    If to reject a peel, stages are looked through:

    1. Typical attack from AFU in Marinka.

    2. Attempt (imitation) of attack towards Petrovsky.

    12:20 (HP) the Petrovsky area are under the constant fire pressure of the Ukrainian nazis who are actively applying RSZO on residential quarters.

    3. Otvetka of ours with fast occurrence (very easy) to Marinka on shoulders of the receding AFU.

    In the ranks of the opponent the panic is noticed, trying to stabilize in a hurry the falling-down front line, owing to unsuccessful night attack to the advanced positions of army of Novorossiya, the opponent began the emergency transfer of equipment and staff to clash places, the system of interrelation of rear and vanguard divisions is broken.

    4. Got stuck in Marinka (AFU receded on an ocarina of Marinka, but not further!) also got under very well adjusted fire (AFU were going to fire at the positions).

    Briefly about Marinka: "Long ago I didn't see such meat grinder, it is so much victims and a truce. I don't understand something, we have 1 300th fighter. Contused much, operation began too smoothly, and the slaughter began then. "Pyatnashka" broke through to hospital and held the fort without BQ and water then we broke through to "Pyatnashka". Ukra all adjusted so that I 3 times said goodbye to life. And generally, I shocked, but all of us will correct and we will beat out having stolen from Marinka."

    Commander of DRG "Ryazan"

    5. The strongest reinforcement with the dagger direction is instantly trite to cut Marinka from the city. Yes, the part of a reinforcement competent actions was is shabby, but... Probably is in AFU considered and the number of a reinforcement was calculated taking into account losses.

    Rebels and locals report that Marinka and Krasnogorovka practically send under control of DNR, however the Ukrainian security officers prepare a serious revenge.
    Towards Marinka passed the Ukrainian tanks (about 60 pieces) by Kurakhovo.

    Rebel Sych:
    In DNR, judging by messages of acquaintances, Maryanka is already smoothed out and equip positions, I won't comment, but I will tell that don't rejoice better ahead of time.

    6. Competent and harmonious withdrawal of VSN on initial positions.

    OTDG Cheburashka ‏ @SiriusBlack1983 19 min19 minutes back
    Donetsk. ALL it is KIND!!! Are LIVE!!! 2 persons lungs 300e.... Got to the HELL today... In Marinka UKRY.

    1-6. Well korellirut with statements of Bassurin who in distortions and lie, in Lysenko's difference, wasn't noticed.

    "Any and the more so we don't conduct large-scale approach. Parts under control to Kiev leave Marinka", - the deputy minister of defense of DNR Eduard Basurin declared.

    Didn't allow to involve itself in a trap (to catch themselves on euphoria from long-awaited approach).
    Thereby having shown army discipline and controllability. The trap collapsed, but was empty.

    It seems that it was provocation to expose DNR violators of agreements and to show their "aggression" in the form of approach.

    There is a question what to do with the suitable reinforcement.
    If within 3-4 days don't take away, yes is a part of the plan.

  12. No. A russian weapons manufacturer has determined it was a particular Buk missile. They (the weapons manufacturer) have also determined where it was fired from. Also people seem to forget that the free republics never had such a missile in the first place.

    The aptness of the articles mention I linked to is in the agony of reporting things that are not true as if they were true as the person who wrote the article in the smh does when he so deftly turned the conclusions around to repeat a discredited attempt by supporters of the kiev nazis to blame the russians.

    I don't know what "russians" are saying. I know something about what individual russians and groups of russians and non russians are saying. I also read an article in Ria Novosty revealing the name of the witness to the nazi that flew out with weapons and landed without, saying he got the wrong plane. Another view is that both of these are true and it was a deliberate attempt using both a plane and a missile to shoot down a plane. I understand the russian weapons manufacturer doesn't discount this.

    It's interesting this is happening around the time when the contact groups are supposed to meet and at a time when the fascists are upping the rate at which they kill people.

    edit typos

  13. Egged on by the US, the fascists in kiev have step[ped up the killing of people in the free republics:


    The situation in Eastern Ukraine has significantly deteriorated in recent days, with Kiev forces intensifying the shelling of Donbass residential areas.

    On Wednesday the Ukrainian General Staff admitted using heavy artillery prohibited by the Minsk agreements. The command of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic reported of 14 killed and 86 injured soldiers during clashes with Ukrainian forces on the same day.

    Petro Poroshenko's aide said earlier on Thursday that at least five Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 39 injured "during the last 24 hours"."

  14. Legendary Journalist: "It is All Fraudulent, All of It, Everywhere"


    "The scenery of politics is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Yet I must report all this as serious. This is the strain on me. That I must be serious, and I must exhaust myself trying to find out what is true and what is fraud and yet, even after I know, I must take them both seriously and write of them both as if I did not know the true distinctions between them."

    apt considering how the smh manages to twist this relatively old story into a blame of russia...


  15. .
    Monday, June 1, 2015 at 2:30 PM

    The Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) has a number of times declared unilateral ceasefire for a democratic and political resolution of the Kurdish question. While the third one of these was announced on 1 September 1998, the Turkish state wasted the process which lasted till 2004, acting in the same manner it did during the former periods of cease-fire. In the face of the Turkish state and AKP government's persistence on policies of destruction against the Kurds, the Kurdish freedom movement announced beginning of an active defense battle on 1 June 2004, which initiated a new phase in the Kurdish question.

    HPG (People's Defense Forces) guerillas spoke to ANF on the anniversary of the June 1 initiative that emerged in response to the international conspiracy of 1999 when Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan was kidnapped and arrested as rumors about the PKK’s collapse were being disseminated.

    Also known as the second August 15 initiative, the June 1 initiative has gained historical importance for the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the peoples of the Middle East. The initiative paved way for the gains that have been made until today at a moment when all hope was lost for the Kurdish people. Guerillas evaluated the conditions that led to the June 1 initiative, the return, the ways in which the initiative took place, the gains of the initiative for the HPG, and the significance of this initiative for the PKK.

    What were the conditions that required the June 1 initiative?

    Sabır Serero: We have been in an armed struggle since 1984 and Leader Apo initiated a new period after the international conspiracy of 1999 that targeted our Leader himself. He initiated a period of democratic and non-violent resistance for the solution of the Kurdish issue. With this move, we felt the need to develop a new method and transform armed resistance for the development of peace. Despite great sacrifices, guerrillas began their great march for peace.

    Upon our Leader’s call, HPG and YJA Star forces moved from northern Kurdistan to the Medya Defense Areas in the south. Forces of capitalist modernity and conspiracy tried to impose their views and systems upon the PKK in this period. Instead of establishing a permanent peace, they tried to demobilize the freedom movement and the Kurdish people. Forces of capitalist modernity also enforced their politics of marginalization on the PKK both politically and militarily. They did their best to create cracks among patriotic civilians who have made many sacrifices for democracy and freedom.

    This period began in 1999 and lasted until 2003. When AKP came into power, the genocidal and destructive regime in Turkey began a counter initiative against our movement. In order to invalidate the enemy’s efforts militarily, politically and culturally, we began the June 1 initiative that was supposed to begin in 2003. However, both the demobilization pressures of foreign forces and the demobilization tendencies from within delayed our initiative, which finally began in 2004.

    The main goal of our initiative was to end the denialist and destructive policies that have targeted Kurdish people for centuries. Kurdish people required protection against genocidal and denialist policies and we began the June 1 initiative in 2004 in order to protect our freedom and social values.

    Zilan Kobanê: After our Leader’s imprisonment, the whole movement changed its strategy. Before this period, there was a struggle for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan. After his imprisonment, our Leader initiated a peace process and expressed his will to solve this conflict on the basis of peace and equality.
    Our Leader initiated the peace process when he said ‘If we establish an independent Kurdistan today, we will not be any different from other states. We declared the unilateral ceasefire of 1999 and began to move from the north to the south. The Turkish state continued its attacks despite our ceasefire and tried every possible mean to finish off our organization. They never wanted a permanent peace and we needed to respond with a different strategy. As part of our Leader’s peace efforts, the PKK was not going to use arms as long as the issue was solved through dialogue and political methods.

    However, the Turkish state did not give up on its denialist and destructive policies and the insincere response to our ceasefire made armed conflict inevitable. Our war was of course defensive as we could not be silent towards their arrests, massacres and attempts to demobilize our movement. We also witnessed ideological problems and demobilizing groups within the movement, so we responded with the June 1 initiative.

    As a witness of this initiative, could you evaluate how and under which circumstances it was began?

    Bedran Kawa: Within the June 1, 2004 initiative, I took place in the Serhat town where preparations were being made as the guerrilla developed a self-sacrificing spirit on the basis of the Leader's ideology and philosophy. A great effort was being made in order to answer the expectations of the process and the people from us. The martyrdom of our comrades who had been in the mountains and made great efforts, was a significant message for us. It was such a process that both the isolation of the Leader and the psychological tendencies on the people made the 1 June initiative essential.

    From the history up to date, the Kurdish people have always paid prices. To some, our June 1 initiative was just a loss of time while it, however, raised the moral of our movement, comrades and people. The guerrilla and the people merged with each other, and the Leader. The switch into the new paradigm was not easy but a revival was achieved with the practiced efforts which was a legacy left to us by our comrades. We will continue pursuing this line from now on as well.

    What are the gains achieved on the side of HPG?

    Roni Munzur: HPG regenerated and became an organization of resistance and defense on the basis of the legacy it had gained from ARGK. Unlike ARGK which was a structure with a different formation, motivation and sense of defense, HPG had a completely new sense of defense and an untried formation set to be put into practice in Kurdistan for the first time. Its chance of success was being debated by some circles within the organization that related it with equivocacy. While some tendencies were eliminated after remaining outside this process due to their stance, the results were tremendous as the pro-Apo spirit in Kurdistan was advanced from ARGK to a higher level of military performance. The demolition of the system of denial-destruction in Kurdistan, and the ending of the hope and intention of colonist powers to maintain it, are all results of the new initiative developed by the HPG on June 1. We are still pursuing this initiative and achieving great results.

    The performance developed by HPG inspires the four parts of Kurdistan today. In South, East and West Kurdistan besides the North, there are military organizations that were created on the basis of this inspiration. YPG-YPJ and other forces are a follow-up of the inspiration created by the military course developed by HPG. In this sense, we see these as a legacy and attach importance to them which became a line of defense extending across Kurdistan lands, including Sinjar and Kirkuk. In other words, the initiative of 1 June made the PKK the banner of the Middle East peoples.

    Tolhıldan Serdar: June 1 was the re-attainment of a guerrilla spirit for the HPG. It eliminated all the then-voiced arguments such as "PKK has ended, they have no more power to fight", and brought along new achievements in both military and political arena as guerrilla re-emerged as a force to eliminate the deadlock in Turkey and its politics. With this initiative, we showed that the guerrilla force didn't end but on the contrary achieved a stronger spirit of struggle.

    What does June 1 mean to PKK and its members today?

    Roni Munzur: It turned the PKK into a movement going beyond Kurdistan. Just like August 15 initiative made PKK a reality and a great freedom dynamics, June 1 initiative made PKK the banner of the Middle East peoples. Dozens of forces are emerging across the world with the inspiration they get from the line the PKK represents today. The PKK is also establishing a ground for the organization of the peoples in Turkey and the Middle East. The revolutionary spirit was like a burned-out ash for the world humanity, the Che period had ended and revolutionism had become a simple habit of the small bourgeois romanticism. The June 1 initiative proved once again that the revolutionary stance against injustice would serve the humanity.

    On the other hand, state-backed gang groups and the powers organizing them turned their steps towards the Kurdish people, youth and women, assuming that Kurdistan become abandoned and unclaimed after 1 June. It was intended to intimidate the Kurdistan society by these gangs. The guerrilla force, however, expelled them once again from Kurdistan and caused them to go back. 1 June move showed everyone that Kurdistan is not unclaimed.

    The guerrilla became an alternative force against the resistance of capitalist modernity. It is thanks to the success of the 1 June initiative and the practice of the PKK's line that it promises hope to the Middle East peoples as a third line today, and calls for unity against modernity all around the world. 1 June initiative made PKK a global reality and revealed the spirit of freedom and invincibility of it. It is thanks to PKK that peoples today have a hope against capitalist modernity, and the hope becomes reality. If all the identities unite under the HDP umbrella today, this is definitely a result of the 1 June initiative.
    7 / 10

  16. Results of the Minsk negotiations of contact group on the conflict on Donbass 02.06.15



    Workers World spoke with Alexey Markov (military callsign “Good”), political commissar of the Volunteer Communist Detachment (RCD) of the Ghost Brigade in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The RCD’s military commander is Pyotr Biryukov (callsign “Arkadich”). The Ghost Brigade is an anti-fascist militia defending people in the Donbass region from the war unleashed by the U.S.-backed junta in Ukraine, which has claimed thousands of lives in the past year.

    This interview was conducted before the assassination of Ghost Brigade leader Alexei Mozgovoi on May 23.

    Workers World: Please tell us about your earlier life.

    Alexey Markov: I was born and raised in the city of Omsk, Western Siberia. At age 15, I moved to Novosibirsk, to a physico-mathematical boarding school. From 1990 to 1995, I studied at the Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics, specializing in elementary particles. Until recently, I worked as a programmer and system administrator, managing an IT department. In general, the most common life.

    WW: As a young person, what was it like to live through the collapse of the Soviet Union?

    AM: Very painful. I was a staunch communist from childhood and clearly saw that my homeland was being destroyed for the sake of the personal enrichment of a handful of unscrupulous politicians and officials.

    For several years, I thought that the whole country had gone mad — people rushed so happily to break everything that previous generations had built. When I said that it was done to the detriment of themselves, they just laughed. But soon it was no laughing matter. …

    I still believe that the destruction of the USSR was a great loss for humanity and a major setback in its development.

    WW: When did you come to the Donbass? How did you join the anti-fascist struggle there?

    AM: From the beginning, I followed the developments in southeast Ukraine closely. It was obvious that the nationalist junta, which carried out the coup d’état in Kiev, would bet on Russophobia and anti-communism.

    On May 10, 2014, I started collecting humanitarian and military supplies for the militias of Novorossiya. In September, I personally visited many cities in the southeast and talked with well-known commanders, after which Arkadich and I finally decided to set up a communist group.

    On Nov. 4, our group of 18 people left Moscow. Since then, our numbers have grown to about 120.

    WW: What are your responsibilities as political commissar of the detachment?

    AM: As commissar for the detachment, I am responsible to work with the staff, conduct interviews with volunteers and perform the functions of deputy commander. I’m also responsible for public relations and relations with other communist organizations.

    WW: Who are the communist volunteers? Are there international volunteers from outside Donbass, Ukraine and Russia?

    AM: From the very beginning, our group included all sorts of people, even monarchists. In November and December, four volunteers from Spain fought with the detachment. Two other Spaniards — a doctor and a translator — worked with us from March to May. In April and May, we also had two Italian volunteers in the unit, and another Italian still works in the information department of the brigade.

    WW: Tell us about the role of the communist volunteers in the liberation of the Debaltsevo region during the last Ukrainian military offensive.

    AM: The soldiers of the communist volunteer detachment formed the vanguard of the combined brigade unit in the assault on Debaltsevo, and our commander Arkadich was appointed commander of all brigade forces in Debaltsevo. In fact, even units of other teams began to voluntarily submit to Arkadich, seeing him as the most experienced and competent commander.

    WW: What are the challenges facing the Ghost Brigade and the communists in Lugansk today?

    AM: The main problem is the lack of an influential communist political organization and disunity. Another big problem is that the local authorities in Lugansk want to prevent the growth of communist influence in the country. While communist fighters and troops of the Ghost Brigade fight at the front, the officials in Lugansk share portfolios and decide how the whole republic should live.

    WW: You recently participated in the International Solidarity Forum “Anti-fascism, Internationalism, Solidarity” in Alchevsk. The international guests also participated in the local celebration of the 70th Victory Day. How would you describe the impact of this international solidarity for your team and workers in the region?

    AM: I’m sure that the International Solidarity Forum was a great event for local residents. They saw firsthand that they are not alone in their fight against fascism. And the visitors from Europe and Latin America had a chance to see what is happening in Novorossiya. I think that such events should be held more often, because it’s only through joint efforts of all the people that we can stop resurgent fascism in Ukraine.

    WW: Government officials in Washington are spending billions of dollars to provide weapons and financial support to Kiev. At the same time, austerity measures aimed at ordinary people here in the United States have increased. There is growing child poverty, low wages, and police abuse of Black and Brown people. What would you like workers in the U.S. to know about your struggle and the aspirations of the people in Donbass? What do we have in common?

    AM: All workers under capitalism have a common enemy: the economic system that makes them the mechanism to extract profits. No normal person wants to kill another just because he speaks a different language. But war is very beneficial for capitalism, as a means of enrichment and as a means to retain their power.

    I am sure that ordinary working people the U.S. have much in common with the workers in Novorossiya, and our attempt to build a new, more just society can be an example and inspiration for them. What’s coming is not a war between Russians and Ukrainians, but the war of ordinary people against the oligarchic junta.

    WW: How can communists and anti-fascists in the West help your struggle?

    AM: First of all, though the dissemination of factual information about events in Novorossiya, and political pressure on their governments. Without the support of Western Europe and the United States, the Kiev junta would not last long.

    Secondly, the militia fighters need help with military equipment and medical supplies. War is very expensive, and people cannot resist for long, leaving behind family and work, without outside assistance.

    And of course, with the moral support of all honest people around the world, you can send soldiers into battle who know they are fighting for a just cause.

    More information on the Volunteer Communist Detachment can be found on the website redstaroverdonbass.blogspot.com.

  17. I wasn't aware of this bloke before. A number of his policies are certainly such that powerful forces would not want him or any one in a position of power to carry them out. Obviously the thing they will do is to use means to discredit, margianalise et.c. him and I think that wouild probably be successful. It's also possible he is a 'wrecker', likely unwitting.

    The reason he as a percieved socxialist gets such high votes is because what he suggests is popular.

    One way to manage the lefts popularity is to drain it into separate groupings. Naturally any real change can never conme from within the system. Uneducated who think the system can be reformed will gravitate towards him, spend their enthusiasm while being educated by the system and then choose apathy.

    Should he ever come into a position of popularity and power within the system to actually carry out his platform certainly he would be a candidate for physical assassination. However by then the world would be dramatically different anyway. It's not going to happpen. He'll be marginalised gy the usual suspect in the usual ways. The real change will come from elsewhere. The lessons people can learn as a result of his campaign can contribute in some way.

    It's most realistic to be cynical.

  18. During a briefing on May 30 the deputy commander the DNR MO case Eduard Basurin reported that the situation in the Donetsk People's Republic continues to remain intense. "The most intensive attacks, near Donetsk, the Ukrainian security officers now conduct from settlements Skilled and the Ant hill. Attacks of the settlements located near Debaltseve were resumed. Fire at Kalinovka and Lozovom was repeatedly opened. For the expired days, 37 fire blows to our earth are recorded, from them 18 – at night" – Eduard Basurin reported. Also he reminded that the main objective of such strategy developed by the western advisers is formation of the constant atmosphere of fear at civilians of the Republic, at methodical destruction of social and economic infrastructure. That, at formal observance of the Minsk arrangements to make impossible restoration at us peaceful life. Fire of the Ukrainian artillery stops any recovery or economic work in the regions of the Donetsk People's Republic adjoining the line of contact. "Our investigation continues to fix building of artillery and armored machinery of the opponent in close proximity to the line of differentiation. In 24 km to the west of Donetsk, in Kurakhovo, 3 Ukrainian towed howitzers of D-30 are revealed, 6 howitzers of D-30 conduct attacks of our settlements from Novogrodovka, in 32 km to the northwest of Donetsk. All data on these violations are transferred to representatives of Special monitoring mission of OSCE for check and taking measures" – the deputy commander the DNR MO case added.

    Источник: http://www.online-translator.com/url/translation.aspx?autolink=yes&inframe=1&direction=re&template=General&sourceURL=http://dnr-online.ru/news/svodka-mo-dnr-ot-30-maya/ | Пресс-центр ДНР © http://dnr-online.ru

    "Kiberbernut" learned that in the next few days to Kiev there will arrive experts from the USA for the organization and carrying out provocations against Donbass.

    "Today we received information that in the next few days to Kiev from Stuttgart there will arrive the head of department of the center of coordination of special operations of the joint command of VS of the USA in the European zone with group of the American military personnel — experts in the field of war of nerves" — it is told on the site of community.

    As hackers report, coordination of activity of the American saboteurs and Ukrainian propagandists is assigned to the deputy minister of information policy Tatyana Popova

    With nightfall separate groups of the Ukrainian security officers, among them, by the way, and volunteers from group of Dzhokhar Dudaev, come to Marinki's suburb — there is a line of contact and the distance of fight makes only 100 meters.

    AFU are used by the heavy weapon forbidden by the Minsk Agreement on the line of contact.

    Rebels apply light weapons against AFU: machine guns, machine guns, RPG, and the Ukrainian party the heavy weapon, including regularly uses mortars of the 120th caliber. It should be noted that, according to the Minsk Agreement, the heavy machinery has to be withdrawn from a front line.

    At night the Ukrainian army attacked defensive positions of a militia in the west of Donetsk near Marinka again. Exactly there passes the line of contact of forces of AFU and DNR army. According to commanders of a militia, security officers can regard this direction as quite perspective for full-scale approach.

    This results from the fact that active fights — such as around the Donetsk airport and on the northern suburb of Donetsk — near Marinka wasn't. If at boundaries opponents well studied each other positions, on the western line of contact there are many opportunities for different maneuvers.

    Positions of a militia are presented on this sector of the front by fighters of division of "Pyatnashk". It is an interbrigada, in it representatives more than 15 nationalities — volunteers from other countries, including from Russia are at war.

    Near a front line there is a long chain of residential quarters and densely populated objects, there AFU have an opportunity for attack and certain military operations. The main collisions happen, as a rule, at night, though shots are quite often audible in the afternoon.

    Fighters told that fights near Marinka are position, it is a peculiar game in chess. The Ukrainian army tries to probe and calculate where there are most strengthened areas of defense of a militia, in turn fighters of DNR army on flashes track down heavy weapon of AFU.

  19. YPG Press Centre said that operations to the southwest of Serêkaniyê continue within the second phase of the military campaign Operation Commander Rubar Qamishlo which was launched to liberate the western outskirts and villages of the Cizîr Canton on 6 May.

    YPG said in a written statement that three villages, Hirubî, Acle and Recaan, to the southwest of Serêkaniyê were cleared of ISIS groups and liberated last night by fighters of the YPG/YPJ (People's/Women's Defense Units).

    While the casualties on ISIS side couldn't be verified exactly, lots of munitions of the gang groups were seized.

    Recalling that the Kobanê resistance continues in its 257th day, YPG Press Centre said Defense Units liberated the villages of Cirîn and Shewitî as a result of an operation in east Kobanê last night.

    The casualties on ISIS side couldn't be verified here either, YPG said, adding that 2 fighters of the Defense Units were martyred during the operation after stepping on a mine laid by the gangs.

    She took her name from the symbol of Kobanê resistance, Arin Mirkan. The young Êzîdî woman stated that ISIS gangs have lost their humanity and it is great moral support for them to be fighting among people who have different religious and ethnic backgrounds.

    In the 73rd decree against Êzîdîs that began when the peshmergas abandoned Şengal, ISIS gangs captured 20 men and 12 Êzîdî women. Arin Mirkan and her captured friends endured the gangs’ tortures for 10 days before they escaped and reached Şengal Mountain to unite with their families. Mirkan decided that it was time for revenge and in her own words, she “joined the ‘hevals’ (comrades)” Mirkan calls on all young women to join YPJ.


    22 years old Êzîdî woman Arin Mirkan crossed borders as ISIS gangs were attacking Til Temir and joined YPJ ranks. She took her name from the symbol of Kobanê resistance Arin Mirkan who sacrificed her life in the Miştenur Hill resistance. Mirkan stated that ISIS gangs have lost their humanity and it is great moral support for them to be fighting among people who have different religious and ethnic backgrounds.


    The war in Til Temir that began with the gangs’ occupation of Assyrian villages on February 23 continues violently. An Êzîdî woman in YPJ ranks is fighting the gangs in Til Temir and Serekaniyê with her comrades from Kurdish, Arabic, Assyrian and other backgrounds.

    Like thousands of people from Şengal, her family was scattered around as the gangs invaded Şengal. Not knowing what to do, she tried to escape but failed. Without help or guidance, she was abandoned by KDP forces who were supposed be protecting her.

    She was part of a group of captured civilians, 20 men and 12 women. They were put through physical and psychological torture for days and Mirkan states that what offended them the most and motivated them for an escape was “the gangs’ insults against Êzîdî religion and pressures for conversion to Islam.”


    Mirkan stated that the 10 days she spent as a prisoner felt as heavy as 10 years, and described her escape in the following way: "We were lucky to escape, what about those who were left behind? KDP promised to protect us for years but the peshmergas were the first ones to escape and leave them behind at the hands of ISIS. This offended us a lot and every KDP promise was a lie. They sold out the Êzîdî people.

    The gangs used physical, psychological and spiritual violence from the first day onwards. They said that were infidels and we had to convert. What they did has not human side to it, every moment we spent felt like years of wrath. We were worried the most by what could have happened to our relatives.

    One night, an Êzîdî guard who had recently converted to Islam by force helped us escape. The guard said that he was converted by force and felt uneasy about our time there as prisoners. He helped us escape and we ran to the mountains.”

    After their escape, Mirkan and other prisoners split up and reached Şengal Mountain. Mirkan stated that they did not mind the hunger and thirst that awaited them in the mountain because of the comfort of freedom from the gangs.


    After escaping from the gangs and uniting with her family, Mirkan decided to join YPG-YPJ ranks. She is now seeking retribution for the gangs’ enslavement of thousands of people and act of selling women in markets. After her training, she went to Şengal to fight against the gangs. She later proposed to go to Til Temir when the gangs began to attack this town. As a YPJ fighter, she is now fighting in Til Temir to take revenge for the people of Şengal and all other oppressed peoples. 22 years old Arin Mirkan was shy but resilient when we met her on the battlefield in Til Temir.


    Mirkan stated that the gangs attack women the most and have enslaved thousands of women to sell in markets. Mirkan emphasized that women aligned with Leader Apo carry out the greatest resistance against the gangs. As a person who grew up in Êzîdî society, she admits that she did not have much will or strength for most of her life.

    After her participation in the struggle however, she feels empowered and has strengthened her will. Mirkan says that she receives great morale and strength from fighting alongside YPJ forces. Determined to overcome, Mirkan has sworn to take revenge for women, especially comrade Arin whose name she took on. Mirkan described her current life as communal and organized around shared values, and called on young women to join the YPJ in order to get rid of ISIS.

  20. "Free women rise like the sun."

    Sakine Cansız and comrades
    The 3rd congress of the Free Women's Movement of Kurdistan (RJAK) is taking place in Sulaymaniyah in South Kurdistan with about 200 women delegates and 50 guests attending the congress.
    KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) Co-president Nilüfer Koç, KJK (Kurdistan Women's Communities) representative Jiyan Lawa, Party of Democratic Regions (DBP) Hewlêr office representative Şükran Dikmen, Yekitiya Star Sulaymaniyah representative, Gorran Movement and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) women's representatives and representatives of the Jiyan and Arin women and women writers and academics are also attending the congress.
    A message from imprisoned Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan was read out. His message was entitled “The 21st century will be the century of women's revolution” and noted that the Middle East is going through a crucial phase, with conflict and massacres everywhere. He said that women have suffered, such as in Sinjar where they have been sold and tortured. His statement emphasized that women need to wage a struggle against the male mentality and he said that without the struggle of women a democratic and free life will be impossible.
    Abdullah Öcalan's message also said that the struggle of women in South Kurdistan has an important role to play. "Today our country and region is under the tyranny of ISIS fascism. For you women who are seeking freedom, ISIS is the greatest enemy. That is why they are attacking women and trying to enslave them. Women are the backbone of every society, and just as in Sinjar and Kobanê it is women who must take the lead," the message said.
    The message said that women's organization is one of his greatest inspirations, adding that he believes in women reorganizing their own programs, organizational model and lives. "I have waged a significant fight for this. For me women's freedom is more important than earth and water. I have made efforts for women to have a free life," he said.
    Abdullah Öcalan's message said that he still believes in his thesis that there is no life without women, but that there is no life with existing women. He said women could free themselves from 5,000 years of slavery and determine their own social lives. The message continued, "You will build your own economic and social lives and in the process you will reform the brutal men. You have patience and you toil. Believe in yourselves. In the Middle East you are leading women."
    The message continued, saying that women should not allow themselves to be married off or to permit others to dominate their lives. Abdullah Öcalan also warned of the dangers posed by capitalism. "You should be everywhere, not just at home. Women should make their voices heard everywhere. Free women rise like the sun."
    Abdullah Öcalan's message said that women should continue to play a leading role in the peace and democracy movements, as women are the basis of peace and democracy. "Your freedom means freedom for the whole of society. I greet you, all, confident in the knowledge that you will take ownership of these fundamental tasks."
    Meanwhile, a new women's academy named after Kurdish woman revolutionary Sakine Cansız has been opened in the Northern Kurdistan city of Nusaybin, in Mardin province. The Congress of Free Women (KJA) held an opening ceremony for thousands of people. Leaders of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) attended and members of the Mitanni Cultural Center performed for the occasion.
    "During the 90s, they tortured and raped hundreds of Kurdish women in order to break their struggle," Perihan Ağaoğlu, the co-chair of the DBP for Mardin province, said at the opening ceremony. "However, the fight of Kurdish women has started playing a leading role in the Middle East and the whole world."

    An ISIS massacre in Nustel, fighting for the liberation of the villages and the struggle in Kobanê

    Yesterday we posted here about the liberation of Mebruka between Serêkaniyê and Grê Spî (Til Ebyad) by Rojava's extraordinarily heroic People's/Women's Defense Forces (YPG/YPJ).

    Today we must report that ISIS/Daesh have massacred nearly 100 Arab civilians who were attempting to escape from Nustel and seek refuge in the village of Arida near the Akçakale border. The YPG/YPJ liberation forces have been working to liberate and secure Nustel. Thousands of civilians, predominantly women and children, fled the region and flocked to the Akçakale border. Daesh/ISIS gangs prevented the escape of civilians near the village of Arîda (Kılıçlı) in order to use them as human shields.Those who resisted this Daesh attempt were massacred by an Daesh firing squad. Villagers who made it to the Turkish border and crossed over to Akçakale stated that nearly 100 civilians were killed by Daesh gangs.

    There is increasing military activity on the Turkish side of the border near where the heavy clashes continue. The 7th Corps Commander İbrahim Yılmaz and Urfa 20th Armored Brigade Commander İhsan Başbozkurt have arrived in the area which has been closed to civilians.

    The struggle of the people continues. Nustel village is expected to be liberated sonn and YPG/YPJ forces will be able to unite Rojava's Cizîre and Kobanê cantons within a week. Ten villages and several hamlets have been liberated from ISIS gangs during the operations in Cizîr and Kobanê cantons since our last report. The YPG/YPJ "Operation Commander Rubar Qamişlo” aiming to liberate the western parts and villages of Cizîr canton is now in its 23rd day.

    The Kobanê resistance is in its 256th day. In the fighting there the liberation forces took back the villages of Bîrhebêş and northern and southern Bîrerêp from ISIS.

    Handicap International mine action experts have assessed the situation in the city of Kobanê and have discovered an alarming level of unexploded ordnance and contamination. After four months of combat, including ground fighting and coalition air strikes, there is an an average of 10 munitions per square meter in the city center, and nearly 80 per cent of the buildings there have been destroyed..

    “What we saw in Kobanê was beyond our worst nightmares: a significant part of the city is vastly destroyed and unexploded weapons contamination of all kinds have reached a density and diversity that has hardly ever been witnessed before,” said Frédéric Maio, Handicap International’s Mine Action Program Development Manager. “The unexploded devices and booby traps pose a daily threat to the people who fled Kobanê and are now trying to return home. This explosive pollution will make it impossible for people to reconstruct their lives, and blocks access to several areas. It also prevents humanitarian organizations from operating safely and providing the necessary support to this vulnerable population.”

    Burkan al-Fırat (Euphrates Volcano Operations Room) has announced that they have started an operation which will continue up to Girê Spî (Til Ebyad). Burkan al-Fırat is a joint military action center formed by YPG and local Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigades and battalions. The foundation of the 'Action Center' was announced at a military ceremony in Kobanê on September 10, 2014. Burkan Al Fırat was set up to fight the gangs of "Al Baghdadi" (ISIS chief) and includes the following forces: Liwa Al Tawhid (East branch), Liwa Al Siwar Al Raka, Shams Al Shamal brigades linked to the Fajir Al Huriye brigades, People's Defence Units (YPG), YPJ, Seraya Jarablus, Liwa Japhat Al-Akrad, Siwar Umunaa Al Raka, Al Kasas Army and Liwa Al Cihad Fi Sebilillah.

    A Burkan al-Fırat statement entitled 'Fraternity of Peoples' has called on the local inhabitants to evacuate the region to avoid being used as human shield by ISIS. YPG/YPJ fighters in the village of Êdîqê to the south of Kobanê are cooperating with Burkan al-Fırat and the push to Girê Spî (Til Ebyad) wuill have a great impact on efforts to liberate the western parts and villages of Cizîr canton.

    Speaking on behalf of Burkan al-Fırat Forces, spokesman Şerwan Derwîş said that since their establishment, Burkan al-Fırat forces have fought against the enemies of humanity and expelled them from the region. He also stated that the operations the started to liberated the ISIS-occupied regions will continue until Girê Spi (Til Ebyad) is liberated, and he continued "As Burkan al-Fırat Operations Room, we request our people to keep away from the military areas to the west of Girê Spi for their safety. The local people living in the region, the people of Sirin and Jarablus, must be careful against the terror of ISIS gangs and avoid being used as human shields. The gangs want to have our people fight in the battle field. Do not help them.”

    Şerwan Derwîş stressed that they will abide by all the rules highlighted in international conventions for the protection of civilians, and added, “In order to ensure this, our people in the region should leave the region temporarily, which is of major importance for the protection of the civilians, especially those living in the areas of clashes.”

    The YPG has said that the villages of Rawiya and Til Xenzir were liberated from the ISIS gangs during the second part of the initiative that focuses on southwestern Serêkaniyê. YPG forces found thousands of mines in the region around Rawiya village and continue their search and sweep activities.

    Thursday, May 28, 2015 Auto workers, Kurds, students, oppressed nationalities, youth, fighters against ISIS and Gezi resisters fight for New Humanity
    The spirit of Taksim and the Gezi Resistance continues---just see below. We're using the "Taksim Solidarity" banner today to underscore this point.
    * The workers’ struggle at Ford Otosan in Kocaeli and Eskişehir provinces continues. Most workers in the metal, auto and auto parts sectors in Bursa have returned to work but the Ford Otosan in Kocaeli and Eskişehir continue to fight for pay raises and parity and to be released from the Metal Workers Trade Union of Turkey. We have covered these struggles over the past week on this blog.
    Fort Otosan continues to insist that their offer to the workers taking industrial actions is generous. A company statement said yesterday that “In the end of May, our blue-collar workers will be paid 1000 Turkish liras as a support payment. Besides, workers who return to work and maintain continuity will be paid 200 Turkish liras as a prize. As before, holiday and New Year’s gift cards will be given. Workers will be paid generously in the years when things are going well.”
    İsmail Demirbaş, a spokesperson for the workers, has answered that "Our friends don’t want the union (Metal Workers Trade Union of Turkey) and we say ‘We are not from the union. There is no such thing as ’union’. We are from Harran (an ancient city in Urfa province in Southeast of Turkey). Our struggle will continue come rain or shine. The authorities find our fight malicious. What is malicious? Is a fight for bread and butter malicious?”
    * Taksim Solidarity held a press conference on the 2nd anniversary of the Gezi Park Resistance at the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) in İstanbul. It was announced there that public gatherings will be held on May 31 in Gezi Park and in Beşiktaş and Kadıköy in Istanbul. Ali Çerkezoğlu of Taksim Solidarity said, "We will be in Gezi Park on May 31 with songs and music and determination, of course to commemorate the ones who lost their lives in Gezi Park Resistance.
    Mücella Yapıcı added that “We are marking the second year of the Gezi Park protests that went nationwide and beyond. The Gezi process has yet not ended. It is ongoing.” Mücella Yapıcı also said that the protests brought people together who “yearned for a true democracy and freedom” and to make Istanbul a “more livable city.” She faced a trial and jail sentence for her role in the protests but ws eventually acquitted. Life has not been easy for her because of this repression.
    Well-known British Marxist David Harvey also attended the Taksim Solidarity press conference. He said, “What is interesting about the Gezi Park demonstrations is that what started out as a small protest by a group of environmental activists quickly evolved into millions taking to streets to protest the unjust policies of the government” and he noted that the Gezi protests were “globally unique” among other mass demonstrations.
    The press statement that was issued by Taksim Solidarity reads in part as follows:
    “On the anniversary of a unique date and a historic moment when a country’s people came from their homes, their parks and squares to protect their bodies, lives, the future and the country and on the anniversary of Gezi Park’s reflection on the history;
    "We are everywhere with our bodies, our losses with love and resistance with things which will live forever… We are in the parks and squares of İstanbul and the four corners of the country. We are everywhere to live Gezi and to remember Gezi.
    "We are in Gezi Park and Taksim Square. We hold Gezi meetings in Ankara, Adana, Antakya, Eskişehir, İzmir, Edirne, Samsun, Diyarbakır and Antalya. In every square, in every park of every provinces and districts. We are everywhere…”
    * The rector of Mustafa Kemal University has opened an investigation looking into the activities of 5 women students who protested threats made against a Kurdish woman student identified as N.K. The probe has been launched on grounds that the 5 women were shouting Kurdish slogans as they protested. The university officials are trying to remove the women from their dormitory.
    The students chanted the Kurdish slogans of "Bê zıman jiyan na be” (“No life without language"), "Perwerdehî Bi Kurdî xweşe” (“Education in Kurdish is good), "Her canlı kendi diliyle yaşar” (“Each human being lives with its own language”), "Zımanê me hebûna me ye” (“Our language is our existence”) and "Out of spite; X, W, Q." These slogans are regarded by the university administration as
    "beneath the national unity and solidarity, (as) ideological and (as) politically oriented."
    The university has demanded a defense or account from the students. The students, on the other hand, have applied to the Human Rights Association (İHD) Hatay Branch for help. N.K. has said that the Kurdish students in the dormitory face oppression and that the security personnel are also threatening the Kurdish students.
    * Women’s Defense Forces (YPJ) Commander Songül Kurt and People’s Defense Forces (YPG) fighters İsmail Dere and Seraceddin Çelik, who lost their lives in the fighting against ISIS in Rojava’s Til Temir and Hesekê, were laid to rest yesterday in the Yüksekova district of Hakkari. Tens of thousands of people attended the ceremony, condemning ISIS and Turkish President Erdoğan.
    YPJ Commander Songül Kurt (Hêvî Gever Marînos) and the YPG fighters İsmail Dere (Ciwan Şiyar) and Seraceddin Çelik (Ciwan Şiyar) lost their lives in clashes that took place between May 16-22 against ISIS gangs in Rojava’s Cizîrê Canton. The bodies of the fighters were taken by their families to the Yüksekova district of Hakkari and a convoy of hundreds of vehicles accompanied them to the district. People in the villages on the route greeted the fighters by flooding onto the streets and chanting the slogan “Martyrs are immortal.”
    Thousands of people joined the convoy in the town center. Shops there were shuttered. A religious ceremony was held in the mosque and the fighters were then taken to the cemetery by around 30,000 people carrying pictures of the fighters and imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan as well as flags of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the YPG and the YPJ. People also chanted slogans condemning the ISIS gangs and the Turkish president Erdoğan for his support for ISIS.
    At the entrance to the cemetery young people held a ceremony and vowed to continue the struggle of those who have fallen in the liberation struggle.
    Speaking at the ceremony, Mesopotamia Solidarity Organization (MEYADER) representative Cengiz Ortaç said that all those who have fallen in the liberation struggle were fighting for the liberation of all of the Kurdish people and for their future, adding that the Kurdish people will remain faithful to the legacy left by those who have fallen.
    Salih Kurt, the father of YPJ commander Songül Kurt, spoke on behalf of the families of the fighters and said that the three young people are the children of Kurdistan and that they have made them proud by their honorable struggle.
    Leaders of the People’s Democratic Party and the Party of Democratic Regions called on shopkeepers to reopen their businesses after the funeral but they have not done so. Mourning will continue for 3 days.
    * Thousands of people took part in the Peoples' Democratic Party's (HDP) election rally in Hatay province on the border with Syria. Tunisian People Front Speaker Hamma Hammami addressed the people there and said that the HDP is the only and biggest chance for Turkey's peoples to get rid of the dictatorial system.
    The Party rally was held in Hatay’s Uğur Mumcu Square where Gezi Resistance victims Abdullah Cömert and Ahmet Atakan were massacred by police. Thousands of people participated, with young people dancing halays for hours and carrying the flags of the HDP.
    Hatay has Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic, Circassian, Armenian and Dom peoples and Sunni, Alevi and Christian faith communities and these groups joined the rally with their own placards and banners. The people carried banners supporting the "New Life" slogan and manifesto of the HDP. One banner read “Riots have united, hope is growing." One minute of silence was held in memory of all those who have lost their lives in the struggle for freedom and democracy.
    * The HDP election campaign in Mardin is of special interest to us today. HDP Mardin Deputy Candidate and Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar and the HDP co-mayors have visited the shopkeepers in the city’s central Derik district while HDP Mardin Deputy Candidate Enise Güneyli has met with villagers in the region. Leaders from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (YNK) have accompanied her on these visits.
    HDP Batman deputy candidates Saadet Becerikli, Hasan Yağız and Ali Atalan, along with co-mayors, have lso visited some associations, a textile workshop and villages in the city and in the city's Kozluk district. The villagers embraced the "Great Humanity" candidate.

    In Cukurova city (Adana), HDP deputy candidates Tugay Bek, Hatice Kavran and Feride Peynirci met with Arab Alawite citizens and hundreds of people attended a HDP festival in the Seyhan district. The crowd chanted slogans supporting the Kobanê resistance and the HDP. Adana Deputy Candidate Meral Danış Beştaş said that the fighters in Kobanê have defended honor of all humanity.


  21. 1432885575_54da018986969_121672.jpg

    According to OSCE, on the night of Friday attacks in Shirokino were resumed. Use of heavy artillery is recorded.

    "Since the last briefing observers of SMM visited places of branch of heavy machinery of both parties of the conflict again and recorded lack of a number of positions" — OSCE Representatives reported.

    The situation continues to be heated. Fights near Shirokino gain intensity, the territory of LPR continues to be exposed to attacks.
    In Shirokino the heaviest situation as if the truce also didn't begin. In the neighborhood of the settlement the hardened fights with application of artillery and small arms proceed. People perish.

    Clashes around the Donetsk airport proceed. In 8 hours observers of OSCE recorded 73 cases of violation of a ceasefire regime. According to their information, personally to examine a situation in Shirokino and Avdeevke it isn't possible, as not safely to be in these areas now.

    The head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko hopes that participants of Contact group in Minsk will be able to give an adequate assessment to attacks in Gorlovka during the following meeting on June 2. In his opinion, at assessment of the situation it is necessary to consider the facts of death of civilians.

    "When shoot at military, it is always possible to accuse someone or to tell supposedly it not we. But this time peace citizens were lost. Security officers shot at peace quarters" — Zakharchenko emphasized.

    In response to the journalist's question, what prospects of those who fired at Gorlovka, Zakharchenko declared: "Don't ask better. Let live and are afraid".
    In response to the journalist's question, what prospects of those who fired at Gorlovka, Zakharchenko declared: "Don't ask better. Let live and are afraid".

    AFU for days of 30 times fired at the territory of DNR

    Armed forces of Ukraine in the last days of 30 times fired at settlements of the republic. About it it is GIVEN reported in the Ministry of Defence of DNR.

    "For last days the militia recorded 30 attacks of settlements of DNR from the Ukrainian security officers" — the interlocutor reported.
    It is about 16 mortar, four tank attacks, and also five attacks from armored cars. Besides, five times fire was opened from grenade launchers and small arms.

    Under fire of security officers there were Donetsk (airport territory), Gorlovka and Debaltseve. Also violations of the mode of a truce were noted in settlements Spartak, Zhabichevo, Grigorovka, White Kamenka, Novomaryevka, Kalinovka, Taurian, Sakhanka, Shirokino and Lozovoye.

    LPR under attack

    According to a militia, the Luhansk People's Republic underwent once again attacks from Armed forces of Ukraine which made more than 40 shots across the territory of LPR. Tanks, BBM, mortars, grenade launchers, PTRK, PRUR, howitzers and self-propelled artillery installations were used.

    In the hardened fights fighters of LPR didn't allow to cross a front line to two diversionary and prospecting groups of the opponent. It is noted that is much noticed UAVs.
    Central news agency of Novorossiya

  22. 1432786665_vebi9tppfc4.jpg

    Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa, including Dnepropetrovsk and Transnistria, and also Malorossiya from Poltava to Chernigov (allegedly, but it isn't obligatory including Kiev) will be free parts of Ukraine.

    For the last 70 years, in a peace time, any of enemies of Ukraine wasn't allowed to the east of Lviv, and after any military conflict as at the time of the Russian Federation, and the Soviet Union, all enemies were rejected to the West from Lviv. In 10 years after disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990 also disintegration of Russia followed, but also then any enemy wasn't allowed to the east of Lviv as Ukraine was, at least officially, the neutral country. But it occurred!

    Now, in the time spent in power of the strongest Russian leader since 1950, the enemy again is to the East from Lviv, moreover — to the East from Dnieper and on the coast of the Black Sea. The nazi junta in Kiev operated from the USA put Russia at risk and occupied Russian lands. The enemy again at gate! For Russia it is deadly geostrategic threat, and it — the major reason for actions, is more important, than any historical or linguistic links to Ukraine or gas transit.

    And this reason isn't less important, than protection of people in the southeast: if the Russian leaders aren't able to protect these people, they won't be able to protect and the people living in the territory of Russia. Therefore it is vital to push aside the enemy at least to the West from Dnieper and away from the coast of the Black Sea. The enemy — is nazis of the Kiev junta and their owners of the USA who openly declare that they — enemies of Russia and all "Russian", and therefore Russia has to cease to call one — "government", and others — "partners".

    Russia will never be accepted by the West as the equal partner, then why to climb from a skin for this purpose? It not Russia has to ask the West about the normal relations, and on the contrary! Russia has to continue to form the new, free multipolar world from other 75% of the world — those who isn't slaves to Washington.

    The West doesn't cause trust, they in 1990 promised not to expand (USA) borders of NATO to the east, and arrived just the opposite. The Kiev nazi junta arrives also hypocritically: they signed the first and second Minsk contracts and at once broke them at all points. There is no sense to force Kiev to sign the subsequent similar contracts and right there to allow them to violate agreements without any consequences. Instead them it is necessary to force to fulfill the assumed obligations. Otherwise in this situation Kiev looks clever, and Russia — weak.

    The Kiev authorities will never allow fair elections as they know that will lose. They extend fascists from the western Ukraine in the occupied Novorossiya's parts and appoint them to responsible positions in administration to continue to oppress the majority of local population and to show, as there is "nationalism". But most of the population of Novorossiya is incited prorossiysk and against the Kiev junta, they wait for the help from Novorossiya's army.

    Novorossiya and Malorossiya's release has to proceed until nazis held one more false "referendum" and tried to join NATO, despite the population protests. Then it will be much more difficult to exempt still healthy parts of the former Ukraine, such as Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa and Malorossiya from Poltava to Chernigov.

    Besides, the main reason for which Putin didn't recognize Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa and all lands to the East from Dnieper and Transnistria as the new country or as part of Russia yet, in my opinion — that he wants to control other territories of the former Ukraine, that is Galicia and territories to the West from Dnieper. But this tactics is incorrect, after all the Kiev nazi junta also wishes to control Novorossiya. Most of the population of Galicia and the most western territories of the former Ukraine wants to join the West as well as most of the population of Novorossiya wants to be part of Russia or the free country. And the people living between these territories will do that will tell them.

    The only decision — to divide the country so that any of parts didn't suppress another, and both parts could find such partners whom will want. Naturally, division won't be a lung, but, at least, the border is clear: 8 areas of Novorossiya, and then to the north along Dnieper. It will mean as well division of Kiev (if any of parts voluntary disagrees to give "the part"). There is a set of examples of similar decisions, both peace, and not peace: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Sudan. Any of decisions of "uniform Ukraine" would mean suppression of 15-20 million people — or Russian/Russian-speaking, or галичан / the western Ukrainians, and it is wrong. Other decisions aren't present — this "country" has to be divided.

    Nicholas, Sweden,
    Central news agency of Novorossiya

  23. Monday, May 25, 2015
    Members of Rojava's People's Defense Units (YPG ) after the YPG and the Women's Defense Units (YPJ) liberated Mount Abd al-Aziz (Kizwanan), southwest Hesekê city earlier this week.

    6 more villages Liberated in Kobanê and Cizîrê---ISIS using people as human shields
    Rojava's People's Defense Forces (YPG) Press Office has said in a statement that 6 more villages have been liberated in the scope of the operations in Kobanê and Cizîrê (Jazira) cantons of Rojava, while the Commander Rubar Qamislo Operation launched to cleanse the rural areas and the villages in the western parts of Cizîrê of ISISf ighters is continuing in its 19th day.
    The statement said that the operations of the YPG/YPJ (People's/Women's Defense Forces) forces against the ISIS gangs are continuing successfully to the southeast of Serêkaniyê, in which 2 villages were liberated. The YPG added that the ISIS gangs used people as a shield against the advance of the YPG/YPJ forces and that the Kurdish forces are acting carefully in order not to harm the people that the ISIS gangs have abducted.
    The YPG reported that 30 civilians who were abducted by ISIS and used against the advance of YPG forces as human shields have been evacuated from the area by the YPG/YPJ forces and added that the ISIS gangs exploded a bomb-laden vehicle in the midst of civilians, killing some of them and 2 YPG fighters. The number of the civilians killed in the explosion could not be ascertained, the statement noted.
    The YPG Press Office further said the resistance in Kobanê is continuing in its 252th day and reported that the YPG/YPJ forces has launched a new operation in the areas occupied by ISIS to the east of Kobanê, liberating 4 villages. The YPG added that a bomb laden vehicle of the gangs was seized in the operation by the resistance forces, while the number of the gang’s casualties could not be ascertained.
  24. Bese Hozat: PKK is a social system today

    202.jpgThe Kurdish Liberation Movement made up of a group of Kurdish and Turkish youths,

    25.11.2013 ANF

    The Kurdish Liberation Movement made up of a group of Kurdish and Turkish youths, known as pro-Apo (Öcalan) and -national liberation groups till 1978, became a party following the first congress held in the house of the Zoğurlu family, which supported the organization since its formation, in the Fis village of Diyarbakır's Lice district on 26-27 November. The PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party, Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan) has become a public movement addressing millions during the 35 years that have passed since the first congress which had been attended by 22 delegates.

    Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Co-President Bese Hozat spoke to ANF about the struggle PKK has given for 35 years now, what it has achieved so far and what kind of a change and transformation it has introduced to the Kurdish people.

    How does the PKK define itself?

    The PKK is no doubt a strong insurrection movement against cruelty and the exploitation of people and society, and for a people who were deprived of all their rights, denied any kind of fair defense, their language banned and their land occupied and exploited. The PKK is a contemporary insurrection movement with a program, ideology, philosophy and struggle strategy, not an ordinary one for a people greatly exploitated and enslaved. The PKK has the power to change the balances in the region and the world, as well as a strategic and tactical leadership, an army of thousands of guerrillas and an organized grassroots of millions of people.

    In line with all these facts, it remains inadequate to define the PKK as an insurrection movement because of the fact that the party has presented the democratic nation paradigm, improved the democratic confederal system of peoples, built an alternative project of democratic peoples' system against the five thousand years old statist government system and is leading the building of this project now. The democratic, free and equal form of life and the democratic ecological system the PKK has built is the only system that will liberate the peoples. The Kurdish people are today giving a struggle to build this system on the basis of their own will. In the current state of affairs, the PKK has gone beyond a movement and become a social living system.

    PKK has made a great mindset revolution for the Kurdish people, clearing their minds of slavery and fear which it replaced with the sense of freedom. This is the greatest revolution the PKK has achieved, for the liberation of a people relies on a mindset revolution and the attainment of the sense of freedom.

    The party has on the other hand placed women at the center of the social liberation, and women's struggle at the center of the national struggle. This has introduced a new context and depth to the sense of freedom, because of the fact that a people can never be free without free women. Thousands of women assured by this reality in theory and in practice have taken to the mountains and assembled an army, bravely fought against the exploitative system and destroyed the mindset which defends that war is a man thing. The liberation struggle the Kurdish women are giving on mountains is not against the Turkish army alone, it is also against the male-dominant mindset and the cruel and exploitative system it has created.

    This war has led to a great social change and transformation, it destroyed the ordinary perspective against women, changed the gender based morals and culture, and enabled the Kurdish women to become subjects in all areas of life, to take an active part in the social life and politics, and to lead civil commotions and public resistance. Women became the symbol of resistance and the liberation struggle, changed the social fabric of the Kurdish society, transformed the feodal culture and displayed a determining stance in the democratisation of the society. This is a women's revolution the PKK and Kurdish people have achieved by creating a free society with free women, and a sense and culture of democratic nation against the culture of tribes, which is at the same time a human revolution.

    The struggle the Kurdish people are giving today under the leadership of the PKK plays a crucial role in the democratisation of the Middle East region and is the greatest hope of the peoples in the region. Kurds are taking to the stage in the history with the building of a democratic autonomous and confederal system.

    The PKK defines itself not only as a Kurdish movement but also as a liberation movement. What has the PKK done for the peoples in four parts of Kurdistan, what kind of a culture has it created?

    The PKK movement has never given an ethnic struggle. Those claiming the PKK to do so were the enemies of the party and the people. The PKK ideology sides with freedom and equality. PKK is a democratic socialist movement against nationalism, religionism and sexism which all are ideologies that lead up to fascism, nationalism and militarism. As an organization for the struggle of the peoples in the Middle East, the PKK has fought for the freedom of peoples and represented the human values in the region. PKK is the follower and contemporary representative of the democratic civilisation tradition in the Middle East. All these prove that the Kurdish question is not related with Kurds alone, it is an issue which concerns the entire Middle East region.

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