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John Dolva

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Posts posted by John Dolva

  1. I looked to see if there were any golden rectangle fractals out there.

    I found Harriss Spiral.

    here is some intereasting stuff people have said or written of Harriss Spiral:



    scroll down to see the animation

    another animation:


    at http://blog.matthen.com/post/110273546011/another-animation-of-the-fractal-harriss-spiral

  2. Thursday, December 3, 2015 11:55 AM

    The German state continues subjecting Kurdish political activists to repression and criminalizing Kurdish institutions, as a result of which 6 Kurdish politicians have been arrested this year.

    At the moment, 8 Kurdish political activists remain in German jails under heavy circumstances. All these stand trial in accordance with the Article 129b, which requires a particular approval by the Ministry of Justice.

    Lawyers for Kurdish politicians jailed in Germany did previously apply to the Ministry of Justice demanding the revocation of the particular approval for the implementation of Article 129b for Kurdish prisoners. The Ministry is, however, yet to answer the application.


    129b was among the most controversial anti-terror acts put into force by Germany after the 11 September attacks in 2003 to "smooth the international fight against terror". The act enables the trial of persons and groups involved in any kind of political act of violence outside Germany.

    129b is grounded on the European Union's list of terrorist organisations in which the PKK was included on 2 May 2002.


    Metin Aydın: Remains jailed in Germany for some 3 years since his arrest in Switzerland as a result of pressure by the German state. He was brought to a Germany prison after being held in custody in Switzerland for a long time.

    Abdullah Şen: Jailed for 3 years despite there being no act of violence attributed to him.

    Mehmet Demir: Jailed for over a year with no evidence available as to a related crime committed by his side.

    Ahmet Çelik: A well-known Kurdish politician jailed since July. In the face of the political repression in Turkey, Çelik was forced to migrate to Germany where he faced similar pressure as he presided the Federation of Kurdish Associations in Germany, YEK-KOM. He remains in prison despite his need of daily treatment to deal with serious health problems he is suffering.

    Bedrettin Kavak: Jailed in Germany since August. Kavak remained in Turkish prisons for a total of 24 years for political reasons. He suffered heavy torture in Amed prison in 1980. He later took refuge in France for treatment of his severe health problems, in spite of which he has been jailed by the German state.

    Kenan Bastu: Jailed since October, Bastu is a Kurdish politician who once presided the People's Assembly in Paris and later coordinated HDP's election activities in Hannover. It grabs attention that Bastu was arrested soon after Angela Merkel's visit to Turkey on 18 October.

    Mustafa Çelik: Jailed since his arrest in the wake of a raid by German police while receiving treatment in November. The German state is making Çelik's health problems get severer after he suffered an injury as a result of attacks by the Turkish state. Similarly to Kenan Bastu, Çelik was arrested soon after Merkel's visit to Turkey.

    Ali Özel: Jailed in Germany for over a year despite there being no evidence available.


    The German state became a party to the Kurdistan war and took side by the Turkish state during 90's. Following the unification of Germany, 300 thousand kalashnikov rifles remaining from Eastern Germany, as well as 300 BTR-60 infantry tanks, 5 thousand machine guns, 100 thousand B-7, RPG rocket guns and 445 million bullets were granted to Turkey. The Turkish state perpetrated massacres in Kurdistan with these guns.


    As Kurds continue fighting against ISIS barbarity on behalf of humanity, the German state has also become a part of the Turkish state's war against Kurds since 24 July.

    While it remains understandable that Turkey attacks Kurds to protect the ISIS, it raises question marks and suspicions why the German state is supporting Turkey which supports ISIS. Kurdish institutions evaluate this policy of the German state as an indirect support and morale to the ISIS.

  3. See, it seems it is a stupid question as knowing this:

    "CHAPTER 7000 http://tfm.fiscal.tr...v2/p4/c700.html


    Appendix B – Processing Postal Money Orders

    Purchaser of the PMO designate a “Payee” and fills out the purchaser’s information

    Purchaser pays for the PMO – Postal clerk tears PMO from stub and hands to Purchaser

    Purchaser provides PMO to designated Payee for deposit in exchange for goods/services

    Payee endorses the back of the PMO and deposits PMO in their Bank

    The Bank will then PROCESS the PMO, adding whatever marks, electronic or otherwise to the back of the PMO and record the payment to Payee in their record.

    The Bank, now the new Payee, forwards the PMO to their affiliated Federal Reserve Bank for reimbursement of funds and processing

    USPS Fed Res Sys process"

    was how it was when it was the USPO and not just the USPS, I'd move on. Otherwise it seems pretty much dealt with. Thank you.

    edit typo, clarity

  4. I'm not. I imagine a scenario of money transfers. Then I try to see if it fits the needs of simplifying a manual process and saving lots of money. When a money order is 'cashed' at the postoffice by a relatively high volume client it is honoured by the post office by stamping it and then arranging a money transfer as per the order which is then retired to storage.

    Believe me, there is nothing desperate about it at all. It's just a stupid question that obviously has triggered off something.

  5. I'm thinking official rubber stamp in this instance with the bank name, then the account number and name of the account to which this money is transferred to. Used at the post office where klein's take their stacks of orders to be paid (into account). It's then stamped to be paid to the bank to that account. From that and other stacks a specific disbursement money order is issue internally to deal with the periods collated orders.?

    edit add once stamped and stacked they are read by a tabulation data processing machine machine. The bank then receipts that transfer and and in time issue a bank statement to the account holder.?

  6. Sorry if this is a stupid question. What does the stamp on the back mean? I try to think of something. Is not the


    The First National Bank of Chicago

    50 91144


    where the numbers are an account number and the name the name of the account? Maybe in being stamped with the words of a disbursement money order it signifies as having re-entered the postal system which means as far as the account holder is concerned it has been paid?

    edit clarification, typos

    dited by John Dolva, Today, 11:20 AM.

    "And see page 211, section 762.11a: "Disbursement Postal Money Orders have words of negotiability -- "Pay to the Order of" -- printed on their face, while other postal money orders simply bear the words "Pay to" on their face."" - a postal money order converted to an internal disbursement money order by being stamped on the back?

  7. Sorry if this is a stupid question. What does the stamp on the back mean? I try to think of something. Is not the

    The First National Bank of Chicago
    50 91144
    where the numbers are an account number and the name the name of the account? Maybe in being stamped with the words of a disbursement money order it signifies as having re-entered the postal system which means as far as the account holder is concerned it has been paid?

    edit clarification, typos

  8. Making Maths

    Resources | The Mathematics of Everything


    Mile of Pi - Numberphile: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoxcjq-8xIDTYp3uz647V5A

    A million digits of Pi on one piece of paper (1.05 miles).
    More about how and why: http://youtu.be/99Welatppzk\

    Applied Math Science Fair Projects :
    Math is an elegant way to model the behavior of pretty much everything we can observe, and kids who won't settle for simply learning their multiplication tables will love exploring the applied math problems in these cool math science fair projects and math fair project ideas. These enlightening experimental procedures have little mad scientists doing everything from deriving equations for how powerful bed springs are to determining how the bore of a rocket's nozzle influences the amount of force the escaping gas can exert.

    Search Math Reviews : http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/

    The World of Mathematics : http://mathigon.org/

    Dive into a colourful and engaging world, discovering some of the most exciting and curious mathematical ideas. Using interactive games, animations and countless illustrations, advanced mathematics becomes accessible to both children and adults.

    Topics range from fractals to infinity, prime numbers, game theory, group theory and quantum mechanics.

  9. I see it as an event that focused Iranian society on a common priority at a time when it was still in turmoil. At the same time a group of socialist youth led by Abdullah Ocalan in were shaping the PKK in Kurdish Turkey. After the Turkish coup d'etat in 1980, many were either killed or moved on to Syrian Kurdistan. During the Iran Iraq war Kurds were attacked by both sides in both Iraq Kurdistan and Iran Kurdistan. All of that has obviously gone on to shape current events. Current events will go on to shape the future. It's important to not rely on hegemonic narratives to see what that future will look like.

  10. At the time I was a member of the fourth international in australia. We put on talks and meetings for visiting Iranian comrades. They told us the stories from their perspective. There was a fluidity to the revolution. They were confident that they had strong backing. Many of the revolutionary guard were socialists. The attack by Iraq consolidated the control of the Ayatollahs. Most of our comrades died at the front.

    At the same time the now very relevant PKK was being founded in Syria. This week is the 37'th anniversary of that foundation. (other events of interest from this time : the victory of the FSLN in Nicaragua and the start of the terror campaingn of raygonzos contras, the assassination of ArchBishop Romero, the assassination of Lennon.)

  11. You're welcome, James.

    I think, in time, this approach will help enormously.

    I did spend some time afewyears ago hammering away at the Congo from various angles. I think it's very important. (I've seen photos of mercenaries in the Congo wearing Nazi uniforms. Good to have a name (Scorzeny, Paladin) to go with that.)

    I think his Angola speech is important as well, including various French, African and other responses. I think for many that was a moment at which many ordinary men and women noticed Kennedy for the first time.

    I do have some concerns about the Iran matter.

    As I understand it, the Iranian Revolution was very much driven by progressive left wing students. Before the Ayatollah returned and was given control, there was a push to have another exile come in. He ended up assassinated. The US backed attack on Iran by Iraq led to progressive defenders of the revolution going to the front and not return.

    IOW the 'outburst of islamic radicalism' was, in a sense, engineered as a result of a counter revolution by forces that preferred that to the direction that radical left wing students were pushing the revolution. (IMO).

  12. KCK's Bayık: Turkey downed the Russian plane to protect ISIS

    KCK Executive Council Member Cemil Bayık stressed that no consistent fight can be given against ISIS and no results can be obtained from this fight unless a clear attitude is taken against Turkey and the AKP government is brought to account.

    Thursday, November 26, 2015 1:00 PM
    KCK Executive Council Member Cemil Bayık has written about “consistency in the fight against ISIS” for his column on Yeni Özgür Politika and Azadiya Welat dailies.

    The Kurdish article has been translated by ANF English service below.

    “It has been seen once again that the Turkish state wants to protect ISIS and Al-Nusra. The Turkish state shot down the Russian plane not due to a violation of airspace, but to hinder Russian airstrikes against the Turkey-backed gang groups. By doing this, Turkey has not only encouraged the gangs to resist, but also intended to make NATO and Russia confront each other through a provocation, hinder a joint action by the U.S. and Russia for the building of a new Syria, and relieve the ISIS.

    Turkey's support to ISIS was expressed by the US Secretary of State John Kerry himself, who said 75 percent of the entire border has now been shut off, and they are entering an operation with the Turks to shut off the other remaining 98 km. Could there ever be another evidence exposing the cooperation between Turkey and ISIS so clearly? Turkey is already uttering threats against the seizure of control of Jarablus by Rojava Revolutionaries, and conducting artillery attacks against Kobanê, which both reveal its protection of Jarablus, in other words the ISIS.

    Jarablus is an area that constitutes a threat of attack to Kurds. During the Kobanê siege, gangs carried out attacks from this area with the support of the Turkish state. Separate attacks on Kobanê were also launched from Gırê Sipî (Tal Abyad) in the same way. YPG has cleared Tal Abyad of ISIS which however still remains in Jarablus, threatening and attacking Kobanê on daily basis.

    on 25 June, ISIS groups infiltrated into Kobanê from three locations, two of which moved from Jarablus and Turkey side, and massacred some 300 civilians, all of whom were unarmed and defenseless. They raided houses and killed every single one inside, women and children all alike. This massacre was an unprecedented crime against humanity witnessed in human history. This mass killing was perpetrated with the support of the Turkish state after the siege was broken and ISIS was defeated in Kobanê. Any society or state would immediately respond to the perpetrators and aim at eliminating the centre of this threat. In an attempt to avoid an offensive against Jarablus, the Turkish state then threatened to hit Kobanê Revolutionaries in the event of their crossing to the western side of the Euphrates. In this way, Turkey both protected ISIS and revealed its complicity in the unprecedented mass killing of 300 civilians. What attitude would the Turkish state adopt if it itself was targeted by such a massacre? It would probably order an immediate offensive and seizure of Jarablus. Yet, when it comes to Kurds, it shielded itself to avoid a punishment of the murderers of Kurds.

    ISIS and the powers behind it must necessarily give an account of the massacre of 300 civilians, and the perpetrators of this inhumane crime must be tried at the International Criminal Court of Hague. It is worth noting that this bloodcurdling massacre wasn't covered by the world media widely despite the fact that it claimed lives as many as the total number of Amed, Suruç, Ankara, Lebanon and Paris mass killings. While this massacre alone was a reason to end ISIS, the Turkish state threatened the YPG against entering Jarablus. Could there ever be a clearer support for ISIS? Don't the US, France and the whole anti-ISIS coalition see this reality? If YPG and allied Arab forces had entered Jarablus after this massacre, Paris attacks wouldn't have occurred, and even Raqqa would have fallen by now. Yet, no attitude was adopted against these threats of Turkey, nor to stop Turkey being an obstacle in the fight against ISIS. The Kurdish forces in Rojava weren't given an opportunity to advance upon ISIS in Jarablus and other areas in spite of the fact that Kobanê's Revolutionary Forces and Raqqa's Arab Revolutionary Forces had attained a right to take Jarablus after the mass killing of 300 civilians.

    In the same way it attacked on Kobanê over Raqqa, ISIS is now attacking on Efrîn over Jarablus, and it is being joined by Al-Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham in these assaults. They may not have a joint command or direct coordination but attacks are being conducted by these groups all together. Under the circumstances, do the people of Efrîn have the right to fight ISIS, Al-Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham? Of course, they have. While Turkey continues defending gang groups under the name of Bayır Bucak Turkmens, do the people of Rojava Kurdistan have no right to respond to the attacks aimed at them?

    It is not possible to understand international forces which claim to have established a coalition against ISIS but on the other hand take no stance against the Turkish state that provides the greatest support to these gang groups. Would the entire humanity, Paris people in the first place, not be right to ask what kind of a policy this is?

    It is quite obvious that no consistent fight can be given against ISIS and no results can be obtained from this fight unless a clear attitude is taken against Turkey and the AKP government is brought to account. Besides, the AKP government has deserved to be punished time after time as an accomplice to the massacres committed by the ISIS and Al-Nusra groups it has long supported."

  13. Suffering too real in Syria, E. Ukraine, you learn to value compassion – RT’s Roman Kosarev

    Published time: 25 Nov, 2015 18:27
    A multi-stories resdientail building damaged in shelling of Donetsk. © Irina Gerashchenko / Sputnik
    RT reporter Roman Kosarev, who was recently caught in shelling in Syria, says the atrocities he has seen at hotspots such as Syria and Eastern Ukraine have at times rendered him speechless, but this is also where unprecedented compassion can be found.

    We live in scary times. War, death, destruction, tears, hunger, refugees, indifference, carelessness, the glorification of the heinous and vulgar, the disregard of basic human values, dividing the world into those who are ‘right’ and those who are ‘wrong’, and so on.

    These are not just words that come to mind after reading headlines from around the globe. I know from experience what cruelty looks like and where deliberate blindness towards others and their opinions may lead a person. I have also seen how miserable masses are manipulated through fake ideals and promises of pseudo-freedom.

    I was reporting on the terrible killings of civilians in eastern Ukraine for about a year and a half. Now I am doing the same in Syria, but I want to talk about Donbass, where the overwhelming majority speak Russian and where you always feel a bit surreal – you are in a different country, but everything around seems so familiar.

    BREAKING: RT's Roman Kosarev 1st journo to talk to saved pilot of #Su24 shot down by Turkey https://t.co/9XFhjBcVP0pic.twitter.com/zAsPVOdyfd

    — RT (@RT_com) November 25, 2015

    These are real people and it is real death. Thousands of innocent people have died. Children and adults have lost their lives in the most barbaric way. These were boys playing soccer on the school field – they got blown into pieces by mortar fire. Or an elderly couple who were putting meat on the grill and got killed in an instant by a shell that hit their house. These are many people who lost their children or parents because of this undeclared war and now have to live with this nightmare for the rest of their lives.

    These are all known facts, but what many people don’t know is that in the midst of this daily hell, human kindness and the unwavering will to live in peace prevail. Not every Russian family has been affected by the horrors of war. Most people know about it from daily news programs - they think of it as something that is only possible somewhere far-far away, not in their own world. But it doesn’t mean that they are indifferent towards the suffering of the people. We’ll come back to this later.

    People often ask me if I was able to stay sane after covering violence practically every day. I felt horrible, it was extremely painful, but I couldn’t give in to my emotions, as I had a job to do. I let my guard down later, when I was with family and friends. It is very difficult to see children’s bodies blown into pieces and neighbors who cannot fathom the situation, as just five minutes ago they were grumbling at the kids for being too loud or simply discussing their plans.

    Katia and her dad buried in closed caskets as rockets mangled the innocent beyond recognition. RIP #Gorlovkapic.twitter.com/RuFdVvgYA7

    — Roman Kosarev (@Kosarev_RT) May 28, 2015

    Wailing and cursing into nowhere, but also aiming quite specifically – "Why? Have you seen soldiers here? God damn you!!! My girl! My boy! Mom! Dad! Wake up!"

    The shock from what I saw lasted shorter with every new shell-ridden district I visited. Tears would dry up in several minutes when I took the mic and tried to show how low humans can fall once they lose their moral values. It may well be that these scatterbrained gunners were not aware of their actual targets, but what could have been on the mind of a soldier who shot dead at point blank range an 18-year-old pregnant girl with her hands tied behind her back? What substance was he under the influence of when he buried her together with other victims near his base?

    I hope these questions will be put to all the puppeteers when they are brought to justice. Hopefully, the people of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, whose relatives were killed by these savages, will have a chance to look at the faces of those people placed behind bars and experience at least some closure and the feeling that justice has prevailed. Unfortunately, the sufferings of the victims’ families will not end there; they will mourn their relatives and friends and recall the horrors of war even after they have rebuilt their towns and villages.

    Evacuated kids with serious illnesses from #Donetsk to #Moscow today. Thanks to Emrgncy ministries & @doctor_lizapic.twitter.com/f3xLqHBPEi

    — Roman Kosarev (@Kosarev_RT) February 11, 2015

    Back to the triumph of good over evil; it’s the belief in humanity that has kept me sane throughout my missions. It’s you, the people of the multi-ethnic country of Russia who have helped the unfortunate — as you’ve always done before, you inspire the people who are just like you but whose lives were crippled by war. You donate your savings and time to offer at least some relief — I know this for sure because I delivered your humanitarian aid. You also helped the refugees to find jobs so that they could start a new life far away from their own home, now lying in ruins.

    As we all remember from childhood, good always prevails over evil. That’s how it’s going to be in the end. But, unfortunately, we are not in a fairytale and the path to victory is sometimes littered with casualties.

  14. TEV-DEM Executive: We have documents of Turkey-ISIS cooperation

    "The Turkish state should eventually accept the fact all the peoples of Syria and international powers consider YPG to be the major force fighting ISIS and terrorist forces", said Rojava's TEV-DEM Executive Committee member Ferhad Dêrik.

    Sunday, November 22, 2015 11:15 AM

    Rojava's TEV-DEM (Movement For A Democratic Society) Executive Committee member Ferhad Dêrik stated that they have documents proving a cooperation between the Turkish state and ISIS gangs.

    Speaking to ANHA (Hawar News Agency), TEV-DEM Executive Committee member Ferhad Dêrik made significant evaluations regarding the Turkish state's approach hostile to Rojava and the support it provides to gang groups which have changed into military attacks since 24 October.

    TEV-DEM executive pointed out that the Turkish state has been involved in every attack that has targeted West Kurdistan territory from Dêrik to Efrîn since the beginning of the Rojava revolution.

    Ferhad Dêrik noted that the people of Rojava now expect a retaliation to the Turkish army's recently increased provocative attacks against their land, adding; “On the excuse of such attacks, Turkey aims to occupy the Rojava land.”

    According to theTEV-DEM executive, it was a kind of death for the Turkish state and AKP government whose plans all failed when Girê Spî was cleared of ISIS gangs by YPG and Burkan Al-Fırat forces on 15 June.

    Dêrik pointed out that they have documents proving the Turkish state's support to ISIS and the cooperation between the two. He said these documents reveal the facts that Turkey opened all its border crossings for ISIS members; that it provided arms, ammunition and logistic support to them; that gang members were taken to Turkey for treatment; and that it bought oil from the gangs.

    "The Turkish state should eventually accept the fact all the peoples of Syria and international powers consider YPG to be the major force fighting ISIS and terrorist forces", said Ferhat Dêrik, noting that the Turkish army's currently ongoing attacks against YPG positions is also an evidence to the Turkish state's support and protection of the gangs.

    Urging the Turkish state to give an end to its hostile approach and practices against YPG, Dêrik also put emphasis on the essentiality of the AKP government's ending its support to the gang groups.

    TEV DEM Executive Committee member Ferhad Dêrik also called upon all the forces within the international anti-ISIS coalition, France in the first place, to put more pressure on Turkey in order for it to stop supporting gang groups and abandon the hostile policy against Rojava.

  15. YPG: Attacks by the Turkish army and ISIS groups continue

    YPG (People's Defense Units) has reported ongoing attacks by ISIS gangs against villages near the Euphrates and by the Turkish army against Girê Spî and Kobanê.

    Saturday, November 21, 2015 2:40 PM

    YPG (People's Defense Units) has reported ongoing attacks by ISIS gangs against villages near the Euphrates and by the Turkish army against Girê Spî and Kobanê.

    According to a written statement by YPG Press Office, a mortar attack launched by ISIS gangs from south Jarablus targeted the Boraz village to the southwest Kobanê at 12:30 on 19 November. Two civilians, including a child, lost their lives and one other was wounded as a result of the terrorist attack.

    According to the YPG statement;

    ISIS gangs launched a mortar attack against Rahva village in Ayn Îsa town of Kobanê between 13:00-14:00 in the afternoon of 19 November.

    YPG forces launched an operation against gang groups deployed in Qereqozax area to the southwest of Kobanê between 09.00 and 10.00 on 19 November, during which one ISIS member was killed.

    Gang groups carried out another mortar attack from their positions in south Jarablus, which targeted the Qereqozax village and its surroundings between 07.30-08.00 and 13:00-14:30 of 20 November.

    ISIS groups also conducted a mortar attack against Boraz village to the southwest of Kobanê town at 14:00 on 20 November.


    On the other hand, Turkish army’s attacks that are aiming at the People’s Defense Units’ security positions near Kobanê region borderline since October 24 continue to the time.

    YPG Press Office reported that the Turkish troops patrolling at the borderline around Silipqiran village to the west of Girê Spî launched an attack with A4 heavy weaponry on 19 November.

    Turkish troops also targeted the Zeytuna position and Tal Findir village to the west of Girê Spî with A4 heavy weaponry at 04:35 of 20 November.

    Zeytuna position was once again attacked by the Turkish military with A4 heavy weaponry at 20:30 and 21:30 the same day.

    Tal Findir and the wheat silos (sawama) in the village were also hit by Turkish army with A4 heavy weaponry at 21.00 and 22.00 yesterday.

  16. Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:55 PM

    PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) Executive Committee Member Duran Kalkan spoke to Politik Alan (Political Sphere) program on Med Nuçe TV.

    Evaluating the results of the recent snap election, Kalkan said November 1 civil fascist coup is a continuation of the 12 September military fascist coup, and aims to restore and sustain the fascist dictatorship brought out by the coup. He underlined that; "They want to hinder the fall of dictatorship and founding of Democratic Republic. November 1 coup was aimed to block the way paved by June 7 election towards a Democratic Republic."

    Kalkan recalled that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called the current process as "a period of obtaining results" as AKP has taken a step by forming a government. He pointed out that the coming period will witness a final battle between fascism and democracy, and between colonialism and Kurdish freedom.

    "There is indeed a great struggle taking place on a final level. The coming winter will witness such a great struggle. Within the scope of the duty and fascist policy of cultural genocide handed over to it, the AKP government will conduct all kinds of attacks for the elimination and annihilation of the Kurdish people and movement. In response, we will resist as a whole, in every single street, house, neighborhood, town, mountain and valley. Youths and women, young and old alike will all resist. The people will resist, guerrilla will resist, our people abroad will resist, and those jailed in prisons will resist."


    Remarking that the resistance is being led by the Kurdish Leader's stance, Kalkan said Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan himself is in a resisting position, adding; "The Leader is resisting. He has adopted a stance against all these things. He said freedom can be achieved through struggle and adopted a position of struggle. This resistance is sacred and it will triumph. There is no other way to win. I am calling upon all our patriotic people to not listen to those that promise anything other than resistance. Be aware against those that try to drag you into pacifism and surrender."


    Putting emphasis on the importance of ensuring unity in every inch of Kurdistan, as well as unity with the peoples and democratic forces of Turkey, PKK Executive said Kurdistan has been left alone in its resistance, adding; "When somewhere is targeted by a fascist attack, all the other towns and cities should stand up and support it. Solidarity and support should be raised by revolutionist and democratic circles in Turkish cities, and enhanced further in Adana, Mersin, Antep, Çukurova and İstanbul. Kurdistan and the Kurdish resistance is being left alone, despite the fact that today's Cizre, Gever, Farqin, Nusaybin and Varto are no different from last winter's Kobanê. These towns are the places where the heart of free Kurds and democratic humanity beats."


    Citing reports they have received that the AKP has decided to lay siege to Kurdish towns 15 times if considered necessary, Kalkan said; "The enemy is determined, but we are also determined to resist. The AKP government is enemy to Kurds and stands against them. It wants to eliminate and annihilate the Kurds. AKP has been brought to power again and given a task to lead the international conspiracy to success. AKP has been defeated in Kobanê and Shengal already, and it is suffering a defeat in Syria now. After its failure to accomplish in its attacks in other parts of Kurdistan through ISIS, AKP is now heading towards Bakurê (Northern) Kurdistan with all its force. The people of Bakurê Kurdistan who are leading the national revival revolution put up brave resistance that is able to put the AKP in the trash of history, in the same way they have done to many other governments before AKP. We are committed and have the power to do so."


    Regarding AKP's recent statements rejecting talks with PKK, Qandil, İmralı and HDP, Kalkan criticized this attitude of generating a new interlocutor out of village guards and aghas who are already settled with AKP. He added; "These people are already surrendered to AKP, they have no problems. The only thing that concerns them is how much AKP will pay them. This is why this discourse by AKP cannot be taken serious by our side."

    Kalkan said AKP is of the opinion that Qandil [referring to PKK] will grow stronger in the event that talks with Öcalan re-begin, and noted the followings; "It is up to them whether they will talk to İmralı and Qandil or not. Yet, our people should never feel concerned because the very same people will have to hold these talks of necessity when our people and guerrillas resist with success under the leadership of the party."


    Expressing his views on HDP, PKK Executive Kalkan described the party as the essence of a democratic republic and building of a democratic Turkey. "If gets closed, HDP can continue under another name, and as a party that has already revealed the power for the creation of a democratic Turkey and republic. This new power has been generated by the unification of Turkey's democratic forces and Kurdish freedom forces. In the coming months, the struggle for democracy will triumph over the 45-year-old fascism. This power will be the creator of a democratic Turkey, let alone be an interlocutor."


    Kalkan recalled the fact that Kurdish leader Öcalan has made ceaseless efforts so far to avoid Turkey's ending up in the current situation and surrendering to foreign forces and fascist powers. He added; "Leader Apo pointed to democratization and resolution of the Kurdish question as the way to keep Turkey standing as a country of freedoms. If this had come true, Erdoğan wouldn't have to beg of Europe and America now, and Turkey would become a power guiding the whole humanity. This failure itself proves Leader Apo's righteousness as Erdoğan's policy has brought it to a point of being dependant on ISIS. Turkey's intellectuals, politicians and all those who truly love Turkey must see very well who are the ones that will render Turkey a truly free and democratic country. Leader Apo is the only person to achieve Turkish-Kurdish peace in real terms. The practice of the course anticipated by Leader Apo is the only way to end up in success and create a democratic Turkey, and this requires free conditions of living and working for the Leader."

    NEWS DESK – YPG (People’s Defense Units) Press Office has released a statement reporting ongoing attacks by the Turkish army and gang groups.

    YPG informed that Al-Nusra gangs attempted to infiltrate into Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood of Aleppo at 22:30 on November 13, after which a clash erupted upon an intervention by Defense Units. 2 gang members were captured dead as a result of the clash.

    The statement continued by reporting attacks by ISIS gangs with heavy weaponry, which targeted;,

    – YPG positions near Qereqozax bridge between 14.00-15.00 and 18.00-19.00 on November 14,

    – Şêxlera Jorîn town between 12.00-15.00, and

    – Girê Sor terrain near Sirîn town at 15.00 and between 18.00- 19.00 the same day.

    While Defense Units retaliated against the attacks and hit all the targets, the number of casualties on the side of gangs couldn’t be verified.

    Separate attacks by ISIS gangs targeted the Qereqozax village to the southwest of Kobanî at 11:00 on 15 November; and the Mirveh village near Sirîn town between 13.00-14.00.

    In response to the attacks, Defense Units conducted an offensive against the positions of gang groups in south Jarablus, which left an unverified number of casualties and a military vehicle destroyed.

    In the meantime, ISIS gangs conducted a harassment attack against Meraser village to the west of Kobanî’s Sirîn town at 02:30 last night.

    On the other hand, Turkish army’s attacks that are aiming at the People’s Defense Units (YPG)’s security positions near Kobanî region borderline since October 24 continue to the time.

    According to the YPG statement, the Turkish military conducted an attack near Siftek village on the western borderline of Kobanî Canton between 22:00 and 23:00 on November 13. The attack targeted the people living in this area and left one civilian dead.

    Turkish troops also targeted the Zeytuna position to the west of Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) with A-4 heavy weaponry after cutting off electricity at the borderline of Girê Spî between 20:15-21:00 yesterday evening.

    US mouthpiece Kerry : ""The entire border of northern Syria -- 75 percent of it -- has now been shut off. And we are entering an operation with the Turks to shut off the other remaining 98 kilometers [61 miles]," he said in an interview with CNN.""

  17. Hmmm... I don't know. I suspect that the inclusion of the supernatural in Hegelian Dialectics (as I understand it to be) inevitably leads to misreads of events. (as opposed to the more rational Marxist Dialectics) Though I suppose given that Hegelian Dialectics is more acceptable in Capitals philosophising it's more likely that if anything the brass in the defence industry are Hegelins and therefore anything they do is tainted by such.

  18. The Intercept :

    "The Washington Post put it simply: “almost all of the leaders of the Islamic State are former Iraqi officers, including the members of its shadowy military and security committees, and the majority of its emirs and princes.” Even Tony Blair — Tony Blairadmits that there’d be no ISIS without the invasion of Iraq: “‘I think there are elements of truth in that,’ he said when asked whether the Iraq invasion had been the ‘principal cause’ of the rise of ISIS.” As The New Yorker’s John Cassidy put it in August:

    By destroying the Iraqi state and setting off reverberations across the region that, ultimately, led to a civil war in Syria, the 2003 invasion created the conditions in which a movement like ISIS could thrive. And, by turning public opinion in the United States and other Western countries against anything that even suggests a prolonged military involvement in the Middle East, the war effectively precluded the possibility of a large-scale multinational effort to smash the self-styled caliphate.

    Then there’s the related question of how ISIS has become so well-armed and powerful. There are many causes, but a leading one is the role played by the U.S. and its “allies in the region” (i.e., Gulf tyrannies) in arming them, unwittingly or (in the case of its “allies in the region”) otherwise, by dumping weapons* and money into the region with little regard to where they go (even U.S. officials openly acknowledge that their own allies have funded ISIS). But the U.S.’s own once-secret documents strongly suggest U.S. complicity as well, albeit inadvertent, in the rise of ISIS, as powerfully demonstrated by this extraordinary four-minute clip of Al Jazeera’s Mehdi Hasan with Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency:

    Given all this, is there any mystery why “U.S. officials” and the military-intelligence regime, let alone Iraq War-advocating hacks like Jim Woolsey and Dana Perino, are desperate to shift blame away from themselves for ISIS and terror attacks and onto Edward Snowden, journalism about surveillance, or encryption-providing tech companies? Wouldn’t you if you were them? Imagine simultaneously devoting all your efforts to depicting ISIS as the Greatest and Most Evil Threat Ever, while knowing the vital role you played in its genesis and growth.

    The clear, overwhelming evidence — compiled above — demonstrates how much deceit their blame-shifting accusations require. But the more important point of inquiry is to ask why they are so eager to ensure that everyone but themselves receives scrutiny for what is happening. The answer to that question is equally clear, and disturbing in the extreme.

    Research: Margot Williams"

    *"as Aaron Cantú noticed, the stocks of the leading weapons manufacturers — what is usually referred to as the “defense industry” — have soared:"

    **The US State Department has signed off on the deal to sell $1.29 billion worth of “smart” bombs to Saudi Arabia, according to the Pentagon. The 22,000 bombs are to be used in the Saudis’ military campaigns in Yemen and Syria. - RT

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