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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Mark Lane's 1966 interviews with former Ruby employees Nancy Hamilton and Joseph Johnson who claim Jack Ruby knew and was known by the Dallas Police and DA Henry Wade, who patronized his strip clubs.
  2. Two of the Warren Commission's key witnesses to the murder of Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit, Helen Markham and Ted Callaway, give completely different descriptions of the route the murderer took after the killing, the clothing he was wearing and his physical description. Which one is correct ?
  3. Cab driver William Whaley describes a man who rode in his cab after the assassination who he later identified as Lee Harvey Oswald. But his description of the man's clothing does not match the clothing Oswald was wearing at the time. Also, he claims to log the times of his fares in 15 minute intervals, a claim not supported by his work log of November 22nd, 1963.
  4. Dallas Police Officer Nick McDonald describes what happened in the Texas Theater when he approached Lee Harvey Oswald. His story that the web of his hand got in between the firing pin of the revolver and the primer of the shell and thus prevented the gun from firing, is not supported by any of the physical evidence.
  5. Body language says it all: Shoe store manager Johnny Calvin Brewer, who followed Lee Harvey Oswald to the Texas Theater, seems to have a difficult time maintaining eye contact with his interviewer while he tells his story.
  6. Track And Signal Supervisor S. M. "Skinny" Holland viewed the assassination from atop the Triple Overpass and had one of the best views of Dealey Plaza. In this 1966 interview with Mark Lane, he corroborates Governor Connally's version of events: he saw Connally struck by a separate bullet than the one which struck President Kennedy.
  7. Something that has always bugged me is this photo taken inside the Carousel Club showing a man in the audience. Who was this man ? Could this man have been mistaken by witnesses as Oswald ? Or did Ruby and Oswald know each other ? The Commission never identified him. Another thing that bugs me is the photo on the left taken from Oswald's DOD card stamped October 23, 1963. The Commission never mentioned that Oswald had been issued a DOD card during the time he was working at the TSBD building. Why not ? And how did this military photo of Oswald find it's way onto the fake "Hidell" Selective Service Card ? Is this evidence that the fake draft card was made AFTER October 23, 1963, when Oswald was working in the TSBD building ? The Commission never answered those questions either.
  8. Charles, you're right about the eye color being different, but colored contact lenses didn't make an appearance until the 1970s. These are two different men and the government passed off both as being Lee Harvey Oswald. The head shape is not the same, the hairline is not the same, the eye color is not the same, the ears are not the same, the chins are not the same. They're not the same person.
  9. Sandy, the one on the right is from Oswald's 1959 passport. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_Oswald_Legend_3.html
  10. What was the US Government's game in using the pictures of two different individuals and claiming they were both Lee Harvey Oswald ? These two are obviously NOT the same person.
  11. In this interview, Marina Oswald says that on the night of the Walker shooting, Oswald came home at 11:30, some two and a half hours after the shooting. If Oswald was the shooter, why did it take him so long to get home ?
  12. Texas Governor John Connally, who was riding in the Presidential limousine with President Kennedy, tells what happened on November 22, 1963 and gives his opinion on the Single Bullet Theory.
  13. Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's mother Marguerite, who said that letters she had from correspondence with the State Department and letters she got from her son while he was in Russia, indicate that he was an agent of the US Government.
  14. Humes not only lied to the Warren Commission, he lied about the location of the “neck” wound in his description to Harold Rydberg who did the drawings. In February 2003, author William Matson Law did a telephone interview with Rydberg. That interview is documented in Law’s book, In the Eye of History , beginning on page 289. On pages 293-94, Rydberg tells Law regarding Humes’ location of the wounds : “He was giving me anatomical landmarks…the neck wound was explained the same way. It was down at the C-6, C-7 on the cervical vertebrae and it was angled down bruising the pleural area of the right lung–the superior portion of it and exiting out by the knot of the tie”. Law: That’s what Humes told you ? Rydberg: yes. Law: Did they have notes with them ? Rydberg: No. Law: They just did this off the top of their heads ? Rydberg: Yes. They wanted no paper trail. Humes knew damn well that the wound was at T-3 below the top of the shoulders, where the shirt and coat said it was, where Burkley’s death certificate said it was , where Boswell’s original face sheet said it was and where the autopsy photos showed it was. Rydberg drew it up according to Humes’ description which Boswell agreed with.
  15. Henry Wallace was Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President. Wallace was immensely popular with the people, but less so with the Democrat Party bosses who worked the 1944 Convention in order to remove him from the ticket and replace him with Sen. Harry Truman. Many of Wallace's attitudes on foreign policy were shared by JFK, especially with regard to the Russians. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Before-JFK-There-Was-Henry-Wallace.mp4
  16. The election of a Catholic President was a problem for many Protestant religious leaders. It was felt that a Catholic President would be submissive to the Pope and thus the Pope would control the Presidency, in violation of the Constitution's provision separating church and state. Kennedy was invited to give a speech on the subject in Houston to a meeting of Protestant ministers. This is that speech.
  17. I doubt we'll see any response from the Warren Commission supporters. Why not ? Because this is THEIR expert witness giving testimony under oath. If you support the Warren Commission, you must support the 26 volumes as well as the Report. When there's a conflict between the two, you'd best be served by sitting in the corner and remaining silent. In this case, there is no conflict but rather a deception: Col. Finck's testimony on the wrist wound was never included in the Report. You wouldn't even know it existed if you hadn't read the 26 volumes ( which none of them have read ). This is only one of the many examples of how the Commission deceived the public by suppressing evidence it received in testimony and omitting it from the Report. In other examples, the Report flat out lied. Like when it said that Johnny Calvin Brewer saw Oswald pull a revolver from his waistband ( pg. 179 ), when Brewer testified that he did not ( 7 H 6 ). These types of deceptions and omissions don't happen in a credible homicide investigation, but it does happen when you're only concern is gathering "evidence" against one particular defendant.
  18. https://www.fff.org/2022/12/27/is-trump-tucker-carlsons-jfk-assassination-source/
  19. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen describing the evils of Communism on his weekly TV show. Many religious programs gave time to politics back in those days. Keep in mind that programs like this one were being broadcast into thousands of homes every week.
  20. I agree, Joe. The only board-certified forensic pathologist on the autopsy team.
  21. Col. Finck testifies that there were too many fragments in Governor Connally's wrist for those fragments to have come from CE 399.
  22. The CIA claimed that Oswald visited the Russian Embassy and Cuban Consulate in Mexico City. But when pressed for the photographs and audio tapes by the HSCA, they said the cameras watching the Consulate were not working, submitted a photograph of a man outside the Russian Embassy who was clearly not Oswald, and claimed to have destroyed an audio tape of a phone call Oswald allegedly made.
  23. President Truman's creation of the CIA.
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