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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Oswald's pal Kerry Thornley is interviewed and expresses his hatred for JFK. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYTbrLB1v5Q
  2. There was an error on my part and all my videos are now listed as public and are accessible to anyone. Sorry for the goof up.
  3. There was an error on my part and all my videos are now listed as public and are accessible to anyone. Sorry for the goof up.
  4. a look at the invasion itself and its aftermath. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imiZapfY0y0
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpBDuSJeH14 Please allow me to apologize in advance for the poor quality of this video. I am looking for a better quality version of this interview, but I felt that it was important to get on video what he SAID more than it was important to see how he looked.
  6. Castro's Revolution : A look at the Cuban Revolution and its dynamic leader, Fidel Castro, whose move to socialism alienated Cuba from the United States and made him a target for the CIA's assassination planners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22Nv6nnfAI
  7. Jack Ruby's links to Organized Crime are examined. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUDGTw6D_A
  8. Video Interview with Sylvia Odio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv57XZnpvOU
  9. Bill, I would tend to agree with you. The "murderous" JFK was the same one who fired Dulles, Bissell and Cabell, who were trying to kill Castro. He sent an envoy to Trujillo to try to talk him into surrendering power. He sent a plane to whisk Diem and his brother Nhu out of So. Vietnam. After his election, he was considering coming to the rescue of Patrice Lumumba. He did everything he could to prevent the murder of these men. It is difficult for me to grasp the notion that this same man, JFK, who abhorred the possibilty that he might have to "push the button" and kill 300 million people, had no qualms about murdering in single numbers. Likewise, the AG, who was after the murderous mob with the full force of the justice department, would himself resort to the same tactics of those who he sought to put behind bars. It just doesn't make sense. Compare that to the credibility of the man, J. Edgar Hoover, man whose whole life was a lie, from his secret homosexual life, to his hypocritical stand against gays, to his taking credit for captures of criminals who were actually caught by his subordinates. This was a man so paranoid, that he spent the resources of the federal government obtaining "dirt" on everyone and had no problem "leaking" that dirt to the press. There were many "unsubstantiated rumors" that found their way into the FBI's files. This one seems just like another one.
  10. Videos of witnesses who saw SMOKE coming from the picket fence area. Many of these folks were either never called to testify before the Warren Commission, or were called and never asked about it. Richard C. Dodd, who stood on top of the triple overpass. Mr. Dodd reports seeing a "puff of smoke" come out from under the trees in front of the picket fence on top of the Grassy Knoll. He tells Lane that he told his story to the FBI, but he was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVHyFZuzGH4 Lee H. Bowers Jr., who was in a 14ft tower in the parking lot of the railroad yard. Bowers claimed to see two men and "a flash of light or smoke" in the area of the picket fence on top of the grassy knoll. He was never asked about this by the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm3neVe8Nlw James L. Simmons, who was standing atop the triple overpass. Mr. Simmons tells Lane that he heard a shot come from the area of the picket fence and saw a "puff of smoke" come out from under the trees in front of the fence. Although Mr. Simmons reported what he saw and what he heard to both the Dallas Police and the FBI, he was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLd3O-Tch6o Beverly Oliver was known as "The babushka Lady" in the Nix film. She was filming the JFK motorcade from the south side of Elm St., across from Abraham Zapruder. She claims to have seen a "figure" in the picket fence area and a "puff of smoke" at the time of the fatal head shot to JFK. Days after the assassination, she was contacted by the FBI who took her film for review. It hasn't been seen since. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-IXYfge2Ys J.C. Price, who watched the motorcade from the roof of a building in Dealey Plaza. Mr. Price believed that a shot came from the area where the picket fence met the overpass, and claimed to have seen a man running from that direction across the parking lot and behind the Texas School Book Depository. Mr. Price was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VaJQgLmeTg Orville Nix originally said that he believed that the fatal shot had come from "behind the picket fence", until he was approached during a taping of a CBS special by a "man" who told him what "they" wanted him to say. As a result, Mr. Nix publicly supported the Warren Report, but privately did not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJE9XQZvis8 eyewitness Bill Newman is interviewed by a local Dallas TV station. He and his family were standing on the sidewalk at the foot of the grassy knoll. He describes two shots fired from behind him, the second one hitting the President "in the temple". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pweuPLTVfl4 S. M. Holland, who was standing on top of the triple overpass. Mr. Holland claimed to hear a "bang" come from the area of the picket fence and saw smoke coming out from under the trees on the grassy knoll. Mr. Holland also claimed that he told his story to the Warren Commission, but that his testimony was altered. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55jY6RUvxAI Mr. Holland takes author Mark Lane behind the picket fence to show him the spot from where he saw the smoke come. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYj3FAUHwro The Phil Willis family describes what they saw in Dealey Plaza. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2-_UhD3Qgk
  11. Interviews of Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry and DA Henry Wade are now on my Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/gjjdude
  12. Charlie, I appreciate your input, I really do but I fail to understand what causes a man who is hit in the throat to not reach for the wound, but instead cover his mouth with one hand, loosen his tie with the other, and make a backward and forward motion such is seen in the Zapruder film. I beg to differ. I've been hit in the throat before, and I've never reacted that way. I would expect Kennedy to be reaching of the throat wound with BOTH hands. Not that you have suggested this, but for others reading this post, let me say that JFK's reaction is NOT a reaction to a back wound, as suggested by John Lattimer. Kennedy's reaction is NOT Thorburn's. It is not involuntary. A closer examination of his reaction shows his right hand cupped over his mouth and his left hand loosning his tie. If you can't see it in the video, look at Z230. http://youtube.com/watch?v=wd1o0UTb3oc In addition, his backward and forward movement is also not involuntary. One person suggested to me that he might be sneezing. But when I asked how many times that person saw a man in a tie loosen his tie when he sneezed, he/she didn't answer. A doctor suggested that the movement of the arms was due to a neuro-stimulus created as the EXITING bullet "tickled" the trachea. But when I asked for a case study confirming that a bullet grazing the trachea resulted in the subjects' loosening of their ties, I got no answer. Whether or not JFK COULD have physically coughed something up is immaterial. What is material is that had he not known whether he could have, he would have still TRIED. There is no evidence in the Z film of any blood or saliva on Kennedy's right hand or around his mouth, something you would expect to see. My opinion of what I see is based on several factors. Let's take this one step at a time. First, the reaction of JFK. His right hand comes up to his mouth. His left hand loosens his tie. Voluntary and normal reaction to an airway obstruction. His backward and forward movement is consistent with body movement when one is trying to unblock an obstructed airway. Secondly, there is only one bullet wound in the neck and that wound is in the front. None of the autopsy photographs show a bullet wound in the back of the neck above the top of the shoulders. Therefore, the frontal wound HAD to have been a wound of entry. Thirdly, because it was the only wound and had to be a wound of entry, the Bullet (we'll call it a missile for the sake of argument) did not exit the body. So we have a man with a missile wound in the front of the throat, made by a missile that did not exit the body, reacting to an obvious airway obstruction. Could that obstruction have been caused by blood or saliva ? Sure, but I haven't seen evidence of either in the Zapruder film. So what's left ? You tell me.
  13. You can see the Holland Interviews and many more on my Youtube channel: http://youtube.com/GJJdude
  14. Kathy: I am very much in agreement with you on the point of SS complicity. On the night before the assassination, the SS removed the motorcycle escorts from the side of the President's limousine. The Dallas PD had originally put four motorcycles on each side of the limo, but SS agent Winston Lawson reduced them to two and moved them to the rear fenders of the car. This alteration of the escort could only have been to allow shooters an unobstructed view of the President and to remove the motorcycle officers from the line of fire. On the morning of the assassination, after Air Force One had landed at Love Field and while the Kennedys walked along the fence shaking hands, General Godfrey McHugh, who was supposed to ride in the front seat of the limo between the Secret Service men, was advised by the SS that he would be riding in a car further back in the motorcade. These acts came at a time when the SS were hearing very strong "rumors" that an assassination attempt would be made against Kennedy in Dallas. The agents who were travelling with Kennedy in San Antonio the day before the assassination had heard them. Marty Underwood even expressed his concern to JFK himself, but Kennedy just laughed it off. The stripping away of the President's protection at a time when the threats to his life were increasing and especially in a "hot" (hostile) city like Dallas was in 1963, is tantamount to a criminal offense. Not only did his agents spend the night "celebrating" his upcoming death the night before in a Fort Worth bar called "The Cellar", when the shooting did occur, they did NOTHING to protect him. Greer even slowed the car down and looked back at Kennedy. He didn't speed up until he was sure JFK was at least mortally wounded. One agent left the running board ( I think it was Landis, not sure) of the SS car, but Emory Roberts told him to get back on the car. What's even more appalling is that no one was ever reprimanded for those failures that cost John F. Kennedy his life.
  15. Mark. I've heard those accounts also. I've made a new version of my video with slow motion added for anyone interested. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DSov5IA4N8A
  16. Recently, I have had more time to spend on a theory I had opined some time back ( I think it was in 2003 or 2004) that a bullet hit JFK in the throat from the front and he had tried to cough it up before the head shots got him. After reviewing the Zapruder film more closely, I am more convinced today than ever, that this was the case. I believe that a bullet entered his throat from the front and was lodged in it. Zapruder frames 225-237 show Kennedy pulling his tie away with his left hand and cupping his right hand over his mouth. He then moves his head FORWARD, a normal reaction when one is trying to dislodge something caught in the throat from a seated position. He only does this once, then starts to slowly slump forward and to his left. You can see for yourself at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3uH7FHjCeQ Some time ago, I thought that he was trying to push the bullet in with the thumb of the left hand while trying to cough it up. But upon closer observation, it appears that his left hand was pulling his tie towards Jackie. At no time did I ever remotely suggest that he was "trying to dig it out with his thumb", as asserted by the LN idiots on alt.conspiracy.jfk. I challenged them to cite my posting that said such nonsense. They could not. It is obvious, however, that his right hand is cupped over his mouth, again a normal gesture for someone trying to dislodge something from his/her throat. There are several significances of this observation. Firstly, if there was a bullet lodged in the throat, it would once and for all destroy the Single Bullet Theory, for if a bullet was lodged in the throat, it could not have been the bullet that hit Governor Connally. Secondly, if it were lodged in the throat, then the only bullet wound in the throat HAD to have been an entry wound, unless of course, the President tried to swallow a bullet sometime during the 9/10ths of a second he was behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. Thirdly, if a bullet had been lodged in the throat, it would explain why there was no exit wound, why the throat wound was enlarged after the body left Dallas (to remove a bullet that had not visually exited), and would verify ALL of the Parkland witnesses' descriptions of the throat wound as a wound of entry. Finally, and probably the most significant result of this observation is that if there was a bullet lodged in the President's throat, it had to have been fired from the front, which means a second shooter and a conspiracy.
  17. The way I see it, it's just a 1600 page way to start the fireplace. There were (and are) so many problems with the evidence in this case that it's not funny. Never in the history of homicide has there ever been a case where EVERY SINGLE PIECE of evidence was questionable. There are serious problems with the chain of possession of the evidence. It's hardly likely that ANY jury could convict based on the doubt of the evidence. What has transpired has been Conspiracy Theory vs. Coincidence Theory. The difference is that the Conspiracy Theorists like myself look at the evidence from a viewpoint of probability, while the Coincidence Theorists look at the evidence from a viewpoint of possibility. I don't know how many times I've heard people say what happens when you shoot this melon or that. I usually reply that it would be proof if Kennedy had a melon on his shoulders, but other than that, those kinds of tests are useless. They look at possibility, we at probability. Like their Single Bullsh*t Theory. They look at it as a possibility, we laugh at it as a improbability. I once wrote a summary on why the crime could not have been committed by one person, using the re-enactment shooting tests as examples. None of the MASTER riflemen could duplicate the crime, even though they had been given every advantage that Oswald didn't have. One woman e-mailed me and said, "Just because the experts couldn't do it, that doesn't mean Oswald couldn't do it." To which I replied, "Madam, if the experts couldn't do it, then NO ONE could do it, including Oswald." These are the kinds of misconceptions plaguing the Coincidence Theorists. Everything is a possibility to them. I don't plan to buy Mr. Bugliosi's book. For that kind of money, I can buy a LOT of toilet paper.
  18. Two years ago I posted something on George Smathers in JFK Lancer. I would like to share it with this forum. Sen. George Smathers by Gil Jesus (2005) It is interesting to note that George Smathers ran for President as a favorite-son candidate, and got all of Florida's 29 delegates in the 1960 Democratic Primary. He could have supported the candidacy of his good friend JFK, but instead decided to run himself. (Kennedy, Sorenson, p.159) This decision, to run as a "favorite-son" candidate was an option exercised by both Senators and Governors of several states in an attempt to stop JFK from getting the nomination on the first ballot. Some friend, huh ? As Senator, George Smathers did not always support his good friend President Kennedy. In fact, he didn't support him before he was elected. In a special session of Congress that took place while Kennedy was running against Nixon, Smathers had voted against EVERY one of JFK's pet projects. (The Man and the Myth, Victor Lasky, pg. 434) In 1961, for example, he only supported the President's bills 47 percent of the time. (The Man and the Myth, Pg. 102) A close personal friend and usher at Senator Kennedy's wedding, Smathers did not support JFK's attempts to pass Medicaid. Theodore Sorenson writes that Smathers "was aware of the influence of the AMA in Florida". And he goes on to relate that a White House colleague commented that, "Smathers hasn't stood up for Jack Kennedy since the wedding". (Kennedy, P.344) In addition, Sorenson tells of a conversation he had with JFK himself, in which the President commented that he had received a series of poor recommendations from Smathers in regard to the Dominican Republic, adding, "And now he's trying to tell me what to do about Cuba." (P. 391n) Those poor recommendations may have been as a result of Smathers visit, at JFK's request, to the Domincan Republic in the spring of 1961 to convince the dictator Rafael Trujillo to "relinquish power and move out", as Smathers testified to the Church Committee in 1975. It was an effort in which Smathers failed and resulted in Trujillo's assassination in May 1961. The fact that Kennedy tried to intervene indicates his reluctance to support assassination as a tool of state. Michael Beschloss writes in The Crisis Years, that Smathers lobbied Kennedy hard against Castro. Smathers himself admitted that, "Kennedy always identified me with pushing, pushing, pushing.(p.101) It was probably because he was. According to Gus Russo, (Live by the Sword, pg. 233) Smathers was one of those Democrats who broke party ranks and demanded military action during the Missile Crisis. The other was the right-wing Democrat, Strom Thurmond (S.C.). In addition, Smathers was a great hater of Fidel Castro. (High Treason, Groden and Livingstone, Pg.325) The subject of assassination as a tool of state (in regard to Cuba) was discussed by JFK and Smathers. Smathers could not remember whether he brought it up or JFK did, but Smathers suggested, according to Warren Hinkle and William Turner (Deadly Secrets-The CIA/Mafia War against Castro and the Assassination of JFK, pg. 73) , that any assassination attempt be coupled with a staged incident at the Guantanamo Naval Base that would provide a pretext for intervention by American Forces. Smathers' suggestion about using Guantanamo as an excuse to invade Cuba was similar to the plan suggested by Richard Nixon in his post-invasion visit to the White House when he suggested finding "legal cover" such as "defending our base at Guantanamo" as an excuse for "going in ". Shortly thereafter, Kennedy learned enough of Smathers' right-wing associations to make him wary. According to Hank Messick (Lansky, pg. 169), a Smathers watcher, Kennedy ordered Smathers never to bring up the topic of Cuba again. But Smathers pushed one more time. At a White House supper, Smathers table-talk of assassination angered the President so much that Kennedy slammed his fork against his plate and broke it. (Deadly Secrets, pgs. 73-74) After that, Smathers gave up. One of Smathers right-wing connections was the man who Kennedy "stole" the election from . Smathers was friendly with Richard Nixon and was a member of Clint Murchison's "DelCharro Set", which included J. Edgar Hoover. (Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Peter Dale Scott, pg. 208) In fact, two of Batista's biggest supporters were Senator George Smathers and Vice-President Richard Nixon. Smathers had a natural inclination toward Havana and the shower of wealth that it rained over Southern Florida. Nixon looked at Cuba with promised-land awe. (Deadly Secrets, pg. 345-46) Richard Nixon was told by John McCone, Kennedy's CIA director, that Kennedy knew about the secret training of the Cuban exiles BEFORE the election of 1960, despite Allen Dulles' assurances that he did not tell JFK and Kennedy's denial that he knew. The man who confirmed for McCone that JFK knew about it before the election was George Smathers. (Crisis Years, Pg. 29n) It was Smathers who told Nixon and Eisenhower that Kennedy was considering recognizing "Red China" and maintaining a "two-China" policy, something that both Republicans advised against in their meetings with JFK before his inauguration. (The Man and the Myth, pg. 19) Besides the fact that he was leaking information on JFK to Nixon through McCone, Smathers was forced to concede that his own conservative politics and those politics of JFK differed: "Sometimes we argue and he gives me hell. But we understand each other.", he said. Smathers was good friends with Nixon, having introduced Nixon to his future friend Bebe Rebozo in 1951. Nixon's house in Key Biscayne, Florida was purchased from Smathers in December 1968. Smathers had purchased it the year before. (High Treason, Pg. 322) Victor Lasky tells of a speech given by Smathers in 1950 burning Senator Claude Pepper, who was then under bitter attack as "Stalin's mouthpiece in the Senate". Smathers right-wing colors showed through as he hit hard on Pepper's affinity to Left-wing causes including his friendship with Stalin, who he visited at the end of the Second World War. (The Man and the Myth pg. 102) Lasky describes Smathers as being "popular with the chieftains of darkest Dixie". (The Man and the Myth Pg. 184) Lasky comments that Smathers spoke highly of Kennedy's "leadership", even when disregarding it. (The Man and the Myth pg. 434) Another of Smathers' friends was the man who gained the most from the assassination of JFK, Lyndon B. Johnson. According to Anthony Summers, (Official and Confidential--the Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, .p 347) some time between the assassination and the 1964 election, Johnson received a dossier on Barry Goldwater from Hoover and read excepts aloud over the phone to Senator Smathers. In addition, Johnson also received a dossier on Smathers and proceeded to read it to Smathers.(Official and Confidential, Pg. 203) In addition, Gus Russo tells us of a connection between Smathers and Michael McLaney, the man whose brother's summer cottage (which he rented) full of explosives were raided by the FBI near Lake Ponchartrain in July, 1963. McLaney told investigators that he had discussed his operational ideas to bomb Cuban refineries with Smathers. (Live by the Sword, pg. 67) This was the same camp that Lee Harvey Oswald had visited on July 24th in the company of David Ferrie and was raided seven days later by the FBI. McLaney wasn't the only one of these people whose names crop up in the assassination story and are connected with Smathers. Frank Fiorini, alias Frank Sturgis, got his U.S. citizenship thanks to the efforts of Senator George Smathers. (High Treason, Pg. 323) When Sturgis accepted a plan to hijack a Soviet Freighter off of Cuba and his boat was smashed on a reef iin British Honduras, he and his men ended up jailed in Belize. When he made his distress call, it was to Senator George Smathers. According to Sturgis, Smathers said, "Why didn't you invite me along ?" They were quickly released. (Deadly Secrets, pg.407-408) On JFK's trip to Florida on November 18th, Kennedy and Smathers argued some, with the President complaining to the senator about Smathers regular votes against administration bills. "Goddamnit George," the President said, " you're just knocking my jock off on civil rights. Can't you take it a little easy ?" (President Kennedy-Profile of Power, Richard Reeves, pgs. 658-659) During the flight back to Washington from Florida, on which Smathers was a passenger, JFK said to him, "God, I wish you could think of some way to get me out of going to Texas....couldn't we have an emergency?" But instead, Smathers lobbied for the trip, telling the President how much Lyndon Johnson looked forward to entertaining the Kennedys at the LBJ Ranch. "Even if you declared war", he said, "Johnson would never forgive you if you didn't go." (The Crisis Years, pg. 666)
  19. For the benefit of the folks who haven't read my posts on Lancer, let me just throw my two cents' worth in. I believe that the "Second Invasion of Cuba" became a codename for the assassination after March 31, 1963. That was the date that Kennedy put the kabosh on the training camps and officially ended US Government support for the anti-castro groups. Four days after JFK's announcement, a group of right-wing nuts comprised of businessmen and ex and current military officers, met in New Orleans as the "Congress For Freedom". One of those businessmen was William B. Reilly, who owned the William B. Reilly Coffee Company and was a financial supporter of all kinds of right-wing causes. Among the topics discussed at this two day event were the assassinations of JFK, RFK and Dr. King. The fact that there were active military officers present indicates to me that the assassination of the President was being discussed at military levels. A week after this meeting, a fake assassination attempt is staged against Gen. Walker. Less than two weeks later, Oswald is off to New Orleans, presumably to gather information on the plot to kill JFK. He gets a job at (of all places) the William B. Reilly Coffee Co. as a mechanic. According to witnesses, he doesn't spend much time there though and instead hangs out at Adrian Alba's garage across the street, where he questions Alba regarding mail-order guns. To bolster my claim of Oswald being an informant, Alba claimed that he saw Oswald receive an "envelope" from a "Secret Service" man from Washington. Alba further claimed that this man met Oswald twice, my experience telling me that the first meeting was to pass to Oswald pictures of individuals or informaton that they needed, the second meeting was for Oswald to deliver and receive payment for services rendered. Keep in mind that it is during this time that the training camp at Lake Ponchartrain is operational (in violation of Kennedy's orders), and that a team of shooters is being trained at the CIA facilities in the Florida Keys. The same team that will move into Ponchartrain shortly before Oswald arrives there, as a guest of David Ferrie. Exactly a week after Oswald's arrival, the FBI raids the camp. Several days later, Oswald is in Carlos Bringuier's store trying to find out where the "kill team" is now training. But Bringuier pegs him as an FBI informant and tells him nothing. A couple of days later, having been identified as the "rat" on the Ponchartrain camp, Oswald is sent by Bannister to pass out pro-Castro handbills on a New Orleans streetcorner, where he is filmed by a man named John Martin from St. Paul, Minnesota. Martin is a friend of General Walker's. When an ensuing scuffle breaks out between Oswald and the anti-Castro Cubans, the resulting arrests give General Walker and his co-conspirators the proof they need to connect Oswald to Castro. It comes in the form of official records, an audio radio interview and a video recording. Oswald has been "sheep-dipped". Oswald finds out that the "kill team" is no longer in the US, but now training in Mexico. He is advised to stay away from the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy. He gets a visa that will allow him to go Mexico City.
  20. My name is Gilbert Jesus. I was born in December 1953 here in Massachusetts. My dad was a police officer, so as a young lad, I got the opportunity to read many a police report. I was so taken by the investigative end of police work that after high school, I went onto college and got my Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice. I went on to work part-time as a police officer in a couple of local towns, but found out that the demands of the job were a higher price than I was willing to pay. Instead, I made a career in the private sector and do not regret having done so. I was taken by the Kennedy Assassination when I was 12 years old, sometime during 1966, when I walked into a local library and read the Warren Report. It really didn't make any sense to me and the following year I found out why. When Jim Garrison's secret investigation was revealed on the news one evening in 1967, I knew then why the Warren Report didn't make any sense - because it was a lie. I read it several times after that, and the more I read it, the more I found fault with it. I immersed myself in many of the so-called "Conspiracy" books for the next 30 or so years, looking at the evidence time and time again. I studied political assassinations in general, and came to realize that political assassinations are usually committed by a person or group of persons, for a wrong or perceived wrong done to them by the victim. In short, a man is murdered by his enemy or enemies. I also am a student of the Kennedy Administration years and American history after the Second World War. I believe that the answer to who was behind JFK's murder lies in the historical record of his administration.
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