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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. A look at National Security Action Memorandum 263 ( NSAM 263 ), the document that ends the debate over whether or not JFK was going to pull the "advisors" out of Vietnam.
  2. In 1960, Patrice Lumumba, the duly elected socialist Prime Minister of the Congo, comes to Washington looking for help from the US, but President Eisenhower refuses to see him. He then turns to the Soviet Union. The CIA then conspires with fascist military rebels to remove Lumumba from power and in spite of attempts to save Lumumba by President-elect Kennedy, Lumumba is killed by those rebel forces just days before JFK is inaugurated. Narrated by Oilver Stone.
  3. I agree. The CIA overthrew duly elected governments that were less than friendly to American businesses and installed brutal dictators. The CIA was never intended to be the operational arm of the government or even corporate America. It was this monster, this combination of corporate America, the CIA and the military, that Eisnehower created, that resisted the new policies that JFK wanted to implement. After all, who knew better ? A young, inexperienced, green President, or the seasoned career veterans of American foreign policy ? I've been saying all along that this was JFK vs a right-wing, deep state establishment, one that went beyond political parties, one so entrenched in its beliefs and policies that the only person in his cabinet he could trust completely was his brother. And one so opposed to his policies, that he had to use back channels to get his messages to other leaders.
  4. Another of the operations that emboldened the CIA to operate outside of Kennedy's authority was its success in overthrowing the Leftist government of Jacobo Arbenz. Arbenz had come to power promising the people land. In order to do this, he nationalized land owned by American corporate giant United Fruit. In response, United Fruit turned to the CIA for help in removing Arbenz from power.
  5. The only problem is that Governor Connally wasn't 36" of pine board or made of gelatin or drywall. The tests done by the Army were done using REAL bones. Any mainstream media "tests" done with anything other than REAL bones is just nonsense and proves nothing. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/media-lies.mp4
  6. One of the operations that emboldened the CIA to operate outside of Kennedy's authority was its success against the Leftist government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran. The CIA fomented a revolution that resulted in Mossadegh abdicating power and in his stead, installed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The Shah, although a loyal ally of the US, was brutal towards his own people. That brutality led to the November 1979 revolution which overthrew the Shah and resulted in the hostage taking of 52 Americans who were held for 444 days.
  7. Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig tells the story of how police found a 7.65 Mauser in the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. His story is supported by the sworn affidavits of Sheriff's Deputy Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman. Boone later recanted his description and Weitzman refused to talk about it, but Craig never wavered. Note: the weapon's identification as a Mannlicher-Carcano was not released to the press until after authorities "found" records that Oswald had purchased such a weapon.
  8. The Warren Commission said no shots were fired from anywhere other than the Texas School Book Depository. If that were true, why did police and plaza witnesses run towards the picket fence ?
  9. It also gives credence to three phone calls the Dallas FBI received from anonymous females that Forrest Sorrels, head of the Secret Service in Dallas, was anti-Kennedy. According to the callers, he was "anti-government", his position was "against the President", and reportedly gave a report on "overthrowing the government".
  10. You can always tell when someone can't prove what they say when they use buzz words and phrases like, "probably, possibly, might have, could have and may have." These are all tips that the writer is posting an opinion without evidence. What Mr. Von Pein and others like him don't realize is while they're entirely within their right to express their opinions, those opinions don't trump evidence. Even though they act like they do.
  11. Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden talks about the agents' reluctance to protect JFK and a confrontation between the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson in June of 1961. ( warning: adult language )
  12. Arthur Krock's editorial that "if the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA." Narrated by Greg Burnham and Mark Lane.
  13. Jack Ruby tells reporters that if the more liberal Adlai Stevenson was JFK's Vice-President, Kennedy would never have been assassinated.
  14. Dr. Robert Shaw, who operated on Governor Connally, said that the Governor's wounds were too massive to have caused a "delayed reaction".
  15. The US Army did tests for the Warren Commission on the Western Cartridge ammunition to see if it could replicate the condition of CE 399. What were the results of those tests ?
  16. I agree with Mr. McBride. You can't kill the President of the United States if his bodyguards are doing their job. Some other interesting facts: In the three previous successful Presidential assassinations: All three assassins' weapon of choice was a handgun because it let the assassin get close enough to the President to fire at point blank range. No one ever tried to kill a President with a rifle. All three assassins fired at a distance of 3 feet or less. No one had ever tried to kill a President at 80 yards. All three victims were either stationary or walking at a normal pace ( 2 1/2 ) mph. No one ever tried to kill a President moving faster. All three assassins had a motive for killing the President.
  17. In July 1961, President Kennedy was presented with a military plan to launch a unprovoked, nuclear first strike against the USSR by the end of 1963.
  18. French reporter Jean Daniel was another "back channel" source of President Kennedy's for diplomacy. When JFK found out Daniel was on his way to interview Castro, he asked Daniel to bring a message to him.
  19. Yes, it's hard to believe that Parkland Hospital had so many idiots for medical staff. Doctors and nurses who couldn't tell an entrance wound from an exit wound. Doctors and nurses who saw holes where there were none and missed the ones that were there. And now a doctor who located a bullet in the thigh that had already fallen out. Glad I never had to go to THAT hospital.
  20. When you upload to Youtube, it automatically looks for copyright ownership. If video's owner restricts use, then it will upload, but no one will be able to see it. If the owner allows the video to be posted, it will tell you it's copyrighted but the owner allows its use. If it's not copyrighted, it will tell you that also. Many of the videos I've posted ( like the witness videos ) are my own compilations using different source videos. So far, the copyrighted videos I've posted ( like the video clips from "Thirteen days" ) have owners who allow them to be posted to Youtube.
  21. Excerpt from Dr. Robert Shaw's press conference of November 22nd, 1963 after Governor Connally's emergency surgery. At that time, the doctor said the bullet that did the damage to Governor Connally was still in his leg and would be removed before he went to the Recovery Room. This blows away the Warren Commission's contention that CE 399 was the bullet that did all the damage and fell out of the Governor's leg onto a stetcher.
  22. Miami Police recording of a conversation between Willie Somerset and Joseph Milteer regarding Milteer's foreknowledge of the assassination.
  23. Did you know that in the "real world" the rifle tests proved that the Depository rifle was not accurate enough to be the murder weapon ? https://gil-jesus.com/the-rifle-tests/ Did you know that in the "real world" Cmdr. James Humes moved the "back wound" up to the base of the neck ? https://gil-jesus.com/the-back-wound/ Did you know that in the "real world" Doctors are not harrassed to change their opinions of wounds ? https://gil-jesus.com/wound-of-entry/ Did you know that in the "real world" police employees are not used in police lineups ? https://gil-jesus.com/the-police-lineups/ Did you know that in the "real world" FBI reports don't lie about what the witnesses said ? https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/proof-fbi-lied.mp4 Did you know that in the "real world" witnesses are not ignored by Federal Investigations ? https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/the-witnesses.mp4 yada yada indeed
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