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Nathaniel Heidenheimer

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Posts posted by Nathaniel Heidenheimer

  1. I posted this on today's (Thursday's Common Dreams article by Amy Goodman. I would urge all informed citizens to post into the ""left"" with the truth about the JFK assassination, the history of the National Security State the Corporate Media and it's foundation funded cowcatcher, the "Alternative Press" (I am generalizing, some great stuff has been published too). The left is way way way more important than you think it is, in terms of how it functions in the OVERALL FULL SPECTRUM MECHANICS of disinformation about the history of the National Security State and the best historical milepost of that State, the Assassination of JFK.

    Think about it. Bill O'Reilly's book has zero footnotes, yet quotes Drive-By-Noam from Clevel... er Philly re his "research" about JFK's foreign policy. That's right, folks, for about 30 years now the US ""Left"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" has been sourcing the key event in the ossification of the National Security State from the top aid to Richard Helms. Alf said "problem". THOSE ARE THE ONLY SNOWFLAKES allowed to drift full spectrum from "our friends on the ""left""""""""""""""""""""""".

    Alf said "problem"


    Now the Drones are the CIA's baby no less than the U-2 was their child in the 1950's. How can we tell if elected officials are calling any shots at all? Amy your show is great but it's gaping bald spot is growing more apparent every day: a complete failure to integrate the most recent scholarship of the National Security State with other politics. Increasingly, in the word of the Alternative media it seems as if there is a quid pro quo: great stuff on the sculpting of our corporate now in exchange for selling a hollow ahistorical two dimensionalism re the history of our National Security State. Ray McGovern has had some very, very interesting things to say about when the CIA was in it's teeny bopper years, 13-16. This coincided with some guy who--according to all academic scholarship published since 2000 was a president who was getting out of Vietnam, resisting CIA policies in Brazil, Israel, Indonesia, Cuba, Laos, Congo and towards the Soviet Union over the very basis of the Cold War which served as the ostensible raison d'etre of the emerging US Garrison State. Isn't it time we take a closer look at the Coup of 1963 in this its 50th anniversary? Isn't it time we look at the MEDIA IMPLICATIONS of that coup?

    Hows bout asking Ray on to talk about this topic? Or are we ONLY allowed to hear Noam's completely decontexturalized drive by assertions in which he quotes Richard Helms' top aid. Again.

    There was a time when the US left was different. There was a time when this comment could not be so easily put in the ash tray so conveniently labelled "Alex Jones". The US left now recognizes that shows such as those on MSNBC play a strategic niching role in fragmenting US political communication. Create a channel for the would-be-critics of the Corporate Democrats and the corporations can lower the volume of dissent that the full spectrum hears. Do you think that strategy might be going on ... elsewhere on the political spectrum? Mere speculation? Try history. See the history of Encounter Magazine 1950-64. See the great book by Frances Saunders called The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. In England it was called Who Paid The Piper?

  2. Nothing Prosecutes like an implant Defense Lawyer.

    Maybe we should ask Sirhan, and why are more not doing more to get his release?

    Compare this to how the legal and psych teams were assembled in the RFK trial. Read Shadow Play:The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy, the Trial of Sirhan Sirhan, and the Failure of American Justice. See what Watergate prosecutor Sam Dash, a Harvard University Law professor, and Columbia and Harvard University Psychiatry professors have said about THAT book before you break out your baby and bathwater Conspiracy Theory Labeling sold from every channel like Candy reporting from the Pentagon...

  3. He once remarked perceptively that "great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. Through Jackson, Rostow moved toward the center of power in Washington. Jackson charged Rostow with the task of providing a radical alternative to Eisenhower's pre-Dien Phu propagation of a limited foreign-aid policy. The president's four key points had earlier been presented in the following poetic quartet:

    Aid - which we wish to curtail

    Investment- which we wish to encourage

    Convertibility -which we wish to facilitate

    Trade - which we wish to expand

    We may have forgotten a fifth card. Sometimes it is mentioned as being bluffed with in 1954, and again in 1969, but I am getting a sense that it was intimated way more times than that, and C.D. Jackson, given the place and time of his peak influence likely would have been heavily involved in just how this was done. It is a wild card that might factor into all of JFK's foreign policy decisions way more than is often typed, on account of the offensive line of Certain Cornhuskers is actually The New Yorker.

    ‎" We as a society suffer today from what can only be called an extraordinary case of collective nuclear amnesia. A picture of the past has taken shape that has very little to do with what our nuclear past was really like. It is now often taken for granted that even in the 1950's nuclear war was simply 'unthinkable" as an instrument of policy; that nuclear forces were never usable and saved only to "deter their use by others"; and that the threat of "massive retaliation" was at bottom use pure bluff, because the United States would never be the first to launch a nuclear strike. This picture has taken shape because it serves important political purposes of both the left and the right, but one cannot immerse oneself in the sources for this period without coming to the conclusion that something very basic has been forgotten"--Marc Trachtenberg, History and Strategy.

    Now, with this in mind, read all the indexed references to General Curtis LeMay in Richard Rhodes Dark Sun and James Carroll's House of War.

  4. Jim I have a suggestion. Use the Atlantic Article as a lead, link to it, but then use it as a lead in to all that is misleading and include a link to Destiny Betrayed, 2nd edition. Then spread it everywhere. Or write an article for Consortium. I would do it myself, but I am too busy and, historically, this has lead to a typo.

    Often when one puts the glossy bourgeois media front and center, it can attract attention, because now you are questioning the entire agenda of the gloss-central. Hence the "aboutness" of the article becomes elite media and its relationship with North Virginia, and it now could enjoy a wider audience.

    All of the disinfo stories that we will see this year can be used for Judo. To not respond is surrender.

  5. No Fetzer.

    No Cinque.

    Douglass and DiEugenio have to take the lead here, like it's a political convention.

    Draft Douglass and DiEugenio!

    I second these choices. The key is that the WHY of the assassination has be front and center, at least as much as the assassination itself. The real context is the Long Arc of the Democratic Party. The assassinations are the stolen bread crumbs on that path, stolen by crows named Chomsky and his twin O'Reilly. The Paperclip-Witch that the path leads to is today's Democratic Party, which functions as cowcatcher to the Republican locomotive.

    The knuckleball that must be dealt with carefully is the wide variety of Federal Reserve banter. The issue of the Federal Reserve has long been used by the right to create a kind of false dichotomy between those who say the words Federal Reserve lots, and on the other hand, those who focus on JFK fiscal Keynesianism. That either/or is 1-800-false dichotomy and goes back to Great Paines I mean Planes and Great Depression. It is best handled by pointing to the Keynsian/ Progressive Hamiltonian aspects of JFK, and saying, "look there may well be something to the Federal Reserve stuff, but if so, it relates directly to changing patterns of trade than most Alex Jones types would have us believe, and, in the end we have to ALSO look at fiscal policy, and not ONLY say Federal Reserve lots."

    Douglass and DiEugenio are best at combining the how and the why.

    * Before some one rebukes me for "brining up the false left right dichotomy" let me define my terms. By Right I mean greater corporate control and greater power for undemocratic media and military practices. By left I mean less corporate control and greater sunlight in media and military practices. In this sense there is absolutely no doubt that the result of ALL of the political assassinations have moved the US Corporate Right.

  6. I would like to see the quotes. The nature of your comments make me very skeptical. We are getting your interpretation about a quote that you say Douglass made about 9/11 and we don't even get a quote out of context. We get no quote at all, followed by a deliberate turn down Poison the Well Lane. It's a well worn lane and has put kids though college, and paid lots of the past 50 years futility bills, which have been steep.

  7. Ian Epoxyderms are for Lovers was not my favorite James Bond.


    Found people disagreeing with the history of JFK's assassination

    And they appear well read there is more to this than meets the eye

    Perhaps 75% of the western world are right!.

    Now see how long it takes McAdams to send along a few Stepford students.



    Um how about some people who want to spread knowledge... instead of just warehouse it as planned on the internet.. why don't THEY go there. Post sideways, that's where it matters.

  8. did you notice how, in response to a much longer comment by Rose, the son of RFK answered with a two word response, "rogue CIA" I would add Rogue too were I a Kennedy in Dallas. To me the concept of adding Rogue in front of an org whose modus open-endi is compartmentalization has always seemed problematic, to say the least, especially given the complete lack of real oversight.

    Nevertheless, the very short addition of CIA by the offspring of the murdered stood out, for me at least.

  9. David Lifton writes:"and some in the JFK research community now think that the major media in this country are going to do some kind of turnaround based on that.

    I find that whole position excessively optimistic, and in fact rather ridiculous."

    I don't think that most people think the media will now become more open re the assassinations.

    I think that nevertheless it is a very significant development in terms of its POTENTIAL to open up new eyes, IF WE USE IT AS A TOOL. We have to do the using. This is very different from entertaining ridiculous notions that this corrupt corporate media will become more open. Thanks for the Florida info. I was unaware of this. The 1965 speech is very interesting also.

  10. RFK 's plans for the immediate future 1964-68 have to be justice-posed with his plans for 68 and beyond.

    He had to work within the confines of Johnson and the Democratic Party. Today we recognize that this was not possible for a party bent on becoming a second Republican Party which cooperates in using wedge issues to divide the non-rich. But this was earlier. RFK's position as a Democrat in 1964, was.. complex to say the least.

  11. Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,274 as of 9am this morning. for JFK and the Unspeakable. Now why am I posting this. To show that this surfboard method of using wide angle articles tied to an amazon link with big name recognition blurbs... works. This number would actually be much higher were it not textbook buying season. I posted the RFK kids -unspeakable book link on 50 different groups . My extrapolation is based on 6 years of staring at Amazon numbers at least 4 times each day. It is making me an emotionally rich person.

    If 3 other people spread book links by quickly cutting a pasting repeatedly we could have Unspeakable outselling O 'Swill by tomorrow.

    This past Wednesday Unspeakable was 25,000s , but again that was high because of textbook season . Normally it has been hovering around 7,000 except on weekends when I make surfboards.

  12. Thanks for this extremely important interview. This should be posted along with the 5 big name blurbs about Unspeakable into wider audiences.

    Did anyone notice Douglass, changed tone about Obama. He basically implied that Obama does not control the CIA and military. That is a logical conclusion for all the presidents after 11-22-63, its just that perhaps one or two earlier presidents had a wrinkled awareness of that reality.

    What I can't get is why some JFK researchers still seem to have illusions about Obama. How can the president be ANYTHING BUT window-dressing 49 years after an unacknowledged coup?

    To fail to realize this is to belittle the significance of the coup, and fail to tie it into the wider political narrative. This failure keeps more people from becoming interested in the assassinations as they should be.

  13. This article because it is both national and involves big name recognition must be used to recommend good books to new audiences. There is no other choice at this stage of censorship. See my sample of how to do this on my recent thread about how to use wide angle big recognition articles like this as "Surfboards." Everyone must mediate, or you are risking spiritual death.

  14. http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1031952-14-passage-of-power---book-as-a-whole-and-final-thoughts-december-17 Hi. PLEASE JOIN THIS BOOK CLUB. THERE ARE FOUR THOUSAND MEMBERS BUT THAT IS NOT THE BEST THING. THE BEST THING IS THAT THEY LIKE TO TYPE A LOT AND TELL OTHERS WHAT TO DO. CAN YOU IMAGINE IT? This is actually, I think, to have a ripple effect in letting more know about highly censored books.
  15. THIS IS A SURFBOARD: a story that has big name recognition, might not be new to us ,but is new to the young and sytematicaly, top-down jaded, and utterly MSM, can be used as a surfboard to plant a recommendation that would otherwise NOT GET A SECOND GLANCE FROM NEW, MSM AUDIENCE. Do YOU just want to dismiss them as dummies, like the internet wants you to? Or do you recognize that politics is not what happens inside one skull but a social act B E T W E E N skulls? If the former you have just answered the question: "Why do so few people seem to not recognize the importance of the political assassinations for right now?" The best silo their convictions instead of BROADcast them, full spectrum.

    Please use this surfboard by putting it on an MSM site where new people will be able to learn about the Douglass book. Otherwise all they will ever know about in their lives is the existence of the O'Reilly book. Surfaces have been sanded much better than when you were young. It's up to YOU to provide cognitive dissonance for the smooth surfaced youth that this stage of Capitalism has produced. Please SHARE what is bellow the line or adjust it and share as you see fit. Remember the surfboard is the article, the surfer is the book. Don't spread pistols, use the pistols to spread artillery (METAPHOR FOLKS , A METAPHOR FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS BATTLE...)


    RFK children speak about JFK assassination

    http://www.usatoday....warren/1828405/ The best book on the assassination, endorsed by former CIA PDB to President H.W. Bush Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, former top aid to JFK's National Security Advisor Marcus Raskin, and Richard Falk, Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University is JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass.

    “Arguably the most important book yet written about a U.S. president … Should be required reading for all high school and college students, and anyone who is a registered voter!”—JOHN PERKINS, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitmanhttp://www.amazon.co...s/dp/1439193886

  16. This really says a lot about how the hope that cable TV once held has been dashed to smithereens.

    Everyone who has read this book, or my review of it, has to know it is horrible.

    What on earth is Ridley Scott doing involved in this crap?

    All I can say is to write, fax, or e mail both National Geographic and Scott Free productions. Send them my review if you want.

    But gad, between this, DI Caprio, and Hanks, it does not look good at all for the50th.


    I wish more would spread stuff to new readers. If they don't whatever happens in Dallas will be entirely defined by the billionaire's lenses. I am really discouraged SO FAR about the 50th because so far people just seem to see it as an action in Dallas, rather than a coordinated attempt to reach a new generation. The best lack all conviction. The worst don't even need passionate intensity. Their sewage will automatically be reviewed by the NYT and scripted by National Geographic which may as well do ice trucking specials like the McHistory Channel.

  17. Had RFK not been in Mongoose, would the CIA have just stopped all their Cuba operations? No. So what should the Kennedy's have done? Just gone along and not allowed any Administration ears in these Cuba ops, knowing that they would go on anyway. That fact--grounded in the earlier history of CIA Cuba ops before JFK entered the White House and also in the continued CIA Cuba ops that were not authorized by JFK-- must be recognized before we evaluate Halperin's words. It's kind of similar with the bugging of King. Would Hoover have done it anyway? YES and RFK knew it. Yet somehow, on this wiretapping case, we so often get a picture of Hoover under RFK , the way he was on paper, and nowhere else in reality, at any time, and under any other Attorney General. Isn't it great how these journalists are so vigilant... when it comes to listening to CIA sources on the Kennedys?

  18. Obama is a net-effect rightist. OF COURSE he does not sound like one. That is not his role. HIs role is leave the bully pulpit completely vacant after the most unpopular Republican since hoover, allow Republican rhetoric to be the only thing audible, keep the Bush treasury department and radically increase secrecy, the intelligence bureaucracies complete autonomy for doing anything-- if indeed such an increase was possible after w. he found a way-- and somehow through silence 411 allow the radically rightist """Bush""" tax cuts to be renewed through the most feeble opposition conceivable short of a historical lobotomy. To be W. during W. took a puppet show political system, which is why W. always wore that smirk. as in "I can't believe they are falling for this xxxx 38 years after a CIA coup" To be w. AFTER 2008? That was a challenge! Anyone who thinks the Democrats have opposed anything Wall Street wanted relating to war and economics is sleeping, and fails to understand the significance of the assassinations.

    As for Oswald he was playing a role also. His trouble was he could not see the edges of the drama.

    By the way, who would you call a "leftist on TV"?

  19. It all depends where you sit, Nathaniel. A large percentage of Republicans think ACORN--which doesn't even exist anymore--stole the most recent election for Obama.


    I don't think it depends on where you sit. Obama was objectively the most right wing president in history, but the Corporate media invented the tea party to scream at him as if he were a socialist. Corporate networked people are making media decisions that constantly move the theatre rightward. They have been doing it for 49 years in a row. There are always tiny pockets of rightwing lunatics. But that does not explain why there is no left at all, ever allowed on TV and tiny pockets of right wing lunatics are allowed to define the entire national spectrum with insane definitions of left . But boy does it help Wall Street.

  20. There was virtually nothing in the Estevez film about how the RFK assassination was a turning point in the history of the Democratic party. It is a plain fact that the big money in the party were moving right before during and after this RFK assassination. But the RFK assassination SHOWS that turn like nothing else. That signpost on the Democrats road has not been captured by anyone.

    This is IMO, is because, unlike with JFK, where the policy differences where still inside the national intelligence bureaucracy, the RFK assassination came at a time when you had a democratic primary campaign actually making connections with grass roots social movements outside the beltway. Imagine if FDR had actually been planning his 32 campaign with the planners of the Bonus March. A lot more bullets would have flown.

    This connection between inside and outside beltway is what makes the 1968 RFK campaign the most revealing of all about where the Democrats have gone since then. That is why the RFK assassination must be marginalized and is, seemingly everywhere. The implications are aimed right at the heart of Rahm Emanual and Obama's 100% Corporate Democratic Party.

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