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Michael Crane

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Status Updates posted by Michael Crane

  1. Hello Pat,

    Hey do you know if mortician's John Van Hoesen or Ed Stroble testified before the ARRB or have any interviews? Did they ever appear at a COPA or JFK Lancer conference?

    1. Pat Speer

      Pat Speer

      Stroble died before the ARRB, but I found some articles about him in which some of his friends and family recounted what he had to say, and these statements don't support what most CTs want to believe. Van Hoesen was interviewed by the ARRB, but Horne and others mostly avoid what he had to say since, yet again, a key witness failed to say what they wanted him to say. 



    2. Pat Speer
    3. Michael Crane

      Michael Crane

      Thanks for the help.I sincerely appreciate it.

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